Another jerk. Develop mass sports. Fight for the Russian language

A regular in election races, LDPR presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky did not stand aside in 2018. His name is known to everyone and is perhaps second most popular after the name of the current guarantor. Let's figure out whether the politician can win the votes of the people and how he plans to attract people in these elections.


Vladimir Zhirinovsky got the surname from his stepfather.

The future contender for the presidency of Russia since 2018 was born in Almaty in 1946. The family of his father, the Jew Wolf Eidelstein, was shot in 1941, and he himself was deported to Poland when his son was no more than a month old. The child was raised by the mother, who later found a new husband.

Vladimir gnawed at the granite of science in an ordinary school in Almaty, then at the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Turkish Language and Literature, and spent two years at the University of Marxism-Leninism. In 1970 he was called up to Tbilisi for two years of service. After serving as an officer and returning to the capital, he studied law well at the evening department of Moscow State University.

The future politician was interested in legal activities. Until the age of 90, he worked as a lawyer in the famous law firm Inyurkollegiya, in the Committee for the Defense of Peace, and even in the Mir publishing house.

Since 1988, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky has declared himself as a politician at the founding meeting of the Democratic Union, but we will talk about this later.

In 1998, the politician decided to get a Doctor of Philosophy degree. To do this, he defended a dissertation entitled “The Past, Present and Future of the Russian Nation.” There was a scandal with the defense of this work when deputy Ponomarev accused Zhirinovsky of giving a bribe to obtain a doctorate. The politician responded by accusing Ponomarev of libel and suing him for 100 thousand rubles.

Wife is a candidate biological sciences Galina Lebedeva. There is a daughter and two sons, one of whom managed to be the chairman of the LDPR, and is now a deputy in the State Duma. The politician’s grandchildren study at a boarding house at Moscow State University. The family of LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky lives in Russia.

Registration with the CEC

Zhirinovsky is nominated as a presidential candidate by the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR). It occupies 40 seats in the State Duma and is one of the three most popular parties in the Russian Federation. Vladimir Volfovich was registered as a presidential candidate first among the other participants in the race - on December 29 last year.

The candidate has already presented his election program and started campaigning.

Political activity

Vladimir Volfovich has been a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation since its first convocation.

In 1988, at the Congress of the Democratic Union, Vladimir Volfovich spoke loudly about the elections and the possibilities of leading the country out of the economic crisis. Then the aspiring politician was elected to the Central coordination council. Later, he left the party for the increasingly popular opposition LDPSS, which was transformed into the familiar LDPR.

From the Liberal Democrats, Zhirinovsky ran for the post of head of the RSFSR in 1991, and was among the top three in terms of the number of votes. In the same year, he supported the idea of ​​the State Emergency Committee, and two years later - the dispersal of the Congress of People's Deputies.

From the age of 93 he worked as a deputy in the State Duma from his party. On presidential elections'96 took only fifth place, but received a respectable five and a half percent of the vote. In 1999 he tried to become the head of the Belgorod region, but only took third place.

The following year, he resigned as head of his party, giving way to his son, in order to return to the chair of a State Duma deputy. At the same time, he put forward his candidacy for the post of President of the Russian Federation from the Liberal Democratic Party and again received fifth place.

Perhaps the result made him miss it next elections, to return in 2008 and take third place. Three years later he leaves the chair of the party leader to gain control of the faction in the State Duma. In 11 he took fourth place in the elections.

Election program of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The election program of Russian presidential candidate V.V. Zhirinovsky consists of 100 theses, combined into various groups.

Some of Zhirinovsky's election campaign messages are quite radical.

Russian question:

  • solving problems with migrants;
  • issues of nationalism and patriotism;
  • protection of Russian capital.

Government, power and society:

  • change in government system;
  • withdrawal of the Stavropol Territory from the North Caucasus Federal District;
  • cancellation national names from the republics.

Economy for the people, not for the oligarchs:

  • small business support;
  • fight against corruption;
  • financial well-being of the working population;
  • providing all citizens of the Russian Federation with jobs;
  • development untouched territories Siberia and Far East.

Land, food security, agriculture, ecology:

  • support for the agricultural sector and villages;
  • modernization and industrialization;
  • caring for the ecology of Russia.


  • revival of the cult of family, including with the help of the media;
  • limiting abortions by increasing maternal capital;
  • infertility treatment;
  • stimulation of adoption of orphans;
  • guarantee of places in kindergartens and schools.

Social sphere:

  • provision of free healthcare and education;
  • development and promotion of sports together with a healthy lifestyle;
  • lowering the retirement age;
  • protecting children from violence and vulgarity, including through a ban on advertising;
  • stopping the brain drain;
  • supporting students by increasing scholarships and abolishing the Unified State Exam with the transition to the Soviet model of education;
  • revival of Orthodoxy and its traditions;
  • ban on evictions of Russian citizens.

Army, security, eradication of terrorism and crime:

  • strengthening the protection of all crowded places;
  • improvement of the security sector;
  • expressway development medical care;
  • organization of voluntary service in the army;
  • restoration of the death penalty;
  • tougher punishment for relatives of terrorists.

Housing and roads:

  • repair of emergency buildings at the expense of the state;
  • massive construction of roads throughout the country;
  • protection of owners' rights;
  • revival of housing cooperatives.

The politician wants to carry out reforms in almost all areas and is trying to improve the well-being of the indigenous population, bringing the Russian Federation on the same level as highly developed countries.

Chances of winning the elections

As you can guess from political biography, Zhirinovsky’s chances of winning the presidential election this year are scanty. Although he is trying to prepare a program for governing the country that will be pleasant for the ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation, his radical statements repel the potential electorate.

If you check the official survey and any online voting, then Vladimir Volfovich can enter the top five, but no more.

Video: Debate between Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Pavel Grudinin.


Carrying out full-scale industrialization of the country. Debt relief for everyone Russian citizens with incomes of less than 7 thousand rubles. Fight against corruption. Small business support. Exemption from taxes on production and science. Determining the salary limit from 15 to 150 thousand rubles. Increase in pensions. Job creation. Fair distribution of income. Development of Siberia and the Far East. Help for single-industry towns. Supporting the regional economy through the redistribution of taxes between the center and regions. Reduction in crude oil exports. Revival of the Russian village. Protection of domestic buyers. Suppression of sabotage of the law on dacha amnesty.


Preservation free education. Cancellation of the Unified State Exam. Increasing scholarships. Help for young professionals and scientists. Increasing the prestige of a teacher in society. Help for schools and kindergartens.


Maintaining free medical care. Propaganda healthy image life and development of mass sports. Reducing abortions. Help for the childless. Fertility stimulation. Prohibits the export of children abroad. Reducing working hours for working mothers and increasing vacation time. Creation of the cult of family

Culture, social guarantees and the national question

Revival of housing cooperatives. Repair of emergency housing at the expense of the state. Road construction. Support and development of culture. Protecting children from violence in the family and on the street. Giving the Russian people the status of state-forming people. Reunion of all Russians. Protecting the country from migrants. Introduction of direct presidential rule on the territory of all republics North Caucasus. The fight against the dominance of Western culture. Cancellation of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Army, security, crime control

Strengthening the army and transferring it to a voluntary basis. Eradicating hazing and corruption in it. Attracting young people from the CIS countries into its ranks. Providing benefits to military and police officers. Tougher penalties for terrorists. Lifting the moratorium on the death penalty. Strengthening the fight against crime and crime prevention.


1. Patriotism and historical roots

The LDPR is the only party that has a modern patriotic platform, combined with the theory of the liberal democratic movement, which has deep historical roots.

2. Fourth option

1. Communists – egalitarianism and internationalism.

2. Democratic reformers of the Yeltsin type - wild capitalism and pro-Western orientation.

3. The party in power – corruption, oligarchic capitalism and local separatism.

The LDPR proposes a fourth option for the country's development: the revival of Russia based on the Russian people and the creation of a unitary state.

3. Protect the Russians!

Russians are a state-forming people. In national republics, his rights are violated by representatives of the so-called “titular nations.” These rights must be protected.

We do not require additional rights for Russians. We just want equality.

We advocate not keeping budget money in dollars, which turn into dust with rising inflation, but using our income to invest in production.

5. Subsoil for the people!

The LDPR advocates the transfer of all oil and gas processing companies into the form of national enterprises, the shareholders of which will be all citizens of Russia, so that its mineral resources will enrich the entire people, and not a handful of oligarchs.

6. Low-rise construction

We offer the Program low-rise construction using wood materials. Such structures will be cheap, environmentally friendly and quickly erected. Their construction will provide an opportunity for young families to get cheap housing and will help revive small towns in Russia. Moreover, such construction will solve the unemployment problem in the regions.

7. Reduce gas prices!

The LDPR will reduce gasoline prices to 15 rubles per liter. Cheap gasoline is the backbone of domestic transport and the entire Russian economy.

8. Increase the minimum wage

The LDPR advocates that the size minimum size wages were increased from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles.

9. Increase pensions and introduce their insurance

It is necessary to introduce pension insurance in non-state pension funds so that citizens do not worry about the safety of their pension savings. The LDPR proposes to increase the size of Russians' pensions. There is money in the country. But they go into the pockets of officials and oligarchs.

10. The army should only be professional!

They must serve in the army only under a contract. The salary of a contract employee should not be less than 20,000 rubles.

11. No to the rise of billionaires!

The LDPR will reduce the number of billionaires and multimillionaires by 20 times. State revenues should be distributed evenly among its citizens. Do you want to have a lot of money? Work, don't steal from the country's budget.

12. Hang the drug dealers!

The LDPR advocates tougher punishment for those involved in the supply and trafficking of drugs.

13. Support the peasantry

LDPR stands for providing all possible support agriculture, for keeping agricultural land in the hands of producers of real products.

14. Patriotic foreign policy

We must do only what is beneficial to the Russians and Russia. Russia should no longer feed any parasites. Do not bend under pressure from the West, pursue a policy that is beneficial for our country.

15. Revive culture

The national culture of Russia must develop on the basis of the centuries-old Orthodox spiritual traditions of our people. It is precisely such a culture, and not a fake copied from Western samples, that should be provided with state support.


1. Profitable geographical position. Russia has always expanded at the expense of land. And Great Britain dominated the seas. But you can’t annex the sea. Russia will regain Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Belarus.

2. Rebury everyone from Red Square.


3. Abolish the Federation Council. Only a unicameral parliament.

4. Reduce the number of State Duma deputies to 200 people and reduce the number of deputies in all regional and local parliaments. Stop dismantling the bureaucracy.

5. The judiciary will be completely replaced. Young judges will be appointed. The court must be independent.

6. The organizers of “perestroika” will be held accountable.


8. The first law that needs to be adopted is on the protection of the Russian language.

9. Ban real estate agencies and all housing transactions with single citizens.

10. Abolish the shared construction system. The state must build housing of any category and sell it to citizens in installments.

11. Prohibit any form of alteration of property so that they do not take away from each other.

12. Prohibit collection activities.

13. Remove all restrictions on traveling abroad due to any debts.

14. Nationalize all retail chains. Today, producers are not allowed into trading places; they demand a fee for entering the market, raising prices by 2-3 times.

15. There will be no harmful and dangerous products and goods in markets and stores. Violators will be brought to justice.

16. The problem is obesity. The solution is to reduce consumption harmful products, ban the import of GMOs, return GOST standards to food products.

17. Block all fraudulent trading schemes.

18. All sects, trainings, centers whose activities harm people’s health or lead to suicide will be closed as soon as possible, and the organizers will be sentenced to long prison terms.

19. No majors, golden youth. Only radical measures are needed: in case of brazen acts on the roads, immediately confiscate all the offender’s cars and evict them from Moscow and other cities at a distance of at least 300 km.


20. Cancel the Unified State Exam. Admit everyone to universities without exams. Dismiss based on the results of examination sessions. Today there are half as many students in universities as there were 10 years ago, and there are many empty places.

21. Abolish the bachelor-master system. Four years is not enough, six years is too much. Restore the specialty - a five-year training period. Then it will be our education system, which has always been the best.


22. Ruble denomination. Remove two zeros and the dollar becomes 60 kopecks.

23. Withdraw all Russian money from all American valuable papers. This is 23 percent of Russia's international reserves.

24. Prohibit all inspections except food and medical facilities. They tormented the business with inspections. Inspections should only be carried out where it is necessary to ensure the safety of the population.

Renaming geographic features

25. Name the streets of Moscow in honor of the native Muscovite General Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich, Ivan IV the Terrible.

26. Return all historical names: Volgograd will be renamed Stalingrad (Tsaritsyn), Ulyanovsk - Simbirsk, Kirov - Vyatka, Noginsk - Bogorodsk. Start the movement of the Moscow-Stalingrad train.

27. Reduce the number of subjects to 40 provinces, including merging the Moscow region and Moscow, as well as Leningrad region and St. Petersburg with the name Petrograd Region, the main city is Petrograd.

Law enforcement, courts, amnesty

28. To eliminate crime, create military courts throughout the country (P.A. Stolypin).

29. Carry out a general political, criminal, economic and financial amnesty. Humanization of criminal legislation - only murderers, drug dealers, swindlers, and big thieves should remain in prisons.

30. Cancel Article 282 (“Russian Article”) and 212.1 (repeated violation of the procedure for organizing a rally).

31. Lift the moratorium on the death penalty.


32. Our ideology and our goal is the well-being of Russia!

33. To radically change the information policy on television, radio, and the press. There will be no more than 10 percent negative information. There will be no programs where scandals determine who the parents are and abandon their children. This has negative consequences.

34. Remove all institutions from the Kremlin, move the residence of the President of the Russian Federation to another place and leave the Kremlin as a historical and cultural heritage of Russia.

35. Return imperial state symbols: the black-yellow-white flag, the anthem “God Save the Tsar!”, install eagles instead of stars on the Kremlin towers, paint the Kremlin White color and celebrate Russia Day on September 21.

36. Remove all signs on foreign languages. Anyone who hesitates will close it. Enter a fine for each foreign word on radio, television or in a newspaper - 30 thousand rubles. for a journalist and 300 thousand rubles. for the media.

Natural resources

37. Connect all Russian citizens to gas and only then connect neighboring countries.


38. Eradicate the concept of arranged marriage. The birth of a child is only with the consent of both future parents.

39. Increase benefits for single mothers and reduce payments for housing and communal services.


40. “Fight against privileges” was the slogan of the Bolsheviks on the way to power. However, having come to power, they created even more privileges for themselves. The democrats (Yeltsin's team) did the same in the fight against the communists. This causes a negative attitude of citizens towards any type of government (the tsar, the Soviet government and the democrats of the Yeltsin period).

41. Members of the Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee clung to power, as there were many privileges: apartments, dachas, cars, studies, medicine. In the West, on the contrary, people outside power have more opportunities to improve their financial situation. It's time to remove this vicious system.

Proposals for world order

1. Conclude a global treaty on the world order.

2. Only republics, no monarchies.

3. The state must be secular. Religion should not influence government.

4. Divided nations must unite - Russians, Koreans and others. The rights of women, children, the disabled, and the elderly must be protected everywhere.

5. No discrimination against minorities - national, religious, racial, sexual, etc.

6. Eliminate the use of violence in international relations in any form under any pretext.

7. Do not change state borders without the consent of both parties (for example: Abkhazia, South Ossetia).

8. Federalism as a universal principle for all countries. The center resolves only seven issues: defense, foreign policy, finance, transport, communications, energy, ecology.

9. The 21st century is a century of recovery from racism, colonialism, fascism, communism, religious radicalism, authoritarianism, monarchical regimes, dictatorships under any guise, one-party regimes, globalism.

10. The planet lacks the cult of family, love for children, and respect for elders. The world is now ruled by deceit, fraud and crime.

11. Humanity needs a world: multipolar, multi-structured, pluralistic, without pressure, without dumbing down, without zombies. In the digital age, all issues must be resolved through electronic voting.


“Life will be better!”

“It will be more reliable with us!”

“Strong country, powerful economy, personal success!”

“Ahead, stronger, richer!”

“Fed, well-fed, satisfied, successful!”

“Mighty, free, prosperous Russia!”

“Not a single homeless person! Not a single unemployed person! Not a single one is hungry!”

“You are tired of arbitrariness! Let's put things in order! "

“Prosperous Russia for everyone!”

“No humiliation for Russian citizens!”

“Prosperity for every family!”

“A job, a separate apartment, free healthcare!”

LDPR presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky presented his election program “A Powerful Leap Forward” on Tuesday.

“This is my sixth presidential campaign,” Zhirinovsky recalled at a press conference in Moscow. "You are not tired?" - the journalists asked. “We take optimism and fuel from voters, because they are the ones asking me to run,” explained the LDPR leader.

Zhirinovsky began his political career in the USSR in 1987, when he first participated in municipal elections in the Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow. Already in 1991, he took part in the first presidential elections of the then RSFSR. Therefore, the party emphasizes that the current election program reflects 30 years of political experience of the leader of the LDPR. According to Zhirinovsky himself, his program is radically different from the programs of other candidates.

One of the slogans reads: “Not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry person.” The candidate promises to reduce tariffs in the housing and communal services sector, issue coupons to the poor for free food, and make healthcare completely free. “Free dormitories, possibly free lunches for students. We will not raise the retirement age,” the LDPR leader listed. He even promises to pay for a nanny for the family if there are no free places in kindergartens.

In the field of education, the main point is to abolish the Unified State Exam everywhere and admit people to universities without exams. “And the tuition fee can be abolished, but as an incentive this can be done - the first year is free for everyone, and starting from the second year, let the poor students pay,” Zhirinovsky noted. The program does not specify sources of financing for the fulfillment of these and other election promises. Apart from the idea of ​​introducing a tax on excess income, which, by the way, is not only in the LDPR program.

Among the priorities, Zhirinovsky also named personnel work - updating the judicial, gubernatorial, and deputy corps, the candidate said. There are enough 200 deputies in the State Duma instead of the current 450, Zhirinovsky believes. Another political demand of the LDPR is to voice mistakes Soviet leadership and reconsider the results of privatization during the Yeltsin period. The LDPR leader also proposed reinstating the death penalty for a number of crimes, but immediately warned that this would not reduce crime.

The current election program reflects 30 years of political experience of the leader of the LDPR

Answering the question whether he regards the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinin as a serious rival in the elections, Zhirinovsky expressed the opinion that he never prepared himself to be the president of Russia. “He’s a good capitalist, but what does the position of head of state have to do with it?” - Zhirinovsky added, recalling vague story with state farm shares and foreign accounts of the communist candidate.

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