River big salim. Big salim. Bridges and crossings

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Type Name Code City Code Distance
Airport Nefteyugansk NFG Nefteyugansk (RU) NFG 122 km.
Airport Surgut SGC Surgut (RU) SGC 147 km.

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Big Salym- a river in Russia, the left tributary of the Ob, flows through the territory of the Nefteyugansk and Khanty-Mansiysk regions of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region. The length of the river is 583 km, the area of ​​its drainage basin is 18,100 km²]].


The Great Salym basin is located entirely within the Nefteyugansk region of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The area along the river is very sparsely populated - there are only two settlements near the river: Salym, located on the left tributary of the Big Salym Vandrase a few kilometers before its confluence with the Big Salym in the middle reaches, and Lempino in the lower reaches.

Crosses the river at Salym Railway Tyumen-Surgut- New Urengoy, connecting the Trans-Siberian Railway with oil and gas production areas in the north Western Siberia. The regional highway P404 Tyumen-Khanty-Mansiysk crosses Bolshoi Salym twice: the first time in Salym on the Salym-Pyt-Yakh section, the second - in the lower reaches near Lempino, on the Pyt-Yakh-Khanty-Mansiysk section.

Bolshoy Salym is navigable for 210 km from the mouth, but as waterway only 110 km are used. It freezes in late October - early November, opens in late April - early May.

There are significant oil deposits in the lower and middle reaches of the river. In several places it is crossed by oil and gas pipelines.


Big Salym begins at an altitude of 95 m above sea level in the Salym swamp (one of the Vasyugan swamps) in the southwest of the Nefteyugansk region. From the source, it flows northward through the central part of the West Siberian Lowland, then turns westward, and near the village of Salym, the left tributaries Tukan and Vandras join it, and the river turns northward again. In places deviating to the east and west, it flows approximately in a northerly direction almost to the very confluence with the Ob. Near the mouth it deviates to the west and merges with its largest tributary Small Salym. It flows into the Great Salym channel of the Ob 35 km downstream of the village of Lempino, at an altitude of 35 m above sea level. At the mouth of the Bolshoy Salym, it is up to 200 m wide and more than 2 m deep, and the current speed reaches 0.4 m/s.

The river has a flat character throughout its course, flows through a very swampy taiga area with a large number of small lakes. The channel is very winding, with many meanders and oxbow lakes.

Water registry data

According to the state water register of Russia, it belongs to the Verkhneobsky basin district, the water management section of the river - the Ob from the city of Nefteyugansk to the confluence of the Irtysh river, the river sub-basin of the river - the Ob below the Vakh to the confluence of the Irtysh. river basin rivers - (Upper) Ob to the confluence of the Irtysh.

According to the geoinformation system for water management zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation, prepared by federal agency water resources:

  • Code water body in the state water register - 13011100212115200049660
  • Code for hydrological knowledge (GI) - 115204966
  • Pool code -
  • GI volume number - 15
  • Issue on GI - 2

The length of the river is 583 km, the area of ​​the basin is 18.1 thousand km 2 - the 20th in terms of the area of ​​the basin and the 16th in terms of the length of the tributary of the Ob. It originates in the swampy interfluve of the Ob and Demyanka, from the Salym swamp at around 95 m above sea level. It flows into the Salym channel of the Ob 35 km below the village. Lempino. General direction currents submeridional, only in the middle reaches, above the mouth of the river. Tarsap, the river flows from east to west. The basin lies within the Sredneobskaya lowland - flat lacustrine-alluvial plain, composed of loose loamy-sandy deposits and covered with dark coniferous taiga, pine, cedar and birch-aspen forests. Waterlogging of flat interfluve ridges reaches 50–80%. There are many small and several large lakes in the basin (Sorovskoye, Itshchitokh, Tyvtyitokh, etc.). The total fall of the river is 60 m. The main tributaries are the Tapatyakha (right), Tarsap, Small Salym, Tukan, Vandras (left).

The valley in the upper reaches of the river is weakly expressed, in the middle and lower reaches it is trapezoidal terraced, 3–5 km wide, with steep slopes (height 20–25 m), covered with mixed forest dominated by conifers. The floodplain in the upper reaches is low, swampy, in the middle and lower reaches it is ridged, sandy, forested with patches of meadows, from 1–2 to 4 km wide, with numerous crescent-shaped oxbow lakes and floodplain channels. The height of the floodplain is 3–5, in the lower reaches it is up to 6 m. The flooding of the floodplain is regular, lasting from 1 to 8 weeks. The channel freely meanders, strongly meandering. Tortuosity coefficient 1.9–2.5; in the middle and upper reaches in some areas it reaches 3.5. The width in the upper and middle reaches is 20–50 m, in the lower reaches it is 80–100 m, in some places up to 200 m. There is a carchekhod on the river. The speed of the river flow is 0.1–0.4, during the flood - 0.8–0.9 m/s. The sediments are sandy-silty, in some places dense clays come out into the channel. Depths on the rifts are 40–70 cm, on the rifts – 2–4 m.

The average long-term water consumption is 80 m 3 /s (flow volume 2.525 km 3). Food snow and rain. The Bolshoi Salym is a river with a West Siberian type of water regime with an extended spring-summer flood lasting 2.5–3 months (May-July). The maximum water flow exceeds 400 m 3 /s. Characterized by a rapid rise and a slow decline in levels. Low water is established in August, interrupted by rain floods in autumn. The range of levels is 4-5 m, in the lower reaches and in high-water years - up to 6 m. The river freezes in late October - November, opens in late April - early May.

Significant oil fields have been discovered and are being developed in the Salym basin: Pravdinskoye and Petelinskoye (on the right bank), the Salym group (West Salymskoye, Upper Salymskoye and Vadelypskoye) on the left bank. The annual volume of oil production reaches 8 million tons. Winter roads and dirt roads are laid from the fields to the river.

Bolshoy Salym during the flood is accessible for ships with a small draft from the mouth to the village. Salym (210 km from the mouth). Irregular navigation is carried out on the lower 110 km. There are three on the river settlements: Salym (7.1 thousand inhabitants), Lempino (510 people) and Sulino, small national villages in the lower reaches of the river. At Salym, the Tyumen-Surgut-Novy Urengoy railway crosses the river. There are two road crossings and several crossings of oil and gas pipelines on Bolshoi Salym.

Federal District: UFO

Region: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Pond type: rivers

Fish: crucian carp, burbot, perch, roach, pike, ide

Types of fishing: float fishing, bottom fishing, spinning, fly fishing, live bait fishing, winter views fishing, other types of fishing

Length: 583 km

Width: from 20-50 to 80-100 in places up to 200 m

Max Depth: 4 m

Pool: 18,100 km²

GIMS: Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug

Status: free

The Bolshoy Salym is a river in Russia, the left tributary of the Ob, flows through the territory of the Nefteyugansk and Khanty-Mansiysk regions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Big Salym begins at an altitude of 95 m above sea level in the Salym swamp (one of the Vasyugan swamps) in the southwest of the Nefteyugansk region. From the source, it flows northward through the central part of the West Siberian Lowland, then turns westward, and near the village of Salym, the left tributaries Tukan and Vandras join it, and the river turns northward again. In places deviating to the east and west, it flows approximately in a northerly direction almost to the very confluence with the Ob. Near the mouth, it deviates to the west and merges with its largest tributary, the Small Salym. It flows into the Great Salym channel of the Ob 35 km downstream of the village of Lempino, at an altitude of 35 m above sea level.

The length of the river is 583 km, the area of ​​its drainage basin is 18,100 km². The channel freely meanders, strongly winding. The width in the upper and middle reaches is 20–50 m, in the lower reaches it is 80–100 m, in some places up to 200 m. There is a carchekhod on the river. The speed of the river flow is 0.1–0.4, during the flood - 0.8–0.9 m/s. The sediments are sandy-silty, in some places dense clays come out into the channel. Depths on the rifts are 40–70 cm, on the stretches - 2–4 m.

Food snow and rain. Low water is established in August, interrupted by rain floods in autumn. The river freezes in late October - November, opens in late April - early May.

The main tributaries are Tapatyakha (right), Tarsap, Small Salym, Tukan, Vandras (left).

There are three settlements on the river: Salym (7.1 thousand inhabitants), Lempino (510 people) and Sulino, small national settlements in the lower reaches of the river.


Bolshoy Salym during the flood is accessible for ships with a small draft from the mouth to the village. Salym (210 km from the mouth). Irregular navigation is carried out on the lower 110 km.

Bridges and crossings

At Salym, the Tyumen-Surgut-Novy Urengoy railway crosses the river, connecting the Trans-Siberian Railway with oil and gas production areas in the north of Western Siberia. The regional highway P404 Tyumen-Khanty-Mansiysk crosses Bolshoi Salym twice: the first time in Salym on the Salym - Pyt-Yakh section, the second - in the lower reaches near Lempino, on the Pyt-Yakh - Khanty-Mansiysk section.

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