Ground air defense. Day of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces. Directions for improving and developing military air defense

"Russian Ministry of Defense"

Air defense troops appeared during the First World War. On December 26, 1915, the first four separate four-gun light batteries were formed and sent to the Western Front for firing at air targets. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2007, this memorable date began to be celebrated in Russia as Military Air Defense Day.

Organizationally, these formations are part of the formations, formations and units of the Ground Forces, Airborne troops, coastal troops of the Navy (Navy) and perform tasks in the country’s unified air defense system. They are equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft guns and missile systems(systems), as well as portable weapons. Depending on the range of destruction of air targets, they are divided into short-range systems - up to 10 km, short-range - up to 30 km, medium-range - up to 100 km and long-range - more than 100 km.

At the final board meeting of the Russian Ministry of Defense held on December 22, Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces Oleg Salyukov said that Russian military air defense is capable of repelling any means of air attack existing in the world. He emphasized that the development of military threats in the aerospace sphere necessitates “coordinated development of missile, space and air defense systems, taking into account qualitatively new requirements.”

The modern weapons of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces are in many ways superior to their predecessors and have no analogues in the world, which is confirmed by their high competitiveness in the arms market

Oleg Salyukov

Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel General

The military air defense systems are equipped with S-300V4 air defense systems (interception range - up to 400 km) and Tor-M1 (up to 15 km), Buk-M1 air defense systems (up to 45 km), Strela-10M4 (up to 8 km ), "OSA-AKM" (up to 10 km), anti-aircraft gun and missile systems "Tunguska-M1" (up to 10 km), anti-aircraft artillery systems "Shilka-M5" (up to 6 km), all-weather tactical missile systems "Tor- M2U" and others. Currently, the troops have already formed new anti-aircraft missile formations armed with the S-300V4 and the Buk-M2 complex. Re-equipment is being carried out with new Buk-MZ, Tor-M2 and Verba man-portable air defense systems.

New weapons have absorbed the best qualities of their predecessors and are capable of hitting both aerodynamic and ballistic targets, cruise missiles, aerial reconnaissance and electronic warfare, to combat airborne assaults. Military air defense should not be confused with the Anti-aircraft and missile defense(Air Defense-Missile Defense), which are part of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Progress of rearmament

S-300V4, Buk-MZ and Tor-M2 are included in the list of priority weapons and military equipment that determine the appearance of promising systems weapons Russian army. As the head of the military air defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov, told the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, in 2017 the main efforts were focused on equipping formations and units of the Southern and Western military districts with this equipment.

As a result of this, the following were rearmed and retrained: the anti-aircraft missile brigade - with the Buk-MZ medium-range air defense system; anti-aircraft missile regiments of combined arms formations - on the short-range air defense system "Tor-M2"; air defense units of combined arms formations - on the Verba MANPADS

Alexander Leonov

The Buk-MZ air defense system was delivered to join the Western Military District, whose military personnel next year will have to undergo retraining for new systems and perform live firing in specialized training centers of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces.

In 2018, it is planned to equip two military air defense formations with Tor-M2 complexes; air defense units operating in the Arctic and Far North should receive the Tor-M2DT short-range air defense system; air defense units of combined arms formations - MANPADS "Verba".

Thus, systematic and annual increase combat personnel troops, the implementation of complete re-equipment with modern anti-aircraft missile systems will make it possible to increase by 2020 combat capabilities air defense troops almost 1.3 times

Alexander Leonov

Chief of Military Air Defense of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General

Compared to previous generation systems, it has a two to three times expanded area covered from air strikes and an increased range of the border of the zone of destruction of air targets. These parameters, in particular, ensure guaranteed interception of the warheads of medium-range ballistic missiles. S-300V4 is a modification of the S-300VM system, which has higher tactical and technical characteristics due to the introduction of modern computing tools and element base, and the use of new components. The new system is capable of hitting ballistic and aerodynamic targets at ranges of up to 400 km. The supply contract was concluded in 2012. The first set was delivered to the customer in December 2014.


Evolution of "Thor"

According to open sources, the first modification of the Tor family of air defense systems entered service in 1986. Since 2011, the troops have been receiving a modification of the Tor-M2U complex. Fighting machine provides all-aspect destruction of air targets, including the striking elements of high-precision weapons. The air defense system allows reconnaissance on the move over any terrain and simultaneous firing of four air targets in a given sector.

The modern Tor-M2 began to enter service with the troops in 2016. Compared to previous modifications, it has improved the characteristics of the affected area, the transportable stock of anti-aircraft guided missiles, noise immunity, and others by one and a half to two times. It is capable of destroying targets flying at speeds of up to 700 m/s, at a range of up to 12 km and an altitude of up to 10 km. A battery consisting of four vehicles can simultaneously attack 16 targets.

In 2016, the Almaz-Antey concern began work on the Arctic version of the short-range air defense system - Tor-M2DT. A new version installed on the chassis of a two-link tracked tractor DT-30PM-T1 (DT - two-link tractor).

A naval version of the Thor may already appear in 2018–2019. This was reported by the press service of the Almaz-Antey concern during the KADEX 2016 exhibition. At the same time, in a number of parameters, the ship version of the complex will be superior to existing representatives of the Thor family.

This issue has been studied by the concern, and taking into account the experience of cooperation enterprises in the production and installation of complexes such as "Osa", "Dagger" and others on Navy ships, as well as the possibility of using components of mass-produced land-based models of the Tor air defense system, we can conclude that the creation of a "marine" "Tor version in the shortest possible time (the first samples of air defense systems may appear in 2018-2019), and at minimal cost

press service of the concern VKO "Almaz-Antey"

In 2016 chief designer anti-aircraft missile systems of the Izhevsk electromechanical plant "Kupol" (part of the Almaz-Antey concern) Joseph Drize (creator of a number of modern air defense systems, died in November 2016 - TASS note) stated that in the future "Tor" will become completely robotic and will be able to shoot down targets without human intervention. As Drize said, the air defense system can still operate without human intervention, but in some cases an operator is needed in conditions of strong interference. In addition, the company is working on increasing the Thor's capabilities to destroy cruise missiles created using stealth technologies.

New military "Gadfly"

"Buk-M2" (according to NATO codification - SA-11 Gadfly, "Gadfly") is considered one of the most effective representatives of its class. Its development was completed back in 1988, but serial production was launched only 15 years later.

In 2016, the military received the first brigade kit of the new Buk - Buk-M3. The characteristics of the complex are unknown, but its predecessor is capable of hitting air targets with solid fuel missiles at a range of 3 km to 45 km and at an altitude of up to 15 m to 25 km. In addition, it can destroy ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 150–200 km. Thanks to the new Buk-M3 missile, it is almost twice as powerful as previous models and has no analogues in the world. In addition, due to the smaller mass of the rocket, it was possible to increase the ammunition load by one and a half times. Another feature of the complex is the placement of the missile in a launch container.

The transport and launch containers (complex) contain six missiles on each self-propelled firing unit. Rockets have become more compact, but nevertheless they fly faster, further and more accurately. That is, a new unique missile has been created that will make it more likely to destroy air targets

Alexander Leonov

Chief of Military Air Defense of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General

In 2015, it was reported that the new product surpassed the system in a number of parameters long range S-300. "First of all we're talking about about the probability of hitting targets, which for the Buk-M3 is 0.9999, which the S-300 does not have,” a TASS source said. In addition, the maximum range of destruction of the complex has been increased by 25 km compared to its predecessor and increased to 70 km.

"Verba" for landing

The supply of Verba MANPADS to the troops continues. In August of this year, it became known that all airborne and airborne assault divisions of the Airborne Forces had already been re-equipped with Verba. According to the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, "Verba" is capable of hitting tactical aircraft, attack helicopters, cruise missiles and remotely piloted aircraft on oncoming and catch-up courses, in day and night conditions with visual visibility of the target, including in conditions of background and artificial interference.

Among the advantages of the Verba is the ability to fire on a collision course at targets with low infrared radiation on the far border of the affected area at extremely low altitudes. The new short-range systems, unlike their predecessors (Igla MANPADS), have expanded combat capabilities and provide high efficiency in hitting targets, despite powerful optical countermeasures.

Compared to previous MANPADS, the Verba has a several-fold increased firing zone for targets with low thermal radiation and tens of times increased immunity from powerful pyrotechnic interference. Despite the fact that the order combat use The new MANPADS are similar to the procedure for using the previous generation complexes; in Verba, the consumption of missiles to hit one target has been reduced and the temperature range of use has been expanded to minus 50 degrees. MANPADS are capable of hitting stealth targets of a mock enemy at altitudes from 10 m to 4.5 km and at ranges from 500 m to 6.5 km.

Roman Azanov

In the military development of many countries of the world, there is an increasingly stable trend of priority development of air attack means, forms and methods of their use, which fundamentally changes the nature of modern wars. The massive use of manned aircraft and cruise missiles (CM) against the most important military, administrative and economic facilities, infrastructure elements and troop groups became one of the most characteristic features of military operations at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. There is a kind of shift in the center of gravity of the armed struggle to the air sphere. Along with aviation and the Kyrgyz Republic, there has been a steady trend toward the increasingly widespread use of tactical and operational-tactical ballistic missiles in regional armed conflicts.

In these conditions, the problem of ensuring air safety becomes one of the most important components national security state, which necessitates a comprehensive improvement of air defense forces and means, and an increase in the volume of tasks assigned to the air defense forces. The intensity of development of air attack weapons, their constant improvement tactical and technical characteristics leads to an increase in the complexity of the tasks of combating them.

The wars in Iraq (1991, 2003) and Yugoslavia (1999) clearly demonstrated the need for a well-established and effectively functioning air defense system for the country and troops, the weakness or absence of which, in conditions of the massive use of various means of air attack, inevitably leads to large casualties and material losses, and ultimately to military defeat.

Taking into account the experience of wars and armed conflicts of recent times, one of the important areas of military development in the leading Arab countries ah is the development of air defense forces, equipping them with more effective means detection and destruction of air targets at various ranges and altitudes, control systems and processing information about the air situation.

Today, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have the largest and most technically well-equipped air defense forces. Syria and Libya have significant air defense forces, but the quality of their technical equipment leaves much to be desired. Countries such as the UAE, Bahrain, Algeria, Jordan, Kuwait pay great attention to the development of air defense, and in Lately- Yemen.

At the same time, despite the efforts made, the quantity, and in many cases the quality of air defense systems, the level of training of air defense personnel in most Arab states does not allow them to effectively solve the problems of combating modern air attack weapons and thereby reliably cover even the most important administrative, economic and military facilities. Not a single Arab country has so far managed to create an integrated air defense and missile defense system that would simultaneously solve both traditional air defense tasks and new tasks to combat various types of missile weapons.

It is possible that with adoption into service in the Armed Forces Saudi Arabia and Egypt of American Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM), and in the event of Algeria, Syria and Yemen acquiring Russian S-300 or S-400 type anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM), the armed forces of these countries will be able to solve individual missile defense tasks.

The weakness of the air defense of Arab countries is that almost all air defense systems (air defense systems, anti-aircraft artillery, radar, equipment) electronic warfare(EW), etc.), which are in service with their armed forces, are foreign-made (Russian, American, French, English, Swedish, Swiss, Chinese, Italian, German and South African). Only Egypt has established its own production of certain types of air defense weapons, and even then under foreign licenses or based on foreign models.

Algeria. The air defense forces of the Andr are a separate branch of the armed forces and organizationally consist of three anti-aircraft missile regiments (ZRP), armed with the S-125 Pechora, Kvadrat and Osa air defense systems (a total of 100 up to PU). In addition, there are three brigades of anti-aircraft artillery (725 guns of 130, 100 and 85 mm caliber) and units of radio technical troops (RTV). In general, the country's air defense forces have limited capabilities, and the majority of their equipment is outdated.

Currently, in the Algerian ground forces, in addition to the air defense units that are part of the combined arms formations and units, there is one anti-aircraft missile (ZRDN) and six anti-aircraft artillery divisions. The ground forces are armed with the Osa and Strela-1 air defense systems; portable air defense systems "Strela-2"; as well as 900 anti-aircraft artillery guns (130 mm - 10, 100 mm S-19 - 150, 85 mm - 20, 57 mm automatic anti-aircraft guns (AZP) S-60 - 70, 37 mm AZP - 145, ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" - 330, ZU-23-2 - 75, 20 mm - 100).

In 1995-2000, with the participation of Russian specialists, work was carried out to assess the technical condition and metrological maintenance of the control and measuring equipment of the S-125 Pechora air defense system. Work to modernize the complex continues. The issue of modernizing existing and purchasing new Osa short-range air defense systems is being considered. Negotiations are underway with the American company Northrop on the purchase of electronic equipment for air defense systems and new radars. It is planned to create a unified integrated electronic warfare system for the Air Force and Air Defense Forces. The Algerian side is showing interest in purchasing Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems.

Personnel for the Algerian air defense forces are trained at the Air Defense School (training period is four years). The ground forces have a field and anti-aircraft artillery school. Some specialists for the air defense troops are expected to be trained in Russia.

Bahrain. Air defense units are part of the ground forces. They are represented by a mixed anti-aircraft division, consisting of two batteries of anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM) and an anti-aircraft artillery battery. Air defense units are also included in combined arms units. In total, the Bahrain Armed Forces have 15 missile launchers (Advanced Hawk - 8, Crotal - 7), 78 MANPADS (RBS-70 - 60, Stinger - 18), 27 anti-aircraft guns(40 mm L/70 - 12, 35 mm Oerlikon - 15). In the coming years, it is planned to modernize the “Advanced Hawk” and “Crotal” air defense systems available to the troops, and to additionally purchase 100 MANPADS.

Egypt. The air defense troops (75 thousand people, including 50 thousand conscripts, reserve component - 70 thousand people) were separated into an independent branch of the armed forces in 1968. They include anti-aircraft missile forces (ZRV), anti-aircraft artillery (AA) and radio engineering units. Air defense troops carry out their tasks of defending the country from enemy air attacks in cooperation with Air Force fighter aircraft and military air defense units. The Egyptian Air Defense Forces are one of the largest and most complex military systems in the Middle East.

The highest organizational unit of a branch of the armed forces is an air defense division, which, depending on the nature of the tasks performed, may include several anti-aircraft missile brigades (4-8 missile brigades in each), anti-aircraft artillery regiments and divisions, as well as RTV units. There are five divisions in total (according to the number of air defense zones: Central, Western, Northern, Eastern and Southern). There are also separate anti-aircraft missile brigades and up to 100 ZA divisions. The basis of Egypt's air defense forces and means still consists of anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems supplied in the 1970s from the USSR. Currently, Egypt is taking measures to gradually modernize its air defense forces and increase their combat effectiveness.

The air defense missile system is armed with 40 S-75 air defense systems, 50 S-125 air defense systems, 14 Kvadrat air defense systems, 12 Advanced Hawk missile defense batteries, 12 Chaparel missile defense batteries, 14 Crotal missile defense batteries. In total, the troops have 875 missile launchers (S-75 - 300, S-125 - 232, Kvadrat - 200, Improved Hawk - 78, Chaparral - 33, Crotal - 32). The air defense units also have 18 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems (ZRPK) "Amon" (short-range air defense system "Skygard" RIM-7F "Sparou" and 35-mm anti-aircraft guns) and 36 air defense missile systems of national production "Sinai-23" (twin 23 -mm ZU and MANPADS "Ain Sakr"). The anti-aircraft artillery units are armed with up to 2,000 guns of 100, 85, 57, 37, 35, 30 and 23 mm caliber, as well as Strela-2 and Ain Sakr MANPADS. The radio technical troops are equipped with radars of Russian, English, American and Chinese production: P-11, P-12, P-14, P-18, P-15, P-35, “Obora-14”, “Tiger”, “Lion Systems” ", AN/TPS-59, AN/TPS-63, JY-9A.

Anti-aircraft missile units serve to cover important military installations, industrial zones, administrative centers and troop groups. They are designed to engage air targets at all altitudes. Anti-aircraft artillery units are designed primarily to combat low-flying air targets. The radio technical troops monitor airspace, collect and process data on the air situation, and control air defense forces and means.

With the help of the United States, Egypt has created a unified air defense control system that unites air defense firepower, fighter aircraft, automated radar surveillance and warning centers, as well as E-2C Hawkeye long-range radar surveillance aircraft (AWACS). Particular attention is paid to increasing the capabilities of air defense systems to detect and engage air targets at low altitudes.

The main grouping of forces and assets of the country's air defense forces is located in the areas of Cairo, Bilbeis, Beni Sueif, Luxor, El Minya, Ras Banas, Hurghada, Inshas, ​​Fayyad, Giankalis, Tanta and El Mansura.

In the second half of the 1990s, with Russian help, some air defense weapons were repaired and modernized. Deliveries of the Volga-3 air defense system, equipment for technical divisions, 5YA23 missiles for the Kvadrat air defense system, Oborona-14 and P-18 radars were carried out. Spare parts, new operational documentation and individual components were also supplied. Personnel were trained on the maintenance and use of the supplied equipment. In the period from 2001 to 2003, 50 S-125 Pechora air defense systems should be modernized to the Pechora-2 level (replacement of electronics, supply of new launchers, etc.). According to experts, after modernization the effectiveness of the air defense system will increase by 250-300%. At the same time, under US pressure, the Egyptians refused to purchase S-300 air defense systems from Russia.

The air defense forces should receive from the United States six batteries (48 launchers) of the Patriot missile defense system and 384 RAK-2 missiles. However, the Egyptians postponed the final resolution of this issue until 2006 for financial reasons. The Egyptian side is also showing interest in acquiring a ground-based version American rocket AMRAAM for its use in the interests of air defense. In particular, it is planned to replace Russian Kvadrat air defense systems with AMRAAM missiles. In 1996, a contract was signed with the United States to modernize the Advanced Hawk air defense system. An agreement was concluded with the United States on the modernization of the AN/TPS-59/M39 early warning radar, which were delivered in 1991.

The ground forces of Egypt are armed with 96 short-range air defense systems (M54 Chaparral - 26, Strela-1 - 20, Avenger - 50), Sinai-23 air defense systems - 36, MANPADS - over 600 (Strela- 2", "Ain Sakr", "Stinger"), anti-aircraft artillery guns (ZSU-57-2 - 40, ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" - 118, 57-mm AZP S-60, 37-mm AZP - 200 , 23 mm ZU-23-2 - 280).

Each mechanized division has an anti-aircraft artillery regiment and an anti-aircraft artillery battalion, and each tank division has an anti-aircraft artillery regiment or a mixed anti-aircraft missile and artillery battalion. A separate mechanized (infantry) brigade has an anti-aircraft division.

The country's enterprises produce and repair Sinai-23 and ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft systems, Ain Sakr MANPADS (a version of the Soviet Strela-2 MANPADS), and radar.

Officers for the Egyptian Air Defense Forces are trained at the Air Defense College (Alexandria), founded in 1974. The training period for command personnel is 4 years, for engineering personnel - 5 years. Advanced training for officers is carried out at the Air Defense Institute (established in 1967).

Jordan. The air defense forces are subordinate to a separate command (organizationally part of the Air Force headquarters) and are represented by two brigades of the Advanced Hawk missile defense system (14 batteries, 80 launchers) and several anti-aircraft artillery batteries. They cover the most important administrative, economic and military installations, mainly around the capital Amman. The Jordanian air defense system requires modernization. Currently, its radar systems have insufficient capabilities to detect low-flying targets. This is largely due to the mountainous terrain, which allows enemy aircraft to covertly approach the most important centers of the country at low altitudes. Moreover, the latter are located close to the border.

The armament and equipment of the air defense forces are maintained in combat-ready condition. Their technical maintenance is at an appropriate level. In the coming years, it is planned to modernize the Advanced Hawk air defense system and purchase three new radars.

The Jordanian ground forces have three air defense brigades, subordinate to the Northern Central and Eastern Commands, respectively. The armored division also includes an anti-aircraft missile brigade. The ground forces are armed with 144 air defense systems (Osa-AK - 52, Strela-10 - 92), MANPADS (Strela-2, Igla - 300, Redai - 260) and 416 anti-aircraft artillery guns (40-mm ZSU M42 - 264, ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" - 52, 20-mm ZSU M161 "Vulcan" - 100). Air defense units of the ground forces generally have good weapons and a high level of personnel training.

Yemen. Currently, the military-political leadership of the country is placing the main emphasis in increasing the combat power of the national armed forces, increasing their combat capability and combat readiness on strengthening and developing the air force and air defense. Air defense units are part of the Air Force and number 2 thousand people. They are armed with S-75, S-125 and Kvadrat air defense systems. The government intends to purchase 5 divisions of the S-300 PMU-1 air defense system from Russia.

The ground forces have 2 air defense brigades, 4 separate anti-aircraft artillery divisions, and an anti-aircraft missile division. Each mechanized brigade has an anti-aircraft battery. The ground forces are armed with the Strela-10 air defense system, 800 Strela-2 and Strela-3 MANPADS, 530 anti-aircraft guns and installations (85-mm KS-12 - 40, 57-mm AZP S-60 - 120 , 37-mm AZP - 150, ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" - 50, ZU-23-2 - 100, 20-mm ZSU M163 - "Vulcan" - 20, 20-mm ZU M167 - 50).

Qatar. The Qatari Air Force has air defense units armed with short-range air defense systems Roland-2 (9 launchers) and Mistral (24 launchers), 42 MANPADS (Stinger - 12, Strela-2 - 20, "Blowpipe" - 10). It is planned to purchase a batch of MANPADS for the ground forces in the near future.

Kuwait. The national air force includes air defense units armed with 4 Advanced Hawk air defense systems (24 launchers), 6 Amon air defense missile systems batteries (each with two Aspid short-range missile launchers, a Skygard fire control system, a radar and two twin 35-mm Oerlikon guns), 48 Starburst MANPADS.

The Kuwaiti side is showing interest in acquiring Russian short-range air defense systems "Tor-1M" and air defense systems "Pantsir".

Based on the 1991 agreement, Kuwait is participating in the creation of a joint early warning radar network as a component of the joint command and control system in the structure of the GCC defense forces.

Libya. The air defense troops are part of the combined branch of the armed forces - the air force and air defense. At the same time, a special air defense command was organized after the events of 1986 associated with American air raids on Libyan targets. It has under its command 4 air defense brigades equipped with the S-200VE "Vega" air defense system (each brigade has 2 missile batteries of 6 launchers, 4 anti-aircraft artillery batteries, a radar company), 6 air defense brigades equipped with the S-75M "Desna" air defense system, 3 air defense brigades , equipped with the S-125M Neva-M air defense system, and 3 air defense missile systems equipped with the Kvadrat and Osa air defense systems (20-24 self-propelled launchers in each). To control air defense forces and means it is used Russian system"Senezh". A significant part of the air defense weapons and equipment is physically and morally outdated, which, along with poor training of personnel, does not allow them to be used effectively to counter modern means of air attack.

Currently, the Libyan command expresses a desire to purchase 80 S-300PMU-1 (PMU-2) air defense missile launchers from Russia.

The air defense units of the Libyan ground forces are armed with the Strela-1, Strela-10 air defense systems, 24 Krotal missile launchers, and MANPADS. various types, 600 anti-aircraft artillery guns and ZSU (57-mm AZP S-60, 30-mm ZP, ZU-23-2, 40-mm ZSU M53, ZSU-23-4 “Shilka”).

Officers are trained at air defense military colleges in Tripoli and Misrata. There is also an air defense officer school. The duration of study in colleges and schools is from three to five years (for engineers).

Morocco. The territory of Morocco is divided into five air defense zones. Back in 1982, an automated control system for air defense forces and means came into operation. It includes an underground control and warning center and up to 10 stationary and mobile radar posts (RLP). 63 AN/TPS-43 radars, communications equipment and computers are deployed at the stationary radar stations. Mobile radars are placed on three trailers each and must, during a period of threat, by special decision, occupy pre-prepared positions. All control system equipment was manufactured in the USA, and Moroccan specialists were also trained there. Air defense radio units are organizationally part of the Royal Air Force.

The Moroccan ground forces have an air defense group. In total, the air defense units of the ground forces are armed with 37 M54 Chaparral missile launchers, 70 Strela-2 MANPADS, 205 anti-aircraft artillery guns (100-mm KS-19 - 15, ZU-23-2 - 90, 20-mm - 100 (M167 - 40, ZSU M163 "Vulcan" - 60).

UAE. Currently, the country does not have a unified air defense system. The bulk of the available air defense forces and means are organizationally part of the Air Force and perform tasks to cover administrative centers, oil complex facilities, airfields, and various military installations.

The air defense forces are represented by a brigade, which consists of three divisions armed with 21 short-range missile launchers "Rapier" (12 launchers) and "Crotal" (9 launchers), and 5 batteries of the "Advanced Hawk" missile defense system. In addition, air defense units have 13 RBS-70 and 100 Mistral MANPADS, as well as Igla and Javelin MANPADS.

All air defense systems are deployed in positions and are on combat duty. To support the activities of air defense fire weapons, a network of stationary radar posts equipped with radars manufactured in the USA, Great Britain and Germany has been deployed in the country.

The air defense units of the UAE ground forces are armed with 40 MANPADS (Mistral - 20, Blowpipe - 20), 62 anti-aircraft guns (30-mm - 20, 20-mm ZSU M3VDA - 42).

Considering the fact that at the present stage air defense forces and means are only able to carry out the tasks assigned to them to a limited extent, the Emirati leadership envisages the implementation of a set of measures to further develop the capabilities of the air defense forces. In particular, it is planned to purchase additional quantities of the Advanced Hawk air defense system. In August 2000, a contract was signed with Russia for the supply of Pantsir-1 air defense systems (50 launchers) in the amount of $734 million. The UAE is participating in the creation of a unified GCC air defense system.

Oman. Air defense units (two squadrons of short-range missiles "Rapier", 28 launchers) are organizationally part of the Air Force. Four additional batteries of 35-mm anti-aircraft guns were purchased from South Africa. The Rapira air defense system is being modernized to the level of the Rapier B1 (X) model with the new Matra-2 missile with infrared guidance and a proximity fuse. Negotiations are underway on the supply of an additional batch of Rapier missiles. In 2001, deliveries of Italian S793D radars were completed. It is planned to create a network of early warning radars and modernize the air defense communications system. The Italian side pledged to provide assistance in training personnel of radio engineering units.

The air defense units of the Omani ground forces are armed with MANPADS "Blowpipe", "Javelin" (14), "Strela-2" (34), 26 anti-aircraft guns (40-mm L/60 "Bofors" - 12, 35-mm GDF- 005 - 10, ZU-23-2 - 4). If the financial situation further improves, it is planned to purchase MANPADS, other weapons and equipment for military air defense.

Saudi Arabia. The air defense troops (16 thousand people) are an independent branch of the armed forces. They are headed by a commander who has his own headquarters. Air defense forces consist of anti-aircraft missile forces, anti-aircraft artillery and RTV units. Interceptor fighters are operationally subordinate to air defense.

Organizationally, the air defense forces are divided into six groups. The 1st group (headquarters in Riyadh) includes three batteries of the Advanced Hawk missile defense system and two batteries of the Oerlikon missile system; 2nd group (Jeddah) - three batteries of Us. Hawk", a Krotal missile defense battery, two Shahin missile defense batteries, a 30-mm battery and two Oerlikon missile batteries, as well as an air defense training center; 3rd group - (Tabuk) - two batteries of Us. Hawk”, battery of “Shakhin” missile defense systems; 4th group (Khamis-Mushayt) - battery of Us. Hawk", a battery of "Shakhin" missile defense systems, two batteries of a 30-mm charger, a battery of "Oerlikon" charger; 5th group (Dhahran) - six batteries of Us. Hawk", two batteries of the "Shakhin" missile defense system, five batteries of the "Oerlikon" missile launcher; 6th group (Hafr el-Batin) - two batteries of Us. Hawk", four Oerlikon batteries. In total, the air defense forces have 33 missile defense batteries (16 - "Us. Hawk" and 17 - "Shakhin").

In total, the air defense forces are armed with 128 MIM-23B "Advanced Hawk" missile launchers, 141 "Shakhin" self-propelled launchers (SPU) and 40 "Krotal" SPU, as well as 270 anti-aircraft guns and installations: 35-mm "Oerlikon" - 128, 30-mm ZSU AMX-30SA - 50, 20-mm ZSU M163 "Vulcan" - 92. In addition, there are 70 40-mm L/70 anti-aircraft guns in warehouses.

The Gulf War gave a strong impetus to the development of Saudi air defenses, generally maintaining the general concept of their improvement, which included the creation of a multi-level integrated air defense system for the kingdom. In the 1990s, 21 batteries of Patriot missile defense systems (including 2 training ones) with 1055 missiles were purchased for the air defense forces. Further improvement of the country's air defense system is a priority area of ​​national military development. In the future, the command intends to bring the country's air defense system closer in efficiency to Western models.

Currently, air defense troops are entrusted with covering important administrative, economic and military facilities: the country's capital, oil production areas, troop groups, air force and missile bases.

Saudi Arabia's air defense forms the basis of the GCC's Peace Shield air defense system. Its construction was largely completed in 1995. The Peace Shield includes 17 AN/FPS-117(V)3 long-range radars, three D radar systems coupled with AN-PPS-43 and AN-TPS-72 short- and medium-range radars. The system's control center is located in Riyadh. It controls five sectors, with command posts located in Dhahran (East), Al Kharj (Centre), Khamis Mushait (South), Taif (West) and Tabuk (Northwest). Military air bases have operational centers that are integrated with AWACS aircraft (5 units) E-3A AWACS, fighter aircraft, missile defense and anti-aircraft artillery batteries.

Saudi troops are taking part in the regularly held joint air force and air defense exercises of the GCC countries "Peninsula Falcon".

Air defense systems of the ground forces are represented by the short-range air defense system "Shakhin" ("Krotal") and 1000 MANPADS ("Stinger" - 500, "Redai" - 500). The modernization of the Shahin air defense system continues. Each mechanized and armored brigade has an anti-aircraft division.

Officer cadres for the air defense forces are trained at the largest and oldest military educational institution in the kingdom, the Military College named after. King Abdulaziz in the Riyadh suburb of Al Ain.

Syria. The Air Force and Air Defense Forces (100 thousand people, including 40 thousand in the Air Force and 60 thousand in the Air Defense) represent a single branch of the armed forces. At the same time, the air defense forces have a separate command, subordinate to the commander of the combined branch of the armed forces.

The territory of Syria is divided into Northern and Southern zone Air defense. To control air defense forces and assets, there are three fully computerized command posts.

Air defense formations and units are represented by two air defense divisions, 25 anti-aircraft missile brigades (individual and as part of air defense divisions, up to 150 batteries in total) and units of radio technical troops. They are armed with 908 SAM launchers (600 S-75 and S-125, 200 Kvadrat, 48 S-200 long-range SAM launchers, 60 Osa SAM launchers), as well as up to 4,000 anti-aircraft artillery guns.

The S-200 missile defense regiment consists of two missile divisions with two batteries each.

The air defense units of the Syrian ground forces are armed with 55 short-range air defense systems (Strela-10 - 35, Strela-1 - 20); 4000 MANPADS "Strela-2" and "Igla"; 2050 anti-aircraft artillery guns (100-mm KS-19 - 25, 57-mm AZP S-60 - 675, 37-mm AZP - 300, ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" - 400, ZU-23-2 - 650) .

In service Syrian air defense consists mainly of outdated S-75, S-125 and “Kvadrat” air defense systems (the latter have undergone partial modernization work) and radio equipment that are not able to effectively counteract modern air attack weapons. There are problems with personnel training. The command, given the significant role that aviation played in the fighting in the zone Persian Gulf, in the war in Yugoslavia and a number of other local conflicts, pays special attention to strengthening and improving air defense forces and means.

Syria expresses a desire to purchase S-300PMU air defense systems, Buk-M1 and Tor-M1 air defense systems from Russia.

Officers for the air defense forces are trained at the Air Defense College.

Sudan. The air defense troops are separated into a separate type of armed forces, which include five S-75 missile defense batteries (18 launchers) and anti-aircraft artillery units. All equipment is morally and physically outdated and is not able to effectively counteract modern means of air attack.

The Sudanese ground forces are armed with 54 Strela-2 MANPADS and anti-aircraft guns (85-mm, 57-mm AZP S-60 and Type-59, 37-mm AZP, ZU-23-2).

Tunisia. The country's air defense tasks are assigned to the ground forces. However, the air defense systems they have in their arsenal have limited capabilities to hit air targets only at low altitudes and are able to cover only individual objects.

The Tunisian ground forces are armed with 25 M48 Chaparral air defense systems, 48 ​​RBS-70 MANPADS, 115 anti-aircraft artillery guns (37-mm Type 55/65 AZP - 15, 20-mm M55 - 100). Each mechanized brigade has an anti-aircraft division. In the near future, it is planned to increase the number of MANPADS.

Mauritania. The ground forces have 4 anti-aircraft batteries. Air defense systems include 30 Strela-2 MANPADS, 100 mm anti-aircraft guns KS-19 (12), 57-mm AZP S-60 (2), 37-mm AZP (10), 23-mm anti-aircraft guns ZU-23-2 (20). The troops also have ZPU-2 and ZPU-4 anti-aircraft machine gun mounts.

Lebanon. The ground forces are armed with 10 40-mm M42 self-propelled guns and 23 and 20 mm anti-aircraft guns.

Djibouti. The ground forces are armed with 15 anti-aircraft guns (40 mm L/70 - 5, ZU-23-2 - 5, 20 mm - 5).

Air defense is a set of steps and actions of troops to combat enemy air attack weapons in order to avert (reduce) losses among the population, damage to objects and military groups from air strikes. To repel (disrupt) enemy air attacks (strikes), air defense systems are formed.

The full air defense complex covers the following systems:

  • Reconnaissance of the air enemy, warning troops about him;
  • Fighter aircraft screening;
  • Anti-aircraft missile and artillery barrier;
  • Electronic warfare organizations;
  • Masking;
  • Managerial, etc.

Air defense happens:

  • Zonal - to protect individual areas within which cover objects are located;
  • Zonal-objective - for combining zonal air defense with direct screening of particularly important objects;
  • Object - for the defense of individual particularly important objects.

The world experience of wars has turned air defense into one of the most important components in combined arms combat. In August 1958, the air defense forces of the ground forces were formed, and later the military air defense of the Russian Armed Forces was organized from them.

Until the end of the fifties, the SV air defenses were equipped with anti-aircraft artillery systems of that time, as well as specially designed transportable anti-aircraft missile systems. Along with this, in order to reliably cover troops in mobile combat operations, the presence of highly mobile and highly effective air defense systems was required, due to the increasing use of air attack capabilities.

Along with the fight against tactical aviation, the air defense forces of the ground forces also hit combat helicopters, unmanned and remotely piloted aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, as well as enemy strategic aircraft.

In the mid-seventies, the organization of the first generation of anti-aircraft missile weapons of the air defense forces ended. The troops received the latest missiles Air defense and the famous ones: “Circles”, “Cubes”, “Osa-AK”, “Strela-1 and 2”, “Shilka”, new radars and many other new equipment at that time. The formed anti-aircraft missile systems easily hit almost all aerodynamic targets, so they took part in local wars and armed conflicts.

By that time, the latest means of air attack were already rapidly developing and improving. These were tactical, operational-tactical, strategic ballistic missiles and precision weapons. Unfortunately, the weapon systems of the first generation of air defense troops did not provide solutions to the tasks of covering military groups from attacks with these weapons.

There is a need to develop and apply systematic approaches to argumentation of the classification and properties of second generation weapons. It was necessary to create weapons systems balanced by classifications and types of targets and a list of air defense systems, combined into a single control system, equipped with radar reconnaissance, communications and technical equipment. And such weapons systems were created. In the eighties, the air defense forces were fully equipped with S-Z00V, Tors, Buks-M1, Strela-10M2, Tunguskas, Iglas and the latest radars.

Changes have occurred in anti-aircraft missile and anti-aircraft missile and artillery units, units and formations. They became integral components in combined arms formations from battalions to front-line formations and became a unified air defense system in military districts. This increased the effectiveness of combat applications in groupings of air defense forces of military districts and ensured the power of fire echeloned at heights and ranges against the enemy with a high density of fire from anti-aircraft guns.

At the end of the nineties, to improve command, changes took place in the air defense forces of the Air Force, formations, military units and air defense units of the Navy Coast Guard, military units and air defense units of the Airborne Forces, and in formations and military units of the air defense reserve of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. They were united into the military air defense of the Russian Armed Forces.

Military air defense missions

Connections and parts military air defense the tasks assigned to them for interaction with the forces and means of the Armed Forces and Navy are resolved.

Military air defense is assigned the following tasks:

In peacetime:

  • Measures to maintain air defense forces in military districts, formations, units and air defense units of the Coast Guard of the Navy, air defense units and units of the Airborne Forces in combat readiness for advanced deployments and repulses, together with air defense forces and means of the types of the Russian Armed Forces, attacks by means of air attacks;
  • Carrying out duty within the operational zone of military districts and in the general air defense systems of the state;
  • The sequence of increasing combat strength in air defense formations and units that perform missions on combat duty when introduced higher degrees b/ready.

In wartime:

  • Measures for comprehensive, echeloned in depth cover from attacks by enemy air attacks on troop groups, military districts (fronts) and military installations throughout the depth of their operational formations, while interacting with air defense forces and means and other types and branches of the Armed Forces;
  • Activities for direct cover, which include combined arms formations and formations, as well as formations, units and units of the Coast Guard of the Navy, formations and units of the Airborne Forces, missile forces and artillery in the form of groupings, aviation airfields, command posts, the most important rear facilities in concentration areas, during advances, occupation of specified zones and during operations (actions).

Directions for improving and developing military air defense

The Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces today are the main and largest component of the military air defense of the Russian Armed Forces. They are united by a harmonious hierarchical structure with the inclusion of front-line, army (corps) complexes of air defense troops, as well as air defense units, motorized rifle (tank) divisions, motorized rifle brigades, air defense units of motorized rifle and tank regiments, and battalions.

Air defense troops in military districts have air defense formations, units and subunits, which have at their disposal anti-aircraft weapons of various purposes and potentials. missile systems/complexes.

They are connected by reconnaissance and information complexes and control complexes. This makes it possible, in certain circumstances, to form effective multifunctional air defense systems. Until now, the weapons of Russian military air defense are among the best on the planet.

The most important areas in the improvement and development of military air defense include:

  • Optimization of organizational structures in command and control bodies, formations and air defense units, in accordance with the assigned tasks;
  • Modernization of anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes, reconnaissance assets in order to extend the service life and their integration into a unified aerospace defense system in the state and in the armed forces, endowing them with the functions of non-strategic anti-missile weapons in theaters of military operations;
  • Development and maintenance of a unified technical policy to reduce the types of weapons, military equipment, their unification and avoidance of duplication in development;
  • Providing advanced air defense weapons systems using the latest means automation of control, communications, active, passive and other non-traditional types of intelligence activities, multifunctional anti-aircraft missile systems and new generation air defense systems using the criteria of “efficiency - cost - feasibility”;
  • Maintaining a complex of collective used training of military air defense with other troops, taking into account the upcoming combat missions and the characteristics of deployment areas, with the concentration of the main efforts in the preparation of high-readiness air defense formations, units and subunits;
  • Formation, provision and training of reserves for a flexible response to changes in circumstances, strengthening air defense force groups, replenishing losses of personnel, weapons and military equipment;
  • Improving the training of officers in the structure of the military training system, increasing the level of their fundamental (basic) knowledge and practical training and consistency in the transition to continuous military education.

It is planned that the aerospace defense system will soon occupy one of the leading areas in strategic defense state and in the Armed Forces, will become one of the constituent parts, and in the future it will become almost the main deterrent in starting wars.

Air defense systems are one of the fundamental ones in the aerospace defense system. Today, military air defense units are able to effectively resolve missions of anti-aircraft and, to some extent, non-strategic missile defense measures in groupings of troops in operational-strategic directions. As practice shows, during tactical exercises using live fire, all available Russian military air defense systems are capable of hitting cruise missiles.

Air defense in the aerospace defense system of a state and in its Armed Forces tends to grow in proportion to the increase in the threat of air attacks. When resolving aerospace defense tasks, a coordinated general use of multi-service air defense forces and missile and space defense forces in operational-strategic areas will be required as the most effective than separate ones. This will happen due to the possibility, with a single plan and under unity of command, to combine strength with the advantages of different types of weapons and mutual compensation for their shortcomings and weaknesses.

Improving air defense systems is impossible without further modernization of existing weapons, rearmament of air defense troops in military districts with the most modern air defense systems and air defense systems, with supplies the latest systems automated control and communication.

The main direction in the development of Russian air defense systems today is:

  • Continue development work in order to create highly effective weapons that will have quality indicators that cannot be surpassed by foreign analogues for 10-15 years;
  • Create a promising multifunctional military air defense weapons system. This will give impetus to create a flexible organizational structure for the execution of specific tasks. Such a system needs to be integrated with the main weapons of the ground forces, and act in an integrated manner with other types of troops in the course of solving air defense problems;
  • Introduce automated control systems with robotics and artificial intelligence in order to reflect further increases in enemy capabilities and increase the effectiveness of used air defense troops;
  • Provide samples of air defense weapons with electro-optical devices, television systems, thermal imagers to ensure the combat effectiveness of air defense systems and air defense systems in conditions of intense interference, which will minimize the dependence of air defense systems on the weather;
  • Widely use passive location and electronic warfare equipment;
  • Reorient the concept of the prospects for the development of weapons and military equipment for air defense, carry out a radical modernization of existing weapons and military equipment in order to provide a significant increase in effectiveness combat use at low cost.

Air Defense Day

Air Defense Day is a memorable day in the Russian Armed Forces. It is celebrated every year, every second Sunday in April, in accordance with the Decree Russian President dated May 31, 2006.

For the first time, this holiday was defined by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in a Decree dated February 20, 1975. It was established for the outstanding services shown by the air defense forces of the Soviet state during the Second World War, as well as for the fact that they carried out particularly important tasks in times of peace. It was originally celebrated on April 11, but in October 1980 Air Defense Day was moved to be celebrated every second Sunday in April.

The history of establishing the date of the holiday is connected with the fact that, in fact, in the April days, the most important government resolutions on the organization of air defense of the state were adopted, which became the basis for the construction of air defense systems, determined the organizational structure of the troops included in it, their formation and further development.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that as the threat of air attacks increases, the role and importance of military air defense will only increase, which has already been confirmed by time.

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On December 26, the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces celebrate the anniversary of their formation. The beginning of the formation of military air defense units was the order of the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated December 13 (26), 1915 No. 368, which announced the formation of separate four-gun light batteries for firing at air fleet. According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2007 No. 50, the date of creation of military air defense is considered to be December 26.

Military air defense formations are designed to cover troop groups and military logistics facilities, important state infrastructure facilities located in the area of ​​responsibility of the combined arms commander. In the context of the rapid development of aerospace attack means of the armies of foreign states, formations, military units and air defense units have become an integral integral part combined arms formations from the tactical to the operational-strategic level.

There are more than 90 formations in the modern Armed Forces, military units and air defense units. As shown practical actions troops at the training grounds, the level of training of soldiers and officers has increased significantly, especially in practical terms.

The basis of the military air defense weapon system is anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes (ZRS and SAM) "S-300V3", "Buk-M2", "Tor-M1", "Osa-AKM", "Tunguska-M1", MANPADS "Igla" . The main means of automated control are the Polyana-D4M1 automation equipment complex (CAS), designed to equip command posts military districts, armies, anti-aircraft missile brigades in mobile and stationary versions, as well as a single KSA "Barnaul-T" - to equip air defense units of individual motorized rifle (tank) brigades.

Intelligence means include mobile radar stations(radars) of the duty mode “Sky-SV”, “Sky-SVU” and the combat mode “Ginger”, “Obzor”, “Dome”, as well as portable radars “Garmon”. Currently, research and development work is being carried out to create a new generation of air defense weapons. The basic areas of the technological basis of such work are microelectronics, computer science and robotics.

The modernization of the S-300V air defense system made it possible to increase the range of destruction of aerodynamic air targets to 400 km, covering areas from operational-tactical attacks and tactical missiles(OTR and TR) by 3-4 times, and defeat OTR and medium-range ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 3500 km.

The Air Defense Forces of the Air Force will soon receive a modified Buk-M2 complex, which, while maintaining the same number of combat weapons, will increase the number of simultaneously fired air targets for a division from 6 to 24, the area of ​​​​covered objects and troops - by 2.5 times, the possibility of hitting TR with launch range up to 150-200 km. Work is nearing completion on the creation of a new medium-range air defense system, which will be many times greater than its predecessor in terms of destruction range, number of simultaneously hit targets and destruction speed.

In 2011, the Air Defense Forces received a new modification of the Tor-M2U air defense system, which today is the only one in the world in terms of simultaneous firing of four air targets by one combat vehicle. Compared to the previous modification, it has 1.5 times increased parameters of the affected area in height, speed and heading parameter.

In the interests of developing the command and control system, work is underway to create new unified command and control systems at various levels of command and control of troops and weapons. IN tactical level There is a planned equipping of brigade control systems from the Barnaul-T KSA, which in terms of basic characteristics corresponds to, and in terms of maneuverability, security, interchangeability of controls, and the time it takes to set a mission, it exceeds its foreign counterparts. The time it takes for commands (information) to pass from the air defense chief of a brigade to an air defense missile system (SAM) combat vehicle is no more than 1 second.



Air defense troops of the Ground Forces began to be used in exercises in 2015 the new kind target missiles simulating high-speed targets. This was announced by the head of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov.
“To create a complex target environment during tactical live-fire exercises, the new Pincene target missile was used for the first time, simulating high-speed targets with the characteristics of modern air attack weapons,” explained Alexander Leonov.
The main advantage of this target missile, according to him, is the ability to “carry out a full cycle of fire control using automation tools.”
In addition, to objectively assess the combat performance of crews and the results of live firing, the Conglomerat-1P mobile control system was used. It provides digital video recording and processing of the flight trajectory of anti-aircraft guided missiles and artillery shells of short-range and short-range anti-aircraft systems.
In 2015, 65 tactical live-fire exercises of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces were planned and conducted. They were carried out at the Kapustin Yar and Ashuluk training grounds in the Southern Military District and the Telemba training ground in the Eastern Military District.
In total, more than 10 thousand military personnel, including 1.5 thousand officers, took part in the training events; up to 3.5 thousand units of weapons, military and special equipment were involved.
Department of Press Service and Information of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation


The military air defense (air defense) of the Russian Armed Forces conducted 120 exercises, during which 1043 target missiles were hit, the head of the air defense troops of the Russian Ground Forces, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov, said on the Ekho Moskvy radio station.
The Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces (SV) of the Russian Armed Forces celebrate the anniversary of their formation on Saturday. The formation of military air defense units began with the order of the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army dated December 13 (26), 1915 on the formation of separate four-gun light batteries for firing at the air fleet. According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2007, the date of creation of military air defense is considered to be December 26.
“In total, 129 exercises were conducted in 2016,” Leonov said. He noted that during these exercises, 1,043 target missiles were destroyed.
RIA News


Russia has begun the development of a new man-portable anti-aircraft missile system (MANPADS). Interfax reports this with reference to the head of the air defense of the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov.
“The development of a new MANPADS is underway,” Leonov said on the Ekho Moskvy radio station, adding that domestic MANPADS are now significantly superior to any foreign analogues.
Man-portable anti-aircraft missile system (MANPADS) is an anti-aircraft missile system designed to be transported and fired by one person. In Russia, the Igla and Verba MANPADS are in service. The Strela and Igla missile systems developed in the USSR were exported to dozens of countries around the world and are still actively used in armed conflicts.


Buk-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems will no longer be supplied to the Russian Ground Forces; re-equipment with Buk-M3 systems is underway.
This was announced by the head of the military air defense of the Russian Ground Forces, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov.
“There will be no more deliveries of Buk-M2 (to the Ground Forces). At the beginning of next year, retraining for the Buk-M3 complexes will begin,” he said on the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

Anti-aircraft missile system 9K317M "BUK-M3"


Three new anti-aircraft missile brigades have been formed in two military districts, the head of the military air defense (air defense) of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov, said on Saturday on the Ekho Moskvy radio station.
“The formation of our new connections continues. To date, three anti-aircraft missile brigades have been formed: one long-range anti-aircraft missile brigade in the Southern (military) district and two medium-range anti-aircraft missile brigades in the Southern and Eastern military districts,” Leonov said.
He noted that, in addition, military air defense units and formations are being re-equipped with new equipment.
“We are re-equipping the existing one air defense missile system and regiment. Seven anti-aircraft missile divisions have been re-equipped with new complex short-range Tor-M2, planned re-equipment of short-range systems is underway - the Strela-10MN anti-aircraft missile system, Verba MANPADS,” Leonov said.
RIA News


According to the head of the air defense troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov, the main efforts of combat training of military air defense in the past academic year were focused on organizing and conducting planned training of formations, military units and subunits in accordance with their intended purpose.
In total, 129 tactical live-fire exercises were conducted in 2016. Of these, 98 are with anti-aircraft missile (anti-aircraft) units and units of military districts and the Northern Fleet and 31 are with units of the Airborne Forces.
At the same time, more than 50% of formations, military units and subunits were rated “good” and “excellent” based on the results of tactical exercises. The total consumption of missiles was more than 1000, ammunition - more than 40 thousand, target missiles - more than 1000.
Over 15 thousand military personnel were involved in the exercises, more than 3.5 thousand units of weapons, military and special equipment were involved.
During the exercise, several innovative approaches were tested for the first time.
Firstly, the use of unmanned aircraft to create a complex air situation that meets modern realities, as well as to monitor the actions of inspected formations, military units and subunits. For the first time, the Conglomerat-1P complex, which has no analogues in the world, was used to objectively assess the results of firing.
Secondly, during tactical live-fire exercises, modern Barnaul-T automated control systems were widely used, which made it possible to significantly reduce the time for assessing the situation and making decisions.


By the end of 2020, formations, units and air defense units of the Ground Forces will be re-equipped with anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) S-300V4 (long-range), Buk-M3 (medium-range) and Tor-M2 (short-range), anti-aircraft artillery systems and man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) of a new generation (short-range).
This was announced by the head of the air defense troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov.
In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the share of modern models of military air defense equipment included in the list of priorities and determining the appearance of promising weapons systems will be more than 70%.
The increase in combat strength and comprehensive re-equipment will lead to an increase in the combat capabilities of the air defense forces of the ground forces by almost two times (1.8 times), which will significantly increase the effectiveness of air defense.
As a result, a reliable air defense system will be created in all strategic directions to cover not only troop groups, but also important government facilities in the areas of responsibility.
Department of Information and mass communications Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Military air defense (air defense) specialists of the Ground Forces are being retrained for new types of weapons, this was stated by the head of the combat training department of the Ground Forces, Colonel Roman Benyukov.
"IN winter period training trained specialists for seven types of basic equipment. Today, the number of trained military personnel corresponds to the amount of new equipment received, which ensures its high-quality operation,” emphasized Colonel Roman Benyukov.
He also said that the main efforts of the military air defense of the Army were aimed at training junior specialists and retraining formations, military units and units on the latest types of weapons and military equipment (anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes S-300V4, Buk-M2, Buk- M3", "Tor-M2U", "Tor-M2", man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems "Verba"), and for the missile forces and artillery, about 1.5 thousand people were trained in four training centers during the winter training period.
The created combat training system includes three areas: training of conscripted and contract military personnel and university students, added the head of the combat training department of the Army.


In the interests of the Ground Forces, a universal mechanized training complex has been developed and is completing tests, intended for training military air defense units and testing promising air defense systems.
The complex created software and remotely controlled reusable targets that simulate a cruise missile, tactical UAV, jet aircraft and hovering attack helicopter.
The complex also allows you to create a dynamically changing air situation, such as a “star” raid, for practicing electronic and combat launches by air defense missile crews.

Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Based on the results of combat training in 2017, more than ten military air defense units of the Ground Forces were assigned honorary title"Punch".
About 90 tactical exercises were conducted with military air defense units of the Ground Forces in 2017, in which more than 14.5 thousand military personnel and more than 3.5 thousand weapons and special equipment took part.
The military air defense training centers of the Ground Forces have trained about 2 thousand junior specialists, of whom more than 250 are serving military personnel military service by contract.
In addition, in 2018 it is planned to equip with modern weapons and equipment, including: two military air defense formations - the Tor-M2 short-range anti-aircraft missile system; air defense units operating in the Arctic and Far North - the Tor-M2DT short-range anti-aircraft missile system; air defense units of combined arms formations - the Verba portable anti-aircraft missile system.
The systematic and annual increase in the combat strength of troops, the implementation of complete rearmament with modern anti-aircraft missile systems will make it possible to increase the combat capabilities of air defense forces by 2020.
Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The air defense systems and complexes of the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces are capable of fighting all existing means of air attack; they have no analogues in the world, which is confirmed by their high competitiveness in the arms market, said Colonel-General Oleg Salyukov, Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces.
“The modern weapons of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces are in many ways superior to their predecessors and have no analogues in the world, which is confirmed by their high competitiveness in the arms market. According to their characteristics, the anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes in service with the branch of the armed forces are capable of combating all existing means of air attack,” Salyukov said in an interview with the newspaper of the Russian Armed Forces “Red Star”, published on the publication’s website on Wednesday.
He noted that now the air defense forces of the Ground Forces have received a new impetus for development. “New anti-aircraft missile formations have been formed, armed with the S-300V4 anti-aircraft missile system (the most long-range in its class of weapons, capable of hitting ballistic targets in the extra-atmospheric zone) and the Buk-M2 complex. Re-equipment is being carried out with the Buk-MZ and Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems and the Verba man-portable anti-aircraft missile system. Currently, the Armed Forces maintain two brigades of the Buk-M3 air defense system, two regiments and seven divisions of the Tor-M2 (M2U) air defense system and eight units of the Verba MANPADS,” the commander-in-chief said.
According to him, the prospect of further development of the armed forces lies in equipping them with the latest highly effective anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems, in implementing the latest developments that will significantly increase the effectiveness of anti-aircraft weapons in the fight against modern air enemies, in increasing the level of combat training of troops, in improving the system training of highly qualified air defense specialists.
RIA News


In 2019, military air defense units of the Ground Forces will receive five anti-aircraft missile systems and anti-aircraft missile systems. As part of the execution of the state defense order, manufacturing enterprises will transfer to the Russian Ministry of Defense a brigade set of S-300V4 air defense systems, divisional sets of BUK-M3 and TOR-M2 air defense systems.
The systematic and annual increase in the combat strength of the troops, the implementation of complete rearmament with modern anti-aircraft missile systems will make it possible by 2020 to increase the combat capabilities of the air defense forces by more than 1.3 times.
Russian Ministry of Defense



Air Defense Forces (Air Defense Forces) are a branch of the Ground Forces, designed to cover troops and objects from the actions of enemy air attacks when combined arms formations and formations conduct operations (combat operations), perform regroupings (march) and are stationed on the spot. They are responsible for the following main tasks:
carrying out combat duty in air defense;
conducting reconnaissance of enemy air and alerting covered troops;
destruction of enemy air attack weapons in flight;
participation in the conduct of missile defense in theaters of military operations.
Organizationally, the Air Defense Forces of the Army consist of military command and control bodies, air defense command posts, anti-aircraft missile (missile and artillery) and radio technical formations, military units and subunits. They are capable of destroying enemy air attack weapons in the entire range of altitudes (extremely low - up to 200 m, low - from 200 to 1000 m, medium - from 1000 to 4000 m, high - from 4000 to 12000 m and in the stratosphere - more than 12000 m) and flight speeds.

Formations, military units and air defense units of the Army are equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft gun-missile systems (systems) and man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems that vary in reach, channel and methods of missile guidance. Depending on the range of destruction of air targets, they are divided into short-range systems - up to 10 km, short-range - up to 30 km, medium-range - up to 100 km and long-range - more than 100 km.

Further development of the air defense forces of the ground forces is carried out by increasing mobility, survivability, secrecy of operation, degree of automation, fire performance, expanding the parameters of the affected area, reducing reaction time and weight-dimensional characteristics of anti-aircraft missile (missile and artillery) systems.


On December 26, 2015, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrate the 100th anniversary of the formation of military air defense (air defense). Exactly a century ago, in accordance with the order of the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated December 13 (26), 1915 No. 368, the formation of separate four-gun light batteries for firing at air targets began.
On the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, a special information section “100 years of military air defense” was opened.
The section opens with congratulations to the personnel on the anniversary of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu.
The section is based on numerous historical documents and memories of military veterans about the stages of formation and development of the oldest special branch of the armed forces in the Armed Forces.
Currently, the basis of military air defense consists of formations, military units and air defense units of the Ground Forces, Airborne Forces and Coastal Forces Navy. They are designed to conduct reconnaissance and repel enemy air attacks, protect troop groups and facilities from air strikes in all types of combat operations.
In the context of the rapid development of aerospace attack means of the armies of foreign states, formations, military units and air defense units have become an integral part of combined arms formations from the tactical to the operational-strategic level.
In 2015, 65 tactical exercises with military air defense formations and units with live fire were planned and conducted. They were carried out at the Kapustin Yar and Ashuluk training grounds on the territory of the Southern Military District and the Telemba training ground on the territory of the Eastern Military District.
In total, more than 10 thousand people were involved in the maneuvers, including 1.5 thousand officers and up to 3.5 thousand weapons, military and special equipment.
Currently, the planned re-equipment of formations, military units and military air defense units with new anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes “S-300V4”, “Buk-M2”, “Tor-M2U”, portable anti-aircraft missile systems"Verba" New complexes and systems have absorbed the best qualities of their predecessors and are capable of hitting both aerodynamic and ballistic targets, cruise missiles, aerial reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems.
In 2016, the first brigade set of the Buk-M3 medium-range anti-aircraft missile system is planned to be delivered to the Ground Forces.
For the period until 2020, the main directions for the development of military air defense are:
improving the organizational and staffing structures of military command and control bodies, formations, military units and air defense units of the Ground Forces in order to maximize the use of the combat capabilities of incoming and developed anti-aircraft missile weapons;
development of new generation air defense weapons and military equipment capable of effectively combating all types of air attack weapons, including those created on the basis of hypersonic technologies.
improving the system for training highly qualified personnel for military air defense, including junior specialists studying in specialized training centers of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces.
The most important task for the High Command of the Ground Forces is to train the main core of personnel for the Air Defense Forces - specialist officers.
Training of personnel for military air defense is carried out at the Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the RF Armed Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky. Today, the Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a single educational and scientific center that provides multi-level training of air defense officers with the highest operational-tactical training and full military special training for the air defense forces of the Ground Forces, the Airborne Forces, the coastal forces of the fleets, as well as other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, as well as the leading Scientific research, training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The Academy has 17 departments, five faculties and a research center. The training of military specialists at the academy is carried out in 38 specialties.
In addition, the training of officers for military air defense is carried out at five military departments and in two military training centers at civilian universities.
Training of junior specialists is carried out in two training centers for air defense troops of the Ground Forces and two training centers for training air defense specialists from the training center according to 4-month training programs (including 1 month of combined arms training and 3 months of specialty training).
More than 4.5 thousand specialists are trained annually in 25 military accounting specialties.
Since 2014, for the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, the training of reserve soldiers and sergeants has been carried out at military departments and military training centers in 5 educational institutions of higher professional education in 20 military specialties. Currently, over 1,300 people are undergoing training; from August 2016, the number of trainees will increase to 2,000 thousand.
As part of the International Army Games 2015, Russian air defense specialists took part in the “Masters of Anti-Aircraft Combat” competition, showed good results and took first place.
The “Masters of Anti-Aircraft Combat” competition was held in Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory, on the basis of the 726th training center of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces. 6 teams from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, these are the Republic of Belarus, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the People's Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the team of the Russian Federation.
Currently, the methods developed during the training of the team for the training of air defense troops specialists are actively being implemented and used in organizing and carrying out combat training activities.
In 2016, the name of the competition itself and its program changed. The competition will now be called “ Clear sky- 2016.” This is due to changes in team composition and weapons. In addition to a unit armed with man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems, a unit armed with anti-aircraft guns with a caliber of up to 25 mm will also take part. Also, the number of competitive disciplines has been increased. Teams will compete in the sprint (with shooting from MANPADS and ZU), the pursuit (with shooting from MANPADS and ZU) and the combined relay.
All changes to the program were made taking into account the wishes of foreign colleagues - participants in the last competition.

As part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of military air defense in all military districts, at the Military Academy, training centers of air defense forces, festive and military-patriotic events were and are being held in December with the participation of military personnel, veterans of military air defense, public figures and youth.
Significant events for the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, held as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of military air defense, are:
laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (December 26, Moscow);
a ceremonial meeting at the cultural and leisure center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “Preobrazhensky”, with the participation of the senior staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (December 26, Moscow);
opening of a bust of the first chief of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Artillery V.I. Kazakov (December 19, 726 training center of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces (Yeisk, Krasnodar region);
laying a capsule with a message to descendants at the memorial complex named after Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Artillery V.I. Kazakov (December 25, 106th Air Defense Training Center of the Ground Forces (Orenburg).

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