When the frosts of the year come. When will the snow fall - weather forecast. Folk signs of winter

Every person who cares about the future will certainly wonder what the winter of 2017-2018 will be like in Russia in order to know what exactly to prepare for in the coming period. Such thoughts visit not only the inhabitants of those settlements, which directly depend on weather conditions living in villages, villages, settlements. And urban residents are very dependent on the vagaries of the weather, so each of us just needs to understand what the inevitable winter period will be like for Russians.

Winter 2017-2018: general forecast from weather forecasters

Modern society is closely linked to progress and new developments in science and technology, yet the current understanding of all these processes does not allow scientists to predict how far the weather will go. Therefore, it should be understood that each statement describing the natural mood for the winter of 2017-2018 is only preliminary, albeit very probable.

Meteorologists suggest that coming winter 2017-2018 in Russia will be very traditional and in most regions of our country will not differ from the previous ones. Only the eastern regions of Russia can feel some of the changes caused by climate change throughout our planet. It is believed that for this reason, weather changes will be more abrupt than usual, but in general this will not spoil the overall picture.

Important! Below is a probabilistic weather forecast for the winter, applies only to the Central region of the Russian Federation.

What will the weather be like for months?

The warmest period will be mid-December 2017 and early February 2018. the first snowfalls will take place at the end of autumn, they will be very plentiful and will create the impression of a real fabulous Russian winter. But after a few weeks, all this beauty will melt, and you will have to take care of waterproof shoes. Before the onset of the New Year, the thermometer will drop again, and snow will pass in most of the central regions of the country. The most severe frosts should be expected in February for almost the entire final half of it.

What will December 2017 be like?

Winter will come earlier than expected - in November 2017. Residents of our country will be pleasantly surprised by how comfortable and joyful the atmosphere will be in the winter period of this season. Severe frosts are not expected, only pleasant -5° -9° degrees during the daytime. But the middle of the month can somewhat spoil the mood for everyone who dreams of an endless winter fairy tale. There will be a short warming, which will last for a week. In general, 2017 will end with mild cold - down to -5° during the day and down to -7° -10° at night, with moderate precipitation but rather cloudy skies.

What will January 2018 be like?

January is the most long-awaited month of winter, because it falls a large number of all your favorite holidays and. To the delight of all Russians, January 2018 will give us a pleasant New Year's holidays. The first part of the month will pass in comfortable -6-10 degrees during the day without strong winds and precipitation. By Epiphany frosts will come to -20 ° -25 ° in the afternoon. They will hold out for about three days, and after that, the thermometer will creep up, lulling the vigilance of everyone who decided that winter is losing its positions.

What will February 2018 be like?

The shortest winter month will also be the most unpredictable. Due to rapid temperature changes within just one night, the weather can change dramatically.
In mid-February, in most of the Central federal district, there will be heavy snowfall. The wind at this time will be strong and gusty, which will significantly complicate the movement. By the end of February, warming will come for several days, which will make it possible to warm up and tune in to the spring period.

Weather in the winter of 2017-2018 in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Because of big cities produce a large amount of heat, their features will usually be a few degrees warmer even in the coldest cold. In general, the temperature regime described above is also relevant for Moscow and St. Petersburg. The only exception will be that in St. Petersburg, much more is expected cloudy days throughout the winter, and during the thaw period, precipitation will be much more abundant than in Moscow.

Winter is a time of noisy and cheerful holidays, outdoor activities on fresh air, skating and skiing. But before you make plans for the New Year holidays or winter vacation, you should find out what the winter of 2017-2018 will be like in Moscow, what to expect from the cold season - long snowfalls, severe frosts or mild thaws.

As usual, at the beginning of autumn, Roshydromet publishes a weather forecast for the coming winter. What do the forecasters promise us? Firstly, according to experts' forecasts, the coming winter will be one of the most stable and stable, which means no sudden temperature changes, no abnormal snowfalls or extreme cold. Secondly, the winter of 2017-2018 promises to be quite warm - as if in compensation for the cold and rainy last summer. Thirdly, the season will seem especially mild thanks to snowfalls - short, not too plentiful, but very frequent.

December 2017

The forecast for the winter of 2017-2018 in Moscow is quite unambiguous - residents of the capital should not expect any extreme frosts or too heavy snowfalls. Yes and real winter will begin not from the first days of December, but a little later - by the end of the first decade.

The beginning of the month will be quite warm, but at the same time rainy. During the day, forecasters promise up to 5C heat, at night the temperature will drop to zero. Heat is accompanied by rain - long, lingering, but not turning into a downpour.

The second decade will begin with a significant cooling - down to minus 10C at night and minus 3-4C during the day. At the same time, the possibility of precipitation will continue, instead of rain, snowfalls will begin - and, unlike light rain, the first snowfalls will be very heavy. Forecasters predict that almost a month's worth of snow will fall in a few days in the middle of the month.

By the beginning of the third decade, the cold will go away, and the weather will again be warm enough for the beginning of winter in the capital - in the daytime up to minus 2C, in some places the thermometer will overcome zero - up to plus 3-4C. However, the heat will not last long, and in the last days of the month a cold front will cover Moscow again.

IN new year's eve those residents and guests of the capital who intend to celebrate the holiday in the open air should dress warmer - weather forecasters promise up to 7-9C below zero during the day and about 10-15C frost at night.

January 2018

New Year's Eve promises to be the coldest in the first decade of the month. Already on January 2-3, the thermometer will rise to minus 4-6C, but along with the heat, snow will come again. By the beginning of the second week of the year it will get colder again, so that the New Year and Christmas holidays will end with a slight frost - about 14-17C below zero.

The second half of the month will be the richest in snowfall for the entire period - weather forecasters promise almost daily precipitation from mid-January until the 26th-27th. The temperature is within the normal range for this period - during the day from 7C to 11C frost, at night - 12-17C below zero.

By the end of the month it will get a little warmer - up to 2-4C below zero during the day and 5-8C at night. However, the change in temperature will bring with it a wind that is especially piercing and cold at this time of the year.

February 2018

The last winter month in Moscow will be quite snowy and windy. However, it is February that will bring spring - by the end of the season, the snow will melt almost everywhere, and the gloomy cloudy weather will be replaced by a bright, already spring-like warm sun. But first things first.

The first decade of February is a rather unpleasant combination of piercing wind, low temperatures and rare snowfall. The month will begin with a slight cooling - down to minus 6-8C during the day and minus 7-10C at night. Ice, prickly snow, penetrating, it seems, even under triggers and down jackets, low temperatures - the beginning of February will not please Muscovites. But weather forecasters hastened to console - this weather will not last long enough.

The second decade will bring a quick change of weather - a fan will disperse the clouds, and a clear sky will replace the snow clouds. It will get colder - up to 10-14C ​​frost during the day and 17-20C below zero at night. After three or four days, the frost will recede, and the thermometer will again rise to a comfortable - for mid-February - mark of 4-6C.

The third decade will begin with warming - up to minus 2-4C in daytime. Starting from February 22-23, according to forecasters, the warming will intensify, and the daytime temperature will be set at a fairly comfortable level of plus 2-3C. Clouds will come along with the warmth, but not with snow, but with a little rain. By the end of the month, the first spring rains will finally wash away the snow and help bring real spring to the region - by the end of the third decade, the thermometer will drop below zero only at night, to 3-4C below zero. The daily temperature in the last days of February will surely stay at the level of 4-5C of heat.

Instead of a conclusion

Forecasters who make long-term weather forecasts warn that there are no perfect forecasts. In each of options forecasts closer to the season will definitely be changed. There are many reasons for such inconstancy of the weather - from global warming to the terrain in the region. Therefore, when making plans for the winter of 2017-2018, keep in mind that the weather forecast may change.

See video, which shows what Moscow looks like in February:

There is still a lot of time before the onset of cold weather, but people already want to know when winter will come in Russia in 2019-2020 and what to expect from nature this time. The main thing is to find out which period will be the most severe in order to prepare everything necessary for a comfortable wintering. Of course, the exact data come out for 3 - 7 days, but according to the average statistics from the Hydrometeorological Center, you can make preliminary forecast for three months.

What will winter be like according to weather forecasts

Domestic weather forecasters do not portend abnormally low temperatures. Even if severe frosts overtake some regions of the Russian Federation, they will not linger for more than 2 weeks of each month. Most of the central regions will have fairly mild weather, and cold period match the current season. As for Eastern and northern regions, already in the first days of December, the thermometer will drop below -30 ° С. Residents of the Komi Republic, Siberia and Siberia should prepare for severe frosts. Perm Territory.

Heavy snowfalls should be expected at the end of November, but the snow will not last long and will melt in just a week. Then go with new force in the beginning of December. At the same time, the air temperature will show -12, -10 ° С. There is also less rainfall than last year. But in different regions, snow cover can reach 50 cm. In general, winter will have the following characteristics:

  • early but moderate;
  • in early December, heavy snowfalls, but by the middle of the month the snow will melt;
  • at the end of December, moderate frosts and light precipitation;
  • the first 2 weeks of January will be warm and windy;
  • severe frosts are expected in the second half and first of February, and a thaw will begin at the end.

Weather forecast for Moscow and St. Petersburg

Moscow. In the capital, the weather will be milder than it was in 2019. But weather forecasters promise big frosts at the end of January and 7-10 days in February. The rest of the time, the winter will be moderately frosty. On average, the daily temperature will stop at around -12, -10°C. Warm weather is also likely, resulting in high humidity.

Petersburg. Annually average temperature in the northern capital does not exceed -7, - 8°С. Therefore, one should not expect a significant change in the regime. Only at night, frosts can intensify to -20°C. Despite the fact that the cold in St. Petersburg is relatively small, they are felt more acutely, as climatic conditions different high humidity and strong winds.

Forecast for each month

It should be noted that the preliminary data were compiled taking into account long-term observations from the Hydrometeorological Center and are not an accurate indicator of real weather in 2019. Therefore, reliable information should be familiarized a few days before the start of winter. As a rule, weather forecasters publish the forecast on the main TV channels and other media.

December The first half of the month will be warm. Snow will cover the ground in almost all regions of the country. The average temperature indicator will fluctuate within -15, -10°C. But in the northern and eastern regions, it will drop to -30 - 20°C. Residents of the southern part of the Russian Federation can expect fairly mild weather. During the day, the temperature will stay at around 0 degrees, and at night to -7. In Moscow and St. Petersburg will be heavy snow. In the daytime, a comfortable temperature for winter will be -8 degrees. At night it will freeze a little to -18.
January The beginning of the month will remind you of the previous period, but already on the 15th you need to take care of a warm wardrobe, as they will begin. The temperature can drop to -25°C in middle lane Russia, and in the northern regions up to -40. In a week, the frosts will gradually subside. Until the end of the month in the capital and the central part of the country will hold -10. And at this time, heavy snowfalls are expected throughout the territory. It should be noted that temperature fluctuations are expected. Therefore, small frosts will alternate with precipitation.
February The last month of winter is characterized by sharp changes in air temperature. In the beginning, large frosts are characteristic. In some areas they will reach -30°С. The middle of the month will delight lovers of winter entertainment with heavy snowfalls. But in two weeks, the weather will warm up sharply. The first spring thaws will begin to gain momentum. During the day, the temperature will be no more than -2 degrees, and at night it can drop to -10. You also need to consider that real heat should not be expected until the end of March.

Weather in Russia for the New Year 2020

According to long-term observations, winter presents the Russians with a gift for the holidays - heavy snowfall and a comfortable air temperature of -7°C. But on January 1, it will get a little warmer to -3. Then the frost will gradually get stronger and by the old New Year it can reach -25 degrees, and in the north and east of the country up to -40. and St. Petersburg for New Year's celebrations -10°C is expected. In the south, the thermometer will drop to -5. In general, no abnormal cold weather is expected in the central regions.

Folk signs of winter

In fact, even the most high-tech instruments will not be able to predict the weather for several months ahead. Climatic manifestations are still a mystery to weather forecasters. But folk signs can cope with this task. Now the climate has changed significantly. Several decades ago, there were more harsh winter, but the basic rules remain the same:

  • Rainy July and August, dry September and October - late and long winter.
  • Warm September- late frosts.
  • Ugly rowan, mushrooms and acorns - long and Cold winter.
  • Thin skin on autumn vegetables warm winter.
  • Leaves fall late from the trees - big frosts.
  • Bullfinches have arrived - wait for a quick winter.
  • Mosquitoes in late autumn - early frosts.
  • The first snow fell - after 40 days there were big frosts.
  • The first snow fell on trees with not fallen leaves - severe frosts and fierce February.
  • It snowed on December 12 - expect the same weather for another week.

Winter is the most wonderful time. It is in winter that you can enjoy soft snow, plunge into the fragrant smell of freshness, and rejoice at the arrival of the long-awaited New Year holidays. Winter is not only warm fur coats and huge snowdrifts, it is fun tubing or skating, skiing or snowboarding. Only in winter time year, you can enjoy winter sports with rapture and enjoy everyday fluffy snowflakes falling on your nose and cheeks. And when will winter 2019 come? When will it be possible to enjoy all the splendor of the frosty season?

According to calendar events start day winter period falls on December 1st. But, as a rule, by the indicated moment, winter is already fully wielding its power. In December, the weather becomes really frosty, this month there are no exceptions for severe frosts, which, of course, only decorate the winter season.

And yet, when will winter be in 2019 in Russia? In what month will this fluffy and wonderful season come to the Russians?

When winter comes 2019

By Christian customs the beginning of a magnificent winter season falls on a festive date - Pokrov Holy Mother of God. Orthodox celebrate this celebration on the 14th of October. By folk wisdom says that during this period the first crust of snow should cover the ground. And, as you know, it is fluffy snow that is clear sign frosty season.

But in these years, the first snow rarely falls on Pokrov. Statistics prove that in specified time in October, the weather is still moderately warm, so it's too early to talk about the coming of winter.

As for precipitation in the form of snow, the first snowflakes are planned for the month of November. It is November that can be considered the opening of the cold season. Forecasters assure that when the winter of 2019 comes, at that moment sub-zero temperatures will appear on the thermometer. According to preliminary data, it was revealed that the final month of autumn will become frosty and snowy. If at the beginning of the month the thermometer on the street shows zero marks, then by the middle of the same month the daily temperature environment becomes sharply negative. As for the night hours, already on the initial dates, the air temperature at night will be equal to minus 5 frosty degrees.

In connection with such circumstances, we can confidently say that the winter period will boldly declare its rights from mid-November. But autumn at this moment does not want to leave nature, so even before last days month, a severe struggle between an imperious winter and a tireless autumn is possible.

But on the calendar first day of the winter period, that is, on the 1st of December, the cold season of the year will already openly and fully enter into its legal rights. The month of December will be a real herald of frosty blizzards and sub-zero temperatures.

An accurate forecast for 2019, when winter comes to Russia, can also be given based on folk signs about the cold season.

  • If September is a dry and warm month, then the early arrival of frost should not be expected.
  • A huge harvest of red rowan indicates the arrival of a frosty and early winter.
  • The later the leaves fall from the trees, the later you can expect the arrival of cold weather in nature.
  • The late departure of cranes indicates the fact that frosts will not come to nature soon.
  • If from autumn ants build large anthills, then the sign indicates the onset of severe frosts, which will last almost the entire winter period.
  • Titmouse, which begin to fly up close to apartments and houses, carry quick frosts on their tails.
  • If a rich harvest of mushrooms is observed in the summer, then the winter will drag on for a long time and become quite frosty, but not early.

According to a wise Russian proverb, it is necessary to worry about the coming winter since the summer. That's why many are wondering about the winter of 2017-2018 long before it starts. It's never too late to figure out what exactly to expect from the inevitable cold season. Maybe it's time for heavy snowfalls and terrible frosts, or this time three cold months will please the Russians with warm and snowless days? Well, it's time to talk about what kind of winter is expected in Russia in 2017-2018.

General forecast

It is clear that all the talk about the upcoming time period, which is still waiting and waiting, can be called purely preliminary. After all, none of the existing meteorological centers make weather forecasts so far in advance. However, it is always possible to build information on conjectural information, which, of course, cannot be called final.

According to meteorologists, the weather will be more or less stable in the upcoming winter of 2017-2018. According to long term forecast, throughout Russia, this time of year will become moderately cold, with the exception of the North-West side. The first snow will fall in early November and will linger for several weeks. In the middle part of the state, without affecting Far East or Siberia, snow cover can be seen long before the onset of the calendar winter. By the way, the first snowfalls promise to be plentiful.

December will not be too cold, although it will be replaced by an “upset” January. He will freeze Mother Russia! But until the onset of February, no one will understand that these frosts were just a saying - the main story is still ahead. A week before its farewell chord, winter will suddenly realize that spring has already managed to sit on its throne, moreover, to settle firmly there. The thaw will begin overnight, turning the whole of Russia into a floating state for several days. That's just not for nothing that winter is called harsh - it will not give up its positions so easily. As a result, for another month, the devil will be going on outside the window - the snow will suddenly fall for several hours, then it will melt, then the first spring rain may break free, after which the turn of frosts will inevitably come. And this weather will last exactly until April.

Unlike the 2016-2017 season, the described time period promises to be much more generous with precipitation. You should not wait for sunny and relatively dry weather - this time everything will go according to a more “deplorable scenario”. An exception is the period in late November and early December - after the first thaw, relative calm reigns.

Weather in December 2017

As it has already become clear, the country will enter the winter partially prepared - in November it will snow and the first frosts will begin, which will soon change relatively warm weather. Therefore, at the beginning of the first winter month no sudden temperature changes are expected. Further on the territory of the Central part of Russia, rather frosty weather will reign - up to -10 degrees in the daytime and -18 at night. In Siberia during this period it will be "relatively" warm - -18 ... -22. A similar temperature regime will last until the holidays, while before the New Year it will get a little warmer. The only exception will be Siberia, where in the daytime the thermometer will begin to steadily drop to -30 degrees.

The most significant precipitation is expected in the north of the state - large New Year's snowdrifts cannot be avoided. The southern and central regions of Russia will also be strewn with snow, but its cover should not be too large.

Weather in January 2018

The forecast for the first month of the New Year will please everyone - January will meet its adherents not with too much frost, but with increased snowfalls. From the 1st to the 5th, lower the thermometer in the daytime to -15, while at night it is expected to be -22 degrees. A little warmer in southern regions, although only a few degrees - -10 ... -17.

On the eve of Christmas, it will become noticeably colder, however, the described weather will last just a couple of days. Already on the old New Year Warm sunny weather is expected. But where without Epiphany frosts? Toward the end of the second decade of January, severe cold will come - -19 degrees in the daytime and up to -25 at night. It will be even colder in Siberia and nearby areas (which is understandable), although heavy snowfalls are not expected.

According to forecasters, closer to the end of the month are expected strong winds, driving the frosty cold behind them. For several days, all of Russia will plunge into a snowy abyss, beyond which neither the sun nor clouds will be visible. The change of the anticyclone will affect temperature regime Relative warming is expected at the end of the month.

Weather in February 2018

At the beginning of the last month, the January lull will be transferred for several days, which will be replaced literally by the end of the first decade. severe frosts. The initial warming will go unnoticed only for central regions Russia, while in Siberia the situation will remain the same. Closer to February 14, precipitation will begin, lasting several days. At the same time, you should not expect a noticeable excess of the monthly norm. In conclusion, winter will want to show all its power and strength, only it no longer has the latter - a week before the actual onset of spring, its murmuring steps will ring out all over Rus'. And then - the eternal confrontation of cold and heat for superiority. And despite the fact that the outcome is always the same, fighting for a few more snowy or cold days is a sacred thing. As a result, almost the whole of March will turn out to be like a capricious girl - frosty days will be replaced by short-term thaws or even short rains.


Understanding in more detail what the winter of 2017–2018 will be like in Russia, it is worth remembering only one thing - the current forecasts of meteorologists are in fact considered very approximate. Each word is taken based on their long-term observations of the behavior of the described season in the specified territory. More accurate forecasts will be able to find out closer to the onset of the designated time of the year.

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