Joseph Prigogine biography personal life children. Joseph Prigogine - biography, photo, personal life of the producer. About female friendship, usurper husbands and the Pokrovsky Gate

Leila Fattakhova appears first at the meeting place, ex-wife Joseph Prigogine and Valeria's real friend. About five minutes later playful Tatyana Drobysh flies in. Next is Valeria, accompanied by her beloved man, who does not let go of the phone. “And these energetic laughers are 50?” Unfortunately, in our society there is still a stereotype: a woman has no life after 40. We are generally silent about 50. Fortunately, the stereotype is gradually being shattered about such energetic, purposeful, interested, greedy people. And with whom, if not with them, to talk about how to live life to the fullest, without worrying about the number in the passport. It was not possible to intervene in the conversation, and there was no need to. We just overheard a conversation between three friends. We publish fragments from it.

Tatiana: Ler, I did your hair for you!

Valeria: A la 90s, I liked the way you were laid back then. So cool!

Tatiana: I like it too, you can’t recommend anything bad. Not as the saying goes: “ Best friend- bald friend." I think this is so low. It's better to remain silent. But no, how often false compliments pour in from “sworn friends.” It’s not like here, we’re all beauties, we all trust each other.

Leila: If a person is essentially deceitful, it doesn’t matter whether he’s a girlfriend or not...

Valeria: Girls, how wise we are ( laughs)... We all look the same here, right? Tanya, are you from 1969?

Tatiana: Yeah, we have “5 A”, “6 B” and “7 B” classes. And my “classmate”, Joseph from “5 A”, needs to be seated at our table, because it’s impossible without him.

Valeria: Why is this? Very much so! That's it, Yosya, go, don't disturb. We're having girl talk here.

About female friendship, usurper husbands and the Pokrovsky Gate

Valeria: Girls, how long have we been friends?

Leila: Well, not so long ago. Lizka (daughter of Leila and Joseph - Ed.) was 10 years old when I first sent her on vacation with you to Switzerland. She is now 19. We started talking then and became friends a little later. It was a huge step forward for me when I asked Joseph if I could invite you to perform at our concert in the House of Music. Do you remember? Yosya then doubted, and you firmly said: “It’s possible!” It was so important to me. Bel Suono had their first concert then, no one knew much about it yet, but you supported us. And it was significant. There are other points of contact besides children.

Valeria: Yes, there must be something in common for the friendship to be strong and last long years. When I was a student, I had a close friend, we communicated wonderfully, and then life tore us apart. When we meet, we remember the past, but we don’t see each other often.

Leila: And there is nothing like that in this, by the way. Nobody betrayed anyone, life just changed: everyone has families, children, their own worries.

When a woman gets married, she loses a huge number of friends. And it doesn't depend on whether it's bad or good husband

Valeria: Yes, it’s a completely different reality. In general, my family life was so specific that I had no right to have girlfriends. I was then usurped once and for all. Such were the living conditions.

Tatiana: Well, I can tell you that not only yours ex-husband- tyrant. They are all tyrants and usurpers. When a woman gets married, she loses a huge number of friends. And this does not depend on whether the husband is bad or good. The focus of communication is simply changing. Maybe I would like to go somewhere with the girls, and my husband will say: “Well, hello, what about me?” And you are with us because Valeria’s husband is Prigozhin. Ler, well, you and I started to communicate closely through our husbands.

Valeria: Yeah, so let's go to the cinema together. The boys are sitting behind us, and we are in front. It’s good for them, and it’s good for us. Also, when Lisa comes from Switzerland, Leila and I have another reason to meet.

Leila: But we are already dating without Lizka. This degree of intimacy. You are my man.

Tatiana: You have the “Pokrovsky Gate” right there, high relations! It seems to me... No, exactly! I wouldn’t be able to communicate with my husband’s ex like that.

Tatyana Drobysh, TV presenter, wife of Viktor Drobysh (since 2008). Daughter Lydia (8 years old), son Daniel (7 years old). From her first marriage to businessman Alexei Nusinov, Tatyana has a son Anton (21 years old)

Leila: So there is Joseph’s first wife, and the relationship there is not going well at all.

Valeria: A lot depends on the person here. When Lisa came to us, it was immediately clear what kind of mother she was and what was said in the family. Even if a child is cunning, he will still screw up somewhere. When Yosin’s elder children came to us, they were in the enemy’s camp. All the time they were looking for some kind of trick, information was leaked in tons. And it’s clear that this all comes from my mother. Why is not clear. Children should not stand at a crossroads between their parents and try to choose someone. It is pointless. If my ex was adequate, I would be happy to communicate with him. I’m glad that everything worked out this way for Lisa and me from the very beginning. I remember that on this first trip she generally followed me with her tail, reaching out to the girl.

Leila: She is her mother's daughter, there is no mother, there is a second mother. And now it’s like that with us, Lizka really calls Leroux her second mother.

Tatiana: Leila, honestly, aren’t you jealous?

Leila: Absolutely not! On the contrary, it’s better to consult Lera if I don’t know what to do. At school, there were always two email addresses as contacts: mine and Lerin’s. The documents were sent in English, I don’t know the language, Lera always called and asked if everything was in order there, if it was possible to sign. Everyone benefits from this. The children are friends. Subject (Artem Shulgin is Valeria’s eldest son. - Ed.) He calls Lizka his sister. Recently she visited him in Switzerland to pick up something, and he handed her 50 francs. I tell her, you’re cunning, and she admits with surprise that she didn’t even expect it.

Valeria: The theme tasted itself student life, when you have to save, the money is all sorted into shelves. Remember when we were all in London at the concert? Lisa then hugged me and said: “I am the happiest today! All my loved ones are nearby." This is so touching! That’s how we communicate, a big friendly group.

About teenage love, resentment and a pocket fire extinguisher

Valeria: Oh, Senya writes, chooses a gift for Anya...

Tatiana: Oh, you and I already have daughters-in-law!

Valeria: Do you have a new one now?

Tatiana: Yeah, the second one already. Divorced from the first one ( laughs).

Leila: Girls, I would also talk to you about this topic, but they don’t initiate me...

Valeria: Yes, Lisa is learning from you, she’s all about business, she has no time for that yet!

Leila: And let him still be a child. And then jealousy, anxiety...

Valeria: Do you think you'll be jealous? I kept waiting for my maternal jealousy to wake up, but it didn’t. Senya has been in a relationship for two years now. They live together. Senya is the last of the family to branch off. I remember when he walked out the door with his things, I cried a lot. And he says to me like an adult: “Mom, it’s like you’re escorting me to the army or another country. I’m here, next to you, almost on the next street.” And I’m crying, I can’t. And now he is the head of the family, provides for Anya (Anna Sheridan is Arseny’s girlfriend - editor’s note), but does not forget about his mother.

I know that my children, no matter who appears next to them, always have a place in their hearts for me

We were sitting here at the concert: me, Senya and Anya. And during the concert, he took her hand and mine, and sat through the entire concert. I know that my children, no matter who comes next, always have a place in their hearts for me.

Tatiana: What a grown-up! But you still raise him, make a gentleman out of him. Here give way to Anya, open the door here...

Valeria: How else? I look at the situation as a woman. Yes, Senya is my son, but this does not mean that I will always be on his side. And I scold him if Anya says something wrong. Anya has already become part of the family. It so happened that they met each other early, and I already perceive them as one whole. I can make a remark to Anya, and to Sena. It’s always clearer from the outside.

Leila: Moreover, Ler, you are definitely an arbitrator! When mine grow up, I will invite you.

Valeria: Temka gave me a test on Facebook. Definition of psychotype. I passed, then I think: somewhere I didn’t answer frankly. I tried it a second time, but the result was the same. Do you know which one? Peacemaker!

Tatiana: Oh, but it’s true! How did you get there? You always try to reconcile everyone. I’m offended by Vitya, I’m calling you to complain, five minutes of conversation, and all my emotions were blown away. It’s unclear why I was offended!

Valeria: Yes, I've been carrying a fire extinguisher all my life. This is my mission.

Leila: Although you are an Aries, you should be explosive.

Tatiana: And she is not a peacemaker in Zen, she is a fighter for justice.

Valeria: Yosya jokes that there will be no war. But there will be such a struggle for peace that it will not be good ( laughs). We need to look globally. We are all wrong in little things. But to be offended and angry is such childishness and lack of self-confidence. I can be offended within the family for educational purposes. Like, I was offended, so that they would know, so that they wouldn’t pass by, that they shouldn’t do this or that. But this is all funny too. I wear this mask and I don’t remember why I’m having a demonstration here. But I don’t really remember when I was offended. I can always take the other person's side. I really doubt that people do anything out of evil intentions, it seems to me that they are simply mistaken.

Leila: You know, I recently Once again, but now I’m sure - forever, I broke up with one friend. You do good to a person, but the person accumulates envy and anger within himself. At some point, this results in rudeness in public, and you stand, listen and do not understand how a person for whom you have all your heart can feel so much hatred towards you. I have stepped on the same rake many times already. We need to become smarter somehow. If I had known that a person treated this way, I would not have come close.

Valeria: I’m also always not ready for rudeness, Leila. But don't promise it. They say you need to learn from mistakes, but on the other hand, openness is your quality, why break yourself. It happened and happened. Move on with the same open heart, I think so. Negative experiences are also experiences.

About age, happiness and small children for big fathers

Leila: Recently I came across an article about the age of happiness, our age. What is happiness for you?

Tatiana: It seems to me that happiness is not a permanent state. I look at Danka and instantly feel happy. It's a fraction of a second. And then again worries, and so I can scold my source of happiness ( laughs), wow! This is Lera, our supermom. Children adore you! When you talk to Lida, your voice immediately becomes so calm and affectionate...

Valeria: I’m like this with other people’s children, do you know how they got me down? The one little children love is Yosya. He can spend hours fiddling with them and talking.

Leila: I think he needs a little one.

The souls of children are given to us for temporary storage. Until the age of 18, we must protect and support them, but understand that they are not our property.

Valeria: Oh, yes, he could use a little one right now. Right now. Vitya amazes me! I had no idea he was such a father. Doesn't let go of the children.

Tatiana: Yeah, our husbands have grown up to have small children.

Valeria: Yes, before they had no time, they were building a career, making money, there was a lot of fuss around. But here everything is already stable. I look at Vitya and think: is it really him? He manages to do everything: to roller skate, to get up for fishing at five in the morning, and to sit in the studio and get things done. These fathers need to give birth to children on time.

Tatiana: But here is another danger. At this age, dad can only be a carrot. Knut is always mom. Although, when it’s the second day alone with the children, dad can’t stand it. Recently they went to the pool, and Lida whined and whined. Vitya calls and mutters in a guttural voice, restraining himself as much as possible: “Please take her.” I brought my beloved father.

Valeria: Yeah, and mothers will endure everything without a break.

Leila: That's how it should be.

Valeria: And Leila is such a wise mother. She sent her only child to study in Switzerland at the age of 12!

Leila: Well, you remember how for the first two years we didn’t get out of Skype. I thought that I would die here without her, I doubted the decision. And now I realized that I did everything right.

Valeria: Of course that's right! As they say, the souls of children are given to us for temporary storage. Until the age of 18, we must protect them, support them, but understand that they are not our property. That they have their own path and their own life. All we have to do is help them start on this path and walk alongside them further if they need help. But don't impose.

Leila Fattakhova, producer of the Bel Suono piano show, second wife of Joseph Prigozhin (in civil marriage lived 7 years. Daughter Elizabeth (19 years old)

Tatiana: Girls, look how interesting it is: from talking about happiness, we smoothly moved on to children and husbands...

Valeria: So this is also part of our happiness. How, Tanya, did you say that happiness comes from little things? I agree with you. I also think that happiness is when there is no unhappiness.

Leila: And our happiness is that we live brightly and do not stop. We don’t live the lives of children or husbands, we have a lot of our own affairs and activities. Many women, especially in Soviet time, disappeared into the children’s lives, and by the age of 50 they had nothing more. We gave the children a way, we are always there, but at the same time we develop ourselves. And that’s why children are interested in being with us.

Valeria: And this is the secret of how beautiful we look ( laughs). But seriously, none plastic surgery will not replace a real interest in life. I had a teacher at the institute. One day we invited her to come with us to celebrate something and have fun. But she flatly refused, saying it’s not for my age. She was 40 years old! Only 40, you know? And already such fatigue, lethargy, as if I had already seen everything and had nothing to be interested in. And in contrast, my mother, who at her advanced age is involved in fitness, teaches English language, tutors students. She is interested in everything: concerts, theater. And my grandmother, at 100 years old, read albums on art, was aware of all events, and was drawn to everything new and interesting. And everyone in my family is long-lived. And when at 40 you decide that it’s no longer interesting, you give up on life, that’s scary.

Tatiana: Well, we're not in danger. We also know how to have fun as children. By the way, we haven’t played in the association for a long time. Shall we get together this weekend?

Valeria, Leila (in chorus): Agreed!

We would like to thank Hills restaurant for their help in organizing the shooting.

Joseph Igorevich Prigozhin was born on April 2, 1969 in Makhachkala, in the family of Igor Matveevich and Dinara Yakubovna Prigozhin. The parents were descendants of Ashkenazi and Mountain Jews.

Joseph began working as a child; at the age of 12 he was already making a living as a hairdresser. But the boy did not see any serious opportunities to realize his ambitious plans in Makhachkala. And he had grandiose plans: to become a popular artist, although creative professions were not welcomed in the family. Therefore, in 1985, Prigozhin, having received a passport, immediately set off to conquer Moscow.

Since that turning point, the biography of Joseph Prigogine has flowed in a different direction.

At first, the 16-year-old boy from Makhachkala, who had neither acquaintances nor relatives in the capital, had a hard time. To get a place in a dormitory, he entered a vocational school to major in thermal and waterproofing. In 1986, Prigozhin simultaneously graduated from both a vocational school and a Moscow evening school on Izmailovsky Boulevard. But Joseph did not forget about the main goal. Along the way, he found time to study at the Gamma theater studio.

Even in his youth, Prigozhin dreamed of brilliant career in show business. But the attempt to enter GITIS was unsuccessful. Without dwelling on failures, the purposeful guy moved forward: he met people around music business stars, attended their parties and even auditioned for films.

In the late 80s, Joseph Prigogine already worked as a tour manager for concert programs. He also sang on stage and even released an audio cassette with his songs. In the 90s, touring life began. Gradually, Joseph came to the realization that administrative activity was closer to him than the career of an artist.

Joseph Prigogine became the administrator and organizer of the first fashion show. This happened in 1989, and Joseph Igorevich’s debut as a producer took place in 1991, when the “Supershow-91” he organized was aired on the Ostankino TV channel.

Producing career

In 1994, on his second attempt, Joseph Prigogine entered the GITIS named after. And in 2000, without interruption from intensive administrative and creative activities, he received higher education specialty "producer".

The first singer to use the services of aspiring producer Joseph Prigozhin was Sona. Now few people remember this star. Soon Prigozhin became a producer and promoter.

In the late 90s, Prigozhin produced anniversary concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of creative activity and the 10th anniversary of the group, organized the first solo concerts, the Golden Gramophone events, and was the executive producer of a festive concert dedicated to the third anniversary of ORT and a gala concert in honor of the celebration of March 8 .

The biography of Joseph Prigogine is a series of great successes. At less than 30 years old, Prigozhin created ORT-Records, the largest audio company in Russia. From June 1997 to July 1999 he was its general producer, and from March 1998 to June 1999 - also general director. Detractors immediately linked his successes to Prigozhin’s nationality, peppering it with jokes and caustic comments.

Joseph Igorevich never denied that he was Jewish by origin, but more than once told the press that he was baptized at a conscious age and does not observe Jewish traditions.

Prigogine easily promotes solo projects of little-known, famous and super-popular performers, brings new stars to the show business horizon and quickly brings back forgotten old ones. Within a few months of work, ORT-Records published albums by Vakhtang Kikabidze, Alexander Marshal, Kristina Orbakaite, Nikolai Noskov, A-Studio groups, and others.

Under the leadership of Joseph Igorevich, ORT-Records was awarded the Ovation National Music Award in the category “Best Recording Company” in 1998.

Since 1994, Prigozhin has been a member of the Association of Music Producers, Doctor of Arts of the Academy of Alternative Sciences. In 1998, he received the Ovation Award for Best Producer of the Year. In the same year, the Company magazine recognized Joseph Igorevich Prigozhin as the best businessman of the year in the field of show business.

Prigozhin also managed to unite producers, convincing them not to compete, but to cooperate. Thus, in 2000, his production center “NOKS Music” appeared. Over time, Prigozhin achieved that he became almost the most successful producer of Russian show business. The NOKS group of companies occupies a leading position in music market countries.

Prigozhin's name is associated with a scandal involving an attempt on his life. The producer began promoting the singer in 2004, at the request of a Moscow businessman. The artist’s creativity impressed the entrepreneur, and he decided to take Abraham to international level. Joseph Prigogine managed to create a name for the musician that became known outside of Russia.

But after one concert at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, according to rumors, Abraham secretly took all the profits that were in the safe and emigrated to Cyprus. Ismailov, as a number of media outlets wrote, deceived Joseph Prigozhin into negotiating with the singer and returning him to Moscow. In Russia, Abraham Russo was in for trouble, for which the musician accused Prigozhin. The producer himself denied any guilt.

Personal life

Prigozhin married for the first time in his youth, to Elena, a Muscovite from a wealthy and intelligent family. Prigozhin's first wife was a housewife. In this marriage, 2 children were born - son Dmitry and daughter.

The second wife of Joseph Prigozhin, Leila Fattakhova, worked as a manager for the selection of artists at the Soyuz company. The man was immediately captivated by the dark-eyed beauty. At the time of meeting her, a crack had formed in Prigozhin’s marriage with Elena. flared up new novel, and 4 years later the couple had a daughter, Lisa. And after another 3 years, Leila left her husband. Now the ex-wife of Joseph Prigozhin is independent, she owns one of the best PR agencies in Moscow, among her clients are famous businessmen and restaurateurs.

In March 2003 there was fateful meeting Joseph Prigogine and singer Valeria. This union brought a new marriage and a cooperation contract. It was signed already in April 2003. Valeria became the third wife of Joseph Prigozhin and, as he himself claims, his first true love. The couple has no children together. But Joseph Prigogine’s personal life has now become full and happy. Spouses can often be seen on the covers of tabloids and at celebrity parties, Valeria has become a frequent heroine "Instagram" Prigozhin.

Shortly before their meeting, the producer, whose height is 172 cm and weighs 75 kg, acquired the nickname “Shrek”, as those around him found in Prigozhin a visual resemblance to this cartoon character. Joseph is well aware of this rumor, which he has demonstrated to the public more than once, and neither the producer himself nor his wife are offended by this comparison. As Valeria told the press, she sees no reason for discontent. When she watched the cartoon, she realized that this was a positive hero, comparison with whom was not at all offensive.

In 2014, while participating in the Exactly Exact project, Prigozhin took advantage of this similarity and came out in a suit during the number, which caused delight in the audience.

Joseph Prigogine as Shrek

Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin are raising 3 children from the singer’s previous marriage - Artem and. Joseph Prigozhin’s children from previous marriages and adopted children meet and communicate with each other.

As it turned out, this communication was not ideal at all. In 2016, a scandal broke out. Prigozhin's first wife Elena and her daughter reproached the producer for not paying enough attention to ex-family. The culprit was named Valeria, who allegedly deliberately incites her husband against the children from his first marriage.

Joseph and Leila parted as friends, but the relationship with his first wife was radically different. But, as the man himself claims, this had no effect on the children. He became uninterested in the woman who spent all her time at home “doing nothing,” but Prigozhin left the children an apartment and supported them financially all their lives. The producer himself was even perplexed as to how there was such a scandal with his first wife, while complete mutual understanding was maintained with his second wife.

The man considered Elena’s claims to be far-fetched. The producer always invested most of the money he earned in the education of children, both from his first marriage, and from his second, and adopted ones. The children visited with their star dad on vacation in different countries. Caring father I even tried to arrange for my daughter Danaya to study abroad, but her mother was categorically against it.

Prigozhin told the press that the reason for the scandal was not the children. Elena wants him to provide for herself and uses the offspring as a source of income. And Joseph Igorevich does not want to finance at all beautiful life and young lovers of a stranger’s woman who has never worked anywhere for a day. He refused to pay her millions of debts.

But most of all, Prigozhin is worried about the children, who, as a result of the manipulations of their mother and her boyfriend, may be left homeless. The father was especially worried about Dana, who began to support all of Elena’s endeavors and was offended by helping other children.

The girl reproached the producer for promoting Anna Shulgina, Valeria’s daughter, while refusing her. To this, Prigogine reminded the press that Anna has talent and specialized education, but Danae, alas, does not. When his daughter came to him with a request for promotion, Joseph simply asked who he could promote her as and received no answer.

In addition, Joseph hinted to the girl that in order to succeed in show business given her height, she needed to lose weight. He also asked his daughter to visit Gym, banning liposuction, which he considered harmful, especially in such a at a young age. Then Danaya wrote a number of angry comments in in social networks about her father and came to the “House 2” project to prove that she herself could achieve success.

Joseph Prigozhin and Danaya Prigozhin on the project "Live"

The rest of the children took the position of their father, giving Danae a rebuff in a public environment and supporting Joseph Prigozhin. The producer himself practically renounced his daughter, saying that he could no longer continue such communication.

Joseph Prigogine now

At the beginning of 2018, rumors spread online that Prigozhin and Valeria. Each of them appeared on Instagram joint photos, in which the couple appeared together with two charming twins. At one time, the singer and producer kept the intrigue. Among subscribers, a version arose about the surrogate birth of children, about the appearance of married couple grandchildren. But soon Joseph explained that the babies were born into a family of relatives who often visit the Prigogine couple.

According to Prigozhin, he is not against the appearance of new heirs in his family. The producer again wants to experience the happiness of fatherhood. Early birth Joseph's first children led Joseph to moral devastation at that period of his life. But now everything has changed.

In the fall, Joseph Prigozhin and Valeria became guests of the “When Everyone is Home” program. The producer said that for the first time after marriage, he experienced a strong fear of losing the happiness that he had found. Panic attacks led to health problems. Seeing how her husband was suffering, the singer invited him to accompany her on every tour. Thus this problem was solved.

Today, relations between Joseph Prigozhin and his daughter Danae have normalized. On the birthday of the girl, who turned 21 in 2018, the producer posted a touching congratulation on his Instagram account. Reconciliation between relatives occurred after participation in the “Actually” program, aired at the beginning of the year.

Tell us about yourself. After all, you are a professional musician with a serious education.

I studied music from the age of 6, graduated from the Tashkent Conservatory as a pianist and musical critic.

I remember how, after graduating from the conservatory, I dreamed of doing some project that would have at least some relation to my education and classical music. Now that I have a project like the Bel Suono piano show, I get tremendous pleasure. But many years passed between these events, during which I went through all the stages of work in Russian show business. Now I know all areas and stages of development of groups and artists. So I came to my personal project already being an experienced and prepared person.

In your opinion, should a producer have a musical education or should organizational skills be enough?

You know, I don’t think he is required to have a musical education, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt him! At a minimum, he must understand music and have good taste! And producer and organizational qualities are, of course, no less important. In our country, the producer does everything. If there was a division into promoters and sound producers, it would be more correct.

For example, I do everything myself: I select the music, accept the arrangements, supervise the mixing of the tracks. And at the same time, I knock on all closed doors so that they know about my project. I negotiate concerts and do promotion in all directions. That is why this business in Russia is much more difficult, and real producers in our country can be counted on one hand.

It is especially difficult for us, because we do not work in the most popular genre in our country - the classic crossover genre. Despite the fact that the level of music

and performance is as high as that of classical musicians, we are a more modern group. And the most important thing is that we do what our audience likes.

How important are connections?

Very important. Without connections, nowhere. You can't get by on professionalism and quality of music alone. It’s still hard to work as a producer from scratch. Despite the fact that I have connections and experience, it’s also not easy for me. Yes, there are sometimes happy cases when people simply respond to music: they like our work so much that we start collaborating and come up with something together, but these are exceptions.

In our country, producers are predominantly men. What is it like for you, as a woman, to work in this male-dominated business?

Probably somewhere a little more complicated. It’s hard for me to judge, because I perceive everything as a woman and don’t know what it’s like for men. I'm sure it's not easy for them either. Women are somewhere more flexible and can give in, otherwise they talk differently. Men have a different approach. The fact that there are very few female producers is also indicative, which means that everything really is not so smooth. Although I have a slightly different genre, so it’s probably wrong to judge the entire industry. I know very successful women producers in both theater and show business.

Why did you choose producing? How did you come to this?

I didn’t choose anything on purpose, everything just gradually led to this. At first I worked in record companies, then I had my own PR agency. I always wanted to be creative so much that in any work I tried to create something. Be it a photo shoot, video shooting, record design or project presentation. I have always enjoyed working with an artist full cycle. I can say that for the time being it brought me pleasure. And then I realized that I wanted to do something extraordinary, to apply the knowledge that I received for 20 years in music schools.

In our industry, in classical music, it is impossible without a serious education. All the guys we collaborate with work hard: they start studying music at the age of 5-6 and take a long time to get to the point where they can perform on stage. Classical musicians learn to write works, perform them, and always practice for several hours a day. This is all very hard work. And I want it to find a response in our country. So that not only popular genres flourish, but so that there is a viewer and listener who understands more complex music.

I probably could do a violin show, my education allows me to understand the intricacies of any classical instrument, and knowledge and experience will help promote such projects. Ordinary popular music is not very interesting to me, I strive to do what I understand. I know that this can bring joy to any person who is drawn to beauty.

How was the Bel Suono team created?

In music educational institutions - the Gnessin School, the Conservatory - we posted casting notices. They wrote that we were recruiting a group of pianists for a music show. The main criteria: performance skill, virtuosity, appearance and artistry. We left contact information, and on the very first day the calls and letters began. We began to listen to the recordings that were sent to us, and arranged personal meetings. And thus we found three guys with whom we began to work and create our project. Slowly the guys began to write their own music, although the first works were created even before we announced the casting - I understood and felt so much how I wanted my project to be.

And the musicians we found fit into it very harmoniously. We listened to demo recordings, watched videos and photos of applicants and decided whether they would suit us or not. Our guys not only perform works, they also write them themselves. And we pay a lot of attention to developing and cultivating their ability to create music.

Has one of the participants changed?

Yes, but we still have great relationship. We continue to collaborate, work on music together and are good friends.

Changing the composition is an integral part of the creative process. I used to think: oh, it must be very difficult when someone leaves. But, believe me, every year all serious musical educational institutions graduate such a number of professionals that we will definitely never have problems in personnel. And here I can say that I have a short queue to participate in the project and write music. Some people want to play and write. Some people just want to write. So now we have a lot of fans and friends, and music too. Another thing is that this music must be in demand.

How do you assess the fate of modern classical music on the pop stage?

The fact is that customers and concert halls themselves are very wary of projects like ours. They don’t understand: we are from the classics or from show business. What is needed here are progressive people and promoters who will not be afraid and will help (in this case a young, serious team) advance by providing a hall for performances. But the public goes to such concerts with pleasure.

In Russia there are no channels through which our material can be conveyed to listeners: no TV channels, no programs, no radio stations. They simply don't know about us. It’s always easier to call a pop artist who is familiar to everyone than to show something new and extraordinary. It's very difficult for music editors to turn to something new.

There are many similar projects in the West, where the audience is educated differently. Yes, there is no piano trio there either, but there are many other projects: there are solo pianists, there are ensembles, string players, wind players - a lot of wonderful musicians who fill the halls. TV channels, radio stations, and a media pool are created for them. Lots of halls and places where they can perform. Every year, dozens of festivals are held in the West that introduce the public to such projects.

How do you, as a woman, manage to manage three men?

We work very well together, and what is most important is that we hear each other. We discuss everything, talk, we have no omissions or misunderstandings. We always discuss the repertoire. The guys in the team are young, and I am an authority for them. They respect me and to some extent love me, and this is mutual on my part.

I believe that it is extremely important when everyone in a project is “on fire”, full of desire to do something: both the producer and the participants themselves. When someone loses interest, you need to change the participant, give a chance to a new, passionate person! The quality of music and performing skills will not suffer from this. And new, young guys come with such desire and a twinkle in their eyes that you want to give them this chance. Let them come true!

I remember very well myself at their age, when, having studied at all professional musical institutions, I left the conservatory, not understanding where to go. Where to work? How to realize yourself? There were no such projects then. It is almost impossible to break through as a solo artist; only a few people still manage to do this. We have very few classical music producers and promoters. Therefore, let there be as many such guys as possible, and we must give everyone a chance to realize their potential.

Are there any other production projects you want to pursue?

I have several ideas, but it’s too early to talk about it. I hope that now I will put Bel Suono on strong footing, and together with my guys we will start creating another project.

Your daughter is growing up. Would you like her to follow in your footsteps? How do you see its future?

I want her to have everything the way she wants it. I want her to choose her own path. Now I understand that the greatest happiness is doing your own thing. And, thank God, I succeeded. She is 15 years old, and she has not yet decided (I knew at the age of 6 that I would enter the conservatory). There are several areas that interest her, and I know that she can succeed in any one. It's hard for me to talk right now. She studies at school and studies languages ​​intensively. In a year or two everything will become clear.

Women have to make a decision: either a career or a family. How did you make the decision?

This has never been a choice for me. I never saw myself as a housewife. It was important for me that my loved one understood my lifestyle, shared my hobbies, and supported me. Thank God that this is exactly what is happening for me now. After all, meeting a person who will accept your creative impulses, who will like it all and who can give you advice is very, very difficult. And I definitely wouldn’t be able to communicate with anyone else.

It is necessary for a woman to be fulfilled both in the profession and in the family. A skew in one direction or the other is, first of all, ruin for the woman herself. Either she will succeed as a businesswoman and will be lonely, or she will sit within four walls and will cease to be interesting even to herself.

What motto do you go through life with?

Everything that is done is for the better. Even if something didn’t work out for me, didn’t happen, I used to go ahead. And I thought: until I achieve this, I will not calm down. Now I have become more flexible and in some things, when things don’t work out, I stop and think: maybe I should go the other way? Maybe choose a different direction? Afterwards, if necessary, I return. When I say this phrase, I immediately feel a further perspective.

Optimism is also very important. Under no circumstances should you, even for a moment, give in to despondency and give up. Because tomorrow you will look back and realize that you shouldn’t have taken everything so seriously. Yes, there are moments in which persistence is necessary, but there are also times when you need to pass by with a smile.

It is equally important to have real close friends. Work is work, and close friends and those who believe in you are not many, but they occupy an important place in my life.

Optimism and the ability to move forward are the most important thing!

How do you imagine your life in 10-20 years?

In ten years, I think I will still be actively working and pursuing my projects. And in 20 years I’ll be babysitting my grandchildren on the seashore, giving advice to good musicians and artists. Receive guests and finally have lavish dinners and chat with friends.

You recently shot a video for “Lonely Heart.” Can you tell us about it?

The author of the music is trio member Evgeny Sokolovsky, who wrote “Waltz”, “Megapolis”, “Latino”, etc. The director is Alexey Rusakov, young and very promising person. He is also the director of the television version of our last concert at the House of Music. The video has no plot as such; it, like the music itself, is moody.

I came up with the name of the composition when I first heard it. This is music for everyone who loves and understands good music.

When you have moments of sadness, thoughtfulness, when you want to look at yourself, look back a little, you should turn on “Lonely Heart.” This music is so beautiful and melodic that it doesn’t need any plot.

We shot the video in Malta, in a very beautiful place, and decided that there was nothing more beautiful than these delightful landscapes. The splash of waves, lonely rocks, nature - and nothing more. The result was a beautiful visual clip in which our guys appear thoughtful. What are they thinking? Each viewer will decide for himself. Probably about life...

“Azerbaijani culture is rich in talented composers recognized throughout the world...”

Interview site with the producer of the group “BEL SOUNO” Leila Fattakhova.

— Leila Khanum, why did you decide to connect your life with music?

— I was born with music in my heart. Many thanks to my mother, who sent me to music school at the age of six. There was no question about choosing a university. I knew that my life could only be connected with music. Subsequently this acquired different shapes, but creativity was and is always there.

— You are a professional musician. When did you decide to try yourself as a producer? What prompted you to take this step?

— I am truly a musician, I graduated from the Tashkent Conservatory as a pianist and music critic. She not only played the piano, but also wrote about music, which was interesting to me. Then life happened in such a way that I got into show business and eventually became a producer, my education was very useful to me and, of course, the experience I gained working with artists in various record and PR companies. In addition, I had my own PR agency, I dealt with artists of all sizes. In general, when I approached the BEL SUONO project, all the stages of creating an artist were already well known to me.

— How was the group “BEL SOUNO” formed?

— First, the idea for the project appeared. I found like-minded people, then we began to slowly implement it. When I already understood exactly how it would all look, sound, and how many pianos were on stage, we announced a casting call. The guys started coming, there were a lot of them, but at first no one came. However, after some time we found one, then a second. They just couldn’t decide on the third one, and then the guys themselves advised them to listen to their colleague and everything worked out. Vasily is our youngest, Kirill and Maxim are older.

— How did you select the musicians? Your performers are beautiful guys. It was prerequisite?

— Yes, one of the conditions is to find virtuoso musicians with an excellent education and charismatic appearance. Modern young people were supposed to appear on stage, whom you would not only want to listen to, but also look at! Now is a different time, nothing stands still, technology is developing, competition in entertainment genres is becoming enormous. Today it is not enough just to be a good performer. In addition to their impeccable mastery of the instrument, my guys are handsome, they compose music, make arrangements for three pianos and, in general, try to “be on the crest of life’s wave”! As for our shows, we are constant search(smiles).

— Why did you prefer this particular format - a trio? What is unique about the BEL SOUNO group?

— In everything, but above all, in the musical material. Each composition is individual - be it an original work by BEL SUONO soloists, or a well-known classical piece. In our interpretation, each thing sounds like it has never sounded before. We pay great attention to this aspect! And, of course, no other group performs in this format: three pianos are not only spectacular, but also very unusual, especially in sound! Now we are increasingly practicing performances with an orchestra and various live musicians. We hope that we will have even more such opportunities in the future!

- You creative person? Do you play with your band?

— You are right, I am a very creative and active person, but I also have no less organizational skills. I select almost the entire musical repertoire myself. Then we discuss ideas with the guys, decide how, who does what and what. I handle all the negotiations. Still, 20 years of work in show business were not in vain - experience and connections do their job. This is my main job.

— Tell us about your touring activities music group

— The tour schedule is quite busy. We want as much as possible more people got acquainted with the “crossover” genre in which we work. Because, despite its high quality, it is able to introduce the public to completely different music - from classical to modern musical compositions. We tour all over Russia. The team is often invited to international venues. Now our fame is growing more and more, both abroad and in Russia.

— In which countries were you able to perform concerts?

— These are Bulgaria, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Dubai, and in the near future Georgia.

— Are you planning to come on tour to Baku?

— Yes, we would really like to give concerts for the residents of Baku. We hope this will come true soon.

— Have you been to Baku before, and if so, what impressions did our capital make on you?

— I have the most enthusiastic impressions from Baku. Stunning architecture, I was captivated by the streets of the old city, you can walk along them endlessly. I was impressed by the scale of the sports and concert complex “Baku Crystal Hall”. It is impossible not to note the hospitality and friendliness of the Baku people. We are planning to return to your beautiful city.

— Have you ever performed Azerbaijani works?

— We took part in an anniversary concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the cult singer Muslim Magomayev, whose talent I admire and love very much since childhood. The second part of the concert opened with an overture.

— Would you like to include the works of our authors in the repertoire of your group in the future, for example, during a performance in Baku?

- I think it's interesting idea, and quite feasible. Moreover, your culture is rich in talented composers recognized throughout the world.

— Which Azerbaijani composers do you know and could you highlight in particular?

— This is Uzeyir Hajibeyli, who laid the foundation of modern Azerbaijani professional musical culture. Gara Garayev is an outstanding composer, pianist and teacher. Composer and pianist Vagif Mustafazadeh, who made a great contribution to the development of jazz music in Azerbaijan.

— As far as we know, your daughter Lisa is receiving education abroad. How actively does her father, a famous Russian producer, participate in her upbringing?

— Lisa has an excellent relationship with her father. They see each other often and spend time together. My daughter has a lot of interests, she is very sociable and independent beyond her years. But what makes me happy is the initiative - at the school where she studies, Lisa has already organized three charity evenings and all the funds have been donated to help needy and sick children. But the fact that she has a grasp and a “sniff” for everything talented is absolutely certain (smiles)!

Name: Joseph Prigozhin

Age: 50 years

Place of Birth: Makhachkala, Dagestan

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Activity: music producer

Marital status: married to

Joseph Prigogine - biography

Joseph Igorevich Prigozhin is an incredibly charming man who has long appeared in the show business and has declared himself as a talented producer. The long and difficult path of his advancement up the creative ladder was not easy, but it was forever reflected in his biography.

The childhood years of Joseph Prigozhin

The family of the future producer combined the incompatible: the blood of Caucasian ancestors and Jewish traditions. The boy was born on April 2, 1969 in the city of Makhachkala. His parents, Dinara Yakubovna and Igor Matveevich, worked from morning to night, but wage was small. Therefore, since childhood, the boy dreamed of his great future, but Makhachkala was not enough for his plans.

At the age of 12, Joseph begins to work, helping his parents. Of course, the work was not difficult, but it required a special approach. So, he began his career as a child as a simple hairdresser, but, realizing that he was succeeding, he began to dream of Moscow, where he could become a famous artist.

Joseph Prigogine - education

I didn’t study very well in Makhachkala, so I barely finished the eighth grade and immediately headed to Moscow. Joseph waited until he turned 16 and, having received a passport, hoped to gain the desired independence to implement his plans.

But already in Moscow, studying at the Gamma theater studio, he was able to graduate from evening school No. 87 in Moscow, realizing that education is very important for realizing his dreams.

In 1986, Prigozhin graduated from evening school and immediately decided to enter GITIS. But the first attempt is unsuccessful. Then there were several more attempts to pass exams in this educational institution. But still, the future producer achieves his goal and enters GITIS, but this only happens in 1994. By this time, he was already actively trying to realize his creative plans. In 2000, he graduated from it and received the profession of theater manager.

Joseph Prigogine - career

In the biography of Joseph Prigogine, a successful streak begins in 1990. He not only tried to get training, but was already giving his all on the stage, performing both as a singer and as a tour manager of various concert programs. At this time, he manages to record and sell an audio cassette with his songs.

But 1988 turns out to be the busiest year, as he begins to tour himself as a singer, and also continues to organize various concerts. According to the calculations of Joseph Prigozhey himself, in this one year he organized more than 1.5 thousand concert programs for the most various stars, with whom he himself traveled almost the entire former Soviet Union.

A year later, already in 1989, he tried a new activity for himself and became the administrator of these concerts. But in the same year he was invited as the organizer of a model show, which took place at the Moscow Variety Theater. The famous and most famous to date showed his fashion collection.

But nowadays Joseph Prigogine is known to everyone as a successful and prosperous producer. His debut in this area took place in 1991, when he organized two new programs on television. But the novice producer liked this activity so much that he began to further develop in this area. So, already in 1992, he became the producer of the young singer and took on producing his first music show.

But even this work did not fully satisfy the requirements of the famous producer, and he decides to expand his capabilities. From 1993 to 1995, Prigozhin became the organizer of the Father's House Foundation.

In 1996, Joseph Prigogine became the producer of the concert, dedicated to the Day Independence of Georgia. In the same year, a successful producer organizes concerts dedicated to memorable and significant dates in the life of Lyudmila Zykina and creative activity popular group "A Studio". He also takes on organizing solo concerts for the popular singer Tatyana Bulanova, who was dissatisfied with the high fee and, in her opinion, poor organization.

Realizing that he was not successful in solo concerts, throughout 1999 he refused the offers he received in large quantities, but he still becomes a producer and organizer of many programs.

But his most important asset, as a producer and organizer, is the creation of a large Russian audio company, ORT - Recocords. It was at this studio that songs of such famous performers as:, and many others were recorded.

In 1998, he began to receive awards for his activities. So, the first of them was the Ovation Award, which was awarded in the category “Best Producer of the Year”.

The year 2000 brought new achievements to the career of Joseph Prigozhey. So, he became a producer and organizer of a record label.

Joseph Prigogine - biography of personal life

The personal life of a famous producer is open, and there are no secrets or mysteries in it. His first wife, Elena Evgenievna, bore him two children: a son, Dmitry, and a daughter, Danaya.

This was followed by a relationship without marriage. Such a relationship with Leila Fattakhova, with whom he lived for 7 years. She gave him a daughter, Elizabeth.

A new streak in the life and career of the popular and famous producer Joseph Prigozhey begins on March 12, 2003, when a contract for cooperation with singer Valeria was signed. And in 2004, Valeria became the fourth wife of Joseph Prigozhin.

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