Why do you dream about your mother’s death according to various dream books? Why do you dream about dead children?

Choking in water is not a dream for the faint of heart. The interpretation of a dream with a drowned child largely depends on the details of the dream and the outcome of the plot, but the general message of the vision is that the dreamer or his loved ones are in serious danger. A dream in which one’s own child is drowning carries a particularly negative message.

What to expect in reality?

Rescue of a drowning man

Saving a drowning child in a dream is a favorable sign that speaks of overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Such a dream also suggests that the dreamer is ready to take responsibility for someone’s life or that he is able to take care of someone or look after someone. In this case, saving the child foreshadows the appearance pet or temporary custody of someone else's child.

Another interpretation of the dream is the improvement of the dreamer’s financial situation. Saving a child in a dream is inextricably linked with improving material and social status dreamer If the child was saved not by the sleeping person personally, but by another person, this indicates outside help from a third party in solving problems.

Seeing a child washed ashore, portends imminent changes in life, including the appearance of a certain person who will play important role in upcoming events.

An important fact for interpreting the vision is the quality of water. Save a child from the pure, clear water marks liberation from any oppression, gaining independence and self-confidence. Pulling a child out of muddy, dirty water means that the dreamer is on the verge of depression, is moping and needs a change of scenery.

Saving a child from yellow, unpleasant-smelling water means that the dreamer managed to avoid deception and intrigue set up by insidious ill-wishers. Also a similar dream speaks of a disease threatening a person, that he neglects his health and risks acquiring some kind of pathology.

If a woman saves a drowning child, this indicates her imminent pregnancy or marriage. For a young girl, such a dream predicts meeting a potential groom.

Seeing a drowning child swim ashore on his own promises the dreamer and his loved ones strong and longevity.

Many children: what does it mean?

Seeing in a dream many children drowning in water, g indicates that a person has complexes and severely low self-esteem. Because of this, he experiences considerable problems in communicating with others, especially when it comes to communicating with the opposite sex.

In addition, seeing drowning children portends a large number of minor problems, everyday troubles, the solution of which will take a long time. For people who already have children, the vision indicates their improper upbringing, too much parental care.

Seeing little girls drowning indicates that the dreamer needs moral support and approval from the people around him. For women, such a dream is a reflection of their childhood impressions and hidden fear of water.

Seeing boys drown indicates financial losses, property damage, material disputes with close people or relatives.

Where is he drowning?

A dream in which a child drowns in a river is an omen of change. If a child is literally carried away by the current and disappears from sight, this indicates a serious misfortune, a misfortune that will befall the dreamer and his family. If a child drowns in stagnant water or even in a lake, this indicates cunning manipulations against a sleeping person, which can only be avoided with the help of one’s ingenuity and enterprise.

A dream in which your child drowns in his own bathtub speaks of troubles in the family, in the house. For a woman to see her child drowning in the bathtub promises a quarrel with close relatives or the betrayal of a close friend whom the sleeping woman trusted so much. such a dream warns of unfair play by competitors and troubles at work.

Seeing a stranger drowning in the bathtub, portends deterioration in health or injury to one of the family members. For young people living with their parents, such a dream represents the desire to get rid of paternal care and protection and set out on an independent journey through life. The dream book claims that such a desire could result in young man troubles.

Seeing a child drowning in a well in a dream means the dreamer’s subconscious fear of losing his family and remaining childless. Also, such a dream hints at the death or deterioration of the parents’ well-being.

Be that as it may, a drowning child personifies the dreamer’s connection with his family, the world of children, and the subconscious desire to have them and protect them from the dangers of this world. This is a completely normal reaction even for those people who do not have their own children - such a dream indicates that a person’s parental instincts are working normally.

A mother walking around the house in a normal environment symbolizes the beginning, the foundation, the inner core. It is worth paying attention to other important details of the dream that will tell you how to approach the situation and take action to achieve success. Have a heart-to-heart conversation with her - soon you will receive news about a favorable outcome of the cases in which you are interested. Deceased mother in a dream is a warning about something.

If a girl dreams of her mother, such a dream promises her happiness in life. family life, fidelity and understanding of the spouse. Hearing a mother's cry is a harbinger of an impending threat.

Why does mom dream - according to Vanga’s dream book

A mother in a dream is a symbol of a family’s future and well-being. Seeing her as she is now is a sign of stability and complete control of your life. Mom is crying - expect scandals and a break with your loved one. Surely not everything is going smoothly in your family right now; the coming crisis will push you to betrayal and lead to divorce.

Arguing with your mother means being the initiator of an upcoming major quarrel. Most likely, you will try to take your anger out on your family due to a series of failures at work. A dream in which your mother calms you down and sings a lullaby indicates that you are spending too little time with your family. It's time to change the situation!

Why do you dream about mom - according to Freud's dream book

If a young man sees his mother having sex with a man, it means that he is too dependent on her or is subconsciously attracted to her, but is afraid to admit it. Maternal caresses also indicate a strong emotional mother-son bond. In the future, it is difficult for such boys to find a partner, since they identify every woman with their mother and are often disappointed.

The presence of a mother in a girl’s dream predicts the appearance of a rival. Talking to your parent while you sleep is a sign of a wrenching feeling of guilt for not paying her enough attention.

Why do you dream about mom - according to the English dream book

A dream in which you have a pleasant conversation with your mother promises a comfortable existence, true friends, and protection. If a woman becomes a mother in a dream, she is given a second chance to correct serious mistakes, forgive grievances and start life over. The departure or death of a parent predicts a waking illness.

Why does mom dream - according to Loff’s dream book

Such dreams, depending on the nature of your relationship with your mother, can carry different associative meanings. There is no point in one interpretation here, since the relationship between parents and children in each family is individual, therefore, in order to thoroughly understand the nature of the dream, it is necessary to consider in detail all the nuances and aspects of family cohesion.

Why does mom dream - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The image of the mother shows inner instinct, the development of intuition. Usually such dreams are a warning. Specific conclusions can be drawn by fully studying the circumstances of the dream. For example, if you hear a mother’s cry, it means that in reality you will be in danger. After all, the mother knows and feels her child and foresees his troubles. If she laughs, her inner voice confirms a good, positive future.

Why do you dream about mom - according to Hasse’s dream book

- seeing or talking to her - you will learn about the intentions of ill-wishers;
- the deceased dreams of longevity;
- seriously ill, giving up the ghost (at death) - to sorrows and worries;
- a nursing mother promises fertile ground for realizing your goals, don’t miss the chance.

Why do you dream about mom - according to Meneghetti's dream book

For a man, a mother who comes in dreams is a reflection of his unconscious or conscious fear of the female sex, and for a woman, the image of a parent symbolizes the need for affection and love, which she apparently lacks.

Why do you dream about mom - according to Longo’s dream book

If you dream about your mother, this is a good omen, promising prosperity and blessing. Clearly see her facial features - in reality you will soon meet her; if your mother is no longer alive, then you should go to her grave and remember her properly. Seeing maternal agony - bad sign foreshadowing family quarrels, conflicts at work, condemnation from the older generation. If your mother cooks in a dream, expect guests.

Why do mothers dream according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that you dream about your mother when you are unsure of your personal life, when you lack support. You cannot decide how best to build your personal life. You may be afraid of deception and betrayal, although these fears are unfounded.

If in a dream your mother tells you something, listen to her advice, try not to ignore her tips, perhaps they will be so useful to you right now. If in a dream your mother asks you to do something for her, it means your significant other will also ask you for help.

Try not to refuse, thereby you will strengthen the relationship and cultivate in them the desire to support each other and help. If in a dream you see your mother giving you something, expect an unpleasant surprise in reality.

Why do mothers dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that you dream of your mother in cases when you need backup. Perhaps you have decided on a very important matter, and you just can’t decide how exactly you will achieve the desired result. The dream book advises turning to a respected person for help and asking him for protection. If you want to solve this issue yourself, you will still have to acquire important connections.

according to Ayurvedic dream book

If in a dream you are talking to your mother, then this dream predicts your future prosperity. If you dreamed that you lost your mother, then this speaks of her illness.

Why do you dream about mother

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

premonition; a country; luck and recognition; sick mother - (for a woman) failures in marriage; (for a man) - failure in business; died - divorce for a woman; dismissal, loss of career (for men); if in reality the mother has already died, then seeing her in a dream means seeing one’s own life or death.

I dreamed about my mother

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your mother appearing in the house in a dream foretells encouraging results in any business. Conversing with her in a dream means that you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested. If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it means pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness. Seeing someone's mother sick or dead portends sadness. Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you means that you are abandoned by everyone and that you have chosen the wrong direction in your affairs. Hearing her cry in a dream is a sign of her illness or misfortune that threatens you.

Seeing your mother in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about your mother, depending on the nature of the relationship between you, can vary greatly in their meaning. At a certain stage of your development, did you perceive your mother as the all-knowing embodiment of love? Did your relationship with your mother include elements of a power struggle, or were there any instances of inappropriate intrusion on your part by her into your personal life? Have you lost contact with your mother through death or at will, as a result of which a number of problems remained unresolved? The answers to these questions will allow you to decipher the meanings of the many images that are present next to your mother in the plot of the dream.

Why do you have a dream about your mother?

according to Vanga's dream book

Mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future of your family. If you dreamed of your mother as she appears in this moment in reality, this means that you don’t expect major changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control. Seeing a crying mother in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, scandal or even family breakdown, but since you received a warning, you have time to prevent and correct all this. If in a dream you quarrel with your mother or she hits you, then this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no one to blame for this event, everyone will be victims. A dream in which your mother is young and sings a lullaby to you means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the family, while she needs your constant attention. Don’t miss the moment – ​​now you can still maintain warm and trusting relationships with your loved ones.

I dreamed about my parents

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream portends you harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs. If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity. If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment. If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper. If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Why do you dream about father-in-law?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to troubles through anger; bad luck; absurd state of affairs; forced trip; affectionate - vain hopes.

Expert answers


I dreamed about my deceased mother. She handed me money, 8,000. I refused to take it, but 3,000 ended up in my hand. How to interpret this? Mom was calm and healthy. (Staroverova, Irina)

A dream in which a deceased mother appears always warns of something. Judging by the description of the dream, you are warned against unnecessary spending and are asked to be more careful in financial relationships with others.


I dreamed that my mother (she is alive, we have difficult relationships) scolds me in the kitchen, even called me a sheep. She said that my children were poorly brought up. I got angry and offended, first I went for one of my sons, brought him to the kitchen to feed him, then I brought the second one, also for this purpose. She served them food. In the dream they were small, about 5 years old, in reality they were 14 years old. What could my dream mean? Thank you in advance. (Lisovskaya, Elizaveta)

The dream reflects your subconscious fears that in reality you are losing emotional contact with your sons or are not coping with raising teenagers. Pay more attention to communicating with children in real life.

It would seem that a dream about a mother should only have positive meaning. But dream interpretation experts say this is not always the case. Do you want to understand why mom dreams? You should take into account many factors, remember all the details of the dream, and only then turn to the dream book.

Many experts believe: mother is kind, loving person, therefore her image has for the dreamer good meaning. This means that you are happy, feel safe, and have the strength to develop. If your deceased mother visits you in a dream, then this is a sign that you need to remember her in reality, go to a cemetery or church.

For a young girl, a dream in which she communicates with her mother speaks of imminent marriage. Mom is in bad mood, reproaches you for something - it means that in reality you are tormented by remorse over some matter.

What does Miller's dream book promise?

From the point of view of the most famous dream specialist, a dream in which you see your mother in a calm, positive mood, reflects the harmony in your own family. Perhaps a happy, cloudless period awaits you, all conflicts will be left behind. Mom in this case symbolizes your relationship with the world in general, your general state. Here you can also expect good relationships at work, financial income and good luck in business.

If a young man or girl who does not yet have their own families had a similar dream, then this indicates that they are open to the world, their state is currently smooth, harmonious, and their relationships with everyone are friendly.

It's a completely different matter if your mother has already died, and you see her in a dream, even in the very good mood. This dream warns that big trouble awaits you. If your mother cries in a dream, then this warns of possible problems with health.

Vanga's opinion

The famous seer also believed that a dream where you watch your mother, who feels well, is in a good mood, speaks of success in business, relationships, and finances. If a woman dreams about her mother, then this is a sign that happiness and complete fulfillment in family life await her.

You may also see your mother as a young woman with a child. This suggests that you devote little time to your own family, your attitude towards the world is in many ways still childish. Mom crying is a bad sign; the dream speaks of misfortunes and great experiences.

If you dream that your mother (in reality alive and well) is dying, then this indicates the onset of a dark streak. Problems are possible in many areas of life.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud believed that such a dream should be interpreted as simply as possible: if this image visited a young man or girl in me, it means that they do not yet have their own opinion about life and are largely dependent on their mother.

Freud also said that for a young man such a dream could be a reflection of the Oedipus complex (early attraction to his mother). In general, the dream does not bode well; it speaks of lack of independence, the inability to build one’s own family due to the strong influence of the mother. Your personal relationships will fall apart due to your own failure.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The famous medium Hasse believed that the image deceased mother portends that you will live a long life and be as happy as possible. Are you talking with your mother about something with interest? Wait to receive information about secret enemies. If you see that your mother is sick, this may portend serious problems in many areas of life at once. A nursing mother is a favorable period, success in business.

The feeling when, finding yourself in the water, you lose control over the situation, trying to stay afloat, is difficult to convey in words. Even having experienced it in a dream, an unpleasant aftertaste remains after waking up. Having started to figure out why we dream about fighting water element, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the dream: who was drowning - you, a relative or an unfamiliar character; size, cleanliness of the reservoir; what kind of ending, prosperous or tragic - all this has a strong influence on the interpretation of the vision.

You are in danger

First, let's look at what it means to dream of drowning, according to various predictors.

Miller gives an extremely negative outlook. Death in water means major losses or violent death.

A woman's dream book foretells an accident. But if you swim out, the prophecy changes dramatically. The boss will appoint you to a new, higher and more profitable position.

The Small Velesov dream book predicts: drowning and being able to escape means unexpectedly attending a fun holiday or getting a salary increase.

Drowning in the middle of the sea, and in addition a shark swimming around you in a dream - secret ill-wishers have appeared.

If in reality you need to do important choice, that vision where you are struggling with the water element is in a hurry to give a final answer. Otherwise, fate will decide itself, and it is not at all necessary that this option will be the best. The situation is getting out of control, prolonged doubts are more likely to harm than help.

Where to drown

Why do you dream about enemies or strangers drowning in mud? You are completely safe. Ill-wishers are hiding indefinitely and will not interfere with achieving your goals.

If in a dream you began to plunge into dirty slurry, it means that you have completely lost yourself in everyday affairs. Yesterday is a copy of the past and tomorrow too. And the longer you delay taking action, the more difficult it will be to change something.

Drowning in the sand in a dream means you are in the clouds. Sand, as a rule, symbolizes something short-lived and unstable. The dream book suggests: you are carried away by building castles in the air or have set unrealistic goals.

Drowning in a bathtub or swimming pool in a dream - this plot prophesies a painful love interest and unbridled passion. Analyze your relationship with your partner. Perhaps you have lost your sense of reality and gone beyond the boundaries of reason.

Drowning in a river in a dream is a positive omen in most cases.

To be overwhelmed by a wave, to feel the taste of water on your tongue - glory and honor await you in reality. And if you manage to get to the shore, the dream book, along with fame, also promises to gain wealth.

In a dream, drowning in the sea - in a difficult situation you will be able to find a non-standard way out.

Why do you dream of rushing to the aid of a drowning person? This means that luck is already nearby. Enjoy, you deserve it. And if you manage to pull a drowned man out of the water, you will save your friend from serious trouble.

The esoteric dream book compares a person who died after jumping from a height while diving with the dreamer’s well-being. Avoid overexertion and anxiety. It would be a good idea to visit a cardiologist to check the stability of your heart rhythm. If the situation develops unfavorably, a heart attack is possible.

Why does a young, free woman dream of dying in the water, but being saved at the last moment? In reality, she will be surrounded by fans. The dream book recommends adding mystery to your behavior, and then you can easily win the favor of the man you like.

Grandmother's old dream book, if you had to drown in a dream, predicts many obstacles on the way to your goal. A Muslim dream book portends disappointment in loved ones and relatives.

The Wanderer's Dream Book interprets this plot as the appearance of complexes in the dreamer as a result of misunderstanding and rejection of his actions by others.

In a dream, did you get sucked into a swamp? Avoid risky illegal actions, do not succumb to the persuasion of dubious individuals. Soon everything will be revealed, and you will face not only legal punishment, but also the condemnation of your friends and relatives.

Who is the drowned man?

When understanding why you dream of drowning, it is important to clarify what exactly triggered the death. If you were swimming and began to be pulled to the bottom, success is expected.

In a mother's dream, it appeared that her child had drowned. Everything is not as scary as it might seem. The dream book confirms: it is necessary to pay attention to the child and have a heart-to-heart talk. Now, more than ever, he needs your support and help.

– there is a threat to well-being and life. You crossed someone's path, and the new enemy wants to take revenge to the fullest.

A drowned daughter portends success in business and work.

To dream of a choked boy lying at the bottom of a clear lake - be more careful with your spending; you will face serious financial difficulties.

The dream book interprets a drowned car as a collapse of plans. As a result of unforeseen incidents, life will be turned upside down.

Did a woman dream about how her husband died in the water? The dream book says that this is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing grief and quarrels in everyday and family life. Has your husband's body surfaced? Bad luck will drag on for a long time.

Did the ship crash in your dream? This dream scenario indicates a subconscious fear of traveling by water. If you were thrown overboard, the dream book foreshadows stress and anxiety. Drowning in a storm - don’t trust even those closest to you, they will soon betray you.

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