Barack Obama's Pedigree in Photos. Obama's monkey pedigree in photos Barack Obama's half-brother turned out to be Jewish

Barack Obama is a man you can talk about for hours. Becoming the first black president in the history of the United States of America, this prominent politician gained the status of a legend during his lifetime.

Today, the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, is called one of the most popular figures in world politics, because he is one of the few people who managed to maintain a human appearance even when he reached the very heights of world politics.

Childhood of Barack Obama. Education

Barack Hussein Obama II was born in the warm and sunny city of Honolulu, the only metropolis in the Hawaiian Islands. His father, a native of the Kenyan village of Kanyadyang, entered the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1959 to study economics. During his studies, he met an anthropology student, a white American named Stanley Ann Dunham, the mother of the future president. It is noteworthy that the acquaintance took place at optional courses in the Russian language.

No less interesting is the fact that before his marriage to Denham, he was already married to a Kenyan Keise Aoko, with whom he had two children - a son, Malik, and a daughter, Aumu. In 1959, he left his family and flew to the States.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr was born in August 1961. The new mother decided to drop out of school, while the father, on the contrary, took up his studies, graduated from the University of Hawaii and, when the youngest Obama was not even three years old, left the family to continue his studies at Harvard. For some time, Barack Obama's parents still maintained relations, but some time later, Obama Sr. left the United States of America altogether in order to take a high post in the administrative apparatus of Kenya.

Subsequently, the president recalled that very few memories of his real father were stored in his memory - he spent only one month with him at the age of 10. Then Barack Obama Sr., who briefly visited the States, gave his son the first basketball in his life and took him to the first jazz concert. Both have become an integral part of the boy's hobbies, carried over into adulthood. Many years later, Barack Obama outlined the memories of his childhood in the biographical book Dreams of My Father.

Unfortunately, the life of Barack Obama's father was tragically cut short at the age of 47. Back in the early 70s, he got into an accident, did not die, but lost both legs, and then his job. This knocked the man down; he began to drink and sank into poverty. In 1982, he remarried, the couple had a son, and the life of Obama Sr. began to improve. But six months after the birth of baby George, he again had an accident - this time ending fatally.

Well, Ann Dunham, three years after breaking up with Obama, met new love– Lolo Sutoro, a student from Indonesia. He replaced Barak's father. As a result of this union, the younger sister of the future president, Maya, was born. Some time later, the whole family moved to the historical homeland of their stepfather - to Jakarta (Indonesia), where most of the childhood of the future leader of America passed.

In the Indonesian capital, Obama Jr. attended one of the comprehensive schools until the fourth grade. After that, he again moved to the Hawaiian Islands, to his mother's parents, who sent him to the prestigious Panehou private school. During his school years, he was the star of the youth basketball team and was an excellent student. He received a certificate with the highest score in 1979. In 2008, the president publicly admitted that he abused marijuana at school, tried cocaine and alcohol.

During those years, he, like two other black students at the school, suffered from constant racist comments about him. “Once I suddenly realized that everything in this world was created for whites. Even Santa - and that white one! I stood at the mirror for a long time and thought what was wrong with me, ”Obama shared in his memoirs.

Kenyan family of Barack Obama

After graduating from high school, Barak entered Los Angeles' Occidental College, and two years later transferred to Columbia University, graduating in 1983 with a degree in political science. Until 1985, he worked in the business sector, then moved to Chicago, where he began his career as a lawyer. For several years in a row, he worked with the cases of residents of disadvantaged areas. In 1989, he moved to one of the largest US law firms, Sidley Austin.

In 1988, Barack Obama took up his studies again - he decided to get a second degree at Harvard University. Here he studied law while also heading the university newspaper, the Harvard Law Review. It is quite remarkable that no African American has ever held this position before.

Political career of Barack Obama

Already during this period, Barack Obama has established himself as a notorious fighter for equality. With these ideals, he went into politics. In the early nineties, he joined the ranks of the Democratic Party, and already in 1997 he was elected as an Illinois state senator. After 9/11, Barack Obama was one of the most active opponents of George W. Bush and his decision to send troops to Iraq. He also opposed the creation of the North American Free Trade Area. As for the social sphere, one of the main themes in Obama's political doctrine was support for low-income families and universal health insurance for the population.

In 2005, after an unsuccessful attempt in 2000, Barack Obama took office in the US federal Senate. From that moment on, he became one of the leading figures in the political structure of the United States of America. In February 2007, Barack Obama announced his intention to run for President of the United States. Hillary Clinton became his main competitor for the title of the main Democratic candidate.

As a result, she gave in to Obama and provided him with possible support throughout his election campaign. Ordinary people supported Obama with the dollar - about $58 million in donations were collected as part of the presidential campaign. Most of the money belonged to middle-class Americans.

The new "People's President" moved forward with the slogan "Yes We Can" and with huge support from the common people. It is noteworthy that his main opponent, John McCain, relied mainly on Americans with high incomes.

In the November 4, 2008 presidential election, Obama defeated Republican candidate John McCain with 52.9% of the popular vote to McCain's 45.7%. 338 out of 538 electors voted for Barack Obama. On January 20, 2009, a Democrat, liberal and the first African-American president in US history occupied the Oval Room of the White House. His associate, Delaware Senator Joe Biden, became vice president.

44th US President Barack Obama

In the first hundred days of his presidency, Obama and his team managed to adopt a number of important innovations. Obama convinced Congress to expand the scope of children's health insurance and pay attention to discrimination against women in pay. $ 787 billion was invested in the short-term US economy, first of all, the banking market and the auto industry received injections. Obama has proposed tax cuts for unions, small businesses, and first-time homebuyers. The President not only lifted the ban on stem cell development, but also allocated $3.5 trillion for further research.

It was at the suggestion of Obama that the Senate adopted an anti-crisis bill aimed at supporting the American economy, as well as a fateful decision to withdraw troops from Iraq. In addition, Obama passed the Obamacare health care reform, which provided for mandatory health insurance for every US citizen. He ordered to close sadly famous prison in Guantanamo Bay, and also signed a decree banning mutilating interrogation techniques.

Obama tried to improve US foreign policy relations with European countries, China, Russia, and made attempts at dialogue with Iran, Venezuela and Cuba. The thaw in relations with Cuba occurred even before the death of Fidel Castro, to the displeasure of the Republicans, who felt the rapprochement was premature. For all peacekeeping efforts in 2009, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

By the way, Russia became the 14th country that Obama visited in the first year of his presidency. And, apparently, he started a good relationship with his Russian "colleague" Dmitry Medvedev.

Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama eat hamburgers

In the spring of 2011, Obama announced his desire to be re-elected as leader of the United States of America. This time, the African American president faced off against Mitt Romney and once again secured his seat in the Oval Office for the next 4 years. According to the results of the popular vote, he received 51.1% of the vote, 332 electors gave their votes to Obama.

The biggest mistake in the 8 years of his presidency, Barack Obama considers the invasion of Libya. The greatest merit is the salvation of America from a protracted economic crisis that could result in a new Great Depression.

Barack Obama's personal life

With his charming wife Michelle Obama (nee LaVon Robinson), he met during an internship at the legal agency Sidley Austin in the late 80s. It is noteworthy that at first Michelle, a lively lawyer, was not at all interested in him from a love point of view, although she was never bored with him and always had something to talk about. For several months, Barack sought her favor. Bouquets, sweets, romantic confessions - everything was in vain. But when Michelle heard his fiery speech, which he delivered to black teenagers from the Chicago slums, she realized that she could no longer deny her feelings.

Barack and Michelle Obama got married on October 3, 1992. After the ceremony, the newlyweds traveled to Kenya to visit the groom's relatives. The next five years, the life of the young spouses was cloudless, until in 1998 they were born eldest daughter Malia. As soon as Michelle went on maternity leave, it turned out that Barack's social and political activities did not allow him to support his family at a decent level. “We were as poor as church mice,” Michel recalled these years. Barak refused to work in his specialty, although she would bring a huge income to the family, claiming that she does not see herself anywhere except in politics.

In 2001, the couple had a daughter, Sasha, who almost became a catalyst divorce proceedings. She also saved the marriage of the Obama couple - when at 3 months the baby fell ill with meningitis, her parents did not leave her hospital bed for a single step, forgetting about all the differences. When a miracle happened and the girl recovered, the couple intuitively compromised: Michelle became a reliable support for her husband in his political activities, and Barak began to spend more time with his family.

Since then, Barack Obama has never forgotten what comes first in his life. Even in the midst of the election race, even in the most difficult days of the presidency, he was attentive and gentle to his wife and remembered important events in the life of his daughters. During the 8 years of Obama's leadership, his family has been a role model.

By the way, the president instilled responsibility and love for work in his daughters. So, in the summer of 2016 youngest daughter Sasha found a part-time job ... in a fast food restaurant.

When the 44th President of the United States was asked what he plans to do after the election, he joked that he plans to sleep well, and maybe even get a job as an Uber driver. But when it came to serious plans for the future, he noted that, together with his wife, he would help children from low-income families get a decent education.

Obama: On Trump and Leaving the Presidency

Barack Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr., was born in Kenya on April 4, 1936, married at the age of 18, but then left his wife and young son to go to study at the University of Hawaii, where he met student Stanley Ann Dunham (born November 29, 1942), with whom he soon marries.

Barack Obama Sr.

In this marriage, on August 4, 1961, the future US President Barack Hussein Obama is born. In January 1964, Obama's parents divorced. Obama's father, after completing his studies, returns to his Kenyan family. In Kenya, Barack Obama Sr. becomes a major official, but after he published an article in which Obama criticized the national plan for building African socialism in Kenya, his career was ruined. In 1982, Barack Obama Sr. died in a car accident. It should be noted that after him there were 8 children from 4 marriages.

Ann Dunham, the mother of Barack Obama Jr., after a divorce from his father, married an Indonesian student and Barack Obama spent several years in Indonesia, then returned to Hawaii to his grandmother.

In 1972, Ann Dunham separated from her Indonesian husband and devoted herself to raising her son and continuing her education. In 1992, Ann received her PhD in anthropology from the University of Hawaii. On November 7, 1995, Barack Obama's mother died of cancer.

After the divorce, Barack Obama saw his father only once (at the age of ten), because the personality of the future US president was formed mainly under the influence of his mother. In his book The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Rebirth american dream"(2006) Barack Obama, talking about his path to God, recalls that a considerable merit in this belongs to the mother, although she was not a believer:

“In our house, the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita stood on a shelf next to books on ancient Greek, Scandinavian and African mythologies. At Easter or Christmas, my mother could take me to church, just like she took me to Buddhist temple, to the Chinese New Year holiday, to a Shinto shrine and to ancient Hawaiian burial sites. But I was given to understand that all these attempts at religions did not require me to be steadfastly committed - no effort to dig inside myself or self-flagellation. Religion is an expression of human culture, she explained, not its source, but only one of the many ways - and not necessarily the best - in which a person tries to control the unknowable and understand the deep mysteries of life.
In short, my mother saw religion through the eyes of the ethnologist she later became; it is a phenomenon that must be treated with all respect, but at the same time with a corresponding detachment.
“And yet, for all her scholarly secularism, my mother was in many ways the most spiritually awakened person I have ever known. She had an unshakable natural ability for kindness, mercy and love, and very often acted under the influence of this ability, sometimes to her own detriment. She resented poverty and injustice and despised those who were indifferent to it.
First of all, she keenly felt the miracle, she was in awe of life, its preciousness and transience. This feeling of wonder and reverence for life could rightly be called devout. She could see a picture, she could read a line of a poem or hear music, and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. Sometimes, when I was growing up, she would wake me up in the middle of the night to look at a particularly beautiful moon, or make me close my eyes when we walked together in the twilight and listened to the rustle of leaves. She loved to take children - any children - to sit on her lap and tickle, or play games with them, or look at their palms, explore the wonder of bones, tendons and skin, and delight in the truths that can be discovered in them. She saw secrets everywhere and rejoiced at the very strangeness of life.
Only in hindsight, of course, do I fully understand how deeply this spirit of hers affected me - how it supported me despite the absence of my father in the house, how it helped me past the underwater reefs of adolescence, and how it invisibly guided me to the path that I eventually took.

Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama

After college, Barack Obama took up social work for a group of churches in Chicago:

"Working with pastors and lay people strengthened my resolve to lead a public life, strengthened my racial identity, and deepened my faith in the ability of ordinary people to do amazing things. But the experience in Chicago also presented me with a dilemma that my mother never solved in her entire life: I did not belong to any kind of collective, did not adhere to a common tradition in which my deepest convictions could find support. The Christians with whom I worked recognized themselves in me; they saw "I knew their scriptures, shared their values, and sang their songs. But they felt that a part of me was left aside, remained an observer. I realized that without a vessel for my faith, without identifying myself uniquely with any particular religious society, on some level I would always remain aloof, free in the same way as my mother, but also alone, as she was infinitely alone."

Barack Obama began to study the African American spiritual tradition:

"Faith was not just a consolation for the discouraged or a fence from death, faith became active, noticeable active force in the world. In the daily work of the men and women I saw every day in church, in their ability to find a way out of a hopeless situation and maintain hope and dignity in the most difficult situations, I saw the Word incarnate.
And probably, precisely because of the deep knowledge of suffering, the justification of faith in the struggle, the “black” church gave me a second insight: faith does not mean that you have no doubts or that you renounce everything worldly. Long before it became fashionable among TV preachers, the common Negro preaching freely recognized that all Christians (including pastors) could experience the same greed, resentment, lust and anger as everyone else. The gospel songs, the dances, the tears and the screams all spoke of releasing, acknowledging, and eventually channeling those emotions. In the black community the line between the sinner and the saved was more fluid; the sins of those who entered the Church were not so different from the sins of those who did not enter, and they were as likely to be spoken of with humor as with condemnation. It was necessary to enter the Church just because you are from this world, not aloof from it; rich, poor, sinner, saved, you had to accept Christ precisely because you have sins to wash away - because you are a man and need an ally on your difficult path, in order to level mountains and valleys, and make crooked paths straight.
Precisely because of these new discoveries—that religious faith does not require me to stop thinking critically, give up the fight for economic and social justice, or otherwise withdraw from the world I know and love—I was finally able one day to walk through the United Church of Christ and be baptized. It was the result of a conscious choice, not a sudden revelation; the questions I had didn't magically disappear. But as I knelt under that cross on the Chicago Southside, I felt the spirit of God calling me. I submitted to His will and dedicated myself to discovering His truth."

In the 2008 US presidential election, 53% of American believers voted for Obama.

wife and family

Having found an ally in the person of God, Obama soon received a new spiritual support in the person of Michelle Robinson, who became his wife and first lady of the United States. Michelle was born on January 17, 1964 in Chicago. Michelle, unlike Barack Obama, is a descendant of American slaves. Obama adores his wife and writes about her in his book The Audacity of Hope:

"Most who meet my wife quickly conclude that she is wonderful. They are right about that - she is smart, funny and simply charming. She is also beautiful, but her beauty is not the one that scares men and repels women; it is the natural beauty of a mother and a busy professional, and not a photoshopped image, which we see on the covers of glossy magazines. Often, after hearing her speak at some event or after working with her on some project, people come up to me and say things like: “You know, I have a very good opinion of you, Barack, but your wife ... just super!” I nod, realizing that if she had been my electoral competitor, she would have won without much difficulty."

Barack Obama and his wife Michelle

It is worth noting that Barack Obama and his wife are probably the tallest couple among the first couples: Barack Obama's height is 187 cm, and Michelle Obama's height is 182 cm.

Barack Obama with his wife and Dmitry Medvedev with his wife

Obama met his future wife in the summer of 1988, when they both worked for the large law firm Sidley Austin. Although Michelle was younger than Barack, she was already a practicing lawyer while Obama was then a student intern. Michelle was named head of Obama's practice. Obama was subdued by his mentor, but she refused a real date for a long time, because. the romance of a mentor and a subordinate did not fit in with work ethics. In the end, Obama persuaded Michelle: their first date took place at the Baskin-Robbins cafe while eating ice cream. Then Obama kissed his future wife for the first time, feeling the taste of chocolate on her lips.
In October 1992, Michelle and Barak got married, and in 1998, on US Independence Day (July 4), their daughter Malia was born. On June 10, 2001, the second daughter, Natasha, appeared in the family.

Barack Obama with family

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the personality of Barack Obama was influenced by a good heredity, a smart and sensitive mother, the feeling of God as his ally, the support of his wife and family, but the main thing that shaped the personality of Barack Obama and made him what he is now is the audacity of hope. The phrase "the audacity of hope", once heard by Obama in a sermon, was placed by him in the title of his book:

"The audacity of hope.
It's the best thing in the American spirit, I thought, to have the audacity to believe against all odds that we can bring back the commonality of a nation torn by conflict; the folly of believing that despite personal setbacks, the loss of a job, the illness of a family member, or a childhood spent in poverty, we can control our destiny - and therefore we are responsible for it.
It was this audacity, I thought, that united us into one people. It is this pervading spirit of hope that has connected my family history to American history, and my own history to the history of the constituency I seek to represent."

The Naked Obama-Mom

The Polish newspaper Fakt published a retro photo of a young woman in which experts recognized Stanley Ann Dunham - mother our dear Barak Khusseinych. The Obama Mom photoshoot took place around 1960. A year later, Stanley Ann Dunham married Barack Hussein Obama Sr., and they divorced in 1964. Then she found herself a new black Muslim and took him to Indonesia. In it, Barack Hussein Jr. received real lessons in democracy - until the next divorce of a dissolute mother.

Here is what Yevgeny Satanovsky said about this marriage:

Barack Obama is the most anti-Israeli president in US history, who identifies himself with Islam (including radical Islam) because of his origins, ideological convictions and financial interests (judging by his relationship with the Saudi royal house). This man comes from American ultra-left circles. I often say, even if I exaggerate a little: Barack Hussein Obama is the child of Mikhail Suslov and our project to promote communist ideology in western world. His parents generally met at an anti-imperialist get-together, which at one time was organized and financed by Soviet Union. In the 60s, white girls from Africans from Kenya, even from the Southern Luo tribe, did not give birth to children. Yes, the USSR and Comrade Suslov are long gone, but Barack Obama became President of the United States.

The current American leader's sympathies for Islam are also connected with the fact that his grandfather is a Kenyan healer from among the local Muslims, and his stepfather is an Indonesian follower of the prophet. Obama was raised in Indonesia as a child, went to local school and spent all his childhood in a Muslim environment. How can one not be imbued with sympathy for Islam? I don't know at all whether Obama is a Christian or still a Muslim. For example, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yousef Kardawi, declares with confidence: “He is ours, he is a Muslim, he prays to Allah every day! And you do not believe when he calls himself a follower of Jesus Christ - a true believer must hide his religion when he is among the infidels. Of course, this information is nothing more than one of the versions, but anything can happen in our life ...

By the way, a good half of Barack Obama's team, sponsors and entourage are Jews - suffice it to mention the name of David Axelrod, an experienced PR man who is considered the author of his "electoral miracle". But we are talking about ultra-left Jews, former Israelis who do not live in Israel because their parents flew out of there like corks from a bottle. These people hate the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a passion, just as Obama hates the Republicans. This type of Jews never did anything good for the State of Israel, trying in every possible way to raise the subject of the Palestinian state on the shield. And under the influence of these circles is Barack Obama, who argues according to the principle: "Since the Republicans are at war with the Islamists, then I, as a Democrat, will have peace, friendship, chewing gum with them."

For those who do not remember: unlike the Communist Parties of Italy and France, the US Communist Party in the years of developed socialism was a rather miserable bunch of Negroes lured by the Kremlin, led by the blind Negro Henry Winston.

Of course, it would be cool to mention Obama's ancestors in the style of jokes about blacks.The negro sits under a palm tree and cries. A white man comes up to him and asks: - Why are you crying? -I want to go home! -Let me plant! Well, I won’t touch Abama’s distant ancestors, according to Darwin’s theory, which is in vogue in the West, this is an established fact, but you can remember your neighbors.

His full name is not Barack Obama at all, but ...

Barack Hussein Obama Jr. ( English barack Hussein Obama II , pronounced ; was bornAugust 4 1961 , VHonolulu, Hawaii, USA. Obama -mulatto, but, unlike most black Americans, not a descendantslaves, and the son of a student fromKenyaAndwhite american. GraduateColumbia UniversityAndHarvard Law Schools, where he was the first ever African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review, a university publication. He was already being prepared for the presidency, although he may not have guessed. Even then, Americans began to be prepared for the fact that the American president would be black (or a native of African peoples), what are Hollywood films about all sorts of US misadventures where the Black President appears.
His motherStanley Ann Dunham ( Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro)
Her face shows signs of physical degeneration (my previous post ). Gmanhole, skull shape and jaw.
was born29th of November 1942VWichita, Kansas, USA. Most adulthood spent onHawaiiand inIndonesia. Her parentsMadeline Dunham (1922-2008) andStanley Armor Dunham (1918-1992) married in1940. Mother worked in an aircraft factoryBoeingin Wichita, and his father served in the US Army. Among Stanley's distant relatives were alleged relatives of several US presidents:James Madison, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, George Bush. I wonder how they all ended up related??? If yes, then this only proves that only a "tribal" native of the "people" bred by the method of selection of generations of presidents and their families can be the president of America
We will return to the president’s mother later, and now let’s look further at the pedigree:
Stanley Armor Dunham (March 23, 1918 – February 8, 1992) was the maternal grandfather of the President of the United StatesBarack Obama. Mother Stanley November 25, 1926, when he was 8 years old, committed suicide.

Madeleine Lee Payne Dunham (October 26, 1922 – November 2, 2008) American maternal grandmother of Barack Obama. Madeleine Lee Payne was born in Peru, Kansas to Roll Charles Payne (August 23, 1892 – October 15, 1968) and Leon Belli (McCurry) Payne (May 7, 1897 – March 22, 1968) Stanley Armor Dunham.

The most interesting thing is that official sources continue to try to keep silent about the maternal lineage of the American 44th President. OK. Let's go further.

Barack Obama Sr.

( 8 June 1936 – 24 November 1982) Kenyan senior government economist married in 1954 and had two children with his first wife Cassia, whom he married at the age of 18.
He was selected to participate in some kind of program to study in the United States, where he went, in
University of Hawaii. There, Obama metStanley Ann Dunham , whom he married in 1961 and divorced three years later. The elder Obama then went to Harvard University for graduate studies, where he received a master's degree in economics, and returned to Kenya in 1964, leaving his crowned son in the arms of a 22-year-old mother.
That same year, Obama married
by Ruth Beatrice Baker, Jewish Americana woman with whom he developed a relationship in Massachusetts. They had two sons, but that marriage was not long, hot Kenyan man divorced in 1973 and this woman. Then he fell out of favor with Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta and was blacklisted. He was not hired anywhere, and his life ended after one of three traffic accidents.

Obama Jr.'s paternal brothers: Malik Aka Roy And Auma Obama from his first wife + Abo (born 1968) andBernard (b. 1970) from her after returning to Kenya, from another Jewish American woman Ruth Baker from Lithuania he has two brothers Mark Okot Obama Ndesanjo AndDavid Ndesanjo and finally the youngest step-brother Barack Obama, born 1982, son of Barack Obama Sr. and Eaili Otieno George Hussein Onyango Obama.

Well, back to the mother of Obama Jr.Stanley Ann Dunham left alone with her son at 22, already at 25, leaving her son with her parents, she married again an exotic man, a native of sunny IndonesiaLolo Soetoro. In 1972, she left him and in 1980 the marriage was officially annulled.

Soetoro married Erna Kustina in 1980 and had two children, a son, Yusuf Aji Soetoro (born 1981), and a daughter, Rahei Nurmaida Soetoro (born 1987).
Soetoro died at the age of 52, March 2, 1987, from liver failure, and was buried on cemetery in Tanah, South Jakarta .

Religious views
One of Ann's school friends, Maxine Box, during the Obama campaign, said that "she presented herself as an atheist, always challenging, comparing and arguing".
daughter Ann, Maya Sutoro-eun When asked if her mother was an atheist, she said, “I wouldn't call her an atheist. She was an agnostic and introduced us to all good books“Bible, Hindu Upanishads and Buddhist Sutras, Tao Te Ching, Sun Tzu – and helped us understand that each of them contains something beautiful for growing up” . « Jesusshe felt was a wonderful example. But she understood that many Christians behaved un-Christianly.”
Obama described his mother as a "Christian from Kansas" and continued: "That's why I've always been a Christian". Also in 2007, he stated, “My mother, whose parents were non-practitionersBaptistsAndMethodists, was one of the most spiritual people I have ever known. But she had a healthy skepticism about religion.
Well, in general, Obama Jr. was born a Muslim, received knowledge from his mother about all the Religions of the World and considers himself a Christian, these are the great people America gives birth to.

Barack Obama's Pedigree in Photos

Barack Obama is Jewish by mother!

Barack Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born on November 29, 1942 in Wichita, Kansas, USA. Although she had a double name, for most of her life she used only one - Ann. Obama's mother is a Jew of easy virtue (harlot) from the tribe of Dan (for those who are interested, there is a photo on the Internet where she poses naked - see the appendix below.).

She spent her childhood in several different states: California, Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. She spent her early teens on Mercer Island near Seattle, Washington. She spent most of her adult life in Hawaii and Indonesia. After graduating from Mercer Island High School in Washington, she was enrolled at the University of Hawaii, where she later met Obama's African father.

Great-great-great-grandparents of Barack Obama. Louis Eliza Strop Dunham and Jacob Mackay Dunham are farmers from Tipton, Indiana. The ranch belonged to them until 1870. Also, Jacob Dunham was the owner of restaurants and pastry shops in Oklahoma. Died in 1807.
© David Lee Dunham

Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham officially registered their marriage in February 1961. Barack Obama Jr. was born six months later. The parents' union was short-lived and ended in divorce in early 1964. photo
© Family album Obama

Maya Soetoro, daughter of Ann and her second husband Lolo Soetoro, Ann herself, Obama Jr. and grandfather of Stanley Dunham, early August 1970, Hawaii. Ann returned to Hawaii to complete her graduate studies at the university from 1974 to 1977. Upon completion, she returned back to Indonesia. photo © Obama Family Album

Numerous relatives of Barack Obama (second from left) on the paternal side. He made several trips to Kenya, to the home of his paternal grandmother. photo © Peter Macdiarmid/Getty

Barack Obama met his wife Michelle in late 1980, when both were working in prestigious Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin. They got married in 1992. Shortly after this momentous event, they spent Christmas in Hawaii, where this photo was taken. photo © Obama Family Album

Barack and Michelle have two girls, Malya (10 years old) and Sasha (7 years old). photo © Callie Shell/Aurora

It is worth noting that Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, is Jewish. Michelle Obama's cousin, Rabbi Capers Fanny of Chicago, is one of the most famous black rabbis on the south side of Chicago. His mother and father Michelle Obama are siblings.

Hard to believe that Obama is a Jew? Then I'll give you some more facts.

Obama's first Hebrew name is Barack (Hebrew ברק‎ - lightning). Middle name Hussein. What is his religion?

And in the spring of 2009, Barack Obama organized the celebration of the Jewish Passover - Passover (with a ritual Seder meal) - in the White House, which happened for the first time, as his aides assure. The event included the reading of the Passover Haggadah, a collection of prayers and comments on the Torah related to the theme of the celebration of Pesach and the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. It is an obligatory ritual part of the Seder. Symbolic dishes were displayed on the table, including matzah, bitter and grated herbs.

Deputy Executive Director of the National Jewish Democratic Council Alexis Rice commented on the event: American history, Obama showed he was being tied up deep personal relationship with the Jewish community. Without a doubt, Obama is a true friend of the Jewish community…”

He is left-handed (Collin Powell, Al Gore, Queen Victoria as well!), and according to Klimov, this is a sign of degenerates and degenerates, who are more than 75% among Jews. Obama is also a member of the Masonic Council for international relations(one of the most important divisions of the "world government") and the secret society "Press Society" (Harvard. An analogue of the Yale "Skull and Bones"). Obama fully supports abortion and gay marriage.
Jewish theologians believe that Moshiach (Antichrist) has already appeared...

Mothers of US Presidents are Jewish...

quotes from Barack Obama.

About gay

“Amend the law to ban gay marriage? I don't think it's necessary. I believe in marriage between a man and a woman and am not a fan of gay marriages. But if you "play" with the law just to forbid anyone to love each other, then this is not American. I believe that we should strive to provide equal rights same-sex couples - so that they can visit each other in hospitals, transfer property by inheritance. That's the direction we need to go… So I would vote against such an amendment.”

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to come back to the beginning

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Messages: 3720
Religion: Orthodoxy

I thought, if Barack Obama is a Jew by his mother, then he is actually a Jew in Russian (Jewishness is transmitted through his mother!), If he has relatives of rabbis, his wife Michelle is Jewish (is being studied) and if he is left-handed - a left-hander crosses a priori always the other way around ... the people did not like left-wing people.

President of the country B. Obama (new) at the wailing wall Israel.

That, therefore ... how famously everything is twisted in Jewish America - a dark-skinned Jew lawyer Barack Obama became President. Everything is the same on the arena!

English resource -
"Jews for B. Obama."

Ahh, strays...


Wall of Tears.

The Wailing Wall is the holiest place for the Jews. Already in the first centuries after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, it became a place of prayer, where Jews mourn the destruction of the Temple and pray to God for the rebirth of the people of Israel in their country, a place where symbolizing the former greatness of Israel and hope for his future. Religious Jews around the world pray towards Israel, Jews in Israel pray towards Jerusalem, and Jews in Jerusalem pray towards the Western Wall.

Barrack is Jewish name, which translates as "lightning".

Luke 10:18 says, “He said to them, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

Obama's mother - Stanley Ann DAN uh, Jewish.

Dunham - translated as "judgment" and "beloved."

According to legend, the Antichrist must be from the tribe of Dan.

Jews consider black African Jews to be descended from the tribe of Dan. African Jews were very numerous and populated the northern part of Africa.

Obama accepted several religions at once - Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Abandoned the tradition of kissing the Bible during the presidential oath.

Obama drove the Beast to his inauguration

Lawrence of Chernigov said that during his coronation, the Antichrist would be wearing gloves, which happened.

He is a member of the Masonic lodge and the secret "Society of the Press".

Obama has been literally attacked by flies in public several times. Baal-Zevuv (Beelzebub) - literally translated as "lord of the flies" - a demon commanding the legions of hell, he was considered a powerful assistant to Satan.

He legalized same-sex marriage and abolished "mother" and "father" as parents.

Supports abortion.

At his inauguration, he was "blessed" by a female "priest" and a "priest" sodomite.

Barack Obama's half-brother turned out to be Jewish

The half-brother of US President Barack Obama, whose mother is a Lithuanian Jewess, this week arranged a presentation of his autobiography "From Nairobi to Shenzhen", published at his own expense, reports. Businessman and musician Mark Okot Obama Ndesanjo, 43, has been living in southern China for seven years, where he married a local native last year.

In his memoirs, Mark Obama Ndesandjo talks about being born in Kenya to Barack Obama Sr. and a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania, Ruth Niedezand. “My father beat my mother,” he writes in his memoirs about their common parent with the US president. “He beat me too.”

Barack Obama Sr. died in 1982, but the brothers first learned about each other as adults, after which they saw each other several times. Mark Obama Ndesanjo said he was proud of his brother and hoped to meet him in December during his visit to China.

After the divorce of his parents, Mark moved to the United States, where he received his first academic degree in physics from Brown and Stanford, and the second from Emory University. He moved to China in 2002, where he works as a business consultant and owns a small restaurant chain on shares.

wa the beast of the apocalypse

Revelation; nie Joa; nna the Theologian; va - name last book New Testament (in the Bible), often also called the Apocalypse.

Among the modern interpreters of the Apocalypse, I would like to note the priests Daniil Sysoev and Oleg Stenyaev.

For example, Father Daniil Sysoev noted very interestingly that in the Apocalypse Christ says: "... and I have the keys of hell and death." But then the question arises: “And who has the keys to paradise?”. To this, Father Daniel replies that they were handed over by Christ to the apostles!

It is necessary to note the vanity of the issue of seals, trumpets and bowls, when, through a series of coincidences, real or imaginary, they begin to tie the visions of John the Theologian to specific dates, although the temptation, of course, is great!

Therefore, it is first necessary to understand what is said in the Apocalypse?

In search of an answer, let us turn to the beginning, i.e. to the book of Genesis, where the Lord God, settling a man in the Garden of Eden, commanded him: “from every tree in the garden you will eat, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat from it, for on the day you eat from it you will die by death.”

Here it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that death will overtake Adam exactly on the day of eating the forbidden fruit, although he lived for 930 years!

Father Oleg Stenyaev circumvents this difficulty by pointing to famous saying Peter the Apostle that "with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day."

And the fact that Adam will have to die twice is usually explained as dying of the body and of the soul.

However, Adam's soul did not die, for what would be his hope for the future resurrection?!

It would be more logical to accept that the second death is the death of the human civilization that came from Adam!
True, in this case, even thousands of years, which have so rescued Oleg Stenyaev, are no longer enough!
But, remember that all these events take place on the seventh day, which lasts until the second coming of Jesus Christ!

The Apocalypse tells us about the end of this seventh day and the coming of the eighth day!
So the Apocalypse was cryptically indicated by God already in the commandment given to Adam in the Garden of Eden!

Now it should be noted that it would be completely wrong to understand the visions given in the Apocalypse as the unfolding of human history in time, because. they describe to us terrible pictures of the outpouring of God's wrath on mankind, hardened in sin! Is history a continuous eruption of God's wrath?

No, rather, on the contrary, the development of production, its automation, contributed to the liberation of mankind from physical and routine intellectual labor, the disclosure of the creative potential of each individual. Truly, the Lord leads us to the promised land, flowing with milk and honey, i.e. abounding in products whose consumption does not require additional processing, which means that it leaves enough time for the tasting one for contemplation and creativity!

Likewise, there was global flood, but, it’s impossible to say that in antediluvian times people constantly suffered from moisture falling from heaven?! No, the stores of water were stored up in the storehouses of heaven for the day of God's wrath!

So the fears and horrors shown in the Apocalypse are saved for a very short time of sorrow, which should come when the Antichrist comes to power, i.e. by the morning of the seventh day, when the measure of human iniquities will be fulfilled.

This is also indicated by the fact that this day is the seventh in a row, because. the word "seven" can be represented as "se-m-s", where "m -–> measure". As a result, we get “seven ––> seven measure”.

But when sin begins to abound in humanity, the coming horrors of the Apocalypse approach us and begin, as it were, to shine through the distance of time. At the same time, their coincidence with concrete reality is achieved approximately to the same extent as a real circle drawn on a piece of paper coincides with its ideal mathematical image.

Therefore, it is completely pointless to look for literal coincidences, but the closer we get to the dangerous line, the clearer and more distinct these coincidences become.

I will cite the indication available in the Apocalypse that the Whore of Babylon sits on seven mountains. It is often concluded from this that the great city of Babylon is possibly Rome, Moscow, Prague, etc., but, of course, not New York!

However, it is New York that is located on seven islands, which, in an instant, can turn into mountains with a sudden break in the earth's crust here and an eruption of hot magma! No wonder, apparently, in the description of the fall of the Whore of Babylon there is an indication of the smoke from her fire!

One of the most interesting and discussed characters in the interpretation of the Apocalypse are two beasts.

One of them comes out of the sea and the other out of the land. The first beast is the civilization of the sea, and the second is the civilization of the land.

Maritime civilizations tend to be more adventurous and resourceful than land civilizations. Therefore, it is not surprising that the dragon (devil) gives his strength, throne and power to the sea animal!

This beast is truly amazing, because. has seven heads and ten horns! On his horns are ten diadems, and on his heads are blasphemous names.

Note that in ancient times a diadem was a head decoration in the form of a plate of polished gold, attached to the headdress (kidar) of the high priest, as a sign of his election and consecration.
This golden plate was supposed to compensate for the imperfection of the holy gifts of the people. But, above all, the high priest was marked by her as the sanctified property of the Lord!

The sea animal is like a leopard: its legs are like those of a bear, and its mouth is like the mouth of a lion.

Since the bear is a land and heavy animal, the civilization of the sea will trample on all land with its bearish feet and devour all living things on it with a colossal lion's mouth, attacking with the swiftness of a leopard!

At present, this description best fits America - the most powerful civilization of the sea, heading the seven most developed countries peace (seven heads), and financial system This seven is ruled by ten banks (ten horns) that make up the US Federal Reserve System.

One of the heads of the sea animal "was, as it were, mortally wounded, but this mortal wound healed." Here it is necessary to remember that the United States had to endure the civil war of 1861-1865, which can be associated with a healed mortal wound, because. it was fought with great cruelty, and there were more casualties in it than in any other of the wars in which the United States participated.

The blasphemy of the names inscribed on the heads of the beast is perfectly illustrated by the laws adopted in the countries of the seven on the rights of sexual minorities!

An amazing similarity can be seen in the images of the legendary Tower of Babel and the building of the European Parliament.

Currently, the maritime civilization is headed by US President Barack Hussein Obama, a very extraordinary person!

Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was a white American, an ethnic Jew, and, as they say on the Internet, from the tribe of Dan.
At birth, she was given two names, one of them male, because her father (a Kansas salesman) wanted a boy. She was named Stanley Ann, and she crossed out Stanley's name from her documents only after graduation.

Along with her itinerant parents, Ann moved from state to state until the family settled in Hawaii, where Ann graduated from university, received a doctorate in anthropology and became a fairly typical young intellectual of the 50s and 60s - an energetic optimist of the Peace Corps era, a staunch internationalist, a supporter of equality between West and East, and a hater of racism.

Ann Dunham's love life was turbulent and full of disappointments.
In the European press, pictures of a naked woman surfaced, which is very similar to Stanley Ann DUNHAM, the mother of US President Barack Obama.

According to the Polish newspaper Fakt, these funny pictures were created in 1960, a year before the birth of Barack Obama. According to informants, it was then that 18-year-old Stanley Ann Dunham posed naked in front of the photographer without any embarrassment, as if it were her close relative.

All this is somewhat reminiscent of the famous Russian aristocrat and revolutionary Alexandra Kollontai, the first woman in the world to become an ambassador.

In her first year at university, Ann Dunham fell in love with an adult, smart, charismatic Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama (father of the future president), who came to America to study economics.
Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham officially registered their marriage in February 1961. Barack Obama Jr. was born six months later.

But it turned out that her chosen one was already married - to a Kenyan woman. Therefore, the union of her parents was short-lived and ended in divorce in early 1964.

The second marriage of Ann Dunham - with the Indonesian Lolo Soetoro - ended in divorce due to disagreement between their views on the role of a wife in the family.
Obama Sr. visited his son only once in 1971, when the future US president was 10 years old.

It is worth noting that Obama's wife, Michelle, is Jewish. Michel's cousin, Rabbi Capers Fanny of Chicago, is one of the most famous black rabbis on the south side of Chicago.

Obama's first name is Hebrew: Barack in Hebrew means lightning, which is quite correlated with the lightning attacking leopard!

But who is he by religion? So, in the spring of 2009, Barack Obama organized the celebration of the Jewish Passover - Pesach (with a ritual meal of Seder) - in the White House, which happened for the first time, as his aides assure. The event included the reading of the Passover Haggadah, a collection of prayers and comments on the Torah related to the theme of the celebration of Pesach and the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. It is an obligatory ritual part of the Seder. Symbolic dishes were displayed on the table, including matzah, bitter and grated herbs.

Alexis Rice, Deputy Executive Director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, commented: “By hosting the first presidential Seder in American history, Obama showed that he has a deep personal relationship with the Jewish community. Without a doubt, Obama is a true friend of the Jewish community…”.

Obama is also a member of the Masonic Council on Foreign Relations (one of the most important divisions of the "world government") and the secret society "The Society of the Press" (Harvard. An analogue of the Yale "Skull and Bones"). Obama fully supports abortion and gay marriage.

Jewish theologians believe that Mashiach (Messiah) has already appeared...

Obama's views are evidenced by his own statement: “Amend the law to ban gay marriage? I don't think it's necessary. I believe in marriage between a man and a woman and am not a fan of gay marriages. But if you “play” with the law only to forbid anyone to love each other, then this is not American. I believe that we should strive to ensure equal rights for same-sex couples - so that they can visit each other in hospitals, transfer property by inheritance. That's the direction we need to go... So I would vote against that amendment."

Now let's move on to the second beast, which has two horns like a lamb and speaks like a dragon!

Among the prominent land civilizations: China, India, Brazil and Russia, only Russia has horns like a lamb, because. only it has two rulers (Putin and Medvedev), who use the Orthodox Church (lamb-like horns) to disguise their intentions.

Indeed, in the Apocalypse it is indicated that the second beast spoke like a dragon, i.e. his deeds were evil!

Therefore, in the guise of the second beast, the duality that is so inherent in Vladimir Putin should shine through.

Let us consider this aspect of the personality of our ruler in more detail.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. According to his own answer during the census, Russian by nationality.

Putin's father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (02/23/1911 - 08/02/1999) - a participant in the Second World War (a soldier of the 330th Infantry Regiment of the 86th Division of the Red Army, fought defending the Nevsky Piglet, was seriously wounded), before the war he served in the submarine fleet, after the war he was a master at the plant. Egorova. There is evidence that he was a staunch communist and served in the NKVD extermination battalion.

Mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova (1911 - 1998), also worked at the plant, survived the blockade of Leningrad. Her brother Ivan Ivanovich Shelomov was the head of the 7th department of the 1st department of the GUPT NKVD of the USSR.

His grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin, was a well-known cook who cooked for the highest party and government officials; he had to cook for Lenin and Stalin.

It is clear that for reasons of elementary security, a person with a different worldview could not get into the environment of Soviet bosses!
So all the closest relatives of Vladimir Putin are staunch communists, Chekists and revolutionaries!

Vladimir was the third son in the family - two older brothers, born in the thirties, died in childhood. In 2012, it became known that one of the brothers was called Viktor, he was born in 1940 and died in 1942 from diphtheria. He was buried at the Piskarevsky cemetery. The second brother's name was Alik (Albert), and he died before the war.

One gets the impression that Vladimir Putin made his way into the human world with great difficulty, as if there was some kind of unknown to us bargaining between the higher forces of the universe about his person!

George III
Wasn't supposed to exist
In English history
It seems to be a mistake or a typo.
What was left of him when he died
Only one loud name and number!
(English epigrams. Epitaph. Translation by Samuil Marshak).

He calls himself baptized, but the facts are a stubborn thing - Putin does not have a mandatory entry in the church book about baptism for all Orthodox! And besides, the clerics in Soviet time such records were required to be kept, because the godless authorities persecuted citizens for their faith.

Yes, and it is difficult to assume that in the Putin family there could be a desire to baptize their son, because. this not only contradicted the communist beliefs of his closest relatives, but was also associated with a certain risk for them.

The Putin family lived in a communal apartment in Baskov lane (d. 12) in Leningrad. Having already become president, Putin said that since childhood he was fond of Soviet films about intelligence officers and dreamed of working in state security agencies.
Yes, KGB yeast has fermented in the soul of a child!

In 1960 - 1965, Vladimir Putin studied at eight-year school No. 193. After that, he entered secondary school No. 281 (a special school with a chemical bias based on a technological institute), from which he graduated in 1970.

In 1970 - 1975 he studied at the international department of the law faculty of the Leningrad state university named after A.A. Zhdanov (LSU).

While studying at Leningrad State University, Putin joined the CPSU, where, as you know, believers were not accepted!
He did not formally leave this party, which was banned in 1991, which was immediately done by all its members who did not share communist beliefs!

During his studies, he first met Anatoly Sobchak, at that time an associate professor at Leningrad State University. The theme of the diploma is “The principle of the most favored nation” (scientific adviser Galenskaya, Lyudmila Nikiforovna, Department of International Law).

They say that the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John became ill when he saw Putin at a reception in Sobchak's retinue. What was revealed at that moment to the pious hierarch?!

Over time, in a very cloudy and ambiguous image of the supreme Russian power, the features of some kind of gloomy demonism are more and more manifest. And it's not even about what, in fact, this government is doing, and what consequences its actions lead to. Putin, who has already been nicknamed "Mr. Catastrophe," frightens not with some kind of malice, cunning, weakness or uncertainty, but with a strange otherworldly imaginary. It's hard to explain, but looking at him, you begin to feel the presence of some kind of anomaly - something that can be described as "a draft from the underworld."

Sometimes it seems that Putin is only a dream for all of us, and this dream is not at all kind! That is why the answers to the question: "Who is Putin?" and who actually sits on the throne and rules the country - can be given not by politicians and journalists at all, but rather by theologians!

It is known that Boris Yeltsin in the hot summer of 1995 went to the Pskov-Caves Monastery, where he met with Archimandrite John Krestyankin. What prompted such an atheist as Yeltsin to seek priestly consolation?!

The presidential elections of 1996 were approaching with an extremely unfavorable prognosis, and Yeltsin had to decide on participation. And I must say that Father John was famous throughout Russia for his perspicacity, i.e. ability to communicate to people God's will to their intentions.

Apparently Boris Yeltsin received good advice, because. he nevertheless went to the elections, despite his inner circle dissuading him from this undertaking, and, having rigged their results, achieved such a desired victory!

Having become Yeltsin's successor, Putin in 2000, before taking office as president of the Russian Federation, also goes to Father John, shuts himself in his cell, and talks about something for more than an hour.
The content of this conversation remained unknown, but Putin did not meet with Krestyankin again, although he had such an opportunity, because. Father John died only in 2005.

Let's try nevertheless, based on further events, to reveal this secret!

Having become acting president in 1999, Putin, apparently feeling lamb-like horns on his head, begins to talk about his imaginary “baptism” in childhood, trying to take into account the negative experience of his liberal predecessor and play the Orthodox card.

In the presidential elections of 2000, he certainly won, and inspired by the successful imitation of his "Orthodoxy", he decided to consolidate his success, having been blessed for further deeds by Father John. But he was not ostentatious, but a real old man! Naturally, he had to reveal this Putin's deceit, and, apparently, for a long time he persuaded him to be baptized for real, in order to be not a cardboard fool, but a true Christian!

Naturally, Vladimir Vladimirovich could not like such exhortations, after all, he was used to doing everything in his own way and by no means unsuccessfully, which also allows you to think about something!
After that, he no longer looked for meetings with the elder, preferring to engage in self-promotion in the Orthodox environment, fortunately, and an assistant was immediately found. Also, by the way, food for thought!

They turned out to be the abbot Sretensky Monastery in Moscow, father Tikhon (Georgy Aleksandrovich Shevkunov).

Consider the figure of Father Tikhon in more detail, in view of his rather close ties with Vladimir Putin.

He was born in 1958 on July 2 in the city of Moscow, on the street of the Red Lighthouse. God sent an only child to a family of microbiologists. Gosha grew up weak: asthma, pneumonia, lameness, but very smart!

Here are its main steps life path:
1981 - VGIK. Script department. Diploma in Literary Work.
1982 - Pskov-Caves Monastery. Acquaintance with his future confessor - Father John Krestyankin.
1982 - Pskov-Caves Monastery. A novice of all trades, but he lives in the monastery from time to time.
1986 - August. Moscow. Moscow Patriarchate. Publishing department. Transferred to obedience to prepare the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'.
2000 - He was the first to congratulate Putin on his "accession", and before that he publicly rejoiced at the end of the "Yeltsin era".
2000 - Pskov-Caves Monastery. He organized a meeting between Putin and Father John Krestyankin, who was famous as a perspicacious old man proclaiming God's will.
2000 – Ryazan Oblast. Got a monument federal significanceformer estate nephew of General Yermolov with a chic mansion, courtyard buildings and a large English park and a neighboring collective farm in addition (now the Voskresenye cooperative).
2001 - Organized Putin's trip to the northern monasteries of Russia and the holy places of Greece.
2003 - 14 April. National Prize named after Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin "Agrarian Elite of Russia" in the nomination "Effective Land Owner".
2006 - New York. Meeting on the unification of the Russian Orthodox Church with the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. Accompanies Putin.

But under the guise of the "violent father of Avvakum", a fanatical fighter against new heresies, which Shevkunov pulled on himself, hides a completely ordinary person with his inherent weaknesses. Knowledgeable people there is talk of his penchant for the abuse of hard liquor (a vestige of his bohemian youth?) The abbot drives around in an armored government-class Audi-8 and likes to overspend in expensive restaurants!

But back to our main character. In 2001 Father Tikhon organized a trip for him to Athos. But then a terrible storm broke out, preventing the wicked from entering the holy mountain! After that, they began to say that the Mother of God did not let Putin into her earthly inheritance.

Touched, apparently to the quick, because before that he had succeeded in everything, in 2004 Putin made a second attempt to visit Athos and again unsuccessfully! In Beslan, evil Chechen militants seized a school, and the visit to Mount Athos again had to be postponed.
What happened caused even more embarrassment among Orthodox Christians.

Then, already in 2005, Putin arrived in Kazan, where on August 26, as part of a delegation of CIS leaders, he visited the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kazan Kremlin. This visit was of a protocol nature and took place as part of the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan. The "Vatican" list of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was temporarily transferred to the cathedral for the visit of distinguished guests.

And what is very interesting, the next day, on August 27, Vladimir Putin again visited the Annunciation Cathedral, but already, what is called "private order", without television cameras and numerous escorts.

What was the purpose of this visit? Maybe a secret baptism, after which all sins are forgiven? It is not known, but in 2005 Putin still manages to visit Athos on a private visit.

Well, he was born only the third time, and he also got to Athos on the third attempt!

There were many other signs associated with Putin trying to drain Russia down the gutter of globalization, because his goal is to make “the whole earth and those who live on it worship the first beast whose mortal wound was healed.”

Here, to force the whole earth to worship the first beast, at the moment means to give all the resources of Russia for the use of the seven developed countries, which is achieved by exporting minerals, products and capital to them.

The worship of this beast living on earth means Russia's acceptance of Western "spiritual" values, the essence of which is the renunciation of the Orthodox faith!

However, the fact that Putin succeeds so much is also our fault. It means that we are useless Orthodox Christians if we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the forerunners of the beast that speaks like a dragon. After all, when Putin encounters at least some resistance, or even it seems to him that protests may arise, he instantly backs up!

So the Lord, with the help of Putin, checks us for authenticity!
Let us touch briefly on the mysticism of the name. Each letter of the Russian alphabet can be associated with a certain number corresponding to its place. Below are the letters and their corresponding numbers:

1 - A, I, C, b
2 - B, Y, T, Y
3 - B, K, U, b
4 - G, L, F, E
5 - D, M, X Yu
6 - E, N, C, I
7 - Yo, O, H
8 - F, P, W
9 - W, R, W

In accordance with these rules of numerology, we get:
Putin ––> 2;
Vladimir ––> 2;
Vladimirovich ––> 2;
Six ––> 2.

As a result, "Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich" -–> "Six Six Six", i.e. the ominous three sixes of the notorious number 666 crawl out!
Putin name number: 2+2+2 = 6.
Medvedev name number: 3+7+5 = 15 ––> 1+5 = 6 because:
Medvedev ––> 3;
Dmitry ––> 7;
Anatolyevich ––> 5.

Consequently, the numbers of the name of Putin and Medvedev coincide and are equal to 6, which indicates their internal identity (two horns of one beast), despite the apparent differences!

Interestingly, the number "six" means "procession", but where is this two-horned beast coming out of the earth going? The Apocalypse says that “into the lake of fire and brimstone”!

However, along with these horrors, there are extenuating circumstances!

The earthen beast creates in the Apocalypse "great signs, so that fire also brings down from heaven to earth before people."

Obeying, apparently, an unstoppable inner impulse to work miracles in front of people, Putin descended into the depths of the sea with scuba gear and returned with two ancient precious amphorae found there!
But this seemed to him not enough, and then he soared on a hang glider in the sky, leading a flock of Siberian Cranes.

True, this time he was prophylactically punished by fate (he began to drag his leg), probably so that he would not become too proud!

It has not yet come to the bringing down of fire from heaven to earth, but it is time, it is high time!

So Vladimir Putin falls short of the Apocalyptic Beast, and in this field he still has to work and work!
But how to see, perhaps, the overthrow of a fiery meteorite from heaven, which left a smoky trail in the sky over Chelyabinsk (see photo!) - is it his doing?!

We will also analyze the surname Putin, for which we will present it as “Put - in”, where “Put -–> way”, and “in -–> other”. As a result, we get that the surname "Putin" corresponds to the hidden meaning "Going a different way", i.e. displeasing to God!

The destinies of people are sometimes very interesting.

Here, for example, Lenin, he would have lost peacefully all his life in chess with other revolutionaries somewhere in Zurich or Paris, had there not been a revolutionary situation in Russia! But February arrived, and, smelling blood, the handsome lawyer suddenly became incredibly demonized, ruined a lot of people, and then quite quickly gave an oak from apoplexy and lay down like an Egyptian pharaoh in the Mausoleum on Red Square!

Similarly, Putin would sit quietly in the German KGB residency of the USSR and sip the vaunted German beer, being under the watchful eye of his comrades in arms. And then all his potential negative, in the form of the secret meaning of the surname and name, could not be realized! But perestroika broke out and the hidden springs of Vladimir Vladimirovich's personality began to move joyfully!

Truly marvelous are thy works, O Lord!

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