The largest river in France. Loire: the longest river in France. Major tributaries of the Seine

France is a country in Western Europe, a member of the EU. Trendsetter, center of winemaking. Country with rich history, delicious cuisine and numerous attractions. Another thing that France is famous for is the rivers that play important role in the economy, economy and culture of the country.

Water resources of the country

In addition to the fact that France is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, it has a rich supply of fresh water. Full list has several thousand rivers, lakes, ponds, estuaries, streams, ponds. If we sum up their total area water basin, it turns out that the rivers in France occupy more than half state territory. France is one of the few countries that is characterized by a favorable situation in terms of water resources. There are no reservoirs that are on the verge of drying up. Due to the predominance marine type climate in France there is a uniform and regular precipitation throughout the year. The stock of water in rivers and lakes is replenished regularly.

Some water arteries are independent streams and carry water to the sea or ocean. The rest are considered tributaries of other rivers. In general, the situation with water resources in the country is as follows: reservoirs are quite capable of providing a vital resource for the population and social facilities, they are also important source fresh water for neighboring states. These include Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg.

The rivers of France are characterized by a mixed type of food. Some streams originate high in the mountains, so their channel is replenished mainly due to glaciers. In second place are the snow and melt water. But in most cases, French rivers are fed by regular rainfall.

Major rivers of France

Some travelers before visiting the country are interested in which river France is located on. There is no single answer to this question. The state is different large area among European countries, and its territory is streaked with numerous waterways. An interesting feature is that in France the term "river" means a stream flowing directly into the sea or ocean. There are just over 100 of them in the state.

The largest rivers in France:

  • Rhine - in some sources it is mentioned as the most long river France. But there is a lot of controversy on this topic. The fact is that the Rhine affects the territory of the state more than once. If you look at the map, you will see how the channel winds, alternately entering the lands of Germany and France. The latter accounts for only 188 km of water flow (the total length of the channel exceeds 1000 km). In fact, the Rhine forms the border of these states;
  • Seine - famous river in France. The name of the stream has Celtic roots, and literally translates as "sacred water". The length of the Seine is 776 km, the water area exceeds 79,000 square kilometers. The stream throws its waters into the North Sea, more precisely - into the English Channel. The capital of the state Paris is located on the river, the Seine divides the city into approximately two equal parts. Locals consider it a symbol of the capital, since for many years important historical events, one way or another influencing the fate of the townspeople and the country. Until now, medieval sights that attract tourists have been preserved on its banks: the Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, Bourbon Castle;
  • The Garonne is a river with a length of 647 km. The source of the Garonne is in the Pyrenees, so France accounts for only half of the channel. The rest of the stream washes the Spanish lands. Of all the French rivers, the Garonne has a particularly violent character, especially in its upper reaches. There it has all the signs of a mountain stream - steep banks, fast currents, rapids and rifts. The Garonne ends its journey in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean;
  • Dordogne is a river in southern France, a tributary of the Garonne. Along the course, the stream receives numerous tributaries. The picturesque Dordogne Valley is a popular holiday destination for local residents and tourists. Refers to the Atlantic Ocean basin;
  • Charente - not big river in the southwestern part of the country, the channel of which stretched for 381 km. Its valley is dominated by villages with a low population density. The Charente is the main source of water for the population and irrigation of agricultural land. It also attracts fishing enthusiasts both from the surrounding villages and from all over the country. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay).

Rivers of France on the map

The rivers of France on the map represent a dense network of water flows. Most of them originate in the center of the country, carrying water to the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. They are not only sources of fresh water, but also important communication routes between cities and even neighboring states.

Standing on the banks big cities, such as Paris, Rouen, Avignon, Orleans, Bordeaux, Toulouse, etc. The largest river ports include Abbeville, Bordeaux, Lyon, Strasbourg, Toulon, Toulouse.

The deepest river

The Rhone is the largest river in France, the channel also captures the territory of Switzerland. The water area covers over 98,000 square kilometers. The source of the Rhone is in the mountains (Rhone Glacier), it ends in the Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lyons).

The most deep river in the country has an important economic and economic importance. A cascade of hydroelectric power stations and dams has been erected on it, windmills operate throughout the valley, making a significant contribution to the country's energy supply.

There are large cities on the Rhone, such as Lyon, Arles, Avignon, etc. The banks are connected by numerous pedestrian, automobile and railway bridges. Some of them are made in ancient architectural styles. Communication with other reservoirs is provided by bypass channels. The Rhone has one of the largest nuclear power plants in the country, Marseille.

The longest river

The Loire is rightfully the longest river in France. The length of the water flow is about 1000 km. The source is in the south of the country, the stream is directed to the north, and near Orleans the channel abruptly changes course to the west. If we take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe water area, the Loire occupies a quarter of French territory.

In the autumn-spring period, the channel is actively filled with rains. In some areas in the spring there is a significant increase in water levels. For this reason, since the 17th century, active construction of dams began. IN summer months The Loire is prone to significant shallowing.

River in the South of France - Muret, Haute-Garonne, Occitania, France

Also, the reservoir attracts many tourists - there are numerous castles, towers, fortresses, cathedrals, etc. on the banks. Once upon a time, life was in full swing in them and state affairs were decided. Today the objects function as museums, viewing platforms and restaurants. Popular attractions are the castles of Chinon, Amboise, Château du Loire, Blois and Saumur, the Porte du Cour tower, the Leonardo da Vinci Museum, the Ducal Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts.

The value of the reservoir in the life of the country

The Loire is not only the longest river in France. This is an important economic and economic object. Many hydroelectric power stations have been built on the river, which supply electricity to residential buildings, social facilities and enterprises. Several large reservoirs have been founded on the Loire. Also, two important objects were built in the basin - the Wilrest and Nossan barriers. They serve as coolers for nuclear reactors.

Its waters are used for irrigation of agricultural land. The banks are planted with vineyards of various varieties. The harvest is used to produce several dozen French wines, which are valued in many countries around the world. No wonder the Loire is called the royal garden of France.

From time immemorial, the Loire served as the main trade route of the country. For several centuries, ships carrying goods from the ocean to the center of the country and back plied its waters. Currently, the Loire is still navigable, but partially. The dimensions of modern ships significantly exceed the dimensions of medieval ships, their journey ends near Orleans. Further navigation is possible along artificial channels that connect the Loire with other rivers.

Lakes of France

In addition to rivers, France is famous for its picturesque and full-flowing lakes. They don't play last role in the cultural and economic life of the country.

Most large lakes in France:

  • Lake Geneva - ranks second in Europe in terms of basin area (89,000 square kilometers). Located in France and Switzerland. In the warm season, its shores attract thousands of tourists. Tourists who have visited Lake Geneva note the impeccable blue of the water surface. Currently, 5 passenger liners ply the lake;
  • Annecy is the purest lake located in the French Alps. Since the second half of the 20th century, the state has established a ban on the withdrawal of domestic and industrial waste into the lake, thanks to which the reservoir has retained its original purity. Annecy is a popular resort with visitors and locals alike;
  • Lac du Bourget is the largest and deepest lake in France. The volume of water is 3.6 km³, which is equivalent to the annual consumption of fresh water by the inhabitants of the country. The most interesting thing is that the reservoir never freezes, although it is located 231 m above sea level. The lake is popular with water sports enthusiasts. A shipping canal links Lac du Bourget with the Rhone;
  • Ertan de To is a flat reservoir located on the same level as the sea. Unlike previous lakes, in Ertan de Tho salty water. It is separated from the Mediterranean by a thin spit. The pond is a favorite place a relaxing holiday for local residents.


There are several answers to the question which river in France is navigable. Industrial navigation is carried out along the waters of the Seine, the Rhine, the Rhone, and partly the Loire and the Garonne. They are a link between the central regions of the country and the oceans. The rest of the reservoirs are not suitable for the passage of large vessels due to insufficient depth, changeable water levels and low-lying bridges. Passenger ferries and small tourist liners ply their waters.

Artificial channels connecting the rivers with each other are also not suitable for the passage of large ships. But cargo and passenger navigation makes a significant contribution to the state budget, so work is underway to deepen the channel and equip locks. In general, there is no charge for passage along French rivers. But the state has established some rules for the use of the water area. They concern a ban on the transport of certain goods, speed and route restrictions for certain types of ships.

1 Northern Arctic Ocean 1.1 White Sea 1.2 Barents Sea 1.2.1 ... Wikipedia

River A river is a natural water stream (watercourse) flowing in a permanent natural channel developed by it and fed by surface and underground runoff from its basin. Rivers are the subject of study of one of the sections of hydrology ... Wikipedia

Navigable rivers that cross several states or serve as a border between them. In this regard, the regime of their navigation is usually determined by the States concerned. Freedom of navigation on the R. m. was proclaimed by the Congress of Vienna ... ... Diplomatic Dictionary

Water falling in the form of rain immediately after its fall, and falling in the form of snow, cereals, hail after they melt, partly flows over the surface of the soil, partly seeps into the soil and comes out in the form of springs (springs, springs). The one and the other…… encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

In relation to the tasks of hydraulic engineering, three groups of rivers are distinguished: 1) mountain streams, streams, and rivers, which have a significant slope, fast, sometimes swift, and in some places stormy currents and, as a result, attract large sediments, with these sediments the channel of rivers in ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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The list of lakes in France is divided into three categories: mountain lakes (sorted by mountain ranges, then sorted by departments), lakes in the plains (sorted by river basins) and lakes on sea ​​coast. Lake Geneva (fr. Lac ... ... Wikipedia


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  • The best routes in France,. The French lands, stretching from the harsh Atlantic Ocean to the warm Mediterranean Sea, are so diverse that this country can be safely called the seventh continent. Especially for…

The geographical position of France is very advantageous. In addition to the fact that the borders of the state are washed by the waters of the North and Mediterranean Seas, as well as the Atlantic Ocean, inland waters- this is a huge number of rivers (more than 100 flowing into the seas and the ocean), lakes, estuaries, ponds, swamps.

Consider the largest of the rivers and lakes of France.

Major rivers of France

The names of the largest navigable rivers in France have been familiar to us since school, because many of them are associated with historical events, and even today the most interesting and significant sights are located on the banks.

It is the first largest river in France. Its length is about 1012 km, and the floodplain covers an area of ​​117 thousand square kilometers. The source is located in the Ardèche in the mountains of Gerbier de Jonc (Mont Gerbier de Jonc) at an altitude of 1408 m above sea level, and the mouth is on the Atlantic coast near Saint-Nazaire. Along its course, the river goes around such cities as Blois, Orleans, Tours, Angers and others. The main tributary on the left bank is the Allier River.

In autumn and winter, the waters of the river are replenished with rains coming from the Mediterranean, and in spring - with rains from the Atlantic. In summer, the water level drops significantly. The famous castles of Amboise, Blois, Chenonceau, Valençay, Chambord and others are located along the banks of the Loire, and the section of the river valley from Chalon to Sully-sur-Loire was even included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2000. A large number of artificial canals connect the Loire with the Cher and Saone rivers.

The second largest river in France is the Seine, its length is about 776 km. According to historians, the name is a Celtic word, roughly translated as "sacred river". Its source is located in Burgundy on the Langres plateau at an altitude of 471 m above sea level, and the mouth flows into the English Channel. In the most winding part of the channel is the capital of France - Paris, which is divided into two parts by the Seine. In addition, ships along this major transport route enter port cities Poissy, Le Havre, Rouen. The largest tributary of the Seine is the Oise River, and the smaller ones are the Marne, Yonne, Ob. floodplain in total covers an area of ​​about 79 thousand sq. km.

The third largest French river is the Rhone, its length is about 812 km. It crosses the territory not only of France, but also of neighboring Switzerland. The floodplain covers a basin with an area of ​​98 thousand sq.m. The source originates in the Rhone Glacier in the Lepontine Alps at an altitude of 1753 m above sea level, and the mouth flows into the Gulf of Lion in the Mediterranean Sea. The name Rhone means male name, A major tributary Sona is feminine. The most beautiful cities France are located on the banks of the Rhone - Valence, Lyon, Avignon, Arles and others. 13 locks and bypass channels made the river the most important navigable artery of the country. The hydroelectric cascade is not the only source of electricity coming from the Rhone to the country's power grid. Wind farms are located along the coast, as well as the first nuclear power plant in France, Markul, was built.

The fourth largest place is the Garonne, which is 647 km long. The source of the river in the Pyrenees in the Aran Valley at an altitude of 1872 m above sea level, and the mouth flows into the Bay of Biscay. The mouth of two rivers - the Garonne and the Dordogne forms the Gironde estuary, the largest in Europe, 75 km long. On a rock at the mouth of the Gironde is the famous Corduan lighthouse. Only part of the Garonne flows through France, while the other half is in Spain. Since the Middle Ages, the river has been the largest transport artery, because 8 smaller, but also navigable rivers flow into it, and the Garonne has 39 tributaries in total. Through the South Canal, built in the 17th century, the Garonne connects the waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. On the banks are the cities of Bordeaux, Toulouse, Angen, and today remain the largest centers of culture.

Major lakes in France

Considering how diverse the hydrosphere of France is, it is not surprising that its lakes play such a big role in its life and history.

An amazing natural reservoir, the largest in the Alps and the second largest in Central Europe. The lake is located at an altitude of 372 m above sea level and measures 310 m at its deepest point. The north coast belongs to Switzerland, and the south coast belongs to France. The lake enters the floodplain of the Rhone and in shape most of all resembles a crescent. Everyone who has ever visited the shores of Lake Geneva will forever remember the amazing rich Blue colour his waters. The Swiss Riviera and the famous Chillon Castle are located here. Until now, 5 wheeled Swiss steamships, built at the beginning of the 20th century, ply the waters.

Lake Lac du Bourget

The largest lake in France, with an area of ​​​​44.5 sq. km, is located on the eastern side of the Chein de l "Epin ridge. The greatest depth of the reservoir is 145 m. The lake is interesting because, according to historical reports, it never froze, although it is at an altitude of 231 m above sea level.An interesting attraction on the shore is the castle of Priory, built in the 11th century.The navigable canal connects the waters of Lac du Bourget with the Rhone.Today the lake is the largest tourist attraction, since here you can practice any kind of water sports and also go to the mountains.

Lake Annecy

In Haute-Savoie, on the western slope of the Born ridge in the Alps, there is a unique natural reservoir - Lake Annecy, filled with clean drinking water. He is deservedly called younger brother» Geneva. The city of the same name is located on the northern coast. Since 1960, a state ban has been introduced on the discharge of sewage into the lake basin, which has allowed it to maintain its purity in our time. Today Annecy is a prestigious resort that has its own holiday, in honor of which a colorful pyrotechnic show is held every year.

Lake Etang de Tho

In Occitania, not far from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, near the border between France and Spain, at an altitude of 0 m above sea level, there is Lake Etan de To (the third largest). A narrow spit separates the waters of the lake from the salty waters of the Mediterranean Sea, so the lake is not fresh, but salty. Today, those who like a relaxing family vacation love to come here. The dimensions of the lake are not so large - only 21x8 km, and the depth is not more than 32 m. The famous thermal spa Balaryuk-les-Bains, built in the days of the Roman Empire. The temperature of hot water reaches 50 degrees and is considered useful not only for baths, but also for drinking.

Loire river

Here is the answer to the question. The longest river in France is the Loire River, its length is 1020 kilometers and not centimeters less. The area of ​​the river basin is 115,120 square kilometers.

The Loire flows through Roanne, Nevers, Orleans, Blois, Tours, Angers, Nantes and even flows into the Atlantic Ocean - this happens next to Saint-Nazaire.

There is a valley near the Loire River, which has many beautiful architectural complexes of palaces, castles and cities, in fact, it is all together a whole story, or rather a volume of the history of France.

For example, for example, you can take a castle called Chinon, which was built by the river Vienne. Henry II lived in this castle - he was the first king of England. The power of the British ended precisely in the Loire Valley, at which time King Philip-August 2 took Chinon by storm.

medieval towers

Of course, the Loire Valley is a very eventful place, the names of some kings appear everywhere here. But in fact, she is famous not only for them, but also for the art of the Renaissance.

Medieval towers, which were previously intended for special occasions, for example - war, have become castles that are worthy even of the Sleeping Beauty herself. The Loire Valley is also the center of the arts and fashion. Here people used to constantly listen to music, watch different pictures, put on performances, compose poems and read novels. She is the most best valley because she is a muse for everyone. The most beautiful women lived in the Loire Valley.

The Loire is the longest river in France, it is also called the “royal river”, and its valley was nicknamed “the royal garden of France” and “ Wedding Dress France".

The Loire River has always been the best by water, which leads from the center of the country to the ocean. It was along this path that ships passed from the ocean to the heart of the country. At present, it is still navigable, but now they no longer reach the center of the country, because the authorities have forbidden it.

Garden of France

After the snow melts, the Loire River can become as much as twice as large, but less. In the heat, on the contrary, it becomes much smaller and dries up, so that even in some places you can easily wade.

The gardens of the Loire have very good fertile soil, this is what made it the "garden of France." Wines, fruits and even cheeses are also very famous here.

Not every person knows about the regime of the river. In fact, in autumn and winter, the river begins to replenish with Mediterranean rainfall and downpours. In the spring, ocean rains, but in the summer it almost does not replenish, but rather begins to dry out.

A tributary of the Loire - the river Allier

most important and main tributary The Loire is Allier. Height above sea level is 172 meters. In Orleans, in those places where there is a lot of rainfall, the river becomes larger in width and here it loses its waters in detrital buds. Also, the Loire river crosses Touraine, it is here that the richest cultures occur. There are already small villages in this area. Cattle are bred in these villages, but only on the hills, as people are afraid of floods. The hills are lined with white sandstone and contain various dwellings and cellars. And the sandstone terraces are covered with vineyards.

Approximately sixteen kilometers from Nantes, the Loire is already rapidly entering the Atlantic, near the city of Saint-Nazaire, it is here that the wide mouth of the river extends for 35 kilometers.

On the right bank of the river are the marshes of the Grand Brière. It is the Loire that forms this beautiful Orleans valley. Tourists love to visit this valley, because it is very beautiful there.

France has a unique geographical location - it is protected from external elements from all sides, thanks to which delightful corners of paradise are presented here.

Among the amazing fabulous beauty, no less delightful rivers stretch. There are many in France. But first, a little about geographical location and magnificent mountains.

Geography: mountains of France

In France, there are such famous mountains as the Alps (they stretch south for 370 km from the north) and Mont Blanc (4807 meters high). The latter has the most high peak in Europe.

The densest forests grow in the Jura Mountains, located next to the Alps.

The Pyrenees are a unique natural landscape with Germany and stretch from west to east for 430 km (the height reaches up to 3000 meters).

In the center of the country rise the peaks of the Puy de Sancy (height 1886 m). In these areas, the beautiful rivers in France begin their long journey.

Moreover, there are mountains that divide the country into different climatic zones. These are the peaks of the Cévennes (the western regions have a humid climate, the eastern ones are drier).

There are also the mountains of the Vosges (about 1400 m high) and the Ardennes (no higher than 700 m).


Almost all rivers in France begin in the Massif Central and flow to mediterranean sea or to the Atlantic Ocean.

Traveling along this amazingly beautiful river gives you the opportunity to enjoy the fabulous landscapes of its banks, where you can see luxurious ancient medieval palaces with unique architecture and a curious history.

A little more about Laura

A distinctive feature in comparison with other rivers, not only in France, but also in Europe, is its peculiar course. It is either fast or slow. Sometimes its waters are collected in huge streams, and then again overflow through numerous branches.

The river is also full of rapids, but this does not prevent it from being used for navigation. As far back as the Middle Ages, it was used to transport goods from the Mediterranean downstream to England on special rafts-barges, which were subsequently dismantled for timber. On the way back, the goods were already transported by land.

France: cities, rivers, economy

This country is surprisingly rich in water resources. The rivers here have a huge energy and transport value. They provide uninterrupted water supply to cities and other settlements also play an important role in agriculture. Here it is appropriate to recall the process of irrigation - the supply of water to the fields.

With all this, different parts of the country are not quite equally provided with water. For example, the Mediterranean regions are experiencing a shortage of it, which negatively affects the development of the economy of these regions.

Rivers in France (most) originate in the center of the country, so they are of no small importance in the economy.

Shipping here is one of the most accessible and cheapest modes of transport. Thanks to him, economic ties are maintained not only between the French regions, but also with neighboring countries in particular with Germany through

A small number of vineyards in the southern territories and fields with cereals are supported by irrigation with river waters.

In addition, rivers, like others, contribute to the widespread development of tourism. So, in France, more than a thousand river cruises, boat trips, rafting trips, etc. take place daily.

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