Seeds to see in a dream what they dream of. Why do black sunflower seeds dream: future predictions

Many people believe that dreams are a reflection real life. And the interpreted meaning of dreams can help them prepare for various life situations or suggest a way to solve problems. The use of seeds in reality is a useless thing that helps to destroy freed time. And what are the seeds for?

The use of seeds in reality is a useless thing that helps to destroy freed time

The general interpretation of the seeds seen in a dream is a portent of imminent profit, joyful events, conversations and other positive life moments.

Of the general plots, the following are most often found in a dream:

  1. Looking at sunflower seeds is a pleasant pastime that will not bring any benefit.
  2. Seeing a sunflower completely filled with kernels is a pleasant change in personal life, an early meeting of mutual love.
  3. If the seeds were dreamed of by young people - to the meeting of their soulmate, marriage.
  4. Sunflower kernels in any manifestation, dreamed of by a sick person - to a speedy recovery.

If you dream of a huge number of seeds - to profitable business and recognition.

Why do seeds dream (video)

Why dream of sunflower seeds, pumpkin

Pumpkin seeds, on which a glance fell in a dream, promise the imminent birth of a baby in the family. If a woman who is already married peels white pumpkin seeds, she may soon become pregnant. And if a man does this - to the appearance of heirs. If in a dream pumpkin seeds are cleaned to treat children - to improve health.

Pumpkin seeds, on which a glance fell in a dream, promise the imminent birth of a baby in the family

If one of the relatives is sick, and in a dream the seeds are thoroughly cleansed of the films, while a healthy core is visible, repeated tests should be taken, since the diagnosis may turn out to be false. If the nucleolus is rotten, treatment should be started as soon as possible and the disease eliminated.

Dreams about seeds are also interpreted in many dream books:

  • Miller's dream book states: kernels with sprouts symbolize success in endeavors;
  • according to Vanga: planting seeds - to prosperity in the house;
  • according to Freud: dreams with seeds that came to a man mean that he is a worthy lover, and for a woman - happiness with a lover;
  • By esoteric dream book: if you dream of feathered, pecking seeds, the dreamer will have to spend or lose quickly.

Gnawing seeds in a dream

There are various interpretations of the use of such a product in a dream.

  1. Lusting sunflower kernels in a dream means that soon in real life the dreamer will have a pleasant pastime. Perhaps it will be an ordinary fun holiday, as well as a holiday.
  2. The use of pumpkin seeds promises the birth of something new. Moreover, such a formulation of the interpretation concerns not only the birth of children, but also various ideas, thoughts, projects, feelings.
  3. Gnawing empty or spoiled seeds in a dream is a warning that some of the dreamer's ideas are a waste of time that must be abandoned.
  4. The black kernels of a sunflower dream so that the dreamer thinks about his family relationships. Basically, such dreams indicate possible mistakes in raising children. Clicking black seeds in a dream - to a quick and painless solution to all problems with households.

There are various interpretations of the use of such a product in a dream.

If a dream in which a person gnaws seeds has a tense atmosphere, this can symbolize emotional overstrain, so most dream books recommend that the dreamer relax, rest, and check his own health.

Click roasted seeds in a dream

If you dream of seeds, you should pay attention to whether they are raw or fried. This is due to the fact that roasted seeds are endowed with a special meaning.

  1. Fried seeds dream of people who, in real life, have successfully completed business.
  2. If a person is treated to fried sunflower kernels, this means that his close people will help the dreamer achieve his goal.
  3. If the dreamer takes out large seeds from his pocket, he should be silent about his plans for the future or about the profits made. You should hide such information only from strangers.
  4. If the fried seeds are slightly burnt, the dreamer needs to finish the work he has begun as soon as possible, since then competitors may interfere with this.
  5. To fry seeds in a dream - to receive the desired valuable gift.

The clicking of seeds in a dream under a pleasant conversation - to soon interesting news

The clicking of seeds in a dream under a pleasant conversation - to soon interesting news that can benefit the dreamer. If the conversation was unpleasant - gossip about the dreamer

Buy seeds in a dream: interpretation

Why dream of buying seeds?

Usually dreams with such a plot have a favorable interpretation for the dreamer, for example:

  • buying seeds in a dream - for a pleasant stay, getaway or for memorable holidays or weekends;
  • just look at black seeds before buying - to the right decision to help your child;
  • buy a large number of seeds - to the profitable acquisition of a useful thing, and sale - to make a profit.

However, there is also a caveat. Buying seeds can symbolize the dreamer's subconscious need for good rest. Moreover, rest should be idle, so that a person has a maximum rest from stress, emotional and physical stress.

Seeing in a dream a husk from seeds

There is also an interpretation of the usual sunflower husk. Basically, such a symbol is negative.

  1. The dreamed husk from the seeds promises the dreamer's imminent immersion in past life. Most likely, a person in real life will meet an old acquaintance or experience forgotten feelings. Most dream books recommend not diving into the forgotten past, carefully assessing the events taking place.
  2. If you dream of a husk under your feet, this is a sign of the need to solve old problems or discover new details about old completed cases, long-forgotten love, friends.
  3. Some dream books compare sunflower husks with betrayal, deceit, and broken promises.

There is also an interpretation of the usual sunflower husk

What does it mean to collect or sow seeds in a dream?

Dreams with a plot, where the dreamer collects sunflower seeds in the field, also have positive symbolism.

  1. Collecting seeds in a dream symbolizes caring for loved ones. It is she who will be needed by the dreamer's relatives and friends in reality during this period.
  2. Counting seeds on a flower is a symbol of practicality and frugality. Dream Interpretations recommend that a person retain all these qualities, but not be very tight-fisted.
  3. Sowing seeds - to quick reasonable investments, which in the end will bring big profits.
  4. The distribution of sunflower seeds to other people after they have been collected indicates that it is necessary to show honesty and kindness to others.
  5. Breaking off a sunflower hat symbolizes that the dreamer needs to take only one step before fulfilling his dream or achieving his goal. And a sunflower hat cut with ease - to easy profits, obtained without effort.

Plots in which the collected seeds are thrown to birds are endowed with negative symbolism. Almost every dream book claims that this is an unforeseen and waste of financial expenses.

Why do seeds dream (video)

Basically, seeds dream of a pleasant pastime, favorable life moments, improvement of family and financial situation. However, there are also negative meanings such plots, therefore, in order to obtain a reliable interpretation, the dreamer needs to memorize the details of his dreams as carefully as possible.

Attention, only TODAY!

Seeds seen in a dream do not at all promise an empty pastime. Often they appear in a pleasant, light, insignificant dream, but sometimes they become harbingers of serious events in life. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to the details of the dream and appearance seeds seen in it.

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    Why do people dream of seeds?

    According to popular belief, the actions that they often perform in real life often penetrate into people's dreams. That is why there is nothing strange if a person who constantly gnaws seeds has a dream in which he is doing his favorite thing. In this case, it makes no sense to interpret such a dream, since it is only a reflection of reality.

    It is a completely different matter when this process appears in dreams in people who do not devote much time to waking seeds, and such a dream deserves an explanation. When interpreting dreams associated with seeds, you should pay attention to the following details:

    • What seeds were in a dream (sunflower, pumpkin or other);
    • What was their color;
    • What size were the seeds;
    • What was the degree of their readiness for eating (fried or raw);
    • What actions were taken with them.

    Key Interpretations

    One of the main details of the dream in which the seeds appeared is their appearance. Seeing sunflower seeds in a dream is considered less favorable than pumpkin seeds. Due to the fact that sunflower seeds are smaller, the dream associated with them does not promise any important events, he says that on this moment time in life, small, insignificant, but not the most pleasant things will happen. At the same time, their number will upset the person who sees the dream, will irritate and unnerve him.

    Such a dream portends that in reality things will literally fall on the person who sees him, and the more sunflower seeds there are in a dream, the greater the risk of trouble associated with numerous issues. For example, uninvited guests will come to a person, he will remember a large number of unpaid fines, all food supplies will suddenly run out at home, and there will be no food in the nearest stores. the right goods, and all this will definitely happen at the same time.

    According to Miller's dream book, young people dream of seeds ambitious people, those who are full of hope for a bright future, as well as those who are young at heart.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Pumpkin seeds

    Pumpkin seeds appearing in a dream mean pleasant surprises in real life. These events will not be global in nature, such a dream will not become a harbinger of a marriage proposal or the purchase of an apartment, but a person can count on a small win in the lottery.

    This shows some similarity in dreams associated with pumpkin and sunflower seeds, they always symbolize some minor event, whether pleasant (as in the case of pumpkin seeds) or not (sunflower). An exception is the case if a young woman dreamed of pumpkin seeds: they often promise pregnancy.


    Seeing watermelon seeds in a dream - to the emergence of a successful thought or idea that can brilliantly come to life. He who sees such a dream will easily find a way out of a difficult situation, solve a difficult life task. It is important to pay attention to who is having this dream.

    For a schoolboy or student, he guarantees the successful writing of any control work passing the exam with excellent marks. A man guarantees success, first of all, in business, in business matters. If a person is faced with a difficult choice in reality, then a dream associated with watermelon seeds symbolizes that whatever decision he makes, it will turn out to be correct.

    unknown seeds

    Unknown seeds (of any other plants, berries, etc.) seen in a dream portend surprise associated with changes in relations with people. What character these changes will be, the dream does not say.

    The dream warns that it is worth preparing for the fact that soon someone surrounded by a person will show himself from a previously unknown side. Perhaps this side will be a reason to stop communicating with him.

    seed color

    A very important detail is the color of the seeds seen in a dream. This characteristic is closely related to the symbolism of the seed species.

    Seeing seeds in a dream, you should first try to pay attention to whether they are peeled (that is, natural color) or not.


    The black color of dreamed sunflower seeds enhances their negative interpretation. The petty things that such a dream promises will in reality cause a person negative emotions. In this case, the dream should be considered as a warning, a reminder that it is time to solve existing problems, otherwise there is a high risk that they will collapse like a snowball.

    Dull black seeds with a whitish coating promise health problems. The exception is the shiny black seeds seen in a dream, which can even be called shiny. Such a rich black color symbolizes unexpected good luck that will come to a person when he does not expect it at all. Also, such a dream promises the support of friends who are ready to help if necessary.


    The white color of sunflower seeds partly neutralizes their negative symbolism. A dream associated with them portends a person to troubles that will unnerve him, but no more, he will cope with all problems with a minimum of effort, it is important now not to waste time.

    White watermelon or melon seeds in a dream predict a series of pleasant events. It will seem to a person that a bright streak of his life has begun. Plans are being successfully implemented, some desires will begin to come true. Having seen such a dream, it is worth considering the realization of an old dream, fate is now favorably disposed.


    The unusual color of the seeds, unusual for them in reality, suggests that a person devotes too much time and effort to empty dreams. This idleness prevents him from carrying out his plan, and he misses some chance that may no longer turn up.

    No matter how beautiful the dreamed blue, pink, red seeds may seem, such a dream strongly advises a person to descend from heaven to earth. It's time to take a closer look at the world and people.


    Peeled seeds of a natural color, seen in a dream, promise some kind of news in reality, often such a dream promises to reveal the true essence of what is happening, some kind of secret. In reality, a person learns what they are trying to hide from him, while he does not even need to take any action: the secret will be revealed by itself, and the person himself will still be surprised how he did not solve the riddle before.

    Having seen such a dream, there is no need to wait for unpleasant surprises and revelations, it is likely that everything in a person’s life will simply fall into place, and he himself will find answers to his questions. Perhaps someone close will ask for forgiveness for deceit or fraud behind the dreamer's back.


    If the color is actually directly related to the type of dreamed seeds, then such a detail as size becomes more important (provided that the person paid attention to it in his dream). When it is first of all evident that the seeds are large, such a dream symbolizes wealth, material profit in reality. The more such seeds and the larger they are, the more serious the wealth that awaits a person in reality. In addition, to see large pumpkin seeds in a dream - to prosperity in the family, to the well-being of all its members.

    Small seeds dream of a waste of time, fuss, insignificant matters. Do not expect major events in the near future. The main thing is not to get bogged down in the daily routine. Such a dream reminds a person that sometimes adventures and surprises need to be arranged with your own hands, and not wait for them from fate.

    Seeds of different sizes (large ones mixed with small ones) have a completely different meaning, and the symbolism here is quite obvious: they remind you of the need to pay more attention to children or other relatives younger age.

    Fried or raw

    Since seeds in real life are a delicacy loved by many, you should pay attention to what they were like in a dream in terms of their readiness for eating. The dreamed fried seeds are a symbol of the fact that a person is internally ready to carry out his plan, to make a choice, even if he himself has the impression that this is not so. Such a dream assures the one who sees him that the very moment that he has been waiting for so long has come, and now the most important thing is not to miss it. It is especially indicative if a person in a dream himself roasted the seeds until cooked: this means that he has the right to be proud of his success as a result, it is thanks to him that his plan will succeed.

    Seeing raw seeds in a dream - to excessive impatience. A person is in too much of a hurry to implement his plans, forgetting that haste can only do harm. If you dream of seeds that are unsuitable for food, then the business that has received much attention will not burn out, you should abandon your idea and switch to something else.

    What happened to the seeds in a dream?

    The most common action that occurs with seeds in a dream is the process of eating them. Clicking seeds - to empty talk, gossip in reality. Such conversations will not be useful, they cannot be called a discussion of important matters, but such a dream does not promise any trouble either. Another thing is if a person quite often sees a dream in which he clicks seeds. In this case, it should be considered a sign warning that in reality too much time is spent on talking and little on business.


    To fry seeds in a dream symbolizes putting all your strength into any interesting project in reality. Such a dream suggests that the efforts will not go unnoticed, it promises the success of the business.

    But overcooking, burning seeds in the process of cooking in a dream means excessive haste in achieving a result, which will fundamentally harm everything that was done earlier. Consider every step in the implementation of the undertakings.


    Plant seeds - good symbol. It promises the emergence of new ideas, interesting thoughts. A person who has seen such a dream is doing the right thing, doing the right thing, going the right way. life path.

    Such a dream plays a special role for people who have started a business (going to university, getting a job, taking up a new hobby). For them, it is a sign that the choice was made absolutely right.


    If a person dreams that in a dream he shares seeds with someone, a pleasant conversation awaits him in reality. Most often, such a dream symbolizes the friendly support that they are ready to provide to those who see it in reality.

    A dream tells a person that he is not alone, but in reality there are people on whom he can always rely. But if in the process of sharing the seeds wake up, promises to help and support will turn out to be empty, and in a close circle there is a so-called false friend who should be looked at more closely.


    Unpacking seeds or seeing them in a package in a dream is a purchase, a successful purchase. Such a dream will not become a harbinger of a new acquaintance - it must be considered on a material plane.

    But if in a dream a person tries unsuccessfully to open a bag of seeds or, which is really bad, scatters them during the unpacking process, in real life the purchase will be unsuccessful and will only bring problems.

    Seeing seeds scattered on the floor in a dream is an unkind sign. He portends tears, resentment and grief. The more scattered seeds a person sees in a dream, the more degree grief that will happen in reality. In certain cases, such a dream promises large material losses and losses, and then it should be taken as a warning.

    Feed the birds

    The same unfavorable sign regarding health is to see in a dream how birds peck at seeds or grains. Such a dream symbolizes that a person sacrifices a lot for the benefit of others, forgetting about himself, which is often fraught with health problems. At the same time, a good symbol is if a person chases away birds in a dream. In reality, he realizes the need to take care of himself.

    An extremely auspicious sign is to see a sunflower full of seeds in a dream. This dream promises a person a profit, a win or an inheritance. How prettier flower and seeds, the more profit you should expect. If the sunflower dries up, looks wilted, and there are no seeds in it, in reality it is worth preparing for troubles in the material sphere, the possibility of deception is not ruled out, that they want to force a person to act in a way that would be unprofitable for him.


    Another exception, in which seeds in a dream are interpreted in relation to the sphere of emotions and interpersonal relationships, is the appearance in a dream of scattered husks from seeds. If its appearance is easily explained (it is formed when a person gnaws seeds), then the husk does not bring a special symbolic load into the dream. But to see in a dream one husk without seeds - to a missed chance, a waste of time, but not harmless, but promising a person big troubles. This is a big delay in paying off the loan, and an unacceptable lateness to work, threatening with dismissal. IN separate case such a dream indicates that a person has an advanced disease, so it will not be superfluous to pay attention to your health when you see the husk from seeds in a dream.


    Despite the fact that many people are not serious about seeds, and those who like to click them are considered time wasters, do not forget that it is from them that plants grow, thanks to them everything around grows and blooms. Appearing in dreams, seeds can give a person very important sign, to draw his attention to the key issues of life, to explain many of the ongoing events.

Seed in a dream- Such a pregnant girl predicts a protracted birth, but, in the end, everything will be fine. Therefore, there is no reason to worry.
Seeing a sunflower seed in a dream- to the upcoming changes in your life for the better for you. a dream may indicate that a generous and valuable gift awaits you, which will bring you a lot of joy.
Seeing a germinated seed in a dream- quite auspicious sign that warns of family conflicts, which will be resolved quite safely and will bring relatives even closer.
To see selected seeds in a dream- Your activity will undoubtedly give good results.
Seeing a pumpkin seed in a dream- in your life have come not quite auspicious times. You are completely weakened, but you need to wait quite a bit, endure, and your affairs will undoubtedly go the way you need. such a dream may warn you of the imminent break in relations with your loved one. a dream can promise you long way.
Seeing very large, selected seeds indicates that all your good intentions will give a good result. For a business person, such a dream means that he will soon receive a very profitable offer.
See a sunflower with a lot of seeds- In the future, prosperity and prosperity await you. IN real world luck and luck will accompany you for a long time, and even minor problems will not spoil your life.
Gnawing seeds- there is a possibility of losing something due to litigation. the dream warns you that you have completely forgotten about own health, pay attention to this, so that later it would not be completely bad.
To gnaw on a seed and, moreover, to see the husk from it- you will have a desire to give a damn about everything and quit everything. Just do not rush to conclusions in order to avoid bad consequences. Well think it over.
If you dreamed of a seed in a dream, then such a dream most likely portends you well-being in your family.
If you dreamed of seeds in a dream, then expect a change for the better, peace and harmony await you. The main thing is to take everything under your own control.
If you dreamed of seeds in a dream, then such a dream portends well-being to you.
If you happened to see how you buy seeds for yourself, then this also indicates a good course of your affairs.
If you dreamed of a large number of seeds- expect that soon a child will appear in your family or in the family of one of your friends or relatives.
If in a dream you sow seeds, then in the near future your friends will be forced to turn to you for useful advice. Also, pay more attention to raising your children.
If in a dream you saw how you collect seeds with your own hands, then you will have trouble with your children.
If you saw seeds during sleep, then basically this means that things will move forward successfully. IN family affairs harmony and tranquility await you.
If the seeds were spoiled or rotten in a dream, it is worth reconsidering the course of your financial affairs, somewhere there are extra expenses.
There are seeds in a dream- to the difficulties associated with raising children. For a time you may feel like you're lost with them mutual language.
A woman to see such a dream indicates that she will have many children.
Pecking bird seeds for a sick person portends a deterioration in his condition.
However, do not worry, as soon things will get better, especially at work. such a dream may indicate an imminent break love relationship.
However, things will get better after a while. Be patient and attentive to children, try not to be too strict and demanding.
Selected and large seeds- good intentions can produce great results. business person such a dream promises a profitable offer.
I dreamed of spoiled seeds- review your financial affairs.
Sunflower seeds in a dream- for change, pumpkin seeds - difficult times await you, a break in business relations is possible.
The seeds dreamed in a dream symbolize the younger generation in general and your children in particular. Such a dream suggests that you worry a lot about the actions and behavior of your children, wishing them success in the future, you do not pay attention to their current needs. Try to reconsider your attitude towards children, take such care of them that they truly need. Then your relationship with children will improve significantly.
A dream may also indicate that you need to pay more attention to yourself, because for some reason you completely forgot about your health.
The dream in which you are cleaning the seeds warns you that minor problems will soon arise on your way, but do not worry about this, as they will be solved by themselves.
To dream of a sunflower with a lot of seeds- this is a very good harbinger of future prosperity and prosperity. In real life, you will be on the crest of luck for a long time, and no minor troubles will ruin your life.
See pumpkin seeds in a dream- a sign that almost all the energy and all the forces left you, since you had to go through a very Hard times.
Seeing yourself in a dream ripening seeds indicates that your loved ones need your support. More attention should be paid to the upbringing of children.
Click, gnaw seeds in a dream- you are on the verge of great achievements. Perhaps you are waiting for something trial, as a result of which something will have to be lost.

Want to always get enough sleep and see good dreams? Meet folk wisdom relating to dreams and passed down from generation to generation.

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a joint dream. One dream for two is highest level lucid dream, which, however, can be achieved by each person by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Shared dream - special kind interpersonal communication in a reality created in a dream.

Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books ever. How did a representative of the scientific world manage to achieve such accuracy in interpreting the world, which is practically not amenable to scientific understanding?

Why dream Seeds

Seeds in a modern dream book

Seeds, like any other seeds, symbolize prosperity, well-being and the possibility of growth. And like a lot of small items, it can be a sign that you are haunted by vanity, absent-mindedness and waste. It is important to be able to consider in a dream the details regarding your use of seeds. Selected, large seeds dream of what awaits you positive results in all ongoing projects. These will be stunning ups and downs with new opportunities and perspectives. Seeds germinated in a dream can denote conflicts that have been brewing for a long time, which, finally, can flare up. For a woman to see seeds in a dream - in reality she will not avoid trouble with children. If a woman is unmarried, it means that soon she will have a marriage and an early pregnancy. To treat someone with seeds in a dream is to sow enmity between your colleagues and colleagues.

Seeds in Miller's dream book

The husks from the seeds that you gnawed in a dream symbolize proceedings with the law not in your favor. You have to carefully prove your innocence, but no one will hear you. Sluggish and moldy seeds - to bad changes in health. You have abandoned it so much that it will take years or even decades to restore it. To count seeds on a sunflower hat in a dream - you boldly control every event in your destiny, you know the price of everything that happens to you and you can only do as you see fit for a long time. To see how the seeds germinate in a dream - a pleasant trip awaits you in all respects, and when you return home, you will find many surprises and gifts.

Seeds in Vanga's dream book

To see pigeons pecking seeds in a dream - to losses and lost opportunities in many areas of life. To sow seeds in the field - to receive an unexpected inheritance and become prudent in your expenses. Collect seeds one at a time - to the addition to the family, the successful upbringing of children or childbirth.

Seeds in Freud's dream book

A man who sows seeds in a dream is very good, like a lover in real life. He is prolific and has, as a rule, many sexual relations on the side. A woman who buys seeds in a dream will soon spend pleasant moments of intimate revelations with her lover, enjoy his company to her heart's content and fulfill one of her most secret desires.

Sleep is a natural protest against totalitarianism.

If you look, in reality, any seeds are nothing more than a symbol of procreation. But in dreams, the interpretation may not be so unambiguous.

Pumpkin or watermelon seeds, hidden inside juicy fruits or inside a sunflower, seeds can portend various events.

It is one thing to admire a sunflower field while dreaming, and quite another to sweep the husk. Any nuance seen during sleep is a link for accurate decoding.

Dreamed of seeds in a dream what does it mean

The dreamed fruits of a sunflower, just like other seeds, can be both a bad and a good sign. In reality, in order to enjoy the taste of the grain, it is cleaned with hands, and only then sent to the mouth.

In some dream books, the interpretation is directly related to this. At the subconscious level, they are identified with petty troubles, gossip and even tears that you have to wipe with your hands.

Dreaming seeds can also mean the presence of opportunities.:

  • plant them in the ground - to the top creative way and achievement of the goal;
  • click and scatter the peel at the same time - to a waste of time and effort;
  • a large number of seeds - to success and financial well-being, or to the fact that the dreamer does not fully realize his own capabilities;
  • collecting them from the floor - to missed opportunities.

Why dream of pumpkin and pumpkin seeds

Associatively, the pumpkin is identified with the fairy tale about Cinderella or with Halloween. Such a dream is generally a good sign.

  • In general, a pumpkin dreams of positive changes and new opportunities, it especially works if a woman dreams of a pumpkin.
  • At the same time, a pumpkin can also mean fears hidden at the subconscious level.
  • Pumpkin seeds in a dream are an auspicious sign. The dreamer expects a change for the better.
  • If pumpkin seeds dream of a woman dreaming of a child, then soon she will be able to get pregnant.
  • Maybe dream of a pumpkin and men. An unripe fetus in a dream of an unmarried man means the girl's refusal to have a relationship.
  • But to harvest a ripe pumpkin - good sign promising profit and prosperity.

Why dream of sunflower seeds

  • sunflower seeds, according to various dream books, promise lucrative offers, as well as the favor of high-ranking officials.
  • To receive them from someone - to the appearance in reality of a good chance that should not be missed.
  • For those who dream of career growth dreaming means getting a promising job. At the same time, no one cancels the need to work. strength in the chosen cause.
  • Rotten and wormy seeds mean that the dreamer has chosen the wrong path to achieve goals and the likelihood of loss.
  • For sunflower seeds, the black color is the norm; such a dream has a positive interpretation.
  • For sick people, it will be a sign of a speedy recovery.
  • Sunflower seeds dreamed of by a woman can become waking news of replenishment in the family.
  • For a girl, black sunflower seeds will be news of imminent changes and prospects. successful marriage. The appearance of heirs is also not far off.
  • A sunflower with seeds is a good sign. In reality, the affairs of a dreamer who saw himself in a dream in the middle of a field of sunflowers on a sunny day will be successful.

Why click and gnaw seeds in a dream

  • A dream in which you dreamed of chewing seeds can be interpreted in different ways. Some argue that people try to bite their nails or a pen in reality in order to calm down, and consider a dream to be a sign of the dreamer's stress.
  • According to Miller's dream book, clicking them in a dream is a good sign. Such dreams are dreamed, according to him, by those who are young at heart, despite their age.
  • In addition, such a dream can mean solving problems related to the younger generation, it is possible to establish trusting relationships with teenagers.
  • Vanga claims that the details of the dream are important. So it is the piece-by-piece sending of grains into the mouth that is a harbinger of an early replenishment.
  • Freud's explanations are related to sex life enjoyment and self-confidence.

If you dream of fried seeds, what is it for

  • Fried can mean receiving "hot news", including gossip.
  • Burnt seeds are a harbinger that the news will be sad or scandalous.
  • Treat someone with fried pumpkin or sunflower seeds in a dream - in reality, wait for support and support from specific person. It's just that you won't be able to get it in reality.

Why dream of seed husks

The husk seen in a dream can mean the inability to get rid of unnecessary negativity.

The dreamer is warned that empty experiences are possible in reality, because of which it is not at all necessary to raise a panic.

Perhaps the dreamer is in a state of despair, but deliverance is not far off, you just need to get rid of everything superfluous in reality, while the warning applies not only to mental, but also to material garbage, obsolete things.

Also, the husk can mean gossip and empty talk.

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