Russian folk beliefs and signs. Grandmother's signs

New Year is a wonderful holiday that both adults and children enjoy equally. Ritual of making wishes in New Year's Eve its roots go back to pagan times, but even now most of us dream of... >>>>>

Since ancient times, a horseshoe has been considered a talisman that brings good luck, wealth, love, prosperity to the house, and will be a family talisman. But the most important thing in this situation is to hang it correctly. Since it is believed that... >>>>>

In this article we will look at the signs associated with a broom. Signs about a broom in the house If a twig jumps out of a broom, the sign says - wait for news, and if it completely crumbles, the owner will be beaten. To prevent good things from leaving home... >>>>>

Fishing for real fishermen is not just a hobby, it is a way of life. Therefore, from time immemorial they adhere to the same customs and, as extremely suspicious people, sacredly believe in all the signs associated with their favorite pastime... >>>>>

“If looks could kill...” How often do we use this expression to describe someone's harsh or hateful evil glare? This is, of course, just an expression - a colorful figure of speech that we use that... >>>>>

Signs associated with the number 13 We know that the number 13 in signs by numbers is called the devil's dozen, and this in no way contributes to the popularity of this number. In Russia, 13 is considered an unlucky number: it is bad to live in house number 13... >>>>>

It is a bad omen when a young man gives his girlfriend yellow flowers - it means separation. According to legends about flowers, white is considered a symbol of love. It is not good to give red or burgundy flowers as a gift - it is unfortunate and... >>>>>

Perhaps some folk signs should be taken more seriously. Many are based on observations and conclusions that our ancestors made, and they cannot always be explained. To believe or not to believe is up to you. Folk p... >>>>>

If while awake, we can control our gestures and postures, then in a dream we are completely deprived of this opportunity. And this is where you can read about the position in which you sleep as if from an open book. What does the sleeping pose say... >>>>>

Everyone knows the age-old belief that spilled salt will lead to a quarrel. But does everyone think about whether this is true, and where did such confidence come from that spilled salt necessarily leads to a quarrel? So that you... >>>>>

A child, especially a small one, is subject to constant troubles: either he will fall, or someone will jinx him, but to be honest, there are plenty of problems with children even without all the mysticism. To avoid some of them, contact... >>>>>

Signs about the dead and funerals According to the sign, seeing a funeral means a change in life. If you are gape and cross the path of the funeral procession, signs at the funeral warn - expect trouble. If the deceased has eyes... >>>>>

Popular beliefs about the color of a cat A black cat living in the yard protects against evil spells and the evil eye. When moving to a new apartment, you should let the black cat in first. Who takes care of cats, this little fluffy... >>>>>

Which folk signs indicate a treasure. It is believed that in the place where the fern blooms on the day of Ivan Kupala, a treasure is buried. In the old days, those who wanted to get treasure took a rooster on the evening of Ivan Kupala (June 24) and hid it under their clothes... >>>>>

It is believed that stones that are inherited from a great-grandmother, grandmother or mother bring happiness, unlike stones that you buy yourself. But they must match your horoscope, otherwise...

The national features of the Russian people imply the preservation of the traditions of their ancestors, who reached to the current generation in the form of signs and beliefs. More common is the veneration of signs. The word "sign" comes from the word to notice or observe. In a broad sense, signs denote the transfer of accumulated observations from the older generation to the younger.

Signs contain a great deal of practical knowledge related to people’s everyday life, observations of weather and nature. They have preserved the traditions of ancient national holidays and all of them, one way or another, have influenced our lives since ancient times. Russian folk signs echo signs existing in other countries, which once again confirms the commonality of human civilization contained in cultural traditions.

A similar situation arises with the category that is usually classified as superstition. If we compare signs and beliefs, the latter represent not just short remarks about life, but sometimes entire folk legends are concentrated in them. Beliefs are associated with mysticism, which is present in the world around people and influences their destinies. Therefore, beliefs, as a rule, contain a deeper meaning than omens. However, they apply equally to different sides human life, and the examples given will reveal the depth and completeness of their influence on the current state of affairs.

Signs and beliefs regarding brownies

When a person builds a house, he hopes to become the absolute owner of it. But the fact is that since ancient times, Russian people considered the main owner to be a little man with affectionate name Homebody. No one knows where exactly he lives in the house, and what appearance he has, but according to popular beliefs, he can sometimes take the form of some kind of animal.

You need to live amicably with the brownie, since he is considered the protector of the home, and is very active in the sense that he can express his dissatisfaction. For example, when they say that the cat is not in the yard, this may mean that the brownie did not accept the animal. This is due to the popular belief that in new house you need to let the cat in first. This was a kind of ritual of sacrifice, where the cat plays the role of a sacrificial animal saving a person.

According to legend, the first person to cross the threshold of a new house or spend the night in it will also die first. Following the rules of bioenergy, a cat is able to identify places in the house with positive and negative energy. By choosing unfavorable points, the cat helps to neutralize them, but the dog will indicate favorable places in all respects, suitable for placement, for example, bedrooms.

According to legends, the brownie becomes visible before an approaching misfortune, and his housewife wife may cry loudly at night before this. The brownie family includes many of their relatives and assistants, such as a yard worker, a haystack worker, a barn worker and others. The story of their appearance says that they were the ugly children of Adam and Eve, whom Adam wanted to destroy because of their ugliness. Eve begged him not to kill them, but to hide them from human eyes where no one would see them. Since then, they have been hiding from people and “working” as brownies.

Signs for home

Continuing the topic of signs and beliefs associated with human housing, it is necessary to note the great role of such a necessary household item as a broom. According to folk traditions it is under it that the brownie’s residence is located. Therefore, it is recommended to take the old broom with you when moving to a new home with the owner, who will keep family well-being. In order for a broom to protect the house from witchcraft, it needs to stand in the corner with the whisk facing up. It is worth noting that this also has a purely practical significance: this way it will wear out less and last longer.

The sign prohibiting whistling in the yard and in the house is associated with monetary or material losses or damages. It is also not recommended to clean the house, sweep and wash the floors immediately after guests leave. This is due to the fact that in this way their traces can be washed away, which will block their path to this house.

In the system of Russian signs, great importance is given to the threshold. It represents the boundary between inner world home and external surrounding the home. On the threshold, it is not customary to greet each other and say goodbye, since, firstly, this is contrary to the rules of etiquette, and secondly, signs say that this can lead to a quarrel and open access to the house for evil spirits, rejoicing in your troubles. And the sign that one should not sweep dirty linen over the threshold of a house is also well-known, and is reflected in the well-known saying “don’t wash dirty linen in public.” In fact, it is prohibited to take trash out of the house after sunset, as this is fraught with losses and poverty.

Bread and salt

People have always had a special relationship with bread. This is reflected in the signs. It is believed that bread subtly senses the mood of the housewife baking it, therefore, in order not to offend him, you need to be careful. good mood. It was impossible to clean until the bread was baked; this promised a drain on wealth. For the same reason, a knife should not be stuck into a loaf. Bread should never be thrown away if it is not suitable for food; it is better to give it to animals or birds.

An indispensable companion of bread, salt is also the heroine of omens. Her powers beware evil spirits, the so-called Thursday salt used in various rituals. The well-known sign that sprinkling salt on a quarrel has a practical background. Since salt was quite expensive in Rus', it was therefore highly valued.

Everything connected with signs today is perceived by people on a subconscious level. They may remember them mechanically, often just as a joke. Many people treat them as superstitions, however, they switch sides as soon as they notice a black cat, or knock on wood so as not to “jinx” anything. Russian signs and beliefs have always been distinguished by their sincerity; some researchers have noted their poetry. But the most important thing is that people still believe that their implementation will help protect themselves from evil forces in our high-tech, but so fragile world.

had beliefs great importance for our ancestors and, despite the fact that life has changed a lot, knowledge of folk mysteries will help us not to lose luck.

In the article:

Signs - role in human life

In the past, superstitions touched every aspect of existence. Exists scientific definition signs. This is a loose pattern between two seemingly unrelated incidents. Some of them have a scientific basis, for example, the behavior of insects and birds before rain. Almost all weather signs are based on many years of human observations of nature, so few doubt their reliability.

A number of superstitions had educational value. Bullying children evil spirits, they were weaned off bad habits, for example, shaking a leg or spitting. Signs for marriage, most of which are related to everyday life, were invented in order to raise an excellent housewife. With the help of signs, our ancestors taught their descendants to respect food and other resources.

In the old days there were not just superstitions, but rules of life. They vary greatly depending on the region and are aimed at saving natural resources for posterity. For example, in Siberia you cannot beat cedar cones before they are ripe. In some regions, houses were not built where it would be necessary to uproot a birch tree. Even now, hunting is avoided during the mass production of animals.

There are still beliefs that are considered superstitions to this day. These include folk wisdom, which cannot be explained logically. They also have noticeable differences depending on the region. Such superstitions exist in almost every country, and what portends good luck in one city may turn out to be a sign of death in another. Only you can decide whether to believe in such signs. They have many followers, but there are also plenty of people whose beliefs have never come true.

Many signs are based on religious beliefs. For example, Christian holidays. With their help in the old days they tried to provide rich and happy life, gain family happiness. In addition, on Friday the thirteenth, Cain killed Abel, according to one of the interpretations Old Testament. During pagan times, the remains of family members were kept under the threshold of the house, and therefore even now it is not customary to shake hands and pass things over the threshold.

The Church has a generally negative attitude towards omens, except for conclusions drawn from observations of the world.

Signs and superstitions about life

Beliefs exist for every more or less important event, from birth to funeral.

There is such an expression - “born in a shirt.” This is what they say about those who are lucky in literally everything. But few people know that in the old days, a newborn was wrapped in his father’s worn shirt to protect him from the evil eye and other troubles, and also to guarantee him a happy life. This expression is also associated with the uterine “shirt”; it is believed that it remains intact only for those children who will be lucky throughout their lives.

The first bath took place in water with cow's milk to protect the baby from the evil eye or remove it. It is believed that young children are poorly protected from such troubles. Therefore, the child’s name is not told to strangers before baptism, and the children are not shown to anyone for the first forty days. Previously, it was believed that during this period after birth the mother was excommunicated from the church, and only after their expiration was she allowed to bring the baby to the temple.

Many superstitions are associated with the name. You cannot name children after someone, especially if they are deceased relatives. There are signs about haircuts, which are prohibited until a year, the first gifts for small children for happiness and health, and many others.

Baptism is the next reason to think about superstitions. First of all, they relate to the choice of godfathers. You cannot invite a married couple to be godparents, as well as a pregnant woman, who can harm both your baby and her child. However, the priests do not object to a pregnant woman at this sacrament.

It is not customary to give away and wash baptismal items; they are needed so that the child does not forget his parents. With their help you can cure any disease. Children are not baptized wearing the same clothes. It is believed that they will become very attached to each other and will not quarrel, but if one gets sick, the other is also at risk.

A lot is folded. Our ancestors had answers to all questions. They knew how to choose the right dress to live happily ever after in marriage. On our website you will find several separate articles that will help you prepare for your wedding. For example, few people know that the groom is forbidden to step into puddles, the bride is forbidden to accept red roses as a gift, and the witness must be younger. In addition, there are many superstitions that are designed to protect young people from the evil eye and envy of others.

Pregnancy is another reason to contact grandma's methods. To conceive a child, you can get a ficus tree, ask your girlfriend in the position to sneeze on you, or finish her tea. There are many signs of pregnancy that have had to replace a whole layer of medical knowledge about conception. That's why they still trust them today.

Signs and superstitions for pregnant women helped our great-grandmothers carry and give birth healthy child. With their help, you can even, not to mention, protect the mother and fetus from the evil eye, to which, as is commonly believed, pregnant women are highly susceptible. Most of the beliefs have a logical basis.

And you need to know the graves of deceased relatives. No one can predict grief. But if you don’t think about how to behave correctly during a funeral, you can allow an ill-wisher to cause damage or get other unpleasant consequences, not to mention the fact that by not knowing some things you can simply offend the deceased.

Everyday superstitions

Russian folk signs apply not only to important events, but also to every day Everyday life. There are many everyday beliefs that have always been followed in the old days. Some still follow them today.

Many people know that you cannot say hello and pass things over the threshold; friends who go around a high obstacle from different sides will argue, and if you forget something at home and return, the day will be unsuccessful. They do not sew up clothes or sew buttons on the body, so as not to drive away good luck. You can’t point it out when you have to describe someone’s shortcomings or injuries in a conversation.

There are many. They are used in magic, and good purposes are not always pursued. In the past, every hair that fell out was treated with care and prevented from falling into the wrong hands. This applies not only to hair, but also to used napkins with traces of blood or sweat, as well as cut nails. If these attributes fall into the wrong hands, problems cannot be avoided. In the old days, such things were burned in a furnace.

Fortunately. In some regions, for example, in the Urals, during the wedding ceremony, dishes were specially beaten for good luck. But dropping a mirror is a bad omen. There are several articles on our website that will tell you what to do in this case and explain why you should not keep antique mirrors in your house.

Part of your body itches, gets a bruise, or your ears? Russian folk signs will answer any question. If you believe them, even

In everyday life, signs about life play important role. From Ancient Rus' a variety of people came to us folk beliefs and signs that will help make life easier, not miss out on fortune, and attract wealth.

Signs and superstitions for any occasion

Our ancestors carefully monitored all the phenomena that happened to them, explored patterns and noted the slightest changes in the usual course of things. Therefore, many true and relevant superstitions have survived to this day.

Signs help to run a household and be a worthy wife, find a spouse, and raise children.

Many rules were used for educational purposes.

  • Wanting to make a good housewife out of a girl, they told her: if she doesn’t know how to cook or the house will be dirty, she will never remain an old maid.
  • To stop the child from dangling his legs, he was intimidated by the evil spirits that would come for him.

There were superstitions that helped to use wisely Natural resources. For example, there are many. A greedy and uncontrollable person was intimidated and restrictions were set.

Important beliefs are associated with holidays - Trinity, birthday, and so on. There are beliefs associated with animals (for example, cats), natural phenomena(rain, thunder, thunderstorm, lightning, rainbow).

From birth to death, folk signs accompany us. For example, everyone knows the phrase “born in a shirt,” which means to be lucky. It came from ancient times: the baby was wrapped in his dad’s old shirt to protect him from evil spirits and damage.

The phrase is often associated with the amniotic sac. If it does not rupture during childbirth, the baby is “born in a shirt.”

Our ancestors were afraid of damage and the evil eye. They believed that children were especially susceptible to negative influences. The first thing they did with the child was to bathe him in water with cow's milk (it protects against negative energy and removes an existing negative program).

Before baptism, the child’s name is not told to anyone, until the 40th day, the mother is excommunicated from the church.

There are quite a few rules associated with names . Some people believe that babies should not be named after deceased relatives. This is wrong.

Many peoples followed the tradition of naming children after a healthy, strong, beautiful, successful ancestor. It was believed that the baby would acquire these qualities. Many modern psychics also tend to believe in the veracity of this belief.

Superstitions about baptism

Baptism - important point in life little man. If the parents are Orthodox Christians, then the child is baptized in early childhood.

Be meticulous in choosing your godfather and godmother. Godmothers cannot be spouses, and a pregnant woman cannot become a godmother. The things that the child was wearing during the ceremony cannot be given away, washed, or shown. They can be used in treatment to eliminate the evil eye in a child.

If there are several children in a family, they cannot be baptized in the same clothes. It is believed that the connection between them will be too great, and if trouble or illness befalls one, the same will happen to the other.

Beliefs about marriage will help you choose an outfit, bouquet,... , groom, witnesses.

For example, it is believed that the witness should not be older than the bride, the groom should not step into puddles, the young couple should not be given antique items, and so on.

Russian beliefs about pregnancy They will tell you what is necessary to conceive a baby, how to maintain the pregnancy, and not harm the child. With their help you can.

Every mother should know what and how to protect her child from the evil eye.

How ? Surprisingly, you need to visit the graves of deceased relatives correctly, so as not to anger them, not to allow the enemy to jinx you and not to attract trouble.

The rules apply not only to global events, but also to daily routine. Many household customs that our ancestors adhered to have survived to this day.

  • If someone looks into your house, you cannot greet the person or pass him anything over the threshold (people will quarrel). A quarrel is also likely if two people go around a high obstacle from different sides. However, if this happens, you must immediately greet each other.
  • If a person forgot something when he went outside and immediately returned, then failure awaits him. However, like any negative sign, this one can be neutralized. It’s enough to look at yourself in the mirror and comb your hair again or fix something in your appearance.
  • If you don’t want your fortune to leave you, you can’t patch your clothes, take them off.
  • When you talk about someone's physical disabilities or injuries, do not show them on your body - take all the shortcomings upon yourself.

How much do you know? This important attribute is used by black magicians in witchcraft rituals: during love spells, creating a wax figurine (volta). Therefore, the ancestors believed that lost hair should not be ignored.

Dispose of it properly. It is necessary to wash off your energy from it by placing it under running water. Only then roll it up and throw it away.

It is advisable to do this not on the street: if a bird finds your hair and takes it to the nest, then you will be in trouble. The same goes for nails and napkins with traces of your blood. It is better to burn these things, as our ancestors did.

Household signs include a fallen or broken dishes. There are many interpretations of these superstitions. Some assure that happiness awaits you, others promise a meeting with unpleasant people. There are rules regarding icons and mirrors. Check out these signs to protect yourself from trouble.

Black cats, broken mirrors, the bats, ominous crossroads, broken horseshoes, crows, brownies and other evil spirits - this is a list of Russian folk superstitions inherited from our ancestors. However, there are signs that are quite fabulous in their essence, which guide us in everyday life, even despite all their absurdity. This is our mentality, we have absorbed this “wisdom” from birth, and we continue to use it religiously.

The saying that spilled salt leads to shed tears has been known to all of us since childhood. They say that this common sign foreshadows a lot of misfortunes and quarrels. Throughout the world, the attitude towards salt is multifaceted - just remember the well-known wish of newlyweds to eat 16 kilograms of salt together. But in Russia, this item is also believed to have a purely everyday connotation.

The appearance of this sign refers to XVII century, in those days salt was very valuable due to its great shortage. At the same time, what was happening in our country a large number of all kinds of riots, and in general the social situation was quite tense. So, excessive, sometimes to the point of fanaticism, thriftiness with salt found its manifestation. And if a precious product was scattered on the floor, the natural reaction to such an offense was scandals and quarrels. Hence the belief that has survived to this day, when the younger generation does not understand how one of the cheapest products can cause global climate change in the home.

Our Russian people are known not only for their abundance of superstitions and superstitions, but also for ready-made “recipes” on how to avoid certain troubles. In this case, the belief says:

If you spilled salt, laugh and hit yourself on the forehead harder.

You can also collect spilled product from the floor and apply it to your crown. But over-salted soup is another sign: it means the hostess who cooked it fell in love.

Whistling in the house means lost money

Despite the fact that in the 60s solo whistling in musical works was very popular (just remember Obodzinsky’s wonderful vocalization “I’m coming home”), popular rumors were very harsh in relation to such liberties. Whistling in the house meant overlooking money.

This sign in houses where money was treated as a source of income and the basis of well-being was relevant at all times. They say that whistling in the presence of other people is showing impoliteness. They say that whistling attracts evil spirits into the house.

According to another sign, a free whistle can frighten a brownie, who will fight, and at the same time take with him not only the well-being in the home, but also the established peace in relationships. It supposedly replaces the brownie and comes under your roof. strong wind, which “blows away” all the wealth acquired over many years.

The “windy” aspect of this belief has apparently always struck terror into the souls of sailors. For them, any strong wind means bad weather, storms and storms, which are like death at sea. That is why among sailors it was not supposed to indulge oneself and one’s company with frivolous whistling.

However, the true roots of this sign should be sought in a religious context. By whistling you can lose the protection of the Mother of God herself. They also say that in the house, along with money, you can “whistle” your memory.

If you put your shirt on the left side, you will quarrel

This superstition is also inherent only to our Russian people, and is not found anywhere else. First of all, if a dress is worn inside out, a person leaving the house in such an outfit automatically deprives himself of his chances of doing well. Folklore I was also more categorical about this: a careless person was destined to either be drunk or beaten. And nothing could be worse than this.

The explanation for such severe punishment to which an inattentive man or woman is subjected is quite simple. In the old days, there were no second-hand stores and other shops with incredibly cheap clothes. Therefore, the people’s attitude towards any dress, everyday or festive, was definitely careful.

In addition, all kinds of amulets were often embroidered on a dress or shirt in the form of patterns. It is clear that the ritual of being neatly dressed and neat was revered sacredly. However, there are also funny beliefs on this topic: a woman with her skirt turned to the left was soon to give birth.

Sew on yourself - sew up the memory

Have you ever, just before leaving home, suddenly discovered that a button on your shirt is held on by your word of honor, or the seam on your trousers, in the most “interesting” place, has come apart to the point of indecency?

The first reaction is to grab a needle and, in order not to be late for work, try to quickly restore normal look robes. However, here the “alarm siren” of the wife or mother-in-law immediately goes off: quickly take off your shirt, you can’t sew on yourself! However, there is another belief here - simply change your shirt and go out in a different attire, because, they say, sewing before the road means losing good luck.

In fact there is a Russian folk superstition, with elements of mysticism, which gives it even more flavor. The sign says: by sewing clothes on the body, a person automatically “sews up” his memory. Perhaps the origins of such a superstition date back to times when needles were not the most convenient, and if you prick yourself, you could infect your blood or get tetanus. But the “cure” for such superstition is simply humorous: take a thread with your mouth and the memory will not escape you.

I stepped on the threshold - I disturbed the memory of my ancestors

This belief is not so popular among the people, but it is still in circulation and is relevant when it comes to you personally. In fact, this superstition goes deep into history, when our ancestors were still pagans.

In those days, the threshold had not only symbolic, but also spiritual and cultural significance. From there, superstitions came to us not to extend one’s hand in greeting and not to pass any objects through this part of the home. Do you remember?

This is all because since ancient times the threshold was a kind of border where the territory of the home ended and the external space began. Both of these “dimensions” were inhabited by spirits. In the house they were appeased by the owners, but beyond the threshold began a land full of dangers.

The threshold, known for its sacred significance, was the abode of the spirits of our ancestors, and therefore performed security functions. Our ancestors guarded the house from otherworldly forces. There are known facts when the ashes of our ancestors were buried precisely under the threshold. This is such an interesting superstition.

Where a woman's hair falls, grass does not grow

There is a very interesting superstition that, they say, in the place where a woman’s hair falls, grass does not grow there. It is interesting that long before the advent of the microscope and the science of chemistry, our ancestors had a great understanding of a person’s character by his hair. Color and structure indicators were taken into account. In former times, a woman did not have the right to go out without a headscarf. And if somewhere you saw a representative of the fairer sex with a disheveled head, then the first question arose automatically - is she a witch?

Unlike our contemporaries, our ancestors believed that hair has magical power. Many rites and rituals are associated with it. It was believed that a relative should not be made your hairdresser, storing cut hair was considered unsafe, and if a hair fell from a woman’s uncovered head, grass would not grow.

Follow someone else's footsteps - you risk losing your legs

A wonderful Russian folk superstition, to which you can object as much as you like. However, this will not make it lose its relevance. Because in the times of our ancestors, traces often “spoke.” This happened for the reason that before there were much more all kinds of military conflicts and other alarming actions than there are now. And in order to escape from pursuing enemies, people literally began to bury their tracks. In addition, our ancestors at all times were famous as experienced hunters who very skillfully set all kinds of traps and traps.

Hence the superstition - not to step in a footprint, which may turn out to be just the appearance of a real shoe print or bare foot.

In addition to this superstition, there are signs associated with other people’s footprints that a person following in the footsteps of a stranger could “pick up” a disease or bad fate from the earth.

Thus, all kinds of conspiracies on traces are still relevant today, especially in rural areas, where the traditions of ancestors are much more revered, and folklore is preserved more carefully.

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