Map of your destiny: what do moles on the body, arms, face and legs mean. What do moles on the face and body mean

Have you ever thought about the meaning of the word "mole" and what these spots on the body actually mean? But this cosmetic defect, and for someone a kind of decoration, plays a much more serious role in our destiny.

Reasons for the appearance of a mole?

At birth, there is not a single mole on the human body, they appear throughout life. Some have moles strewn all over the body, and some have very few of them. The first moles appear on the human body in early childhood. They are so invisible that at first the parents do not pay any attention to them.

But already in adolescence, they become more numerous and large. The reason for this is hormones during puberty. IN adulthood moles appear due to the impact on a person of adverse factors environment, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, as well as metabolic disorders in the body.

Today, scientists around the world pay great attention to the study of how and why moles appear. Here are the main reasons for their formation:

  • accumulation of melanin. The skin constantly receives a certain dose of ultraviolet radiation, even if a person is little in the sun, even in winter period minimal tan may be reflected in a new "speck";
  • perestroika endocrine system, for example, during pregnancy;
  • reception hormonal drugs;
  • excessive passion for cosmetic procedures, including a visit to the solarium, the harm of which has long been proven.
How to prevent the appearance of new moles and what to do with existing ones? This is the question many people have. First you need to exclude the factors whose influence contributes to their occurrence, that is, ultraviolet light, solariums, or visit your endocrinologist for a detailed consultation.

If moles do not cause you any discomfort, you can safely forget about their existence. There is absolutely no reason to worry if they do not become inflamed, enlarge, change color or bleed. But if you notice at least one of the above signs, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist.

What do moles mean?

To characterize a person and predict his fate, just look at the location of moles on his body. But it is worth considering only those moles that appeared in our first years of life, since they are of fundamental importance.

Location of moles on the head- a sign that people are focused more on the spiritual than on the material. They are very talented, show interest in art - music, painting, poetry.

From moles on the body and head, you can learn a lot about the character and fate of a person. Experienced doctors are even able to make a preliminary diagnosis based on their location, because they can tell a lot about the state of human health.

Forehead. The person is smart, has organizational abilities, manifests himself in politics and diplomacy. A mole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye" - you have a well-developed intuition, perhaps you have a gift for clairvoyance. Such people become psychologists, interested in the study of the occult sciences.

Eye and cheek. People with this sign are kind and intelligent. Treat others with respect.

Eyelid. Very emotional character. All the dreams of the owner remain in dreams.

Cheekbones. A determined person, he will devote his whole life to the struggle for ideas.

Hairy part of the head. The person is very hidden, often such people become philosophers.

Right temple. A person has the gift of foresight and a well-developed intuition, which he tries to carefully hide.

Ear. They are boastful people. Use this quality only for self-defense.

Language. Such a person will never be a good listener, do not expect that you will be heard by him.

Neck. It all depends on who is the owner of this sign. A man - with high intellectual abilities, but a woman - a person with a very frivolous behavior.

Shoulder. Despite the fact that this is a strong personality, she lacks determination. Often she spends her whole life in solving some problems.

Breast. Characterizes a person who is ready to do anything to achieve his goal. At the same time, he has a sharp mind, which allows him to always act within the law, without resorting to crime.

Cheek. A person has a lively character, achieves material well-being in life. As for women, they are more popular with the opposite sex.

Lip. Professional in his field, moving fast career ladder. Women with a mole near the lips are very insidious.

The location of moles on the body can affect its owner in different ways, depending on whether it is a man or a woman.

The meaning of moles on a woman's body:

  • Nose - success is guaranteed in any business.
  • Angle of the eye character traits: prudence and calmness.
  • The right cheek is a rich personal life.
  • Left cheek - despite some troubles, in the end a person will succeed.
  • The upper lip is the owner of a flirtatious character.
  • Lower lip - a woman with a good sense of humor, always optimistic about the future.
  • The right breast is characterized by inconstancy, both good luck and disappointment in life are possible.
  • Left breast - such women should be feared, they are very insidious and frivolous.
  • Thalia - loves children very much, able to become a mother-heroine.
  • Buttock - material trouble, poverty will haunt throughout life.
  • The bikini area - brilliant children are born in such women.

The value of moles in men:

  • On the forehead on the right is a happy man.
  • In the middle of the forehead - well-being in personal life.
  • The nose is a sign of great male power.
  • Lip - a man with a good appetite, which in the future may affect his figure. Tends to be overweight.
  • The ear is a carefree life, luck promises everywhere and in everything.
  • Neck (side) - failures in life.
  • Neck (front) - achieves heights in career growth.
  • Chin - respect in the team, their opinion will be listened to.
  • Jaw - health problems, as in early age and throughout life.
  • Shoulder - a constant struggle with life's difficulties.
The presence of moles on our body can say a lot, the above is only a small fraction. In order to analyze this issue in more detail, many factors must be taken into account: the color of the mole, its size, location, number on the body. But we can say with confidence that the presence of moles on the body confirms the individuality of each of us.

Moles on the body are the marks of Fate. Many moles - many omens. Find out what moles mean for women and men. Which of them promise happiness, and which ones mean failure and whether it is possible to change what is destined.

Why moles appear: signs

The influence of moles on a person's life directly depends on several factors - size, shape and location. Large and convex moles indicate that a person is lucky, and an unusual look - in the shape of a star or with pointed ends, promises a life full of surprises.

If two moles are nearby - this is a sign happy person whose positive moments will always double. Signs on the left side of the body are responsible for sensuality. Than them more themes more often the owner falls in love. Marks located on the right side of the body indicate success in business endeavors and business.

Many dark-colored moles are considered to be amulets from negativity. Red moles are a sign of a loving nature. But they tried to get rid of moles with hair - in the old days they were regarded as devilish marks, promising troubles and misfortunes.

What do moles on a woman's body mean?

If the mole is located on the face on the right or left eyebrow, this is a marriage, which may turn out to be repeated. Such a woman will definitely not be left alone. Even if she does not go to the registry office of her own free will, the fans will follow her until old age.

When a woman has a lot of moles located in the eye area, they endow their owner with a cunning and insightful disposition, as well as the ability to achieve what they want by any means.

Moles on the right cheek are a sign of practicality and business acumen. On the left - this is a sign of sentimentality and sometimes excessive gullibility towards others. If there are a lot of moles on both cheeks - where there are more of them, that sign prevails.

According to the signs of a mole on the nose, they speak of a frivolous female character and that money difficulties can arise in life. Moles around the lips are signs of numerous fans.

Many moles on the left side of the body are a sign of a passionate nature, on the right - prudent. The marks of Fate on the chest predict that a woman should expect stormy romances, and on her arms and legs they speak of self-confidence and hard work, sometimes about narcissism, arrogance and a difficult character. The so-called money moles in women are located on the stomach, on the back and on the shoulders.

The meaning of moles in men

If a man has many moles on his forehead, this is a sign of financial difficulties. On the ears - a calm and prosperous old age awaits him. If the marks of Fate are located on a man’s jaw, he is a born fighter and knows how to achieve his goal.
Moles on the chest and shoulders mean that a man is a reliable person and can become a support for the family. On the back - a sign of a happy marriage and children.

If a man has marks on his stomach and legs, he is inclined to start novels and generally pays a lot of attention to his personal life. Male money moles are located on the hands and feet.

Modern cosmetology offers such a service as the removal of moles. In fact, you can get rid of a harmful fateful mark at any time. However, if you are sorry to part with a good omen, we hasten to reassure you - it will still remain with you. Be happy healthy and don't forget to press the buttons and

31.07.2015 10:00

In Europe, in the Middle Ages, a mole on a body could be burned at the stake. That's because unusual skin changes were considered...

Ecology of knowledge: Probably, every person on the body has at least a few moles. It is believed that they carry some information about a person. What - let's try to figure it out.

Probably, every person on the body has at least a few moles. It is believed that they carry some information about a person. What - let's try to figure it out.

What do moles on the human body mean

Our ancestors considered moles a sign indicating how favorable the fate of a person would be. The darker the color of the mole, the gloomier were the forecasts. birthmarks irregular shape in a conspicuous place were perceived as a devilish mark, and the person was considered cursed. If hair grew from a mole, this spoke of financial difficulties. But did the presence of moles always determine fate?

There have been cases when a person lived a happy life despite all forecasts, and birthmarks took the correct form on their own. This was explained by the fact that a person did the right thing and changed his fate. Of course, you don’t need to immediately draw conclusions about a person from his moles, all this may not be true, but there is a certain sense in this. Pavel Globa, for example, believes that moles speak of problems brought from a past life, and we must work out every mole. Maybe worth a listen?

The value of moles on a woman's body

Let's see what moles on the face say:

A mole in the center between the eyebrows (where the "third eye" is located) indicates the presence of intuition and mystical abilities.

On the bridge of the nose - about great imagination and a thirst for travel.

To the right of the bridge of the nose near the corner of the eye are very changeable ladies, lovers of intrigues. On the left - big egoists and jealous.

In the very corner of the eye on the right - passion and irritability. On the left - thrill-seekers on the side.

Under the right eye - very loving persons. On the right eyelid - speaks of a subtle intellect and a penchant for poetry.

In the center of the bone under the right eye - the lady prefers tangled connections and surrenders entirely to passion. Under the left - very changeable in love.

Above the left eye - great sensitivity, a tendency to experience and psychological clamp.

On the tip of the nose - such ladies complicate everything, they are very attracted to the forbidden fruit.

A mole on the nose on the left side - stunningly seductive women. They can easily make a scandal, they like to shock, but in marriage they are excellent spouses and mothers.

On the right cheek - constant quarrels and quick reconciliations. Carnal love is much more valued than platonic love.

A mole on the left cheekbone speaks of in perfect order in the head and the ability to plan.

In the hole in the center of the upper lip - high intelligence and outstanding fate. On the left side - generosity and fidelity. On the right - very sensual and original personalities. Just above the upper lip on the left - these ladies love to manipulate people, they are very changeable.

Under the lower lip - people with a subtle psyche have. On the chin - a woman strives to have a strong family, she is very conservative.

Moles on the right breast indicate that a woman cannot find balance and falls from one extreme to another, on the left - she shows frivolity.

A mole at the waist promises a happy motherhood, the larger it is, the more children.

A large number of moles on the shoulders promise good luck, however, only on the left - promises financial difficulties.

Moles on the hands are evidence of a gift that will bring good luck and prosperity.

On the ankles - they talk about an independent character, energy and hard work.

The value of moles on the body of a man

Basically, the meanings of moles are the same for women and men, but there are some differences:

A mole on the forehead speaks of fame, joy and great success. Especially on the right side.

On the neck - if on the side, then not a very happy life, but if in the front - a dizzying career.

Moles on the ears promise a carefree life.

On the shoulders - on the contrary, a life filled with difficulties.

The presence of moles on the back speaks of honesty and openness.

On your feet - about indecision

Loafers and lazy people have moles on their buttocks.

Moles on the feet speak of a love of travel (if on two). On the left foot - dreaminess and caution, on the right - in this life you will not be able to travel.

The karmic meaning of some moles

There are moles, the location of which has a certain meaning for both women and men:

Under the hair - the ability to think deeply and perceive high energies.

On the back of the head - has a karmic meaning. Perhaps in a past life a person did something bad.

On the shoulders - problems are passed from generation to generation. People repeat the mistakes of their ancestors until someone jumps out of this circle.

On the stomach - ostentatious courage, in fact they often become slaves to their own preferences. If the mole is located in the center - great strength will and natural success.

Of course, these assumptions are conditional, in the end everything is determined by the personality of a person. You should not draw conclusions about a person based only on interpretations of the meaning of moles.

In the presence of a large number moles, you should consult a doctor to prevent the development of melanoma. published

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There is no person without moles - this statement is almost one hundred percent true. Each of us wears some kind of spot on our body, which, however, contains important information about our character, possible inclinations, and fate. You just need to be able to unravel these wonderful signs. We have received many questions from you, our readers, which I will try to answer in the course of the story. Natalya Ivanova from Vladivostok is concerned about the presence of a birthmark on her niece's temple. "For some time now it has begun to grow and darken. Is there an explanation for this?", the reader asks. I answer. A mole on the right temple is predetermined by a person's karma. Such a mole is rarely inherited. She marked special people, and again in one of the descendants she can appear only after a thousand years. She speaks of the presence of subtle intuition, the gift of foresight, a bright personality. It is believed that such a mole must be hidden from prying eyes. The darker the speck, the brighter the qualities given by the gods. Tatyana Kuzikova from Vladivostok writes to us that her daughter has just a spot of the correct rounded shape on the back of her thigh above the popliteal joint. "You are talking about unusual clairvoyant abilities, but we have not noticed this yet. Many of the characteristics in your article are similar to my daughter, and some points do not match ... Should she study the occult sciences?". Of course, not everything can be explained or rejected by just one birthmark. The presence of a mole indicates some kind of personality abilities. If you do not develop them, do not strive for the high, you will not get anything from fate. Your child has, without a doubt, the ability. But to develop them or not depends on her desire.

From experience I can say that rarely does anyone associate the shape of a birthmark with numbers or letters. People tend to see something mysterious in the shape of a birthmark. Maybe drawings, semantic pictures. It is believed that the spot in the form of a CONTINENT or PENINSULA, LAKES are associated with long-distance travel, different countries and the peoples who inhabit them. In such an interpretation, of course, there is a sense, especially since we remember the shape of an object of interest to us for a long time. In the same way, visual perceptions and sensations associated with certain real events. It is also important to take into account the fact that the karmic meanings of birthmarks can change throughout a person's life. It all depends on what he does. There are examples when spots expressing trouble and even terrible changes to come, after a few years, acquired a completely different meaning - people already associated relationships with them in their family and even success in creative activity. I just want to add that not everything needs to be evaluated only by a birthmark. This is just another characteristic of the personality and additional information about the character, abilities of a person. At the same time, there are birthmarks, the meaning of which cannot change under any circumstances. As a rule, these are signs of fate that protect us. Their location can be on the head, and on the back, and on the hips. But they are always associated with the image of hands, lips, eyes or heads.

Moles are no less important in the fate of people: convex in the form of warts, individual dark dots, more or less light small spots, they can appear in the process of life in the same way as they were given from birth. At different people moles can differ in significance. For dark-skinned people, black moles are important, for fair-skinned people, they are convex. The appearance of new moles or an increase in the size of congenital marks reflects the actions we have committed in the same way as the appearance of new lines on the palm, wrinkles on the forehead and gray hair. If it were possible to follow all the moles acquired during a person's life, then many events would become understandable, would acquire a new color and meaning. Moles on the face are of great importance. In the East, their presence has always been closely associated with physiognomy (the art of reading faces). According to Japanese physiognomy, the face is conditionally divided into three zones - upper (forehead), middle (eyebrows, nose) and lower (lips and chin). Each zone is responsible for a certain period of a person's life - youth, maturity and old age. A clean forehead and its correct shape speak of the health of the body and spirit. A normally developed and symmetrical middle part of the face reflects mental health. If there is visible asymmetry, curvature, this is an alarming sign. As a rule, a person has certain deviations, oddities. The lower part of the face is responsible for the character of a person. A good shape of the chin, neck, cheeks speaks of kindness, honesty, decency, especially in mature people. Early "flews", sagging skin on the cheeks - a sign of greed for money, self-interest. Before you is a man capable of playing a "double game". By trusting him, you are taking a big risk. Such a person always puts material interests at the forefront. Double, triple chins are a sign of greed, deceit and greed. Do not lend money to such a person. In Japanese physiognomy, the condition and color of the skin, the presence of bulges, defects, and moles are of great importance.

IN different interpretations there are more than a hundred different zones of the face, which determine the character and fate of a person. The main zones are located on the axis of symmetry of the face and capture parts of the face to the right and left of the axis. The presence of moles on this vertical line in the upper part of the forehead speaks of the difficulties that a person will have to endure in childhood and adolescence, in the middle of the forehead and in its lower part - about some difficulties in relations with other people - relatives, friends, colleagues. A mole on the bridge of the nose is one of the signs of fate. It's worth thinking about. A mole in the middle of the nose - failures are possible on the love front. People with moles on the tip of their nose, according to Japanese physiognomy, can become chronic losers. A mole located on the upper lip (just under the nose) may indicate serious hereditary diseases. A mole under the lower lip and on the chin speaks of the willpower and strong character of its owner. In general, Japanese physiognomy interprets moles as signs of trouble, signs that do not promise a person anything good. But I don't think so. There are many confirmations of the happy meaning of moles. I believe that the presence of moles confirms the individuality of each of us. You can remove or apply moles only in extreme cases, when you are sure that this can change your life for the better. By the way, no one can tell you what to do with a mole, except for ourselves - the majority have a well-developed intuition, although many do not even suspect it. Most often, the karmic meanings of moles in men and women coincide, therefore, we will talk about signs in general, without reference to gender difference.

MOLE ON FOREHEAD, located close to the bridge of the nose or above the eyebrows speaks of great intelligence and insight. The owner of such a mole can become statesman, wise politician, diplomat. A mole above the right eyebrow, almost at the bridge of the nose, was also found in Alexander Menshikov, an associate of Peter the Great. People with such a mole are capable of great things. They have a colossal supply of energy, they are able to move mountains. But the main thing for them is not to overdo it.

MOLE ON THE FOREHEAD ABOVE THE NOSE BAR is of great importance in the images of deities in Buddhist temples. This fateful sign can be both fatal and happy for a person. It is believed that just above such a mole there is a mystical "third eye", which allows you to see the energy structure of people and everything that surrounds us. Such a person is able to achieve enlightenment, to discover the secrets of the emergence of invisible energy threads between people. He may well become a medium and a clairvoyant. But very often others take a person with a mole on the bridge of his nose for a madman. Indeed, people with this sign often suffer from severe attacks of headaches that can lead to mental disorders. But it is also believed that such a person in a past life, to a greater extent than others, managed to improve his karma.

MOLE IN THE UPPER FOREHEAD is of particular importance if there are no other moles on the forehead besides it, and it is located on the border of the forehead and scalp. If it is on the right, its owner has great organizational skills. He may even become the leader of a political party. The owner of such a mole is able to lead. his dreams and ideals extend far beyond his own destiny. he cares little about his own material well-being. If he is obsessed with a certain idea, it is useless to argue with him. This mole is more common in women. Maybe because it is more common for a woman to bring to perfection everything that surrounds her.

MOLE ON THE CHEEKS AND UNDER THE EYES speaks of tenderness and kindness in women. If it is located on the left cheek closer to the ear, this is a sign of the greatest self-sacrifice. In a young woman, any small mole on her face is a sign of charm. Incredibly, a man is able to fall in love with a woman thanks to a single mole. It is no coincidence that all women dream of such a mark and secretly envy the more successful owner of it. A mole near the eye, on the temple and on the cheek can serve as a girl almost a love spell. But in the most mystical way, this bewitching speck will act on everyone, but not on the one you really need. This sign is often passed down from generation to generation and often serves as a sign of noble birth, for both women and men. For men, small dark moles under the eyes or above the upper lip give an effeminate appearance. Real homosexuals see them as potential partners. Often such men in their youth suffer from the claims of experienced male seducers.

MOLE ON THE CHEEKS characterizes very determined people. They can devote their whole lives to fighting in the name of a noble idea. This is especially pronounced in people with a mole on the right cheekbone. A mole on the cheekbone is most often the only one on the face, or it stands out so much that it is simply impossible not to notice it. This special sign was marked folk hero Albanian people Skanderberg (Georg Kastrioti), legends about whose exploits have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries. He lived at the beginning of the 15th century. Such people enjoy authority in the team, they can become leaders. In the worst cases - instigators. They are always consummate speakers.

MORALS ON THE EARS. Owners of moles on the ears, as a rule, are extremely boastful, tend to exaggerate their virtues and forget about their shortcomings. However, with this quality they are, as it were, protected from reality, since they are not too confident in themselves, as it often looks from the outside. In the lower manifestations, such people do not keep their word, they can deceive, even steal. In a person with high self-awareness, intellectually developed, a mole on the ear will always indicate a certain exclusivity, originality in the vision of the world. Such a person will interpret reality in his own way, not being afraid to look overly original. He will stand out from the crowd in appearance. People with moles on their ears cannot be weak. Their self-doubt is temporary. They know how to overcome difficulties and cope with their complexes. If the mole is hidden in the ear, this may indicate a disease of the nervous system, as well as a metabolic disorder.

MOLE ON THE RED BORDER OF THE LIPS usually seen only in people with pale lips. Here it is very difficult to determine for sure whether it is a mole, since the lips are often inflamed and exposed chemical substances. Exposure to "manifesting" lipsticks can cause pigmentation. Spots on the lips can also appear in heavy smokers. However, this will also matter, maybe somewhat less than the actual mole. One way or another, a mole or a pigment spot on the red border of the lips speaks of a person’s weak will, his inability to be responsible for his actions. People with this sign put everything off until later. They are often slaves bad habits, especially for men. Inflammation of the red border and spots on it also appear if a person has the habit of frequently licking his lips. This habit speaks of the inability to cope with carnal desires, voluptuousness, and even mental disorders on sexual grounds.

MORNELS ON THE LANGUAGE, Don't be surprised, they do too. Moles in the mouth, on the mucous membrane, are often found in women. The owner can often learn about a mole on the tongue only from doctors, since as a rule, he does not experience any inconvenience from this and does not feel the mole itself. A person with a mole on the tongue can be very painful, but nevertheless will live to a ripe old age. All his ailments are due to his inherent suspiciousness. Such people are extremely sensitive, cautious and suspicious. They talk a lot and hardly know how to listen. Sometimes such a person can give the impression of being slightly "abnormal", due to his habit of jumping from topic to topic. Their mood changes frequently. People with a mole on their tongue are characterized by intemperance in their statements and often suffer from this. However, such people are almost always ready to lead healthy lifestyle life, ignoring the dubious advice of others.

MOLE ON THE NECK in a man speaks of his imbalance, numerous weaknesses, lack of willpower. His mood often changes, in childhood he can be very whiny. Such people are greatly influenced by the weather, sudden pressure drops in the atmosphere. Men with a mole on their neck can be highly developed intellectually and spiritually. But almost always they fail to realize their data. They are not fighters, although they can be excellent professionals in their field. They will certainly be outstripped by a more dodgy and successful competitor. A woman with a mole on her neck can be very changeable with apparent conservatism. She changes her tastes, passions, life credo. Under certain circumstances, she can cheat on her husband, but she will never hide it and immediately confesses everything to him. At the same time, she can be very tender, love without looking back, and even devote herself completely to one single person. She will always protect her hearth, creating comfort that can bring a smile to the elements of bad taste. But in her vision of life, she will never rely on other people's advice, rejecting even the modest wishes of more refined people. A child with a mole on his neck will always be a favorite of his parents. His whims will be indulged, he will be singled out from among other children, even if he does not deserve it. Parents will always create artificial authority for him, believing in his chosenness and convincing him of this personally. A woman with a mole on her neck often repeats the fate of her mother. For example, if the mother had one marriage, most likely the daughter will also have one marriage. The same applies to having children. If the mother has several children, the daughter will have about the same number and with a similar birth interval. But among people with moles on their necks, there are individuals who are lonely, isolated, unable to create families. As a rule, their life principles are based on the denial of generally accepted norms. They reject the experience of generations and the traditions of others. They are unsurpassed critics, hermits of the spirit. They need to overcome such vices as acrimony, envy, gossip.

MOLES ON SHOULDERS carry a lot of information. Their appearance is directly related to karma-energetic causes. People with moles on their shoulders seem to be crushed by a heavy burden - this is a load of problems unresolved in the past. A mole on the shoulder, and with it some kind of problem, can be passed down from generation to generation, children will make the same mistakes as their parents until someone breaks this vicious circle and gets out of it. I am convinced that a person always has a chance to take a step towards a radical change in life. It's all about the price he's willing to pay for it. To begin with, a person must realize what is happening in his life and make the right decision. We know that a mole can play a huge role in our lives, but we do not suspect that this role can change not only our fate, but also the fate of our children. People with moles on their shoulders are strong personalities, but they constantly lack the determination to do what others can easily do - for example, take and go through a job advertisement for a reputable company and pass the test. They always envy those who, in their opinion, do not have deep knowledge, are able to somehow get good positions and find personal happiness. They will never recognize the authority of those who grew up next to them, whose life passed before their eyes. They will always find a primitive and pejorative explanation for their abilities. They can be terribly stubborn in their strange principles, suffering from their own inflexibility more than anything else. But they can be faithful to their chosen one to the point of self-denial. People with moles on their shoulders are laconic, patient, they will do any work dumped on them by "good-natured" colleagues. The owners of such moles seem to actually carry a heavy burden on their shoulders, inherited.

MORALS ON THE CHEST are more important for women than for men. Women may have moles (for example, on the chest on the left), which can influence fate in different ways - either cause love and worship, or create an object of base and short-lived passion from a woman. In ancient times, such moles were considered the most dangerous signs of fate. It was believed that a woman would certainly become a victim of unhappy love or a fateful drama. A mole on the chest on the right is a calmer sign. The owner of such a sign will be a good wife and mother. Her feelings are constant, and her aspirations are correct. Most likely, she will have few love affairs. In a man, a mole on his chest means that he is capable of all-consuming pure love and fidelity, he carries a divine revelation for those who meet him. A mole on the chest (the mysterious sign of the Moon) is a symbol of the greatest love for all people, a sign that everyone can count on forgiveness and purification thanks to the person marked with this sign. At the same time, a mole on the chest indicates that its owner will devote himself completely to the love that he carries in himself, without retreating or renouncing it. Among widowers who cannot remarry, such signs are often found.

MOLES ON THE BREAST GLANDS and below them, can speak of the deepest feeling of motherly love that one can experience in life. Such women are created to raise children. They are very caring and affectionate mothers. If there are more moles on the left side, or if the only mole is on the left, this means that a woman is able to devote herself completely to her family. If she does not have children (and in women with such moles, this is very rare case), she gives all the power of unspent maternal love to her husband, pets, parents. Her work will also be related to the implementation of this aspect. Certainly the functions of caring, attention will become integral part her profession. Perhaps she will not decide to have a child for a very long time. It will seem to her that she is not yet sufficiently prepared morally and financially to become a mother. If she has a child, be sure that she will bring him up strictly according to the rules, using the latest achievements and theories. pedagogical sciences. And throughout the child's life, the steady fire of mother's love will warm him.

Moles on the nipples- this is not a very good karmic sign. Such a mole warns of a possible disease. If a mole is on the left nipple, the person is prone to heart disease. If on the right, an accident may occur in his life, after which he will receive a disability.

MOLE UNDER THE BREAST indicates the insidious nature of the owner. The speck on the left indicates that a woman is capable of intrigues because of love. She does not disdain any means to achieve her goal: she can bring "damage" to her rival, send misfortunes to her children. Such a person will always choose a person who is not free, burdened with a family, as a potential husband. Maybe she will have more than one spouse. But every time she will take him away from a strange family. A mole under the right breast characterizes an extremely businesslike woman. Her deceit is not so dangerous for loved ones. But those with whom she works will not be easy. Such a woman in business widely uses almost legal methods in order to destroy competitors: she does not fulfill verbal agreements, she very cunningly launches an anti-advertising campaign against her rivals. But this sign allows you to achieve a lot in life. In a man, such a sign, as it were, emphasizes his dignity and at the same time all his vices. If a man has a lot of moles on the lower part of his chest (under the nipples), he is not very strong in spirit, you should not believe him. He is capable of betrayal in relation to his beloved woman and betrayal in relation to a friend. However, this is only if there are more than a dozen small moles. One or two noticeable convex moles, just the opposite, speak of his ability for selfless deeds. Men with a mole under the left nipple are very romantic. In the old days, they were seafarers, travelers. Then the professions of a geologist and a pilot became popular. Men with a mole under the right nipple are very noble. They make faithful husbands and caring fathers.

MOLES LOCATED BELOW THE RIBS. In a woman, let's say, this is the waist area. Persons with such signs cannot control themselves in anything. They are often banal hysterics with low intelligence. Living with such a woman is sheer torment. She can throw a scandal for any reason, for example, if it seems to her that someone looked askance at her on the bus and deliberately hit her with an elbow, and her husband did not put the "impudent" in place. Such women are not at all concerned about the presence of strangers during the scandal. On the contrary, without an audience, the whole effect disappears. Sometimes such a lady needs not only simple sedatives in the form of drops, but also a psychiatrist's consultation and serious treatment. If the mole on the waist is on the right, it is possible that the karma of the ancestors of this woman influenced its appearance. One of the great-grandmothers suffered from hysteria. Women with moles on the waist all the time need to control themselves, control their statements. Moles on the waist in men are cowardly people. If a man also has a large belly and no waist, many of his shortcomings thereby protrude. A person with a mole below the ribs often turns out to be a big egoist. He only cares own desires as well as the fear of losing some benefits. They are subject to hysterical panic during natural Disasters. They are terribly afraid of dying in a car accident, falling into the hands of robbers, etc. A man with a mole on his waist ensures his safety, based on his material capabilities. Someone hires security and surrounds his house with a stone fence with barbed wire. Another, poorer, puts up an iron door, buys a gas canister, a third gets a vicious dog. The feeling of fear can be suppressed if a person receives additional energy from someone through spiritual purification. It is always difficult for such a person to cope with his problems alone. A person with a mole on his waist should open his body to nature: air, sun, water.

BIRTHSPACE ON THIGH in a woman (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg is above the knee) and on the right - in a man, speaks of hermitage. Especially if it is located on the back of the leg. Such a spot indicates a strong dependence on the mother. The owner of such a spot may lose her father early or will be brought up without a father at all. However, this can also be true for men. In childhood, such children stand out among their peers. They are considered "white crows", in whatever society they are. Marriage among such women is extremely difficult. They are rarely happy family life because if they get married, it is too late when they can no longer afford the birth of a child. Oddly enough, I often saw a similar birthmark in my friends. It should be noted that the qualities of a spot are more pronounced, the brighter the spot itself. The presence of such a sign also speaks of a positive aspect: a person will have extraordinary abilities that he will be able to realize one way or another. In his fate there will be many discoveries, as a rule, concerning his own personality. Creativity and work will always go side by side. Even if this is a completely simple person, he will have the talent to make something with his own hands or the talent of a poet. Such people are able to foresee the future.

MOLE ON THE CHEEK in a man, it speaks primarily of the liveliness of character, liveliness, originality, if it is located on the right. Such a mole is impossible not to notice. Women with a mole on their cheek enjoy the attention of the opposite sex more often than others. A mole on the left cheek indicates a great talent that manifests itself in a person from childhood. This may be the talent of an artist, writer, composer, astrologer. This is especially true for men. Such people have a phenomenal memory, have a talent for communicating with people. For a woman, such a mole is a sign of her natural charm. It is impossible to take your eyes off such a face, such a face is remembered faster and stored in memory longer. Norma Jean Baker (Marilyn Monroe) had a similar mole. Needless to say, how many men she charmed thanks to her mole! In addition, a mole on the left cheek can bring its owner an imbalance in actions, a tendency to depression, and hysteria. Women with such a mole are always distinguished by their abilities and talents. Even if you have a simple housewife in front of you, she certainly has some worldly talent that you can admire.

MORLES ON THE EYELIDS always give an eerie impression, especially if they are large. According to Japanese physiognomy, remote moles do not at all erase their influence from a person's life. A removed mole also retains its effect on character and personality traits. A person with a mole on the right peck does not tolerate stressful situations, he immediately panics, and sometimes he himself does not understand what he is doing. He lacks vital energy, therefore he can bring to the point of absurdity one of the Christian commandments - non-resistance to evil. A mole on the left eyelid is a characteristic sign of a person whose feelings always prevail over reason. This is usually a very dreamy person, able to change his views and beliefs several times a day. A mole on the left eyelid speaks of inconstancy in love. A woman with such a sign can easily be carried away by the first who is interested in her, happily marry, and then with the same ease go to another, maybe the very next day after the wedding.

MOLE ABOVE THE UPPER LIP a woman on the right side always speaks of the deceit, cruelty of her mistress. Such a mole, however, like any other mole on the face, is the dominant factor in many karmic combinations. A lot of information about a person's character can be obtained by studying and comparing the location of moles in different parts of the body. Outwardly attractive "constellation" of three moles - on the cheek, on the nose and above the lip. You will be fascinated, but know that in front of you is a woman who is unbalanced to the point of impossibility. A woman with a mole above her upper lip has an imperious character, strong in spirit and almost always suppresses the man with whom she will connect her fate. In the event of any life failure, she is able to recoup her partner, bringing the situation to the point of absurdity. Such women do not differ in an affectionate attitude either to children or to their husbands. However, they often manage to make a career, achieve a position in society.

MOLES ON THE NOSE are sociable people. A mole on the tip of the nose indicates a light character, a sense of humor. In women, this mole indicates some frivolity in behavior. It often looks funny. Therefore, such people may not be taken seriously. And it’s also impossible to be angry with them for a long time. The owner of such a mole, both in study and in work, is often limited to what lies on the surface, without delving into the secrets of the subject or profession. Such people can often change jobs, they can graduate from several educational institutions. But as a rule, they cannot boast of satisfaction from their position. Everything they have is unsteady, frivolous, temporary... Such people are able to replace life goals with momentary desires.

MOLE AT THE BASE OF THE NOSE ON THE CHEEK. People with this sign always know better than others what to do in a given situation. They love to give advice, and most often really reasonable. Friends often turn to them for help in difficult moments of life, share secrets and never regret it later. A person with a mole at the base of his nose knows how to keep other people's secrets. He can become a good lawyer. A mole at the base of the nose on the left side of a man is a rare amazing sign. Such people can "talk" to the stars, perform miracles, interpret dreams. The great Paracelsus had such a mole. The magician and astrologer Alexander Rempel has such a mole.

MOLE ON CHIN a man talks about power. Such people are perfectly aware of what they want. Sometimes it indicates despotism, a tough temper, aggression. But it gives its owner a strong will and the ability to complete any business. To achieve their goals, they do not neglect any means. A mole on the chin on the right in men speaks of one-sidedness, inertia and greed. On the left - about purposefulness, the desire to move forward, self-improvement. In women, on the contrary, a mole on the chin on the right is a happy positive sign that gives her faith in her own strength, optimism, generosity. Such a woman will always be distinguished by the ability to listen, wisdom, tact. Usually such people realize their abilities, achieve a high position in society. A mole on the right of a woman is a sign of weakness, self-centeredness, infatuation with bad inclinations, indulging one's whims. A mole on the chin in the center characterizes a person as an extremely stubborn person. It is difficult for such people to prove anything. The larger the mole, the more stubbornness. They have the characteristics of a dictator. They can become real domestic tyrants if they do not understand the need to change their temper. A leader with a mole on his chin (in the center) can harass his subordinates endlessly, inventing new duties for them every time. In this attitude to work, he sees an opportunity for growth for others.

MORNEL ON THE TEMPLE. In no case should it be confused with a mole on the forehead. A mole on the temple near the left eye happens to extremely sentimental people. This applies to both men and women. At the same time, it is completely invisible. Outwardly, a person is always calm, most often he hides his emotions. This is manifested the more, the closer the mole is to the scalp. Unconsciously, people tend to hide the mole on the temple under the hair. Women wear long bangs, men rarely cut their hair. A person with a mole on his temple often suffers from headaches, he may have something wrong with the blood supply to the brain. It happens that he cannot remember elementary things: for example, where he was last night. The owners of such a mole have strange sensations: in certain moment he suddenly realizes that all this once already happened, and he knows exactly what his interlocutor will say now or what movement will follow next. His dreams come true, and sometimes many years after he had a dream. With spontaneous forgetfulness, such people can retain certain dreams or childhood sensations for a long time. This means that the karma of a person was influenced by his actions in past incarnations. He wanted to do something - write a book, become an architect, a teacher. But he failed, or circumstances interfered, and then all his life he was tormented by dissatisfaction. The appearance of a mole on the right temple is also largely determined by a person's karma. Such a mole can often be found in fortune tellers. It is generally accepted that it is better to hide it from prying eyes, since other people's views can "jinx" the owner's talent. However, such a mole can promise a person deprivation. In childhood and adolescence, such a person may have complexes because of his small stature or some external defect. As a rule, such people lose their father early. Perhaps in young age they are not much different from their peers and do not at all show their significance either with a sharp mind or outstanding abilities. All this they acquire through personal efforts and performance later.

MORALS ON THE STOMACH in some ways they have a similar meaning to the signs on the waist. In addition, in men, there is practically no border between the abdomen and waist, therefore for them the meaning of these moles is identical to the meaning of those located on the waist. Moles on the abdomen may indicate panic, almost animalistic. The owner of such a mole can show courage by not telling anyone about his fear. However, often people with similar marks die. sudden death from heartbreak. Moles on the abdomen are usually visible from birth. Their location is largely due to the internal organs that are in the same part of the body. People with moles on their stomachs can become slaves to their passions. They are completely dependent on their desires. This is manifested in immoderation in food, carnal pleasures, alcohol abuse. A mole on the stomach on the left happens in people who are constantly changing sexual partners. If they fail to do this as often as they would like, they are capable of committing a sexual offense. If the mole is located in the center of the abdomen, such a person can achieve a lot with his own efforts, will. But he is an undoubted glutton, although he is unusually picky about food and drink. However, such a person also has extremes. He may completely refuse alcohol and certain foods.

MORNEL ON THE BACK. If it is closer to the shoulders, a person is characterized by great demands on himself and others. Most likely, he will go in for sports and will demand the same from his loved ones. Such people often go hiking, pour themselves cold water teaching them to their young children. Despite such attention to their physical development and despite all efforts, people with a mole on their backs do not have good health. If there are many moles in the upper back, this indicates that the person was born weak, will be sick a lot in childhood, and in his youth he will suffer from incomprehensible weakness. Often, these moles indicate lung disease. This is especially true for men. For women, a similar sign indicates bronchial diseases with asthmatic complications. Rodinskaya on the back, according to Slavic beliefs, is a sign of betrayal by other people. It is possible that in a past life the owner of the mole suffered severely from deceit and betrayal. loved one. Even now he should behave carefully with those whose behavior borders on lies and deceptions. To a greater extent, this warning applies to women, although they just have moles on their backs that are much less common than men. For a woman with a mole on her back, it is very important to live in such a way that she does not even allow the thought of a possible betrayal by loved ones, otherwise her existence may end in neuroses, tantrums, mental disorders. If a person is confident in himself, he forms the attitude of the people around him by his behavior. The influence of karma can be mitigated if we do not get angry at the obstacles that fate puts in front of us. A person with a mole on his back is a thoughtful interlocutor, a reliable partner, a good professional. If he takes up his studies, he will certainly become an excellent student or the best in the group. Possesses talents in many areas of life.

MORNELS ON THE HANDS. Moles on inside very vulnerable persons have wrists, and if there are two spots or more, this indicates hypersensitivity to any manifestations of rudeness and inattention. A woman with a mole on the inside of her left forearm looks very touching. She gives the impression of being kind, compliant, unprotected. As a rule, she generally has a lot of moles on her body - there are always moles on her temple, neck, and hips. If the mole is also located on the right wrist, the woman very skillfully uses her apparent insecurity, puts herself in such a way that the man is ready to carry her in his arms and protect her from any troubles. Women with moles on their hands are usually very happy in marriage. They have amazing hands - gentle and at the same time very strong. Their hands are plastic, and their gestures are simply mesmerizing. If there is a mole on the outside of the forearm, a woman gives her beloved maximum comfort, her gentle hands have some kind of magic power Whatever she takes on, everything turns out great. Her energy is compatible with almost any person. There is only one condition - he must love her for real. A man with a mole on his right hand also has good energy. He does not have to be physically strong, have pumped up muscles - things and people already obey his will. The hands of such a man can perform the most delicate work, they do not get tired and do not fall in the most difficult moments of life. Such men are optimistic about life, able to earn money, be very independent. You can count on and rely on such a man in deeds, in feelings, and in words. If a man has two noticeable moles on his forearm, he is able to carry his beloved woman in his arms all his life. You can also say that two moles on the right hand are a sign of fidelity.

MORALS ON THE ELBOWS AND IN THE REGION OF THE ELBOW JOINT characterize a very vulnerable and unadapted person to life. He constantly gets into some kind of story. Especially if they mark the inside of the elbow bend. The owner of such moles can often suffer from blows and bruises of the hands, injuries and even fights. However, the elbow joints themselves can be very painful, they can bother a person with sudden pain. In general, moles on the elbows and knees should be treated very carefully - do not touch them once again and do not injure them. The fact is that these moles are the endings of the most unstable energy channels. They attract negative energy from the environment. It can be negative emotions splashed out by other people, someone's resentment or evil thoughts. The most interesting thing is that people with moles on their elbows themselves are not able to convey their negative emotions to someone, they take everything upon themselves. Because sometimes they have a very hard time. As a rule, it is impossible for such people to agree, to get benefits bypassing existing rules. They will certainly become exposers of other people's deceptions. But they themselves will achieve everything in life, as they say, with their own hands.

MOLES ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE FINGERS. If such a sign is ring finger right hand, at the base - there will be disappointments in a person’s personal life. It is possible that the owner of such a mole can suffer so much from the experienced sensations that he is able to lay hands on himself. In his life there may be divorces, breaks in relationships. It is advisable for a person with such a sign when entering into marriage to cover the mole with a wedding ring and try never to take it off. In general, it is better not to show this spot to anyone, and since it is located in a place where you cannot hide it, only a ring can save a marriage. It is recommended for unmarried and unmarried people to wear a ring in place of the mole so as not to be left alone forever. People with moles on their fingers are subject to the evil eye, the effects of negative energy. There are also positive side this omen. As a rule, such people are great artisans in embroidery and knitting. Magicians and illusionists have similar spots. The owner of such a mole is the famous David Kotkin (David Copperfield). In addition, there is a belief that "money sticks to the fingers of such people." There is a sign that people with moles on their fingers can also be thieves. The notorious Odessa woman Manka-Bond had a mole on the little finger of her left hand.

MORALS ON THE PALM are very rare. They have a huge impact on the fate of a person and during life they can disappear and reappear. Everything that is on the palms: lines, dots, spots - is under the jurisdiction of palmistry - the science of predictions from the signs and lines of the hand. Palmists pay special attention to the clarity, depth and length of the lines on the palms of a person. So, any spot (which can be a mole) on one of the main lines or on one of the hills of the palm promises a person misfortune, illness, unrequited love, loneliness. It should be borne in mind that palmists can determine the character of a person by the appearance of the lines and predict his fate, as well as talk about predisposition to various diseases. Palmistry is built on the doctrine of the influence of planets on the fate of people. Thus, it is closely related to astrology. There are seven planets in total. Venus carries love - the thumb. Jupiter - a symbol of power - forefinger. Saturn determines fate - middle finger. The sun, on which a person's life success depends, his talents - the ring finger. Mercury is responsible for the practical implementation of plans - the little finger. And also Mars and the Moon, having their hills of the same name. Under each finger of the hand there is a mound, a bulge, bearing the name of the ruling planet of this finger (Under the index - the hill of Jupiter, etc.) Below the hill of Mercury (under the little finger) is the hill of Mars, even lower - the Moon. There are also the main "planetary" lines, each of which is directed to a certain "planetary" hill. Due to the fact that moles located on the palm of a person can indicate some changes in his fate, you can "read" those aspects and areas of life that can be influenced by moles. A person who has a mole in the palm of his hand can, by an effort of will or by his aspirations, change his life, direct his natural abilities towards self-improvement, overcoming circumstances. People with moles on their palms often lead a hermitic lifestyle, they fundamentally deny generally accepted principles, referring themselves to the number of the elect, not like others. However, others may also not accept them, being afraid of their coldness and detachment, bordering on selfishness.

MORALS ON HIPS characterize a person who is always tormented by some premonitions. He often has discomfort in the lower abdomen, which can then move to the hips and knees. The owner of such a mole, especially if it is on the inside of the thigh, may be prone to seizures. External stimuli can unbalance him for a long time - too bright sun, loud music, crowds of people around. While doing something important, he is often distracted by unimportant details. A person with a mole on his thigh often has incomprehensible dreams with unthinkable plots. This may be a sign of the influence of heavy karma. The karma of the owner of these signs can be corrected only if he never seeks solace in wine or relieves nervous stress with alcohol. It is important for a person with a mole on his thigh to learn to recognize signs of fatigue or nervous tension in time and immediately give rest to his body. Of great importance for him is communication with nature, tireless sports, as well as familiarization with art and good music. People with moles on their thighs, located on the back of the body, have the gift of foresight, prophetic abilities, mystical properties. Sometimes they can drop a phrase that will later come true with amazing accuracy. If such a person is not engaged in the occult sciences, he will make a wonderful surgeon, teacher, priest.

MORALS ON THE KNEES happen to extremely impatient people. If there are spots on both knees, then this quality is enhanced even more. For people with moles on their knees, the worst thing is to wait for something. They are not able to calmly stand at a bus stop waiting for transport - they immediately begin to get nervous. They need to try to control themselves, as their nervousness can harm them constantly. In transport, they fidget all the way and only dream of getting there as soon as possible, getting out and running ahead. They have a fast gait, they are always in a hurry, even if a slow walk is necessary. Starting a business, they already imagine the end result and are not too attentive to the very process of completing the task. If they have a thoughtful and attentive partner next to them, their affairs will go with brilliance. Such people read books, skipping a few pages. In the cinema and theater, they constantly look at the clock. They are fast eaters but can be infinitely picky eaters. It is important for them to constantly be in motion, so they are very restless. Women with moles on their left knee marry the first applicant they come across - just not to think that the years are passing, that everyone around has already married and has children. The owners of such signs seem to always push the time. In fact, they often lose a lot - the opportunity to enjoy small joys, to be observant, not to make mistakes that have already arisen on the way before. The behavior of people with moles on their knees is greatly influenced by karmo-energy reasons. Most likely, in a past life, such a person was in constant fear, was forced to hide from someone. Perhaps he suffered greatly for his philosophical convictions and did not dare to defend them later. The feeling of fear is very persistent, it is extremely difficult to get rid of karma from it. At the same time, a person himself sometimes does not understand what exactly makes him sometimes run somewhere, because even he cannot explain this to himself. Such people need to work very hard on themselves. If a person who has a mole on his knee is able to rise above circumstances, overcome his vices, consciously improve intellectually and achieve his goal, he will certainly become famous person. His achievements will be noticed by many people. He will always stand out from the crowd. He is able to attract like-minded people, his word is able to inspire others with any idea. Such a person can be both useful and dangerous - it all depends on what goals he sets for himself.

MORALS ON THE SHIN. A person with a mole on his lower leg is very easy-going. He constantly strives to conquer the peaks in the literal and figurative sense of this expression. Among people with moles on their lower legs, there are many climbers, athletes and circus performers, as well as dancers. A man with a mole on his lower leg is very mobile, has good control over his body. As a rule, he has many admirers, can show a frivolous attitude towards his personal life. However, he is almost always attached to the woman he truly loves. A mole on a woman's lower leg emphasizes the beauty of her legs. This is, as it were, the last point that the Creator put in his creation. A woman with such a sign can truly be considered perfection. Her beauty is very natural and unique. She usually dances beautifully, has musical abilities. In her life there can be quite a few ardent hobbies. However, she will never be judged as a frivolous woman, as she knows how to look touchy. Her talent is to remain a woman in any setting. A mole that appeared on a woman's shin in the process of life indicates all the signs mentioned above. But a woman will always acquire these wonderful qualities as a result of personal efforts, improvement and intellectual development. This is especially significant if the mole is on the right leg. Such a woman will always influence her partner with better side and in marriage will certainly become a happy and faithful friend. The career of her chosen one will take off significantly only because she will love her husband.

MORNELS ON THE FEET. There are a huge number of important energy points on the feet, so moles that have appeared here since birth should never be ignored. In addition, moles on the feet are the most harmless among all others in terms of health. They more often than others can degenerate into malignant melanomas. Moles and any other spots that occur in a person during life can first of all talk about signs of serious diseases. At the same time, a mole on the heel can speak of a person's vitality. His feet never get cold, because a mole is able to attract energy that warms a person. In general, on the feet are the endings of important energy channels through which we can receive earthly energy. Divination by a person's feet is called PODOMANTIA. Here the principle of "reading" the most important lines is applied, in many respects similar to the principles of palmistry. The lines on the left foot speak of past events. On the right they carry information about the present and the future.

MOLES ON THE TOES they talk about the unstable psyche of a person, about his suspiciousness. The owner of a mole on one of his toes can look for signs of incurable diseases all his life, sometimes this turns into obsessions. In general, there are a huge number of reflex zones on the feet, the impact on them when walking can also affect moles. Nowhere, except on the steps, moles can disappear and reappear so quickly. Sometimes a mole "travels" along the foot during life, and a person does not even notice this, because he rarely pays attention to his feet. Yes, it's not convenient - to study the feet of your feet! The appearance of the foot is directly related to human health, as well as to the temporary conditions of his body. A mole can speak of various diseases, but only if it is located on the most delicate areas of the feet: on the joints of the fingers, at the base of the fingers, between the fingers, and also in the center of the foot. A mole in the center of the foot can serve as a warning about possible diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, if the mole is slightly shifted from the center to the outer edge of the foot - a person is prone to cardiovascular diseases. A spot located between the center of the foot and the heel indicates trouble in the genitals. If the mole is located between the big and second fingers, a person should take care of his eyes - his visual acuity can significantly decrease from frequent overstrain and harmful work. If the spot is located on the jumper between the second and third fingers, there may be a decrease in immunity and frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A speck between the third and fourth fingers means that a person is prone to a runny nose. A mole between the little finger and the fourth finger indicates a possible hearing loss in the prime of life. All moles on the toes on the foot, especially on the first joints, indicate a violation of the blood circulation of the brain. I would also like to note that for people who are actively involved in sports, who take long walks in any weather, and in the summer they certainly walk barefoot on the ground, moles that hint at health problems can disappear forever. The fact is that the skin of the feet is arranged in this way: with an active impact on the reflex zones, the skin changes faster, besides, melanocyte cells with a high content of pigment accumulate here less often.

Moles in the perineum. These are very intimate signs, only the closest people or doctors can see them. Only from them a person most often learns about the existence of moles. Pigmented dots on the anus speak of some kind of trouble, both physical and psychological. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the rectum are not excluded. It is often difficult for a person to cope with his passions, he is tormented by vague desires, some kind of anxiety is tormenting him. Sometimes with him there are bouts of unreasonable cruelty towards loved ones. People with moles on the anus, both men and women, are very selfish, next to them there can only be an extremely patient person who is able to discard thoughts of insults and direct the energy of his partner in the right direction. By the way, if the mole is convex on the anus, it is better to remove it - doctors say so. A mole on a man's genitals speaks of his love of love. It cannot be argued that he "walks" a lot or has some kind of supernatural male power, he is simply able to be loyal to all the ladies. Even in that woman to whom no one will pay attention, he is able to see "his zest." A man with such a sign is very well versed in female nature, he knows perfectly well what a beloved woman needs for happiness. Men with a mole on the genitals always behave naturally, they have everything as if by itself. They rarely have problems with potency. They are never alone, their desires always resonate in the female soul. Moles on the large and small labia in women cause a lot of trouble. Such ladies are usually hypersensitive in the genital area. They may shock their partner non-traditional activities sex. Such women cannot live without male attention and caresses. On the one hand, this is a sign of a woman's desire for emancipation. On the other hand, a woman is terribly afraid that her partner may find this mole in her. IN intimate relationships such women take the initiative into their own hands, sometimes this manifests itself in harsh instructions. Often this can take sophisticated forms (masochism, sadism). Outwardly, these women can give the impression of shy persons, while being very proud. And one more detail that applies to both men and women marked with moles on the genitals: their children will be very beautiful.

Different nations have their own interpretation of the location of moles, and usually the focus is on the face, on which there are many zones and confirmations of the happy meaning of moles.

Some experts argue that moles are no less important in the fate of a person than the lines on the hands in palmistry. Moreover, moles or birthmarks can appear, increase or disappear.
And all this is not accidental. It reflects our actions, experiences in the same way as the lines on the palm, gray hair or wrinkles. You can try to follow through life for all the moles on the human body, disappearing or appearing. And that would explain the causes and effects of many events.
Mole on right eyebrow heralds early and happy marriage, on the left eyebrow - is interpreted, respectively, vice versa.
Mole on the lips is the sign of the goddess Venus. It personifies sensuality, love of luxury, but also some frivolity, and dislike for responsibility. A mole on the lip is also a sign of a cheerful character. A speck on the upper lip is found in extremely feminine and flirtatious persons, a mole under the lips - in love you take more than you give.
Discovering mole on right cheek, get ready for stormy love experiences. Moles on the left cheek mean that a lot of troubles will await you on the path to success.
Mole on the nose Very good sign. Whatever you undertake, you are guaranteed success everywhere.
Mole on the right side of the chest, you often rush from one extreme to another. Your life is a swing, then rise, then fall. A spot on the chest on the left side indicates the generous and slightly frivolous character of its owner.
On the ankle, a mole is worn by people of an independent, energetic nature, who, with the help of their diligence, achieve great success.
Mole on shoulder accompanies lucky people. It is especially worth noting that a mole on the left shoulder often leads to financial difficulties.
Moles on the hand it may matter that you have a gift that will bring the owner of a mole on the palm of your hand happiness in your personal life, wealth and an exciting career.
Of course, people tend to see in unusual birthmarks something mysterious. It is still not clear how and why they appear and are so diverse in form. For example, spots or moles in the form of the contours of a continent, a peninsula or a lake can mean upcoming long journeys. But karmic meanings can change. It depends on what actions we do. There are spots that symbolize protection. As a rule, they do not change their appearance or meaning.
Here are some interpretations of the location of moles:
MOLE ON FOREHEAD and even better a stain, which means that its owner can become certain circumstances a great man and manage crowds of people. These are people with a huge supply of energy, but the main thing for them is not to overdo it and not waste it on trifles.
MOLE ABOVE THE NOSE in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows means that there may be an undeveloped talent of clairvoyance in a person, or its owner can foresee the future - in palmistry such a person can be identified by the presence of a medium line on his hand. Such moles are possessed by sacred deities in Buddhist temples and rare lucky ones among people. It is believed that such people were born in a "shirt", and have protection from above. From an esoteric point of view and many other teachings, this place is called the place of the “third eye”. This person in a past life, to a greater extent than others, managed to improve his karma. A mole at the top of the forehead speaks of the excellent organizational skills of the owner.
MOLE UNDER THE EYES speaks of the inherent tenderness and kindness of the owner. This is a mark of noble origin and a penchant for self-sacrifice.
MOLE ON THE CHEEKS- a mark of very determined people who are able to devote their whole lives to the struggle for an idea - they have organizational skills and very eloquent speakers.
MOLE ON THE HEAD has the meaning of inborn theorists, perhaps great thinkers or scientists. It also speaks of the secrecy of nature. It is also believed that a person with a mole on his head in one of his past lives could have committed a serious crime - however, the interpretation of this mole depends on its type. MOLE ON THE RIGHT TEMPLE means the presence of subtle perception and good intuition - perhaps the gift of foresight, a bright personality. It is believed that such a mole must be hidden from prying eyes.
MORALS ON THE EARS. Their owners tend to be extremely boastful. These qualities work as self-defense. But these people may not keep their word, able to cheat or steal. If the mole is hidden in the ear, this may indicate a disease of the nervous system.
MORALS ON THE LANGUAGE. People with such rare marks talk a lot and almost do not know how to listen, they are distinguished by intemperance in statements and suffer from this.
MOLE ON THE NECK in a man it speaks of his high intellectual and spiritual development, but it is difficult for him to realize his data. They will certainly be outstripped by a more dodgy and successful competitor. A woman with a mole on her neck can be very changeable. She often repeats the fate of her mother. For example, if the mother had one marriage, most likely the daughter will also have one marriage. The same applies to having children. A child with such a mole is everyone's favorite.
MOLES ON SHOULDERS- this can be said to be a negative sign in most cases, a direct sign of karma if it bad shape. The owners of such moles will be crushed in life by a certain load of problems unresolved in the past. However, these are patient and strong natures, but they clearly lack determination. They do not recognize authorities.
MORALS ON THE CHEST women on the left side, promises constant disappointments in love - this is how these marks were interpreted in past times. And if the mole is on the right breast, it has a completely different meaning and characterizes the owner as a faithful wife and a good mother. In a man, such a mole speaks of his pure intentions. It is better to get rid of moles on the nipples. They predict various diseases or an accident.
MOLE ON THE CHEEK in a man, it speaks, first of all, about the liveliness of character, liveliness, originality, often indicates variability if it is located on the right. Such a mole is impossible not to notice. Women with a mole on their cheek enjoy the attention of the opposite sex more often than others. A mole on the left cheek indicates a great talent that manifests itself in a person from childhood. This may be the talent of an artist, writer, composer, astrologer. Such people have a phenomenal memory. And also - the talent of communicating with people. The great Marilyn Monroe had a similar mole. Needless to say, how many men she charmed thanks to her mole!
MORLES ON THE EYELIDS it also sometimes happens, means a very receptive and sensitive person, in whom the feelings of fasting always control the mind. This is usually a very dreamy person, able to change their views and beliefs several times a day - they say for them (that they have seven Fridays a week).
MOLE ABOVE THE UPPER LIP in a woman on the right side, she always speaks of the hidden cunning, cruelty of her mistress, which allows them to make a good career and achieve success, usually through the use of men.
MOLES ON THE NOSE the light airy nature of a person matters, and the presence of a developed sense of humor. A mole in this place in women is outward sign frivolity.
MOLE AT THE BASE OF THE NOSE ON THE CHEEK this sign means that a person loves to give advice and usually true. Such natures know how to keep secrets, they can be trusted, they are able to come to the rescue in Hard time. A mole in this place helps to perceive more subtle energies, which will undoubtedly be reflected in good presentiment and insight, these people can correctly interpret dreams.
MOLE ON CHIN endows its owner with a strong will and the ability to complete any business. A mole on the chin on the right in men speaks of one-sidedness, inertia and greed. On the left - about purposefulness, the desire to move forward, self-improvement. In women, on the contrary, a mole on the chin on the right is a happy positive sign that gives her faith in her own strength, optimism, generosity. Such a woman will always be distinguished by the ability to listen, wisdom, tact.
MOLE ON THE BACK speaks of increased demands on oneself and others. According to Slavic beliefs, such moles are a sign of possible betrayal by other people. It is possible that in a past life the owner of a mole suffered severely from the deceit and betrayal of a loved one. He should now be more careful and especially not to trust.
MORALS ON HANDS. Moles on the inside of the wrists are very vulnerable persons, and if there are two spots or more - this indicates hypersensitivity to any manifestations of rudeness and inattention. Women with moles on their hands are usually very happy in marriage. If there is a mole on the outside of the forearm, the woman gives her beloved maximum comfort. A man with a mole on his right hand also has good energy. He does not have to be physically strong, have pumped up muscles - things and people already obey his will. Such men are optimistic about life, able to earn money and be very independent. You can also say that two moles on the right hand are a sign of fidelity.
MORALS ON THE ELBOWS characterize a person who is unfit for life. In general, moles on the elbows and knees should be treated very carefully - do not touch them once again and do not injure them. They attract negative energy from the environment. It can be negative emotions splashed out by other people, someone's resentment or evil thoughts. The most interesting thing is that people with moles on their elbows themselves are not able to convey their negative emotions to someone, they take everything upon themselves.
MOLES ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE FINGERS. If there is such a sign on the ring finger of the right hand, at the base, there will be disappointments in a person’s personal life. It is advisable for a person with such a sign when entering into marriage to cover the mole with a wedding ring and try never to take it off. It is recommended for unmarried and unmarried people to wear a ring in place of the mole so as not to be left alone forever. People with moles on their fingers are subject to the evil eye, the effects of negative energy. There is also a positive side to this sign. As a rule, such people are great artisans in embroidery and knitting. Magicians and illusionists have similar spots. The owner of such a mole is the famous magician David Copperfield.
MORALS ON THE PALM are very rare. A person who has a mole in the palm of his hand can, by an effort of will or by his aspirations, change his life, direct his natural abilities towards self-improvement, overcoming circumstances. People with moles on their palms often lead a hermitic lifestyle, they fundamentally deny generally accepted principles.
MORALS ON HIPS. The owner of such a mole, doing something important, is often distracted by insignificant details. A person with a mole on his thigh often has incomprehensible dreams with unthinkable plots. This may be a sign of the influence of heavy karma. The owner of such a mole must learn to recognize signs of fatigue or nervous tension and immediately give rest to his body. Of great importance is communication with nature, and familiarization with art. Sometimes such people can drop a phrase that will later come true with amazing accuracy. If such a person is not engaged in the occult sciences, he will make a wonderful surgeon, teacher, priest.
MORALS ON THE KNEES happen to extremely impatient people. If there are spots on both knees, then this quality is enhanced even more. They have a fast gait, they are always in a hurry, even if a slow walk is necessary. Starting a business, they already imagine the end result and are not too attentive to the very process of completing the task. If they have a thoughtful and attentive partner next to them, their affairs will go with brilliance. Most likely, in a past life, such a person was in constant fear, was forced to hide from someone. If a person who has a mole on his knee is able to rise above circumstances, overcome his vices, consciously improve intellectually and achieve his goal, he will certainly become a famous person.
MORALS ON THE FEET. There are already a great many important energy points on the feet. Moles in these places, and in particular on the heel, testify to the vitality of a person. Such a mole is able to attract energy that warms a person. A lot is connected with the feet of the foot, and on the topic of the human foot there is even fortune-telling on the feet, which is called Pedomancy. The lines on the left foot speak of past events. On the right - carry information about the present and the future.

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