What trees are used in medicine. Medicinal and bioenergetic properties of trees. #7: Prevent water pollution

Trees, as you know, have a special energy that is useful for humans, during the contact of a person and a tree, an active energy exchange occurs, which helps a person improve his health. It is especially important to know which trees can help us. In the energetic sense, there are donor trees and consumer trees.

How do trees help people?

Consumer trees, able to take from a person negative energy, help to cope with bouts of anger, anxiety, anxiety, resentment. They can improve a person's well-being on a physical and mental level. Consumer trees include aspen, chestnut, poplar, alder, willow, elm, bird cherry.

Trees have been used since ancient times to treat various diseases. With the help of them, they treat mental disorders, heart and lung diseases, immunity disorders, relieve headaches, eliminate neurosis, etc.

Trees are our protectors and helpers. They are able to protect a person from negative energy and attract positive energy vibrations to him. Healing powers are possessed not only by the trees themselves, but also by their parts: branches, bark, wood.

The most famous healing trees

  • Willow is a tree with positive energy. Upon contact with willow, relief is experienced by people suffering from hypertension and other vascular diseases. This tree soothes, promotes relaxation, elimination. Willow branches in the old days were often kept in the house.
  • Cypress is considered the original "male" tree. This tree is able to have the most positive impact on "". This tree has a positive effect on the psyche, relieves insomnia. This tree is well suited for those who are emotionally unstable and cannot control themselves.

  • Ash is considered a donor tree, it helps to strengthen positive emotions eliminate feelings.
  • Oak - a symbol of vitality, health and longevity - this tree has a positive effect on brain function, effectively improves memory. Helps improve appetite, gives strength, improves body tone, relieves. In ancient times, in Rus', oak was considered a tree that enhances male power.
  • Juniper is a healing tree that improves work nervous system and normalizes brain function. The smell of this tree is useful for severe pain, respiratory diseases, hypertension, insomnia. Treated juniper wood releases special substances - phytoncides, which purify the air.

  • Birch is an energetically strong tree. It is believed that birch helps to heal bodily and mental wounds. Birch restores the strength of sick weakened people, helps speed up the healing process, restores inner harmony. Birch is a symbol of the feminine, kindness.
  • Pine will help to survive the consequences of shocks, stress overloads. It will help with strong emotional experiences, overwork, nervous exhaustion.
  • Chestnut has a strong energy, liberates a person, relieves pain syndrome.
  • The apple tree is a symbol of feminine softness, awakens sensuality and kindness. Communication with an apple tree is desirable for insecure women, this tree helps to reveal the inner energy potential.
  • Aspen is a tree that takes away bad energy. It is effective for toothache and headache, sciatica. Contact with aspen will help nervous, irritable people find inner peace.
  • Rowan is a tree that is ideal for mature women, it increases their inner strength. The energy of mountain ash perfectly relieves tension, aggression, helps to calm down. In the old days, the fruits of mountain ash were a symbol of family harmony and comfort.
  • Maple is a tree that helps to gain inner confidence, it gives a sense of balance, helps to survive mental upheavals.

We should not forget that trees can help us. Do not be lazy and choose the time for a walk in a park, forest plantation or an ordinary city square.

The benefits and harms of the money tree are of interest to many, since meeting this indoor flower can be found on almost every window sill. It is interesting to consider what properties are inherent in the plant, and what benefits it brings.

What does a money tree look like?

It is easy to identify the plant - it has characteristic rounded leaves with a fleshy structure and dense smooth green skin. The leaves vaguely resemble coins - which is the reason for the main name of the plant. The fat woman is a succulent, over time it grows a thick and massive woody stem.

Popular beliefs say that the fat woman attracts money and wealth to the house. However, it is more interesting to understand the very real properties of the plant - and to understand what is the use of a houseplant money tree.

The benefits of the money tree for humans

The leaves of the plant contain flavonoids and phytoncides. Therefore, the health benefits of the money tree are manifested even if it just stands on the windowsill. The plant purifies the air, eliminates the pathogenic bacteria that live in it - sleeping in a room where a fat woman grows is always easy and pleasant.

The presence of a money tree in the house increases efficiency and mood, the inhabitants of the house are much less likely to suffer from seasonal colds and viral infections. Studying the benefits and harms of a money tree in an apartment, it remains to be concluded that the effect of the plant is basically beneficial - unless a person has a pronounced allergy.

Healing and medicinal properties of the money tree

The use of the money tree in medicine is that the processed leaves of the tree are used to treat the following ailments:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • angina and dental diseases;
  • runny nose, cough and cold;
  • herpes;
  • nail fungus;
  • cystitis and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • joint diseases.

The fat woman not only creates a favorable microclimate in the apartment, but also benefits when used externally. The beneficial properties of the plant juice relieve inflammation and promote faster healing of infected wounds, alleviate pain symptoms during a wide range diseases, eliminate itching.

When taken orally, the juice of the leaves of the money tree in small doses helps to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, removes internal inflammation in cystitis. It will be very useful indoor plant during a cold - infusions of the leaves can be used to gargle a sore throat or instill a healing agent in the nose.

Important! The health benefits of the fat woman do not become less even due to arsenic, which is present in small amounts in the composition of the leaves. healthy juice plants and preparations prepared from it are used in such small doses that the dangerous compound does no harm.

Traditional medicine recipes with a fat woman

For some ailments, the indoor tree is used especially often. It is useful to learn the basic recipes in order to apply the fleshy leaves correctly and without harm to the body.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

With cracks in the anus or hemorrhoids, homemade ointment will be extremely useful. Fresh juice squeezed from the fleshy leaves of a small tree is added to ordinary petroleum jelly, soaked in a swab and injected into the anus.

Cold drops

With nasal congestion, you can make useful homemade drops based on fat woman juice. To do this, the juice is diluted with water (there should be twice as much water), drawn into a pipette and instilled 1 drop into each nostril hourly.

With a long runny nose, which threatens to turn into a chronic one, you can do washings. To do this, the juice squeezed from 5 leaves of the tree must be mixed with 3 large spoons of water - and thoroughly rinse the nose three times a day.

From varicose veins

To cope with varicose veins, you can cook useful tincture on alcohol. To do this, 6 leaves of the money tree are placed in a small glass container and poured with a glass of alcohol or vodka. The remedy is insisted in the dark for 14 - 20 days, and then applied externally - they lubricate and gently rub the affected areas.

With angina and toothache

Useful fat woman juice can be used to gargle your throat and mouth for colds and dental ailments. To do this, the juice of 10 leaves is diluted in a glass of warm pure water and apply the rinse 3 or 4 times a day.

For the treatment of joints

The properties of the leaves of the money tree relieve inflammation and reduce pain. With rheumatism or arthritis, bruises and sprains, compresses can be done. A few green leaves of a fat woman are crushed to obtain pulp, applied to the diseased area, covered with a cloth or cotton pad and fixed with a bandage for 2 hours. You can make such useful compresses up to 3 times a day.

For nail fungus

You can get rid of the fungus with the help of home remedies - the beneficial properties of the money tree will have a pronounced effect in the fight against an unpleasant ailment. Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • pre-legs or fingers are steamed in hot water with the addition of soap or soda to soften the nails;
  • then, with the help of scissors or a blade, the dead layers are removed from the nail - very carefully so as not to harm the tissues;
  • the leaves of the money tree, carefully peeled from the top layer of the skin, are applied with pulp to the affected nail and fixed with a bandage or plaster.

The compress is left overnight, and removed in the morning, the nails are steamed again and the diseased areas are lubricated with pharmaceutical ointment from the fungus.

With cystitis and diseases of the genitourinary system

Since the money tree effectively fights inflammatory processes and infections, ailments can be treated with the help of its properties. Bladder and cystitis. A few leaves of a fat woman are poured with boiling water, kept for an hour, and then they drink in the amount of 1 large spoon an hour before meals - in the morning and in the evening.

Advice! you need to continue treatment for at least 10 days, but it is also not recommended to take the infusion longer - if the dosage is exceeded, the fat woman harms the body, not benefits.

From herpes on the lips

Herpes, or "cold" on the lips, is a very unpleasant disease that the vast majority of people periodically suffer from. You can cure herpes faster with the help of useful properties money tree.

All that is needed is to grind a few leaves manually or with a blender, squeeze pure juice through gauze and lubricate inflammation on the lips with it several times a day. Herpes will pass in a few days, and the skin will quickly restore a healthy state.

To eliminate itching from an insect bite

The properties of the money tree are very useful in summer period, because they help well against mosquito bites. Itchy places must be lubricated with juice 6 times a day - the fat girl will eliminate discomfort and relieve a slight swelling at the site of the bite.

Treatment of burns, wounds and bruises

The antiseptic properties of the fat woman make it a good helper in the fight against wounds, burns and bruises. The leaves are crushed to the state of gruel, applied to gauze, bandage or cotton pad, and then applied to the affected area and fixed on top. You need to keep a useful compress for 4 hours, after which the bandage is changed.

The use of the money tree in cosmetology

The money tree is valued not only for the enormous benefits of the fat woman for the home and for its healing properties. The possibilities of the money tree are used for body care. From the pulp of the leaves and the juice of the fat woman, you can make homemade masks and lotions for washing, as well as take care of the condition of the hair.

Hair conditioner

The properties of the fat woman have a positive effect on the hair - they contribute to faster growth, strengthen the hair follicles, give the curls extra shine and volume. For weakened hair prone to falling out, it is recommended to use a conditioner based on money tree leaves.

It is very simple to prepare a useful remedy - approximately 200 g of fresh leaves are carefully crushed, then poured with a liter of boiling water and left to infuse for an hour. Strained warm infusion rinse hair after washing. It is best to do the procedure for 2 to 3 weeks every few days - then the benefits will appear quickly. The valuable properties of the fat woman will help the hair and eliminate the harm caused by poor ecology and lack of vitamins.

Face masks

The benefit of the money tree for facial skin is that its properties have a cleansing, rejuvenating and soothing effect on the skin, and mitigate daily environmental damage. A popular mask that helps well against acne, acne and all kinds of inflammation of the epidermis.

  • A large fresh leaf is plucked from a fat woman, washed, broken or cut in half so that liquid stands out.
  • The place of the break is carefully lubricated with all foci of inflammation and areas of acne rash.
  • The agent is left for complete absorption.

The procedure should be carried out several times a day, then after a couple of days the inflammation will pass, leaving behind only clean skin.

You can also prepare a useful mask for oily skin - it will dry the epidermis a little.

  • A few leaves of the money tree are washed, dried, then crushed into gruel for abundant juice secretion.
  • A teaspoon of pulp is mixed with whipped protein chicken egg and a teaspoon of ground oatmeal.
  • The mixture is stirred until thick uniformity and evenly distributed over the skin.
  • After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Harm of a fat woman and contraindications

The benefits and harms of a money tree for a person are inextricably linked with each other - there are certain contraindications to the use of a fat woman. Namely:

  • use healing remedies from fat woman to medicinal purposes it is impossible if you are allergic to the money tree;
  • it is not recommended to use a fat woman for medicinal purposes during pregnancy and lactation - harm can be not only to the mother, but also to the fetus;
  • money tree infusions should not be offered to children up to 16 years old - a fat girl can harm even teenagers.

Any useful tools prepared from the leaves of the fat woman should not be consumed in too large quantities or for many days in a row. This leads to poisoning, the harm of which is expressed in the occurrence of diarrhea, vomiting and fever.

A distinctive feature of the fat woman is the presence of a certain amount of arsenic in the leaves of the plant. In the smallest doses, this substance is not dangerous to health, but in high concentrations, of course, it is harmful. In no case is it recommended to chew whole leaves for the sake of treatment - they can only be consumed in processed form, otherwise arsenic will enter the body in significant volumes.

Treatment with a money tree at home should last no more than 2 weeks in a row - in order to avoid the accumulation of dangerous arsenic compounds in the body.


The benefits and harms of the money tree depend on the competent and reasonable use of the leaves of the plant. If you follow proven recipes and do not violate the dosage, then the fat woman will become a source of valuable raw materials for home remedies.

Trees on the site can not only complement the landscape design, create the necessary shade and please the eye. Some of the tree species have healing powers. We list six of them.

There are many plants on the planet that have medicinal properties, and many of them can be grown on your own plot. It can be not only herbs and flowers, but also trees. From the beginning of spring through the summer, the leaves and flowers of the trees are used for medicinal purposes, and their bark, twigs, and roots can be used to treat diseases throughout the autumn and winter.

Some useful tips:

* Do not harm the plant and cut the bark from the trunk of living trees - collect it from fallen branches.

* The medicinal components of the bark are under the outer layer of the bark. It can be stored dried or used fresh.

* The bark is dried in a shaded and ventilated place.

* Leaves healing trees harvested from early spring to summer solstice. Bundles of them are tied and hung in a cool shaded place.

The following medicinal trees can be grown independently near your home:

1. Pine

Pines are among the most useful trees growing on our planet. They serve to build houses, are used as medicines and food. The needles of the tree are added to tea, enriching it with vitamin C.

The use of dry pine bark or tea from pine needles provides the body with a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, has powerful antioxidant properties that help protect a person from chronic diseases.

Vitamin A is found in pine bark and needles, a large number of carotenoids good for the eyes. They help prevent the development of cataracts, improve vision. Needles and bark are useful for the respiratory and circulatory organs, improve the condition of the skin and hair. However, not all types of pine are useful. Among them there are poisonous ones, for example, western yellow pine, yew and others.

2. Birch

The birch bark is thin, easily removed, and has a pleasant aroma of wintergreen grass. A refreshing drink is prepared from birch sap, and leaves added to tea give it taste and aroma. The bark, sap and leaves of birch contain vitamins, proteins, many minerals and amino acids.

Juice has a tonic property and is used as food supplement. It is good as an anti-inflammatory and cleanser, as a detoxifier and tonic. The laxative properties of the juice contribute to the removal from the body harmful products vital activity, which is useful for gout and rheumatism. This ability reduces fluid retention in the body, helps with psoriasis and eczema. An extract prepared from birch bark has antitumor properties.

3. Cedar

Northern white cedar is the "tree of life" to get rid of scurvy, as it contains a lot of vitamin C. This tree can help with fever, colds and flu. Very useful for colds and runny nose are cedar baths and tea made from cedar shoots and branches. In the old days, dry branches of cedar were burned like incense - it was believed that it cleanses the mind and emotions, the energy of the house. Cedar aroma was also used in steam rooms - its branches were scattered across the floor.

4. Elm

Ointments and poultices prepared from elm bark cure fevers and heal wounds. A tea made from elm bark, tart and fragrant, heals bones, cures sore throats, stops diarrhea, heals the gastrointestinal tract - helps with colitis, duodenal ulcer, intestinal irritation, heartburn and gastritis. Elm has a calming effect. A resinous substance oozes from its bark, which can be eaten like porridge, the taste of which is similar to oatmeal. It is highly nutritious and has powerful antioxidant properties.

5. Linden

ABOUT medicinal properties the colors and leaves of linden were known in antiquity. The Americans used roots and bark - they treated them with burns, drank tea for headaches, cured spasms, coughs, and epilepsy. tea from lime blossom helps with various diseases: reduces headaches, calms nerves, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, normalizes heartbeat. Linden has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, helps with gout and arthritis.

6. Oak

Many people think that oak is sacred tree. It is used in medicine, construction, for food purposes. Its foliage and bark can treat wounds, swelling, get rid of tumors, bleeding and dysentery. It is an excellent diuretic that helps with poisoning. It is used as a gargle for sore throats, gum and tooth problems.

Trees produce oxygen by absorbing carbon dioxide, protect from dust, provide coolness, building materials, edible fruits, after all, the list is endless. not forgotten and folk recipes for the treatment of the most various diseases based on the use of medicinal forest trees. In this material, we will tell you which trees will help in the prevention and fight against fatigue, colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other common ailments of our time.


The fruits of mountain ash are harvested, without tearing from the brush, in late September - early October, and best of all - after the onset of the first frost: frost "expels" bitterness from the berries. After harvesting, the mountain ash is properly dried and stored in a cool place; it does not lose its healing properties for a long time. Rowan leaves are also useful in the household - they have a bactericidal property and contain a large percentage of ascorbic acid.

Rowan berries are a multivitamin remedy for the treatment of colds and boosting immunity. Fatty oils improve poor digestion, and astringents and bitter substances increase the flow of bile and improve appetite. Rowan is useful for kidney stones, liver disease, cholecystitis, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Rowan fruits can be eaten fresh, make freshly squeezed juice, rub with sugar, dry, cook compote, syrup, jam, make tincture, liqueur or wine.

The composition of these berries is striking in its richness: proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber, vitamins C, PP (nicotinic acid), K, A, B1, B2, tannins, essential oils, amino acids, tartaric, citric, malic acids, magnesium, iodine, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, glucose, fructose and carotene. Ripe rowan contains more vitamin C than lemon, and more provitamin A than carrots. Thus, rowan acts in the following directions:

- increased immunity;

– antibacterial properties: sorbic acid destroys microbes and bacterial agents on the skin and in the body;

– cancer prevention: rowanberry antioxidants destroy free radicals, which tend to turn healthy cells into cancer cells;

– work improvement digestive system, the fight against excess weight: fiber prevents constipation and diarrhea, putrefactive and fermentation processes decrease in the intestines, gas formation passes;

– lowering cholesterol levels: vegetable fibers cleanse the circulatory system of excess cholesterol;

- has an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory system;

- calms the nervous system.

It is worth remembering that rowan has a number of contraindications. It should not be used by patients who have had a stroke / heart attack, suffering from ischemic disease heart, people with increased blood clotting and high acidity of gastric juice.


The white birch has become one of the symbols of Russia. In ancient times, not a single peasant could do without this tree: birch torches were lit in the evenings, firewood from birch was highly valued for its great heat, on birch bark - birch bark - they wrote, made household utensils from it. That's traditional medicine This tree has been of great use for a long time. On our planet there are more than a hundred species of birch. The air of birch forests is clean and saturated with phytoncides that can kill pathogens.

Birch buds, rich in resins, essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, carotene, nicotinic, betulorothine and ascorbic acids, saponins. Treatment with birch buds should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since, for example, in case of kidney failure, resinous substances can severely damage the kidney tissue.

Infusions and decoctions of birch buds are used as a choleretic, diuretic and disinfectant. They are added to baths for the treatment of acute and chronic eczema, acne, rashes are treated. It is taken orally for pain in the stomach and peptic ulcer.

For a cold, you can pour boiling water over 1/3 cup a teaspoon of birch buds and take this infusion three times a day. It will relieve the symptoms of a cold and help you recover faster.

Birch tree leaves also have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal properties. They can be steamed and applied to sore spots with articular rheumatism, gout. A birch leaf drink will help stock up on vitamins in spring: chop young leaves, pour hot boiled water over it, let it brew for several hours, strain and take one glass several times a day before meals.

Natural Birch juice it is useful to take it for lung diseases, arthritis, gout, burns, prolonged non-healing of wounds, in complex therapy for urolithiasis. However, it is not allowed to collect and harvest birch sap on your own.


Pine is another source of phytoncides. Essential oils Pine trees emit ozone into the atmosphere, which heals the entire human body. The needles contain a large percentage of vitamin C, carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin K, phytoncides, tannins, alkaloids, terpenes.

Pine needles are considered a valuable vitamin product. Preparations are prepared from it for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and beriberi, used as a disinfectant, expectorant and diuretic.

Pine needle extract has a good therapeutic effect in dentistry, surgery, skin, nervous and cardiovascular diseases, peptic ulcer and many others.

Vitamin drink from pine needles can be prepared at home. The needles should be finely chopped or passed through a blender. Immediately pour boiled chilled water at the rate of one serving of needles - three servings of water. Infuse the drink from half an hour to several hours. The longer it is infused, the stronger it will be bitter. Strain the infusion, store no more than three days in the refrigerator. Take several times a day for half - one glass.

Pine buds too useful part this medicinal tree. Pine bud extract helps with colds and lung diseases. Pour 50 g of kidneys with two glasses of boiling water, let it brew for a couple of hours in a warm place, strain. Add honey and take 5-6 tablespoons of the mixture a day.

Preparations from needles, kidneys, pine cones are contraindicated in kidney disease, pregnancy. With caution should be approached to some medicines from pine hypotension, patients with heart failure and suffering from blood clots.


Hazel is called wild hazelnuts, and their cultivars are called hazelnuts. In the Central Chernozem zone and the Non-Chernozem region, common hazel is most common.

Hazelnut contains proteins, fats, digestible carbohydrates (mainly starch), fiber. They can be eaten raw, dried, fried. Hazel kernel oil is used to strengthen hair, and a mixture of oil and fresh egg white, for example, helps with burns.

Infusions of leaves and bark of hazel are taken with varicose veins veins, phlebitis, trophic ulcers. A decoction of the leaves helps with prostate hypertrophy, and the nuts themselves - with urolithiasis.

Harvesting of nuts should be carried out only when they are fully ripe, since immature nuts are difficult to separate from the leaf wrapper, the shell did not have time to get stronger, and the kernel did not form. Harvested nuts are first dried either in a well-ventilated area or outdoors, and after drying, they can be roasted in an oven for a richer flavor and aroma.


The bark of a young oak is widely used in medicine as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. Tannins protect the mucous membranes of tissues internal organs from irritation, reduce the activity of inflammatory processes and reduce pain.

In addition, oak bark contains flavonoids, mucus, pectins, sugars, starch, proteins. In medicine, oak bark is often used in the form of decoctions against chronic purulent ulcers, non-healing wounds, chronic enterocolitis, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, for rinsing - with stomatitis, inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, pharynx, pharynx, larynx.

To prepare such a decoction, take two tablespoons of bark, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water in an enamel bowl, boil for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature, strain, add boiled water to the original volume. Keep no more than two days.

Oak bark should be harvested from young branches in the spring before the leaves bloom. Dry the bark in the sun or in a well-ventilated area. It dries out in 7-10 days. Store in a dry place, and then the bark will retain its properties for up to 5 years.

Nature to this day hides many of its secrets from people, and therefore a person has to comprehend them sometimes by accidentally touching them. Why many things give rise to doubts in people. Everything must be proved to a person, personally tested on oneself in order to believe. This is also the method of treatment with trees.

What trees are medicinal?

In the spring it is hard to resist the attraction of the rustling leaves of the forest. But very often after such peppy walks strength becomes even less than it was, and fatigue is already there. Why is that? Quite simply: forest trees how they charge you with energy, and exactly the opposite - they take it away. There is a powerful energy exchange, which, merging with your energy, takes away strength. But do not divide the trees into positive and negative. Each tree contains two sources. And each tree for each person individually can be either a source of energy or a receiver of energy.

Headaches, heart murmurs, an enlarged thyroid gland, inflammation, physical and spiritual trauma, and nervous strain indicate that you have too much energy and need to be released from it. It has been noticed that spruce frees from bad things best of all, and chestnut and willow can also take negativity.

When the body feels a lack of energy, then it is tormented by frequent colds, tonsillitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, arthritis. Help should be sought from the trees - "charging". Pine, maple, birch, acacia are energetically strong, but oak is the strongest of all trees.

They say that trees that are less than 100 years old absorb energy, and trees at a respectable age give it away. To determine whether a tree gives or takes energy, you can apply a long-tried method: cut a strip of foil 10 - 15 centimeters long and 1 - 5 millimeters wide. Take it big and index finger one end of the strip and approach the selected tree. If the free end of the strip begins to stretch towards the tree, then this tree is a vampire, if the opposite happens, then such a tree can nourish you with energy. This is how you can determine which trees have therapeutic effect on you.

How to be treated with a living tree?

In order for a tree to help get rid of the bad or recharge with the good, you first need to find your tree and make friends with it. To do this, first of all, examine him, secondly, greet him, thirdly, stand with your bare feet to him, hug, put your forehead, inhale and hold your breath as long as you can.

At the moment when you exhale, you will feel the energy that will flow from the tree through the body. If you don’t feel anything, most likely friendship will not work with a particular tree. We need to look for another tree. It is believed that trees are living and sensual creatures (just like you), so you can’t go to them only with the thought of getting something, they need to give something. To give a tree what you don’t need, or vice versa - to take what you need, you can press your cheek, forehead, back to it, you can hug the trunk or touch it with your palms.
And it is not for nothing that in ancient times trees had a cult significance. Some ancient forests were revered as especially holy, trees in such forests were protected, and God forbid, cut down at least one ... it could cost a pest a life.

Properties of objects made of wood.

The healing properties of a living tree are also inherent in things made from it. For example, combing hair with a wooden comb used to be a special daily cleansing ritual. This ritual was as significant as the morning wash. According to mythology, hair connects the soul with another world, they absorb a lot of information about a person.

Pine and walnut combs will help you get rid of negative energy and stress. For those who are tired, combs made of oak, maple or birch are perfect.

Also pay attention to what kind of wood the furniture that decorates your home is made of!

And besides:

Do not go to sick and small trees for help, go to beautiful and big ones.

To feel healing property living wood, comb your hair with a wooden comb made from it, not plastic or metal.

If you want to not only neutralize negative energy, but also turn it into positive energy, then keep a piece of maple or hazel at home.

If you are suffering from depression, stand up south side tree. If you feel anxiety, emptiness, or inflammatory processes weaken you, approach the tree from the north side. If you just want to receive energy from a tree, then it doesn’t matter which side you hug it from.

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