Yuri Dmitriev read ordinary wonders of dusty trees. Read online "The Journey of a Lifetime". Where Mushonok spent the night

Can you tell me about green and yellow? - Alenka asked when we sat down to rest near a large maple tree.
- I'll tell you, Alenka. Just put your hands up to the sun first.
It's already autumn. But the sun is still bright. Alenka put her hands under the rays breaking through the crown.
- Is it bright?
- Brightly.
- Hot?
- No.
“Now come here, sit down and listen.” In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...
- In the forest, - Alenka strictly guides me.

Well, well, a tree grew in the forest. It was the most ordinary tree, and therefore, waking up one early spring morning, it felt hungry. Do you know, Alenka, that trees cannot live without food? In winter, they sleep, and they do not need food. But as soon as they wake up, they immediately want to eat. So is this tree. Trees have roots. They are very caring - the tree is hungry, and they immediately serve him food. And this tree received food: juices ran from the roots along the trunk to the branches. The tree rejoiced, straightened the knots, branches, smiled at the sun, and the buds began to swell at the tree. Then the kidneys burst, and small sticky leaves appeared. Pretty, soft green. The tree was very happy with these leaves. And here's why: every day he needed more food - new branches grew, and it became more and more difficult for the roots to feed the tree. And in the leaves of the tree live cooks - tiny green lumps, scientists call them chlorophyll. These lumpy cooks prepare food for the tree. Roots extract food and water from the earth. All this is delivered to the leaves and gets to the cooks. With the help of the sun (what real food is prepared without fire!) They prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for the tree.

This is how the tree lived. And everyone was happy. Birds built nests in its branches, a squirrel made its home in a hollow, the wind played with its leaves. But most of all, the tree itself was pretty: it became beautiful, elegant - the cooks fed it well, and the good sun warmed it without getting tired.

But then one day the sun did not come out from behind the clouds. It had happened before too, but it was still warm. And then it suddenly got cold. Every day the sun shone less and less. But even when it shone, its rays were no longer the same. Yes, and the wind, cheerful and playful before, now for some reason became angry and cold. And it became very difficult for the roots to get moisture. And without moisture and heat, the cooks could not cook food for the tree. The cooks had nothing else to do, and they disappeared. The leaf turned yellow, because in addition to the green boils - chlorophyll, there were other "tenants" in the leaf. They are yellow. While the green cooks lived in the leaf, they were not visible. And the cooks left - the sheet immediately turned yellow. That's all. It remains only to say that winter has come, and the tree was going to sleep. In a dream, he does not need food.
Alyonka was silent for a long time, looking first at the tree, then at me.
Then she got up and held out her two little pink hands to the sun.
“Nothing,” she said, addressing either me or the tree, “it will be summer again.” There will be green leaves again!

Once the artist came to the forest, looked around and was surprised: this forest seemed very familiar to him, although he was here for the first time - the artist remembered exactly. And suddenly he realized: this forest is similar to the one he once painted. But there is no lumberjack. And as soon as the artist thought so, a little man with a big beard came out into the clearing.

Well, - he said, smiling cheerfully, - at last we met. Welcome!

The artist stood a little bewildered and did not know what to say. After all, old forest men are only in fairy tales and in such pictures as his picture of the forest. But here is a real woodsman standing in front of him!

And don't be surprised, - said the forester, guessing what the artist was thinking, - we, the old foresters, exist only for those who love fairy tales. Do you love fairy tales?
- I love.
- That's why I went to you. After all, I don’t show myself to everyone, but only to those who believe that I am an old forest man. And for those who do not believe, there is no need to show up.
- Well, what are you doing in the forest?
- Here are those on! - the old man was surprised. - Yes, I have a lot of trouble! And you need to look after the animals, and the plants. And someone needs help, and fix something. But there are few things to do! There is almost no free time.
Why do you have free time?
- And what about me without free time? Here, some go to the cinema in their free time, others read, others go to the circus. There are people who pick mushrooms or berries in their free time. And I have something to read: in the footsteps I learn all sorts of interesting stories. And I love to collect. Only not mushrooms and berries, but fairy tales and interesting stories. - Then the woodsman dived into the bushes and returned with a large basket. - That's where I collected all sorts of interesting stories! The artist looked into the basket, but saw nothing - the basket was empty.
- It's empty for you, - said the woodman. - But for me, it is filled to the brim with all sorts of stories. Yes, and this basket itself is made of willow.
- So what? - the artist did not understand. - What is special here?
- Okay, - the forest man smiled, - you will have to tell one story.

One day I was sitting under a tree, on the edge of a clearing, and I saw a man come out into the clearing. Of course, I was not surprised - well, how many people walk in the forest? And then another person came out. So what - nothing special. And when the third one appeared, I wasn't surprised either. They greeted each other and talked. And now, you know what it's like. One of them turns out to be a pharmacist. He needs the bark of a tree from which medicines are made for people. This is good, I approve of this, medicines must be done - people must be healthy. The other person is also looking for the tree. The bark of this tree is needed for leather processing. Boots and gloves, belts and jackets are made from such leather. The third spoke. It turns out that he is a beekeeper, he came to see if there are many honey trees in the forest ... And then I guessed - they all need the same trees. And you!

And this willow, - the forester pointed to a tree with flexible branches, - appeared in our area not so long ago - only two hundred years ago. She appeared thanks to the basket. Do not just think that it was brought in a basket. Some fruits were brought from Asia in the basket. The fruits were eaten and the basket thrown away. And in the place where they threw the basket, rose unusual trees. People could not believe that they had grown from the bars of a basket. After all, the rods were almost completely dry! And here you go! Trees have grown out of them! And then it was already easier - the wind broke off a branch, it fell to the ground, a new tree appeared. The bird carried a branch to the nest, but lost it. And where she lost, a tree appeared. But the main thing, of course, is this. The woodsman opened his palm, and the artist saw tiny seeds, and each seed had long white hairs.

These hairs keep the seeds in the air. And they fly. Well, not by themselves, of course, the wind carries them. Where a seed falls, a tree will grow. This is how trees fly. More precisely - future trees.
- Favorable wind to them, - said the artist.
- That's right, - the woodman nodded. - Well, now you believe that this basket is not simple, but magical?
“Of course, since it can sprout anywhere…”

Yuri Dmitriev

Travel for a lifetime

Somehow a very beautiful book fell into my hands. I looked at pictures and photos for a long time. What was depicted on some - I realized that on others - no. And I couldn’t read the book, or at least the captions under the photographs: the book was on English language which I don't know. I thought the book was interesting, but what is it about? And only with the help of my friend, who speaks English, I managed to find out its content.

I remember this incident every time I see people in a forest or near a pond, in a meadow or at the edge of the forest, looking around in surprise and a little embarrassed. They like everything here, but at the same time everything is incomprehensible, as if they are looking at pictures in a book written in a language they do not know. If only you could read it! But there is still much around these people who do not see at all, do not notice. And I always feel a little sorry for these people, a little sorry for them. And I always want to help them. To help them understand what an amazing and beautiful world is in front of them, where every tree, every butterfly, every bird is a miracle. I want people, leaving the city, to know where to look and what to see. And most importantly - I believe in it! - having understood what a wonderful world surrounds them, people will begin to treat it even more carefully, to the same frogs and lizards, dragonflies and beetles, which they do not pay attention to, which they destroy without hesitation, but without which no forest can live, no meadow, no lake, no field.

Nature must be protected - no one doubts this. This is a global issue, it is solved on a national and even global scale. But it needs to be solved locally as well - each of us not only can, but also must contribute to this matter. In order to protect nature, one must know what exactly to protect: nature in general is a rather vague concept. We cannot protect all nature at once - we can take care of it, help its individual representatives. At the same time, it is necessary to firmly remember: in nature everything is interconnected, there are no strangers in it, there is no main and secondary. The disappearance of a single, seemingly unimportant, from our point of view, animal or plant can upset the balance that has been established for centuries, can lead to very sad consequences.

People in this respect, unfortunately, already have a lot of experience.

That's all I wanted to say before I go with you, readers, on the road.

Six-legged and eight-legged

First butterflies

In summer, on every bush, on every tree, on any clearing or lawn, there are thousands, tens of thousands of insects. They run and jump, crawl and fly. There are so many of them that you get used to them and no longer pay attention.

Spring is a different matter. In spring, any blade of grass and leaf, any living creature is pleasing to the eye. Even flies. Those most annoying and unloved flies. On a warm spring day, they sit on the wall of the house or on the fence and bask in the sun. Here is a large, dark blue, with numerous bristles on the abdomen - Greenland, or early spring fly. And next to it - with a gray checkered pattern on the abdomen - there is also a large fly - a gray spring one. Here are our rooms. Well, if you rejoice at the first flies in spring, then what can we say about butterflies!

It seems to me that there is no such person on earth who would not smile at the sight of the first butterfly.

The trees are still almost bare, there is little grass, even more flowers. And suddenly - a butterfly. And what a! It will sit down, spread its wings, and as if four bright iridescent eyes will look at you. This is the name of this butterfly - the daytime peacock eye. The eye is clear, but why the peacock? Probably because the eyes on the wings of butterflies resemble the multi-colored spots on the tail of a peacock.

And here's another - brown chocolate. This is urticaria. Of course, it does not look like a nettle, but is named so because its caterpillars (like the caterpillars of the daytime peacock's eye) live on nettles. The urticaria flew away, another butterfly appeared - light, with bright spots in the upper corners of the front wings. Well, hello, dawn! And over there, another one flies, also a dawn. But that one has no bright spots, it is almost all white. So many butterflies: males are brightly colored, and females are more modest.

You will definitely find butterflies, or rather, you will see them on a warm spring day. If not hives and not dawn, then lemongrass (the male of this butterfly is bright yellow, lemon-colored) is a must.

In spring, another butterfly is found - with dark velvet wings and white stripes along the edges. This is an antiope, or a mourner. It flies in spring, summer, and even autumn. But in summer and autumn, mourning women fly with yellow stripes along the edges of the wings. White only in spring butterflies. More precisely, those that fly in the spring appear almost earlier than other insects. But are they spring?

How many times is an insect born?

A strange question at first glance - how many times? Probably, like any animal, it is born once, because, like any animal, it has one life. Of course, this is correct, and yet ...

When I started to be interested in insects, I really wanted to see a beetle or a baby butterfly. After all, there are puppies in dogs and chicks in birds. Why can't a beetle have some kind of beetle or beetle? But I did not manage to find an insect - a cub. Sometimes, however, I found a beetle or a butterfly that was smaller than other insects of the same species. But this did not mean at all that the big ones were already adults, and the small ones were still “children”. Just among insects, as among all animals, some are larger, others are smaller. But both of them are adult insects. Because adults are born. "And when do they grow?" I thought. And for some reason I could not connect a crawling caterpillar with a flying butterfly, it never occurred to me that a fast-running beetle and a legless larva are one and the same insect, only at different stages of development.

But the caterpillar or larva is not yet the most initial stage of the life of an insect. After all, the caterpillar itself or the larva is born from the testicle.

The testicles of insects are very small and bear little resemblance to those eggs that we consider "real", that is, bird eggs. Enough in a bird's egg nutrients so that the embryo develops in it and is born, albeit naked and helpless (and in some even pubescent and completely independent), but already looking like a bird. Insect eggs contain very few nutrients, and the embryo cannot develop in them. It develops outside the egg.

The life of any insect consists of two periods - "childish" and "adult". In "childhood" the insect grows and develops, and in adulthood it settles and takes care of the offspring, that is, it lays new testicles.

Dmitriev (Edelman [de]) Yuri Dmitrievich


Nature through the eyes of Yuri Dmitriev

We can enter so into nature, which is near

anthill, let's say the name of a familiar ant,

and that ant will put things aside for a minute and

runs out to say hello.

M. M. Prishvin.

Which flower blooms first in spring? When did people tame the first beast? How much can a dragonfly eat? How many teeth does a crocodile have? Who exactly will answer these questions? Scientists. And who will tell about this vividly and excitingly, who will make our journey into the world of nature more exciting than any adventure? Only a writer-naturalist.

We know such a writer. He has written more than seventy books about plants and animals, about zoologists and conservation issues: “Password “Let him live!””, “Solstice”, “Journey of a lifetime”, “Extraordinary hunter”, “Calendar green numbers”, the two-volume book “Man and Animals”, books from the series “Neighbors on the Planet” ... Have you read it? If not, go to the library and forgive any book by Yuri Dmitriev, you won't regret it!

Yuri Dmitrievich Dmitriev ( real name- Edelman) was born on April 30, 1926 in Moscow, in the family of a doctor. As a child, he played football and, like all boys, did not miss a single new movie, went in for boxing and participated in amateur performances, loved to launch kites and showed a penchant for physics and mathematics. And yet, his favorite pastime was going to the forest, to the grove, which was not far from the house. Throughout his life, Yuri Dmitriev carried memories of a trip with his father to the forest:

“It happened a long time ago when I was a boy of six or seven years old. "Get ready, let's go to the forest!" - once said the father. Into the forest so into the forest! I didn't care then - as long as I was with my father.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, everything was - joy and sorrow. But that day stayed with me for the rest of my life. Maybe because the father usually did not indulge us with his attention - he was always busy, immersed in his thoughts. And here - the whole day together!

But the most great miracle happened in the forest. The miracle of the father's transformation. I saw him as he really was, as I had never seen him before. We wandered through the forest for a long time, got tired, talked about everything in the world, and then my father lay down in the grass, spread his arms and looked at the sky for a long, long time, and his eyes were kind, kind.

And the forest! The same forest, in which the boys and I played Cossack robbers and about which we knew nothing, suddenly came to life. Thousands of questions arose before me, to which my father immediately found answers. How much did he know! And who sings, and why, and where the ant is in a hurry ... And as he told! .. And now, every time I see an adult and a boy, hand in hand, with backpacks behind his back, my heart is filled with joy. “Happy! - I think. - You still have a long way to go! All joys and all discoveries. And the greatest joy - the joy of joint memories - is yet to come. Magical "Do you remember?" will return to you the moments of happiness once experienced together.

It so happened that our trip with my father to the forest was the only one. But I remember it as if it were yesterday, and I firmly know that my passionate passion for nature, the desire to know its secrets, love for all living things, the conviction that good must be created and protected - from that very day.

And in the house there were aquariums with fish, and dogs, and birds, and small animals. Moreover, the birds and animals did not live in cages, but flew freely or ran around the apartment, feeling like full members of a large and friendly family. Animals came to Yura, as a rule, sick or wounded, half-frozen or dying of hunger, here they recovered, strengthened and again returned to their native element. And Yura was already busy with new tenants who needed help. There were always a lot of them in this house. And there were many other books, especially about nature.

This is how childhood passed. Then came the hard and harsh years. Adolescence was interrupted by the war. By this time, Yuri Dmitriev graduated from the eighth grade. Then there was something that forever etched itself into the memory of many sixteen-year-old Muscovites: both the construction of fortified lines, and an attempt - adding to one's age - to get to the front.

After the war, Yuri Dmitriev worked in a newspaper, at the same time he studied at the philological faculty of Moscow University. In 1950 he graduated from it and became a school teacher. It seemed that the profession and the future were determined. He was a good teacher, his students loved him, and he himself loved his work and considered it the main thing in life. And yet not pedagogical work was the vocation of Yuri Dmitriev.

After all, wherever he was and whatever Yu. Dmitriev did - he worked in the Komsomol, whether he tried his hand at the theater - he retained his childhood ardent love and tender attachment to nature for the rest of his life. Of course, love for nature does not always determine a person's profession. Of course, the teacher Yuri Dmitrievich could continue to teach at school, giving walks in the forest and reading books about nature only his free time.

But one day Yuri Dmitriev saw guys in the forest who were trying to save bird nests from their peers - young poachers. But the guys had no experience, no skills, no knowledge. There was only a burning desire to protect the birds. Thinking about how to help environmentalists, Yuri Dmitriev decided to write a short story. He gave it an adventurous character, filled it with educational material, and made the main characters brave and in love with nature guys who organized the "green patrol". The story was called - "Green Patrol". The author thought of everything - right down to the patrol armbands, up to the alarm system. And an amazing thing happened: the book brought to life a whole pioneer movement associated with the conservation of nature.

Writers do not often witness the public momentum that their literary work brings to life. " good influence a good book per person” (as they used to say in the old days) appeared here firsthand.

The episode in the forest was the impetus for the beginning of the writing activity of Yuri Dmitriev. The success of the story with readers, and then with the audience (it was soon filmed) inspired him to new books.

However, having already begun to publish, Dmitriev did not immediately find his way. He wrote essays, lyrical stories for adults, published reviews and critical articles. Yu. D. Dmitriev was also interested in history. Among the fascinatingly written works filled with interesting material are books about Frunz, Kotovsky and Postyshev, Dzerzhinsky and Sverdlov, Kirov and Ordzhonikidze, about the sailor Zheleznyak...

But still, not the biographies of scientists and historical figures, but the natural world, the place of man among nature turned out to be main theme creativity of Yuri Dmitriev. It was these books that made him one of the most popular children's writers, known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

For the youngest readers, children aged 3–4 years, Yu. Dmitriev, together with the artist G. Nikolsky, created picture books about how mothers love, feed and protect their children: “Animals and Animals”, “Forest Kids”, “Kids not in a cage”, “Nests-houses”, “Stories from my clearing”. For preschoolers, the writer also composed a cycle of fairy tales about nature, published in the books “Paths in the Forest”, “Tales about Mushonka and his friends”. Bright and joyful, they awaken in the child good feelings for flowers ("Blue hut"), for animals ("Stranger in the clearing").

“To love nature, you need to know it,” Yuri Dmitriev rightly argued and composed such stories that help the child see and understand, and therefore remember and love the natural world in all its amazing diversity: how spiders fly (“Who flies without wings ”), how different beetles are arranged (“Dispute on an old oak tree”), who and how carries the seeds of plants (“The Secret of Birches”, “Traces of a White Man”). In the story “How the birds were deceived”, the author conveys an important idea to the minds of children: knowing and loving nature, a person increases its wealth.

In junior schoolchildren, Yuri Dmitriev sought to instill inquisitiveness, a research approach to nature. The stories in the book "Forest Riddles" are written in the form of answers to questions that arise from the boy Dima, a young naturalist. Once he was frightened of a little bird: a bird in a hollow pretended to be a snake (“The Bird and the Snake”). On another occasion, he watched in amazement as a sundew plant ate a mosquito ("Meeting with a Predator"). Some stories are written as a refutation of an erroneous judgment: the boy thought that the oriole did not hide its nest well, but the cat’s vain attempts to get to him convinced Dima of the opposite: the hammock-basket hangs, although in plain sight, but in a fork of thin branches where the predator cannot reach and much more.

And the heroine of the book "Ordinary Miracles" Alenka with joyful surprise comprehends the secrets of the forest.

For the younger reader school age interesting is such a book by Dmitriev as “What to check, what to check” - stories about “living barometers” and “friends of the devil”, flower clocks, “witch rings” and other correct and incorrect folk signs. "Who lives in the forest and what grows in the forest" - a small alphabetical encyclopedia of Russian nature. After reading 108 short stories, the student will travel through the forest, meet a bird-snake, shooting plants, meet a tree that can change clothes, see a tailed butterfly and an acrobat beetle, learn about living barometers and much, much more.

One of the famous books by Yuri Dmitriev is The Big Book of the Forest. This is not an ordinary book: it opens with a "key". "Key" - images of all plants and animals, along with their names and page numbers on which it is written about them.

But this is not only an encyclopedic book, but a very poetic, rich amazing facts book. And not some kind of Amazon rainforest or African jungle, but the same forest that we have visited more than once with our friends. How many unusual and unfamiliar we meet on the path along which the writer leads us! Moreover, amazing strangers are not some unknown or rare plants and animals, but the most common and seemingly well-known pansies and forget-me-nots, blueberries and honeysuckle, birch and maple, ladybug and grasshopper, woodpecker and titmouse, hare and chaffinch, hedgehog and bat. But how amazing and unusual they become for us when the writer speaks about them as about something of his own, dear, close! Yes, and as he says! The story about chanterelles begins with the words: “This cheerful pretty mushroom is the joy of a novice mushroom picker ...” The writer is sympathetic to everything alive that is in this ordinary and at the same time such an unusual forest.

In the "Big Book of the Forest" we will find stories, fairy tales, essays, and small notes. All works are united by three heroes: fabulous old woodman- carrier folk wisdom, artist which will show us the beauty and originality of the forest and its inhabitants, and author, behind which Yuri Dmitriev himself is easily guessed - a man who rejoices at the tit tit, the grasshopper's chirping, the woodpecker's knock, the rustle of leaves, the rustle of grass, the smell of the lungwort - all this amazing world that you need to constantly peer into, discovering something new, beautiful in it , amazing.

The writer also has a scientific and artistic story with unusual name- Hello, squirrel! How are you, crocodile? It has a lot of funny scenes and really funny pages, but it is devoted to a serious topic - "the language of animals." How much labor Yu. Dmitriev spent to intelligibly tell about the language of smells and gestures, the language of lights and colors, the language of sounds and dances! Yuri Dmitrievich studied special, often very complex books and journal publications. Then he met with scientists, observed animals with them, took part in scientific experiments. Therefore, the story turned out to be witty, light, unexpected.

In this story, the usual saying "mute as a fish" is refuted. The instruments showed that the fish are very talkative, even talkative. Voices help fish stay in flocks, help guard a site or nest, and warn of danger. With their voice, fish can express dissatisfaction or readiness to fight. The sounds are affectionate and inviting, attracting a friend or girlfriend, whistling and squeaking, chirping and grunting, lowing and cooing - such a variety of sounds are heard in underwater world. Each of the sounds has a certain meaning, has an unmistakable effect on the floating people of the reservoirs. But the most important thing for fish is the language of smells. They have such a sense of smell that none of the best dogs can compare with them.

And from the book "Hello, squirrel ..." the young reader learns about light signals deep sea fish- some of them are decorated with lights, like ships on a holiday, and there are those that open their mouths - and it seems that a flame is raging inside them.

As it turns out, grasshoppers and crickets, grasshoppers and locusts prefer to talk with sounds. Scientists have counted about ten thousand species of talking insects. And the words, that is, the various signals that they own, some six-legged have more than twenty! There is a call, and a threat, and excitement, and an announcement that the territory is occupied, and even a signal to take off (at the locust).

The guys saw, of course, bugs glowing in the dark, and if they didn’t see them, they know about their existence. We have only one species of fireflies, the book says, so their signals are not so expressive. And in tropical forests, where there are many different fireflies, the language of lights is very diverse. IN tropical America, for example, there are beetles that have two large lanterns on their chest or on their backs, similar to car headlights. That's why they called these beetles avtomobilchakami. Beetles can make the light of their "headlights" either brighter or weaker. They also have a third flashlight - near the tail. It lights up with a light green or light yellow light during landing and takeoff.

The writer in this book also narrates about phenomena similar to a miracle (this is how he defines them himself, never tired of being surprised - it has long been said that art begins with surprise!). The language of bees, ants, butterflies is wonderful. Dances are wonderful - conversations of insects, birds, marine animals: storks dance "with meaning", dance Sea Horses... The gifts that gulls and penguins present to their friends are amazing: after all, their gifts are also a way of conversation, they express questions and answers! The angry conversations of the fighting opponents are amazing - noble, unlike people, duellists: antelopes, deer, fallow deer ...

Yu. D. Dmitriev convincingly explains to the reader how great the scientific significance and how significant the practical meaning of comprehending the language of animals, birds, insects, fish!

But there is also a second plan in the story - this is the attitude of people towards animals. According to Yuri Dmitriev, every person can and must treat all living things with respect, interest and love.

A person who has devoted his creativity to nature, unfortunately, has to talk not only about how beautiful the forest is and how amazing its inhabitants are. Too many tragic pages have been written by people in the history of their relationship with nature, too many misfortunes have been done. Dmitriev devoted two books to the history of the relationship between man and animals from ancient times to the present day. common name"Man and Animals".

The epigraph to the monumental two-volume work of Yuri Dmitriev is an excerpt from the World Charter for the Conservation of Wild Animals, where, among other things, it is said:

“Love and respect for living beings should always flow from love and respect in general, as the highest qualities and aspirations inherent in man.”

The two-volume book talks about how a person worships animals and curses them, how he recognizes and studies them, how he discovers and finds, believes, doubts, seeks, kills and destroys, protects and saves.

The author wrote with pain and anger about millions and millions of animals and birds killed, destroyed by people for profit, for the sake of a whim, simply without any sense. “... Time is rushing - the fauna of the globe is getting poorer every day,” the writer sounded the alarm. “Many animals can no longer be saved, many species will not fall into the next, twenty-first century.”


But Yuri Dmitriev believed that next to a person who “kills and destroys”, or rather, against him, a person who “protects and saves” will certainly stand up.

And therefore, with great warmth and love, he spoke about people who devoted their lives to the difficult and noble cause of saving the nature of our planet: about the father and son of the Grzhimekovs, N. N. Podyapolsky, about the Heck brothers, M. A. Zablotsky, J. Darrell and many others - Russians and Germans, British and Poles, Americans and French - people different nationalities united by one great and humane cause. Yuri Dmitrievich Dmitriev himself served the same cause.

In 1977, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), in a special Statement on what books children need, proclaimed:

"Children need books that raise concern for the Earth, our little planet we all live on."

This means that books are needed on the spiritual health of man, on the protection of nature, on the preservation of peace on Earth. These are all the works of Yuri Dmitriev. This is the story "The Unusual Hunter" - about Alfred Brem, the pages of the scientist's life, lovingly turned over by a modern Soviet writer. Through them passes the thought of the great German researcher and writer, proved by him by experience and having considerable educational meaning: "Animals are ways to respond kindly to a kind attitude towards them." This and three adventure stories with a sharp, entertaining plot, included in the collection “Password“ Let it live! ”, About young nature enthusiasts, its defenders and researchers, about poachers. This is also a hot, publicistic book - "We have only one Earth." It consists of two parts: "Man destroys the Earth" and "Man saves the Earth" - and tells what the thoughtless and ruthless treatment of man leads to what we call " environment”, as well as what is being done and what needs to be done to prevent a threat to all living ecological crisis. The whole book is imbued with a passionate call to preserve the beautiful world of nature, the world without which there can be no life on Earth.

The thought of protecting and protecting nature runs through all five books of the publication, which is called "Neighbors on the Planet." But Planet Neighbors is not between themselves neighbors, it our- human - neighbors. No wonder the epigraph to the entire edition was taken from Saint-Exupery: "... We are all carried away into the distance on the same planet - we are the crew of one ship."

Yuri Dmitriev presented to the readers a huge “crew” in terms of numbers and very diverse in character and habits: only in the first volume of “Neighbors on the Planet”, dedicated to insects, we meet and get to know about five hundred “neighbors”, with whom we make a journey called life on Earth. And also - reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, domestic animals, but most importantly - people who discover, study, save our "neighbors" on the planet. So the book "Neighbors on the Planet" is a book of our life together: with its "problems of recognition, knowledge, salvation."

And there are indeed many problems. Nature has always, throughout the history of mankind, been the main source of human existence. And people exploited it without thinking about anything. At first unconsciously, and then even with pride, they declared themselves conquerors, conquerors of nature. For many millennia, people lived not in commonwealth with nature, but as if in a constant struggle with it. Not realizing that natural resources may be depleted. And only recently they realized: it is not necessary to fight with nature, not to conquer it, but to be friends with it and protect it. Many troubles have been done by people on our planet with their ill-considered actions. Before you do something, you need to think carefully about the consequences. The writer Yuri Bondarev very accurately noted: “The warlike headlines in the newspapers are striking: “The Yenisei is defeated”, “Battle for bread”, “Battle in the field”. What battle and with whom? With ears? With grain? With the earth that feeds us? Without peace between man, earth, water and sky, it is impossible future life on the planet, one cannot draw without calculation from the same well.

Yuri Dmitriev also wrote about this. His books teach to think broadly and accurately, help to plunge into the great and complex diversity of nature, where every blade of grass, every bird is a miracle! They bring up respect for nature, for "neighbors" on the planet, for all living things that surround us. Books by Yuri Dmitriev call on the reader: “People, you are strong! Be noble! Be kind to those who are weaker than you!” Perhaps that is why the author was awarded the International European Prize for "Neighbors on the Planet" (1982). He is so far the only Soviet writer who has received such an award for works about nature.

The uniqueness and originality of Yuri Dmitriev's books lie in the fact that he had the lucky peculiarity to combine the talent of an artist and a scientist in his work; his books are bright, imaginative, poetic and at the same time scientific. This feature was noted in the early stories of Yuri Dmitriev by the remarkable Soviet writer K. G. Paustovsky, saying that he had “Levitan’s vision, the accuracy of a scientist and the imagery of a poet.”

Dmitriev's books have been translated into forty languages ​​- books that help the reader become a protector of everything that lives on Earth. And yet, he would not have become such a popular writer if he had not been able to be surprised and rejoice at what he saw, to think and draw conclusions, and most importantly, if he had not had a passionate desire to be surprised, rejoice, think and do for itself the necessary conclusions of millions of readers.

In 1989, Yuri Dmitrievich Dmitriev passed away. He left in the prime of his creative powers, and who knows how many more books he would have written, how many more good feelings he would have awakened in his readers.

Quiz "Bird World"

Find out what birds are mentioned in these articles, and the world of birds will open before you (through the eyes of Yu. Dmitriev) from "A" to "Z".

This bird is said to bring babies in its long beak. And he “sings” with joy, that is, he cracks his beak.


The little gray bird always twirls its neck and hisses like a snake.


These birds are small, nimble, agile. They are all the time fussing, jumping. They cannot walk calmly. And always ready to help a friend.


A bird with completely black plumage.


These birds are smart and sociable. They are easy to tame. You can even teach to speak. It's just hard to keep in the house. They are constantly drawn to robbery. They pick up, carry away and hide all shiny objects.


They call him the “forest rooster”, they consider him deaf (he really goes deaf when he lek, exposing himself in all its glory in the forest clearings), but he has sharp eyesight and sensitive hearing. Eats mushrooms.


Wonderful flyers. It is no coincidence that people tamed them and taught them how to deliver mail. Real greedy. They will find food, but do not call comrades, but hide food, covering it with a wing.


A small bird has a tail of fiery plumage. The tail is twitching all the time. And it looks like a red light is flashing. It's like the tail is on fire.


The first spring bird. People say that she "brings spring on wings." Black, like a raven, is a doctor for our trees.


Great singer, the song is a bit like a nightingale song. But he does not have the famous nightingale clicking, but he sings louder. He sits on the top of a tree - usually it is a spruce - and sings to the whole neighborhood.


They call him the forest doctor. The chisel-shaped beak of this bird tirelessly hammers wood in those places where harmful insects hide. And he is also a forest breadwinner, because other birds also feed on bugs from holes made.


Very harmful and gluttonous bird. Seems sleepy and motionless. But it can break off a branch with lightning, and a minute later it is back in place, with a caterpillar wriggling in its beak. Having quickly dealt with the prey, the bird again takes off. She eats some insects right there, others she pricks on thorns and twigs of a bush - in reserve. Can destroy nests small birds, eat their eggs, their chicks.


A small, sparrow-sized, very cautious bird. Plus it's green. Among the green foliage is completely invisible. It has a second name - a forest canary.


Has a very strange name. Maybe she's chilly all the time, afraid of the cold? Not at all! Everything is just the opposite! Arrives at the time of frosts and late spring snowfalls, when "winter and spring quarrel". The silvery voice of the bird sounds from early spring to the end of summer. Even when all the other birds are silent, this one continues to sing.


This bird is like a ray of bright sun. Golden. Timid, wild. And with the neighbors is cocky and pugnacious. Her song is like the voice of a flute. That's why they call it "forest flute". Good song, listen to it! And suddenly such sounds are heard from the same tree, as if a cat has stepped on the tail. Terrible and unpleasant sounds are made by the "forest cat". Turns out it's the same bird.


Lives in coniferous forests. She really likes the sweet kernels of pine nuts. For the sake of a favorite delicacy, even a squirrel can attack. He will take away a cedar cone from a confused animal - and, well, feast.


The bird is cheerful, mobile. amateur pine cones. One of the legendary birds. Consider it a holy bird. After all, the chicks appear in winter. Frosts are crackling around, and naked chicks are in the nest! And they don't freeze. And it is also called the "northern parrot".


She has an unusual appearance: large bulging eyes, small legs unsuitable for walking, and most importantly, a huge mouth, like a net. She leads night image life. In Spain, she is called "shepherd's deceiver". How much trouble this bird had because someone slandered it! Now few people believe that this bird really milks cows and goats.


This bird has a surprisingly proud and independent look. On the head are golden or red feathers, which now and then bristle and seem like a crown. This is the smallest bird coniferous forests- less dragonfly. Therefore, the name received a diminutive, affectionate.


The strange way of life of these birds gave rise to many legends and beliefs. They know how to count our years. They throw their eggs into other people's nests: they know neither grief nor worries. But this is not so bad - the main thing is that their cubs throw out the children of their rightful owners from the nest.


Very mobile. Not very dexterous in the trees, but on the ground, where she spends most of her life and where she finds food - insects and spiders - she runs very well. It is for this ability to run, bouncing a little, that the bird was nicknamed - ... (forest horse).

A very kind bird, it will never fly past the squeaking foreign chicks. Like no one, loves loneliness. Often nests in raspberry bushes. She also has another name - robin. Wakes up very early: meets the dawn.


A small bird with a black velvet back and a white chest sits on a branch. Suddenly, she quickly takes off, grabs a flying fly and again, as if nothing had happened, sits down on a branch. After a few seconds, the same thing repeats, then again and again. The very name of the bird speaks of its “specialty”: it does not collect insects from the ground and trees, but it catches them, grabs them on the fly.


This is a gray owl. It is very useful: it destroys mice and rats. It is not easy to see her hunting - she only hunts at night. But you can hear - she screams terribly and loudly, her voice is carried far away. But do not be afraid of him - this is the voice of a friend.

(Tawny Owl)

Its yellow color resembles the color of ripe oats. She is not shy, lives openly. And it is called as porridge, which the British love to eat in the morning.


This bird is like a mouse. She quickly runs along the tree trunk, managing to pull insects out of the cracks and squeak softly, as if to inform everyone about her presence.


The only bird that can acrobaticly crawl along tree trunks: upside down and down, and turns on the go, and jumps. And all this time she works - she searches the cracks in the bark of trees.


These birds are famous for their pockmarked coloration. Masters of disguise. Surprisingly agile and mobile. They fly easily and almost inaudibly, although they are relatively large in size. Pebbles are swallowed to grind food.


This beautiful bird is our winter guest. He has a red tuft on his head. Rowan friend.


Lives with us all year round. Our big friend. Perky, mobile bird. The song is a quiet chirping: "si-fi-si-fi." That's why she got her name.


He is the companion and helper of man. She breeds chicks twice during the summer. This bird skillfully imitates the voices of other birds. Now he will sing like a chaffinch, then like a thrush, then suddenly he will whistle like an oriole or croak like a frog, or even meow like a cat. Excellent mockingbird!


Nice, sweet bird. Everything in this bird is glorious: a short, thin beak, and small silky feathers, and discreet plumage. She is a wonderful singer.


Appears with the first snow. To him, probably, our frosts seem trifling. Arrives for the winter in a bright red outfit. Calm, unhurried, unfussy, very trusting. The bird is solid, keeps itself with dignity. No matter how hungry the male is, he will always give up the best bunch of mountain ash to his girlfriend - the female.


It sits on the branches all day, either dozing or sleeping. But it only hunts at night. Avid mouse. He has excellent hearing and excellent eyesight. He loves to swim very much. Under a fine warm rain, she takes a shower. Forgetting about everything, it spins in the air, turning its tail like a fan. Wise bird.


Bird-alarmer. Strangers in the forest will not pass unnoticed by her - they will ring out to the whole wide world. She is a arborist, remarkably settles oak, pulling away acorns and making stocks of them in the forest floor.


Modest, grey. But a vociferous, famous singer. Trills at night. And then life in the forest stops, the birds and animals fall silent, the leaves of the trees subside, as if bewitched by an amazing voice. Starts to sing along folk omens, "when he gets drunk from a birch leaf."


She is the best builder in the forest, every year she builds a new nest. A very curious bird. He sees something shiny and looks at it with his round eye. Chatterbox. On my own long tail spreading the news through the forest. They call her a robber, she is not averse to stealing an egg or a chick from someone else's nest.


We do not notice them in the forests, but we see them all the time in the cities. So there was an opinion that they are city dwellers. But their main habitat is forests. Nice flyers. Agile in the air, but helpless on the ground - they cannot land on water or land. They even drink water on the fly. They look like swallows, but close relatives are hummingbirds.


He, as a commander, wears a black uniform. This "forest rooster" is very beautiful. The tail is pigtailed, the eyebrows are red-red. During the current, these birds gather in the clearings, where they arrange their spring dances. The mother skillfully takes the enemy away from her cubs - she pretends to be wounded, and so cleverly that even experienced hunters fall for this trick.

(Black grouse)

A very brave bird. This crumb relentlessly pursues birds of prey. When hunting, it rushes back and forth on the ground and, during stops, sways up and down with its long tail. Shakes tail. For such a habit, an unusually lively and mobile bird got its funny name.


Cautious, but not shy. Flying slowly. Flutters like a butterfly.

It is decorated with a tuft,

He lives in a dry hollow.

Knows all the forest people

This bird's name is... (hoopoe).

This bird in fairy tales is the winged companion of the goblin. Night bird, flies out of the hollow at nightfall. And in the dark it scares everyone, eyes sparkle like green balls. Chicks still in the nest know how to fend for themselves. Seeing danger, they stand up, threateningly raise their fluffy feathers, which makes them seem twice as large, open their eyes wide, click their beak and hiss.


Cheerful, kind and beautiful bird. And they have a cute name. Appears at the beginning of spring, notifying everyone on the fly: “Chi-zhik, chi-zhik !.” It means - "I'm flying!"


Gray birds. In the fall, they fly with their grown-up kids to us, sit on birch trees (they are lovers of birch seeds) and loudly announce: even-even-even, that is, “We have arrived!”

(Tap dancing)

A very beautiful bird, slightly smaller than a sparrow. Loves open area with groves. In autumn and winter it roams from place to place. Singing bird. He sings in every way, crouches, twirls his tail and head, bows like a real artist in a brown tailcoat.


Small bird. The night singer fills everything around with his singing. This is a forest lark, but because of the silvery sounds: “juliyulyuliyuly ... lyulyulyu ... yulyulyuly” - he was nicknamed differently.


Big and predatory bird. He is strong, agile and cunning. He hunts in every way - he beats a bird in the air, grabs from the ground, even from the water, ruins bird nests. But if the bird still manages to hide, he will guard her until she leaves her shelter. Their family lives very friendly.


Quiz "Forest riddles"

(according to the stories of Yu. Dmitriev)

    ... I myself saw how a snake's head popped out of a hollow and even heard a hiss - exactly the same as angry snakes make.

Let's kill her! Dima suggested.

So, she's in the doldrums.

Let's expel! Dimka said decisively.

He thought for a moment, picked up a thick bough from the ground and thumped the trunk of the tree with all his might.

And suddenly from the hollow...

Who was there? (A bird flew out of the hollow. It was a little bird.)

    ... Here a fly flew up. She sat on the edge of her saucer, dipped her proboscis into the water to drink, and immediately fell down dead. There's poison in the saucer! fly poisoned.

What is this saucer? (It was a fly agaric mushroom.)

    ... The beetle stopped, took some strange pose, as if he was going to stand on his head. Then there was a slight crack, something flew out of the bug and turned into a small cloud.

Shoot?! Dimka was surprised.

Shoots. This is how he scares his enemies.

What was this beetle's name? (scorer)

    ... But once we saw how good birds were caught good people. Usually they took care of the birds themselves: in winter they arranged feeders for them, and in spring they hung birdhouses and nest boxes.

And suddenly these people went to the forest at night with nets, with cages! Yes, even just when the birds have testicles in the nests. This cannot be done at all. After all, if the parents die, chicks will never appear from the testicles, new birds will never grow.

Why did they do it? (Planted new forest but there were no birds. The forest was killing insects. Birds were brought into it, but they flew back. So people took the sleeping birds out of the nests in the spring along with the testicles and took them to a new forest. Then the young birds remained, and the parents, when the chicks grew up, returned to their forest.)

    ... And Danila was sitting on a branch and also yelling. Everything became clear at a glance. The cat found an Oriole's nest and decided to eat the chicks. It cost him nothing to get up the tree trunk to the bough. It was not difficult to move along the bough either, and he simply did not pay attention to the cry of the oriole.

Has the cat made it to the oriole's nest? (No. The Oriole hangs its hammock basket on such thin twigs, no predator will get to them - the twig will not withstand anyone but the owner.)

    ... - Look, what's there?

I raised my head and saw a large, heavy lump between the branches of a young birch. Rather, a bunch of branches and knots.

Who lives in the "heap"? (This is a magpie's nest. It is untidy only on the outside. Inside the walls of the nest are neatly smeared with clay, and at the bottom there is a soft litter of fluff, feathers and moss. The magpie builds a nest very early, when there are still few leaves on the trees and there is nothing to close the chicks. Here it is tries - pulls as many branches, knots, twigs as possible.)

    ... Small, the size of a two-kopeck coin, the leaves of this plant are covered with tiny hairs. They appear reddish and glisten as if wet. At the end of each hair, a tiny dew-like drop sparkles. Therefore, the plant is called sundew.

But all this is not the most interesting. The interesting begins when some small insect sits on a sundew leaf.

What will happen to him? (It will stick right away. A little time will pass, and the leaf will begin to move - as if to fold. More and more hairs are attracted to the mosquito. It is already covered with a sticky liquid - “dew”, and the leaf continues to shrink. Finally, it becomes like on a clenched fist, and the mosquito disappears - it is not visible.)

    ... Mushonok didn't know that it was the rain knocking on the roof of the blue hut: drip-drip-drip. And in the hut you can hear: knock-knock-knock.

Mushonok did not notice how he fell asleep. And in the morning I woke up and was very surprised: everything around me became blue-blue. And Mushonok did not guess that this sun shines through the thin walls of the hut. Yes, he had no time to think - he got out of the hut and flew over the clearing.

And what is this blue hut? (And this is a kind flower - a bell. A blue hut lets everyone in. It warms everyone, shelters everyone from rain and dew.)

    ... And Mushonok - he does not tell anyone about this, but everyone knows - every morning, barely waking up, he flies to that clearing and examines it very carefully: what if he sees a gray fluffy lump again?

Who is this stranger and where did he go? (This is a hare. He grew up and ran away: he now has quick legs. In which case they will bail him out.)

    ... And Mushonok thought: “Now I already know exactly why birds have a tail!”

To steer during the flight - once! - And he bent one leg.

To stay on the trunk - two! - And he bent the second.

To run along the trunk - three! - And he bent the third leg.

To sing - four! - And he turned down the fourth.

To post ads - five! - And he turned down the fifth.

To talk - six! - And he bent the sixth leg.

Why did Mushonok almost fall? (After all, flies, like all insects, have six legs. And Mushonok bent all six. But he didn’t fall - he managed to spread his wings in time.)

    ... Sometimes it happens in spring: it will rain, and after it the water in streams and puddles and all the earth around it turns yellow.

In the old days, superstitious people were very afraid of these rains, they called them sulfuric and considered them very bad omen. And the truth is strange: instead of ordinary rain - yellow! Apparently, this is not without reason, people thought, probably, this means something. And they were afraid. And they were waiting for some kind of trouble, because the incomprehensible always frightens people.

What is the secret of these "sulphurous" rains? (They mean only one thing: spruce and pine are “dusty”. Therefore, “sulfuric” rains come only in spring and only in certain places - where spruce and especially pine grow.)

    ... The observant Indians immediately noticed: where a white man, an unknown plant grows. They called it "the white man's footprint."

What is this plant and why is it called that? (Plantain. Its scientific name is “plantago”, which means “foot” in Russian. It sticks to the foot, that is, to the human leg, so firmly that it can travel long distances. Even swim across the ocean.)

    ... Once a man with a broken arm was brought to one of the police stations in Moscow. It was a thief who tried to get into the apartment through the balcony. But when he reached the balcony - the apartment was on the second floor - someone shouted loudly and sharply: “Who is there? Ugliness!" From surprise, the thief fell off the balcony ...

Crossword "Writers-naturalists"

In highlighted cells: one of the writers-naturalists, author of numerous books about plants and animals, about zoologists and problems of nature conservation.

    "Magpie Chatterers". ( Sladkov N.)

    "Wonders of Nature". ( Akimushkin AND.)

    "Forest Newspaper". ( bianchi IN.)

    "From spring to spring". ( Sokolov-Mikitov AND.)

    "Tree Talk". ( Prishvin M.)

    Zoo Pets. ( Chaplin IN.)

    "Wonderful boat." ( Snegiryov G.)

    "Mysteries of Flowers". ( Pavlova N.)

Keyword: Dmitriev .

Crossword " amazing world mushrooms"

Perhaps none of the plants has as many mysteries as mushrooms. (First and main riddle: Are plants mushrooms?!) Mushrooms are ubiquitous. They live at home, in the forest, and in the laboratories of scientists. Some mushrooms cure diseases, while others, if handled carelessly, can take lives. The world of mushrooms is amazing. They amaze with their shape, color, smell.

In the selected cells, the surname of the writer who devoted an entire “mushroom gallery” to mushrooms will “highlight”. And for this, solve the riddles of L. Gerasimova.

    They are tough mushrooms

Climbed under the hillocks.

As if they are sitting in a fortress,

Take care of your kids!

The tubercles did not save them -

Found mushroom pickers.


    Red speckled outfit

Trousers white to toe

Bottom lace - pattern -

This is bright… (fly agaric).

    Under the leaves in the meadow

The girls played hide and seek.

Three sisters hid

Light yellow… (chanterelles).

    The brothers are sitting on the stump.

All - freckled rascals.

These friendly guys

Are called ... (honey agarics).

    This mushroom lives under the spruce,

Under her great shadow.

Wise bearded old man

Inhabitant of boron - ... (boletus).

    Among the pines, among the trees

A strong child has grown up.

He is from a hat to panties

Bright red. This - … (redhead).

    brittle colorful fungus

I chose a soft corner.

Like a princess - snow white,

Meets us... (russula).

    In a pink furry hat,

But he doesn't look sloppy.

Like a plush ear

For salting… (wave).

Keyword: Dmitriev .

Crossword "World of Nature"

In highlighted cells: the title of an entertaining encyclopedia-reference book by Yu. D. Dmitriev about nature, consisting of two large parts. Some articles are written in the form of conversations between two characters: an artist and a fabulous old man-forester.

    The most peaceful beetle. Lives in water. The legs are flat and resemble oars. It's also called a swimmer.


    Hunter and warrior. The beast is courageous, honest, loyal to his pack and given word and a wonderful family man. In the old days, the princely squad was compared with his flock. And also this beast in ancient fairy tales is magical, it can turn into a horse, a girl, a firebird.


    The animal is famous: the smallest mammal on Earth. Looks like a mouse.


    Dangerous, bloodthirsty predator. A relative of our domestic cat. She creeps inaudibly, like a shadow, to her victim. The jump is so fast that it is even difficult to follow it.


    She is unusual - not a beast, not a bird. During the day, wrapped in its wide wings, like in raincoats, it hangs somewhere in a hollow, upside down, and at night it goes hunting. There is no such animal in the world about which so many legends and fables would be invented. What terrible things are not told about this animal: it drinks blood, and bites sleeping people, and clings to hair, and scratches out eyes.


    Economic clatter, knows how to build nests and store mushrooms for the winter.


    The word - the name of these animals came to Russian from ancient Lithuanian and means "jumper".


    Underground animal. A wide forehead and a strong neck - to push out the excess land of their moves. The paws are similar to shovels, adapted specifically for digging the ground. Short and smooth fur does not interfere with moving underground: it does not cling and does not get dirty.


    This is a tailed butterfly. The people called her that - "dovetail". And further. Probably, the one who first studied this butterfly was a great lover of ancient Greek literature and named it after one of the heroes of the Iliad.


    It is not easy to catch her: she is dexterous, fast, and besides, when grabbed by the tail, she “lets go” of him.


    This snake is venomous and very dangerous. True, if you do not tease her, then she herself does not attack people.


    The smallest and most courageous predator, "mouse death". It can attack an enemy that is several times its size. A forest animal, but does not bypass human habitation - it can look at the stable for mice, where it is sometimes confused with brownies.


    The butterfly is completely land, and the name is marine.


    The owner of the forest, only the goblin and Baba Yaga are older than him. A goon in appearance, he is strong, agile and fast when necessary. Couch potato was nicknamed for the way it sleeps in winter.


    Not many animals are awarded such an honor - not many are called by name and patronymic. And this is how it is often referred to. Moreover, her patronymic is unusual - Patrikeevna.


    The animal is predatory, but peaceful, good-natured. An example of accuracy, lies in hibernation for the winter. Before hibernation, he drags sphagnum moss into the dwelling, healing wounds (just in case), chamomile (kills harmful insects). And for the bed itself, he chooses clover - it does not rustle.


Keyword: "The Big Book of the Forest".

Crossword "Wonderful berry"

If, according to the description of Yu. Dmitriev, you recognize plants, then in the highlighted cells you will read the name of a marvelous berry, in which the leaves grow opposite each other; the berry deftly hides in the grass carpet, only an attentive black eye peeps out of the blades of grass. But be careful... the plant is poisonous!

    A close relative of raspberries, very similar to raspberries, but with almost black berries. She is also called "bearberry". She has thorns on the branches, with which she, like a hedgehog, defends herself.


    The plant is a hunter. It has a "robber nature". Insects are attracted to liquid droplets that glisten like dewdrops. But no one will have to get drunk - the liquid is caustic in taste and sticky. Before the fly had time to look back, the tentacle hairs covering the leaf grabbed it. The fly rushed - but too late!


    Proud flower. Its blue with the heavenly argues boldly. And the drink instantly restores his strength.


    From the smell of flowers and berries, the head begins to spin and hurt. So they give her the offensive name "fool, drunkard." And the culprit is an insidious plant - wild rosemary, which always grows nearby.


    May flower. Some argue that the name comes from the old Polish "doe's ear", others say that this name obviously comes from the word "incense". The scientific name, translated from Latin, is "lily of the valleys blooming in May." A symbol of pure and unrequited love. Garlands of white small bells hang in the spring between large pointed leaves. And in summer, instead of flowers, there are red berries. But don't put it in your mouth - it's poisonous.

(Lily of the valley)

    The sweetest tree In summer, the smell of this tree is the most beautiful. After all, in the middle of summer it is covered with golden, honey-scented flowers. Therefore, it is also called the "honey" tree.


    He loves freedom, space and warmth. Here he grows clearings and burning (he likes the heat). Therefore, he is a "road explorer". He also has a middle name - "ivan-tea": from its leaves a delicious, fragrant drink is obtained. The best honeypot.


    Tall plant covered with yellow flowers with red dots. Such a flower resembles some kind of unusual pipe or golden horn. It hangs under a flat leaf, as if under a roof: it is gentle - it is afraid of rain and the leaf covers it. By autumn, fruitlets appear, similar to "bottles". One has only to touch it a little, as a slight crackle will be heard and the “bottle” disappears. She burst and threw out the seeds - "shot" them. Fruits burst at the slightest touch. Therefore, this "shooting plant" got its name.


    This flower is a symbol of reviving nature and modesty.

On the edge of the sun she


Purple ears quietly

She is buried in the grass -

does not like to climb forward.

But everyone will bow to her

and take it carefully.

E. Serova


    She has an unusual property: you rarely see her harmful caterpillars. And this is explained by the fact that the shrub lives in friendship with ants. Ants are big gourmets and love marmalade (and the berries of this shrub are found in marmalade and marshmallow) no less than children. True, ant "marmalade" is just the juice of a plant. So it turns out: it feeds the ants, and they protect it.


    Viscous tree. With great difficulty, it is possible to split the log: the ax gets stuck in it. But it burns great. Its wood has the ability to catch fire even when wet in water.


Keyword: raven eye.


Begak, B. A. Source of humanity. People and animals: Essays / B. A. Begak. - M., 1986.

Dmitriev, Yu. Forest riddles / Yu. Dmitriev. - M., 1967.

Dmitriev, Yu. Password "Let him live!" / Yu. Dmitriev. - M., 1969.

Dmitriev, Yu. D. The Big Book of the Forest / Yu. D. Dmitriev. - M., 1974. Edelman, D.I. . -- Moscow: Vost. lit... ed. T.N.Butseva. T.1, A-K. -- In 2 volumes. - St. Petersburg. : Dmithree Bulanin, 2009. 813 p. ; 24cm...

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    "nose" leads home
    Grasshoppers on the phone
    What do insects say?
    "spy" in the hive
    "ears" on the mustache
    The mistake of sailors and the secrets of anglers
    Underwater singers, talkers
    And nightingales-robbers
    Choir lovers
    "real" conversation turns out to be
    Not real at all
    "fake" conversation turns out to be
    About how the eggs teach the chicken
    About "foreign languages"
    And "language for all"
    And the animals have something to talk about
    "I dance - I found food!"
    "I dance - I love you!"
    "I love you - I give you!"
    "Get out while you're still alive!"
    Chapter Four
    How else do animals talk?
    Color, light and tail
    How else?
    Cunning, invisible and different parents
    Chapter first
    Green hat of invisibility
    Motley Cap of Invisibility
    Striped invisibility cap
    Who is the lion defending against?
    Suit for the season
    Dimka Prokofiev's first experience
    How to save yourself from your shadow?
    Whose nest is better?
    live bitch
    Flying, crawling and floating "leaves"
    Secrets of the Invisibles
    Cheaters and deceivers
    Dimka Prokofiev's new experience
    "Don't touch! It will get worse!"
    Another additional chapter written in
    Truth and justice
    What other eyes are
    More about legs
    The author apologizes to the characters
    this story
    Legends and reality
    Spiders, music and what is "tarantella"
    Eight-eyed, eight-legged
    About spider legs
    Cross web
    About other spiders, their webs, houses and hunting
    Submariner spider
    Chapter three, extra I kept my word
    Spiders and people
    Spiders, astronomy and medicine
    About spiders in general and about those that
    We do not live
    Why else do you need a web
    Here's what one scientist said about it
    Here's what another scientist had to say about it
    Here is what the third scientist said about this
    Here is what the fourth scientist said about this
    Here is what the fifth scientist said about this
    Here is what the author said in conclusion

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