Mop for laminate: features of selection and use. How should you clean laminate floors? Which mop is better to clean laminate flooring without streaks?

Today, laminate is one of the most common floor coverings, therefore, a mop for laminate flooring is more in demand than ever.

Its durability and original appearance throughout its entire service life depend on proper care of a laminate floor.

Which mop is suitable for laminate flooring and which model should you prefer?

Features of laminate flooring

By appearance and the laminate seems to be enough durable material, however, he is more vulnerable than he seems.

The top layer of acrylic or melamine on top of HDF boards really provides protection to the laminate, including from liquids.

Depending on the thickness and density of this layer, there are six (even seven, but the last one is not officially registered) classes of laminate:

  • 21, 22, 23 – classes of household laminate for residential premises. Today, manufacturers refuse them due to quite high level vulnerability to abrasion and mechanical damage;
  • 31, 32, 33 - previously laminate with this marking was used for public spaces, today the first two are also recommended for home floors;
  • 34 is an officially unregistered laminate class for rooms with extremely high loads, for example, for gyms. According to some reports, this class is a marketing ploy.

If you have laid class 33-34 laminate flooring in an ordinary apartment, then you can walk on it with shoes on and smash dishes on it without fear of replacing the floor.

But you still won’t be able to pour water on the floor, since the class of the laminated coating does not indicate the characteristics of the main part of the laminate – the HDF board.

There is confusion between the characteristics of the top and base layers of the laminate, which unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of, indicating only the class that is higher.

That is, if the laminate base is intended for domestic use, and the top coating is more durable, then the manufacturer can specify the parameters of only the top coating.

This is why the moisture resistance of laminates of the same class may differ from one manufacturer to another. To choose a truly durable, moisture-resistant laminate, you will have to choose reliable, that is, more expensive brands.

The load-bearing part of the laminate is made from compressed wood chips and special protective (including moisture) impregnations. Resistance to moisture depends on their quality.

In this context, the concepts of “liquid” and “moisture” can be confused. Liquid is a more aggressive environment, capable of seeping between the laminate slabs and saturating its main part.

Humidity is a characteristic of air; it affects laminate, but not as quickly as spilled liquid.

Moisture-resistant laminate series from renowned manufacturers are able to remain in water for up to six hours without deformation. This laminate can be chosen even for showers and bathrooms or kitchens, but it costs accordingly.

If you need to choose among budget options, then you should always remember about protection from liquids and humidity - when laying the floor, in everyday use and maintenance.

Wet cleaning of laminate flooring

Most people cannot imagine cleanliness and hygiene without wet cleaning, so a mop for washing laminate flooring is necessary in a house with this flooring.

In addition, particles of sand and other contaminants can adversely affect the condition of laminate flooring with a low wear resistance class.

Of course, you can buy some kind of mop and not notice any significant changes in the condition of the laminate for a long time.

However, in cases where you are not sure about the wear resistance of your laminate, it is better to choose a special mop with a gentle effect.

Many people do not believe in the need for special equipment and products to care for a particular floor covering, because they do not pay special attention to caring for their own floor and do not notice changes in its condition.

Then these people write reviews on forums that a special mop for laminate flooring or a floor cleaner is nothing more than a marketing ploy and a way to make money on the gullibility of the consumer.

This happens because the condition of the laminate is not affected by isolated cases of violations of operation and maintenance, but by systematically wet or dirty floors.

Each manufacturer gives a certain guarantee to the floor covering, and violation of the rules of operation and maintenance does not mean immediate failure of the coating, but reduces its service life.

That’s why it’s better to rely not on reviews from non-professionals, but on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

One of them is a special mop. When using a regular mop with a floor cloth, it is difficult to control the amount of water and can be done while squeezing with your hands. excess water with a rag or when washing, wet the floor too much.

Excess moisture can seep between the laminate joints and damage the locks that hold the floor plates together.

Over time, this will lead to a creaky floor and, if enough moisture accumulates in the HDF board, it will begin to deform, which can be seen with the naked eye by the condition of the laminate.

More modern varieties mops can be more or less convenient, compact, expensive or technologically advanced; purely individually, some of them are more convenient to use than others, but any one can be chosen for safe and high-quality wet cleaning of laminate flooring.

Mops for laminate floors

All modern mops can be divided into four main types:

  1. household (flunder);
  2. wring mop;
  3. universal;
  4. steam

It is hardly appropriate to compare different types of mops in categories of better or worse. To say that a steam mop is better than a household one because it is more expensive, and that a professional one is generally better than anyone else, is, to put it mildly, profanation.

You need to choose a mop based on the specific situation: the size of the room, the characteristics of the floor (how cluttered it is with furniture, flowers, etc.), budget. By using any of the mops listed correctly, your floor will delight you for a long time.

A household mop is the most economical option. It can be sold with one or more attachments (mops) made of microfiber (microfiber), cotton or wool.

Most often you can find microfiber attachments on sale. Their advantages for cleaning laminated floors are the absence of abrasive and the ability to easily wring out to a semi-dry state so that moisture does not get between the joints of the laminate.

This mop is suitable for dry and wet cleaning; it can be used to wipe not only laminate flooring, but also remove dust from walls and ceilings. The attachments are easy to wash and replace if necessary.

Spin mops are often sold together with a bucket, which, on the one hand, is convenient, but on the other hand, it requires more space for storage.

If the mop breaks, you will have to buy the next one for the same bucket. There are different types of wringer mops, but rope mops are not suitable for laminate floors because they retain too much moisture.

The two most suitable options:

  1. mop with sponge roller made of foamed polyurethane;
  2. with a spin design in the form of butterfly or book wings.

it's the same a budget option, however, it is better to choose a mop that is more expensive from a reputable manufacturer, as there is a greater chance that the spin mechanism will not break for a long time.

When dry, the polyurethane nozzle loses its elasticity, so it is not suitable for dry cleaning, but it is excellent at wrung out of excess moisture. The attachments in a butterfly mop can be made of cellulose, soft sponge or microfiber.

Universal mops are distinguished by the presence of various attachments for removing various contaminants and cleaning. various types gender.

This is convenient if there are different floor coverings in the same house. When choosing this mop, you should consider whether most of the attachments will take up space while you use the most convenient one?

A steam mop is the most expensive and controversial option, since it raises the same questions as a washing vacuum cleaner.

On the one hand, steam kills most germs (important if there are animals in the house) and reliably cleans dirt without leaving marks or streaks.

On the other hand, to clean laminate flooring, it is important to choose a steam mop model specifically designed for this type of coating - with the ability to regulate the humidity of the steam, with a dry steam function, which is needed for treating textile surfaces.

For home use, you should not buy a professional mop - you will overpay for the number of attachments, power and other parameters that are unnecessary for cleaning a small home.

Which mop is better? The one that is more convenient and profitable for you, so it is not always worth chasing a high price.

Laminate, due to its high consumer qualities, wide range of colors and textures, ease of installation and operation, is one of the most popular floor coverings. But it is important to remember that long-term use of laminate can only be ensured by proper care - cleaning products should not leave scratches on the surface and should absorb moisture well.

Types of specialized mops for laminate flooring

The choice of mop will primarily depend on the type of cleaning being done and the area of ​​the room. For rooms in the apartment that require both dry and wet cleaning, ordinary household mops for laminate floors are suitable. A household mop may have a telescopic handle and a soft microfiber head.

For rooms with large areas For people who need frequent cleaning, professional mops with a rectangular wide nozzle with loop-shaped ends are designed. This mop allows you to collect more debris due to the increased surface area of ​​the nozzle and has a longer service life than a household mop.

A universal mop with a triangular rubber head is convenient not only for cleaning laminate flooring, but also does a good job of cleaning windows, mirrors, and linoleum. The advantage of these mops is the ability to use additional removable attachments designed for both dry and wet cleaning.

Features of using mops

A universal mop for laminate floors with a fluffy white head is indispensable for dry cleaning before mopping and waxing. The long, adjustable handle makes it easy to collect dust under furniture without moving objects.

The dense blue head for the universal mop easily removes dirt and does not require much moisture. It is enough to spray the floor with water from a spray bottle so that the nozzle will wash the laminate even from black marks left by shoes.

Also for small spaces for those in need of wet cleaning, mechanical mops are well suited. At the end of the mop, instead of the usual attachments, there is a sponge, the water from which is squeezed out using a special lever.

Cleaning large areas covered with laminate is done with a mop, the attachment of which has long protruding loops - this attachment captures debris well, removes dust and dirt, and is convenient to wash due to the special arrangement of the loops. If the floor is very dirty, cleaning is done with a mop with an attachment that has shorter loops. Such nozzles collect debris more thoroughly, and the fringe sewn into the center allows you to effectively remove fine dust.

A steam mop can also be considered a universal mop for laminate flooring. Moreover, the use of various attachments allows you not only to care for the floor covering, but also to disinfect plumbing fixtures, clean carpets, wash windows and tiles.

Laminate is the most common floor covering, which is characterized by excellent performance characteristics and an optimal price. Many experienced owners are faced with one problem: how and how to properly care for a laminate floor. In the century high technology a rag dampened with water is not relevant.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about which mop is best for washing lamites. Since low-quality equipment leads to scratches, stains and various deformations.

Laminate floor care requirements

You are probably wondering one question: what difference does it make what and how to wash it? You can just use a regular squeegee and rags. But this is not so; modern floor coverings put forward a number of requirements for caring for their surface.

  1. The amount of water that falls on the surface should be minimal, and this indicator does not depend on the class of the laminate.
  2. The material should not be hard, but softer and more delicate. Since intense mechanical impact can lead to scratches and gradual abrasion of the coating.
  3. Use of special cleaning products. The washing solution must have a neutral pH and not contain abrasive particles (sodium carbonate or other salts). Experts advise buying polishes and detergents recommended by the manufacturer. Experienced housewives compare the compositions of branded products and inexpensive ones. And they buy analogues.

The question of purchasing a mop for cleaning laminate flooring arises urgently in houses and apartments in which up to 80% of the floors are covered with this floor covering.

Types of mops

Specialty mops are technologically advanced mops. They are more compact, convenient and made of lightweight plastic with various attachments for washing. Brushes do various shapes and are made from special microfiber material.

Experts warn you not to buy brushes with Velcro, they have a short service life. IN Lately appeared on store shelves a large number of mops for washing laminate flooring, we will consider the main types:

There is another type of mop - these are mops for washing laminate floors with a spin cycle. Usually supplied with a bucket. Made in the form of butterfly wings or an envelope.

The attachments are made from microfiber, cellulose, and sponges of different densities. It is not recommended to use rope attachments for laminate flooring, as a lot of water remains on it after spinning.

But their package always includes:

  • Bucket (maybe two buckets).
  • The base is on wheels, with a convenient handle for movement.
  • Spin block.
  • Mop.

The platform of these mops rotates 360 degrees.

  1. Steam mops. As we understand, progress does not stand still. And many manufacturers keep up with the times and offer devices that run on water vapor. We will take this topic a little beyond a simple discussion and talk about it in more detail below.

Of all the above types of mops, for home use it is best to choose a universal mop. Since it can clean the surface of ceramic tiles, parquet, laminate, linoleum, etc.

Brief description of mop heads

The most main feature attachments is that they can be purchased separately from the mop. Now we will look at the main types of nozzles and give them a brief description.

It should be noted here that the dimensions of the platforms and fastening of the nozzles are of the same standard from most manufacturers. Therefore, most nozzles are the same size.

You should also properly care for the attachments, only then will they last a long time. They should be washed or rinsed periodically in clean water (see instructions) and then dried.

There is another classification of nozzles according to the type of cleaning:

  • Nozzles for dry cleaning.
  • Nozzles for wet cleaning.
  • Universal, designed for any surface and any type of cleaning

Steam Mop

As we said above, we brought this type of mop into the discussion, because ordinary mops (household, universal or professional) are equipment, that is, a simple tool.

A steam mop is a complex device that weighs an average of 2 kg and has a half-liter water tank. That is, water is brought to a boil and, under high pressure, hits the surface of the laminate floor. This steam jet removes even old stains.

The most important advantage is that no detergents are required to clean the floor. And also during steam washing, disinfection occurs immediately. Steam kills most bacteria and microorganisms.

So its use is mandatory in the presence of small children and people suffering from allergies. The steam generator may come with different attachments. Or they can be purchased separately.

These attachments will help you clean your bathroom, toilets, sinks, and various other surfaces. In a word, we can say that this is a universal device designed for cleaning and washing various surfaces.

The disadvantages include the high cost. You should only take trusted brands. Another drawback is that you must strictly follow the instructions, since violating the rules and regulations will lead to damage to the laminate.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to:

  1. Power cord length. To avoid using extension cords and carrying cables, it is advisable to choose models with a long power cord.
  2. Weight. Everything is clear here less weight, the easier it is to operate them.
  3. Working hours. This means continuous work, it should be 30-40 minutes.
  4. Versatility and mobility. Some models can be easily removed and disassembled, which allows you to use them for cleaning clothes, bathtubs, curtains and much more.

Instructions for use.

  1. We fill the container with the required amount of water up to the mark, while the mop should be disconnected from the power supply.
  2. Set the required mode on the handle of the device. To clean laminate floors, a weak (low) or medium level of steam supply is sufficient.
  3. Turn on the steam mop electrical network and begin to move along the surface of the floor.

If you are afraid that the steam coming out of the nozzles will harm your laminated coating, then you can use special wipes.

How to choose a mop for laminate flooring

Below we will give a few practical advice, based on which you can choose the right mop.

If you need to dry clean or polish the surface, it is best to use a laminate brush or a mop with a wool attachment. A wool or cotton nozzle perfectly collects dust from the surface.

As we see, there are many small nuances that should always be taken into account.

Instructions on how to properly wash laminate flooring

As we said above, cleaning and detergents should not contain small and abrasive particles, as they can cause irreparable damage to the coating.

We remove dust and pieces of dirt from the surface. To do this, you can use a broom or vacuum cleaner with soft attachments. Brushes in the form of vacuum cleaner attachments will not damage the surface of the laminate.

We dilute a special composition for washing laminates clean water, according to instructions. In order to make sure that the product is absolutely safe for coating, you can try it on a small piece.

You can use a traditional washing solution. To do this we mix 500 ml. vinegar in 5 l. pure water. There are no streaks left from this composition.

Then we take the prepared solution and wet the nozzle, squeeze it out and start washing the floor. We try to rinse the rag (nozzle) as often as possible.

Difficult to remove stains are best treated with special liquids containing ethyl alcohol or acetone.

All you need to do is simply drop a few drops onto the stain, wait 3-5 minutes, and wipe with a rag. These products are sold in almost any hardware store.


We can conclude that if you want to maintain and keep the surface of your laminate floor clean and in good condition for as long as possible, then you should definitely buy a mop for cleaning laminate floors.

When choosing, you should rely on the knowledge and information you received in this article. The main thing is that this equipment is convenient and functional.

Modern floor coverings require special care products. One of them is a mop for laminate flooring; which one is best is up to the consumer to decide. There are many types of this device. Each of them is good in its own way and has a number of advantages, but the final choice is up to the hostess. Such a unit must meet all the requirements of both the owner and the laminate flooring manufacturer in order to maintain the durability of the product.

Selection requirements

First of all, you should read the instructions that come with the laminate. Depending on the manufacturing technology and the purpose of the coating, basic care will be carried out for it. Its thickness, method of fastening and joining, moisture resistance remain the most important criteria.

Please note that this type of floor must be treated with moisture with extreme caution. Otherwise, water seeping into the seams will cause swelling and further unsuitability of the laminate. Therefore, it is better to choose a mop with a spin cycle to prevent such troubles.

The material from which the nozzle is made should be quite soft so as not to scratch the floor. At the same time, there should be no stains left that look unsightly after cleaning. Microfiber has all these qualities and is worth paying attention to. Such an important assistant to housewives should absorb moisture perfectly and dry out fairly quickly.

When choosing a mop, you should know that these items are divided into certain types: household, universal, professional, and there are also steam cleaners suitable for cleaning apartments.

Household version of the product

This type is the most budget-friendly and is suitable for cleaning rooms of any size, but it is best to stick to home use. Among the conveniences, it is worth noting a special retractable handle. This design allows you to create the required length for any height. The set also includes 3 types of attachments. They are designed for dry, wet cleaning, and the universal option is designed for any method of removing dirt.

Manufacturers also provide materials for nozzles to choose from. It can be cotton, wool or microfiber. Each option works well in its own way. But recently microfiber has become the leader. This fabric has a number of advantages. It is soft, durable and light at the same time. Capable of absorbing moisture as quickly as possible. Performs the function of a polish, leaving shine and shine on the floor. It is very easy to care for and durable.

You should thoroughly wash any of the attachments after finishing cleaning, but do not dry them on a radiator or radiator in order to preserve all their properties. Before wet cleaning, you need to collect all possible dust and debris from the mop with a dry cloth. This will allow you to carry out hygiene procedures as efficiently as possible and maintain cleanliness for a long time.

Universal type

It works great on any surface, and this is an undeniable advantage. With its help, you can easily remove various types of contamination not only from laminate, but also from tiles, wood, glass and other surfaces. It is equipped with all kinds of attachments designed to make the owner’s life much easier.

The mop has a triangular-shaped nozzle, the material of which is natural rubber, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently absorb moisture. There is a rubber scraper that allows you to remove excess liquid from the coating.

The attachments are available in 3 different variations. It is recommended to perform dry cleaning using a fluffy option with long pile. Extended hinges allow you to capture dust and debris from different directions and speed up the process of removing them.

The nozzle for wet exposure is presented in the form of a sponge with a fairly short pile. It should be tightly packed so that it removes all wet marks and does not leave streaks. The third type has short loops that are capable of both sweeping and washing the floor.

All devices are attached with Velcro, and at the end of the manipulations they can be removed and washed. Over time, small pellets will begin to form on the flat sponge, but they do not affect the quality of the cleaning process.

A universal mop will save money and time, so it is considered one of the best options. Its ability to remove all kinds of dirt makes the mop a favorite.

Professional cleaning kit

This professional mop is designed for cleaning large spaces over 100 m².

It provides a telescopic handle that extends to approximately 2 m in length. The harvesting platform rotates 360°. This the necessary conditions, in order to reach the most remote corners of the premises.

The included bucket should have a wringing surface, which will allow less contact with water, while the mop will remain slightly damp. Various attachments can be added to help clean windows and surfaces made of different materials.

If you have a small area, purchasing such a unit does not make sense.

Modern steam cleaners

On the market household appliances Steam cleaners that are designed for cleaning premises have long been introduced. Such means have a number of disadvantages and advantages. The operating time of the steam mop should not exceed 30-40 minutes. This is the key to high-quality and durable service. You should pay attention to the length of the cord; it should be sufficient to use the device at least when cleaning one large room.

The weight of the device depends on maximum number water, which can be poured into a special tank. You should not take it too heavy so that you will have difficulty moving it when cleaning.

When using a steam mop on laminate flooring, select medium power to avoid damaging the coating. You can’t move the device too quickly, otherwise it simply won’t have time to soften and remove dirt.

Laminate has high wear resistance, but still requires carefully selected cleaning equipment in order to maintain its presentable appearance longer. Now they are presented in a large assortment, and it is difficult to settle on any specific specimen. To simplify this task, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the main options and their features.

Choosing a mop: 5 criteria

To understand which mop is best for washing laminate flooring, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the washing tool itself and the room for which it is purchased:

Photo Recommendations

Criterion 1. Material of the washing unit body

It can be made of plastic, aluminum or wood. The first option is most preferable, ensuring lightness and mobility of the entire structure.

Criterion 2. Spin modes

Spin functions differ depending on the type of structure: it can be a twisting mechanism or a “butterfly”, with an automatic or manual lever.

Some models are equipped with a special compartment with a mesh in the bucket for manual spinning. The more technologically advanced the unit, the higher its price, which should be taken into account when looking for budget options.

Criterion 3. Size of working washing surface

The wide and thick nozzle is ideal for apartments and large areas.

If you have a small home and a lot of furniture that is difficult to move, pay attention to thin and 360° rotating nozzles that can penetrate any hard-to-reach places.

Criterion 4. Material and type of nozzle

Can be made of microfiber, cotton or rubber (sponge surface).

They look like long loops connected with tape, which make it easier to collect dirt from the floor surface. Or it is a solid fabric that practically does not leave moisture and stains.

Criterion 5. New technologies

A automate and simplify household work.

If you value time, and the high price (within 2-5 thousand rubles) for a high-quality unit does not scare you at all, then a steam mop or steam generator (steam cleaner) will effectively cope with washing floors and other surfaces, including upholstered furniture, while simultaneously providing them with disinfection.

To ensure that the mop for cleaning laminate flooring does not leave streaks or other marks, move the mop along the direction of the pattern on the floor.

Mop with wooden base

An ordinary mop with a wooden base is not popular now, as it is considered obsolete. For the most part, it is used by fans of products made from natural materials, or by organizations for cleaning industrial premises.

However, wooden floor cleaning equipment has obvious advantages:

  • simplicity of design;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • economy.

This unit does not require frequent replacement of attachments, like all other options; moreover, the kit often comes with a replaceable bristle brush.

The price of the product in a hardware store will be only 100 rubles, but it is not always convenient to use due to the lack of a spin system and poor accessibility in hard-to-reach places.

Mop with loops

This is a plastic handle with long loops at the end, which are most often made of cotton or polyester. With a manual or automatic spin system, this universal mop is suitable for cleaning premises from any type of dirt, be it dust or stubborn stains.

Price unit costs on average 500–700 rubles.

Butterfly mop

The butterfly squeezing mechanism can be found most often in stores. Many have already appreciated this design, which allows you to quickly and effortlessly remove excess moisture from the nozzle by squeezing the nozzle on both sides.

There are 3 options for the surface of the nozzle:

  • microfiber;
  • cotton;
  • spongy surface.

The first two materials are more suitable for repeated use, since such material is easy to wash. A sponge surface is better at removing old marks or stains, but it can also quickly become unusable and require replacement.

Often, such products have a rotating nozzle; by choosing the appropriate thickness, you can clean dirt from hard-to-reach places and under low furniture. Simple instructions Using the “butterfly” allows you to make cleaning not only high-quality, but also quick.

Price devices cost on average 800–1500 rubles.

Steam unit

The steam mop is still gaining popularity, but has already shown its effectiveness not only in cleaning large rooms, but also in disinfecting the treated areas (floors and upholstered furniture) by supplying hot steam.

In addition, cleaning time is reduced due to the fact that there is no need to rinse and wring out the nozzle; you just need to add water.

High price– approximately 2500–4000 rubles depending on the model.

Note! The hot steam function can be quite dangerous due to the possibility of burns, so be careful when cleaning.


I hope that the information described will help you figure out on your own which mop to choose for laminate flooring. We have discussed their main types and design features.

More visual instructions for choosing are in the video in this article. I invite you to comment if you have anything to add on the topic or want to ask a question.

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