Enrique Iglesias - biography, information, personal life. Enrique Iglesias - biography and personal life of Enrique Iglesias and his treatment

FULL NAME: Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler

DATE OF BIRTH: 05/08/1975 (Taurus)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Madrid, Spain


HAIR COLOR: fair-haired


FAMILY: Parents: Isabel Preisler, Julio Iglesias.

HEIGHT: 180 cm

OCCUPATION: singer, producer


Spanish singer, songwriter, producer and actor. Enrique's parents are Spanish singer Julio Iglesias and Filipino journalist and TV presenter Isabel Preisler. Enrique became the third and last child in family. When Enrique was 3 years old, his parents divorced and he, along with his sister Maria and brother Julio, stayed with his mother in Madrid, and his father moved to record songs in Miami. Since his mother had a lot of work, he was raised by a nanny.

At the age of sixteen, our today's hero began to compose his own songs for the first time, which he later performed with his older brother. Enrique dreamed of a big stage, but his father was of a completely different opinion. Julio Iglesias wanted his son to make a career in business and not repeat the mistakes that he himself had once made. For this reason, the famous Spanish singer insisted that both of his younger son entered the University of Miami. Enrique did just that, but he did not abandon his plans to conquer the pop scene. Very soon, the young talented singer was noticed by a manager who offered the future idol of millions of girls to record several demo versions of his songs. Iglesias Jr. agreed without hesitation, and very soon the records with his records were in all the major record companies in the country. It is quite remarkable that during this period Enrique Iglesias signed his discs with the pseudonym Enrique Martinez. This move was made in order to distance himself from his father's fame and to be able to develop as an independent artist.

In 1994, Iglesias dropped out of school and signed a contract with the Mexican label FonoMusic. Enrique's father demanded that he return to the university, but Enrique left for Canada. In Canada, he worked for 5 months on recording his debut album. In October 1995, Iglesias' first single "Si tú te vas" (Spanish - "If You Leave") was released, and on November 21 of the same year, the debut album entitled "Enrique Iglesias" was released. The album became popular in Spain, Portugal and Italy.

The first album was followed by others. Records "Vivir", "Cosas Del Amor", "Enrique" strengthened the popularity of the performer and made him famous all over the world. His tours were held with great success, a huge number of people always gathered at the concerts. In the late nineties and early 2000s, our today's hero established himself in the status of one of the most popular artists of his generation, as well as a real sex symbol of the American and European scene.

Several times during his career, our today's hero also worked as a television actor. So in different years he starred in several well-known television projects, the most popular of which are the series "2.5 Men" and "How I Met Your Mother." In addition, it is also worth mentioning the fact that several times in his career Enrique Iglesias wrote songs for other famous performers. So, the Latin American artist wrote four songs for The Hollies, as well as several songs for other artists.

Despite the fact that Enrique Iglesias was always surrounded by many beauties, there were relatively few novels in his life. In the early 2000s, the artist dated film actress Jennifer Love Hewitt for some time. Together they were not for long and parted as friends. Some time later, Enrique Iglesias began an affair with Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova. The lovers were together for more than ten years, and then - in 2013 - they finally decided to legalize their relationship.

Born in 1975 in the family of Julio Iglesias, perhaps the most famous Spanish singer, and Filipino journalist Isabel Preisler. Enrique was the third child in the family. Parents divorced in 1978, and the future musician stayed with his mother in Spain, and his father, Julio, moved to Miami, USA. The mother was also a rather busy person, so the nanny, Elvira Olivares, was mostly involved in the upbringing. She practically replaced his mother. Due to the threat from the terrorist organization ETA, which is fighting in Spain for the independence of the Basques (they threatened Julio and even kidnapped his father, grandfather Enrique), in 1985 he moved to his father. In Miami, he went to a prestigious school, but, according to him, he felt out of place there. Even then, Enrique dreamed of becoming a singer, but shared his dreams only with his nanny, and did not tell his father about his passion until it became impossible to hide. He was fond of Enrique and football and windsurfing, even skipped classes in order to catch the waves. Even then, music became the main thing in the boy’s life - he recorded his first record at the age of 16, secretly from his parents. While studying at the Faculty of Business, where his father attached him, Ernike paid far less attention to learning than to sending out his demo tapes. In the end, in 1994, he left the university, signed a contract with the Mexican "FonoMusic" and began to record the first record. The album with the uncomplicated name "Enrique Iglesias" broke all records in Spain - the first million copies were sold in the first week. A lot of this was facilitated by the fact that the song from the album became the title song in the popular TV series "Marisol".

This album earned him his first Grammy nomination. The second album was released three years later - "Vivir" ("To Live"). In the same year, 1997, Enrique went on a world tour, where he gave 78 concerts and visited 16 countries. In the 98th year, the third album “Cosas del Amor” (“Love Affairs”) was released, and in the 99th real world fame came. The movie "Wild Wild West" was released, the song from which "Bailamos" finally took the lead not only in the Spanish-language charts, where Enrique already had excellent positions, but also in the USA, and then all over the world.

This coincided with the "Latin wave", the singers seemed to be at the peak of their popularity. Serious labels finally noticed Enrique, and from a popular singer exclusively in Spain, he began to become a world star. Enrique records an English-language album with the same uncomplicated title as the first one - Enrique, releases collections of the best hits. In 2001, the second disc in English followed - "Escape", the most commercially successful of all Iglesias' albums. The video for the song “Escape” starred Anna Kournikova, a famous tennis player who would later have a long and complicated relationship with Enrique. Later, Enrique Iglesias would release several more Spanish and English-language albums, successful and failed (like "7"), and become as famous a Spanish singer as his father.

Enrique Iglesias is today the world's most popular representative of Hispanic music, singer, songwriter and producer. Iglesias has repeatedly received the prestigious Grammy and American Music Awards and the Billboard de la Musica Latina award, which is specific to Latin American music. The creative biography of the Spanish musician is a dozen albums and more than four dozen independent tracks. Albums of Enrique Iglesias became platinum 116 times, and gold - 227. 100 million discs of the musician have been sold in the world.

May 8, 1975 in the family of the famous Spanish singer, producer and actor and Filipino TV presenter and journalist Isabel Preisler, a common third child was born. The boy was named Enrique. Three years after the birth of their son, the couple separated. Julio went to Miami to record songs there, the children stayed with their mother in Madrid.

Isabelle worked hard. She entrusted the upbringing of children to the nanny Maria Olivares, whom Enrique mentions in an interview as a full-fledged member of the family. In 1985, difficult times came for the family. ETA terrorists seriously threatened Julio Iglesias and even attempted on Enrique's grandfather. Julio Sr. was released from captivity, but the attackers did not calm down and sent threats towards the children. Isabel felt that they would be safer in America.

Since then, Julio took up the upbringing of children. Enrique complains that his father took little care of him, and when a stepmother appeared in the house, the emotional climate in the family ceased to be comfortable at all. Enrique studied at the prestigious American school in Miami "Gulliver Preparatory School". He was shy and didn't make many friends. The educational institution was considered a school for the rich, and students came there in expensive cars. Julio Iglesias did not care too much about this fact. Being behind the wheel of a "wrecked car", as Enrique himself calls his car, the future musician became even more complex.

From the age of 16, the singer's son dreamed of musical career for myself. The elder brother Julio wanted the same. Enrique wrote poems for future songs, but his father did not want to listen to anything, because he saw his son as a businessman. Under pressure, Enrique even entered the university at the Faculty of Business. But even during his school years, together with his manager, he sent his demos to recording studios, signing himself as Enrique Martinez from Central America.

The efforts paid off in 1994. The Mexican "FonoMusic" signed a contract with the young performer. With a light heart, Enrique left the university and went to Canada to record his first album.


In 1995, the single "Si tú te vas" preceded the release of the debut album "Enrique Iglesias", which instantly gained popularity in his native Spain, Portugal and Italy. A million copies sold out in a week. Given that the album is not in English, the result is phenomenal. The song "Por amarte daría mi vida" was even taken to the Mexican TV series.

In 1997, the second album of Iglesias "Vivir" (Live) was released. He selects the best musicians with experience with, and Bruce Springsteen and goes on tour. During this time, Enrique visits 16 countries, having played 78 concerts.

In the same year, like his father, Enrique was nominated for the American Music Awards. But Julio Iglesias said that if his son becomes the "Best Latin American Singer", he will protest and leave the hall. Enrique refused the nomination so as not to quarrel with his father, but performed the song "Lluvia Cae" at the ceremony (" It is raining"). As a result, the award went to Julio.

In 1998, fans rejoice at the third album of the artist "Cosas del Amor". This time he receives the American Music Awards, surpassing even. The song "Bailamos" is used in the movie "Wild Wild West" as the soundtrack. She brought Enrique deafening worldwide popularity. He even had to record an album in English, signing a contract with famous labels. This album includes duets with and.

Recorded in collaboration with Whitney Houston, the song "Could I Have This Kiss Forever" becomes a landmark composition in the work of Iglesias. Subsequently, the musician performs this composition at many solo concerts.

In 2000, Iglesias again makes a world tour, and in 2001 he releases the most popular of the albums - "Escape". The disc has sold 10 million copies. Appears in the music video of the same name. By the end of the year, Enrique again becomes the "Best Latin American Singer". In support of the album, the musician plays 50 concerts in 16 countries.

With the album "Quizás" the singer returns to the Spanish-speaking audience, but songs in Spanish are also world-famous. In 2003, Enrique released an album called "7", and the singer's father - his 77th album in a row. Julio's creation was well received, but his son's work was rated at C grade. Enrique does not lose heart and goes on the biggest tour, visiting those countries where he had not been before. For example, South Africa.

After the end of the tour, Enrique Iglesias came to grips with the new album. The musician worked on sound recording without stopping. During this period, the singer practically did not appear at concerts and TV shows.

Three years later, "Insomniac" became a "hit" album and delighted fans and critics. The song "Can You Hear Me" became the official anthem of UEFA 2008. Enrique Iglesias performed the song at the stadium.

In 2008, two collections were released that became popular. And in 2010, the musician created the compilation "Download to Donate for Haiti". Proceeds from sales go to a fund to help people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. The ensuing album "Euphoria" brought Enrique Iglesias the most a large number of awards in nine categories.

In the spring of 2014, Iglesias recorded the song "Bailando", and soon posted the video of the same name on YouTube. The music video gained 800 million views in a week, the clip has collected more than two billion views in total. In Russia, the song and video gained popularity under the transliterated name "Baylando".

In 2014, the bilingual album "Sex + Love" was released. One of the most popular compositions of the collection was the song "El Perdedor".

From 2014 to 2017, Enrique Iglesias' Sex and Love Tour lasted in support of the new album. The singer performed in Sweden, Germany, Spain, Finland, United Arab Emirates and other countries. The musician has scheduled concerts in Poland, Italy, Mexico and the USA.

The Iglesias tour schedule is posted on the official website. In addition to news and posters, the site contains photos and videos from past concerts, music videos, a list of the artist's songs with an offer to buy tracks and links to the musician's accounts in social networks and other communication services: from Instagram and VKontakte to Google+ and Pinterest.

In June 2016, Enrique officially presented the new track "Duele el corazon" in two versions, Spanish and English.

Personal life

Enrique loves simple clothes and fast food, but loves expensive cars. And the singer is very afraid of cockroaches, which Pitbull mentioned in his song, and suffers from insomnia.

Enrique Iglesias has been dating since 2000. She even starred in Iglesias' video for the song "Hero" in 2001. The artists portrayed the lovers so believably that the audience thought about the reunion of the couple.

However, in the same year, the performer first met Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova on the set of the Escape video. She became the main love of the singer's life.

The first meeting of celebrities was not rosy. On the day of filming, Anya's lip became inflamed, and the girl was very afraid that the popular singer would refuse to kiss her. The athlete's fears were justified. Enrique said that he was not going to kiss "this pimply youngster." A thick layer of make-up helped to shoot the necessary shots. It would seem that this can put an end to the further relations of the stars, but everything turned out differently.

Soon the couple began to appear together in public. When asked by journalists about the novel, Enrique and Anna remained silent. However, everything was clear without words.

Information about the couple's breakups and reunions constantly appears in the press. No one saw the wedding of lovers, but one day, in 2014 at a concert in Los Angeles, Enrique announced that he was divorced. However, already in 2015, Iglesias and Anna were again observed together.

Subsequently, Enrique several times called Kournikova his wife, and the singer's lover shone several times wedding ring.

In one interview, the musician said that he does not consider marriage to be an event that makes people happier or makes them love each other more. The young man has married friends, but he does not see what official status gives family life joy and mutual respect. And his relationship with Anna Enrique considers just such.

Once the singer shared that he loves Kournikova's simplicity and lack of glamour. Together they can easily have a hamburger dinner or go hiking in the mountains. And Iglesias is confident in his soulmate and knows that she will always support him. He calls the girl the love of his life.

Another rumor was circulating in the press: allegedly, in fact, Enrique Iglesias is gay, and the singer needs Anna Kournikova for cover. However, with one stunning event, the couple again surprised everyone and made ill-wishers bite their tongues.

On December 16, 2017, opposite-sex twins were born to lovers. The babies were named Nicholas and Lucy.

The appearance of a couple of heirs shocked journalists and netizens. Later, the musician's mother, Isabel Preisler, confirmed the joyful event that happened in the family. The woman shared that Anna and Enrique did not specifically hide the girl's pregnancy.

Since for all 9 months no one even had a suspicion of an imminent replenishment in the family, the public doubted that Anya gave birth herself. Soon, a rumor leaked to the Internet that celebrities had resorted to the help of a surrogate mother. However, here, too, Kournikova silenced everyone by posting in May 2018 in her profile “ Instagram»Photo showing the rounded belly of the athlete.

For the first time, the couple showed the kids to fans in January 2018. With a difference of several minutes, Anna and Enrique posted pictures with their daughter and son on their accounts in " Instagram ».

In March, at a concert in Budapest, the performer first mentioned twins, publicly confessing his love to children.

In the same month, netizens scolded the musician for being too soft on his daughter. The fact is that Enrique posted a video in his profile in which he kissed the baby. Fans noticed that Lucy was not happy with the caresses of the pope and turned away, and the singer's bristles could harm the delicate skin of the newborn. But most of the fans found the video very cute and stated that it lifted their spirits for the whole day.

In 2013, Kournikova and Iglesias celebrated a housewarming party. The beloved built a mansion in the most prestigious place on the coast of Miami, in Biscayne Bay, next to the national park. In total, the celebrities spent $ 20 million on the construction and decoration of the house. There is a pier near the cottage. Paparazzi often catch a couple on a boat trip on their own yacht.

Enrique Iglesias now

In February 2017, Iglesias presented a new song "Subeme La Radio".

Since June 2017, a joint tour began, during which Enrique visited more than 20 American cities in different states.

In January 2018, Enrique presented the new single "El Baño", recorded together with Bad Bunny. The composition was released immediately with a video, one of the directors of which was Iglesias himself. Maxim Bohichik became the second director.

In May, the singer in collaboration with released the song "Move to Miami". On his Instagram profile, Enrique thanked the fans for their support and kind words for the new song.


  • 1995 - "Enrique Iglesias"
  • 1997 - "Vivir"
  • 1998 - Cosas Del Amor
  • 1999 - "Enrique"
  • 2001 - Escape
  • 2002 - "Quizas"
  • 2003 - "Seven"
  • 2007 - "Insomniac"
  • 2010 - Euphoria
  • 2014 - "Sex + Love"

Celebrity biographies


08.05.17 10:33

The "crystal" voice of his father is well known to the older generation, and Enrique Iglesias - modern god and king of the Hispanic audience, he is the most famous singer-songwriter in the world of Latin American music, with over 100 million CDs sold.

Biography of Enrique Iglesias

Son of legendary singer and Filipino journalist

Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preisler was born on May 8, 1975 in Madrid. He was the second son of Filipino-born journalist Isabel Preisler and famous singer Julio Iglesias.

In their family, it is customary to call the first-born "Julio", therefore Enrique's grandfather and his older brother are called that way. When father and mother divorced, Julio Jr., Enrique and Maria were under maternal care, they were looked after by a nanny, as Isabel was building a career. Meanwhile, the ex-head of the family moved to the United States.

Under the dictates of a despotic father

When Enrique Iglesias was ten years old, the Baku separatists attempted on his grandfather, and the boy was sent to his father, who worked in Miami. Enrique did not boast of Julio's wealth and fame, he dressed simply and was modest, but even then the boy's artistic abilities were manifested.

Enrique Iglesias attended the Gulliver Preparatory School and did not get along well with American peers who boasted of expensive clothes and came to class in luxury cars. The father was strict, did not give his son pocket money. And when Julio married a second time, Enrique felt deprived of attention.

The adult biography of Enrique Iglesias began at the University of Miami (Julio did not want his son to follow in his footsteps and insisted that he study economics). But Enrique had other plans, he began to record his compositions and offered them to recording studios (though under the pseudonym "Enrique Martinez").

The first album set a record

The guy's attempts were crowned with success: the debutant signed a contract with the Mexican studio FonoMusic. Against objections, Julio Enrique left his studies and went to Canada to record the first disc, which was released in November 1995. The singer did not puzzle over the name: "Enrique Iglesias". In just one week, 1,000,000 copies of the album were sold out, which was a record for a non-English disc.

The second studio album of Enrique Iglesias "Vivir" was released in January 1997, the composition from which ("Enamorado Por Primera Vez") took first place in the Latin American chart of the United States and stayed in the top for almost 3 months. In addition to this single, Enrique released five more.

Spit on the stone: Julio vs Enrique

The Spaniard promoted his disc in the tour of the same name, having traveled through 16 countries. In 1997, there was a scandal: Enrique Iglesias was nominated for the American Music Awards, and his rivals were Luis Miguel and Julio Iglesias, who became very angry. Then Enrique decided to withdraw his candidacy, and Julio was recognized as the best Latin American singer.

In the autumn of 1998, the third album “Cosas del Amor” appeared in the biography of Enrique Iglesias, and the musician received the American Music Awards, having beaten his rival in the nomination Ricky Martin. The composition "Bailamos" was included in the film "Wild Wild West" with Will Smith and Kevin Kline, and a new interpretation of this song became the leader of the charts in the US, Spain, the UK and several other countries.

Fashion for Latin American music has played its role!

From that moment on, Enrique Iglesias became in demand for music market USA, where the fashion for "Latin America" ​​reigned (thanks to Ricky Martin and Marc Anthony). Enrique signed two contracts - one for Spanish songs, the other for composition in English. The first album of the singer (fully called in English) "Enrique". For this disc, Enrique Iglesias and Whitney Houston recorded the song "Could I Have This Kiss Forever", for which a music video was filmed.

The most successful album of Enrique Iglesias is called the 2001 disc "Escape", which sold 10 million copies. Our compatriot Anna Kournikova starred in the video of the same name, which changed the personal life of Enrique Iglesias. The promotion of the album was dedicated to a world tour of 16 countries, at the same time the Spaniard visited Moscow.

Disappeared, but still returned

There were failures in the creative biography of Enrique Iglesias. So, his album "7" was sharply criticized. Interestingly, the same period (2003) also saw the release of a new disc by Julio Iglesias, which was received with a bang: it turns out that father and son continued to compete.

After a major tour that began with 20 shows in the US and ended in South Africa, Enrique Iglesias almost disappeared from the "radar", everyone thought that he had exhausted himself, and that the Spaniard was pushed aside by new names and fresh faces.

Only in the summer of 2007, Iglesias Jr. returned (to the delight of the fans) with his new disc - "Insomniac", from which he released four singles and shot five music videos. The songs "Push" and "Do You Know" became especially popular.

Julio Iglesias began his career as a goalkeeper of Real Madrid, and his son paid tribute to the players by performing at the 2008 European Championship with the song "Can You Hear Me".

"Starfall" awards

After the release of the album of Spanish-language songs "95/08 Éxitos", Enrique Iglesias was a success: the disc became platinum in the USA, and gold in some European countries. In the fall of 2008, a collection of English-language compositions "Greatest Hits" was released. Enrique promoted both albums on a European tour. The year ended on a spectacular note with Enrique Iglesias receiving the World Music Awards (Best Selling Spanish Artist and Best Selling Latin Artist).

Enrique's composition "It Must Be Love" was included in a special collection disc, as well as songs by other musicians who wanted to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 - all the proceeds went to the relief fund.

In the same 2010, after the release of several singles, Iglesias presented the public with the disc Euphoria, for which he received nine (!) Billboard de la Musica Latina awards. Now the popularity of Enrique Iglesias has faded, although Spanish-speaking countries still idolize him.

In addition to music, Enrique also tried to prove himself as an actor: in addition to filming in several commercials, including the video “True Star Man” (a fragrance from Hilfiger), the Spaniard participated in TV shows and movies. This is Rodriguez's action movie Once Upon a Time in Mexico, the shows Lost, Two and a Half Men and How I Met Your Mother, in which Iglesias was assigned small roles.

Personal life of Enrique Iglesias

Brief romance with Jennifer

After filming the video for "Could I Have This Kiss", there were rumors that Enrique Iglesias and Whitney Houston were dating, but this was hardly true. But the romance with the American actress, star of horror films and the TV series "Ghost Whisperer" Jennifer Love Hewitt is confirmed.

After the breakup, Jen was featured in her boyfriend's "Hero" music video, but that didn't mean a rekindled relationship: they just kept a good relationship.

They were married and divorced, but they are still together.

Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova (who is 6 years younger) became a couple after filming the "Escape" video. For for long years they were repeatedly “married” and “divorced” by the media, tabloids attributed novels to both, reported scandalous details that were not confirmed by Enrique Iglesias. The musician's personal life may have been stormy (with such a number of fans and star acquaintances), but it seems that Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova are still together.

Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias

Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler (Spanish: Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler). Born May 8, 1975 in Madrid. Spanish singer, songwriter, producer and actor.

Father - Julio Iglesias, famous Spanish singer.

Mother - Isabel Preisler, Filipino journalist and TV presenter.

Enrique became the third child in the family. Enrique has elder sister Maria Isabel and elder brother Julio José.

When he was 3 years old, his parents divorced and he, along with his sister Maria and brother Julio, stayed with his mother in Madrid, and his father moved to record songs in Miami.

Since his mother had a lot of work, he was raised by his nanny Maria Olivares (Spanish: María Olivares).

In 1985, the terrorists first threatened his father, and then made an attempt on Enrique's grandfather, Julio Iglesias Sr. After the grandfather was released, the ETA terrorists began to threaten the children, and the mother decided that it would be better to send them to Miami, to their father.

In the USA, Enrique studied at the prestigious Gulliver Preparatory School. He had few friends, as he was shy and was not like everyone else. He recalled: “I went to a rich school in Miami, and while others were driving Mercedes, I was driving a wreck. My father didn't care for me and didn't give me a cent. And when I had a stepmother, the attitude towards me only worsened.

Since childhood, together with their brother Julio, they planned to become singers. At 16, he wrote the lyrics for his debut album.

However, the father wanted to see his son as a businessman. Under pressure from his father, Enrique enters the University of Miami at the Faculty of Business. Even at school, the manager noticed him. While studying at the university, Enrique worked on demos of his songs and, together with his manager, sent them to record label offices, signing them as Enrique Martinez from Central America.

In 1994, Iglesias dropped out of school and signed a contract with the Mexican label FonoMusic. Enrique's father demanded that he return to the university, but Enrique left for Canada. In Canada, he worked for 5 months on recording his debut album. In October 1995, Iglesias' first single "Si tú te vas" (If You Leave) was released, and on November 21 of the same year, the debut album entitled "Enrique Iglesias" was released. The album became popular in Spain, Portugal and Italy. The album sold 1 million copies in one week. This is the best result for an album of that time, which is not recorded in English.

In 1996, Italian and Portuguese versions of the album were released. Almost all of the album's songs have been translated into these languages. Also, Iglesias, along with his debut album, was nominated for a Grammy Award as "Best Representative of Latin American Music".

At the end of January 1997, Enrique released his second studio album Vivir (Live). A few days later, the song "Enamorado Por Primera Vez" (In love for the first time) was released to radio stations, which led the US Latin American chart for 12 weeks.

In the same year, Iglesias went on the Vivir Tour, for which he selected the best musicians who have worked with Elton John, Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel. Enrique has given 78 concerts (19 of them in the USA) in 16 countries.

At the end of the year, Enrique, along with his father Julio Iglesias and Mexican singer Luis Miguel, was nominated for the prestigious American Music Awards in the Best Latin American Singer nomination. But before the award ceremony, in an interview with an American magazine, Julio said that if his son gets the award, he will defiantly leave the hall. Enrique refused the award so as not to provoke his father into a new quarrel (the award went to his father), but performed at the ceremony with the song "Lluvia Cae".

In September 1998, Enrique released his third studio album Cosas del Amor (Love Affairs). At the end of the year, Iglesias was awarded the "Best Latin American Artist" award from the American Music Awards, overtaking Puerto Rican pop singer Ricky Martin and the Mexican mariachi band Los Tigres del Norte in the number of votes.

His song "Nunca Te Olvidaré" became the soundtrack to the Mexican telenovela of the same name, in which Edith Gonzalez played the title role. In the opening shots of the telenovela, the main characters are listening to Enrique. The song "Bailamos" was featured on the soundtrack to the movie Wild Wild West, starring Will Smith. The title track of the album became the soundtrack of the Peruvian telenovela "Love Affairs", where in leading role starred Diego Berti.

The film "Wild Wild West" was not as successful as its creators hoped for. But the song "Bailamos" began to be broadcast on radio stations in Latin America. After that, a new version of the song was released - brighter and more rhythmic. The track topped the national charts in Israel, Spain, New Zealand, the UK and the US.

In the US, the song's release was associated with the "Latin wave" that began this year with Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca" and Marc Anthony's "I Need To Know" singles. The song became Iglesias' first song to reach number one in the US. After the success of Bailamos, Iglesias began to be offered contracts by more significant labels.

Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos

In collaboration with Interscope, Enrique released the maxi-single Bailamos, and after that the first album recorded in English - Enrique. The album is notable for duets with the American Whitney Houston "Could I Have This Kiss Forever" and with the Russian woman "You're My # 1", as well as a cover version of Bruce Springsteen's song of the same name - "Sad Eyes".

In early 2000, Enrique went on the Bailamos World Tour. After the end of the tour, Enrique did not show himself to the public for a long time. But in the summer of 2001, the composition "Hero" was released on the air of radio stations. First public speaking after a long break, it took place at a concert in memory of those killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, at which Enrique sang the song "Hero".

In October 2001, Iglesias released a new album, Escape, which is considered Iglesias' most commercially successful album. Its circulation is 10 million copies. In the video for the title song "Escape" starred future girl Iglesias - Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova. At the end of the year, Iglesias received an award as "Best Latin Artist".

Enrique Iglesias - Hero

In September 2002, he released the Spanish-language album Quizás, which is the most successful Iglesias album recorded on Spanish. The album was recorded not in the Latin American style, more familiar to Americans, but in Spanish. But this did not prevent the songs from the album from becoming popular in the US, for example, the song "Para Qué La Vida" was played a million times on US radio stations.

In 2003, Enrique released his seventh album, simply called "7", while his father Julio Iglesias released his seventy-seventh album.

July 12, 2007 released a new album Insomniac. Three years later, Enrique returned to the world of show business and delighted fans with four hits at once. Even before the release of the album, two tracks became hits, and then another one was released in Europe - "Tired Of Being Sorry". The fourth single was "Push".

In 2008, Enrique recorded the song "Tired Of Being Sorry" as a duet with French singer Nadia and released it as a separate single. For this single, Enrique received the French Music Awards in the Song of the Year nomination.

On June 27, 2008, Enrique performed at the final of the European Football Championship with new song"Can You Hear Me", which became the official anthem of UEFA 2008 and was included in the re-released version of the album "Insomniac".

In 2008, Enrique decided to experiment. He released a compilation album of 12 Spanish-language singles and two more new compositions, which also became successful - "Lloro Por Tì" and "¿Dondé Éstan Corazòn?". The album includes the untranslated songs "Sì Tù Te Vas", "Solò En Tì" and also translated into English language compositions "Ritmo Total", "Heroé" and one of Enrique's most successful songs - a song recorded in two languages ​​at once - "Bailamos".

November 8, 2008, in Monaco, Iglesias received two World Music Awards as "Best Selling Latin Artist" and "Best Selling Spanish Artist".

In July 2009, Iglesias' new song "Lost Inside Your Love" appeared on radio stations.

In 2010, Iglesias included his song "It Must Be Love" in the "Download to Donate for Haiti" compilation, which was created by the band Linkin Park. The money from the sales of the collection was sent to the fund for the victims of the Haitian earthquake in 2010. In February of the same year, Iglesias, along with other artists, rewrote the song "We Are The World", which at one time was written to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia in 1984-85. Money from the sales of "We Are the World:25 for Haiti went to charity.

The album "Euphoria" in 2010 proved to be a success for the artist and brought him first 14 nominations for the Billboard de la Musica Latina award, and then the largest number of awards in nine categories.

Enrique Iglesias - I Like It

He starred in a lot of commercials: he has commercials for the McDonalds restaurant chain, which sponsored his Cosas Del Amor Tour; how the Roman emperor appeared in a Pepsi commercial with Britney Spears, Pink and Beyoncé. He acted in films. In 2003, he played in Robert Rodriguez's Once Upon a Time in Mexico (the role of street musician Lorenzo). Later he played in a number of other films.

As a producer, he co-produced the song "Un Nuevo Giorno" with Gaia Chamberer for Andrea Bocelli's first pop album. The song was later translated into English as "First Day Of My Life" and released former soloist Melanie Chisholm's Spice Girls as a single.

Produced the song "The Way" for Academy Of Stars winner Kline Aikin, with Steve Morales and Kara Dioguardi. He also acted as a producer for the British band The Hollies.

Height Enrique Iglesias: 187 centimeters.

Enrique Iglesias Personal Life:

In the early 2000s, Enrique began dating American actress, producer, director, and singer Jennifer Love Hewitt. They dated for a short time and parted as friends.

In 2001, Jennifer starred in Enrique's music video for the song "Hero". Enri and Jennie played lovers so believably that rumors began to appear in the press that they were together again. But it was not so.

Since 2001, he has been in a relationship with. They met on the set of the video for the song "Escape".

Since then, rumors have regularly appeared that they are married. Anna has illuminated her engagement ring more than once.

In December 2017, information appeared that. The couple had opposite-sex twins - son Nicholas and daughter Lucy.

Enrique suffers from insomnia.

Enrique's personal plane landed at one of Miami's airports, and his boats are moored in ports. Even at school, everyone was surprised at his artistry and sense of humor. From an early age, Enrique involuntarily became a participant in social events, and since then he does not like expensive things and attributes of fame, but still he cannot resist the cars of Ferrari and Porsche. Despite the fact that he has money and fame, he performs in T-shirts and jeans, and his favorite food is fast food.

Filmography of Enrique Iglesias :

1995 - Desperate (Desperado) - episode (uncredited)
2003 - Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Once Upon a Time in Mexico) - Lorenzo
2005-2014 - How I Met Your Mother (How I Met Your Mother) - Gael
2007 - Two and a Half Men (Two and a Half Men) - Fernando

Discography of Enrique Iglesias:

1995 Enrique Iglesias
1997 - Vivir
1998 - Cosas Del Amor
1999 - Enrique
2001 - Escape
2002 - Quizas
2003 - Seven
2007 - Insomniac
2010 - Euphoria
2014 - Sex + Love

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