Presentation on the topic "rivers and lakes of the Mordovian region." Rivers of Mordovia: list, description of natural conditions, photos Message on the topic of rivers of Mordovia

Posted Fri, 03/25/2016 - 19:14 by Cap

There are 1,525 rivers in the Republic of Mordovia, their total length is more than 9 thousand km, 86% of them are less than 10 km long.
47% of the total area of ​​the republic belongs to the Sura basin, 53% to the Moksha basin.
Of the 12,260 km2 of the Sura drainage area, 7,880 are occupied by the Alatyr basin, 3,860 by the Insar basin.
Of the 13,920 km2 area of ​​the Moksha basin, 4,330 are occupied by the Vada basin, 2,200 by the Partsa basin.
24 small rivers and 206 very small rivers and streams flow into Sura, 30 small rivers and 185 very small rivers and streams into Moksha.

The rivers of the Moksha basin flowing through the Oka-Don lowland, in conditions of flat terrain, form wide valleys with well-developed floodplains and above-floodplain terraces. The rivers of the Sura basin (Volga Upland) are characterized by active erosion and deep valleys.
IN summer period They shallow down to small watercourses and overflow violently in the spring. Rivers, especially the Moksha basin, are characterized by a slight fall and relatively slow flow (0.1-0.4 m/s). The width of channels (as well as valleys) increases downstream, but this pattern in some areas is violated by local features (tectonic structures, lithological formations, etc.).

The rivers have a mixed supply: snow predominates - 60-90%, underground - 7-20, the amount of rain summer-autumn flood flow is 5-10%. Water consumption is largely influenced by the catchment area.
The highest average annual consumption occurs in Sura, Moksha, and Alatyr. According to the nature of the intra-annual flow distribution, the rivers belong to the Eastern European type, which is characterized by high spring floods, low summer and winter low water periods, and increased flows in the autumn.

The flood begins in late March - early April, reaches its maximum in mid-April, and subsides by mid-May. The rise lasts 10-12, the decline - 20-25 days. In years of early or late spring, the flood phases shift by 1-2 decades. On average, over a long-term period, snow runoff is 87-99%, rain runoff - up to 3, underground runoff - 1-10%. In early June, stable low water sets in on most rivers, lasting until early to mid-October. An increase in runoff in the warm season is observed annually, but there are no clearly defined rain floods in some years. At the end of November - beginning of December, winter low water sets in.

The average annual flow module ranges from 3.5 to 5 l/s per 1 km.

Water temperature depends on the time of year and the length of the rivers; it changes under the influence of inflows and discharge waters groundwater. The maximum temperature at the surface in summer is about 20 ºС. Freeze usually forms at the end of November - the 1st half of December and lasts 4-5 months. The ice thickness at the end of winter is 40-60 cm, and in cold winters with little snow - up to 1 m.
The sediment runoff of rivers is determined mainly by the processes of planar washout. The predominant part of the annual sediment flow (75-95%) occurs in the spring months, the smallest - in the winter (1-4%). Water turbidity depends on planar erosion in the basin. The average annual turbidity varies from 100 to 500 g/m3 during the spring flood to 25-50 g/m3 during the summer-autumn and winter seasons.
By chemical composition River waters belong to the hydrocarbonate class. Their mineralization is on average 200 - 500 mg/dm3.

According to the magnitude of mineralization, the surface waters of Mordovia during the spring flood period are classified as waters with very low and low mineralization. This is explained by the fact that with the onset of snowmelt, water with low mineralization is formed on the surface of the catchment areas. They are partially filtered into the aeration zone, the remaining part flows into the river network, thereby reducing the mineralization of river waters. The salinity of water during floods ranges from 60-130 mg/dm³.
The lowest values ​​are observed during high water floods. During the summer low-water period, when rivers are fed mainly by groundwater, the mineralization of surface waters increases significantly, varying from 350 to 680 mg/dm³. During the winter low water period, when there is no surface nutrition, the mineralization of river water reaches 750 mg/dm³.

The coefficients of variation of solid waste flow vary from 0.35 to 0.64, the ratio of the asymmetry coefficient to the coefficient of variation is generally 2.0. The intra-annual distribution of sediment runoff for all rivers in the region is characterized by unevenness. The predominant part of the annual sediment flow (95%) occurs in the spring months, increasing to the east of the region. Largest part spring flow occurs in April. The average annual turbidity in the rivers of the study area varies from 14 to 1,580 g/m³, the average long-term maximum - from 250 - 500 g/m³ in the western regions to 500 - 1,000 in the center and 1,000 - 2,500 g/m³ in the eastern regions .

For most rivers a brief geographical description- length, position of sources and mouth, nature of the territory through which it flows; route line and the length of its individual sections; brief tourist description - the nature of the banks and riverbed, main obstacles, excursion sites; transport - routes of entry and exit, intermediate points where you can interrupt or start the route.

- middle river in Penza region, Mordovia and Ryazan region, left (Oka basin).
The length of the river is 222 km, the basin area is 6500 km².
A winding, mostly forest (although there are also meadow areas) river.
Average annual water consumption in upper reaches(near Avdalovo) - 7.5 m³/sec.
It originates in the forests of the Penza region, 17 km southeast of Vadinsk, near the villages of Kopovka and Krasnaya Polyana, Vadinsky district.

A 700-meter dam was installed in the southeastern part of Vadinsk. The volume of the reservoir formed by this dam is 21 million m³ of water. Flows in the Penza region along settlements Kopovka, Vadinsk, Bolshaya Luka, Sergo-Polivanovo, Lugovoe.

It flows through Mordovia in a swampy plain, surrounded by forests. Below the village of Shiringushi it receives the left tributaries Udyov, Marchas, Pichkiras and the right tributaries Partsa and Yavas. The last 15 km flows through the territory of the Ryazan region, the urban type Kadom. Rivers of Mordovia

Tributaries (km from mouth]
22 km: Shvara stream
27 km: Tast River
39 km: Yawas River
46 km: Yuzga stream
55 km: Partsa River
73 km: Sankelyan stream
78 km: Pichkirias River
83 km: Vadaksh River
86 km: Zhuravka River
93 km: Vyachka River
109 km: Lyastma River
114 km: Marchas River
126 km: Udev River
144 km: Kita River
157 km: Latos River
173 km: river without name, near the village. Tenevo
174 km: river without name, near the village. Tenevo
185 km: Karenka River (Kerenka, Dalnyaya)
186 km: Tyuryev stream
204 km: Kotel River

Sivin River
Xiwin - main river our area. Associated with her invisible threads the life of every person living in the village. And the name of the village itself comes from the river of the same name.

The Sivin River originates in the Insarsky region of the Republic of Mordovia. It quietly and calmly carries its waters for many kilometers.
In winter it is encased in ice. And during the spring flood, it gains strength, overflows its banks and rushes uncontrollably, showing a violent temper. Numerous tributaries help it free itself from the icy oppression: Ozhga, Vizlyayka, Gruznoleyka, Lisina, Avgurka, Skal, Vikhlyayka, Serebryanka, Kivchey and others.
You won’t recognize a peaceful one in a stormy spring stream quiet river. She gets into an argument with everyone and floods Naberezhnaya Street. At this time, you cannot walk or drive along it. But spring passes, and the river returns to its channel.

Riot along the banks of the river flora. Either it meanders through the forest among the giant trees, then it carries its waters in the middle of the meadows. And how many medicinal herbs are there! Products are in short supply, but in essence, come in and get them! Here is tansy, and here is a series. How many healing tinctures are made from them? And here are the hops. It improves digestion, heals gastritis, treats kidney inflammation, neuralgia, and radiculitis. There is also a sedative - valerian, medicinal bird cherry, alder. Rose hips also thrive in damp places - they are both beautiful and useful. And the banks are also rich in viburnum. How many healthy delicacies are prepared from it in folk cuisine! Fragrant strawberries grow on the elevated banks, and blackberries spread along the water.
There are many willow thickets along the banks of the Sivini. It is known to be a honey plant, a source of tannins, and animal feed. Willows do not require maintenance. They quickly restore their reserves. Algae grows in the Xiwin River. Here we will meet both the yellow water lily and the beautiful white water lily. Rivers of Mordovia

There are a lot of fish in the river: ruff, burbot, pike, rudd, perch, roach, gudgeon and others. There are a lot of shells at the bottom. Among the algae we see many frogs and waterfowl. There are also crayfish in the river. But this indicates that the water in it is quite clean. Muskrats, beavers, and minks live along the banks. There are many nests of swallows - shorebirds and waterfowl.

The water of the Sivin River is used very actively. On the banks of the river there is a Republican recreation area. Many factories in Saransk and Ruzaevka have their own children's health camps here. It’s a pity that the Solnechny camp from the Ministry was liquidated Agriculture, who specialized in vision diseases. There are natural baths on the river. There is also healing blue clay.

Water is also used for watering wild and domestic animals, for watering gardens, and for fishing. A large reserve has been discovered in the Sivini area drinking water. It is planned to build a water intake from the Sivin River to the city of Saransk. Village residents hope that this will not affect the water level in the wells.

At the bottom of the river lies a ridge of limestone. In the 70s, development of this stone for construction was carried out.

The river is also rich in its history. The remains of mammoths and stone tools were found along the river, which are located in the school local history museum and indicate sites ancient man, whose life is inextricably linked with the river.

It was once navigable. Barges with products from the Sivinsky Iron Foundry pulled along it and ore was delivered for smelting these products. And the plant’s mechanisms themselves were driven by a water wheel. The mill also ran on water. A dam was built. The existence of this dam, which was built in the 19th century, is reminiscent of the huge embankments and oxbow river. Some of the embankments were used in the construction of the modern bridge in 1989. Black bog oak was extracted from the river, which was the most valuable raw material for making furniture.
From the village of Sivin, the river moves further and flows into the Moksha River. The confluence of rivers occurs in the meadows of the Staro-Goryashinsky branch of the Alliance cooperative in the Krasnoslobodsky district of the Republic of Mordovia.

Augura River

One of the left tributaries of the Sivin River is the Augura River. It flows from the northwest, emerging from forest springs. It flows through the Old Augur Pond and carries its waters through the meadows. The current in the river is fast. The Augura has no tributaries. It is born from forest springs and is fed by melt and rain water. There is little water in the river, but it is very clean. Along the banks of the river there are bushes, alder, bird cherry, and blackberry thickets. In the floodplain of the river there are many grasses that animals feed on. The river is home to fish such as perch, pike, and roach. Muskrats build their huts along the banks. There are a lot of insects and frogs in the river. In spring, wild ducks fly to the river and nest.
A man fishes in it and hunts ducks. In the village of Starye Avgury, a fish farm has been established on the river, where carp, silver carp, and grass carp are bred. The fish is sold both in the Krasnoslobodsky district and beyond. People choose vines from willow thickets to weave baskets.
People keep the river clean. Along the river, people do not plow the soil or cut down trees. At the outlet of the water intake of the Staro-Augur fishery, a primitive treatment facility was installed. It is low-power, technically outdated and only natural filters: sand and small pebbles help the river remain crystal clear when it flows into the Sivin River. Rivers of Mordovia

Gruznoleyka River
The Gruznoleyka River originates in the deepest ravine in the northeast of the village of Sivin from many icy forest springs that flow into it from the border with the Nizhny Novgorod region. The ravine along the bottom of which the river flows is so deep that the water in it does not freeze even in winter. The current at Gruznoleyka is slow. It has no tributaries.
The gruznoleyka flows through the village from Nagornaya Street to Naberezhnaya Street and overflows widely in a place called Buchilo, after which it flows into the Sivin River.
The river is interesting because in summer the water is cold. It does not warm up in a forest ravine. But in winter it often spills, and even in severe frost, forming a nasluz that reaches up to two meters thick. In the spring, the river changes its course and floods the vegetable gardens of Nizhnyaya Bazarnaya Street and the lower part of Kooperativnaya Street.
Shrubs grow along the banks of the river. Many medicinal herbs: coltsfoot, succession. Since the water is very cold, there are few living organisms in it.

To prevent water from eroding the banks, people plant trees. They say that the most delicious tea comes from water taken in Gruznoleyka. This is why we should protect the river like the apple of our eye, but... You can often see people throwing garbage into it, household waste. Schoolchildren take care of the river. Clean-up days are carried out to clean the banks of debris. The geography teacher and his students planted trees along the river. The riverbed was deepened so that during a flood the river would not carry away fertile soil from the gardens.
From the history of the village we know that at the beginning of the 20th century the river was blocked by a dam. A water mill was built on the river, which is only remembered today by a small pond on Sadovaya Street.

Vizlaika River
One of the right tributaries of the Sivin River is the low-water Vizlyaika River. It flows from ravines that stretch on the north-eastern side of the extinct village of Krasnaya Zarya and flows near the village of Sredneye Pole. There is little water in the river, but it amazes with its crystal purity. Born from the purest forest springs, it carries its waters through forest ravines, along which there are no settlements, all the way to the village of Sredneye Pole. After a kilometer it merges with Sivinho. Vizlyaika has no tributaries.

Thickets of viburnum and willow stretch along the river. Muskrats live on the banks of the river and waterfowl live there. There are no fish in the river. Vizlaika is used to collect water for agricultural needs. Even in winter, people cut ice holes and take water for drinking, washing and watering livestock.

In the spring, the river is blocked with a dam to fill the meadows for hayfields, and in the summer the dam is removed. And even though man has interfered in the life of this small river, he takes care of it. Vegetation along the banks is not cut down, water from sewers does not enter it, and the fields next to it are not plowed up. And the river pays people for their care with the purest spring water.

Lisina River
The Lisina River is a right tributary of the Sivin River, flowing its waters from the northeast side. Its current is slow, there are no tributaries. Willow and alder grow along its banks. In summer, the river is decorated with blooming rose hips, in autumn - with scarlet bunches of viburnum, in spring - with blooming bird cherry. Many herbs grow in the floodplain of this river. There are tansy, whitecap, and sedge, and closer to the water there are reeds and cattails.

Trees and shrubs save the river from drying out in the summer. There are no fish in the river, but there are many frogs, snakes and, of course, insects. The water amazes with its coolness and purity. There is always a ladle hanging near the small bridge that is crossed to get to the village of Sredne Pole, so that a tired traveler can enjoy delicious water.
Hayfields stretch along the river, where people cut a lot of fragrant hay. Since the liquidation of the Sivinsky state farm, the fields along the river have not been plowed, and natural grasses now grow on them: timothy, alfalfa, mouse peas and others.
There are no settlements along the river, maybe this saves it from pollution.
The Lisina River may be small, but it is undoubtedly important, because it is a source of environmentally friendly water.

Serebryanka River
The source of the Serebryanka River is located in forest ravines, near the extinct village of Semenovsky, and flows towards the village of Sivin. A river is born from forest springs. It is small and its flow is slow. There are no tributaries. Only melt water and the springs give her their water.
Near a place called Klimna, Serebryanka flows into the Sivin River. Sedge and other plants grow along the river. Beavers build their dams on it, muskrats, frogs and various insects. Fish comes only when the Sivin River is flooded.
People use this river for watering hayfields and for watering large cattle. At its confluence with the Sivin River, the water is very cold, since Serebryanka flows through the forest and is not warmed up by the sun.
An interesting phenomenon is observed at the confluence of Serebryanka and Sivini. The water on the right bank is very cold, but as soon as you swim two or three meters away, you already find yourself in the arms of warm water.
During the formation of the Sivinsky state farm, the wetlands along the river were drained in order to provide additional hay. Sewage ditches were dug, as a result of which the river was divided into several branches. This place is now called Maps.

The river flows through a deep ravine, which has many branches. It is very easy to get lost in those ravines, and only the direction of the river flow tells the traveler the way home.
The river requires a lot of attention, as people cut down forests along Serebryanka, which leads to erosion of the banks of ravines and shallowing of the purest spring water in the river. The attention of forestry workers must be drawn to this.

Partsa is the right tributary of the Vada.
Length 117 km (in Mordovia 92 km), basin area - 2,700 km2 (in the territory of the republic 2,200 km2).
Originates from the village. Abashevo in the Penza region. The density of the river network is 0.33 km/km2, the channel width is up to 15 m, the depth is up to 1.5 m.
The average long-term runoff module is 3.42 l/s per 1 km2.
The regional center of Zubova Polyana is located on the river.


Team Nomads
Website of the Administration of Mordovia
Textbook of Geography of the Russian Federation.


State treasury comprehensive school– boarding school of the Republic of Mordovia “Kochelaevskaya boarding school”

secondary (complete) general education"

Geography lesson notes

in 8th grade

"Inland waters of Mordovia."

Prepared by geography teacher GKOSH RM

"Kochelaevskaya boarding school"

Abramova Olga Alekseevna.

Lesson topic: Rivers and lakes of Mordovia.

Lesson objectives: - To form an idea of ​​diversity inland waters(rivers and lakes) of Mordovia.

Identify the features of the distribution of surface waters (rivers and lakes) throughout the territory.

Bring up..

Means of education: physical map Russia, physical map of Mordovia, outline maps

Mordovia, computer presentation.

During the classes.

Ι. Organizing time. Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

ΙΙ.Updating knowledge.

    What is a river?

    What is the fall of the river, slope, water flow in the channel, annual flow?

    What types of nutrition are typical for Russian rivers?

ΙΙΙ. Learning new material.

There are 1,525 rivers in the Republic of Mordovia, their total length is more than 9 thousand km.

The rivers are typically flat and belong to the basin of the great Russian river Volga. About 90% of the rivers are less than 10 km long, 10 are more than 100 km long, and only Moksha and Sura are more than 500 km long. The rivers of Mordovia have mixed feeding: snow feeding predominates, groundwater and rain also take part.

All rivers are characterized by a slight fall (30-70 cm per 1 km of length).

The largest river Mordovia is Moksha (slides 3-5)

With a total length of 656 km, it flows for 320 km through the territory of our republic. The river originates slightly south of the village of Mokshan in the Penza region and flows into the Oka in the Ryazan region.

Task: 1. Find and show the Moksha River on the map of Mordovia.

2. Mark the Moksha River as contour map.

Most major influx Moksha on the territory of Mordovia is the Sivin River (slide 6). The river originates near the village of Kadoshkino. With a maximum channel width of 30m, its depth reaches 3 meters.

Task: 1. Find and show the Sivin River on the map of Mordovia.

2. Mark the Sivin River on the contour map.

Issa is the right tributary of the Moksha (slide 7). Of its 149 km length, only 98 km flows through the territory of Mordovia. The average depth of the river is 1.0-1.5 m.

Task: 1. Find and show the Issa River on the map of Mordovia.

The largest left tributary of the Moksha is the Vad River (slide 8). This is a relatively shallow lowland river. With a channel width of 30 m, its depth rarely exceeds 1 meter.

Task: 1. Find and show the Vad River on the map of Mordovia.

2. Mark the river on the contour map.

The largest tributaries are those received by the Vad from the right - Partsa, Yavas. (slide 9).

The Sura River (slide 10-11) is the right tributary of the Volga. The river flows along the eastern and southeastern outskirts of Mordovia, and is the natural border of Mordovia with the Ulyanovsk region. The total length of the river is 8841 km; it flows through the territory of Mordovia for 120 km. The width of the Sura River is slightly greater than that of the Moksha River; in some places it reaches 100 m. The Sura is a flat river.

The Sura receives the largest Mordovian tributaries from the left, these are the Alatyr, Piana, Bolshaya Ksha, Shtyrma, Cheberchinka.

Exercise 1. Find and show on the map of Mordovia the Sura River and its tributaries.

2. Mark the Sura River on the contour map.

Alatyr is the largest tributary of the Sura (slide 12-13). Its length is 296 km, within Mordovia only 130 km.. This is one of the most deep rivers republics. Average consumption water

40.3 cubic meters/cm

Task: 1. Find and show the Alatyr River on the map of Mordovia.

2. Mark the river on the contour map.

The largest tributary of the Alatyr is the Insar (slide 14)

Task: 1. Find and show the Insar River on the map.

2. Mark the river on the contour map.

All rivers of Mordovia are not navigable.

Lakes. There are about 500 lakes in Mordovia (slide 15).

By origin, the lakes are predominantly floodplain lakes - oxbow lakes and are branches or channels separated from the main channel, as a result of which they have a winding or horseshoe-shaped shape. The lakes are very deep and rich organic world. The main sources of nutrition for lakes are surface runoff, precipitation and groundwater.

The most large lake Mordovia is considered Inerka (slides 16-17). It is located in the floodplain of the Sura River. Inerka means “Great Lake”. The length of Inerka is 3350 m, the width ranges from 80 to 150 m. The greatest depth is 11.1 m. The water is clean and transparent up to 2 m.

In 1974, by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic, the lake and its immediate surroundings were declared a state natural monument of republican significance.

Task: 1. Find and show Lake Inerka on the map of Mordovia.

2. Mark Lake Inerka on the contour map.

The second largest lake in Mordovia, Inorka (slide 18), is located in the floodplain of the Moksha River, below the city of Temnikov. Its length is 3.3 km, its width in some places exceeds 100 m. Its depth reaches 11 m.

Task: 1. Find and show Lake Inorka on the map.

2. Mark the lake on the contour map.

In the Temnikovsky district there is Lake Endovishche (slide 19), formed on the site of a karst sinkhole. The largest lake of karst origin is Piyavskoye, which is located near the village of Ivanovka, Tengushevsky district. Its area is about 9 hectares.

ΙV. Reinforcing what has been learned in the lesson.

    Which large rivers flow through the territory of Mordovia? Show on the map.

    What food sources are typical for the rivers of Mordovia?

    How were lake basins formed on the territory of Mordovia? Show lakes on the map.

    Complete task 1 on page 49 of the textbook.

Homework. Textbook "Geography of Mordovia 8-9".

Page 39-49 "Inland waters".

Main rivers

* The length and area of ​​the bass are given in parentheses. rivers in RM

Length, km

Basin area, km2

River flow

The source of Moksha is a stream located in the Penza region, near the city of Mokshan, from which a river is subsequently formed. The main part of the river flows through Mordovia. The largest cities located on Moksha are Temnikov and Krasnoslobodsk.


Sura- river, right tributary of the Volga. Length 841 km (in the territory of the Republic of Moldova - 120 km), drainage area - 67,500 km 2 (in the Republic of Moldova - 12,260 km 2). Originates from the village. Sursky Peaks Baryshsky district Ulyanovsk region, flows in the Nizhny Novgorod, Penza regions, Mordovia and Chuvashia. The largest rivers of the Sura basin in the Republic of Moldova: Alatyr, Insar, Piana, Menya. The density of the river network is 0.47 km/km 2, the lake content and swampiness are less than 1%. The river is fed by snow. Characterized by high spring floods, low summer low water with rain floods in high humidity. The spring flood usually occurs in 1 wave, in some years during prolonged snowmelt - 2, 3. The Sura is a flat river with a moderately winding bed. Annual water consumption at the site. Kadyshev, Karsun district, Ulyanovsk region 98.5 m 3 /s. Mineralization - 400-550 mg/l. The waters carry a large number of suspended substances. The width of the channel is 80 - 160 m, the depth in the RM on the rifts is 0.3 - 0.8, on the reaches 3 - 5 m. On the Sura in the RM there are villages. Bolshie Berezniki, Nikolaevka, Bolshebereznikovsky district.

Well, I- river, right tributary of the Alatyr. The length is about 60 km, the catchment area is 1,050 km 2. Originates from the village. Kirzhemany, Chamza district, at the foot of Bald Mountain. It flows in the northeastern part of Mordovia: in the Chamzinsky and Atyashevsky regions. Flows into Alatyr near the village. Villages of Ichalkovsky district. The main tributaries: Inelei, Korzyadley, Tombakaley, Nushley, Kerley, Cambrasley (left); Picheneyka, Trokskuzhon lei, Syrezbuen latko (right). Food is mainly supplied by snow, soil and rain. Freeze-up - from late November to early April. Channel width - 10-15 m, average depth- 1-2 m. The river valley is slightly sinuous, the width in the upper reaches is 100 - 200 m, at the mouth - up to 1.5 km. The width of the floodplain in the middle reaches is up to 1 km. On Nuya there are: the village of Chukaly-on-Nue, the village. Nizovka (Atyashevsky district), village. Inelei (Ichalkovsky district), etc.

Major river pollution is connected with such large industrial hubs of Mordovia as Saransk-Ruzaevsky, Komsomolsk-Chamzinsky, Ardatovsky. Over the past decades, lighting engineering, mechanical and instrument engineering, construction industry, cement industry, thermal power engineering and others enterprises have been built and operate there.





FOR 2009 - 2012

In order to carry out activities to study the condition of springs located on the territory of Chamzinsky municipal district, guided by Federal law dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ, the Council of Deputies of the Chamza Municipal District decided:

1. Approve the Program for the improvement and protection of springs in the Chamza municipal district for 2009 - 2012.

2. Recommend to the heads of city and rural settlements Chamza municipal district to develop and approve Programs for the improvement and protection of springs located in the territories of the relevant settlements.

3. This decision comes into force from the date of adoption and is subject to publication in the regional newspaper "Znamya".

Chairman of the Council of Deputies

Chamzinsky municipal district


1. Notebook entries

2.Preparation for the knowledge control lesson

Repeat paragraphs No. 23-34

The Republic of Mordovia.

  • There are 1,525 rivers in the Republic of Mordovia, their total length is more than 9 thousand km.
  • The rivers have mixed feeding: snow predominates - 60-90%, underground - 7-20%, the amount of rain summer-autumn flood flow is 5-10%.
Moksha River
  • Moksha River.
  • « Moksha... You have neither mighty dams nor great hydroelectric stations, and you are not impressive either in width or depth. The old buoy-keepers don’t come out to your stirrup in the evenings to light the ruby ​​lights of the buoys. The booming voices of steamships do not disturb you in the morning dawns, when you are sleeping, surrounded by a milky fog.
  • Moksha...You probably won’t say anything to the heart of a person who didn’t grow up on your shores, you won’t leave an echo in his soul. And one cannot complain about this. Every person has a river of his childhood, youth, his life, and there is nothing more expensive than it in the world. The songful Don is dear to one, the gloomy Yenisei to another, the modest Vetluga to another, but to me - and is it only me? “She is a quiet, affectionate Moksha.” Yanyushkin I. Primokshane is mine.
  • Saransk, 1975
  • Moksha, the second largest river in Mordovia, is the right tributary of the Oka. Its length is 656 km (in the republic 320 km). The river originates south of the r.p. Mokshan, Penza region, flows into the Oka 350 kilometers from the mouth in the Ryazan region. Moksha is a typically flat river. Its valley is well defined.
  • The width of the Moksha channel ranges from 50 to 80 meters.
The largest tributary of the Moksha on the territory of Mordovia is the Sivin River. Length 124 km.
  • Sivin River
  • Merger of Sivini and Moksha.
Issa is the right tributary of the river. Moksha. The length of the river is 149 km (within the republic 98 km). The width of the channel in the lower reaches reaches 50 m. It originates in the Penza region. The Vad River is a left tributary of the Moksha. Length 222 km (within Mordovia 114 km). The river originates from the village of Pokrovka, Penza region and flows in the western part of Mordovia along the water-glacial plain. The width of the channel reaches 30 m, the depth is about 1 m. The Partsa River is a right tributary of the Vad River. Length 117 km (within Mordovia 92 km). Originates from the village. Abashevo, Penza region. The channel width is up to 15 m, depth is up to 1.5 m. The Sura River is the right tributary of the Volga. The sura originates from the village. Sursky Peaks, Ulyanovsk region. Its length is 841 km (120 km on the territory of the republic). Sura -plain river with a moderately winding channel. The width of the channel is 80-160 m. The Alatyr River is the left tributary of the river. Sura. Its length is 296 km (in Mordovia 130 km). It originates 9 km northwest of the village. Alatyr Nizhny Novgorod region. In the lower reaches of the river is located one of the seven cities of Mordovia - Ardatov. Confluence of Sura and Alatyr. The Insar River is the right tributary of the river. Alatyr. The length of the river is 168 km. Insar originates 5 km from the village of Boldova, Ruzaevsky district. There are two on the river largest cities Mordovia – Saransk and Ruzaevka.
  • There are about 500 lakes in Mordovia, 80 of the largest of them have a total surface area of ​​about 9 thousand sq. km. By origin, lake depressions are predominantly riverine (floodplain lakes). Depressions of karst origin are less common.
  • All lakes are distinguished by great depth and richness of the organic world. The main sources of nutrition are surface runoff, precipitation and groundwater.
Lake Inerka is the most big lake in the republic. Translated from the Mordovian language, Inerka means “Great Lake”.
  • The most famous lake Mordovia – Inerka, located in the floodplain Sura River. Thanks to its charm, this lake in the Mordovian Prisurye has become the personification of the beauty of nature throughout our region. This word is pronounced - and each of us has an idea of ​​​​the blue expanse of lakes and rivers, of the green dress of forests and a carpet of meadows, of the immense expanse of a bright blue sky with white swan clouds or overnight covered with lead clouds. In 1974, by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Mordovian USSR, Lake Inerka and its immediate surroundings were declared a state natural monument of republican significance.
Lake Inorka is the second largest lake in Mordovia. Located in the floodplain of the Moksha River, below the city of Temnikov. Its length is 3.3 km, its width in some places exceeds 100 m, and its depth reaches 11 m.
  • How I love looking at lakes!
  • In them, as if in a mirror, you can see
  • The eternal openness of space,
  • Its pure blueness.
  • How I love looking at lakes
  • From gentle and steep banks!
  • There is something in them from the look,
  • From the shine of your tender eyes...
  • I'm a fan of blue.
  • It became expensive all summer long.
  • Without lakes, their quivering light
  • The beauty of the earth is not the same.
  • Let it not dry up in this world
  • The inescapable power of keys:
  • Without lakes, the land of my native land,
  • Like Russia itself without eyes.
  • I. Pinyaev.
Lake Endovishche (Temnikov), formed on the site of a karst sinkhole.
  • "I have seen different lands,
  • But my heart is warm here.
  • When I look at the fields,
  • What was covered with snow.
  • When in the spring
  • Streams flow from the hills,
  • When over Moksha and Sura
  • The nightingales will cry."
  • V. Barkov.
  • Homework: "Geography of the Republic of Mordovia."
  • pp.39-49. Inland waters.
  • Literature.
  • 1. Presnyakov V.V. “Geography of the Republic of Mordovia.”
  • Saransk 2005.
  • 2.Geography of my republic. A book for reading on the geography of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
  • 3. Geographical atlas of the Republic of Mordovia.
  • Saransk 2012.
  • 4.Yamashkin A.A. Geography of the Republic of Mordovia.
  • Saransk 2004.
  • 5. Internet resources.

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Presentation prepared by: Leshchuk A.G. Lakes and rivers of Mordovia

Lakes of Mordovia

Lake Mordovian or, it is also called Lake Vad. The lake was formed due to the merger of some sinkholes in the bed of the Vadok River. The lake is quite large, its area covers about 13 hectares. The peculiarity of the reservoir is its unique hydrological regime. From the bottom, from karst sinkholes, powerful jets shoot out cold water, thereby forming diverging concentric circles on the surface of the lake. Local residents say that there are years when in winter, the water above the voklins does not freeze at all, due to the intense pressure of groundwater. The location of the lake and the purity of its waters is an excellent place for the habitat of some species of rare animals and the growth of individual representatives of the flora (Lezel's chastuha, hairy buttercup and others).

Piyavskoe Lake The largest karst reservoir on the territory of Mordovia is Piyavskoe Lake. It was formed in the valley of the Yuzga River - approximately 15 kilometers from the village of Ivanovka. The area of ​​the water surface of Lake Piyavskoye reaches 9 hectares. The reservoir has an excellent location, it is surrounded on almost all sides pine forest, and only with one – deciduous. Unlike other lakes, the water in Leech has a special, brownish color. This shade is achieved due to the presence of peat. The lake is transformed when the yellow and snow-white water lilies bloom, and the rosettes of the frog's water lily also look amazing. Research conducted by biologists has revealed that on the lake and the surrounding area, there are 51 species of vascular plants, some types of lichens and mosses, as well as many birds and insects.

Inerka When it comes to picturesque places in Mordovia, it is simply impossible not to remember the most beautiful lake - Inerka. It is located in the valley of the Sura River, about seventy kilometers from Saransk. In the Mordovian language, the name of the lake “Inerka” means “Great Lake”. This name fully corresponds to the characteristics of the lake, since its total area reaches 44 hectares, and its length of three kilometers and width of two hundred meters give it every right to be called that. Inerka has an oblong shape, and the transparency of the water, which remains at a depth of up to two meters, allows many waterfowl, such as terns and waders, to live and nest. The lake always attracts many tourists and local residents, Inerka looks especially bright and colorful during the flowering period of water lilies. An equally bewitching panorama is formed around the lake: coniferous and deciduous forests They give an amazing aroma and purity to the air, and they are also a place of residence for roe deer, eagle owls, golden eagles, muskrats and other fauna.

Lake Shelubey, Tengushevsky district of Mordovia, can safely be called the heart of lakes and reservoirs. The size of the lake is quite impressive: its length reaches 2200 meters, and its width is 100 meters, while the average depth reaches 3 meters. The reservoir is clean and clear water, which is also fresh. The lake is surrounded by mixed vegetation: the northern side is covered with black alder and other types of trees, and the southeastern part is covered with floodplain meadows. Lake Shelubey is the habitat of many rare species plants that are listed in the Red Book: grass-leaved chastuha, yellow capsule, grass pondweed. In addition, insect species such as dolomedes spiders and silver spiders are also protected species. On the pond there are tufted ducks, beavers, Hen Harrier, gray toad and muskrat. Considering the entire list of rare species of flora and fauna, one of the main functions of the lake is the preservation of these species of plants, animals and insects.

Rivers of Mordovia

Moksha river in Mordovia, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan regions. It is a right tributary of the Oka River and flows into it at Pyatnitsky Yar, below the city of Kasimov. The length of the Moksha River is 656 km, the basin area is 51 thousand km². The Moksha River was navigable until the mid-1990s. Among the fish found in the Moksha are: perch, bream, pike perch, roach, loach, dace, rudd, crucian carp, burbot, pike, perch, etc. Tributaries of the Moksha: Sivin, Satis, Ermish (right), Vad, Tsna (left). On the Moksha River there is a well-known medical and health complex - the Moksha sanatorium.

Sura is the right tributary of the Volga. The length of the river is 841 km. Originates from the village. Surskie Vershiny, Baryshsky district, Ulyanovsk region, flows in the Nizhny Novgorod, Penza regions, Mordovia and Chuvashia. The largest rivers of the Sura basin are: Alatyr, Insar, Piana, Menya. The villages are located on the Sura. Bolshie Berezniki, Nikolaevka, Bolshebereznikovsky district. The river is inhabited by fish: catfish, sterlet, bream, pike perch, sabrefish, silver bream, perch, dace, roach, crucian carp, ruffe.

Rudnya is a right tributary of the Alatyr River. The length of the river is 90 km. Originates near the village. Bolotnikov, flows in the central part of Mordovia and in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The main tributaries: Irset, Rudnyachka, Yustyur, Maiska, Konopatka, Ingiryayka. The width of the channel in the lower reaches is up to 10 m, the depth is up to 1 m, the banks are mostly flat, covered with willow. On Rudnya there are villages. Govorovo, Ingener-Pyatina, village. Krasnaya Rudnya, Staroshaigovsky district. The river is inhabited by fish: pike, perch, dace, gudgeon, roach.

Issa river, right tributary of Moksha. Length 149 km. It originates 5 km south of the village. Anuchina, Luninsky district, Penza region, flows in the south of Mordovia. The main tributaries in Mordovia are the Insarka and Seitma. The width of the channel in the lower reaches is up to 50 m, the average depth is 1.0-1.5 m. On Iss there are the town of Insar, the village. Adashevo, Bolshaya Polyana. The river is inhabited by fish: pike, carp, bream, pike perch, ide, burbot, perch, dace, gudgeon, roach, crucian carp.

Alatyr river, left tributary of the Sura river. The length of the river is 296 km. The river originates 9 km northwest of the village. Alatyr, Pervomaisky district, Nizhny Novgorod region, flows in northeastern Mordovia and Chuvashia. The main tributaries in Mordovia: Irset, Rudnya, Kemlyatka, Insar, Nuya, Ineleika, Barakhmanka. The food is mainly snow, partly ground and rain. The width of the channel is 20-50 m, the average depth on the reaches is 2-3 m, on the rifts 0.2-0.4 m. The river is inhabited by fish: roach, pike, perch, bleak, burbot, subs.

Vysha (Noksa) is a river in the Penza region, Mordovia and the Ryazan region of Russia, the right tributary of the Tsna (Volga basin). Length - 179 km, basin area - 4570 km². Powered by snow and rain. Freeze-up is usually from November to April. The source of the river is in the Penza region. The administrative border of the Penza region with Mordovia runs along the river for 15 km, on the territory of which the village of Vysha is located (3 km from the river). It flows into the Tsna on the territory of the Ryazan region. At the confluence is the village of Vysha, Shatsk district, Ryazan region, famous for the Holy Dormition Vyshinsky Monastery. Tributaries (from the mouth): right - Lime (3.5 km), Purlya (24 km), Shuvarka (53 km), Ushinka (147 km ); left - Kermis (23 km), Pochkar (72 km), Torcha (84 km), Sych (87 km), Raevka (94 km), Mashnya (107 km), Noksa (147 km); further r. Noksa Burtas (148 km), Olshanka (155 km).

Vad (Big Vad) is a river in Russia, a left tributary of the Moksha River (Oka basin). The length of the Vad River is 222 km, the basin area is 6500 km². A winding, mostly forest (although there are also meadow areas) river. It originates in the forests of the Penza region, 17 km southeast of Vadinsk, near the villages of Kopovka and Krasnaya Polyana, Vadinsky district. A 700-meter dam was installed in the southeastern part of Vadinsk. The volume of the reservoir formed by this dam is 21 million m³ of water. It flows in the Penza region through the settlements of Kopovka, Vadinsk, Bolshaya Luka, Sergo-Polivanovo, Lugovoe. It flows through Mordovia in a swampy plain, surrounded by forests. On the river is the village of Shiringushi, below which it receives the left tributaries Udev, Marchas, Pichkyras and the right tributaries Partsa and Yavas. The last 15 km flows through the territory of the Ryazan region, flowing into Moksha near the urban-type settlement of Kadom.

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