Emin Agalarov, biography, news, photos. The story of Araz Agalarov - one of the “kings of Russian real estate Aras Agalarov and his mistress

The public is always interested in women who long years live with very wealthy men. One of these ladies is Irina Agalarova, whose biography, date of birth, details of her personal life constantly attract the attention of journalists and the general public. Let's talk about some of its details life path and about her worldview.

The beginning of the way

Most ladies, especially those who have crossed a certain age limit, try not to advertise their age. Irina Agalarova is no exception, whose date of birth is classified as classified information. However, simple arithmetic operations allow us to determine the approximate time of her birth; this is 1955-1956. A girl was born into a family of mountain Jews named Grill, in the Azerbaijani city of Baku. Irina Agalarova, whose nationality was never a reason for her to think about, grew up in an international environment and the Azerbaijani traditions are closest to her in life.


While still at school, Irina Agalarova (photo attached) met a classmate and a strong mutual sympathy arose between them. After school, each of the young people went their own way. Irina entered the Pedagogical Institute, Araz entered the Polytechnic Institute. However, this did not destroy their feelings for each other. And in their last year of university, the lovers got married. And for almost 40 years now, the Agalarovs have been happily married.

This, of course, is the great merit of a real woman - Irina Agalarova. She says that the secret of family longevity is “sincerity of feelings and a little intelligence”; she believes that you should not conflict on any issue, but should always strive for compromise and harmony. Irina has put her family first all her life, although she cannot sit idle.

Agalarova’s husband is today a major entrepreneur, owner of the Crocus Group company. He began his career at a research institute, then worked in the city party committee. In 1983, he was sent to Moscow, and Irina, without hesitation, went with her little son to pick up her husband. With the beginning of perestroika, Irina’s husband began doing business - selling souvenirs in the USA. In 1989, he and his father-in-law created the Crocus Group company, and later the family decided to move permanently to America.

In the early 2000s, the husband’s business required his constant presence in Russia, and a period began when the family lived in two countries. Irina alternates her stay in the USA with life in Russia. She says that the separation only strengthened her and her husband's feelings for each other. Although he admits that it was very difficult. She missed her husband and was jealous of him, but she also couldn’t be separated from her children for long. When the children grew up, Irina packed her things again and moved to Moscow to be with her husband.

Irina says that her husband is a democratic and sensitive person. He always listened to her wishes and did not put pressure on her. As an example, she gives a story about how she dreamed of having a house by the sea, where she could relax with her little son. And Agalarov built such a house, although the family did not yet have excess funds.


Irina Agalarova, a biography whose nationality is of such interest to the public, has always considered her family Azerbaijani. In the traditions of this culture, children are the most important thing in the family. Therefore, Irina always considered raising children to be her main task. The Agalarovs had two children: Emin in 1979 and Sheila in 1987. The family tried to give the children the best, but at the same time they did not spoil them, but raised them seriously. When the Agalarovs realized that in perestroika Moscow it was difficult to find a good education for their son, they sent him to Switzerland. And after moving to the USA, they sent me to an American school. Since 2001, Emin has been working in a family business. Since 2006, he has been engaged in a singing career. Irina notes that her son has always been musical, so it is not surprising that he began to study vocals.

Daughter Sheila studied at American school fashion and design. And Irina lived in two countries. She lived on constant flights, as she was needed by both her husband in Moscow and her daughter in the USA. When Sheila grew up, Irina moved to Moscow.

Irina Agalarova is a wonderful mother, she is friends with her children, knows well about their problems and difficulties, and always supports them in any situation. Emin Agalarov always speaks very tenderly and reverently about his mother.


Every woman experiences three main roles: wife, mother and grandmother. They say that the third role is the most conscious and deep, and Irina Agalarova is proof of this. Biography, nationality, income - all this does not play any role when we talk about grandmothers. Irina passionately loves her two grandchildren Ali and Mikail. They were born in the first marriage of her son Emin with the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla. This marriage has already broken up, but Irina continues to communicate with her grandchildren. She also considers Emina’s adopted daughter, Leila’s daughter, Amina, to be her own granddaughter. Despite being very busy, she spends a lot of time with her children and they often visit their grandmother.


Modern women often cannot imagine their lives completely idle, and so is Irina Agalarova. A woman’s biography, nationality, and family are often studied, but few people know that she is also a working lady. At the beginning of its family life Irina did not consider it necessary for herself to sit at home, and went to work at the school where she taught English language. Later in Moscow she got a job as a translator at the Ministry of Consumer Services. Only when a second child appeared in the family did she become a housewife for some time. But later she decided to go into business. Together with a friend, she opened a beauty salon in the USA, and then two more Olivia beauty salons in Moscow. But she soon parted ways with the American business. In 2015, Agalarova decided to try her hand at trading and opened a fur store where exclusive fur coats will be sold.


The wife of a wealthy entrepreneur, Irina Agalarova, whose biography, whose nationality is always viewed through the prism of her husband’s success and fame, always says that her main concern is family. In addition, she devotes quite a lot of time to sports. She enjoys tennis and swimming. Unlike many women, she does not like shopping, although she knows how to appreciate beautiful things and always follows fashion trends when choosing clothes for herself. Despite the fact that Irina often has to take long flights, she does not like traveling. Just like her husband, she is a homebody. For her, there is nothing better than a family evening when her husband and children are nearby. All her dreams are always connected with children; she wants their life to turn out no worse than hers.

Life principles

Irina Agalarova, whose nationality implies special wisdom, says that her main slogan is: “No one can change, but everyone can become better.” She believes that every person should constantly work on themselves and expand their horizons. By the way, she also sees this as a guarantee that the husband will not lose interest in his wife.

Message quote Agalarov Empire

Emin Agalarov, son of Aras Agalarov, owner Crocus Group/Crocus Group, divorced his wife Leyla, daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. They lived together for 9 years, they have two children, sons Ali and Mikhail. And so it all started well...

"It's no secret to many that our marriage with Leila last years was of a formal nature. We have been living separately for a long time, different cities. It was time to make our divorce official, which we did. We remain friends and continue to raise our children together,” Emin Agalarov wrote on his Instagram.

The marriage was registered in 2006, rumored to be against the wishes of Leyla’s father, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. In December 2008, Emin Agalarov's wife gave birth to twin boys Ali and Mikail. But, as life has shown, children were never able to hold the family together forever.

Emin Aras ogly Agalarov genus. in Baku December 12, 1979 - Russian entrepreneur, singer, musician. Better known by his stage name - Emin. In 1983 he moved to Moscow with his parents. From 1994 to 2001 he lived in the USA. He graduated from Marymount Manhattan College (New York) with a diploma in business management in finance.

Musical activities

On April 22, 2006 he released his first music album "Still".

The next three albums, Incredible, Obsession and Devotion, were released in Russia in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Albums “Wonder” (2010) and “After The Thunder” (2012) international releases.

Performance at Eurovision 2012

On May 28, 2012, the international release of the album “After The Thunder” took place in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Greece and Russia. The album was created with the support of producer Brian Rowling.

On September 23, 2012, Emin became a special guest at Jennifer Lopez’s concert in Baku, performing several compositions from the album “After the Thunder,” as well as Muslim Magomayev’s song “Blue Eternity.”

I really like Emin, he is a very talented young man

Entrepreneurial activity

Vice President of Crocus Group, one of the largest development companies in Russia. Heads commercial projects: shopping complex Crocus City Mall and concert hall Crocus City Hall included in the structure of the multifunctional trade and exhibition center Crocus City, a network of shopping and entertainment complexes Vegas, restaurants Nobu, Zafferano, Shore House, Edoko, Rose Bar, development project Sea Breeze Resort(Azerbaijan, Nardaran).

Crocus Group/Crocus group- one of the leading development companies in Russia, founded in 1989, general contractor for the construction of facilities at the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island. The total area of ​​completed projects exceeds 1.9 million m². The total number of employees is about 6 thousand people. The company's headquarters is located in Moscow. Turnover: $870 million (2008).

Owner of company - entrepreneurAras Agalarov

The president— Aras Agalarov, vice president— Emin Agalarov

Crocus City combines retail, entertainment, business and exhibition areas into a single complex with a common architectural solution on a single space of 90 hectares.

The company Crocus Group (JSC Crocus) manages real estate with a total area of ​​1.9 million m², including:

Multifunctional complex "Crocus City"

Located in Krasnogorsk, next to the Moscow Ring Road between Novorizhskoye and Volokolamsk highways on the banks of the Moscow River, on the territory of the complex there is the Myakinino metro station. Crocus City includes:

International Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo"

(549,000 m², 3 pavilions, 49 conference rooms)

6,000-seat Crocus City Hall concert hall (4,500 m²)

Crocus City Hall is a multi-level concert hall located on the territory of the Crocus City business center in Moscow. The hall was opened on October 25, 2009 by entrepreneur Aras Agalarov and named after his friend, singer Muslim Magomayev.

M. M. Magomaev Concert hall/Crocus City Hall

The hall is designed for events of various sizes and directions: from concerts of Russian and world stars, major festivals and official ceremonies, show programs, performances, fashion shows, proms, charity concerts to congresses, business forums, conferences and seminars.

If necessary, the large auditorium can be transformed into a small one with a capacity of 2173 people (parterre and amphitheater). The ground area (573 m²) is also transformable and can be used to organize a dance floor for 1,700 spectators (with this format, the maximum capacity of the hall is 7,233 people) or to set up tables (corporate events, social events, etc.). The average configuration of the hall is designed for 3228 or 4290 spectators, depending on whether the dance floor is organized in the stalls.

Jean Michel Jarre concert in Crocus City 10/18/11

Crocus City Hall is called the most popular concert venue in Russia. In almost five years since its opening, more than 3.4 million spectators have attended over 700 events. More than a hundred world-class stars gave concerts at Crocus City Hall: Dream Theater, Sting, Elton John, Jennifer Lopez, Engelbert Humperdinck, Sade, Jamiroquai, Robert Plant, Ringo Starr, Scorpions, Lana Del Rey, Jose Carreras, Ennio Morricone, Placido Domingo , Julio Iglesias, Seal, Garbage, Mötley Crüe, Chris Rea, Roxette, Maroon 5, ERA, Pitbull, Enrique Iglesias, Garou, Alice Cooper, Gary Moore, Tori Amos, Salvatore Adamo, Jean-Michel Jarre, Carlos Santana, Vanessa May, Natalia Oreiro, Palast Orchester & Max Raabe, Bryan Ferry, Backstreet Boys, ZZ Top, Apocalyptica, Dead Can Dance, Nazareth, Nightwish, Whitesnake, Serj Tankian, Pet Shop Boys, Eros Ramazzotti, Nick Cave, Kenny G, Joe Cocker, Goran Bregovic, Al Gerro, Chris de Burgh, 3 Doors Down, ZAZ, Bebe, Ben l"Oncle Soul, London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Demi Lovato, Yanni, Jethro Tull, Thomas Anders, Chuck Berry, Morten Harket, Jonas Brothers, Adam Lambert, The XX, Regina Spektor, James Blunt, Demi Lovato, Boyz II Men, Il Divo, Bryan Adams, Michael Bolton, Patricia Kaas, Cesaria Evora and others.

Russian pop stars staged their concerts at Crocus City Hall: Lev Leshchenko, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Grigory Leps, Valery Meladze, Valeria, Nikolai Noskov, Igor Matvienko, Alexander Gradsky, Raymond Pauls, Ilya Reznik, Zhanna Aguzarova, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Elena Vaenga, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Nadezhda Babkina, Alena Sviridova, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Serov, Sergey Lazarev, Dima Bilan, Vitas, Emin, VIA Gra, MakSim, Yuri Shatunov, Guf, Nyusha, Vintage, Pelageya, Basta, Timati and others.

Rock bands and rock performers also performed here: Zemfira, Leningrad, Lyapis Trubetskoy, Aquarium, Splin, Bi-2, DDT, ChaiF, U-Piter, “Ocean Elzy”, “Surganova and the Orchestra”, Pelageya, Diana Arbenina and “Night Snipers”, Garik Sukachev and “The Untouchables”, “Time Machine”, “Resurrection”, “Picnic”, “Chizh & Co”, “Vopli Vidoplyasova” ", "Kipelov", Gorky Park, "SerGa", "Lube", "Bravo", "Accident" and others.

Shopping complex Crocus City Mall

Crocus City Mall (62,000 m²)

Shore House, yacht club and restaurant

A joint project Emina Agalarova and Arkadia Novikova - Moscow jet setter Shore House (1,688 m2) with a beach (2,546 m2), two outdoor pools (325 m2 and 354 m2) and a shady veranda - an excellent example of Mediterranean minimalism - white walls, oak floors, leather and wicker furniture, a magnificent kitchen - unprecedented in terms of the variety of summer entertainment. Yachts, boats, restaurant, veranda, pier, outdoor swimming pool. Shore House is a place for fans of coastal landscapes, simple European interiors, oriental cuisine, active recreation and entertainment.

The yacht club has 5 berths for 110 yachts and boats, guest accommodations, and a technical area with a slipway.

The terrace of the Shore House restaurant is equipped with a four-meter outdoor swimming pool sea ​​water And own bar. Azerbaijani and Japanese cuisine from Baku resident Shahin Mammadova is complemented by the yacht club’s entertainment menu: test drives on water, air and motor tracks, a wakeboard, navigation and water ski school, motorbike and jet ski rental.

Multifunctional housing and business complex

Country estate Agalarov Estate

Spread over 350 hectares and set in the surrounding conservation landscape, the estate, managed by Troon Golf experts, consists of a magnificent 18-hole golf course (6,492 m2; par 71), completely recreated by American architect Cal Olson Club House (5,500 m 2) with humidor rooms, Troon Golf Academy, Beach Club (1,330 m2) with a pier for quiet electric boats, an indoor sports complex (5,000 m2; three outdoor and three indoor tennis courts, a field for mini- football, bowling, hammam, gym), Hotel & Spa (6,380 m2; 41 rooms), Sabun Nga Spa (1,471 m2), three restaurants.

Agalarov House/residential complex "Agalarov House"

The premium club house Agalarov House is located on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, house 19 built in 1997.

Agalarov House includes 34 unique apartments with a total area of ​​11,600 m² with exclusive infrastructure: an 18-meter swimming pool, Russian and Turkish baths, four levels of underground parking. Agalarov House is included in the list of the most prestigious residential complexes in Moscow, where people prefer to live famous businessmen, politicians and creative figures.

Sea Breeze premium village on the Caspian Sea

Crocus Group is developing the Caspian Riviera. Located a 30-minute drive from the center of Baku, the premium village Sea Breeze in Nardaran is a real Caspian miracle. 70 residences (from 200 to 1000 m2), 40 townhouses (from 300 m2 to 400 m2), private apartments in a snow-white apart-hotel. From the windows of each villa there is a magnificent view of the Caspian Sea.

Shopping and entertainment complex Vegas/TRK "VEGAS-City"

VEGAS is the largest shopping and entertainment complex in Russia with a total area of ​​480,000 m2 (sales area 134,731 m2) and one of the most significant new generation projects in the international retail real estate market. VEGAS is the first and only thematic shopping mall in the country, combined with an extreme amusement park: for the first time, an 18-meter Ferris wheel and a “fall tower” attraction (19 m) in the center of the ice arena are organized in an enclosed space of a shopping center.

One Vegas on Kashirskoye Highway (Kashirskoye Mall), 24 km MKAD

A network of thematic shopping and entertainment centers: VEGAS-Kashirskoe Highway, VEGAS - Crocus City, 66 km of the Moscow Ring Road and VEGAS-Kuntsevo (scheduled to open in 2017).

The Vegas shopping center on Kashirskoe Highway is a real shopping city with thematic streets: "Night Ginza Street" (7,800 sq. m.), " East market"(6200 sq m), "Fashion Avenue" (102,000 sq m) and "Jewelers Street" (1350 sq m). Entertainment: multiplex cinema "Luxor" (5200 sq m), including several digital 3-D halls , and indoor entertainment theme park extreme attractions (5000 sq m) with a 5-D cinema

For the first time, an eighteen-meter Ferris wheel, a fall tower attraction, family Entertainment Center, skating rink, cafes, restaurants.

Vegas Crocus City opened in June 2014

Agalarov father and son

There are two chain restaurants here "Edoko" and "Zafferano", legendary restaurant Nobu, Rose Bar and a new restaurant project by Crocus Group - Forte Bello. In addition, VEGAS Crocus City will house an oceanarium, the largest cinema in Europe “Karo-Film” (22 halls) and the second concert venue on the territory of Crocus City - VEGAS City Hall. An ice skating rink with an area of ​​more than 700 square meters will be built in the Rockefeller Center atrium.


Nobu is one of the most recognizable, internationally recognized restaurant brands, famous for its special innovative style of Japanese signature cuisine. Nobu was opened 21 years ago in New York by the famous American actor Robert De Niro and chef Nobu Matsuhisa, the man who literally re-created Japanese cuisine. Since then, Nobu's dishes have been driving us crazy. Hollywood stars and celebrities.

Attempts to open a Nobu branch in Moscow were made by famous metropolitan restaurateurs several times, but only the Agalarov family managed to convince the great chef that the quality of food and level of service in the new restaurant could be as high as in the entire chain. In April 2009 Nobu Moscow opened its doors to the capital's public. The project was the result of a partnership between Nobu Matsuhisa, Robert De Niro, Meyer Teper, Aras and Emin Agalarov. On March 23, 2015, the second Nobu restaurant opened in Moscow, in the Crocus City Mall shopping center.

For a long time, people have been interested in how their neighbors, relatives and other families around them live. In the modern world, one of these niches is rightfully occupied by well-known and popular personalities, about which people are ready to talk for days on end, discussing who had how many wives and husbands, who earns and spends how, where they relax and how to promote themselves. But one of the most sensitive topics is considered to be the marriages of celebrity personalities, or rather, interethnic marriages among celebrities. The most interesting thing is how strong and sincere such relationships are; this is exactly the question that the experts from the department of the “Stock Leader” publication thought about.

Ani Lorak - Ukrainian singer married Murata Nalchadzhioglu, who is Turkish by origin. Last year their daughter Sofia was born.

Russian singer Grigory Leps (Lepsveridze) he himself is Georgian, and his other half Anna Shaplykova is herself Russian by nationality. Despite the different nationalities and age difference, she gave birth to her beloved husband two daughters, Nicole and Eva, as well as little Ivan. In addition, Gregory has an eldest daughter from his first marriage, Inga, she is 27 years old.

Russian performer Safina is Tatar by nationality, but her husband, Yan Abramov, is Jewish by nationality. And yet the couple gets along for many years. Their daughters Safina and Mikella are growing up.

Famous in singer Zarifa Pashaevna Mgoyan (Zara) is of Yazidi origin. Yazidis are ethnic Kurds. She was the wife of the son of the St. Petersburg governor Valentina Matvienko. In that marriage, she decided to convert to Orthodoxy. The current husband Sergei Ivanov is Russian. The couple's wedding took place four years ago, the couple has two children: Maxim and Daniil.

- Nadezhda Mikhalkova herself is Russian by nationality, while her husband Rezo Giginishvili a native of Georgia. And yet, there are rarely disagreements in this couple; the couple’s daughter Nini is growing up. It is worth noting that before this marriage, Rezo was married to Anastasia Kochetkova, with whom they had a daughter together.

- Anastasia Prikhodko, a singer from Ukraine, married an Abkhazian, Nuri Kuhilava, and gave birth to his daughter Nana. The couple broke up last year but have now reunited.

- Abraham Russo (Abraham Zhanovich Ipdzhiyan) was born in, has Armenian origin. His is Morela Fredman, the family also has a daughter, Emanuella Russo, six years old.

The famous athlete, tennis player Anna Kournikova from Russia, is now an American citizen. For 9 years now he has been building his personal relationship with a popular performer all over the world. Inrique Iglesias.

- Timur Bekmambetov, screenwriter, film director, music video director was born in the Kazakh-Jewish family. His wife Varvara Avdyushko is Russian by nationality. Before this marriage, they had already managed to get burned in their first family relationships, where their daughters were born.

- Araz Iskanderoglu Agalarov- businessman, head of the Crocus Group of companies. This year it ranks 61st in the Forbes ranking. He himself is Azerbaijani, and his wife Mountain Jewess Irina Agalarova. The couple has a son, Emin, and a daughter, Sheila.

Rinat Akhmetov is a businessman, billionaire, industrialist, the wealthiest person in Ukraine, head of the Shakhtar football club. He is Tatar by nationality, and his wife Liliya Nikolaevna Russian. The couple has two sons Almir and Damir.

Vagit Alekperov is a manager and entrepreneur. Having a personal fortune of $13.9 billion last year, he took 8th position among the TOP 200 most richest entrepreneurs RF from Forbes. His father is Azerbaijani by nationality, and his mother is Russian. Alekperov is married to Larisa Viktorovna Alekperova. They have a son, Yusuf, 22 years old.

The marriages of some of the artists became less successful, although people from different nationalities did not always get along

Singer Sogdiana, whose real name is Oksana Vladimirovna Nechitailo, According to existing information, she is from Ukraine, but was born in Uzbekistan. Husband Bashir Kushtov is Ingush by origin, he is 17 years older than his wife. The singer gave birth to his tenth child. Sogdina herself gave birth to her first child, Arjun, from her first husband, with whom she divorced with great scandal, the Hindu Rama.

Yana Rudkovskaya was married to a Russian businessman for 7 years Viktor Baturin, with whom she raised his son from his second marriage, Andrei. She also gave birth to his son Nikolai. Subsequently, the couple’s breakup was very loud and even scandalous. Meanwhile, both Yana and Victor were born and raised in

When were you born in famous family, then he is practically doomed to be “the son of such and such” or “the daughter of so and so.” This feeling can either destroy your life, or, conversely, force you to prove to everyone that you are talented in your own right.

Emin Agalarov is primarily the son of Aras Agalarov, who created a luxury empire called Crocus City, a huge mall built outside the Moscow Ring Road. Having received an excellent education, Emin became the commercial director of Crocus City Mall. But, apparently, the painfully familiar whispering behind my back (“of course, daddy has already done everything for him”) did not allow Emin to sleep peacefully. And he decided to discover new talents in himself. I already knew that Emin has a sure-fire way to make any girl fall in love with him - take her to a karaoke bar and sing there. How many women's hearts were broken by My Way performed by him!

Digressing a little, I want to say that karaoke in Moscow is a whole world with its own laws and favorites, closed, unfortunately, to voiceless people like me. It turns out that, like good gamblers, known by name and merit, “karaoke players” are a special caste in which there is no place for strangers... As for Emin, having learned that on April 30 he will marry Leyla Aliyeva, the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, I did not I was surprised. Although he is not a sea siren, he sings no worse!

Apparently, moving from a free life to a family life, Emin decided to move from karaoke to the big stage. A week before the wedding, he invited me to the presentation of his first disc. The entrance to the hall was decorated simply but tastefully: huge black and white photos from the first video by Emin Agalarov, directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk and cameraman Maxim Osadchiy. The best equipment was on stage - not every Kirkorov has this! There are only family friends in the hall, among whom are many stars: Vinokur and Leshchenko, Katya Lel with her boyfriend Igor, Zhanna Friske - alone, as always, but in stunning jeans, Timothy, Lada Dance and Ksenia Virganskaya-Gorbacheva.

Emin, as befits a star, came out late, but sang very soulfully. It was nice to see how happy his parents were. Irina Iosifovna Agalarova was the very first to come out with a huge bouquet of roses. “This is my mother,” the singer said modestly. In the video, which was shown on big screens, Emin was sad and hugged with beauties, apparently saying goodbye to his single life. I don’t know if his fiancee liked the clip, but during the concert she looked at the performer himself without stopping.

The songs turned out really beautiful and lyrical. I was glad to learn that Emin wrote 6 of the 12 songs on his first solo album himself, because it is so unusual when a man, instead of football and hunting, chooses writing poetry and music as a hobby. The only thing you need to know when meeting Aliyev’s future son-in-law is: why is the album of such a successful young man called Still or, as he himself translates, “For the time being”?

Emin Agalarov – famous singer, businessman, organizer music festivals. With the help of his talent, perseverance and hard work, he managed to conquer the heights not only in commerce, but also to win recognition from the capricious and fickle show business. Not everything in his career and personal life went smoothly, but he was used to achieving everything on his own, going through a sea of ​​failures in order to achieve oceans of success.

Biography of Emin Agalarov

Emin Aras Ogly Agalarov was born in Azerbaijan, in the city of Baku. His parents knew each other since school. After school, my father entered the Polytechnic Institute, and my mother entered the Pedagogical Institute. Having received higher education, the couple decided to get married. In December 1979, they had their first child, Emin, then the family was replenished with a daughter, Sheila.

Emin in childhood

Joint photos with Muslim Magomayev

In 1983, the Agalarov family decided to move to Moscow. They settled not in the quietest area of ​​the capital - Chertanovo. At some time, Emin’s dad noticed that the boy had gotten involved with bad company. To protect his son from wrong acquaintances, Aras Agalarov decided to send him to a Swiss boarding school. Educational establishments Such a plan is known for its strict rules; they teach independence early, provide excellent knowledge and develop a strong character.

Until the age of 15, the guy was in conditions close to those in the army. But, despite the harshness of the situation, Emin managed to spend time with his classmates card games with real money bets. Business skills already began to emerge in the young businessman. The money received from the “illegal casino” in an elite boarding house was used for the student’s pocket expenses.

Emin in his youth, with his mother and sister

After 15 years, Emin continues his studies in America. He enters the prestigious American college "Marymount Manhattan College", which is located in one of the richest areas of New York - Manhattan. The young man decided to master all the intricacies of modern business and chose the specialty of financial manager. Here he also combines his studies with attempts to start his own business and provide himself with a stable income.To this end, he opened his own website, in which the main products were souvenir nesting dolls and electronic watches.

Emin Agalarov's first steps in big business

An entrepreneurial spirit manifested itself in Emin’s character from a very young age. From the age of 13, he constantly strived for financial independence. The future big businessman received his first money working as a consultant in shoe and electronics stores and selling souvenirs from his own online store. Emin claims that the skills acquired in those years became valuable experience, which was useful for the development of his more serious business. It was then that he learned the value of money.

After graduating from American college young man interested in my father's business. Since 2012, Emin is a certified specialist and a person with practical experience entrepreneurial activity, becomes part of the management of the large holding Crocus Group. It was founded by Emin's father back in 1989. Crocus Group builds and leases retail and exhibition real estate. To this day, Emin Agalarov holds the position of first vice president of this largest Russian company.

Father and son Agalarovs are leaders of the largest holding company

Creativity and musical talent of Emin Agalarov

Emin combines seemingly two incompatible natures. One is a practical businessman, the other is a lyrical soul of a musician. They coexist remarkably well in his character and are expressed in the excellent vocal creativity and business qualities of a sharp businessman. Emin’s grandmother instilled a love for music. She performed touching and tender romances on which she was brought up a little boy. Growing up, he also showed good taste in music - he liked the rock and roll compositions of Elvis Presley.

Emin with grandmother

For the first time, the aspiring musician tried to perform a song on the well-known show “Open Mic Night” in America. Then he was only 18 years old, and he felt how exciting it was to go on stage and how much adrenaline was released into the blood when the aspiring singer met the audience.

The first album, 'Still', was released in 2006. Other collections of songs followed. Now their names are known to all fans of the artist’s work - “Incredible”, “Obsession”, “Devotion”, “Wonder”. The musician began to appear more and more often on the most prestigious stages of the world. He chose a pseudonym for his work that is completely in tune with his name - Emin.

Singer Emin's performance at Eurovision in 2012

Another achievement of that time was the release of the album “After the Thunder”, after which the organizers of the Jennifer Lopez tour invited Emin to perform at her concert in Baku.

Next, the artist, already popular in many countries, decided to release two Russian-language albums. Collections of songs entitled “On the Edge” and “Frankly” were released in 2013 and 2014. The last of them included several duet songs. Sang with Amin famous artists domestic pop artists such as Ani Lorak and Grigory Leps.

Emin and Ani Lorak - “I Can’t Tell”, “Call Me”.

One of the recent joint work– Emin and A-Studio’s song “If you’re near”, the video for which was released in 2017.

Emin’s business acumen also came in handy in musical creativity. In 2016 and 2017, he became the organizer of the “Heat” festival, which was held in the city of Baku. Most likely, this event will become an annual celebration of Russian music.

Emin leads active preparation for the festival "Heat"

Personal life: wife and children of Emin Agalarov. Marriage to Leyla Aliyeva and affair with Alena Gavrilova

Emin's first wife is Leyla Aliyeva, the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan. He began to court the first Azerbaijani beauty according to all the canons required by customs. He first asked permission from the girl's father, who allowed him to care for his daughter. Some time later, in 2006, the couple decided to formalize their relationship.

In 2008, their family welcomed two twin sons - Mikail and Ali. It seemed like family happiness can last forever, beautiful and famous couple radiated happiness.

But there was discord in the family and at some point the couple decided to live separately. Emin left for Moscow, and Leila took the children with her and went to London. The family was reunited only on weekends. It is unknown how many years such a life apart could have lasted. But the couple decided to dot all the i's. In May 2015, they officially announced their separation. At the same time, both Emin and his ex-wife Leila emphasized that they remained friends. Now Emin takes care of his own sons with love and tenderness adopted daughter Layla.

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