Making blackberry liqueur. Blackberry tincture: beneficial properties, recipe. Blackberry liqueur with vodka

Blackberries have everything to strengthen the body and cure many diseases. Blackberry liqueurs have everything to soften a girl’s heart and make it more pliable. This article contains best recipes blackberry liqueurs for true admirers of pliable girlish hearts.

Blackberries are a natural multivitamin. They contain sufficient amounts of vitamins C, E, P, PP, K, provitamin A, and B vitamins. Blackberries are also rich in natural antioxidants, bioflavonoids, which simultaneously relieve inflammation, swelling and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This berry is the best helper for the cardiovascular system.

Blackberry liqueurs are believed to have the same healing properties. But they have another significant advantage - they are incredibly beautiful, very fragrant and have a unique berry taste. This drink is a real delight for taste buds feminine and a faithful assistant for the heartthrob. For the lazy but patient heartthrob, making blackberry liqueurs at home is quite simple, but time-consuming. Much longer.

The berries should not be overripe. Fresh blackberries, picked on a sunny day, are best suited for liqueurs - wild yeast necessary for fermentation lives on such berries in abundance. The best alcoholic base for liqueur is cognac or well-purified double moonshine.

Rinse the blackberries, drain in a colander and dry with paper towels. Transfer them to a jar of suitable size and sprinkle with sugar, shake well. Cover the jar with gauze and leave it in warm place for 7-10 days, so that the berries release their juice and ferment slightly. The berries need to be stirred a couple of times a day. Then pour in alcohol, close the jar tightly and leave for 10 days in a dark, cool place, remembering to stir the contents every day. Drain the resulting infusion and pour vodka over the berries for 7 days. Drain the vodka infusion and mix it with the alcohol infusion. Pour the finished liqueur into bottles and leave for long-term aging, at least six months.

Blackberry liqueur with honey

Rinse the berries, drain in a colander, dry and transfer to a large jar, sprinkling with sugar. Wait a couple of days until the sugar is completely dissolved, add honey, vodka and alcohol. Shake the jar well, close it tightly and place it on a sunny windowsill for a month. After this time, drain the liqueur through a sieve and filter through several layers of gauze. Wait 1-2 weeks until sediment settles at the bottom of the jar. Drain the drink from the sediment, filter if desired and bottle. Recommends six months aging. If sediment forms, the liqueur can be decanted.

By the way, beekeepers also know blackberry honey. It is clear like water and very tasty. It is used in the treatment of colds and kidney diseases.

Blackberry liqueur in alcohol with leaves

This recipe uses young blackberry leaves, which contain a large number of vitamin C, tannins, minerals and antioxidants. In medicine, the leaves are used as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and astringent. Like black currant leaves, they greatly influence the taste of the drink and, as a rule, better side.

Wash the blackberries, drain in a colander, dry and pour into a jar of suitable size. Add blackberry leaves, spices and pour honey over everything. Wait 3 days until the first signs of fermentation, then add water and alcohol. Infuse for exactly a month in a dark, cool place, then pour the liqueur through a sieve, filter and into a bottle. During aging, a sediment will form, from which the drink must be carefully drained.

Blackberry liqueur with cognac (with wine)

Wash the berries, dry them, put them in a jar and mash them slightly to release the juice. Add wine and cognac, close the jar tightly and place in a cool, dark place. Maceration should take about a month. After this, the blackberry infusion must be drained through a sieve and filtered. Make simple syrup from sugar and water, wait until it cools and add to the infusion. The liqueur can be filtered again and bottled. It is better to store the finished drink in a cool place, for example, in the basement. Use exclusively for treating the weaker sex. The liqueur should be cooled before serving.

Blackberries also go well with rum...

Blackberry liqueur with rum and vodka No. 1

Wash the blackberries, dry them and put them in a jar. Add sugar and stir, cover the jar with gauze and leave on a sunny windowsill for 48 hours. The jar needs to be shaken from time to time. After two days, the sugar should dissolve - the resulting syrup must be drained. Pour the syrup into a small jar, add half the vodka, lemon juice and vanilla sugar. Close the jar and hide it out of sight. Pour the remaining berries with the second half of vodka and wait a week. Drain the infusion through a sieve, filter and combine with the alcoholized syrup. Add 200 ml of light rum, mix well, bottle and age for 6 months.

Blackberry liqueur with rum and alcohol No. 2

* here we mean any aniseed alcoholic drink with a strength of about 40%: anise liqueur, oriental arak, Turkish raki, Greek ouzo, etc.

Boil simple sugar syrup from water and sugar, cool and pour into a two-liter jar. Add blackberry juice and other berries. While stirring the contents of the jar, pour in alcohol. Add light rum or anise drink (in original recipe arak is used). Close the jar tightly and store in a cool place for as long as possible.

The liqueur should be served no earlier than after 3 months of aging. There is no need to filter; you can drink directly from the pulp of the berries.

One of many people's favorite childhood berries is blackberries. There are several types of it. The first type is called gray blackberry or wolfberry, which can be seen in the forest or meadow. The berries are bluish-gray with a delicate aroma. The second type of blackberry is a modern garden hybrid, and if you also make a blackberry tincture from it, then you can’t imagine anything better!
An excellent harvest, pleasant taste, and preservation of vitamins when frozen give blackberries the first place on shelves with homemade preparations. And how tasty the blackberry tincture is - you just have to try it.

Studying the composition of this juicy and bright berry, we can say that it has a lot of benefits for our body. Blackberries contain:

  • vitamins of group P, C, A, K;
  • malic, tartaric and nicotinic acids;
  • minerals (phosphorus, potassium, copper).

If you eat blackberries, you will have:

  • there will be no problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • immunity will increase;
  • Kidney function will improve.

In addition to eating berries fresh, frozen or dried, blackberry wine is also made. Many housewives use the fruit as a filling for pies. It can also be added to sauces for dishes made from different types of meat.

Blackberries in alcoholic beverages

Blackberries are considered an excellent raw material for making delicious homemade wine. As for the taste, it resembles wine made from the Cabernet grape variety. This drink is great when eating meat, cheese or dessert. Some winemakers are experimenting. They distill the wine into blackberry brandy.
If you like to eat blackberries, then you probably have a recipe for blackberry wine at home. If you are just planning to try cooking it at home, then pay attention to the following recipe. You need to take:

  • six kilograms of blackberries;
  • one liter of water;
  • two grams of dry yeast;
  • half a kilo of sugar.

The berries need to be crushed, mixed with sugar and yeast, and filled with water. Once active fermentation begins, you will need to separate the pulp and liquid. Do this procedure for 1 week. After this, we pour our wine into a special vessel that has a water seal. There you need to add another half a kilo of sugar and let this mixture ferment for a month.

Don't forget that every two weeks you will need to remove the liquid from the sediment. If you put the young drink in the cellar to age for 12 months, it will turn into royal wine, which everyone who sips it will be able to appreciate.

Blackberry tincture: preparation process

If you have on every festive table If there is any alcoholic drink, then you will agree that drinking homemade wine or liqueur is much more pleasant than buying it. For those who want to prepare a drink at home such as blackberry tincture with alcohol, you need to take:

Take whole berries and put them in a container, preferably made of glass, cover with granulated sugar and fill with alcohol (moonshine). This mixture should sit in a room for about four days. Do not forget to shake the container with tincture every day. Next, you will need to throw the contents of the container onto cheesecloth to separate the pulp from the alcohol infusion.
The berries that will be strained must be filled with water and mixed thoroughly. After three hours of exposure, filtration should be repeated again. Then we combine the two parts of the drink from water and alcohol and pass it through a filter. Some winemakers use regular cotton pads for straining. Pour the tincture into glass bottles and store in a dark place.

Making delicious blackberry liqueur

There are many recipes for tinctures and wines that include blackberries. If you want to make a drink like blackberry mint liqueur, then you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • two hundred and fifty grams of blackberries;
  • half a liter of moonshine or vodka;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • three mint leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

The method for preparing blackberry liqueur is as follows:

It takes about two months to infuse the liqueur. After two months have passed, you need to strain the infusion and fill the bottles with it. Blackberry liqueur is used not only as a remedy, but also as a tasty treat for guests.

How to use frozen blackberries?

For those who are going to prepare homemade tincture from frozen fruits, it must be said that there is a basic rule that should not be forgotten. It consists in the fact that the berries should not be thawed before alcohol is added to them. This is due to the fact that when thawed, the berries will lose their flavor and may change the color of the future drink.

To prepare a tincture from blackberries that have been frozen, you need to take:

  • one kilogram of blackberries;
  • one liter of alcohol (moonshine);
  • 150 grams of sugar.

Mix the berries and alcohol in a jar. Add granulated sugar to the infusion after three months fermentation. The strength of the blackberry drink is 30 degrees.

Blackberry tincture: Video

Blackberry liqueur is popularly considered a drink made from the “blood of titans.” It is able to strengthen the human body and also resist many viral diseases. The berries contain a whole multivitamin complex, as well as natural antioxidants that relieve inflammation and swelling. In addition, the properties of blackberries can strengthen the walls of the cardiovascular system.

Classic recipe

Recipe for making blackberry liqueur classic version– one of the most popular among those who like to prepare dessert alcoholic drinks at home. The persistent taste, rich color and aroma of berries will give the liqueur a special and unique aftertaste. To prepare the drink, you only need sugar and ripe berries of any kind.

The classic recipe involves the method of natural fermentation of the liqueur and adding strong alcohol (optional).

  • 2 kg blackberries;
  • 700 g sugar;
  • 200-400 ml of vodka.

How to properly make liqueur from blackberries and become known as a real winemaker, treating your friends with a product of your own production? If you want the liqueur strength to be no more than 15%, just use simple method fermentation. For greater strength, add vodka to the drink.

  1. Sort out the berries, strangling any spoiled ones, and pour into a bottle.
  2. Sprinkle each layer of berries with a layer of sugar and shake the contents several times.
  3. Fold the gauze in several layers and tie the neck to prevent insects from getting inside.
  4. Place in a well-lit room for 1 week.
  5. Shake the contents of the jar 1-2 times a day and at the first signs of fermentation, put a medical glove on the neck.
  6. Place the liqueur in a dark place for 35-45 days, until the glove completely hangs on the jar.
  7. Strain the drink through several layers of gauze (pour in vodka for strength) and stir.
  8. Pour the finished liqueur into sterile bottles, screw tightly and take to the basement for further infusion.
  9. Leave for 60 days to obtain a richer taste and begin tasting.

Blackberry liqueur with lemon

Making blackberry liqueur with vodka is much more practical and faster than making wine from this berry. The dessert alcoholic drink has a tonic effect and has many other benefits that are especially popular with the fair sex.

  • 1.3 kg of berries;
  • 700 g sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 700 ml vodka;
  • A pinch of vanilla sugar.

A recipe for making blackberry liqueur with vodka will help novice winemakers cope with the process.

  1. The berries are carefully sorted, rotten ones are discarded, and the stalks are removed.
  2. Rinse carefully in running water, lay out on a kitchen towel and leave to drain.
  3. Transfer to a bottle and add sugar and mix by shaking.
  4. The jar is tied with a thick cloth and placed on a light windowsill for 2-3 days.
  5. Every day the contents of the jar are shaken so that the juice dissolves the sugar.
  6. The berries are squeezed by hand, the syrup is poured into a sterile jar, vodka, lemon juice are poured in and vanilla sugar is added.
  7. The jar is shaken again and placed in a cool, dark place.
  8. The liqueur is infused for about 10 days, then filtered through a cotton-gauze napkin.
  9. It is bottled and taken to the basement for final infusion (about 5-6 months).

Blackberry liqueur with mint

Many winemakers prepare blackberry liqueur using alcohol. This option is no less accessible, since food alcohol is not an expensive and scarce commodity.

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 0.5 liters of edible alcohol diluted with water;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 5-7 mint leaves.

The recipe for making blackberry liqueur at home is described below in stages.

  1. Sort the berries, remove spoiled specimens, rinse and dry.
  2. Pour into a jar, add alcohol, shake the contents and place in a cool room for a month.
  3. Filter, grind sugar with mint and add to the liqueur.
  4. Stir and let stand for 5-7 days until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Strain again, bottle and store in the basement.

You can taste it right away, but many winemakers advise letting the liqueur sit for another 2-3 weeks for a better taste.

Making blackberry liqueur at home is a priority not only for experienced winemakers. Beginning housewives, using the proposed recipes, will be able to surprise and delight their family and friends with an amazingly tasty alcoholic drink. Blackberries are not only aromatic and beautiful, they have unique taste properties that can influence the romantic feelings of any woman.

Blackberries are the queen among berries. It is very beautiful, has a noble dark purple color and a pleasant aroma. It is somewhat reminiscent of raspberries, so it belongs to the same family. Suitable for preparing various desserts, baked goods, soups and cereals. However, many chefs prefer to prepare blackberry tincture at home. This drink is very tasty and healthy, and can be used to treat colds.

Where to get berries and which ones to use?

There are three places where you can get blackberries to make a tincture: in the store, in the forest, or in your own garden. In supermarkets, the berries are usually sold frozen. As a rule, it has already been selected and prepared for further use. Before cooking, all that remains is to let it melt at room temperature and wash.

Forest blackberries most often grow near rivers. It is easiest to collect for villagers who know the area like the back of their hand. City dwellers may not find it. When picking berries from bushes, you should be careful, the branches cling to clothes and are very prickly. The fruits must be used for cooking immediately, as they do not last long.

Another option is to pick blackberries from your garden. It is clear that for this it must first be planted and grown. The best varieties today are considered to be thornless - “Loch Ness”, “Navajo” and some others. Homemade blackberries are easy to pick and use and taste better. But you need to be prepared for the fact that it does not have the unique subtle aroma that the forest one has.

Whatever blackberries you use - forest, garden or store-bought, make sure they are ripe, dry and fairly firm. There should be no tails, damage, non-standard color, or mold on the berries. Otherwise, it will not be possible to make a good tincture based on them. She's just not worthy, she'll spoil.

Benefits of blackberry tincture

This drink, made with moonshine, alcohol or vodka, is considered healing. It helps the body improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints, and allows you to get rid of inflammatory processes, including in the kidneys and bladder. Can be used as an antipyretic.

This effect on the body is due to the presence in blackberries and any drinks made from them of a number of useful substances: organic acids (ascorbic, citric, nicotinic and malic), vitamins P and K, retinol, iron, manganese, calcium and so on. Thus, drinking the tincture a little at a time is very beneficial for health.

Cooking secrets

Blackberry tincture should be prepared immediately after picking or purchasing the berries. To do this, the berries must be washed and dried carefully, spread on paper towels. Then transfer to clean jars, add the amount of sugar indicated in the selected recipe, add, if necessary, other ingredients: a sprig of mint, a slice of lemon, and so on. Leave for up to 4 weeks, shaking occasionally. Pour through cheesecloth into a clean bottle. That's it, ready.

Moonshine recipe

This blackberry tincture effectively helps in the fight against colds and pneumonia, and helps cure joint inflammation. Can be used as a gargle for gum disease and simply to improve your mood.


  • purified moonshine - 1 l;
  • clean water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • clean jar.


Wash the glass container with soda, sterilize and dry slightly. Place the berries in it along with sugar, pour in moonshine. Leave for 4 days, remembering to shake periodically. Filter the resulting liquid from the sediment using gauze. Pour water over the remaining berries on the fabric and leave for 4 hours. Mix everything, strain again. Pour into bottles and place on a shelf in the closet.

Alcohol recipe

A tincture prepared with alcohol tastes no worse than one made with moonshine. It is recommended for use in cases of atherosclerosis, the presence of inflammatory processes, and gastritis. It's quite easy to prepare.


  • mint leaves - 1-2 pcs.;
  • blackberries - 0.3 kg;
  • lemon zest - a little;
  • alcohol - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • clean sterilized jar.


To prepare a blackberry tincture with alcohol, you need to take a glass container and immerse clean and well-sorted berries, mint leaves and lemon zest into it, mix carefully (best with a wooden stick or spoon). Pour alcohol over all ingredients and leave for 1 month (a little more) in a cool, dark room. Then filter, pour into a clean bottle and refrigerate.

Vodka tincture recipe

You can add other berries to the blackberry infusion with vodka, for example, raspberries or black currants, as well as jam. This will only increase the usefulness of the drink. It will have relaxing and strengthening properties and can help with sore throat or flu.


  • blackberries - 0.2 kg;
  • vodka 40% - 1 l;
  • black currant (or jam) - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - about 4 tbsp. spoons


The recipe for blackberry tincture with vodka is as follows: thoroughly wash an ordinary three-liter jar with soda, rinse, and sterilize for 15 minutes. Let it dry a little. Place berries and sugar in it, pour in vodka. Cover with gauze and put in a dark place. Leave for 1-1.5 months, making sure that no mold appears. To avoid its formation, it is recommended to shake the container periodically, at least once every 1-2 weeks. After the infusion time has passed, strain the drink through cheesecloth and pour into a dry bottle. Place in the refrigerator. Store for up to 5 years.

Blackberry tincture for rubbing

Except for internal use, blackberry tincture often used for rubbing sore spots for rheumatism, back pain (if there are no chronic diseases), arthrosis, and so on. The leaves are traditionally used to create ointments from the berries.


  • fresh leaves - 50 grams;
  • vodka - 1 bottle.


The recipe for blackberry tincture at home in this case is very simple: you need to collect leaves that do not have any damage, wash them, pour boiling water over them, dry them slightly, move them to glass jar and pour vodka. Close the container and put it in a dark place for 7 days. Then pour into a dry bottle and put in the refrigerator.

Take note!

Whatever recipe you use to prepare blackberry tincture, it can be used for compresses to treat colds. To do this, soak dry, clean gauze in the drink and place it on chest. Put on top warm clothes or crawl under a thick blanket. Since you need to sweat a lot after this procedure, it is best to do it before bed. Since the compress is absolutely safe, it can also be used on small children, with the possible exception of newborns and allergy sufferers.

In terms of the content of useful elements, blackberries can easily compete with the generally recognized favorite - raspberries. Juicy berries literally exude vitamins C, K, A, E, B and PP, are rich in calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other important minerals, and include a number of organic acids: citric, tartaric, malic and salicylic. Among other things, the fruits contain fiber, glucose, fructose, anthocyanins and thiamine - all this splendor is designed to rejuvenate the body, extinguish inflammatory processes, improve metabolism, strengthen immune defense and reduce the risk of cancer. The leaves of the plant are not far behind - saturated with tannins, esters, flavonoids and ascorbic acid, they are opposed diabetes mellitus, colds and stomach disorders.

In what form are blackberries used?

  • Powder of dried berries and leaves (effective remedy against diarrhea);
  • fresh juice (an additional source of vitamins and minerals, relieves fever, fights sore throat and bronchitis, used externally as a lotion for ulcers);
  • dried leaf tea(recommended for diabetes and vitamin deficiency);
  • soft drinks with berry juice- compotes, kvass, fruit drinks, lemonades (they quench thirst well, preserve healing properties fruits);
  • infusions and decoctions of leaves / berries / roots (indicated for gastrointestinal ailments, respiratory diseases, increased nervousness and fatigue; used as rinses for sore throat and diseases of the oral cavity, as well as compresses for healing wounds and eczema);
  • alcohol tinctures from fresh and dried berries (relieve inflammation, maintain vascular health, treat rheumatism).

Blackberry tonic drinks

Blackberry tea recipes:

Drinking this drink daily can significantly reduce blood sugar levels and improve digestion.

Simple blackberry leaf tea

Need to collect more fresh leaves plants. Place them on a table in the open sun, and when they begin to fade, roll them with a rolling pin, wrap them in a dampened linen napkin and leave them warm for a couple of days, periodically spraying the fabric with a spray bottle. Then dry on fresh air. The brewing process is the same as for regular tea.

Blackberry and oregano tea

Oregano leaves will bring a solid dose of vitamin C and beneficial esters, drive away anxiety and relieve insomnia. It is advisable to prepare them in the same way as blackberries in the previous recipe; you need to mix them in approximately equal proportions. The resulting mixture is brewed with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 3 glasses of water; if desired, the herbal tea is sweetened with honey.

Blackberry infusion for menopause

To relieve menopausal symptoms, take 100 grams. blackberry leaves and lemon balm herb, add 75 g. calendula flowers. Grind the mixture into powder, separate 3 tablespoons. Place the mixture in a thermos, brew with 3 cups of boiling water and seal tightly. The infusion must be kept overnight, then strain thoroughly. Drink 3/4 cup 4 times a day, approximately an hour before meals.

Homemade blackberry juice has a lot of valuable advantages: it invigorates, fights thirst, supplies the body with vitamins, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on nervous system. It can be made from both fresh and frozen fruits; For variety, fresh sage leaves are sometimes included in the recipe.

First, a kilogram of berries is washed cold water and discard in a colander. When the liquid has drained, they need to be ground through a sieve: the collected juice is sent to the refrigerator, and the pulp is immersed in a saucepan of water (1.5-2 liters) and heated until boiling. Then add a cup of sugar (with a small heap), after filtering, add blackberry juice.

Homemade blackberry tinctures

Alcohol infusions of berries are in great demand, not only because of their pleasant taste, but also because they allow you to “preserve” healing substances. Speaking about the benefits of blackberry tincture, first of all it should be noted positive influence on the vessels: they are cleaned, as a result of which blood flow is normalized and leveled arterial pressure. Of course, the product is strictly dosed; daily consumption should not exceed 50 ml. For external use, you can infuse in alcohol not the fruits, but the leaves of the plant, at a rate of 50 grams per half liter of liquid - such a drug will help cope with rheumatism, muscle and joint pain.

To make your own blackberry “medicine”, you need to select ripe, but not overripe berries. Dried ones are also suitable (the quantity is halved) - if they are stored for less than two years, medicinal properties will be safely preserved, as well as frozen ones, which are previously thawed and get rid of excess moisture. The shelf life of tinctures prepared at home is about 5 years, strictly if kept in the cold.

Blackberries infused with alcohol

  • Ethyl alcohol with a strength of 50-55 degrees, a suitable replacement for moonshine (370 ml)
  • Cinnamon (half a stick)
  • Blackberries (half a kilogram)
  • Filtered water (80 ml)
  • Cloves (a couple of buds)
  • Fragrant honey (250 gr)
  • Young blackberry leaves (5 pieces).

Wash and dry ripe fruits. Place in a glass container, throw in the washed leaves and spices. Add honey, cover the container tightly with a lid and leave for 3 days. When the first signs of fermentation appear, pour in purified water along with alcohol. Continue to age for a month in a cool, dark place, then filter through a sieve and transfer to a bottle. As sediment forms, the tincture must be poured carefully.

Blackberry tincture with vodka

  • Lemon zest (from 1 citrus half)
  • Blackberries (half a kilogram)
  • Mint leaves (4 pieces)
  • Vodka good quality(1 liter)
  • Sugar (120 gr).

As you already understand, preparing blackberry tincture at home is a simple matter. Combine prepared berries, crushed mint leaves and chopped lemon zest in a jar. Sprinkle with sugar and pour vodka, stir, and seal thoroughly. Keep in the pantry for 1.5-2 months, shaking vigorously every 4 days. After the expiration date, all that remains is to filter the infusion.

Blackberry tincture with cognac and wine

  • Water (250-500 ml, depending on desired concentration)
  • Red wine (half a liter)
  • Blackberries (1 kilogram)
  • Granulated sugar (half a kilogram)
  • Cognac (half a liter).

Place the berries in the jar, remembering a little so that the juice comes out. Pour in the wine and cognac, screw on the lid and place the container in a cool, dark place. After a month, filter thoroughly and add cooled sugar syrup. If necessary, repeat the filtration again, distribute the tincture into bottles and store.


Despite the abundance of healing substances, blackberries and potions prepared at home based on them can aggravate existing health problems. Those who are predisposed to allergies, is ill pancreatitis or diabetes in a difficult stage, experiencing exacerbation of ulcer, gastritis or colitis, It has kidney disease(due to its strong diuretic effect). Particular care should be taken when handling alcohol tinctures, especially when hypertension And liver ailments.

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