In a dream, talk to a doctor in a hospital. Why do you dream of doctors in white coats?

We resort to medical help when we understand that we are unable to cope with the disturbed balance in our own body on our own. But if a doctor appears to us in night visions, this can mean many upcoming events, both pleasant and not so pleasant.

As the magical dream book says, a doctor who appears to you in a dream may be a signal that you are too worried about the state of your health, although there are no objective reasons for this.

Why do you dream of a doctor when you can no longer remember other details of your dream, and only remember that you dreamed of a doctor? Since many peoples believed that only the wise and knowledgeable people, healers were revered as sages. And if you saw a doctor in a dream, you may soon need all your experience, wisdom and knowledge that you have acquired in your life.

To understand more precisely why you are dreaming about a doctor and right now, you need to try to remember other details of the night vision:

  • Have you seen a doctor inside or outside the hospital?
  • Were you at a doctor's appointment or waiting in the corridor?
  • What specialty was the doctor you dreamed of?
  • Did you talk with the doctor only about “business” or in your vision did you have a more intimate relationship?
  • Maybe you yourself find yourself in the role of a doctor?

In the hospital and beyond

As it says Women's dream book, a young lady may dream of a doctor if she spends too much time on entertainment, which does not have the best effect on her well-being and appearance.

If a woman saw a dream in which a doctor appears, but the dreamer cannot remember other details, most likely, night dreams indicate a deterioration in well-being. After such a dream, you should take care of unnecessary stress so as not to really get sick.

According to the Chinese Imperial Dream Book, the doctor you are going to see may mean that in reality you find yourself in a difficult life situation and cannot figure out how to get out of it. The hospital and the doctor in this case symbolize that you need outside help to cope with life circumstances. Do not hesitate to ask for help from friends or family - it will come in handy.

When a man sees in a dream that he is telling the doctor about his illness, but the scene in the dream is not a hospital, but the doctor came on a house call, the Dream Book for the whole family advises the dreamer to pay more attention to his health in reality.

When a man sees in his dreams that he is on the street, and an ambulance with a siren on is flying past him, this is a warning that he will need to exercise maximum caution while driving a car.

If a man has a dream in which a doctor receives him in his office, Rasputin’s Dream Book says that the vision foretells honor and respect for the sleeper for some outstanding deed that will be committed in the near future. If a woman came to see a doctor in her dream, in reality she will have to resolve property issues related to registration large quantity papers

In your dreams, undergoing a medical examination by several specialists in white coats means you will soon have a big family holiday. It is possible that you do not really want to take on all the troubles associated with this, but it will be necessary to do this for your own good.

If you dreamed that you were waiting to see a doctor in a general queue, you would soon be invited to a big party where you could have fun. And if you dreamed of a doctor rushing to visit another patient, in reality you will have to work hard, but for this you will receive a good reward.

At an appointment with a specialist

There is nothing strange in the fact that women often dream about “female doctors” more often than other doctors. What do the dream books say? What did the gynecologist dream about?

If you dreamed of a gynecologist examining the dreamer on a chair, the vision suggests that the sleeping woman feels some disharmony in her sex life.

If you dreamed that a gynecologist is conducting an examination, and at the same time you notice sharp and shiny medical instruments, most likely, in reality you are concerned that you are unable to conceive a child. You should not resort to “folk” methods - it is the gynecologist who will help you understand your problem.

When a gynecologist in a dream tells the dreamer that she is a woman, such a dream foreshadows significant changes in life. This will not necessarily be the birth of a child; changes can happen in other areas of life, but they will definitely be positive. When a man dreams that he is a gynecologist, the dream symbolizes that in the near future the well-being of the family will depend solely on his actions.

It’s also interesting why you dream about a dentist. The simplest explanation for why you dreamed of a hospital and a dentist is that you really have problems with your teeth, and your body is telling you: you need to visit the dentist.

If you dreamed that a dentist was removing a healthy tooth from you, then the dream is advice to learn to express your thoughts more accurately and clearly so that it is easier for you to find mutual language with others. The extracted tooth was really sick - someone from your environment is spreading ridiculous rumors about you in reality, and you would like to stop this situation.

When a dentist cured you in a dream and you shine with a “Hollywood” smile, it means that one of your relatives will recover. And if everyone is already healthy, your family will improve its financial situation.

Seeing a speech therapist among people in white coats is a dream warning that in some situations you need to learn to keep your mouth shut. To be a speech therapist yourself in a dream - in reality you need to learn how to use your time more wisely.

To find yourself in a dream as a patient of an ophthalmologist - in real life You trust the opinions of others more than your own. There is no need to doubt your abilities. To be an ophthalmologist in a dream means to be able to suddenly find a way out of difficult situation, literally “see the light” and wonder how you didn’t notice such a simple solution before.

Non-physician relationships

If you see a man in a white coat in a dream, but you know for sure that this is not a real doctor, but an impostor in disguise, dream books warn that in reality you will have a hard time life trials. It is unlikely that it will be possible to prevent it, but you can muster your will into a fist and use all your positive traits, and then difficulties will not bring you disappointment, but new valuable experience that will be useful to you in the future.

Why do you dream of a doctor with whom in your dream you are connected not by a professional “doctor-patient” relationship, but by a personal relationship?

Being with your doctor at the same social event, for example, at a party, and at the same time having a casual conversation, means that your commercial or professional affairs will soon change in better side and will bring you more financial returns. It is possible that you will have a long business trip, as a result of which you will be guaranteed the respect of your colleagues and monetary rewards.

For a woman to see a doctor in an informal setting, but in his uniform white clothes, means that she will soon meet with a person with whom the dreamer will have a good relationship. romantic relationship. But if the lady in the dream plot was going to become the doctor’s wife, Miller’s dream book says that the dreamer in reality needs to be very careful in business and financial transactions. It is likely that scammers will want to make money at her expense, so vigilance will not be superfluous.

To be a doctor yourself in your dream, but not remember what the “doctor’s” specialty was - Magic dream book I am inclined to interpret these dreams as the desire of the sleeper to deal with the problems of others instead of putting things in order in his own life. Such a dream is a signal that you should “forget” about other people’s problems for a while and take care of your own.

As you can see, we dream of doctors not only because our health and well-being require increased attention. Sometimes dreams about doctors are either good omens or a call to pay attention to things other than the “medical” aspects of life. And if you understand this, there is a chance to make your life better and happier.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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DOCTOR – Miller's Dream Book

If a young girl dreams of a doctor, it means that she will sacrifice her beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If she is really unwell and therefore has a dream like this, then it foreshadows illness and anxiety, which she will soon overcome, unless the doctor in her dream appears extremely worried - because in this case everything may end in loss and grief.

If a woman in a dream is going to marry a doctor, this is a sign of possible deception in the future.

A quack doctor trying in vain to cure you in a dream promises you anxiety and illness.

If in a dream you come to a dentist for dental treatment, then this is a sign of imminent disappointment. It is possible that you will be upset by the insincerity of your loved ones.

If you see a dentist treating the teeth of a young girl, in reality you should expect a real scandal among your friends.

DOCTOR – Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a doctor in a dream means that in the near future you will have tiresome and monotonous conversations, meetings, meetings that you will dream of getting rid of.

For a woman, seeing a doctor in a dream means failure in her personal life. Sometimes a dream about doctors foreshadows illness or the help of friends in an unpleasant matter.

Meeting a dentist means great worries and troubles in the family, quarrels and scandal.

If you accidentally met a doctor in a company, then luck will accompany you in your affairs.

Marrying a doctor in a dream means a person will appear in this woman’s life who will seem nice to her; but this will only be the first impression; The “nice” person will become a weight around this woman’s neck, her yoke, which will not be easy to get rid of.

Kissing a doctor means reconciliation with your enemy or unenviable position.

Talking to a doctor in a dream is a sign of hope for help from a friend in trouble.

If the doctor operates on you, then your affairs will improve, but very slowly.

Being a doctor in a dream is a sign of joy and a strong position in life.

Opening the door to the doctor means receiving news.

If the doctor came to see your friend, then expect to hear from a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

You visit a doctor - You have worked hard all your life; You took on backbreaking work and didn’t call for help; you worked your ass off; Now you shouldn’t be surprised that someone is talking about your premature old age.

A doctor comes to you - unpleasant rumors will reach you, you will barely recognize yourself in these rumors; They will quote your words, but these words will be shamelessly twisted.

You dream of a doctor who seems worried - a great loss awaits you; don't trust the person who says, "Trust me."

You see a doctor and you are convinced that he is a charlatan - your destiny in the near future is anxiety; perhaps anxiety will be associated with illness.

DOCTOR – Slavic Dream Book

Kissing your doctor is reconciliation.

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Why do you dream about a doctor, a doctor, a medic in Miller’s dream book?

The doctor in our dreams is a prototype of a certain wizard who can do almost anything.

If a girl dreams of a visit to the doctor, then the dream may indicate that she is striving for meaningless, unpromising hobbies, for which she may even sacrifice her own youth and beauty.

In the case when a girl who really needs the help of a doctor dreams of going to the doctor, the dream means that she will be overcome by worries and gloomy thoughts in connection with the disease. If the conversation with the doctor in the dream was optimistic, then the prognosis will be favorable, and she will cope with her thoughts.

In the case where the attending physician looked extremely concerned and was worried during the conversation, the illness could drag on or end tragically.

If a woman dreams of a doctor, a man whom she is going to marry, in reality she will be deceived, and it will be a very blatant deception.

To dream of a charlatan who treats you, posing as a doctor, means in reality you are threatened with a serious illness, a serious illness.

If you dreamed that a doctor was prescribing or performing an operation on you - healthy man after this he may become seriously ill, but the patient may recover. But recovery will not be quick.

Why do you dream about a doctor - esoteric dream book

If a doctor is treating you in a dream, you will need support and help.

Seeing a strict doctor in a white coat in a dream means unfulfilled hopes for someone’s help in business.

Doctor, French dream book

Doctors dream of sadness, troubles, illnesses.

Why do doctors dream - modern dream book

Seeing the face of a doctor bending over you means a serious illness.

I dreamed of a doctor in an ambulance - be extremely careful on the road, you may get into a traffic accident.

Operation, operating doctors dream of complete victory over a rival in love.

Seeing yourself in the image of a doctor means that in reality you have attempted something that is beyond your power.

If a doctor told a woman in a dream that she was pregnant, there is a high probability of pregnancy in reality.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about a Doctor?

  • For a young girl, seeing a doctor means sacrificing her beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If the dreamer is actually unwell, then the dream foreshadows a short-term illness and anxiety in reality.
  • It is much worse if the doctor seems extremely worried - then everything can end in loss and grief.
  • Getting ready to marry a doctor is a sign of possible deception in the future.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Doctor dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti) / h2>

The doctor you see is a symbol with a dual meaning. On the one hand, a doctor can symbolize a person whom you completely trust, who is always ready to help in Hard time. Do you remember what the doctor looked like? Perhaps you know this person or does his appearance seem familiar to you? The dream tells you who you can turn to for help. But on the other hand, the doctor may also be a sign that you will soon have to suffer some kind of illness, or face some kind of troubles in life.

Seeing a Doctor, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Seeing a doctor bending over your bed portends illness.
  • According to the dream book, if you see a doctor in an ambulance, then beware of accidents.
  • The surgeon is the doctor performing the operation, you will have a favorable opportunity in the fight against competitors or rivals on the personal front.
  • If you see yourself as a doctor, you overestimate your strength - no one is immune from mistakes.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does a Doctor mean in a dream?

  • If the dreamer is a woman and she has a dream in which she meets a doctor, this is not too good sign, warning you that you will experience serious problems in personal relationships, most likely you will have to suffer some losses.
  • For a man, if he dreams of a doctor, he is also a symbol of losses and failures, but only in business or professional matters.
  • Visiting a dentist in a dream or simply seeing him is a sign of impending health problems - you will have to suffer some kind of disease.
  • If you dreamed that you were communicating with a doctor in an informal setting, for example, in the company of good friends, the dream turns out to be a favorable sign. Promising you good luck in business and a prosperous period in life.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about a doctor in a dream?

  • Finding yourself at a doctor's appointment is a sign of upcoming care and help for a person, which is quite expensive and burdensome for you.
  • Talking to a doctor in a dream means joy, kissing him means reconciliation.
  • Seeing yourself as a doctor in a dream means that your efforts to achieve financial stability will be crowned with success.
  • If, at a doctor’s appointment, you describe in detail the symptoms of an illness that worries you, then the dream predicts upcoming troubles at work or at home.
  • Visiting a speech therapist - you are too talkative and are creating unnecessary problems for yourself.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you are a speech therapist means a waste of time.
  • To be at an appointment with an ophthalmologist - in reality you doubt your capabilities, exaggerate the difficulties facing you.
  • If you dreamed that you made an appointment with a pediatrician, it means that you should think about the correctness of your methods of raising children.
  • Being at a doctor's appointment means news in reality.
  • Visiting a dentist means that your enemies themselves will seek reconciliation with you; being at an appointment with him means a new acquaintance; if he treats your teeth, it means impending deception; a pulled out tooth is a warning: you need to take care of your health .
  • Seeing a working drill in a dream means that your worries and worries are in vain.
  • Seeing a surgeon in a dream is a warning that you need to take care of your health.
  • To be present at a surgical operation in a dream is a sign that someone will try to threaten or intimidate you; to be a surgeon means that you have to perform unpleasant and useless work.
  • Seeing an orderly means big changes in your personal life or the need to pay attention to your health.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Doctors from your dream

  • Seeing a doctor in a dream is due to the fact that you are very worried about your health or are afraid for your life. Often this turns out to be a prediction that you will actually have some kind of illness, which will require a visit to the doctor.
  • A dream in which you see a doctor warns of some future losses, in business or in your personal life.
  • Why do you dream about a dentist? This is a good sign; if necessary, you can turn to a friend for help. Or there will be a noticeable improvement in your affairs, thanks to positive influence some person.
  • If the dreamer is a woman, the doctor turns out to be a symbol of her boyfriend in reality.

Ancient French dream book

Doctor - interpretation of a dream

A doctor appears in our lives in moments of trouble or illness. Therefore, if you dream about a doctor at night, this is not a very good sign. Such a dream predicts that you are not going through the most prosperous period. A doctor in a dream is a symbol of future troubles in reality. These could be health problems, when you really need a doctor, or all sorts of business failures, troubles, and sad events in life. If you have such a dream, be prepared for the fact that you will need a lot of strength and patience.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Doctor, what does it mean?

  • For any person who turns to him, a doctor is an indisputable, authoritative figure whom we usually completely trust. Therefore, the doctor who appears in your dreams is a symbol of such a figure in your real life.
  • So, if you dreamed that you were sick and came to see a doctor, this reflects the fact that you are dependent on some person, or predicts that you will soon fall into such dependence.
  • If you yourself saw yourself in the role of a doctor, the dream says that a person from your environment will soon need your help, and you will be able to provide it.
  • Quite often, if you see a doctor, in reality you are really tormented by fear for your health or you are at risk of a real illness.
  • Seeing yourself sick is a symbol of your helplessness in some situation.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Doctor in a dream?

  • If a young girl dreams of a doctor, it means that she will sacrifice her beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If she is really unwell and therefore has such a dream, then it foretells illness and anxiety, which she will soon overcome, unless the doctor in her dream appears extremely worried - because in this case everything may end in loss and grief.
  • If a woman is going to marry a doctor, this is a sign of possible deception in the future.
  • A quack doctor, trying in vain to cure you, predicts anxiety and illness for you.
  • If you come to a dentist for dental treatment, then this is a sign of imminent disappointment that the insincerity of your loved ones will upset you.
  • According to the dream book, if you see a dentist treating a young girl’s teeth, in reality you should expect a real scandal among your friends.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Doctor

  • Why do you dream about a doctor, an employee? medical institution- an alarming sign. Your dream symbolizes your excessive worry own health, although there is no reason for this yet. You are clearly inclined to exaggerate your own difficulties. Take it easy on small troubles, and then your life will be much more attractive.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you yourself are a doctor, the dream means that you like to solve other people’s problems, forgetting about your own. You live by the principle “I’ll take away someone else’s misfortune with my hands,” but you have neither time nor patience left for your own affairs, and you have quite a few of them. Your dream is an encouragement to think about yourself, about later life. You need to shift your attention from others to yourself.
  • Seeing a doctor caring for patients means that you lack the attention and support of loved ones, and you are trying to find it from those people who are completely unsuitable for this. Try not to focus on your grievances, and then communication with your family will certainly improve and you will receive in full the warmth that you so lack. But don’t forget that it’s not just you who needs care; pay attention to others.
  • Observing the actions of a doctor in a dream, although he is in an informal setting, means a long trip, most likely a business one. You are sure that nothing interesting awaits you, but in fact you will be pleasantly surprised - your trip will leave many pleasant memories.

Esoteric dream book

Doctor in night dreams

  • To understand the dream in which you saw a doctor, you need to more accurately remember how exactly everything happened. If it was a traditional-looking doctor in a white coat or medical uniform, the dream is a prediction that you can really count on outside help in your affairs when you need it.
  • You dreamed of a benevolent, kind doctor who treated you with gentle care; the dream suggests that in order for you to receive help, you will have to ask for it.
  • But if the doctor in the dream had a negative attitude towards you, acted coldly and aloofly, unfortunately, in reality the person you were hoping to turn to for help will not want or be able to provide it to you, your hopes for him will not be justified.
  • I dreamed that you were treating someone else, but in reality this person will need your help.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream of a Doctor in a dream Doctors

  • Seeing a doctor or a hospital with doctors is a symbol that you are actually going to get sick. And, of course, seek help from a doctor.
  • When you dream that a doctor prescribes medicine for you and you buy it. The dream warns that you do not have enough strength to cope with your problems on your own. It is necessary to seek help or advice from a more influential or experienced person.
  • A bitter medicine is a symbol of the intrigues that your enemies are building against you, but if the medicine was sweet, this warns of possible deception. Or deceit on the part of a loved one.
  • Selling medicine yourself is a warning that you will have to fail, however, not everything is so bad, the situation can be corrected.
  • Sitting or lying in a doctor's office - in three weeks you will get sick and will be sick for three weeks in a row.
  • Kissing your doctor - Reconciliation.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

Interpretation of sleep Doctor taking into account date of birth

  • In the spring, why dream of sitting or lying in a doctor’s office - in three weeks you will get sick and will be sick for three weeks in a row.
  • In the summer, why did you dream that you are a doctor and see patients in your doctor’s office - to heal from a long illness.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of seeing yourself at a doctor’s appointment? It means illness.
  • In winter, why dream that you are a doctor and see patients in your doctor’s office - to heal from a long illness.

Seeing a doctor in a dream for a woman means failure in her personal life;

For men, the dream predicts failure in their enterprises.

Sometimes a dream about doctors foreshadows illness or the help of friends in an unpleasant matter.

Meeting a dentist means great worries and troubles in the family, quarrels and scandal.

If you accidentally meet a doctor in a company, then luck will accompany you in your affairs.

Marrying a doctor in a dream warns you of what you can do fatal mistake, which you will greatly regret.

Kissing a doctor means reconciliation with your enemy or unenviable position.

Talking to a doctor in a dream is a sign of hope for help from a friend in trouble.

If the doctor operates on you, then your affairs will improve, but very slowly.

Being a doctor in a dream is a sign of joy and a strong position in life.

Opening the door to the doctor means receiving news.

If the doctor came to see your friend, then expect to hear from a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

See interpretation: doctor, surgeon, operation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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