Is it possible to create a fire tornado at home? How to make a tornado manual cultivator at home How to create a tornado at home

Natural disasters make a person realize that his ability to control nature is not unlimited. Floods, earthquakes and hurricanes can wipe entire cities off the face of the earth, changing the usual way of life. In the United States, up to 1000 tornadoes are recorded annually, which, however, do not have global consequences. Due to the strict adherence to the developed rules of behavior, it is possible to avoid a large number casualties and destruction. Houses are built using a special technology and are able to withstand the impact of the elements.

Tornadoes of destructive power occur not only in the United States. In countries South America and even in Europe one can observe this catastrophic weather phenomenon, but it is in the United States that they appear more often and cause not only fear, but also gambling interest. Tornado hunters risk their lives to capture the most impressive footage. Taking with them the equipment, adrenaline seekers go in search of whirlwinds. For a successful hunt, they are guided by data national system tornado forecasting.

People have learned to artificially create a tornado and turn it to good use. For example, it serves as an excellent means of ventilation in case of strong smoke in the room. The Guinness Book of Records recorded such a tornado formed in the Mercedes-Benz Museum with a height of 34 meters.

A tornado requires a collision of warm and cold air masses. Based on displacement analysis atmospheric fronts we can assume the likelihood of tornado occurrences in a certain area. Modern computer technology (you can see examples of it) almost accurately determines pressure drops, indicating the direction of cyclones.

At the beginning of the formation of a vortex, a funnel is formed from a thundercloud. Cold air descends to the ground, while warm air, on the contrary, rises higher - a circular motion begins.

Air masses, moving in a spiral, form a funnel that descends to the ground. In the middle of the vortex there is a zone reduced pressure. Objects that fall into the "eye" of the tornado explode from the inside. Once a tornado "plucked" a whole chicken coop. Each chicken feather has an air bag in its structure. When the chickens got into an area with pressure drops, all the feathers burst, leaving the birds naked.

At this point, the fully formed tornado begins to move. The direction of movement is impossible to know, it can change every minute. It is at this time that the tornado reaches the peak of its destructive power. The strength of a tornado depends on the radius of the vortex motion.

A tornado can last for hours, or it can end in less than a minute. whirlwind itself long duration, recorded in 1917, lasted more than 7 hours.

Tornadoes come in different shapes and speeds of air movement. The most common form of a tornado is like a scourge - a long funnel that descends to the ground, which can be smooth or winding.

Another type of tornado has a radius greater than its length, similar in appearance to a cloud stretching towards the ground. The most dangerous tornadoes are those that consist of several eddies that revolve around the main funnel. They can be compared to the interlacing of several ropes.

Gradually, the tornado is filled with dust and debris from objects and buildings that have been pulled in. Houses, cars, animals, trees whirl in the air; one desperate journalist voluntarily surrendered to the mercy of the elements and was able to survive this journey, having been in the center of the funnel. Whirlwinds can become fiery, especially strong fires become the reason for their formation.

When spring comes, summer residents and homeowners start planting. First, the soil is prepared for this, and only then the plants are planted. The most time-consuming process is loosening and digging the earth. Many use a shovel for this, but there is a more convenient device - this is a cultivator, with which you can quickly and easily process even large areas.

This tool can be purchased at the store, but with a certain skill you can do it yourself.

The most common hand cultivators, whose weight is not more than 20 kilograms, they are compact and have high performance.

By using this device you can not only loosen the earth, but also remove weeds, as well as apply fertilizer. The tool will also come in handy in the process of leaving after planting the plants, with their help you can perform the following actions:

  • hill the beds;
  • thin out;
  • loosen the soil between the beds.

Of course, such a hand tool, of course, cannot be compared with a walk-behind tractor, but it is quite suitable for performing the assigned tasks. And it can be used even in hard-to-reach areas.

Cultivators are equipped with cutters, thanks to which they move around the site, it is they who carry out loosening. Besides, it can have such working attachments:

  • paws for thinning and loosening the soil;
  • sock for cutting and loosening;
  • hiller for cutting grooves for the purpose of subsequent sowing. Then he will help in the process of hilling plants;
  • needle disk, it is needed if the soil is covered with a large crust;
  • dressing knives, they are equipped with dispensers so that fertilizers can be injected into the soil.

Classification of cultivators

There are several varieties of such a device, but in order to choose one or another option, you should know more about each of them.

For example, rotary ripper design includes four moving discs, one rotating cutting blade and staples. In addition, it is equipped with wheels and a long handle. With this tool, you can do the following:

  • loosen the earth;
  • enrich it with fertilizers;
  • remove weeds.

The tool is set in motion by pressing on the handle and the knot of asterisks, then it turns.

Another kind of device - mini model. It is specially designed for use in the garden or small greenhouses. With its help, the soil is cultivated around trees and shrubs, weeds are also quickly removed and seedling holes and small garden crops are dug.

Petrol cultivator equipped with an engine that is needed for the operation of cultivating cutters. Their working depth is 150 mm, they are often used to lay new landscapes. They can also quickly plow heavy soils and remove weeds with the roots.

Manual cultivator-ripper outwardly resembles a small rake and is equipped with 3-5 curved teeth with sharp ends.

If you exert a little effort, they can loosen the ground and break the crust on it. When the teeth enter the soil, the device pulls on itself to make furrows. Options for tools with long handles are used in the garden, and with short ones - in flower beds and houseplants.

Root remover - ripper "Tornado" has pointed spiral teeth with a versatile direction. First, the apparatus is placed vertically with respect to the ground, then rotated 60 degrees and buried in the soil, and then rotated clockwise again. Then the device rises, and the roots will be removed with it.

The depth of processing with the help of "Tornado" is 20 cm, respectively, only weeds are removed, and planted crops do not suffer.

electrical tools designed to work in small areas, they are compact and have good maneuverability, respectively, they can be used next to bushes and trees and hill them.

Make sure that the cord is long enough for free tillage. Such a cultivator is environmentally friendly and can be used in greenhouses.

It is quite possible to make a manual cultivator with your own hands without the need for any special tools or materials. Work can take no more than a day, it all depends on the chosen design and configuration of the future tool.

The parts are simple and reliable, but if the tool does break, it will be easy to replace the broken part. It can be made from existing materials.

Another plus in the independent manufacture of the device is that it is quite simple to make it even without special education.

Assembly instructions

Assemble such a device can be from different improvised materials, and there are options both the simplest and more advanced.

An old bicycle that can no longer be repaired can serve as the basis for manufacturing, an old two-handed saw or a head from a used cultivator will also be needed. The tools you will need are:

  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • saw;
  • keys.

From the bike you need to take only one wheel and frame. You will need to attach the cultivator head to the frame, and if not, then half the tip of a two-handed saw, or steel bars, or sharp metal bars with sharpened ends. Attach handles based on aluminum or steel pipes to a bicycle handlebar. Between them is placed a transverse jumper.

Do-it-yourself electric cultivator

In the workshop, you can do electrical appliance on the basis of an industrial meat grinder. And the model does not play a role here. And if you approach the work correctly, then in the end you will collect enough powerful device. It is important to consider that you will need a welding machine to work.

Manufacturing instructions:

The use of such a unit in conditions of rapid movement will allow you to roughly plow the land, and if it works slowly, you will get a fine fraction.

Do-it-yourself cultivator "Tornado"

Homemade device "Tornado" allows you to perfectly loosen the ground due to its twisted teeth. The pipe serves as a lever and is attached to the handle. The pipe must be at least half a meter long. The lever fixed in the pipe should protrude 25 centimeters on both sides of the handle. To strengthen the fastening, you can use electrical tape. Spiral teeth are made on the basis of spring steel, but their diameter should be a maximum of 20 cm. This size is optimal for the convenience of weeding the space between the rows.

Also, the Tornado ripper can be made on the basis of an old pitchfork. You only need to prepare a pitchfork and a hammer. With a hammer, the teeth are given the desired shape.

In this case, a metal or plastic pipe attached with self-tapping screws can act as a lever. Its length should be about 50 cm, and it will play the role of a handle. As a result, it will be possible to work on different, even on heavy soils, remove weeds even with stable and branched roots.

If you decide to assemble such a tool yourself, then do not forget about compliance necessary security measures. First of all, take care of your eyes, especially when welding, no matter what type it is.

So, in arc welding, the danger is the intense light obtained as a result of combustion and the arc, as well as scale that appears at the site of a frozen weld from welding. When the metal cools, it can suddenly break off and fly out to a great height.

If you are using gas welding to heat metal for processing or cutting, do not forget about gloves and face shields, as work is carried out under high temperature. You also need to remember that oxygen, when in contact with oil, creates an explosive mixture that does not even need a spark.

When you decide to make agricultural equipment with your own hands, you can save money on buying.

And even if you do not have experience and special skills, then you can independently make a cultivator from an old bicycle yourself. simple type and provide yourself with good help in tilling the land.

Spoiler: yes.
Oddly enough, the causes of tornadoes have not yet been properly studied by science. Nevertheless, even without penetrating the secrets of nature, you can simulate a tornado right in the kitchen. And very effective - fiery.

One of the versions of the formation of a classical tornado is as follows. When warm air saturated with water vapor (for example, over the sea) comes into contact with a cold and "dry" part of the atmosphere, water vapor condenses, heat is generated, and the surrounding air is heated. Warm air rises, creating a vacuum into which cold air continues to flow. The process develops like an avalanche - up to the formation of a tornado funnel.
An already formed tornado sucks everything it “reaches” into the rarefaction zone, while moving in the direction where it encounters the largest amount of cold air. In our latitudes, tornadoes are rare, but on the American and Canadian plains, this is a fairly well-known natural phenomenon, if not a disaster.


In our situation, the reason for the formation of a funnel is fundamentally different from the natural one - we simply create an imitation by artificially swirling air flows. The fire, which gives the experience a dramatic effect, serves only as a means of demonstrating the air tornado.
Take a metal bowl and kindle a fire in it. We’ll warn you right away: if you just pour gel fuel into a bowl, then there will be no effect, because it burns with a low blue flame, visually not suitable for the experiment. Therefore, on top of the fuel, it is imperative to put something that burns with a bright high flame, for example, several pieces of wood, as in an ordinary fire. We burned window glazing beads found in old stocks.
If now the bowl is placed on a rotating surface and twisted around the axis, then nothing will happen. The flame will rise slightly, but there will be no tornado, since the heated air will evenly dissipate around the experiment table, and not rise straight up. So, you need a screen that does not allow air to dissipate. A perforated cylinder is ideal as such a screen: the flame is visible through the perforation, and the cylindrical shape leaves only one way for hot air - up. The rotation of the cylinder twists the air currents surrounding the bowl in a spiral. We used an office wastebasket as a screen - you can't imagine better. We put the basket on a rotating table, put a bowl with "firewood" inside, kindle it. When the flame becomes stable and strong, we spin the table, and - voila! Before us - fiery tornado. The higher the screen, the higher the funnel will be.
By the way, under natural conditions, fire tornadoes also sometimes occur - they are especially dangerous during forest fires when the wind spins the fire into a funnel, and the trees around restrict the movement of air. Putting out such a tornado is much more difficult than a regular fire.

What do you need for the experience

Attention! This experience is potentially traumatic.
Children can do it EXCLUSIVELY in the presence and under the supervision of adults.
Revolving table. It can be a special cutting board, a sports disk-simulator or a base from a fondue maker (we used it). The table should rotate freely, without tension, and make several turns with one push.
cylindrical screen. The higher the screen, the higher the pillar of fire. For best effect the screen must be perforated to view the tornado from the side. We used a metal wastebasket.
Metal bowl, wooden chocks (or coal) and fuel for ignition.

Before starting this page, I would like to once again define as specifically as possible - what exactly is this for me personally NATURAL TORNADO, TORNADO- the fundamental phenomenon (effect?), which I try to put into all my designs. So from my point of view:

NATURAL TORNADO is a visually visible swirling funnel-channel of heat-mass-electrical exchange between any point earth's surface and the Earth's ionosphere, while what we see and perceive as"Tornado", visually for us, has a height of about 1 kilometer, but to understand the full picture of the phenomenon, you need to look much higher, about 100 kilometers.

Here is given wonderful photo of the "full complex" of a natural tornado from the side(this photo covers a vast expanse up to about 15 km high!). A tornado is also an electrical machine of incredible size, with the electrical power of a tornado (according to Nikola Tesla) starting at an altitude of about 60 miles (100 km), where there is always a positively charged layer of the Earth's ionosphere with a potential of 400,000 volts. Majestic picture, what power and scale ! Moreover, the "trunk" of the tornado itself is only a small part of this huge natural electric machine.(small, inconspicuous thin "thread" in the central part top photo, but even this "thread" is approximately 1-15 kilometers!). The thread structure of the "tornado machine" looks something like this. The main detail of the "design" is a giant rotating vacuum top ("vacuum lens"), is shown schematically in the illustration below, and this spinning top is actually " implosive absorbing reactor" in a rather complex process, and it directly twists two coaxial grandiose self-reversing tori. The center of rotation of this giant "top" in the bottom photo is at a height ~4-5 km. The tornado itself, I repeat, is no more than 1.0 -1.5 km. Let me explain what I said:


In the region of the central "top" there are descending dry cold masses air With rising warm wet masses air . At the same time, water vapor from the lower flows quickly converts (condenses) into a liquid, and sometimes even into snow and ice (there are cases when blocks of ice fly out of a rotating tornado funnel!) The total volume during the condensation of the working fluid inside the "top" DECREASES SHARPLY . That is, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe central "top" is actually in fact - " anti process firebox with pronounced reduced pressure, where fresh portions of the working fluid are constantly sucked in, both from above and from below, while spinning two giant coaxial tori. IMPLOSION however! We do not see descending swirling flows from top to bottom, because they are absolutely transparent. Rising warm streams we see in the form of TORNADO. We can observe the boundary of the meeting of cold and warm air flows in the form of CLOUD (including the swirling flow of TORNADO rising upward), we can observe it in all its glory. On the periphery of rotation of the "top" is discarded cold water and even ice! The process continues until the necessary temperature and pressure difference between the lower and upper air masses is maintained. There is an exchange of energy between two colossal air toroids. At the same time, TORNADO IS A LOCAL DISCHARGE OF THE ENERGY GRADIENT IN A PARTICULAR GEOGRAPHICAL POINT OF THE EARTH. Based on this model, it follows very effective method fighting tornadoes, but ... more on that later.

A little lower - a complete global electrical energy scheme based on the materials of Nikola Tesla (in fact, the energy scheme of our entire planet). Tesla was one of the first to understand that energy on any conceivable scale can be quite easily captured in any point on the surface of the earth! But... I suppose Viktor Schauberger guessed the same (using his own method)!

Now imagine that a tornado is a giant electric inductor (even similar in appearance), then these 2 pictures below can be easily combined:

From above, in pictures from space, this large-scale process looks like this (the famous "eye of a tornado").:

Well, this is the "view" of a tornado from an airplane (this GIF is a montage, but... essentially absolutely correct!)

I believe that my idea is directly adjacent to this Tesla model D dynamic Vacuum Toroid - actually this is the NATURAL TORNADO

Based on this obvious thought for me, I continue this article. Let's move on to a smaller scale....

Nuclear power in 2011 showed its dangerous and insidious nature in Once again. Chernobyl was not enough - now a major disaster at a nuclear power plant in Japan (Fukushima and a number of other nuclear power plants). Obviously soon to be followed by a direct complete ban on nuclear energy . The green movement Greenpeace) unexpectedly received powerful trump cards in the fight against traditional energy. How can one work with a nuclear power plant if accidents occur even in countries with high technological discipline!? However, nuclear power (and all other traditional methods of energy production) is by no means a panacea. True, the big question is: what can be offered in return? The answer is obvious - it is alternative energy. I have no doubt that in foreseeable future "tornado power unit" can completely replace any large existing power unit of traditional energy, including (primarily!) nuclear power plant"(NPP). From an environmental point of view, a tornado is an ideal technological process, as an "exhaust" having only the cooling of the environment. And in general, a whirlwind is a natural process that squeezes energy (thermal) directly from the surrounding space, converting it into kinetic energy. Like this:

A natural tornado always starts from above and its funnel "falls" from a thundercloud to the ground. And I want to propose to "grow" it like a top from below from an artificial installation located on the surface of the Earth. By and large, we are talking about the use of the energy of the SUN. Tornado as a source of clean energy! It is difficult to come up with something even more environmentally friendly and natural. Warm air rises, converts its thermal energy into intense rotation, and as an "exhaust" in a developed tornado - only cooling of the environment, snow and ice! It must be said that this is a very difficult task: to obtain a stable artificial controlled tornado (to remove mechanical energy is already a secondary and completely solvable task). And I think there is a way out. At the same time, it is even possible to use existing structures from already built nuclear power plants, specifically, these are cooling towers (cooling towers). These towers only need to be "slightly" rearranged, and the nuclear filling from the nuclear power plant should be completely and forever excluded. golden idea for Greenpeace !

This is what the nuclear power plant looks like at the moment:

But it can be changed! In the end, it might look something like this the operation of the air flywheel of a super-ecological tornado power plant using old capital structures from the power systems of the previous generation :

You can directly not only take energy, but also control the climate by "running your hand" directly into the cold lower layers of the atmosphere just above 1 km (in fact, these are elements of geoengineering)! The power plant itself may end up being a grandiose structure. It takes a lot to make it work. warm air and water. But it seems to me that such a structure, ideally can be built on the shores of a warm ocean or sea. For example, - Crimea, there is a large deficit in the production of cheap electricity. And, perhaps, from a distance, the work of such power units on the coast in the Crimea may look something like this:

Let's continue the theory. The main flow in a tornado, of course, mostly goes up. But ... Along the central vertical "vacuum axis" there is always a twisted from top to bottom, there is an acceleration and ordering of the kinetic energy of some part of the total flow both natural and artificial tornado . VACUUM (RAFT FLOW) IN THE CENTER OF A TORNADO IS THE MOST IMPORTANT BASIS OF ITS STABILITY.

Isn't it true that a vague impression is created that some kind of artificial structure is hiding behind the clouds of dust in the photo? Let's just say something like to the former cooling tower? What could be inside these former cooling towers? Nothing special- an air toroid is spinning there, working on the principle of a natural tornado. Moreover, the emphasis in the work is not on high blood pressure, but on a vacuum, or more precisely on IMPLOSION .In short, right inside the tornado, this is cleverly hidden :

No mysticism and excessive fantasy - in an artificial tornado concentrates and uses the usual thermal energy of the atmosphere(in principle, the energy of the Sun). I will try to develop my idea, and at the same time explain - how exactly I understood the ideas of Walter and Viktor Schauberger (in that order of names!), And what exactly can really be obtained from this. To be more precise, this is a rather free interpretation of their heritage. . I will try to remove an unnecessary raid of mysticism and fantasies around the inventions of these undoubtedly outstanding natural scientists. What happened - judge for yourself ...

Having read plenty of Internet materials about tornadoes and tornado-like technologies from various authors (believe me, there were by no means few of them), I would like to make a summary. At first it will seem rather pessimistic. Completed vortex devices, especially with efficiency>1, with clear principles of operation and even just somehow functioning in real life, it seems, simply do not exist. Judge for yourself - is it possible in our time of completely open information to keep secret the design of a device that has over-unity capabilities? If something like this were really invented, then the most detailed details of the design would instantly spread all over the world, despite all the tricks of those who try to hide it. So, most likely, there was not, and still is not, a specific device, despite the peppy statements of individual authors. But that doesn't mean you have to stop looking! And I do not want to say at all that in the search for perpetual motion, only these same searches are eternal. There is still an example of successful implementation. But this is an invention of nature itself. This is a tornado. A concrete, seemingly simple thing and at the same time a most complex phenomenon. An all-destroying powerful and very visual release of natural energy. With a disgusting theory about the origin of the phenomenon, with constant repetitions of the type - "this requires further study ...". And yet I suggest trying to repeat something similar! But in order to repeat this - you need to know (or at least have your own delusions) about what principles are laid "inside".

So there is a very "modest" task - to try to repeat the tornado (natural whirlwind). In miniature sizes. Of the closest technical implementations, one cannot but recall the Rank tube. This, from my point of view, is an excellent attempt to realize the principles of a natural phenomenon within a small metallic cylinder .. The theory of this tube, I must say, is also not rich in explanations. For more than 70 years, no consensus has been reached on the reasons for the separation of the inlet air stream into hot and cold streams. Yes, that's all right... There is one more main and incomprehensible at first glance "strangeness" (which is very rarely mentioned) - in the Rank pipe, cold and hot flows rotate very close in opposite directions! Moreover, the internal cold flow is much faster and can rotate up to several million revolutions per minute (!), But ... - strictly in the opposite direction from the external flow! But for this I am trying to cling to and put forward my own theory of the Ranke-Hilsch tube, and the theory of the tornado itself. Essentially, this is hypothesis countercurrent in vortices.

The postulate couldn't be simpler. The outer and inner layers of air, moving relative to each other in the tube (remember, hot in one direction, cold in the other), will inevitably swirl "on the border" when rubbing against each other, and as a result, these vortices will form into a spinning spiral, which will be separated outer and inner cylinders of rotating air. In cross section of the tube, it will look something like this:

Apparently, John Searle understood what was at stake. and he has his own interpretation (cartoon in the center):

By the way, the installation of the mysterious Russian inventors Roshchin and Godin works on very similar principles:

As a result, we have everything is like in a Rank tube: two air cylinders rotating wildly in opposite directions form between themselves boundary layer . In the cross section of the tube, it literally looks like a real ball bearing with balls standing still, but quickly spinning. In my opinion, a completely logical graphical explanation of the “incomprehensible” opposite rotation of external and internal flows inside the tube. During the operation of the tube, no one can look into it - but these balls-rollers are most likely the main essence of the tube, from which many of its incomprehensible phenomena occur. But very similar (or rather, exactly the same!) Is in the works of Schauberger:

I think - this is what the SECTION OF A REAL TORNADO looks like. And in the installation Leopold Cheryu- main action flow acceleration) occurs in the central vertical pipe. This rarefied swirling water flow picks up its linear speed along the way from bottom to top, literally "exploding" in the upper domed upper cavity. With this "explosion", hydraulic shock principles begin to work - the upper valve is closed by the pressure of the "exploded" water and it flies out through the swirling pipes, spinning the water-air torus inside the apparatus. Surprisingly, this principle of operation of the valve is very similar to the principle of operation of the German V-1 rocket! Even the question arises - is it not one author?

Based on this model, I will build my own tornado model. And it contradicts almost all currently known models. Listen, who can.

So, tornado. First, a little about the erroneous (from my point of view) models ... They are all about the same.

Bright example of such an incorrect (in my opinion) models - Louis Michaud (Canada) . A man has been dealing with the problem for 40 years, but I believe that he ... is still a little mistaken! The essence of his proposals is to heat the air and just spin everything in a circle - suddenly something will work out. Maybe. But I want to say that the structure of the tornado is more complicated. On the right picture i tried to fix it a bit Canadian, radically expanding the direction of some of the flows of his scheme; his installations obviously lack a central "vacuum rod" where some part of the total flow should go; without this "central rod" in all his really manufactured installations, the vortex is very poorly formed and quickly decays.

But I really, really like the scale of his project! (especially option #3 on this bottom diagram):

Or here are some photos of the world's largest artificial tornado (even listed in the Guinness Book of Records!) In the German Mercedes-Benz Museum:

Only in this model from my point of view the real structure of the tornado is completely ignored (and as a result, a decent result was not obtained, despite the huge expended effort, money and time) . Literally hundreds of fans and accessories! But I think, everything will be much more accurate in the figure below: in a developed tornado, in addition to a visually visible obvious upward flow, there is ALWAYS a significant countercurrent flow right IN THE CENTER DOWN (the central "organizing" descending vacuum cord). Exactly the same in structure and properties as a regular water funnel in the bathroom. This funnel is a "mobilizing and shaping" structure that attracts substance (and energy!) from all sides surrounding this funnel. In nature, the surrounding air with its whole mass tends from the periphery to the central vertical vacuum column and forms a grandiose picture of a formed tornado. In general, the picture below is what Schauberger called VORTEX THROA T (vortex throat).

This is exactly what I tried to depict in these "more correct" (from my point of view) pictures. tornado generators- a counterweight misinterpretations... For the stability of the main vortex, an additional central "vacuum bundle" is needed! And all this can be created one and only impeller!

Tornado generator (options)

Usually, an outside observer sees in a tornado, first of all, large masses of swirling air rising up. But the observer sees only the outer (albeit quite spectacular) side of the tornado - its wildly spiraling upward boundary layer! The central descending funnel in a tornado, depicted here in my drawing, is usually not seen by anyone - it is covered by rather opaque masses of the boundary layer. This funnel can only be seen on photos and videos of the most "transparent" tornadoes (repeatedly shown here on this site on many pages). But central axial flow down - this is essentially the "axis" of the tornado. Without this central downward "current" the entire tornado rapidly disintegrates into dust...

No one really looked inside the tornado. And who looked - will not say anything ... True, there are rare testimonies of accidentally surviving observers. It happened that the tornado's trunk "mercifully" jumped over the heads of uninvited onlookers. What did they see inside the trunk then?

It's incredibly blue clear sky on my very top. It is a black and gray "dense" rotating cylinder with flashes of lightning on the sides. I would venture to say that a tornado is not just a column of rotating air.

These are two huge air cylinders inserted into each other and rotating at different speeds in the same direction!. Moreover, the outer cylinder of the tornado is the spiral rollers (forgive me for such an incorrect comparison) of the bundles of the boundary layer. And according to my version, the first thing we see in a tornado is precisely the air bundles-bearings of the boundary layer in a spiral gradually rising upward. These “bearing rollers” essentially spin at high speed, and inside a thin-walled cylinder, these rollers rotate the central air masses like a funnel pouring out of a bathtub (that is, the flow down the center of the tornado!). And, observing a tornado, we actually see an intermediate layer of rotation of air cylinders inserted into each other (which differ in rotation speed by about 2 times). There are quite a lot of such explanatory photos on the Internet, for example, - here you can see the central DOWNLOAD streams:

It's time, according to this principle, to once again put forward the design of the tornado generator. The device is as simple as possible. It is conditionally possible to call it "a pot in which a tornado is boiled" As Viktor Schauberger rightly noted - "...we don't need a new form of energy, we need the energy of forms!"

To enter the tornado mode, first of all, you need to form a central vacuum bundle:

The simplicity of the proposed design is literally paradoxical. Can be made from two household "basins" ( preferably made of plastic dielectrics are needed), the upper "pelvis" with a cut hole where a metal socket is inserted. A high-speed electric motor with a centrifugal turbine such as an automobile turbocharger (turbocharger) is inserted inside. Here, for example, one of these turbines - with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters, it is sometimes rotated up to 200 thousand revolutions per minute!

But I don't think there's any need for that sort of thing. I propose to confine ourselves to the "Schauberger parameters" - these are revolutions of 15-20 thousand rpm. min turbine with a diameter of 15-20 cm, with an outer diameter of the entire structure of 50-100 cm. The speed is high, but quite real.

Let's start spinning around. At low speeds, an internal self-evolving torus is formed, the movement of which I have repeatedly tried to comment on the pages of this site. The figure (or rather the body) is already wonderful in itself, and in my opinion "prone" to self-acceleration.

When increasing the speed of rotation, the flow already ceases to go in cycles in itself. In all its glory, Coanda's law begins to work. Let me remind you - this is the effect of adhesion of a high-speed flow of liquid or gas to the surface along which this flow moves. Here the air begins to stick to the neck when it comes out. But nature does not tolerate emptiness - air begins to be sucked in in the center, instead of the one lost from the "pot". Two counter streams appear - incoming in the center and outgoing along the periphery. And these two streams are not quite "friendly" - they rub against each other, forming a complex of eddies. Something like this (but in principle strictly according to Schauberger):

With a further increase in speed, these swirls take on an increasingly concrete form and are transformed into those very “air rollers” - which I drew at the very beginning of this page. As a result, everything is transformed into something like this, and I believe that the process should be installed abruptly (!):

Paradoxically, NO ONE, even specialists (more precisely, "specialists" ) . Think about these modest pictures ... This is how a real tornado looks in cross section. In addition, it is also a kind of electrostatic generator. The center of rotation is an electrical "plus" and stretches straight into the upper layers of the atmosphere, the periphery is a "minus". When the breakdown voltage is reached, lightning discharges occur, additionally twisting the "rollers" (the principles of operation of the PFT motor, described in detail on Naudin's website). Obviously, these are the same lightning described by observers who managed to look into the "trunk" of a tornado from below. By the way, this is also noted by pilots of aircraft flying over the "eye" of a tornado from above. The fact that a tornado is a grandiose electric machine is also confirmed by these photos:

Isn't it true: these photos clearly show that tornadoes and lightning are phenomena of the same order? Let's even say this: a tornado is a "slow lightning", a consequence of the deep processes of the environment.

I think that the mutual electrical attraction of the peripheral "minus" to the central "plus" is the main reason for the stability of the tornado "trunk".

Most likely, the model of V. Atsyukovsky about the structure of a tornado is correct, which in principle (!) Contradicts all generally accepted ones. A summary this model is simple -

in a tornado there is a swirling powerful stream in the center from top to bottom !

In a developed tornado, just normal pressure drops work . Always from more pressure to less! Look at the illustration below and decide for yourself what exactly is moving and where.

But just in case, I still emphasize my conclusion:


670 minus 400 is at least a drop of 270 mm. rt. post-trunk tornado has a huge vertical pressure gradient!

    1. In the center of a developed tornado, there is always a powerful (!) swirling flow of cold rarefied air down (like a funnel in a bathroom), in fact this is the basis, the "vacuum axis" of the tornado.

    2. Impact on the ground of this flow with the release of energy (a dust cloud at the base of a developed tornado).

    3. Turn the flow up 180 degrees (with the obligatory " Chipmunk"dust at the base of the tornado).

    4. A powerful rope-like flow of warm swirling air masses from the bottom up with the capture of sometimes very heavy objects from the surface of the earth (in fact, we visually perceive this flow as a tornado).

    5. Observing a tornado, we see a thin-walled, but quite material air cylinder of the boundary layer, constantly spiraling upward, like a thin inverted cone up to about 1 km high! Inside the tornado is "empty" (more precisely, rarefaction, approximately 0.3-0.7 of normal atmospheric pressure . according to some reports, even lower!). The apparent taper of a tornado is explained by the difference in external air pressure near the ground and at a height.

    6. In dynamics, this boundary layer in a tornado literally acquires the hardness of armor.

    7. External Atmosphere pressure this "dynamic cylinder" compresses nonlinearly in height, narrows the radius of rotation of the air masses below and makes them rotate faster and faster, scattering any debris around the periphery.

    8. There is a heat and electricity exchange of a colossal, vertically elongated "dynamic cylinder" (toroid), with the environment.

    9. The main "feeding" of a tornado and the influx of a "warm" working fluid occurs not so much from the periphery, as most people believe, but also a swirling flow from top to bottom in a significant part right in the center.

    10. When forming a tornado heavy, wet and cold air masses are at the top ; dry, light and warm located at the bottom. This is a completely unbalanced state. not only by gravity, but even from the point of view of the law of Archimedes. There is a fall and twist down the center of cold air from a height of about 1 km (like a funnel in a bathroom) and then a large-scale rise upward with a twist of warm air (boundary layer) - in fact, this is the visible part of the tornado.


The structure of a typical tornado based on Potapov-Fominsky ( there is also a powerful downward flow!):

There is such a model on the Internet(from one of the tornado forums):

Observations over the cyclone (and this is essentially a "very large tornado") show the following picture:

There are such foreign colorful options:

It is necessary to generate a real tornado with such a device. As they say - simple and tasteful:

There are even some patents on this subject:

And this is what a tornado looks like "from the inside":

Everywhere in these models there is an area of ​​significant swirling flow in the center from top to bottom and it is very reminiscent of a regular bathroom funnel! Who does not understand this - does not understand anything in a tornado at all ... Actually, this is the region that forms the tornado, the main essence of which is implosion. There is a vertical virtual axis in the center of the tornado, the area low pressure, to which everything "sticks" and around which everything revolves. Perhaps the flow is down and is not main point from the point of view of energy, but from the point of view of the formation of the entire structure - this is exactly so. A tornado is a giant Rank pipe, in which oppositely swirling and directed flows harmoniously exist very close.As a result, it seems to me that it is possible to come to this kind of tornado-like stationary power plant (let's call it - energy tower) with direct power pick-up between a grounded motor and a metal bell mouth (installation that really consumes only air and water):

Energy tower "Tornado":

This whole complex can be understood as a huge vertical air shaft for the rotation of a giant whirlwind. Or:

Looped air toroid (tornado) - below is its diagram-illustration up to altitudes of about 15 km:

Anatomy of Tornado

From storm to major event: how havoc happens

1. Warm, moist air at the surface rises rapidly, creating an updraft.

2. Falling rain exhausts, cooling the air around it.

3. The wall cloud rotates as it "s hit with winds from opposite directions.

4. As the rotation intensifies, a visible funnel drops out of the clouds.

5. A prominent overshooting top forms when the updraft is very strong.

6. Powerful updrafts give hail time to form.

7. A dust shroud is kicked up by the tornado's strong winds at ground level.

8. Central downdrafts appear in some tornadoes.

This wonderful explanation of the anatomy of a tornado came across to me on the site Reader's Digest (could not resist and added a little of his - item number 9 )

9. Tornado generator.

Transformation of environmental thermal energy into mechanical and ultimately electrical energy with "cold exhaust" is quite a worthy answer in the fight against global warming and the more frequent catastrophes of traditional energy.

As it turns out now, after the complete compromise of electricity production at nuclear power plants (Chernobyl accident), and even at "safe" hydroelectric power plants (Sayano-Shushenskaya catastrophe), such an alternative proposal is the safest and most large-scale (!) way to generate electricity. Indeed, the power unit is on the ground, the main moving parts are covered with a protective casing (in principle, they are practically absent). Although domestic practice shows that everything can be blown up ... I would not be surprised if a major accident at a conventional thermal power plant also happened in the near future. Although, observing the regular operation of an ordinary city thermal power plant, you understand that this operation itself is already an accident, only much prolonged in time ...

No matter how crazy it sounds - but in this way (with large-scale production of such installations) you can successfully fight fires like fire disasters in California or Greece ( giant pump to blast a lake of water right into the atmosphere!). And it is quite possible that even manage the climate of individual regions, drawing cool air straight from the ionosphere... Who knows ... It is quite possible that the entire text of the Kyoto Protocol on limiting thermal emissions is an absolutely useless demagogic agreement ...

Read the theory of Valery Shikhirin, whose materials are located on the same site on the adjacent buttons. He calls it "the number of windrows in a tornado." And really, take a look - here is a link to photos from space of the most powerful typhoon Isabel during its maximum intensity (by the way, typhoons Ivan, Katrina and all the others have exactly the same structure)


I believe that it is especially powerful and is not needed - the main thing is high-speed (as Schauberger actually had). For example, electric motors from Dyson vacuum cleaners (and impellers too!). When the rotation of the air toroid is closed, the flows are so "strange" that, flowing to the center, they have an increased angular and linear speed of rotation and contribute to the self-acceleration of the structure. I propose to pay attention to the engines approximately from the following line (used in aircraft modeling). But - the engine from a simple construction "grinder" (!):

That is, "translated" into Russian - the rotational speed is up to 40-50 thousand revolutions per minute! Many, but these are the most conventional rotational speeds in aeromodelling... But, it turns out, there are even more interesting real-life electric motors! This electric motors in DYSON vacuum cleaners! Just what you need: the rotation speed of such engines is several kilowatts - about 120,000 revolutions per minute! And the impeller in the vacuum cleaner itself is exactly what you need!

Let's digress a bit. This "video document" is kind of a joke (from the series famous photos Billy Mayer UFO). Although the joke is very believable:

Perhaps Schauberger's ideas are already working for someone? Hmm-hmm... But after all, this is, in principle, my version and I drew all this much earlier ??? I wonder who is joking like that?

You can, of course, and a little easier I'm sure there are options...


This design has its own kind of "drawing" - one of the ancient tablets found in India (detail of the notorious vimana?)

This circuit diagram aircraft, with much greater capabilities than a conventional helicopter.

In fact - a diagram of a flying saucer. Like this (next to a comic cartoon):

For a small model An external size with a diameter of 30-60 cm would obviously be the very thing ... Automobile compressor turbine, plus a 20-120 thousand rpm engine(perhaps some high-speed electric motor from a construction tool or a vacuum cleaner). Body - as light as possible.

pay attention to rotation consistencyworking body threads:

Now take a look at " FLIGHT VIDEO " . By and large, this video is very clever provocation and forgery, but pay attention - how similar people think! It is likely that they are familiar with the content of this site:

You can (and should!) laugh at the video joke around the pseudo-UFO, however ...- the device itself turned out to be completely real and ... workable!

It just needs to be noted that the designers of this model were overly carried away by external paraphernalia and absolutely did not understand the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design.

And this idea with them (I think) is not disclosed. Just like in all models of Hatton. Hutton pays too much attention to the TOP of his design, but it is much more promising to look at his BOTTOM, where you can get a stunning effect on the COUNTERCURRENTS (Pelton's principle).


Below is my vision of the design and an explanation of some of the principles:

Tornado generator (options)

I will not repeat myself and assure you that getting a tornado is quite simple ... But nevertheless, I suggest trying to do it this way ... Practically ignoring all the known methods of other interpreters and entertainers. The points:

1. In nature, we can observe an air whirlwind-tornado-tornado in the widest range of physical sizes - from several tens of centimeters to several kilometers. But line speed flows during rotation of air in any of them - NOT LESS THAN 33 METERS IN A SECOND! So let's second smallest- and there you will see!

2. Device body - hard shaper the most loaded and responsible part of the tornado- its bases (soles)

3. Turbine device - conventional centrifugal type , performs 3 functions:

4. Vertical water-air column with a central INTENSE DOWNLOAD VACUUM FUNNEL(theoretically unlimited in top sizes) - this is the surface of a grandiose "drain" of energy and at the same time a heat exchanger, literally sucking thermal energy from the environment and at the same time - the trajectory where the notorious acceleration (acceleration) of the working body of the vortex. The central virtual axis is the place where external energy "flows"!

5. Supply pipes from below for air and water - additional process controllers.

6. The output to the regime with an increase in the speed of rotation of the turbine will most likely occur spasmodically (!) - this is probably what happened in one of the experiments with the followers of Viktor Schauberger (when one of the models was torn off the base, carried up and pierced the roof of the hangar). Apparently in the end you need an additional and more reliable BRAKE.

7. REMEMBER TO GROUND THE CHASSIS!!! (at least in the variant of a stationary installation) - there is a well-founded suspicion that the stability of the tornado shape is precisely high-voltage-electric.

Someone will say and is it difficult to manufacture? Then even easier, devices from ancient Greek legends :

"PANDORRA'S BOX-2" "Vesuvius" Amphora"

Specifically, there are 6 funnels (one main - virtual- formed in the center down (blue arrow) and 5 real funnel-shaped "emitters" of the tornado boundary layer along the periphery from bottom to top). The resulting dynamic structure is "civilized tornado" the same "tamed whirlwind", controlling which you can structure and remove the energy scattered in space. I will not say that all this is exactly according to Viktor Schauberger. It is possible that something even contrary to ...

Yu.S. Potapov @company( the so-called "molecular" engine with an internal air helicoid)

Schauberger's main invention is an ordinary funnel as an energy concentrator!

From his heritage, I take the main idea from my point of view:any swirling converging funnel ends with an implosive "explosive" "- confirmation of the concentration of energy! Probably the main meaning of all the known patents of Viktor Schauberger lies in this inconspicuous drawing:

A very simple thought "out loud":

A windmill that has been using ordinary horizontal wind for centuries, no one even thinks of calling it a "perpetual motion machine" ...

I propose a similar move - use the energy of a tornado, that is energy of "swirling vertical wind" :

The only thing left is "totally small" - you need to put one of the devices proposed here at the base of such a whirlwind, eliminate randomness and unpredictability - start managing what was previously "just an accident"!

I recommend watching literally all the films posted on on request tornado, vortex, dust devil- take a closer look at these video files and you will understand that everything works exactly on the principles that I tried to explain here...

dust devil- in general a unique thing! Can be very compact. Apparently, the electrostatics of dust and sand come to the fore during the formation of such vortices. What if instead of dust, add ordinary water to our device? When splashing water drops near waterfalls, kilovolt voltages are also formed! And then the stability of the tornado trunk is precisely of an electrical nature ...

I would like to make a small remark... All video files artificial tornado on very, very effective. But for me they are... unconvincing! Convincing to me only videos of natural (natural) tornadoes and whirlwinds. Because they always have:


everything is formed around this additional vortex (this is the so-called "throat of the whirlwind")!

The proposals that have been voiced here are not thoughtless attempts to twist the air and water - suddenly something will work out ... This purposeful (and very simple!) create an offer" tornado boundary layer cylinder "with the help of countercurrent air and, the simplest way to "launch a hand" directly into the lower layers of the atmosphere (about 1 km)! Approximately like this in their ways (but, you know, you need a certain scale of devices!):

If, at the same time, water is also added to the "reactor", ballo-tribo-electricity is immediately provided ... the district of the central bundle will form in the most natural way a whole train of effects (primarily electrostatic), which are inherent in a natural phenomenon named " tornado " ...

Who will understand faster this incredibly elementary approach, he will receive the key to managing a stable "civilized" whirlwind ...

By and large, this is an alternative to traditional power units of traditional power plants (such as the notorious unit No. 4 Chernobyl nuclear power plant or Unit No. 2 of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP). It's kind of a "NO!" coal mines producing fuel for thermal power plants with a huge risk to the lives of miners. This is an alternative that is comparable (superior?) in power and ideal in terms of safety and environmental friendliness. Renewable eternal and source with "exhaust" in the form of cold air. And finally, this is a potential opportunity to "control the weather" and even the climate of individual regions.

And now let us once again recall the legendary design of Leopold Sheryu (I have no doubts about the reality and performance of which).

If you look closely at its design, you can understand that in fact, I constantly offer an absurdly simplified CHERRYU GENERATOR.

Take another look:

"Tearing out" of the context the part of the device marked in red and turning it 180 degrees ( by the way, pay attention to the small inscription " sog" , - translated from German - "vacuum", "rarefaction", "suction"), we get a simplified concept, which I call for myself:


Start and intense promotion this "top" is carried out by a conventional highway with compressed air. A tube (gradually!) moves up - vertically immediately formed the boundary layer of a vortex similar to a tornado. General dimensions devices for conducting experiments - I think no more than 20-30 centimeters. In the central cavity of the structure, when entering the mode, there is a rarefaction column!

In the figure below, this is Justa little clarification to the design of the top.

All in all, "whirlwind top"- uh then just for those who persistently demanded from me a specific construct. Dare! This design is an absolutely balanced (from all points of view) device for obtaining a vortex similar to a natural tornado.

For those who have a lathe at hand and prefer very simple solutions:



Spin the device with a jet of compressed air tangentially to the surface of the top. Even in an amateurish performance, revolutions of literally hundreds of thousands per minute are quite possible. With small diameters of tops, such rotation speeds are quite possible and even easily achieved! The main air flows are formed according to the Coanda law (the effect of sticking to the surface of a jet of liquid or gas).

I believe that a vortex top, a spinning top, a flywheel is the easiest way to get a super unity device, relying solely on the ideas of Schauberger, and without unnecessary conjectures and fantasies ...

Probably, many have watched the rotation of an ordinary top or top more than once. For me personally, it's a mesmerizing sight. A spinning top levitating right in the air in a magnetic field makes a special impression - a toy that received Lately widely distributed and repeatedly posted on the Internet in numerous photo and video files. For example:

And all the time, watching a spinning top, I have a question - HOW CAN I EXTEND THIS ROTATION (and best of all forever!) ??? And then, almost visually, a swirling air flow is seen, rushing from top to bottom in the center, bringing matter (and energy!) Right to the center of the top-flywheel! Slightly transforming the construct, - I got exactly this:

The main purpose of this device, what I'm trying to suggest, is to utilize all the rather ornate air currents in the ROTATION OF THE FLYWHEEL! Please note that this is exactly a spinning top (gyroscope!), - its main mass is concentrated in the ring along the periphery. And closer to the center - the simplest device for the implementation of an AIR SELF-REVERSIBLE TORUS. More precisely, in working condition, it is a high-up elongated air TOROID. The basis of the operation of such a top is the central inflow from above, similar to a funnel of water in a bathroom. Remember and think about the essence of any funnel that you yourself have ever seen - this is a convergent centripetal rotation of the flow into an area of ​​rarefaction (ideally - into a vacuum). And this rotation is best utilized by ... the most ordinary funnel in the bathroom (in this case, we mean as a physical device). Even in the Schauberger Museum, 50% of the exhibits are glass and copper funnels.
The top itself is an amazing device. There is no need for centering - he will always find himself a center of rotation. The revolutions of the top (even in a handicraft version!) are the most incredible (literally up to hundreds of thousands of revolutions per minute without destroying the structure, but with small diameters).
How do I see the algorithm of the proposed device?

1. Of course, you can just twist it with your hands or with an electric motor. But - probably better still compressed air. We put the line with compressed air directly into the hole in the center. After the turn, the air hits the blades of the turbine and the spinning top starts.

2. Slowly lift the hose up the center. We try to hit the center of rotation of the spinning top, but this accuracy is not at all necessary! The compressed air is limited by the walls of the formed self-eversing toroid. If somehow the process is tinted (for example with smoke) it will look almost exactly like this as in the photo below(here from my point of view absolutely CLEARLY visible "VACUUM TORNADO FLYWHEEL AXIS" , STABLE STRUCTURE in the form of a thin central white bundle DIRECTLY FROM THE STORM CLOUD(if you block this central "stability harness" - the tornado will stop immediately!):

3. We take the hose higher and higher and ... remove it completely. A descending air funnel is formed in the center. Inside ascending. Strictly speaking, we get a model of a real tornado, the "power" of which is carried out by a rarefied rotating air flow in the center from top to bottom. The device, in theory, should "go haywire" during operation. But that's exactly what happens in a tornado!

4. A kind of "exhaust" during the operation of the "tornado top" should be cooling the air passing through the device.

Of course, I missed a lot and simplified. Solely for the sake of understanding. However, the moral of this story is this:


And then - this, apparently, is an interpretation of what was said here above (in no case is there even a hint of accusations of plagiarism - apparently the idea is too obvious immediately for many independent researchers!). This is an air generator. Brand Tanner EF9 Energy Systems, information about which is carefully "washed out" from the Internet. Here is practically the only link left: . Author claims to accelerate the air flow when it cools (in fact, he simply placed his turbine exactly in the center of the vortex, exactly where the green dot flickers!) while declares overunity rotationdevices(with efficiency up to 800%!) based on a rather peculiar interpretation of Bernoulli's law during the passage of the working fluid through the Laval nozzle. Only from my point of view - this is again the idea of ​​Schauberger. Take a closer look at Mark Tanner's device in the photo - does it remind you of anything? Yes, this is the same home generator turbine Schauberger, but only for air!

In fact, this device is a real "bomb". But ... - while deaf silence ...

Below is a graphic attempt by the author of the site to repeat and simplify the principle of operation as much as possible HPS(t the so-called "home generator" of Viktor Schauberger). Based on the processes occurring in the Laval nozzle.

And one more thing: the Chinese are great, they are not asleep. Perhaps they will become the first device replicators a la Schauberger! It is likely that they accidentally (!) Can get something ...

Although no ... Americans! Here's a replica of the vortex device, straight from Houston! Yes, yes - the same one in Texas:


P In my opinion, all of the above is simplest way streamlining brownian motion air molecules with the help of a vortex and eventually achieving self-rotation! To begin with, in the form of rotation of a small and rather simple top-gyroscope. But also a home generator (Home Power System ) Schauberger and Mazenauer turbine in principle, you can quite rightly put side by side! And below is, in general, the essence of the processes occurring with the working body

These devices are all essentially twin brothers and common name them - gyroscope minitornado:

EF9 Systems by Mark Tanner - based on parts for turbocharging in Japanese cars.

American Mark Tanner claims that everything has been working for him for a long time as CE ...

Based on a car turbocharger, I have been for a very long time and suggest experimenting ...

Behind steep en spiraled working fluid inside the Laval nozzle superimposed on the Bernoulli effect - that's essentially what it is basis of ALL Schauberger's " superunity" devices!

Approximate central turbine design:

It's a worthy task to test the feasibility of a 3D printer, isn't it?

There is also a slightly different option. MIt is possible to obtain a "super unity" device using opl and Laval (primary rotation of air by a conventional centrifugal turbine in a double funnel - "hourglass" and then the removal of energy in the generator mode):

There is practically nothing to break. Actually, Tanner, Schauberger, Mazenauer and Clem always have everything like that. A little joke. On the picture:

The work of the power unit "Tornado". Only ... the installation itself is very hard to see because of the dust .

But... No kidding. Apparently, someone has been doing similar experiments for a long time and such experiments can no longer pass without a trace for others (Moscow, 2009):

I propose to use implosion (in fact, it is "collapse", "explosion inside", "vacuum suction") - an incredibly interesting and mysterious process. It is enough to locally organize a certain zone with a reduced mass-energy potential (ideally, this is a vacuum) - how does it immediately begin to pour inaccording to Bernoulli's law (ejected) surrounding mass and energy, self-organizing in the form of a vortex funnel.Inside all the devices I offer, there is a very fast through (transit) passage of the working fluid (water-air), while the total volume of the working fluid is actually cools and decreases! Simply put, inside the installations... a vacuum according to Bernoulli's law (or at least very low pressure!). And if you organize the transit (pumping) of the working substance directly through this "vacuum" zone, - the "super unity" device is actually ready! THE VACUUM SUCKS IN THE ENVIRONMENT AND FORWARDS IT FURTHER! "TRANSIT" VACUUM! Pulling inside the turbine by centrifugal forces of an invisible "air rope"! Schematically, it looks something like this - pumping the working fluid through the vacuum zone (blinking green dot):

Organize the blowing of the substance (swirling water, air) through double funnel - "hourglass"! Put your turbine somewherealong the flow axis. "ETERNAL" (SUPER SINGLE) ENGINE READY ! The Swiss Mazenauer tried it like this:

IN this Mazenauer construction in a peculiar"tug of war" between the big and small cone always wins the big one! A sharp acceleration of the working fluid (air) occurs in the "waist" of the turbine. This quite complex in manufacturing and balancing permanently fixed in bearings the turbine was blown into small pieces by centrifugal forces immediately after entering the auto-generation mode ... After that, the Swiss acted typically in Russian - he drank himself drunk and died ... The man, unfortunately, did not understand what could be made TOP OF FREE ROTATION IN THE FORM OF ASYMMETRIC "HOURGLASS" FIGURE . After all, everything is much simpler, more reliable and BETTER! A self-rotating (!) top of a relatively small size of about 10~ 50 cm in diameter. Working on recycling HEAT OF THE AMBIENT AIR. Made on the basis of conventional centrifugal turbines of different diameters and different directions of spin. The notorious acceleration and cooling of the working air flow occurs directly along the central vertical axis of the top (near the "waist"). In essence, a miniature tornado is generated inside two connected cones.



Isn't it incredibly simple? Yes! Energetic initial spin-up of an absolutely reliable and safe design (possibly up to hundreds of thousands of revolutions per minute, but for a small flywheel such revolutions are by no means a problem and acceleration is smoothly carried out either by an air jet of a compressor or an electric motor) and here it is: a miniature local vortex with replenishment of rotational energy straight from the environment! And all this should work solely on the principles of a natural tornado. The theory of self-sustaining rotation of such a top is quite simple (well described by Mark Tanner), here it is:

Bernoulli's law, its observance - this is the prerequisite for the operation of such a flywheel turbine from the point of view of Mark Tanner. And that's a really great idea! And now:



I have to say that it is essential Schauberger's "samovar" ... a complete technological error! It needs to be much simpler - no need to bend complex helicoids, suffer from centering and elaborate design. Need:



Another, quite real design of the flywheel:


Based on materials

My translation of the most important (from my point of view) part of the site:

How the device works:

First, the turbine accelerates to a certain speed. The air is sucked in from the side of the smaller diameter of the turbine, passes inside and is compressed into a conical spiral. This requires some energy. After passing through the constriction of the double cone of the rotor, the compressed air expands, its volume increases and it moves further along the helical paths. As the air expands, its temperature drops, and heat is removed from the environment upon contact with the turbine walls. This expansion occurs all the way up to the air outlet from the side of the larger diameter, where air is sucked in through the hole of the smaller diameter of the turbine along the spiral trajectory inherent in natural natural movement. Thus, the existing natural energies set the process in motion, like a tornado, the total energy on the suction side of the vortex provides more energy than is required to compress the air on the discharge side. There is no longer a need for a mechanical drive to spin up the entire structure (the electric starter can be turned off). Self-support begins, the rotation speed can increase sharply up to the destruction of the structure. (Heinz Masenauer did not know about this feature at the beginning and was not ready for it. Therefore, he lost about 1.5 million Swiss francs in the destruction of his expensive prototypes). But with simple techniques, the huge excess potential of the turbine can be managed very well and prevent its destruction quite easily.

It is no longer only abstract 3D model... Without a doubt, the Mazenauer turbine, embodied in metal, will be able to work as a "fuelless" device. More precisely, as a device that directly consumes the low-potential energy of the environment (thermal energy of the air).

Note that the so-called " MAZENAUER TURBINE"fits very easily into almost any design offered on my website. This turbine is a technological masterpiece of simplicity, conceived precisely "inspired by Schauberger"! Pay attention to this device below - and this is also an "hourglass" virtual turbine (in fact, too. .. Mazenauer), which lurked right in the center of the structure:

I want to say a rather simple thing ... A simple small vortex "microtornado top" a few tens of centimeters in size (miniature, microscopic vortex) in an open area should provoke and launch a real full-fledged tornado! A kind of "trigger" for launching grandiose processes of stress relief in the atmosphere (more precisely, the ionosphere).

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