Climatic zones of India. Climatic conditions of India. Seasons in India

Based on data on thermal conditions, precipitation and winds, the calendar year in India can be divided into three main ones climatic seasons. In November - February, when the northeast monsoon dominates, it is cool, sunny and dry. In March the temperature gradually rises. The hot dry season lasts from late March to June. Towards the end of June the humidity increases and the weather becomes unbearably hot and rainy across the great plains of India. From July to mid-September, when it blows summer monsoon, the weather continues to be humid and hot. The heat subsides slightly with overcast skies and heavy rainfall, but overall southwesterly winds combine with high temperatures. October is a transitional time, air humidity is high due to evaporation from the surface of the fields, but the rains stop.

In India, occupying large area and characterized by significant differences in elevation and varying distances from the ocean, contrasts in temperature and precipitation are pronounced. Thus, in the Thar Desert the annual precipitation does not exceed 100 mm, and at the Cherrapunji station, located in the Khasi Mountains, up to 10,770 mm falls per year. This is one of the wettest places on Earth.

To the greatest extent monsoon climate expressed on the coast of the Arabian Sea. At the very cold period(from December to February) the average minimum air temperature is +19...+21, the average maximum +28...+30 degrees. During the same period, the least amount of precipitation falls (60-70 mm per month). The hottest time is from May to June, when the average minimum temperature is +25...+27, the average maximum +30...+33 degrees. But even so high temperatures are easily tolerated, since the air is dry, relative humidity, even in the morning, does not exceed 60%. Gusts of wind raise clouds of dust, during which time the horizon often turns dirty yellow. The onset of the monsoon in June is accompanied by stronger winds and increased cloudiness. The period lasts until September inclusive. During this period, during most days of the month, there are frequent and light rains. The monthly precipitation in the rainiest month, July, exceeds 600 mm. Cloudy weather helps lower the temperature by 2-3 degrees.

On the eastern coast of the country (the coast of the Bay of Bengal), the monsoon pattern is less pronounced: the amount of precipitation decreases, and day-to-day temperature fluctuations increase. During the relatively cold period (from December to February), the average minimum air temperature is +12...+15, the average maximum is +26...+29 degrees. During the same period, the least amount of precipitation falls (63-70 mm per month). The hottest time is from May to June, when the average minimum temperature is +24...+26, the average maximum +33...+35 degrees. The heat is more difficult to bear, since the relative air humidity during this period increases to 70-80%. During the monsoon period (May to September) monthly quantity precipitation exceeds 100 mm, and in the rainiest month - July - exceeds 300 mm.

The climate is even more temperate in the north of the country, on the Indo-Gangetic Plain. In the coolest period (from December to February), the average minimum air temperature is +6...+10, and on some days it can drop to slightly negative values, average maximum - +21...+23 degrees. The hottest time is from May to June, when the average minimum temperature is +26...+28, the average maximum is about +40 degrees. Relative air humidity at this time is low (not higher than 45%). The minimum amount of precipitation is observed in November and December (no more than 3 mm per month). There is little rain in April and May (about 8 mm). The rainy season begins in July and lasts until September inclusive. In the wettest month - July - up to 230 mm of precipitation falls.

In the Himalayan mountain ranges, the climate depends on the altitude above sea level. So at altitudes from 1500 to 2300 meters, in the period from December to February, the average minimum temperature is already negative (from 0 to -3), and the average maximum is +4...+8. The hottest time of the year lasts from June to August: the average minimum temperature is +14...+18, the average maximum is +29...+30. The summer monsoon does not appear here. The least amount of precipitation falls from September to November (25-35 mm per month), the highest in March (about 100 mm).

Ever-blooming India boasts enormous rainfall. But this is only for the benefit of its lush vegetation. It is the prolonged rains that tourists who are going on vacation to this country are often afraid of.

Weather in India now:

And although it is generally accepted that the best time to travel to India is from October to March, each season has its own unique beauty. Much depends on the choice of area. Thus, in the Thar Desert in the west there is practically no precipitation, and the eastern lands are abundantly saturated with rainwater, providing abundant plant growth and a variety of animal life. The south of the country is always hot, and in the north it can be quite cold in winter. But the climate of the Indo-Gangetic Plain is a bit like the Russian continental one: hot summers and cold winters.

Climate of India by month:

Blooming spring in India

Spring according to the Indian calendar, like according to the European calendar, begins in March, only on the 20th. This is the time of the northeast monsoons, bringing dry and hot weather to large territory countries. At this time of year, daytime air temperatures fluctuate between 27-30 °C. Fans of sunbathing and beach holidays should choose this time for their trip. Already on May 20, summer, or Grishma, begins for Indians. So at this time it will be quite hot, over 40 °C.

Spring in India is a period of lush flowering. But bright colors are not only found in nature. In March, the country celebrates Holi, the festival of colors. This is a kind of spring festival, honoring the forces of fertility. Residents paint their bodies with paints. At the same time, you can often see how someone is doused with colored water. Merry celebrations are accompanied by the consumption of bhang drink, prepared from juice, milk and hemp leaves.

Indian summer

Indian summer lasts from May 20 to July 20. And then the monsoon season begins with large amounts of rainfall. Heat (more than 35 °C), high humidity - comfortable conditions for the reproduction of insects, so it is difficult to do without repellents. Heavy rains often scare away tourists. But the monsoon season also has its own charm - all dust, dirt and even garbage are mercilessly washed away by rain streams, giving the cities extraordinary cleanliness. Most comfortable temperature air during this period in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas (18-30 ° C) and in the south of the country. The north receives 75% of all annual precipitation.

The charm of Indian autumn

Indian autumn can be called velvet season, which tourists love so much. At this time it is no longer hot, but quite warm and comfortable. This is the harvest time for apples, fiery peppers, rice and other crops. In autumn, the country is filled with tourists rushing to enjoy the comfort of leaving warm days and visit National parks with rare animals.

It is on these warm days that a whole series of holidays take place in India. It all begins with the celebration of the birth of the deity Ganesh Chaturthi, depicted with the head of an elephant. It is not complete without harvest day - the Onam festival. It is traditionally celebrated in Kerala and is full of songs, flowers, various entertainment events. Don't forget about Diwali - the festival of lights celebrated everywhere, which is a symbol of the victory of light over darkness.

Winter India

Lovers winter species Sports people choose this time of year for relaxation, since in December the Himalayas open ski resorts. But other areas of the country are also quite comfortable for recreation and excursions. At this time, the flow of tourists to India increases even more. It is worth noting that in winter they fly to this country migratory birds, so it's best time years to monitor them.

Christians in India celebrate Christmas and new year holidays. And already in January, celebrations of the end of winter - Lori - begin in the northern part of India. This month usually marks the harvest festival of Pongal.

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Climate of India - each region has different climatic features

Amazing country. It amazes the imagination with its diversity, both in culture and in nature. The latter is due to the unique climate of India.

From the tropics to the mountains - the climate of India

The Hindustan Peninsula is characterized by a monsoon season, which is why the climate on its territory is called monsoon. Since it is characterized by a large extent and has mountains on its territory, and is also washed by several seas and an ocean, then weather vary greatly in its different parts. Climatologists distinguish four main zones:

1. Region of the humid tropics.

This type of climate covers the southwest of the country and a significant part of the interior of the state. It is typical for him a large number of precipitation during the monsoon and high air temperatures at any time of the year.

In the south and west of India, rainfall is very pronounced and lasts from May to November, while in the interior regions it is less abundant and more transient from June to September. Lack of rain leads to severe droughts and famine in these areas of the country.

2. Dry tropics region.

It is located in the very interior of India and covers the Thar Desert, as well as the states that adjoin it. The rainy season there is usually in October and November, but is very unstable.

There are periods when drought lasts for two to three years. This region is not suitable for Agriculture. IN summer time The air temperature can rise to 50 degrees Celsius, and in winter it does not fall below 20 degrees.

Why is the climate of a contrasting country diverse?

3. Subtropical monsoon region.

This type of climate covers the plain parts of northern India. It is humid there most of the year; in summer the heat reaches 40 degrees, and in winter the temperature can drop to 0 C.

4. High mountain area.

It includes territories located in the Himalayas in the very north of the country. It's cool and damp there from January to May. Temperatures vary significantly from high values ​​during the day to minus at night.

The diversity of Indian seasons

Seasons in India are different from what people are used to temperate latitudes. There can be from 4 to 6 depending on the region. And yet, Indian climatologists distinguish the following main seasons:

It lasts from December to the end of March. The temperature during this period can be from 10 degrees in the mountains to 25 in the flat part of the inland regions. In the Himalayas, short-term precipitation in the form of snow is possible, and at altitudes above 3 km. the delicate cover lies all winter. The coldest months in the country are December and January, when temperatures may drop to slightly below zero for one or two days.

Lasts from April to June - July. At this time, the temperature and dryness of the air increases greatly. Often in the sun the temperature can reach 50 degrees. And in the northern and western states, the Lu wind season begins, which is distinguished by its strength and heat.

The rainy season in India begins in June and ends in September. Moist masses come from the southwest, causing heavy precipitation, which accounts for approximately 80% of total number rain in a year.

If the monsoon arrives very late or is not as abundant as usual, then the harvest in this region will die and famine will begin in the country. Such cases have happened repeatedly.

The period from October to December is called post-monsoon.

At this time, the cyclone gradually leaves the mainland and dry and sunny weather sets in in the country. moderate temperatures air. The exception is the state of Tamil, at which time the monsoon from the northeast dominates there.

In the Himalayan region two short additional seasons can be distinguished early spring and autumn.

Tropical monsoons are what makes India's climate so different, although the whole country is located in one subequatorial belt. The famous rainy season begins with the arrival of the summer monsoon. He blows with Indian Ocean. On the west coast it becomes stronger in early June, and on the east coast, where Bengal is located, in the middle of the month. Moving over the waters of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, the monsoons absorb a lot of moisture. They pass through India from north to west, climbing the Western Ghats and the mountains of Assam. Their speed ranges from 16 to 24 km/h. Here the monsoons often bring heavy rainfall. In June, thunderstorms rage on these slopes. But gradually they become weaker and rarer. At the end of September or mid-October, the showers taper off. Now the weather is shaped by the northeast monsoon. It blows from the land. With it comes dry, cool and clear weather.

In India, three seasons can be distinguished. They differ in precipitation, winds and temperature. From November to February, the northeast monsoon prevails. The weather is cool, dry and sunny. In March, the mercury starts to rise. From the end of the month until June the country is warm and dry. Then the weather becomes unbearably hot and rainy. The weather is humid from mid-July until September. The summer monsoon brings it. The heat subsides a little only for a while, when the whole sky is covered with clouds and it’s pouring like buckets. But in general, the southwest wind brings high temperatures. In October the rains stop, but the humidity still lingers due to evaporation.

India is a large area. It is spread out on mountains and in depressions, on the coast and inland. Therefore, the contrasts in temperature and precipitation are striking. The Thar Desert receives only 100 mm of rain per year. And in the Khasi Mountains there is one of the wettest places on the planet. This is Cherrapunji station, where up to 10,770 mm can fall.

Five climatic regions of India

The monsoons have the greatest impact on coast of the Arabian Sea ( East Coast India). The cold period here is established from December to February. The average minimum temperature at this time is +19…+20, and the average maximum temperature is +28…+30. There is little precipitation - 70-80 mm per month. The heat persists in May and June. The corresponding temperatures rise to +25…+27 and +30…+33, respectively. Everyone tolerates this easily because it is combined with dry air. Even in the morning the relative humidity does not exceed 60%. But it causes dryness dust storms. Gusts of wind lift dirty yellow clouds into the air. Monsoon arrives in June. At this time the wind picks up and it becomes cloudy. This weather lasts until September. Frequent light rains bring a lot of precipitation. July is the rainiest month. Then up to 600 mm can fall. Sunny days becomes smaller, and the temperature drops by a couple of degrees.

On the shores of the Bay of Bengal (west coast of India) seasonal winds do not have such power over the climate. The amount of precipitation they bring decreases, and temperature fluctuations become sharper. From December to February it is cold here, the average minimum temperature is +12…+15, and the average maximum temperature is +26…+29. There is also little precipitation, 63-70 mm. Hot days last from May to June. The corresponding temperatures rise to +24…+26 and +33…+35. But this heat is more difficult to bear, because air humidity rises to 70-80%. From May to September the monsoon brings rainfall. Drops out 100 mm. July is the rainiest month. Then this figure increases to 300.

Tourists traveling to south india get acquainted with Ayurveda, do not pay attention to the weather. It never gets cold here; the temperature does not drop below +25. But from June to September it rains on the beaches of Goa and Kerala. That's why beach holiday possible from October to early May, when the heat rises to +28...+32. In Tamil Nadu, the monsoon season shifts to October-December. Respectively, beach season lasts from January to August. Then the temperature rises to +30…+40.

Indo-Gangetic Plain ( central areas countries) has a more temperate climate. The cold period lasts here from December to February. The average minimum temperature is +6…+10. Cold weather also occurs with a slight drop in the mercury column below zero. The average maximum temperature is +21…+23. The heat lasts in May and June. The corresponding temperatures rise to +26…+28 and +40. Humidity at this time is low, no more than 45%. The driest season is November-December. Every month there is no more than 3 mm of rain. Heavy rainfall occurs in July and remains until October. July is considered the wettest. 230 mm of precipitation may fall. This is not a beach place, so tourist season lasts all year. Not heavy rains will not interfere with him. But the period from late December to mid-February is considered the coldest. Temperatures during the day are +20, at night - +5, and it can be foggy in the mornings. The hot season lasts from May to June (+40…+45), in August the temperature drops to +38.

Climate of the Himalayas changes with altitude. If you climb to a level from 1500 to 2300 meters, in winter months you can find the average minimum temperature below zero (0...-3). The average maximum is +4…+8. It even snows at this time. From April to June and October-November, tourists come to the Himalayas to ride alpine skiing. The heat lasts from July to August. The corresponding temperatures change to +14…+18 and +29..+30. But the summer monsoon has no influence here. The driest months here are from September to November (25-35 mm), the wettest is March (100 mm). The rainy season is from July to September.

Climate calendar of India

Particularly recommended visiting period
Recommended visiting period

Snow, - Hot (40-45°C), Showers, Rains

Golden Triangle
+15 / +3 +20 / +5 +27 / +20 +29 / +21 +40 / +30
+41 / +30
+35 / +27
+35 / +30
+32 / +29
+29 / +25 +27 / +20 +20 / +7
Goa (beach)
+31 / +16 +31 / +23 +31 / +25 +32 / +27 +32 / +23 +30 / +23
+28 / +23
+29 / +24
+29 / +23
+31 / +23 +32 / +23 +32 / +21
Kerala (beach)
+31 / +22 +32 / +23 +33 / +24 +32 / +25 +31 / +25
+28 / +24
+28 / +23
+29 / +22
+29 / +23
+30 / +23
+30 / +23
+31 / +23
Kerala (Ayurveda)
+31 / +22 +32 / +23 +33 / +24 +32 / +25 +31 / +25
+29 / +24
+29 / +23
+29 / +22
+30 / +23
+30 / +23
+30 / +23
+31 / +23
-3 / -14 +1 / -12 +7 / -7 +12 / -2 +12 / +3 +21 / +7 +24 / +10 +24 / +10
+21 / +6
+14 / -1 +8 / -7 +2 / -11
+3 / -2
+4 / -7
+10 / +4 +19 / +8 +24 / +11 +29 / +15 +31 / +20
+31 / +20
+28 / +15 +22 / +8 +16 / +9 +9 / -1
Himachal Pradesh
+20 / +5 +22 / +6 +23 / +10 +27 / +12 +36 / +15 38 / +24 +34 / +24
+33 / +22
+32 / +17
+30 / +12 +25 / +7 +20 / +5
+20 / +4 +22 / +6 +27 / +9 +30 / +12 +30 / +15 +30 / +20
+25 / +20
+29 / +20
+28 / +20
+24 / +16 +23 / +5 +20 / +3
+6 / -10 +9 / -7 +12 / -3 +13 / +1 +19 / +5 +22 / +9 +21 / +9
+20 / +9
+19 / +7 +17 / +1 +11 / -5 +7 / -9
+10 / +4
+5 / +4
+16 / +8 +20 / +12 +21 / +14 +21 / +15
+22 / +16
+22 / +15
+21 / +16
+20 / +11 +17 / +8 +13 / +5
+10 / -1
+14 / +2 +17 / +3 +19 / +7 +23 / +12 +25 / +15 +26 / +17
+26 / +14
+23 / +15 +21 / +12 +17 / +7 +13 / +2
+25 / +9 +28 / +11 +33 / +17 +38 / +21; +42 / +27
+41 / +28
+40 / +28
+37 / +27
+35 / +25 +36 / +20 +31 / +14 +26 / +10
+31 / +16 +32 / +17 +33 / +20 +33 / +24 +33 / +26 +32 / +26
+30 / +26
+29 / +26
+30 / +26
+32 / +24 +30 / +18 +32 / +13
Tamil Nadu
+29 / +20 +31 / +21 +33 / +23 +35 / +26 +38 / +28 +37 / +28 +35 / +26 +35 / +26
+34 / +25
+32 / +24
+29 / +23
+28 / +21

*The table shows average values ​​for each region

Climate of Goa

The favorable climate of Goa is one of the most important factors, attracting tourists from all over the world. Warm weather creates a cozy atmosphere for everyone. The constantly blowing sea breeze and gentle waves will carry all your worries away.

The hottest month in Goa is May, when temperatures can reach 35? Combined with high humidity. January and February are the coldest months, if the term "cold" even applies in this case - the minimum temperature at night can drop to 20? C. In other months, Goa is dominated by tropical climate. The southwest monsoons bring rain between June and September. July is considered the rainiest month.

From October to May the season opens - charters from Moscow begin flying to Goa. The “peak” time is from December to March. Yes and the most favorable weather exactly at this time: clear sky, slight humidity, around 27-30 during the day? With sunshine, a constantly blowing breeze, a warm sea (even too warm). But because This period is considered winter in Goa, the vegetation is appropriate. Yellow and brown tones, dry grass, in some places specially burned, yellowing palm trees. They say that Goa is especially beautiful immediately after the monsoon season, i.e. in September-October.

Kekala Climate

The climate of Kerala is subequatorial monsoon. The main feature of the climate of these latitudes is the tropical monsoons. There are two monsoon periods - the main one in June-July, the second in October. Rains in Kerala are brought by the summer monsoon, which penetrates from the Indian Ocean and intensifies in early June on the west coast.

On the coast of the Arabian Sea, where Kerala is located, the monsoon climate is most pronounced. In the period from December to February, the average minimum air temperature is +19 - +21 degrees, the average maximum is +28 - +30 degrees. During this same period, the least amount of precipitation falls, about 60-70 mm per month.

The hottest time is from May to June, when the average minimum temperature is +25 - +27 degrees, the average maximum is +30 - +33 degrees. Such high temperatures are easily tolerated, since the air is dry and the relative humidity does not exceed 60%.

Best time to visit:

The peak time to visit Goa is from December to March. And the most favorable weather is at this time: clear skies, slight humidity, around 27-30C during the day.

The best time to travel to Kerala is from October to March. At that time average temperature ranges from +21 to +32 degrees.

And the most best months for traveling around India - November and December.

The climate of India is very diverse, which is explained by the location of the country and big difference in geography between regions of the country. According to the Köppen climate classification, India has at least seven climatic zones. In the west and north-west of India the climate is desert or steppe. Also, a steppe climate is observed in some places in the south of the country. In the mountainous regions in the north and northeast of India, the climate is warm-temperate, and in the highest regions of the Himalayan mountains the climate becomes mountainous. In the north and northeast of the country (which includes states such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, part of Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand, part of Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, and Tripura) the climate type is temperate. warm, alternating with savanna. Large areas in the south and east of the country experience a tropical monsoon climate. Regions along the west coast of India also experience a tropical monsoon climate, as do the Lakshadweep Archipelago (west of the Indian mainland) and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (east of the Indian mainland).

In eastern India, there is a lot of rain between May and September inclusive, and there is a high chance of flooding and other consequences of high rainfall. The city of Cherrapunji in the state of Meghalaya is one of the rainiest and wettest places on Earth. The average annual precipitation here is no less than 11,440 millimeters, and the most rainy months here - June and July, in each of which about 2,800 mm falls, i.e. almost one hundred millimeters per day, which is even Furthermore the amount of precipitation that falls in Holland per month during the rainiest period. At Mawsynram village, nine kilometers from Cherrapunji, conditions are even more rainy and humid; With an average annual rainfall of 11,827 millimeters, this place is officially the rainiest and wettest place on Earth. According to the Guinness Book of Records, Mawsynram received 26,000 millimeters of rainfall in 1985, far more than anywhere else. The incredibly high rainfall in these regions of India, which neighboring Bangladesh also experiences, is due to three reasons. Firstly, warm, moist winds blowing northward across these regions come from the Bay of Bengal. Secondly, the Khasi ranges are located here, forming a kind of wall that stops the flows from the Bay of Bengal, and due to which large volumes of rain can fall. Often during the monsoon period in summer months It can rain heavily here for days on end. Thirdly, during the monsoon period the so-called. "lift effect", and air masses"stretch" to the top of the ridges. The difference in temperature with mountain passes causes water vapor in the air to easily turn into rain.

Seasons in India

In general, we can say that India experiences all four seasons. After a fairly short winter (January and February), from March the air temperature rises quickly and climatic summer begins quite early. During these months the air temperature is daytime rises to approximately thirty degrees in coastal regions, and to forty and above in inland regions. Depending on the region, summer in India lasts from approximately March to May or June. The monsoon period in India begins in early June.

Monsoons begin every year around June 1 in the southeast and east of the country and then spread in a north/northeast direction. They reach Delhi at the end of the month. In the northeast of the country, the monsoon period is very short, and it begins here only at the end of July / beginning of August. The monsoon period lasts until September inclusive, or, in some places, until October; followed by a quiet transitional season, followed by short winter. In the north of the country, winter begins in November, in the rest of the country only in December. During the winter months, snow falls in the Himalayan mountains. IN central India During the coldest months there can sometimes be frost at night. Because of low temperatures and almost complete absence of wind, some areas in the northern half of India may experience fog in winter.

Climate of India in different cities of the country

The table below shows the average minimum and maximum air temperatures in different cities and places in India throughout the year.

Srinagar (a city on the slopes of the Himalayan mountains, altitude - 1,500 m above sea level)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C -2 -1 3 7 11 15 18 18 13 6 0 -2
Max °C 5 8 14 19 24 29 30 30 28 22 15 9
Jodhpur (a city in northwestern India, located on the edge of the desert)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 10 12 17 23 27 28 27 25 24 20 15 11
Max °C 25 28 33 38 41 40 36 34 35 36 32 27
Kolkata (a city in the Ganges Delta in eastern India, west of Bangladesh)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 14 17 21 25 26 27 26 26 26 24 19 14
Max °C 26 29 34 36 36 34 32 32 32 32 29 26
Hyderabad (city in southern India, altitude - 550 m.)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 15 18 21 24 26 24 23 22 22 20 17 15
Max °C 29 32 35 38 39 35 31 30 31 31 29 28
Bangalore (city in southern India, altitude - 920 m.)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 15 17 19 21 21 20 19 19 19 19 17 15
Max °C 27 30 33 34 33 29 28 28 28 28 27 26
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 17 18 21 24 26 26 25 25 24 23 21 18
Max °C 31 31 33 33 33 32 30 30 30 33 34 32
Goa State
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 20 21 23 26 26 25 24 24 24 24 22 21
Max °C 32 32 32 33 33 30 29 29 30 32 33 32
Port Blair (city on South Andaman Island)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 23 23 23 25 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Max °C 29 30 32 33 31 30 29 29 29 30 30 29

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