Ice age or climate weapon: why is it getting so cold in Russia? Senator Lakhova: “Climate weapons” are being used against Russia Meteosphere climate weapons

Climate weapons are weapons mass destruction, the main damaging factor of which is various natural or climatic phenomena created artificially.

Using natural phenomena and climate against the enemy is the eternal dream of the military. Sending a hurricane to the enemy, destroying crops in an enemy country and thereby causing famine, causing torrential rains and destroying the entire enemy transport infrastructure - such possibilities could not but arouse interest among strategists. However, previously humanity did not have the necessary knowledge and ability to influence the weather.

In our time, man has acquired unprecedented power: he split the atom, flew into space, and reached the ocean floor. We have learned much more about climate: we now know why droughts and floods occur, why it's raining and the blizzard blows, just as hurricanes are born. But even now we are unable to confidently influence the global climate. This is very a complex system, in which countless factors interact. Solar activity, processes occurring in the ionosphere, the Earth's magnetic field, oceans, anthropogenic factor- This is only a small part of the forces capable of determining planetary climate.

A little about the history of climate weapons

Even without fully understanding all the mechanisms that form the climate, people try to control it. In the middle of the last century, the first experiments on climate change began. First, people learned to artificially cause the formation of clouds and fog. Similar studies were carried out by many countries, including the USSR. A little later they learned to cause artificial precipitation.

At first, such experiments had purely peaceful purposes: to cause rain or, conversely, to prevent hail from destroying crops. But soon the military began to master similar technologies.

During the Vietnam conflict, the Americans carried out Operation Popeye, the purpose of which was to significantly increase the amount of rainfall over the part of Vietnam along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The Americans sprayed some chemical substances(dry ice and silver iodide), which caused a significant increase in rainfall. As a result, the roads were washed out and the partisans' communications were disrupted. It should be noted that the effect was quite short-lived, and the costs were enormous.

Around the same time, American scientists were trying to learn how to control hurricanes. For the southern states of the United States, hurricanes are a real disaster. However, in pursuit of such a seemingly noble goal, scientists also studied the possibility of sending a hurricane to the “wrong” countries. The famous mathematician John von Neumann collaborated with the American military department in this direction.

In 1977, the UN adopted a convention that prohibited any use of climate change as a weapon. It was adopted at the initiative of the USSR, and the USA joined it.

Reality or fiction

Are climate weapons even possible? Theoretically yes. But in order to influence the climate on a global scale, in areas of several thousand square kilometers, enormous resources are needed. And since we do not yet fully understand the mechanisms of weather phenomena, the result can be unpredictable.

Currently, climate control research is being conducted in several countries around the world, including Russia. We are talking about impacts on relatively small areas. Using weather for military purposes is prohibited.

If we talk about climate weapons, then we cannot ignore two objects: the American HAARP complex, which is located in Alaska, and the Sura facility in Russia, not far from Nizhny Novgorod.

These two objects, according to some experts, are climate weapons that can change the weather on a global scale, affecting processes in the ionosphere. The HAARP complex is especially famous in this regard. Not a single article devoted to this topic is complete without mentioning this installation. The Sura object is less known, but it is considered our answer to the HAARP complex.

In the early 90s of the last century, construction of a huge facility began in Alaska. This is an area of ​​13 hectares on which the antennas are located. Officially, the facility was built to study the ionosphere of our planet. It is there that processes take place that have greatest influence on the formation of the Earth's climate.

In addition to scientists, the US Navy and Air Force, as well as the famous DARPA (Department of Advanced Research Projects), are taking part in the implementation of the project. But even with all this in mind, is HAARP an experimental climate weapon? Unlikely.

The fact is that the HAARP complex in Alaska is by no means new or unique. The construction of such complexes began in the 60s of the last century. They were built in the USSR, and in Europe, and in South America. HAARP is simply the largest such complex, and the presence of the military adds intrigue.

In Russia, similar work is being done at the Sura facility, which is more modest in size and is currently in no better condition. However, Sura works and studies electromagnetism in the high layers of the atmosphere. In the territory former USSR There were several similar complexes.

Legends have arisen around such objects. They say about the HAARP complex that it can change the weather, cause earthquakes, shoot down satellites and warheads, and control people's consciousness. But there is no evidence of this. Not long ago, American scientist Scott Stevens accused Russia of using climate weapons against the United States. According to Stevens, the Russian side, using a secret Sura-type installation, operating on the principle of an electromagnetic generator, created Hurricane Katrina and directed it towards the United States.


Today, climate weapons are a reality, but their use requires too large a scale of resources. We do not yet know enough about the complex processes of weather formation, and therefore it is problematic to control such weapons.

The use of climate weapons can result in a blow to the aggressor himself or his allies, and cause damage to neutral states. In any case, it will be impossible to predict the result.

In addition, many countries conduct regular weather observations and use similar weapons will cause serious weather anomalies that will definitely not go unnoticed. The reaction of the world community to such actions will not differ from the reaction to nuclear aggression.

Undoubtedly, relevant research and experimentation continues - but until the creation effective weapon it's still very far away. If climate weapons (in some form) exist today, it is unlikely that their use would be advisable. So far there is no serious evidence of the existence of such weapons.

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Remember how meteorologists reassured us Russians in May that there was nothing abnormal in the icy weather of the last month of spring? May snow, they say, is not such a rare phenomenon, and there is nothing to worry about. In the summer the weather will definitely heat up. However, what are we seeing now, after half of June has passed? The Meteorological Center reports that this June will be the coldest in the world. middle lane Russia from beginning of the XXI century, and the amount of precipitation will be record. (website)

It’s not enough for us to have frosts, snow, heavy rains and a hurricane that hit Moscow, recognized as the strongest in the city in the last 130 years and which claimed the lives of 11 people, but the Central Bank is also adding fuel to the fire. Economists say food prices are expected to rise as bad weather caused significant damage to farmland and delayed planting. That is, people are forced not only to dress in sweaters and knitted hats, but also to eat sparingly in winter.

Is it all due to climate change weapons?

Rumors immediately spread that the enemies of our state had used climate weapons, where as damaging factor artificial influence on weather and climate is used. They say that it was not by chance that the recent hurricane in the capital hit the Kremlin and tore off part of the roof from the Senate Palace, where the president works. Is it really a subtle assassination attempt?

Photos from open sources

As for the abnormally cold May and June, the colonel also does not have a definite answer. The specialist reports that the use of climate weapons is very difficult, and it is almost impossible to prove it, since it is simply impossible to trace the cause of a natural disaster. Nevertheless, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, droughts and floods can already be provoked today - sophisticated human thought has been working on this at least since the Second World War. And the one who will be the first to learn to control the hydrosphere, lithosphere, ozonosphere, surface layers of the atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere and near-Earth space, will gain control over the entire world. One can only hope that if such a weapon actually comes into being, its inventor will realize to transfer the fruits of his work to several countries so that strategic parity does not suffer.

Lithospheric climate weapon

Lithospheric weapons, also called seismic, tectonic and geological weapons, release energy from the Earth's solid shell. Such weapons make it possible to artificially cause volcanic eruptions, destructive earthquakes, movements of geological formations and lithospheric plates. It is only necessary to “stir” the lithosphere in a place with tectonic stress and provoke a discharge there. Underground vacuum and atomic explosions, as well as powerful acoustic and electromagnetic signals.

Photos from open sources

Let's remember the powerful earthquake in Japan in 2011, which caused waves as high as a four-story building. 25 thousand people were killed, seriously injured or missing. Accident on nuclear power plant Fukushima-1, caused by the most powerful earthquake in Japanese history and the subsequent tsunami, led to large-scale radioactive contamination of coastal waters and terrain. There were explosions and fires at oil refineries, crops were destroyed, and the total economic damage to the Land of the Rising Sun amounted to at least $310 billion.

Photos from open sources

Many alternative researchers are convinced that the Japanese earthquake 6 years ago was caused by American complex"HAARP", located in Alaska and supposedly serving to study the ionosphere and auroras. Experts believe that in 2011, the HAARP installation generated incredibly powerful electromagnetic radiation, - this impulse provoked an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 off the coast of Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun, and indeed the entire Pacific Ocean, are still feeling the catastrophic consequences of this natural disaster.

Meteosphere climate weapon

Meteospheric (meteorological, weather, atmospheric) weapons directly affect the weather formation processes that occur in the atmosphere - the gaseous envelope of the Earth. Meteospheric weapons allow you to create tornadoes and tornadoes, typhoons and rainstorms for a short time and locally. Thanks to it, it is possible to influence the agricultural production of entire regions, and, consequently, the economies of states.

The most studied and tested many times is the provocation of rainstorms. Thus, in 1967-1972, Americans sprayed silver iodide over Vietnamese rice fields and jungles. This led to heavy rainfall and massive flooding. The population's crops were destroyed, and the so-called Ho Chi Minh Trail, along which the Vietnamese partisans received weapons and equipment, was completely washed away. This famous operation was called "Popeye".

Photos from open sources

It is noteworthy that the same technology allows you to achieve the opposite result, sending drought to the territory. To do this it is necessary to dry rain clouds before they get to the right place. A few dry weeks, and the enemies are guaranteed a crop failure. In the hot season, water bodies will begin to dry up, and people will have problems with clean water. drinking water. Using weather weapons, a war can, in theory, be won without firing a shot. It is believed that the same Americans at one time provoked a drought in Cuba.

Photos from open sources

Some believe that unprecedented rainfall in Western Europe in 2010 and at the same time unprecedented heat in Central Russia are again the results of the use of climate weapons. There is reason to believe that the powerful floods in 2013 Far East and in Sochi are also not an accident.

In 2008, Major General of the Chinese Armed Forces Zhou Chengheo himself publicly stated that the Pentagon was calling natural disasters in China.

Global warming or cooling?

However, a number of climate experts believe that the cause of cooling in many parts of the Earth is the so-called notorious “global warming”, the culprit of which is man. Although this phenomenon is defined by someone as warming, in fact, just the opposite can happen, namely, cooling.

Photos from open sources

Most recently, American President Donald Trump announced that the United States was abandoning measures aimed at combating the global rise in temperature of the planet. According to the agreement terminated by the politician, by 2020 many countries were to raise at least 100 billion to fight global warming, and the United States was to become the main sponsor in this matter. However, the head of the “citadel of democracy” is convinced that global warming is a myth for such siphoning of money.

Trump may be considered criminally ignorant, but he may be right. More and more inhabitants of the planet feel that the temperature of our “blue ball” is not getting higher, but, on the contrary, is falling. Many scientists argue that we are entering the era of the so-called next great cold snap, and a small one is coming. glacial period. In just 100-150 years, the climate on the planet may be completely different, and therefore heat-loving earthlings will soon have to seriously adapt. In the meantime... current generation, still full of hope and optimism, is just beginning to feel on his own skin the icy breath of this planetary climate change, the changes are not for the better...

Valery Spiridonov, the first candidate for a body transplant, shares his thoughts on how humanity can control the weather, and tells what attempts have already been made in this regard in Russia, the USA and other countries.

Slowly but surely, the huge, monumental armies of the last century, capable of capturing half the continent at once, with a huge arsenal of various firearms, artillery and even nuclear weapons, are becoming a thing of the past. All this remained there, in the bloodiest century in human history that has already passed from us. Today, people have already entered a new technotronic era, an era of hybrid influences and “soft”, but no less cruel, forces.

The Earth's climate is currently poorly predictable, unstable and dangerous, as recent events in Moscow have proven. Is it really just global warming caused by human industrial activities?

Is it possible that these changes are intentional and that climate weapons are not hypothetical gloomy installations in the tundras of Siberia or the forests of Alaska in the best traditions of dystopian novels, but actually existing and functioning systems? The answer, as usual, is both simple and complex at the same time.

It is important to immediately draw a line of demarcation between the conditionally “skeptics” and the “confident”: climate control is indeed possible, and the development of climate weapons was carried out entirely in the twentieth century and most likely continues to this day. The fact that such weapons really existed and were developed by the leading powers of that time is evidenced by the fact that in 1978 an official convention was adopted banning state influence on the climate. The agreement was signed by the then world leaders of the USSR and the USA. Since then, there have been no proven cases of military use of climate weapons, but accusations of the involvement of certain forces in natural disasters continue.

An important fact: climate control and influencing it for one purpose or another is a reality. It is obvious that the reality is well hidden, it is quite possible that the reality is not pleasant, but this does not stop it from being less real. This is due to two important factors. Firstly, man has always strived to keep everything under control and it is unlikely that modern humanity would like to depend on unpredictable weather. And secondly, as sad as it may be, climate is also a weapon.

However, one should very soberly assess man's capabilities in controlling such large energies as weather phenomena. For example, in one day an average hurricane releases an amount of thermal energy equivalent to that produced by all the power plants in the world in 200 days. And the energy strong hurricane may range from 50 to 200 million megawatts. It is logical that it is impossible to simply oppose brute force to such phenomena. Rather, it is necessary to consider targeted, targeted impacts that can trigger a chain reaction of change.

Today, climate control systems are being developed in a number of countries, primarily in the United States of America. Scientists from around the world, versed in so-called geoengineering, are proposing the following developments aimed at changing the earth's climate to combat global warming or for other purposes:

— Installation of reflective mirrors in orbit in order to reflect or concentrate sunlight at specified points on the planet. This is an almost ideal project, but its implementation requires enormous funds.

— Spraying of sulfur in the earth's atmosphere. This is, in fact, the same point first, but cheaper. Sulfur is an excellent screen that will reflect excess sunlight. However, due to the obvious harm to the environment, this option is not the most popular today.

- Increased ability earth's surface reflect excess solar flows from the Earth's surface. Proposals in this area are legion, in particular, dressing glaciers in special insulating covers, “painting” rocks, sand masses in deserts, roofs of houses with white, as well as genetic modification woody plants(trees with foliage that reflects light) and much more.

— Stimulation of the growth and reproduction of unicellular algae in the world's oceans, which should contribute to the intensive absorption of CO 2 from the Earth's atmosphere. It is also possible to artificially obtain a number of species of unicellular algae. This method is associated with a radical restructuring of the ecosystems of the world's oceans, so its use in practice today is unlikely.

This is just a short list of the main and not the most fantastic ideas of scientists from around the world aimed at climate change. Of course, not all of them are feasible, but developments are already underway on a number of provisions. Of course, all data on such projects is classified and it is hardly possible to find any official documents in the public domain.

As for the issues of the existence and functioning of directly climate-related weapons, everything is not so simple. It is absolutely obvious that such weapons existed before. This is spoken of as indirect facts and a series of revelations former employees intelligence services, and quite official documents and conventions on the non-proliferation of climate weapons, signed by representatives Soviet Union and the United States of America.

However, it is one thing to prohibit and promise not to do so with honest eyes, and another thing to actually adhere to one’s obligations. All countries of the world have agreed that they will not produce new nuclear weapons, but Iran and North Korea, despite the sanctions, they continue to develop it. Even earlier, Israel and Pakistan acquired atomic bombs in a similar way with the connivance of the United States. Today there is talk that even terrorists of the Islamic State banned in the Russian Federation are developing their own atomic bomb. So is it even possible to trust any international treaties, especially when it comes to weapons issues? The answer, unfortunately, is obvious: hardly.

In a number of countries today there are specialized installations officially engaged in climate studies. First of all, this is the well-known American HAARP, which plays the role of a kind of “Area 51” in conspiracy theories (a “dummy” specially launched by the American government to divert attention from serious projects).

© AP Photo/Mark Farmer

© AP Photo/Mark Farmer

However, few people know that in the United States there are similar bases that are actually hidden from public attention: these are the Puerto Rican Arecibo telescope and the HIPAS observatory in Alaska. In Europe, it is reliably known that two complexes of the same class operate: EISCAT in Norway and SPEAR on the island of Spitsbergen.

By the way, several of the same stations exist today in Russian Federation, and one - "URAN-1", now abandoned, but for some reason still protected by the military, is located in Ukraine, a few kilometers from Kharkov. It should be noted that this is only publicly available data about such stations, which are officially engaged only in the peaceful study of the atmosphere. However, how true is this?

You need to understand that real weather correction systems either already exist today or are actively being developed. In the United States, cloud clearing and seeding are regularly carried out. One of the richest people in the world, Bill Gates, will allocate hundreds of millions of US dollars to projects to neutralize hurricanes and tsunamis. In the UAE, like the shamans of antiquity, they really know how to bring rain to the sweltering land. In China, before the next Olympics, the government announced that it was using weather regulators to ensure the most comfortable weather conditions. And former Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad more than once directly accused the United States and the EU of causing an unprecedented drought in the region with the help of climate control systems.

This year's cold summer in Russia may also play into the hands of those countries that suffered losses from food anti-sanctions. The weather conditions in our country are now clearly not conducive to a high harvest, and whether this will affect the relaxation of measures aimed at protecting our agricultural sector from imports remains to be assessed.

Climate control systems today are an objective reality. Another thing is how to use them. It’s time for humanity to think about why it constantly uses everything, even peaceful developments, for military purposes. We all live on the same planet and climate problems threaten each of us. So isn’t the general welfare more important than the enmity of individual states? This question, however, should be addressed to world leaders, and not to ordinary inhabitants of the Earth.

Slowly but surely, the huge, monumental armies of the last century, capable of capturing half the continent at once, with a huge arsenal of various firearms, artillery and even nuclear weapons, are becoming a thing of the past. All this remained there, in the bloodiest century in human history that has already passed from us. Today, people have already entered a new technotronic era, an era of hybrid influences and “soft”, but no less cruel, forces.

The Earth's climate is currently poorly predictable, unstable and dangerous, as recent events in Moscow have proven. Is it really just global warming caused by human industrial activities?

Is it possible that these changes are intentional and that climate weapons are not hypothetical gloomy installations in the tundras of Siberia or the forests of Alaska in the best traditions of dystopian novels, but actually existing and functioning systems? The answer, as usual, is both simple and complex at the same time.

It is important to immediately draw a line of demarcation between the conditionally “skeptics” and the “confident”: climate control is indeed possible, and the development of climate weapons was carried out entirely in the twentieth century and most likely continues to this day. The fact that such weapons really existed and were developed by the leading powers of that time is evidenced by the fact that in 1978 an official convention was adopted banning state influence on the climate. The agreement was signed by the then world leaders of the USSR and the USA. Since then, there have been no proven cases of military use of climate weapons, but accusations of the involvement of certain forces in natural disasters continue.

An important fact: climate control and influencing it for one purpose or another is a reality. It is obvious that the reality is well hidden, it is quite possible that the reality is not pleasant, but this does not stop it from being less real. This is due to two important factors. Firstly, man has always strived to keep everything under control and it is unlikely that modern humanity would like to depend on unpredictable weather. And secondly, as sad as it may be, climate is also a weapon.

However, one should very soberly assess man's capabilities in controlling such large energies as weather phenomena. For example, in one day an average hurricane releases an amount of thermal energy equivalent to that produced by all the power plants in the world in 200 days. And the energy of a major hurricane can range from 50 to 200 million megawatts. It is logical that it is impossible to simply oppose brute force to such phenomena. Rather, it is necessary to consider targeted, targeted impacts that can trigger a chain reaction of change.

Today, climate control systems are being developed in a number of countries, primarily in the United States of America. Scientists from around the world, versed in so-called geoengineering, are proposing the following developments aimed at changing the earth's climate to combat global warming or for other purposes:

Installation of reflective mirrors in orbit in order to reflect or concentrate sunlight at specified points on the planet. This is an almost ideal project, but its implementation requires enormous funds.

Spraying sulfur in the earth's atmosphere. This is, in fact, the same point first, but cheaper. Sulfur is an excellent screen that will reflect excess sunlight. However, due to the obvious harm to the environment, this option is not the most popular today.

Increasing the ability of the earth's surface to reflect excess solar flows from the earth's surface. Proposals in this area are legion, in particular, dressing glaciers in special insulating covers, “painting” rocks, sand masses in deserts, roofs of houses with white, as well as genetic modification of woody plants (trees with foliage that reflects light) and much more.

Stimulation of the growth and reproduction of unicellular algae in the world's oceans, which should contribute to the intensive absorption of CO2 from the Earth's atmosphere. It is also possible to artificially obtain a number of species of unicellular algae. This method is associated with a radical restructuring of the ecosystems of the world's oceans, so its use in practice today is unlikely.

This is just a short list of the main and not the most fantastic ideas of scientists from around the world aimed at climate change. Of course, not all of them are feasible, but developments are already underway on a number of provisions. Of course, all data on such projects is classified and it is hardly possible to find any official documents in the public domain.

As for the issues of the existence and functioning of directly climate-related weapons, everything is not so simple. It is absolutely obvious that such weapons existed before. This is evidenced by both indirect facts and a number of revelations by former intelligence officers, as well as completely official documents and conventions on the non-proliferation of climate weapons, signed by representatives of the Soviet Union and the United States of America.

However, it is one thing to prohibit and promise not to do so with honest eyes, and another thing to actually adhere to one’s obligations. All countries of the world have agreed that they will not produce new nuclear weapons, but Iran and North Korea, despite sanctions, continue to develop them. Even earlier, Israel and Pakistan acquired atomic bombs in a similar way with the connivance of the United States. Today there is talk that even terrorists of the Islamic State, banned in the Russian Federation, are developing their own atomic bomb. So is it even possible to trust any international treaties, especially when it comes to weapons issues? The answer, unfortunately, is obvious: hardly.

In a number of countries today there are specialized installations officially engaged in climate studies. First of all, this is the well-known American HAARP, which plays the role of a kind of “Area 51” in conspiracy theories (a “dummy” specially launched by the American government to divert attention from serious projects).

However, few people know that in the United States there are similar bases that are actually hidden from public attention: these are the Puerto Rican Arecibo telescope and the HIPAS observatory in Alaska. In Europe, it is reliably known that two complexes of the same class operate: EISCAT in Norway and SPEAR on the island of Spitsbergen.

By the way, several of the same stations exist today in the Russian Federation, and one - “URAN-1”, now abandoned, but for some reason still guarded by the military, is located in Ukraine, a few kilometers from Kharkov. There is also a similar “SURA” system in the Russian Federation. It should be noted that this is only publicly available data about such stations, which are officially engaged only in the peaceful study of the atmosphere. However, how true is this?

It was in the USSR that plasma weapons (plasma bombs, guns and guided missiles) were first developed and tested. ball lightning). In 1982, secret tests that caused the northern lights and malfunctions of the onboard equipment of ships and aircraft were carried out over Kola Peninsula. The Union used a whole family of magnetic hydrodynamic generators. At the end of the twentieth century, Soviet scientists were already close to creating geophysical weapons.

There was a video circulating on the Internet from 2003, in which a tipsy Zhirinovsky, with his characteristic rollickingness, interspersing his speech with obscene words, frightened George Bush (due to the introduction of troops into Iraq): “At night, our scientists will slightly change the gravitational field of the Earth, and your country will will be under water. 24 hours - and your whole country will be under water Atlantic Ocean and Quiet. Who are you kidding with? American meteorologist Scott Stevens publicly stated that the infamous Hurricane Katrina (2005) was directed at the United States by the Russian SURA. Most likely, on both sides the saying simply works: fear has big eyes.

You need to understand that real weather correction systems either already exist today or are actively being developed. In the United States, cloud clearing and seeding are regularly carried out. One of the richest people in the world, Bill Gates, will allocate hundreds of millions of US dollars for projects to neutralize hurricanes and tsunamis. In the UAE, like the shamans of antiquity, they really know how to bring rain to the sweltering land. In China, before the next Olympics, the government announced that it was using weather regulators to ensure the most comfortable weather conditions. And former Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad more than once directly accused the United States and the EU of causing an unprecedented drought in the region with the help of climate control systems.

This year's cold summer in Russia may also play into the hands of those countries that suffered losses from food anti-sanctions. The weather conditions in our country are now clearly not conducive to a high harvest, and whether this will affect the relaxation of measures aimed at protecting our agricultural sector from imports remains to be assessed.

Climate control systems today are an objective reality. Another thing is how to use them. It’s time for humanity to think about why it constantly uses everything, even peaceful developments, for military purposes. We all live on the same planet and climate problems threaten each of us. So isn’t the general welfare more important than the enmity of individual states? This question, however, should be addressed to world leaders, and not to ordinary inhabitants of the Earth.

Man has always been afraid of natural disasters and at the same time tried to control them. Well known fact - bell ringing helps fight hail, spraying regular cement in the clouds temporarily interrupts the rains. Thanks to the influence on the ionosphere, it is now possible to provoke tsunamis and hurricanes.

There is no official confirmation of the existence of military “weather weapons”, but back in 1978 a convention was adopted to ban negative influence on climate, which were signed by the USSR and the USA, among others. But the “battle over the weather” seems to continue.

According to experts, there are no functioning climate weapons today. But research is underway in both Russia and the USA at full speed. The prospect of actually creating a combat climate weapon is quite remote - it will take more than a dozen years.

Developers of unconventional weapons do not stand still. As the press service of the United Instrument-Making Company (UPK) reported, a program for creating weapons based on new physical principles - beam, gene, psychophysical and wave - has been prepared. This exotic weapon, according to the company's statements, may appear in Russian army after 2020. Military research institutes, design bureaus and laboratories continue to conduct research work in the creation of non-lethal weapons - that is, ones that do not kill. Russian scientists, for example, have already created a device that can disable enemy electronics. A ray cannon stops tanks from a distance, knocks fighters off course, or unmanned vehicles, detonates radio-controlled mines. The first samples of new radio-electronic weapons were demonstrated as part of a closed display at the Army-2016 military-technical forum.

"Climate weapons as a manifestation higher power, has been known to mankind since biblical times, says an expert on long-term forecasts Alexander Zimovsky. – The Bible contains at least fifty examples of how the salvation of the righteous or the punishment of the guilty occurs as a result of disasters associated specifically with the weather. global flood V various options present in almost all ancient and existing world religions known to us. This is the historical nature human knowledge. As soon as a person masters some knowledge or technology, he begins, first of all, to consider new possibilities from the point of view of use for military purposes.

When analyzing the combat capabilities of climate weapons, one must proceed from the understanding of the fact that weather is not climate. Snow that suddenly fell in St. Petersburg in June is a weather anomaly. The beginning of ice drift on the Neva in June for 5-10 years in a row is a signal of possible climate change. In the first case, we can already achieve the desired result by using technologies for artificial deposition of water vapor. It will be very expensive, there will be very little snow, but enough for selfies, and for what is usually called “old-timers don’t remember.”

“If we are talking about the hypothetical (on a planetary scale) use of climate weapons,” continues Alexander Zimovsky, “then we must understand that the results of its use can manifest themselves over very significant periods of time. London is located at the latitude of Astana. In Astana the temperature drops to -51°C; in London it never dropped below -10°C. And note that this temperature minimum was noted over a time period of 600-700 years. For modern warfare Such rates are not only unacceptable, they are meaningless.

In fact, tactically, what do we need? Yes, everything is the same. The enemy is advancing, which means that Generals Mud and Frost are in our interests. We are advancing, which means the terrain must be passable, we don’t need rain.

Another example. Aviation is considered all-weather, as is the ocean fleet. But this, again, is a matter of theory: seas above three or four points - and the aircraft carrier is already just a target, it is not combat-ready, carrier-based aircraft will not take off. It would seem, what could be simpler? “Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds”... Maintain stormy weather in the area of ​​​​operations of the US 6th Fleet, and that's all. However, neither we nor the Americans have yet learned to use typhoons in the fight against aircraft carrier groups.

And if we talk about the real combat capabilities of the world's largest players, then, despite all the ongoing modern research, the only weapon that creates a short-term, medium-term and long-term climate effect remains atomic bomb».

The Winter Olympics in Sochi in February 2014 were held at high level- these sport games became an element of Russian prestige and considerable funds were invested in their organization. Only weather conditions could place it, but at this time of year in Krasnaya Polyana, where the main competitions were held winter species sports, always stand low temperatures and lies dense layer snow. However, if you remember, it was precisely in those days that rains suddenly began to fall in the region, which almost ruined the entire world sports festival. A whim of nature? Maybe. But the human factor cannot be ruled out. To the same extent as in the case of the forty-degree frosts that settled in Chicago that year. And if we assume that having sent to Sochi warm weather, the Americans received unprecedented cold on their territory.

“Officially, climate weapons do not exist,” says military expert and meteorologist Alexander Minakov. – Attempts to influence, or rather it is still a study, of the ionosphere have been going on since the early 60s of the last century and they have not stopped to this day. However, the same Americans practically curtailed these developments due to their cost and lack of concrete results. The fact is that the weather cannot be controlled, it can only be corrected. Our most famous method is to interrupt the rains in holidays, which has already been used several times. The Americans also used similar methods, only with the opposite result, during the Vietnam War, when they carried out Operation Popeye. Then their transport planes sprayed silver iodide in the sky, which caused rainfall three times higher than normal, as a result of which roads were washed out and communications were destroyed. But the effect turned out to be dubious and short-lived.

There are also positive examples of the impact on the climate, as, for example, it happened after the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, when Soviet geoengineers prevented an environmental disaster. The radioactive dust was bound with special compounds so that it would not be carried by the wind, so that the dust would not be washed into the rivers, and a rain barrier was created in the sky.”

By the way, the founder of domestic climate weapons can be called... Stalin. In his youth, Joseph Dzhugashvili worked for a short time at a meteorological station as an observer. And it was on his initiative that already during the Great Patriotic War automatic probes were dropped behind enemy lines, transmitting information about weather conditions, which made it possible to adjust the actions of aviation. By the way, in those years the Hydrometeorological Service of the USSR was transferred to the Red Army and already on July 15, 1941, the Main Directorate of the Hydrometeorological Service of the People's Commissariat of Defense was created, as well as the Central Institute of Weather, which were directly subordinate General Staff. Hydrometeorological departments were created at the headquarters of the armies and fronts, and meteorologists were located in many partisan detachments on the territory of Belarus and Ukraine, information from whom was constantly transmitted to " Mainland».

By the way, the famous parade on November 7, 1941 took place largely due to the fact that a forecast was received about inclement weather hampering the activity of enemy aviation. During the defense of the capital, Stalin also used such a natural factor as an artificial flood - the ice on the Moscow Canal was undermined, which made it difficult to advance German tanks.

Attempts to create climate weapons have been carried out repeatedly - both in the USA and in Russia (USSR). The Americans have chosen Alaska as testing grounds for the ionosphere, where they use HAARP and HIPAS systems and another similar one in Puerto Rico. In Europe, in Norway, two ionosphere research complexes have been installed (as officially stated), which are used in the interests of the United States. There is a similar one in Peru. It is known from open sources that in practically disbanded form there exist complexes of active influence in Nizhny Novgorod(“Sura”), in Tomsk, on the basis of the ionospheric station of the Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology, in the Kharkov region (“Uran-1”) and Tajikistan (“Horizon”). Information about them is not widely disseminated, but strategic meteorological work in the form of research is carried out.

“Influencing the nature of the Earth is a rather dangerous game that can result in serious consequences, including for its organizer,” says Alexander Minakov. – Moreover, there are no specific, documented results from the thermal heating of the atmosphere that was used by these stations. There is more mythology here, which is used to explain natural disasters. Most likely, such research uses a more practical option applicable to the missile defense system, which is a concern of both the United States and Russia. After all, fluctuations in the ionosphere can completely paralyze control ballistic missiles, throw them off course. Another thing is that both foreign and friendly missiles, and at the same time all spacecraft, can fall under this influence. Likewise, the places on the planet where an earthquake or tsunami will occur caused by human intervention are unpredictable.”

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