Weekend Traps - How to Relax on the Weekend Properly. How to relax after work? Rules for recuperation

The first danger awaits us in the evening of a regular working day, when we no longer want anything. To avoid spending the entire evening on social networks, cut off your escape routes in advance. Buy a ticket to a concert, promise your spouse a trip to a restaurant, bet with a friend that you won’t miss a workout. And in order not to think on your tired head, right now do a simple exercise “Evening Rest Scenarios”.

Divide the sheet into two columns. On the left, write options for a typical dull evening: “scrolling through Instagram,” “sitting in front of the TV.” And on the right - remember good options: “take a walk in your favorite park,” “go to a new exhibition,” “dive into the pool after working out at the gym.”

Great option for those who meet Friday in a state of squeezed lemon. All you need to do is finish your work 1-2 hours early once a week, leave the office and carry out one of the evening relaxation scenarios. Do something that you don’t have enough time and energy to do on an ordinary evening: go to the cinema, to a water park or to a concert. Having a quality rest in the middle of the week, you will get a lot more done in the remaining working days. For a half-day off, Wednesday evening is ideal.

Planning a weekend getaway is a pleasant experience and rarely causes problems. But a mountain of household chores is a real danger of ruining everything. After all, it is on the weekend that most of us are used to shopping for groceries, cleaning, washing and cooking.

Here are a few ways to clear your weekend from household chores or significantly reduce the time spent on these activities:

a) Make to-do lists, assign responsibilities and deadlines. Everything is like at work. This will save several hours.

b) Don’t save things up for the weekend. For example, you can start the washing machine on Tuesday evening.

c) Delegate. The rest of the family, including children. Or to professionals, but for money (the windows can be washed by guys from a special office, for example).

d) Buy groceries on weekdays. Remember the terrible queues and traffic jams on Sundays.

e) Use delivery services (food, household chemicals, Goods for pets).

Rituals are needed not only for work, but also for relaxation. It's the details that differentiate an ordinary action from a ritual. Compare: fry a “ready kebab” from something unknown or choose good meat yourself, marinate it with interesting spices, fry it on the right grill, serve it in beautiful dishes.

Here are some ideas:

a) Entertainment: cinema, theater, football

b) Pleasures for the body: bath, massage, spa

c) Communication with nature: forest, river, sea

d) Sports: bicycle, badminton, skiing

e) Games: board games, cards, chess

e) Food: kebabs, cake

Dr. Elaine Eaker warns that you should not rest less than twice a year, otherwise the risk of heart attack and depression increases significantly. At the same time, it is better to rest little by little, but more often.


a) 2 weeks in summer + New Year holidays + November and May holidays

b) 2 weeks + spread one day over Fridays to make a long weekend

c) change the climate: leave winter for summer

Taking a month off at once is a bad idea.

On vacation, alternate between resting and switching. Relaxation is a passive scenario, such as lying on the beach and reading a book. Switching is an active option that gives vivid impressions: exploring architectural monuments, playing volleyball.

The most important switch must happen at the beginning of your vacation - you need to switch from work. Therefore, first we “pump up” ourselves with switches in order to get work problems out of our heads, then we rest passively, and so we alternate until the end of the vacation.

Before going to work, passive rest is required, one or two days. Otherwise, you will go to work exhausted and unrested.

WONDERZINE launches a new section on how to properly relax over the weekend in different life circumstances. Simply put, we give advice for all cases - what to do so that by Monday morning you don’t feel overwhelmed and ashamed of a pointlessly wasted weekend.

What to do on the weekend if you are alone? Not lonely, but alone and with a great desire to restore the strength spent during the week. There are a lot of plans, but every time the everyday stagnation spills over into the weekend and repeats Groundhog Day. One day it's worth trying to act according to plan. For example, like this:

Change your appearance for a short time
and social circle

When you live according to the same algorithm for years, the picture of the world becomes blurred, and the joy from every day you live goes away. Wait with the accusations of banality: psychologists have found that even clothes can completely change our mood and behavior. For example, if you ask a person to wear white robe, he will automatically perform the assigned work more carefully. A timid girl dressed in tomboy style straightens her shoulders and feels more confident.

Dramatic reforms can be made not only in clothing, but also in behavior and social circles. If among your friends and acquaintances there is a person whom you openly or secretly admire and would like to learn something from him (for example, making connections and easily communicating with people, running a household or business) - become his partner for a day. Observe, learn and help.

Digital detox

A typical weekend scenario: as soon as we open our eyes, we go online and spend the entire day on it. Researchers talk about real addiction - every new photo, text, status updates stimulate the release of the pleasure hormone dopamine, and it encourages you to log into the social network again and again. As a result, the brain feels crowded and chaotic, memory suffers, the ability to create and plan, communicate live with loved ones, friends, make new acquaintances - we become autistic, withdraw into ourselves. Mood swings, fears, phobias, depression are also the price to pay for the habit of being “stupid on Facebook.”

Digital detox (temporarily eliminating all electronic devices from life) is a proven way to protect the brain from information intoxication. The rules are the same as with food detox. Start early - reduce your time online by 15 minutes every day of the week. Don't take your phone with you when you go to lunch, and don't put it next to your bed - buy a regular alarm clock. It is better to schedule a digital detox on a day free from work, when you belong to yourself and can relax. Pick the sites or apps you spend the most time on and ask yourself: what is it about them that draws you to them? Try to find a replacement for them real life. If you're inspired by artistic photos on Instagram, go to an art gallery. If you spend hours on fitness blogs, go jogging or skiing.

In the evening, when you turn on your phone again and are flooded with filtered photos from your friends' fun weekends on Facebook, remind yourself that social networks reflect only the most beautiful moments in the lives of others. Most of them are not so shiny and remain behind the scenes.


Most of us view exercise as a bitter medicine: hard physical labor in exchange for health and a slim figure. Few people realize that the body is initially programmed to enjoy movement (hence the expression “muscle joy”). After 40–50 minutes of intense training, the brain begins to produce cannabinoids - substances similar topics that contains marijuana. They relieve anxiety, pain and create the so-called runner's euphoria (“runner's high”). Athletes describe it as a feeling of complete relaxation, pure delight, harmony with oneself and nature, “as if you are rocking on the waves of happiness.” Women aged from 18 to 63 years old can experience orgasm during physical training.Here is a ranking of fitness types in order of increasing pleasure: race walking, running, cycling, yoga, strength fitness, abdominal exercises.

This coming weekend, try doing your workout as if it were a reward in itself. Concentrate on the pleasant sensations while doing the exercises. Finally, one more inspiring argument from Jane Fonda in favor of sports: “Perhaps the most quick way clear the mind - put the body in order. Get your thoughts out of your head and take care of your body.”

Creative date

If the words “going to an exhibition” or “excursion to the theater” make your cheekbones ache, try creative dates. The author of the term, American director and screenwriter Julia Cameron, wrote a bestseller on this topic - “The Artist's Way” (by the way, a great idea for weekend reading). Choose one of your favorite activities (a visit to an art supply store, a spa, an Italian lesson, an outing, a regular walk in the park) and go on a date with him. It is important not to take anyone with you for company and not to force yourself out of control. Instead, a creative date should be about spontaneity and time for yourself and what you truly love. There is no need to look up to anyone and look back, the more you behave like a child, the more more ideas and insights come to mind.

Do some spring cleaning

Cold, darkness, dirt and chaos in the house, lack of sleep provoke bouts of gluttony - proven scientific research. Moreover, on weekends, as a rule, overeating reaches its peak. Start your weight loss program not with a diet, but with spring cleaning. Give away or throw away unnecessary items. Buy something beautiful bed sheets and try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. If you are cold, wear more soft clothes.

Listen to the music

Ten minutes of good music can play the role of the most effective meditation and, in addition, acts on the brain as cardio training: it strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of memory and imagination. Develop a sense of music - there is melody in all the sounds around us, we are just used to thinking of them as noise.

Cosmetic procedures

A day off is the ideal time for spa treatments. If the budget is very small, you can limit yourself to a massage. IN good salon Along with the massage, they offer free access to the hammam and swimming pool. You can carry out a full cycle of cleansing and nourishing the skin, relax muscles, relieve stress, reduce cellulite and swelling. To enhance the effect, on the day of visiting the salon, eat minimally (give preference to light dairy products, vegetables and fruits) and drink more water. After the massage, spend the rest of the day in relaxation and tranquility - no urgent meetings or parties.

Illustrations: Masha Shishova

Let's take a break from the work process and plunge into relaxation. What entertainment to choose for have a nice holiday and in general, what is the best way to rest, so that after this rest you do not need to rest again

Ah, this sweet, affectionate, warm word... rest! You sit at work and think how great it would be to lie down on the sofa or go to the movies, or go fishing, or better yet, go somewhere out of town and have a barbecue. And in the end, he is forced to languish at work, cherishing his dreams of relaxation only with a thematic picture on the computer desktop. This is what you limit yourself to. And as soon as you have the opportunity to relax, you “have a blast,” as if there will be no more days off in your life. And then, with gigantic difficulty, you force yourself to return to the work process. Not because you don’t like work, but because after such a radical rest you need at least a couple more days to come to your senses.

So what are we all doing wrong?

Historically, we consider it our duty to rest for a while after working days. full blast, as they say, “for all the days and ahead.” And going to extremes, we do not have time to prepare ourselves for the next working day, either morally or, often, physically.

The root of evil lies in the lack of understanding that rest can be different. That in order to relax, you don’t have to lie in front of the TV all day, and the next day reproach yourself for not having time to do anything. Active rest is not always hard physical training that prevents your muscles from lifting you up the next day when the alarm clock calls.

Yes, nowadays, especially in big cities Where life is in full swing, it requires us to behave accordingly both at work and outside of it. But this does not at all call us to the same frantic rest or, on the contrary, extremely passive. After all, you can recover in different ways.

First, let's look at the classification of rest for the average worker.

There are:

  1. Depending on activity:
  • Active;
  • Passive.
  1. By time period:
  • short (for example, a work break). This is any rest, the time of which is counted in seconds or minutes.
  • long (for example, a visit to a museum on Saturday evening or a picnic for the entire Sunday). This rest is considered hours and days (but not more than two days).
  • lasting (for example, vacation). Accounting is considered to last from three days or more, as well as years (for example, a pension).
  1. By number of people:
  • Individual;
  • Double;
  • Collective.
  1. Over time, relative to the average worker:
  • rest in work time;
  • After work;
  • On weekends;
  • On vacation.

Now in more detail.

  1. Depending on activity.

Not everyone prefers to sit at home, read books or newspapers. Some people's soul asks for adventure. Or maybe not a soul at all, but another human point, called the “fifth”. However, a shake-up like “the other way around” is sometimes very useful. Therefore, we advise those employees who are always trying to relax at home to get out into nature with company, taking tennis rackets or a volleyball with them. Perhaps this is the only way you can truly cheer up. After all, rest is a change of activity (relating to rest in particular), and if you use only one method of relaxation each time, then why not try to deviate from the rules once? Most likely, thanks to this shift, you will have more rest than if you sat at home all day again.

Also vice versa. If you are always like a storm on any weekend - you prefer outdoor recreation, sports and a bunch of other active activities - maybe it’s worth giving yourself a break at least once? Maybe you'll feel better physically by your next working day? Try it. It is not for nothing that rest is divided into active and passive. Both types have approximately equal numbers of followers.

  1. By time period.

Brief rest is used by people unintentionally or consciously both at work and when engaged in any activity. When an action is performed for a long time, it becomes tiring. To avoid getting tired, you should take short breaks. To be distracted by something less important, to do something that has been put on the back burner, or just to drink tea in a work group, in the end. All this will distract you from thoughts about work and after the end of the “smoke break” it will be much easier to start working with new strength.

Long lasting. It is characterized by the fact that a person has a certain period of time (usually known in advance), during which he has every right to do whatever he wants, except for work. Due to the fact that the time of such rest is most often known to the employee, he can plan what he will do in advance. Let's take lunch for example. How many people do you know who eat for the entire lunch hour? Of course, there are work groups that, after a shared meal, drink tea for the rest of the time. But it is not frequent cases. In the remaining half an hour (approximately; it’s different for everyone), a person can have time to read a book, chat with friends or family on the phone, watch the news, have fun on the Internet (lots of games in the open spaces world wide web, it’s not for us to teach you), and much more, not just in just a few hours, but in a whole half an hour!

Some companies, by the way, practice reducing the lunch break to half an hour or 40 minutes and breaking this time into ten minutes, which they spread according to the general work schedule at their discretion. Eg:

the working day starts at 8:00;

smoke break from 9:50 to 10:00;

lunch from 12:00 to 12:40;

smoke break from 14:50 to 15:00;

end of the working day at 17:00.

Do you agree that this is convenient? You will have legal basis relax right at your workplace, free your head from the accumulated mess and get back to work.

Lasting rest is a clear matter, especially when it comes to vacation. All we have to say here is that you should prepare for this in advance. Seriously. Don’t think that this is such an obvious thing that you yourself know perfectly well. But as practice shows, a two-week vacation rarely begins on the next non-working day. In order to properly rest for two weeks, you need to complete everything unfinished in advance, especially what is urgent; buy tickets (if you are going to travel or fly somewhere) and prepare things for the trip. All this takes not only time, but also energy, if on the first day of your vacation you have to spend a lot of time looking for a place to relax, packing your suitcases, and so on.

  1. By the number of participants in the holiday.

Individual rest implies complete solitude. Very often, those who are constantly in contact with people due to some circumstances strive for it (usually, of course, this is related to work, but there are other cases, for example, a desire to take a break from a noisy family).

People who need it are sensitive to such rest and do not like interference. Here ideal options there will be a trip to another city where you have never been before, a trip to museums, cafes, cinemas, exhibitions. Individual rest does not mean sealing yourself within the walls of an apartment. This means being alone with your thoughts anywhere, leading internal state to harmony.

Doubles rest is inherent, of course, in lovers and those who love. However, there are exceptions here too. A mother and child going to the skating rink together will also be considered as vacationers in pairs. Couples' vacations often take place on attractions, in cafes, in nature and many other places where you can be alone. By the way, another option for a couple’s holiday is when two friends go shopping.

Rest collective- one of the most common types. Who doesn't love getting together with a group of friends? Even introverts love it. And there are so many things in the world now where you can have fun with your whole team! And that's not counting the usual get-togethers. One trip to a paintball game will leave a lasting impression.

  1. In time, relative to the average worker.

IN working time you can relax as your heart desires. Is it true. The main thing is that this can only be done during a specially designated time for relaxation, exactly what we wrote about above. You can relax for ten minutes either alone or with your team. By the way, there is one company I know where the employees (very friendly guys) take 40 minutes for lunch and spend the remaining 20 minutes driving around the offices and corridors on chairs, organizing races. They set the routes and the winner even gets a prize. Symbolic of course, but still. In general, they do not violate anything and allow themselves such an outlet only at the time that, according to the rules, is designated as lunch. Such races are such a common occurrence in this company that the boss, who came from lunch early, watches with pleasure, and sometimes even joins in this whole undertaking.

After work Rest is one of the most important parts of being productive the next day as a worker. Simply put, if you rest well, you will work well tomorrow. But under no circumstances should you become so tired that you don’t even have the strength to do your favorite things after a hard day’s work. Take a break from work during working hours, let your brain relax if the work is mental, and your muscles and joints if it is physical. But don’t let your fatigue get to such a level that you stumble home exhausted with the only desire to collapse on your bed. If everything is in order, then after a working day you can do what you like. This could be your hobby, hanging out with your family, playing with your kids, watching movies with your significant other, going to the gym, or just going for a walk. If you have worked physically all day, you can flip through a magazine or listen to relaxing music.

Day off Plan ahead, just like you would a vacation. If you know that on Saturday and Sunday you are not burdened with anything, take a little time on a weekday to find out what interesting things will be in the city/region/country on these days, so that you have a choice, so that you know where you can go.

About vacation We've already talked, so we won't stop.

Separately about sleep

In any case, of all the above types of relaxation, sleep is the best. It has a beneficial effect on general state, that is, this is the restoration of the nervous system and organs.

Each person has his own time to get enough sleep. 8 hours is just an approximate number. For some people, 5 hours is enough, while others need as much as 9.

Wherein important role The quality of sleep also plays a role, which you should try to ensure for yourself in advance of going into the arms of Morpheus. The bed should be clean, the bed is soft and comfortable, the pillow the right size, seasonal blanket, etc. Your approach to this condition must also be adjusted in advance. If you are in nervous excitement, then you are unlikely to be able to sleep. Better calm down and take a walk to bring your nervous system into balance.

You also need to wake up from sleep correctly. Jumping out of bed to the frantic roar of an alarm clock can greatly harm your mental balance, as well as your overall performance. You will be surprised, but this method of recovery can give you a broken state for the whole day.

Don't forget to stretch in the morning to wake up your body. Animals probably do this for a reason. Try it yourself and you will notice that waking up will become easier.

Love yourself, get enough sleep and have quality rest!

Maria Soboleva

How to relax after work? Rules for recuperation

Hard work is definitely a good trait. But in order for the body to have time to recover and a person not to become chronically tired, you need to know how to relax after work. It would seem that this is difficult, but you also need to be able to fully rest.

Rest break

It is quite natural to get tired while working, and there is a legitimate break for rest. Many people think so. And they are deeply mistaken!

A tired employee will be of little use, so you should learn to cope with overwork during the workday.

It turns out that smoking breaks and tea drinking will not help here. The body does not perceive such pauses as relaxation.

What to do - breaks should be regular, you should rest according to a schedule, no matter how strange it may sound.

When working at a computer, you need to look up from the monitor every 45-50 minutes and not think about work for 10 minutes - go outside, walk along the corridor, do a few exercises, drink water. You can do breathing exercises.

During your lunch break, do not rush to return early. workplace. Eat slowly, take a walk, leaf through a book, call friends or relatives. It’s great when you have the opportunity to take a nap for 20-30 minutes.

Not everyone can do this, but if there is a quiet, remote room, take this chance to retire and take a nap. Car owners can lie down in their car. But your body will thank you and your work will be much easier.

Many of us have a sedentary job, do not forget to change your body position as often as possible, get up, bend over, twist your body and swing your arms and legs.

For those who are forced to spend a lot of time standing, it is recommended to often transfer the load from one leg to the other, massage them, and lift them up to drain the blood. It is useful to sit down whenever possible, giving your legs a rest.

We remember and follow one of the main rules good rest— It’s better to prevent fatigue than to fight it later.

How to properly rest after work

Have you noticed that after sitting at the computer, cash register, and documents all day, you feel weak and physically tired? But they weren’t unloading the wagons and weren’t standing at the machine.

Office work causes the illusion of physical fatigue, although you were engaged in mental work. Therefore, to the question of how to relax after work, there is a very specific answer - with the help of physical activity.

Coming home and lying down on the sofa is not an option. Then there will be no strength for anything at all.

Walking helps you relax fresh air, cycling, swimming in the pool. Active movements will cause vivacity and a surge of strength.

Visiting a bathhouse or sauna is a great way to relax after work. And when, after water-thermal procedures, you find yourself in the hands of a good massage therapist, complete relaxation is guaranteed.

A cup of aromatic herbal tea will complement the restorative complex.

It is clear that not everyone and does not always manage to visit saunas, swimming pools and GYM's. Even ordinary household chores will help you relieve fatigue after a working day.

After all, as another rule of proper rest says, changing types of activities helps restore strength. At work you counted, calculated, wrote - take your mind off cooking at home tasty food, watering flowers, putting things in order.

How to relax after work for those who are physically tired? Suitable for you relaxing holiday. But, before you retire with your favorite book or, you need to devote time to relaxing procedures.

Help relieve tired legs contrast baths: alternately lower the limbs into a basin with hot and cold water. Warm pine and herbal foot baths help a lot.

A shower or bath with sea ​​salt. After such procedures, you will have the strength to do household chores.

Do you know the feeling: the weekend has flown by, and on Monday morning you feel exhausted and not at all rested?

So you spent the weekend wrong. In order not to burden him with inevitable household chores, try to cope with some of them during weekdays.

The order in the house can be maintained regularly so as not to spend the whole day intended for rest on cleaning. You can also buy some groceries in the evenings after work, as well as wash and iron clothes and clothes.

Leave a couple of important household chores for Saturday, and devote the second part of the day and the entire Sunday to quality rest.

Choose everything that brings you joy: some enjoy traditional visits to friends or relatives, trips to the country, picnics in nature, fishing, picking berries and mushrooms.

There are plenty of options for how to relax after work on the weekend - walks in the park, maybe visiting a cafe, outdoor games with children, excursions around interesting places.

We also don’t forget about cultural leisure - visiting theaters, cinemas, museums, and exhibitions will bring many pleasant moments.

Lying at home in front of the TV or venturing into the virtual world can hardly be called real relaxation. Don’t be surprised later where lethargy, apathy and drowsiness come from.

We follow one more rule of recuperation: we need active rest. It is suitable for everyone - and those who are busy with mental work during the week, people experiencing great emotional stress, and associated with physical activity.

How to relax on vacation

The real lucky ones are those who are able to completely disconnect from work on vacation and enjoy legitimate rest.

If you don’t know how, it’s in vain. This needs to be learned. Work at your workplace, and during the vacation period, restore your strength and gain positive emotions and impressions.

Regarding the duration of the vacation, approach this individually. Many doctors consider the optimal duration to be at least 3 weeks, so that the body has time to adjust from work mode to relaxation.

There is another opinion - it’s better to divide your vacation into at least 2 parts, maybe 3. Those who support fractional vacations are right in their own way - during the year you will have the opportunity to take a break from work several times, and besides, different vacation seasons have their own advantages.

Traveling to distant overseas lands has its drawbacks - it takes a lot of time to acclimatize. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to relax in your latitudes, especially with small children.

And don’t forget - you definitely need to relax and gain impressions: discover new places, communicate more with nature, get acquainted with the architecture and history of your country, and meet new people.

Rest during work breaks, at home after completion working day, on weekends, on vacation - everywhere it is important to organize it correctly. And get joy from life!

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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