Structure of the Saratov Regional Duma. Vladimir Kapkaev was re-elected Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma

First convocation (1994-1997)

In October 1993, Saratov Regional Council people's deputies was dissolved by the head of the regional administration, Yu.V. Belykh, under the pretext of a lack of quorum at the meetings. By presidential decrees Russian Federation it was prescribed to hold elections to the representative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the period from December 1993 to March 1994 on the basis of provisions approved by the executive authorities of the regions. However, in the Saratov region these deadlines were not met: the “Regulations on elections to the Saratov Regional Duma” were approved only on March 9, 1994, the elections took place on May 29, 1994.

The Saratov region became one of the few regions of Russia in which elections were held according to a mixed majoritarian system. proportional system(before the introduction of mandatory standards in 2003). Of the 35 deputies, 25 were elected in single-mandate constituencies, 10 - according to a proportional system with a passage barrier of 5%.

To register a candidate in one of the districts, it was necessary to collect signatures of at least 3% of the number of voters in the district. A total of 134 candidates took part in the elections, three more withdrew their candidacies by personal application.

To participate in elections under the proportional system, an electoral association had to submit at least 20 thousand signatures, of which no more than 2.5 thousand could be collected in one district/city. Of the 16 associations registered by the regional election commission, only 9 submitted signatures on time.

The main opposition force was the bloc “For Democracy!”, which united the regional committees of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Republican Communist Party of the Russian Federation, regional organizations of the Union of Women of Russia and Veterans of War, Labor, Armed Forces and law enforcement", as well as the Union of Producers of the City of Saratov and the Saratov Region. This bloc was predicted to win, since in addition to the traditional electorate of the parties and associations that were part of it, many supporters of the LDPR could vote for this list, whose list was in the lead in the 1993 federal elections, and also took first place in the Saratov region with 26.63% of the votes (in At that time there was no LDPR organization in the region).

The Agrarian Party of Russia, which acted as the opposition and main ally of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the federal elections, acted as the “party of power” in the elections to the Saratov Regional Duma; its list included people close to the regional administration and heads of regional districts. The Saratov Regional Duma of the first convocation was elected for a period of 2 years.

On May 29, 1994, 37.1% of voters took part in the elections. Of the 9 electoral associations, 6 overcame the five percent barrier. The votes were distributed as follows:

24 deputies were elected in single-mandate constituencies; in the 18th district, the elections were declared invalid due to low turnout.

District Full name of the deputy Year of birth place of work
1 Dumchev Nikolay Petrovich 1948 deputy head of administration (housing and communal services) of Saratov, deputy of the former city council
2 Sokolov Anatoly Ivanovich 1947 head of the Leninsky district administration
3 Surovov Sergey Borisovich 1956 Head of the Education Department of the Oktyabrsky District Administration of Saratov, number 8 on the list of the Union of Reserve Officers
4 Motorny Evgeniy Vladimirovich 1948 President of the Slavia television company, deputy of the former regional council, number 2 on the Democratic Choice list
5 Rashkin Valery Fedorovich 1955 secretary of the regional committee Communist Party Russian Federation, chief dispatcher of the Corpus PA, deputy of the former City Council, number 1 on the list “For Democracy”
6 Semenets Nikolay Yakovlevich 1946 chairman of the regional organization Russian Union reserve officers, president of the defense fund for military personnel, Saratov, number 1 on the list of the Union of Reserve Officers
7 Astashkin Anatoly Vasilievich 1946 General Director of the Saratov representative office of Voltyre JSC, number 11 on the list of the Yavlinsky Bloc in the Saratov Region
8 Timoshok Alexander Mikhailovich 1949 Chairman of the Board joint stock company closed type "Factory of assembly blanks"
9 Aksenenko Yuri Nikolaevich 1950 head of the Saratov district administration
10 Sosedov Yuri Alexandrovich 1948 chief project engineer, head of the department of detailed design and architectural supervision, Krasnoarmeysk
11 Grishin Nikolay Pavlovich 1936 executive director of Silikat JSC, Saratov, former deputy of the regional council and the Russian Federation, former chairman of the regional executive committee, Saratov, number 5 on the list of the Union of Reserve Officers
12 Karatyshov Sergey Markovich 1941 Chief Physician of the Health Administration Administration, Balashov
13 Gromov Alexey Alekseevich 1943 Head of Administration of Rtishchevo and Rtishchevsky District
14 Santalov Vladimir Nikolaevich 1950 director of the Mikhailovskaya poultry farm, r.p. Tatishchevo
15 Mikheev Petr Andreevich 1946 Deputy Head of the Regional Administration - Head of the Agriculture Department
16 Yankevich Eduard Borisovich 1935 first deputy head of the regional administration, deputy of the former regional council
17 Shaposhnikov Vasily Dmitrievich 1948 Deputy Head of Administration of Balakovo and Balakovo District
18 - - -
19 Maletin Viktor Vladimirovich 1952 methodologist of the public education department of the Khvalynsk administration
20 Novikov Petr Sergeevich 1944 Director of JSC "Novorepinskoe", Ozinsky district
21 Akimov Alexander Filippovich 1951 Chairman of JSC "Gorkorechenskoye", Novouzensky district
22 Malyutin Viktor Davydovich 1948 Chairman of JSC "Borisoglebskoe", Fedorovsky district
23 Makarevich Nikolai Sidorovich 1942 temporarily not working - former chairman of the regional council, Saratov
24 Maltsev Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich 1954 director of the detective bureau "Allegro", Saratov, number 15 on the list of the "Yavlinsky Bloc..."
25 Pavlov Vladimir Mikhailovich 1942 chief physician of clinic No. 1 in Engels, deputy of the former regional council
"For democracy" Bobrova Valentina Mikhailovna 1936 Chairman of the Saratov regional branch of the Women's Union of Russia
"For democracy" Soldatov Nikolay Stepanovich 1939 head of convoy ATP-1, Saratov
"For democracy" Shmakov Vladimir Viktorovich 1938 Director of the Termolit enterprise, PA "Korpus"
Agrarian Party Dvorkin Boris Zyamovich 1939 Chairman of the Saratov regional organization of the APR, President of the agro-industrial company "Agropromtekhnopol", deputy of the former regional council
Agrarian Party Kharitonov Alexander Petrovich 1952 Chairman of the regional committee on reform of representative authorities, deputy of the former regional council - deputy chairman
Agrarian Party Kochetkov Alexander Georgievich 1944 Director of the FO "Belopolskoe" Sovetsky district, Lyubimovo village
DPR Karpov Oleg Igorevich 1964 Chairman of the Saratov regional organization of the Democratic Party of Russia, former employee regional council apparatus
Union of Reserve Officers Volodin Vyacheslav Viktorovich 1964 Head of the Department of State and regional administration, Professor of the Volga Personnel Center, Saratov, deputy of the former City Council, number 2 on the list of the Union of Reserve Officers
"Democratic Choice" Davydov Valery Nikolaevich 1940 Chairman of the Board of Directors of VNIPIinformBUTEK, President of the regional Union of Entrepreneurs and Tenants, Chairman of the regional organization "DemRussia" and President of the company "Gelon"
"Yavlinsky Bloc in the Saratov Region" Zhavoronsky Alexander Anatolievich 1954 Chairman of the trade union of free labor workers of the Saratov region, deputy of the former city council

The first meeting of the regional Duma took place on June 17, 1994. A.P. was elected Chairman. Kharitonov, deputy chairmen - V.V. Volodin and V.F. Rashkin. Six committees of the regional Duma have been formed:

on fiscal policy, economic development and use of regional property (chairman - B.Z. Dvorkin)

on working with the territories of the region, federal issues and international relations(chairman - N.P. Grishin)

on the rule of law, the fight against crime, security and protection of individual rights (chairman - V.V. Maltsev)

By social policy and relations with public organizations (chairman - V.M. Bobrova)

on science, culture, education and work with youth (chairman - V.V. Malyotin)

on health protection and ecology (chairman - V.M. Pavlov).

The apparatus of the regional Duma was formed (six departments and an accounting department), and on July 1, 1994, personal reception of citizens began.

In September 1994, the draft Charter (Basic Law) of the Saratov Region was submitted for public discussion. Taking into account amendments received from citizens, the President of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the regional prosecutor's office, the Charter was adopted with 32 votes in favor on December 15, 1994. However, the head of the administration of the Saratov region, Yu.V. Belykh opposed the adoption of the Charter in such a wording, and as a result, the Charter was put into effect in April 1995.

In 1994, the regional Duma began work on bills on local government. In April 1995, the Laws “On Local Self-Government in the Saratov Region” and “On Elections to Local Government Bodies of the Saratov Region” were adopted, and the elections were initially scheduled for September 17, 1995, but were postponed several times (due to inconsistency of regional laws appeared decrees of the President of Russia, due to lack of funding) and were canceled by the heads of the regional administration, and ultimately took place only in December 1996.

Work on the regional budget was difficult. For example, the budget for 1995 was adopted only on June 21, 1995. The regional Accounts Chamber was formed.

The term of office of the regional Duma expired in May 1996. However, on September 5, 1995, the President of Russia issued a decree “On elections to bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation and to local self-government bodies,” which were recommended to postpone elections to representative (legislative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation to June 1997 (so that they would not be combined with presidential elections in 1996), and on March 2, 1996, a Decree was issued on the procedure for postponing elections to legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” according to which the legislative bodies independently determined the date of re-elections in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The Saratov Regional Duma took advantage of this opportunity and extended its term of office by a year. A group of voters (consisting of three people, two of whom soon withdrew their claims) tried to protest this decision in the regional court, but on August 6, 1996, the latter did not find any violations of the law in the actions of the Duma.

By 1996, more than half of regional deputies simultaneously worked in the structures executive power, retaining parliamentary powers, and such “employment” continued even after a direct ban imposed by federal legislation, which caused complaints from Saratov politicians and even the regional prosecutor’s office, which filed a protest to the Duma against such a combination (but soon withdrew it).

Factions in the regional Duma of the fifth convocation (2007-2012)



At the first meeting of the new Saratov Regional Duma, deputies elected the chairman of parliament and his deputy heads of committees.

The speaker of the Duma was the former deputy chairman of the regional government, and even earlier the director of the circus, Ivan Kuzmin. The first secretary of the Saratov regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Olga Alimova, and the ex-head of the Balakovo municipal district, Ivan Cheprasov, were elected vice-speakers. Lyudmila Bokova, as expected, was left as a representative of the regional Duma in the Federation Council.

The Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government is entrusted to deputy Vladimir Pisaryuk; Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Services - Alexander Saninsky; on agricultural policy - Nikolay Kuznetsov; on social policy - Alexander Romanov; on budget and taxes - to Vladimir Kapkaev; on culture and public relations- Alla Losina; Committee on Sports and Physical Culture - the only non-United Russia member, LDPR representative Dmitry Pyanykh.

In parallel with Duma affairs, a scandal caused by inappropriate behavior at the polling station during the election of the director of Saratov school No. 56 with the surname Radaev is gaining momentum. The journalists to whom she was rude while illegally in the voting room could not stand it and began collecting signatures for the lady’s dismissal from her position. So that it would be distasteful to others.

The above events took place against the backdrop of periodic evacuations of Saratov residents from various institutions - shopping centers, universities, city council, art school and others. People were quickly taken outside after receiving calls about an alleged bomb. None of the threats, fortunately, were confirmed, but the population is still perplexed - either there were exercises going on, or telephone “terrorists” were having fun. Perhaps the authorities and relevant structures should have given clear explanations about this? Let's ask our experts about this - famous politicians, deputies, social activists, journalists. Three questions, as always:

1) How do you rate new line-up Saratov Regional Duma from the point of view of the future effectiveness of parliament? Are there any pleasant surprises for you regarding elected persons - chairman, deputy chairman, committee heads?

2) A scandal broke out in Saratov related to the defiant behavior of the director of school No. 56, Marina Radaeva, at the polling station. Do you support media representatives demanding her dismissal from office?

3) Saratov became one of the Russian cities where there was a wave of false reports about bombs planted in in public places. Did these events excite you? Do you think that government officials should have given appropriate explanations to the population?

Olga ALIMOVA, Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma

1) Yes, of course, there is a pleasant surprise for me - this is my appointment to the post of deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma. High position and great responsibility. Of course, I will do everything possible and even impossible to justify the trust of those voters who voted for me personally and for candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

In general, the composition of the current regional Duma did not surprise me at all; its contours were visible even after the United Russia primaries. They became very clearly visible approximately in the last week before the vote. So... I’m not Vanga or Nostradamus, but there was no special secret.

Another thing is that it is necessary to work in the Duma regardless of its personnel composition. Of course, if I were a wizard, I would conjure a slightly different thought. But what we have is what we have, so we’ll work with what we have. Moreover, among our political opponents there are adequate, professional deputies. Not many, but there are some.

Still, we must work for the sake of our voters, although we do not exclude heated political debates. At least our Communist Party faction will do real steps to improve the life of the common man.

2) Yes, I would even say that although the scandal flared up in Saratov, it has already gone beyond its borders. Judging by the views of videos with her participation, her fame has reached the federal level. So the authorities must give at least some kind of reaction to her, to put it mildly, strange behavior.

Of course, I support our journalists. And I support our activists who are picketing near this school. Children and parents should know who runs the school!

3) Yes, it was an extremely murky story. Not only did this wave spread throughout the country, but also the authorities and security forces remained silent, thereby themselves generating further fear and panic. There were various rumors about the teachings, and about mentally abnormal people, and about everything else. But, unfortunately, I didn’t hear any specifics.

But as a mother and grandmother, I can imagine the level of stress for parents who receive a call from their frightened child saying that their school is being evacuated. And I can imagine how scary it is to send your child to school the next day.

Galina AKIMOVA, Chairman of the Board of the regional branch of the “Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice” in the Saratov region

1) Despite the fact that the new regional Duma has 4 more deputies, this is unlikely to affect the effectiveness of its work. However, it is gratifying that the current legislative assembly, unlike the past, is represented not only by United Russia, and representatives of the opposition parties have been elected to it: the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and " Fair Russia" True, United Russia, having lost some ground, still “won” 78% of the mandates. The composition of the Duma was updated slightly, since 38% of the new Duma are deputies of the 5th convocation. In addition, knowing many of them over the course of several years of their activity, there is no need to say that laws will now be adopted aimed at improving the lives of the population and protecting their constitutional rights and interests. It is gratifying that, albeit slightly, the opposition forces have increased their representation in the new Duma. I dare to hope that such leaders as Alimova O.N., Anidalov A.Yu. and Esipov V.E. - deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Drunken D.S. - from the LDPR, Samsonova Z.M. - from A Just Russia, they will be able to fulfill their parliamentary duty with dignity.

I support Dmitry Pyanykh’s statement in the Reporter newspaper that there should be about half of the opposition in the Duma. The Duma, in my opinion, should be an arena for disputes, not agreement. After all, the Russian proverb says: “Truth is born in disputes,” which is something our Duma really lacks. Perhaps the election of a circus arts academician as speaker of the regional Duma will contribute to this? And if we talk seriously about “chosen people,” then, apart from this, I don’t see any surprises, but I don’t expect any changes either. In general, time will tell... I consider it worthy to choose Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bokova, a senator from the Saratov region, who has high professionalism and extensive experience in parliamentary work.

2) Of course, I support it, because I myself watched the video of Radaeva’s “performance,” which looked, frankly, boorish. And this, in my opinion, is not the only case. As long as the heads of election commissions are school principals and other public sector managers who carry out direct tasks about the “necessary” voting result, there will be no fair elections. In addition, during elections, school classes are canceled and shortened, which directly contradicts the Federal Law “On Education” and negatively affects the minds of future voters. In order for elections to be held fairly and decently, voting must be organized in places independent of government structures. I have had to participate in election campaigns more than once, so I am sure that the 2017 elections were also not truly transparent and fair.

3) Events in Saratov and other cities of Russia related to telephone terrorism worried me, and not only me, but also other residents of the region. These messages circulated on the Internet and on local television. Unfortunately, those authorities that are obliged to provide explanations on cases that pose a threat to the population did not inform us about why this happened and about the measures taken.

Ivan KURENKOV, political scientist

1) Most likely, the new convocation of the Saratov Regional Duma, thanks to a larger number of opposition deputies, will not be as “sleepy” as the previous one. By and large, this will not affect the results of decisions made, which were previously and now completely controlled by deputies from the party in power. At the same time, there may be heated debates and compromises in favor of the majority of residents of the region.

I consider two personnel decisions to be a positive result of the first meeting of the regional Duma of the new convocation: the election of Communist Party deputy Olga Alimova as deputy chairman of the regional legislative assembly and LDPR deputy Dmitry Pyanykh as chairman of the committee on sports, tourism and youth affairs.

Olga Alimova - famous politician now not only at the regional, but also at the federal level. Her undoubted advantage is her many years of experience in production, as well as in legislative bodies: first as an employee of the apparatus, and then as a deputy of the 4th convocation of the Saratov Regional Duma, and a deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation.

Dmitry Pyanykh is still at the beginning of his political career. I recently graduated from a university, served in the army, and have proven myself well over the past two years, first as a deputy and then as the leader of the Saratov regional branch of the LDPR.

Despite the existing political differences, Alimov and Pyanykh can create a tandem around which not only other opposition deputies, but also a self-nominated person and some newcomers nominated from United Russia will consolidate.

Any Political Party The authorities need constructive and real, not fake opposition. Otherwise, sooner or later the ruling parties will face the fate of the former CPSU. And this, in turn, could lead to what happened to the USSR, which sunk into oblivion.

2) As a person with 20 years of journalistic experience behind him, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, I fully support the demands of my fellow journalists regarding the director of school No. 56 in Saratov, Marina Radaeva.

3) B Lately our law enforcement agencies are zealously fighting various “extremists” in in social networks. Sometimes you get the impression - apparently for the sake of “checkmarks” in reports. For reposting or thoughtless comments on the Internet, people are sometimes given severe criminal penalties and are put on “black” lists. Instead of sometimes initially limiting ourselves to a strict warning.

But it happened real facts virtual extremism, and in fact it turned out that our authorities, together with the valiant special services, turned out to be poorly prepared for them. Let’s hope that “those who are supposed to” will draw the proper conclusions from this and adjust their actions in such a way as to increase the safety of citizens not in words, but in deeds. Including by improving anti-extremist legislation.

Sergei PEREPECHENOV, social activist, “veteran of civil resistance”

1) The new “political alignment” in the next convocation of the regional Duma, in principle, preserves the position of “United Russia” as an irresistible force capable of carrying out and blocking any decision, despite the democratization of the regional legislative and representative body carried out “from above.” The results of the parliamentary elections are another evidence of the triumph of the nomenklatura-bureaucratic forces - after all, the overwhelming majority of deputies - successful in their careers, prosperous, and even very rich, mainly at budget expense, will represent the interests of a third of the poor population, the unemployed and low-paid part of the townspeople and residents villages, entrepreneurs and commodity producers trying to somehow survive. The reduction in production, the number of commercial structures and jobs is happening from year to year, corruption “goes off scale” any “devices of its accounting”, there is no policy for the development of the region, as well as the country as a whole... On the efficiency of each and every government body, including the regional Duma, there is hardly any point in talking. This power itself has long been no longer for people, but only for its servants. And, of course, it will be quite effective for the pockets of many deputies.

Ivan Kuzmin, who became the speaker, seems to me a worthy figure, the best of all possible. The new high status of Olga Alimova and the creation of a faction (group) of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Duma will undoubtedly strengthen the position regional organization Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The LDPR also receives decent opportunities for the development of its satellite party, especially since Dmitry Pyanykh headed the committee on sports and youth policy. Ivan Cheprasov, another deputy speaker, although a protégé of EdRa, by the way, nevertheless became a deputy not from the party in power, but from self-nominated candidates. The highly experienced Vladimir Kapkaev will be in charge of budget policy - he will do everything as they say and as it should! The names of the committee leaders don’t tell me much, but they, too, will try not to let down their party and their near-Kremlin bosses - in fact, they elected them to be our deputies... So there are no special surprises, especially pleasant ones - everything was planned and seen long ago before the elections.

2) None normal person Having watched the stories with Marina Radaeva filmed on election day, I think he cannot take her antics in front of the camera calmly. She became a kind of symbol, the personification of rudeness and permissiveness, very common among her colleagues in the party and the so-called “middle class”, who were given “to feed” schools, universities, theaters, medical and other institutions, election commissions and administrations. People like her sincerely consider themselves to be “first-class” people, and us to be trash. People say about such people: “The fucking elite..!”

3) They believe that our population is owed nothing - neither the president, nor the government, nor deputies and commoners... And even more so, the “law enforcement agencies” are not going to explain anything to us. And they will explain, then, I think, that no one will believe them in anything - the entire “score of the cacophony of power” is filled with “pauses of silence”, “false notes” and a long (12 bars) “locomotive whistle” closer to the finale and the sounds of a drain tank in its apotheosis... Limited information, closedness of many positions that fall out of economic assessments, attempts to ban everything that is possible and impossible (the Volga was banned for Saratov residents - how is that!?), pointless lies from the highest officials- Isn’t this a disaster for the country and for us living in it in the 21st century?

Yuri SLUDNIKOV. Republican Club

1) I did not take part in the last elections for one, but significant reason - this is not an election, but a farce. I personally participated in the 2012 elections as a candidate for deputy and was an observer at the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in 2011. And I clearly realized what blatant fraud was, in those elections it discouraged me and the majority of the population from participating in such events. I do not believe in the 55% turnout in these elections, I do not believe in the appointed deputies, I do not believe in the effectiveness of the deputy corps under the “Vertical of Power” system. Even Mrs. Panfilova, a charming lady and good man, won't change anything. She was put there as a wedding general. But I believe in the power of the bureaucratic voting machine and the effective “supervision” of this event by Mr. Volodin, our administrative genius.

It doesn’t matter to me who is elected to the Duma, who holds positions there and what they say.

Among my acquaintances and friends, no one goes to the polls. Another thing is those who work in budgetary organizations, they need to walk, otherwise they will lose their jobs, so I sympathize with them. As Bulat Okudzhava sang, “It pays to be a fool, but you really don’t want to…”, but where can you go? And O’Henry rightly noted that “It’s not what roads we choose, but what inside us makes us choose these roads.”

2) Drawing teachers into the so-called elections is the greatest disgusting thing that the authorities regularly foist on teachers. Teachers and education officials become cynical, arrogant and lose faith in themselves and in the world. And the worst thing is that children see it. What kind of education can we be talking about here? School directors are no longer teachers, but officials in the service of the “Vertical of Power,” and raising smart, educated, and civically-honored children is not one of their top priorities.

Therefore, the boorish antics of Ms. Radaeva and others are nothing special. Well, they will scold the lady, whoever happens to her, maybe she uses these methods to eliminate the stress from the collision of the conscience still living in her with cynical reality. The scandal with Ms. Radaeva is, by and large, not even an event. An event, in modern times, would be the appearance of at least one real director-teacher in Saratov.

3) Even a false terrorist alarm is instructive and revealing. All deficiencies identified during the evacuation, the actions of city services and law enforcement agencies must be analyzed and a plan for eliminating the deficiencies must be drawn up. After this, it is necessary to communicate this plan to all institutions, enterprises and citizens. Russia is waging a difficult fight against terrorism both at home and abroad. This is a real war, albeit of low intensity, where casualties of innocent people are possible.

The authorities must not only provide information, albeit based on false reports, but also once again inform the population about actions in the event of a terrorist attack, our shortcomings in this war, and call for vigilance.

I'm afraid when the real thing will happen terrorist attack or technological disaster in our city, the population, and especially the authorities, will not be able to act adequately.

Renat KAZIEV, member of the Saratov regional headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front

1) I will say this: despite the fact that general outline The composition of the new Duma was clear even before the elections; this convocation will surprise us more than once. Firstly, the opposition is represented as never before; secondly, among the people’s representatives there are journalists and public figures, which, we hope, will not get lost against the background of professional deputies. As for efficiency, it is difficult to make any forecasts here - one can only wish fruitful and honest work to those who will represent the interests of residents of the Saratov region in the new convocation.

2) It should be noted that this is not the first time that the director has demonstrated such behavior at the polling station. I think that first we need to raise the issue of violation of election legislation, and only then about dismissal.

3) Definitely, these messages excited me! As a resident, I didn’t have enough official information, explaining what is happening from top officials of the city and special services.

Alexander NIKITIN, Chairman of the Saratov Human Rights Center "Solidarity"

1) The composition of the Saratov Regional Duma from the point of view of the future effectiveness of parliament can be assessed in different ways. The main thing is to define what is meant by efficiency. If we talk about protecting the interests of high-ranking officials and the financial and industrial oligarchy, then the activity will be effective.

If we talk about creating conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, about developing the scientific and educational potential of the Saratov region, about improving the quality of life of residents of the Saratov region and its attractiveness for residents of other regions, about the legal protection of residents from arbitrariness and tyranny at work and at home residence, then the effectiveness of the chosen council will be close to zero.

The authorities do not hide the fact that they set themselves the task of quickly creating from the Russian people an exemplary consumer, a loyal subject and heartless bureaucrats loyal to the existing corrupt government. It is this task that the new Duma will solve within its powers. But personally, I will not wish her success in this work.

From my point of view, it is necessary to radically change the entire management system of our society, the entire system of organizing economic, cultural and educational activities and life in Russia. The authorities should be elected by the most worthy, accomplished people, master professionals, who through their lives and activities have proven the ability to work and live honestly and with dignity, and therefore have the right to elect the most worthy of the worthy to the authorities.

And when power is elected by cowardly residents who have not yet learned the wisdom of life, who have not established themselves as heads of families and professionals, who are the overwhelming majority among voters, then those who end up in power are not magnanimous rulers, not wonderful professionals, but crooks and hypocrites. We all know what such power is. But it would be nice for everyone to think about the problem of how to change our system of forming power in order to revive zemstvo autocratic self-government, that is, when the best part of the people has power from top to bottom and governs itself. And remember the experience of the Russian Vedic COP.

2) I sympathize with media representatives and am on their side, but I do not support radical demands. The school director M. Radaeva behaved extravagantly, but, as it seems to me, there was nothing in her action that could be regarded as a real basis for dismissal. But it would be nice to shame her with the whole society. Although, from my point of view, this has already happened.

3) No, I didn’t pay attention to this information. And since there was no real danger to the population, it is completely unnecessary to demand clarification from the authorities.

Saratov Regional Duma- legislative (representative) unicameral body of state power of the Saratov region, is a permanently operating highest and only legislative body of the region.

First convocation (1994-1997)

In October 1993, the Saratov Regional Council of People's Deputies was dissolved by the head of the regional administration, Yu. V. Belykh, under the pretext of a lack of quorum at meetings. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation ordered elections to the representative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to be held in the period from December 1993 to March 1994 on the basis of provisions approved by the executive authorities of the regions. However, in the Saratov region these deadlines were not met: the “Regulations on elections to the Saratov Regional Duma” were approved only on March 9, 1994, the elections took place on May 29, 1994.

The Saratov region became one of the few regions of Russia in which elections were held using a mixed majoritarian-proportional system (before the introduction of a mandatory standard in 2003). Of the 35 deputies, 25 were elected in single-mandate constituencies, 10 - according to a proportional system with a passage barrier of 5%.

To register a candidate in one of the districts, it was necessary to collect signatures of at least 3% of the number of voters in the district. A total of 134 candidates took part in the elections, three more withdrew their candidacies by personal application.

To participate in elections under the proportional system, an electoral association had to submit at least 20 thousand signatures, of which no more than 2.5 thousand could be collected in one district/city. Of the 16 associations registered by the regional election commission, only 9 submitted signatures on time.

The main opposition force was the bloc “For democracy!”, which united the regional committees of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Republican Communist Party of the Russian Federation, regional organizations of the Union of Women of Russia and Veterans of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies, as well as the Union of Producers of the City of Saratov and the Saratov Region. This bloc was predicted to win, since in addition to the traditional electorate of the parties and associations that were part of it, many supporters of the LDPR could vote for this list, whose list was in the lead in the 1993 federal elections, and also took first place in the Saratov region with 26.63% of the votes (in At that time there was no LDPR organization in the region).

on social policy and relations with public organizations (chairman - V. M. Bobrova)

on science, culture, education and work with youth (chairman - V.V. Malyotin)

on health protection and ecology (chairman - V. M. Pavlov).

The apparatus of the regional Duma was formed (six departments and an accounting department), and on July 1, 1994, personal reception of citizens began.

In September 1994, the draft Charter (Basic Law) of the Saratov Region was submitted for public discussion. Taking into account amendments received from citizens, the President of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the regional prosecutor's office, the Charter was adopted with 32 votes in favor on December 15, 1994. However, the head of the administration of the Saratov region, Yu. V. Belykh, opposed the adoption of the Charter in such a wording , and the Charter was eventually put into effect in April 1995.

In 1994, the regional Duma began work on bills on local self-government. In April 1995, the Laws “On Local Self-Government in the Saratov Region” and “On Elections to Local Government Bodies of the Saratov Region” were adopted, and the elections were initially scheduled for September 17, 1995, but were postponed several times (due to inconsistency of regional laws appeared decrees of the President of Russia, due to lack of funding) and were canceled by the heads of the regional administration, and ultimately took place only in December 1996.

Work on the regional budget was difficult. For example, the budget for 1995 was adopted only on June 21, 1995. The regional Accounts Chamber was formed.

The term of office of the Regional Duma expired in May 1996. However, on September 5, 1995, the President of Russia issued a decree “On elections to state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and to local self-government bodies,” which recommended postponing elections to the representative (legislative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on June 1997 (so that they would not be combined with the presidential elections in 1996), and on March 2, 1996, a Decree was issued “On the procedure for postponing elections to the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” according to which the legislative bodies independently determined the date of re-elections in accordance with the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation. The Saratov Regional Duma took advantage of this opportunity and extended its term of office for a year. A group of voters (consisting of three people, two of whom soon withdrew their claims) tried to protest this decision in the regional court, but the latter, on August 6, 1996, did not find any violations of the law in the actions of the Duma.

By 1996, more than half of the regional deputies simultaneously worked in the structures of the executive branch, retaining their parliamentary powers, and such “employment” continued even after a direct ban imposed by federal legislation, which caused complaints from Saratov politicians and even the regional prosecutor’s office, which filed a protest to the Duma for such a combination (but soon withdrew it).

As a result of the elections, 39 out of 41 deputy mandates went to representatives of the United Russia party, one each to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia.

Statements by public organizations about massive fraud during elections

Association "Voice" and Saratov regional public organization The “Saratov Association of Voters”, in a joint statement made during a press conference on October 16, 2012, stated that these elections cannot be called legal, fair and allow determining the true will of citizens.

Since the opening of polling stations, numerous cases of repeated organized transportation of citizens (“carousels”) for voting using buses, gazelles and passenger cars. Numerous cases of ballot stuffing were also recorded, in particular at polling stations No. 30, 33, 34, 255, 1687 and others.

More than 10 commission members from SDI with advisory voting rights were illegally removed from the polling stations on far-fetched grounds, 2 commission members with a casting vote. Journalists and observers were repeatedly removed from polling stations, and their right to observe the voting process and take photographs and videos was limited. At many polling stations during voting day and during the counting of votes there were unauthorized persons whose presence there was prohibited by law.

Deputies of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fifth convocation unanimously supported the candidacy of Vladimir Kapkaev for the post of Chairman of the Duma. Let us recall that Vladimir Kapkaev held the position of chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma and last stage of the previous fourth convocation of the regional legislative body and performed his duties until the announcement of the agenda of the first meeting of the new convocation.

Elected Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma - Chairman of the State Building Committee - Alexander Sundeev; elected Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma - Chairman of the Committee on Local Self-Government - Tatyana Erokhina; Chairman of the Housing and Communal Services Committee - Leonid Pisnoy; Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes - Nikolay Semenets; Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Property and Land Relations - Alexey Mazepov; Chairman of the Committee on Local Self-Government - Victor Volodin; Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports - Vladimir Pisaryuk; Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Issues - Nikolay Kuznetsov; Chairman of the Committee on Culture, Public Relations and Information Analysis - Natalya Lindigrin; Chairman of the Committee on Regulations and Organization of Work - Vasily Sinichkin.

Elected member of the Federation Council from the Saratov Regional Duma Mikhail Isaev, who was previously a deputy State Duma. Previously regional Legislature represented in the Federation Council Valentin Zavadnikov.

Biography of the Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fifth convocationVladimirVasilievich Kapkaeva:

Higher education: in 1976 he graduated from the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute named after. S.P. Korolev, majoring in “Aircraft Engines” with the qualification “Mechanical Engineer” and in 1993 – Povolzhsky personnel center in Saratov, majoring in “Economics and Management: Management” with the qualification “Manager”.

He began his career in 1969 at the Kuibyshev Motor Plant as a mechanic.

From 1970 to 1972 he served in the Soviet Army.

After serving in the army, he worked as a motor mechanic and shift test engineer in 1972. aircraft engines Kuibyshev Motor Plant.

From 1976 to 1979 he worked as the head of a foundry and as a design engineer at the Pugachevptitsemash plant in Pugachev, Saratov region.

In 1979, he went to work at the Pugachevsky City Committee of the CPSU, where he worked until 1983 as an instructor, then head of the industrial and transport department.

From 1983 to 1987 Kapkaev V.V. - Director of the Pugachevptitsemash plant.

In 1987, he was appointed director of the Pugachevsky Bakery Plant, where he worked until 1988.

From July 1988 to May 1992 - Deputy Chairman of the Pugachev City Executive Committee.

In May 1992, he was appointed director of the Pugachevsky Flour Mill No. 4 and worked in this position until July 1994.

From July 1994 to October 2002 he worked general director OJSC "Pugachevsky Flour Mill"

From December 1996 to September 1997, he was a deputy of the representative body of the united municipality Pugachevsky district.

In August 1997, Kapkaev V.V. was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation, and in September 2002 - of the third convocation. Since October 2002, he has worked in the Regional Duma on a professional, permanent basis. Since April 2005 - Chairman of the Committee on Fiscal Policy and Taxes.

In December 2007, he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation and worked in the Duma on a permanent basis. professional basis as Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes until November 2010. In December 2010, he was appointed to the position of deputy manager of the State Department Pension Fund Russian Federation for the Saratov region, at the same time remained chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes without interruption from his main activities. In April 2011, he was appointed to the position of manager of the State Institution - branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Saratov Region and relieved of the post of Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes. In May 2011, he was elected deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes without interrupting his main activities. Chairman of the Duma Council, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, Member of the Committee on Social Policy, Member of the Committee on Agrarian Issues, Head of the UNITED RUSSIA faction

On September 5, 2012, at the 65th extraordinary meeting of the regional Duma, he was elected chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation.

It has honorary title"Honored Worker of the Food Industry of the Russian Federation" Certificate of honor Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, honorary badge of the Governor of the Saratov region “For love of the native land.”

Married. Has two children.

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