A green caterpillar with a blue spike on its tail. What do butterflies and their caterpillars look like? Types of harmful caterpillars

The caterpillar is a larva - an interesting furry creature that undergoes a transformation and becomes a beautiful butterfly or moth. The process of this transformation is fascinating, and its result is amazing.

What does a caterpillar look like?

A caterpillar is a small, long insect. The larva, depending on the species and family, grows from a few millimeters to a maximum of 12 cm. Their body is longitudinal. Consists of a head, 3 thoracic and 10 abdominal segments. Their whole body is soft - not covered with a protective, hard shell. But the caterpillar has peculiar bristles. They may vary in density and location depending on the species.

Different larvae have different patterns. There is an opinion that caterpillars are exclusively green. In fact, this is not so. In nature you can find larvae whose color is very variegated and contains almost all the colors of the rainbow. Basically, all caterpillars move smoothly, rearranging their legs one by one. However, there are also types that fold like an accordion when moving. Thanks to this way of moving, these larvae were called land surveyors.

Characteristics and structure

Each larva immediately upon hatching from the egg has 3 pairs of legs in the front part of the body. Their size immediately corresponds to the size of an adult insect, that is, these organs will not grow in the caterpillar throughout its entire life. Some species also have “false” legs. They are located in the abdominal part of the body. Mostly there are up to five such pairs. The hairs that cover the entire body of the caterpillar are not harmless. They contain toxic substances. If they come into contact with the skin, they can severely burn or cause injury.

The caterpillar's mouth is capable of biting off and chewing food, which cannot be said, for example, about butterflies, since they feed through the proboscis. The larvae are able to evaluate food using special antennae, which are located next to the mandibles. Caterpillars have a well developed digestive system. The insect has several intestinal sections. The larva also has spinning glands and nerve ganglia. There are small holes along the body - breathing holes.

caterpillar coquette photo

The newly born caterpillar experiences such intense hunger that the first thing it eats is an abandoned egg. The development of the caterpillar can continue for several years. When the larva has gone through all stages of molting and reached mature age, then it transforms into a chrysalis from which a butterfly emerges. Caterpillars Molt Newly hatched caterpillars begin to eat a lot. Soon their body seems small to them, since the skin cannot stretch. In this regard, the larva stops eating food for some time and sheds its cover. Scientists call this molting.

As soon as the caterpillar has a new skin, it begins to lead the same life as before, until this skin hardens. Thus, the larva molts more than once. Usually there are 5 such processes. By losing its covers and growing new ones, the caterpillar thereby grows and develops. In four weeks it can reach adult size.

Where do caterpillars live?

For most caterpillars, their usual habitat is the ground. However, there are also species that prefer an aquatic lifestyle, for example, broad-winged moths. In nature, there are also larvae that can safely live both on land and in water. Biologists divide these insects into two subgroups: secretive larvae and larvae leading an open life.

harpy caterpillar photo

The first group includes:

  • Leafworms - these insects go through everything life stages in wrapped tree leaves.
  • Carpophagous - hiding in fruits.
  • Xylophages - live in the bark of trees and in plant trunks.
  • Miners - with the help of their growth, they break through small passages and live in dense leaves, buds or in the peel.
  • Gall formers - settle in plants and cause pathological growth in them.
  • Underground - inhabit upper layer land. Aquatic - live in fresh water bodies.

The second subgroup settles openly on plants.

What do larvae eat?

The first "dish" in the life of a caterpillar is the egg from which it hatched. Most larvae are considered herbivores. However, even here, caterpillars can be divided into categories depending on their preferences:

Regardless of the species, each larva is capable of secreting silk threads. They serve to secure the tracks to surfaces and move them. While moving, a thin thread of silk trails behind the insect. This path can even save a caterpillar if it falls from a branch.

silkworm caterpillar photo

Silk thread is very strong and can hold the spinner. The caterpillar spins thread using a special organ. It is a complex apparatus consisting of a papilla-tube and a plate - sclerite. It is placed slightly below the oral cavity.

The resulting silk slowly leaves the labial glands. The substance takes on the form of a thread only after pressing. Biologists are still studying the process of hardening of the silk substance. However, they are sure that this does not happen due to air drying. Since even aquatic caterpillars form hard silk threads directly in the aquatic environment.

Types of caterpillars

  • Cabbage caterpillar;
  • Moth caterpillar;
  • Great Harpy Caterpillar;
  • Redtail;
  • Silkworm;
  • Wood is corrosive;
  • Lady Bear Caterpillar;
  • Swallowtail.

Poisonous caterpillars

In nature you can find a poisonous species of this insect. Touching or biting such a caterpillar causes a chemical burn and discomfort, although sometimes the consequences can be much more serious.

Caterpillar burning rose photo

Contact may also result in local itching or rash. Allergy sufferers notice symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, poor health, and upset stomach. Many people are unaware that there can be danger behind bright colors.

Which insects are best not to touch:

  • Coquette caterpillar. Looks like a furry animal. Poisonous thorns are hidden under its fur.
  • "Burning Rose" The cover of this caterpillar is very bright: bright and yellow spots cover dangerous protruding tubercles.
  • Oak caterpillar. Green insect with longitudinal red stripes. It has small spikes on its sides.
  • Traveling silkworm. The black-brown insect is covered with a million small harpoons.
  • "Lazy Clown" Perhaps one of the most dangerous caterpillars. Its poison, having penetrated the human body, can lead to fatal outcome. Its thorns look like spruce thorns. The slightest touch to them causes internal bleeding.
  • Volyanka caterpillar. The bright red head immediately identifies this caterpillar. Her body is translucent with long spines.

Fighting caterpillars

On garden plots people do not rejoice at such guests as caterpillars. After all, this voracious insect can harm many plants and fruits in the garden. People have come up with many ways to combat this pest. Getting rid of larvae using caterpillar glue. This mechanical method is considered the most gentle for environment, since it does not affect the plants themselves.

Whitewashing trees or digging up the area so that insects get into the grooves and cannot reach the plants. Treating trees with chemical solutions. These include: karbofos and antio emulsion. IN last years Biological products that cause much less harm to plants than chemicals are becoming popular.

The most unusual and beautiful caterpillars

  • Hubbrad's Small Silkmoth. Thanks to its amazing color, the night caterpillar hides well from predators.
  • Blue Morpho. The habitat of this larva is Central America. This insect is dangerous to other insects due to the fact that it accumulates strong poison in its body. Sometimes these caterpillars engage in cannibalism.
  • Cerura Vinula. This caterpillar knows how to defend itself perfectly. Active life the butterfly leads in the dark.
  • During the first 2 months of life, the caterpillar gains weight, which exceeds its original weight by 20 thousand times.
  • If you unwrap a caterpillar cocoon, you can get a silk thread whose length is 300-900 meters.
  • The caterpillar can live up to 15 years. The larvae can withstand temperatures down to -70 degrees.

Thus, caterpillars are unusual insects. Behind their colorful appearance there may be hidden... dangerous predator. For many gardeners, this insect will always be on the list of pests.

One of the biggest natural wonders- the transformation of a fat and clumsy caterpillar into a butterfly. Moreover, the butterfly is not always more beautiful than its larva - some caterpillars are so unusual, brightly colored and have a bizarre shape that the butterfly, especially if it is nocturnal, looks like an ugly duckling next to it.

This review contains magnificent photos illustrating what caterpillars of some species look like and what kind of butterfly they turn into. There are also some Interesting Facts about these incomparable creatures of nature.

1. Brahmin Moth

Brahmei butterflies are found in the East - in India, China, Burma, and are also common on some islands of Japan.

This is a nocturnal species of butterfly; they fly at night and sleep during the day with their wings spread. Butterflies and caterpillars are poisonous, so they have no enemies.

2. Peacock eye cecropia (Hyalophora cecropia)

The caterpillar is very poisonous, so with all its bright color it shows that it is better not to touch it. The tubercles have a rich color and additionally have dots, like those of poisonous ladybugs.

The peacock eye is the largest moth in America - larger than the palm of your hand.

3. Spicebush Swallowtail

At first glance, this creature looks more like a fish or lizard than a caterpillar. Huge false eyes scare away predators. In addition, during its life of a couple of months, the larva changes color - the egg hatches chocolate brown with large white spots, then becomes bright emerald, and before pupation - orange with a red belly.

The black and blue velvet butterfly is common in North America, in some places hundreds of thousands of copies are collected in colonies.

4. Black Swallowtail

The caterpillar of the black swallowtail is very bright and noticeable - so that predators do not covet it. Although in fact it is quite edible.

This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful European butterflies. During the flight, you can see how the color of the wings of the black swallowtail shimmers.

5. Tailed Emperor Butterfly (Polyura Sempronius)

This is not a dinosaur, but a soft imperial caterpillar. Its size is up to 2 cm, and the shell visually enlarges the baby and scares the birds.

The “tailed emperor” is found only in Australia and feeds on nectar from only one plant.

6. Dalcerida (Acraga coa)

The Dalcerida caterpillar appears glassy and transparent.

At the same time, the butterfly itself is very shaggy, brick-colored. Refers to moths. Lives in tropical forests Mexico.

7. Moth (Acharia Stimulea)

This strange creature of an incomprehensible color, with a bright green blanket - very dangerous creature. Each shoot secretes poison, and even one touch to the caterpillar can put an adult in the hospital.

And the butterfly is an ordinary night moth, almost invisible.

8. Witch moth caterpillar (Phobetron pithecium)

A real caterpillar witch! Lives in orchards of both American continents. It is also called the “slug monkey” for unusual way movement - she crawls along one leaf, and jumps to another leaf.

Witch butterflies are also quite spectacular and large. Lead night look life.

9. Greta Oto, or Glass Winged Butterfly

The caterpillar of the incredible Greta butterfly looks ordinary and does not attract attention.

But the glass butterfly with transparent wings looks simply amazing. This species lives in Mexico and throughout South America.

10. Large harpy, or spotted forktail (Cerura vinula)

Both the caterpillar and the harpy butterfly itself have a rather terrifying appearance. The growth in the form of a mustache confuses the birds, and they do not risk feasting on this completely edible larva.

The white moth from the Corydalis family is quite large and emits an unpleasant odor, so few people would dare try it.

11. Flannel Moth

This is not a tuft of fur on a bush, but the larva of a flannel moth. Very poisonous creature!!! Under no circumstances should you touch it!

Adult flannel moths appear soft and cuddly, but they are also poisonous. Found in the USA and Mexico.

12. Blue Morpho

Here is such a strange furry stick, which has no clear where the head is and where the tail is, after transformation it will become one of the most beautiful butterflies in the world.

The blue Morpho butterfly lives in Central and South America. It is very large - reaches 210 mm in span. The wings have a metallic tint and shimmer when flying. There are 60 varieties of Morpho in all shades of blue.

13. Slug worm (Isochaetes beutenmuelleri)

This gorgeous caterpillar looks like an ornate ice crystal covered with numerous needles. The sight of it seems completely unappetizing to the birds!

And the adult butterfly is an ordinary night woodlice. Distributed throughout North America.

14. Silkmoth (Hubbard's Small Silkmoth)

This is exactly the famous caterpillar that makes silk thread, and people make wonderful fabric from it. These larvae eat only mulberry or mulberry leaves.

Butterfly silkworm leads a nocturnal lifestyle.

15. Slug Butterfly (Isa Textula)

The leaf-shaped caterpillar stings with its hairs. She moves very interestingly - in zigzags, leaving noticeable traces.

The butterfly is also quite spectacular, 3-4 times smaller than a caterpillar and flies only at night.

16. Rainbow Blue Swallowtail Butterfly

The rainbow swallowtail caterpillar is a very impressive creature, looking like a horned bull.

Very beautiful and bright large butterfly lives in only one place on Earth - in the Ussuri taiga.

17. Spotted Apatelodes

This simply adorable furry caterpillar is extremely poisonous. By the way, her head is where there is one “feather”!

The spotted apatelodes moth is very large and buzzes loudly when it flies.

18. Saturnia Io (Automeris io)

Incredible bright green caterpillar with pompoms. Distributed in Canada and the USA. Very poisonous. The Indians used it to lubricate their arrows.

The colorful moth is also quite impressive, especially at night when those “eyes” glow.

19. Butterfly from the peacock-eye family (Attacus Atlas)

This furry miracle is a very rare larva. And all because people caught both them and butterflies en masse for sale.

The size of peacock eyes is impressive - up to 25 cm! The price of a copy reaches a thousand dollars. The atlas peacock eye is found in South-East Asia, China, Indonesia. The largest specimen with a wingspan of almost 27 cm was caught on the island. Java in 1922. This butterfly has no mouth and does not eat anything its entire life.

Unlike other insects, most butterflies are beautiful even in the larval stage. Caterpillars often have a more beautiful appearance than a butterfly. Most future butterflies are completely harmless to humans, but some of them are dangerous. By a strange coincidence, truly poisonous caterpillars did not appear on the territory of Eurasia, inhabiting Australia and both American continents. But Eurasia is not without caterpillars that are unpleasant to humans.

Types of poisonous caterpillars

Not all of these species are dangerous to humans, since some of them accumulate in their bodies the poison of the plants they feed on. Technically, they are poisonous. Such species pose a real danger only to those who decide to eat them. The bulk of dangerous caterpillars are found in tropical and subtropical zones planets.

Lonomia obliqua

Many species of Lonomia have very colorful larvae. The “cub’s” bright appearance didn’t just happen. They are poisonous.

On a note!

But in Lonomia, the caterpillar looks more like a stick on which rare moss has grown. With such a nondescript appearance, it is the most poisonous caterpillar on the planet. Its poison is capable of killing a person.

From the poison of lonomia obliqua in countries South America Several people die every year. But it's not all that scary. In fact, lonomia venom enters the human body in small doses. Touching hollow thorns once will not cause lonomiya great harm. For fatal outcome it is necessary to touch the caterpillar from 20 to 100 times, depending on the stability of the body. Getting such a dose of poison is actually not difficult. It is enough to accidentally touch a cluster of caterpillars on a tree trunk. Due to their protective coloration, these larvae are difficult to notice.

The toxic substance has an anticoagulant effect and can accumulate in the body. When a critical dose of poison is reached, a person begins to experience internal bleeding, which can lead to death. Intracranial hemorrhage is especially dangerous.

The insect lives on the American continents and has no Russian name. The larva of this butterfly is sometimes called the Coquette. She looks like a lump of coarse fur with a tail. To protect itself from enemies, this caterpillar has poisonous spines hidden in hard bristles.

When touched, the spines pierce the skin and break, releasing the poison. In the damaged area, a strong “tugging” pain appears, spreading throughout the entire limb. Red spots appear where the poison penetrates the tissue. In case of severe poisoning or individual intolerance, the following may occur:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • damage to the lymph nodes;
  • discomfort in the stomach.

Sometimes anaphylactic shock or difficulty breathing is possible. In normal cases, signs of damage from Megalopid poison disappear after a few days. The pain goes away within an hour. But upon receipt large dose poison pain can last up to 5 days.

On a note!

This is one of the most poisonous caterpillars in North America.

Hickory bear (Lophocampa caryae)

The white fluffy caterpillar does not seem dangerous. She has no poison. But the easily detachable bristles are covered with microscopic serrations. If the skin on the hands is rough, this caterpillar cannot cause harm, but for some its bristles cause itching and rash. People suffering from allergies are especially affected by bristles.

You should not rub your eyes after touching this caterpillar. This is the main danger posed by hickory. The jagged bristles will dig into the mucous membrane of the eye and can only be removed from there through surgery.

Witch moth larva. In both forms it is an unattractive insect. Lives in the southern USA. Belongs to the family of slugs that have suction cups instead of paws. When moving, it resembles slugs. On the back it has 6 pairs of outgrowths covered with bristles.

On a note!

Previously it was considered poisonous, but experiments showed that these caterpillars have no poison. In people prone to allergies, bristles stuck into the skin cause itching and burning.

Saturnia io (Automeris io)

One of the types. Caterpillars at the first stage are reddish in color. Later they change color to green, becoming like the “catkins” of some trees. On top photo Saturnia io at an older age, at the lower larvae in the first stage of development.

The tracks are protected by spikes with strong poison, which is thrown at the enemy at the slightest danger. Contact with this poison leads to erucism: toxic dermatitis. Erucism is characterized by the following features:

  • blisters;
  • strong pain;
  • lymphangitis;
  • edema;
  • skin necrosis.

Sometimes tissue death occurs with erucism.

But all these dangers live in enough exotic countries and not every Russian tourist will encounter them. But there are three species of butterflies whose offspring you can stumble upon when leaving your home in your homeland. Poisonous caterpillars of Russia do not carry mortal danger, but can deliver a lot of unpleasant impressions.

Russian species

These butterflies are common not only in Russia, but throughout the Eurasian continent. Only the Redtail larva has a characteristic feature. The offspring of Marching silkworms are characterized by nondescript coloring. Their only hallmark- long stubble. Therefore, photos of poisonous caterpillars in Russia along with their descriptions are below.

Redtail (Calliteara pudibunda)

That's what they call it moth- a pest of fruit crops, in which a semblance of red color is present only on the mustache. But this name was given to this insect because of the larvae. Caterpillars of the Red-tailed Caterpillar/Bashful-footed Caterpillar can have different colors:

  • grey;
  • pink;
  • dark brown;
  • lemon yellow.

But the obligatory sign of a caterpillar of this species is a tuft of long crimson or crimson-red hairs sticking up at the rear end of the larva. The insect is not capable of causing serious harm. Contact with the hairs on the caterpillar's body causes an allergic reaction in a person in the form of a rash. Habitat: Eurasia, except the Far North. Prefers beech and oak forests.

Marching silkworm (Thaumetopoeidae)

There are several species of this family. Silkworms are absent only on the American continents and Australia. There are two species in Russia:

  • pine silkworm (Thaumetopoea pinivora), feeding on pine needles;
  • The oak silkworm (T. processionea) feeds on oak leaves.

These butterflies received the prefix “walking” because their caterpillars move strictly one after another, guided by the silk thread of the individual in front.

Hiking silkworms are malicious pests that can destroy entire hectares of forests. They received the name “silkworm” for entwining “unlucky” trees with silk thread. Hiking has no relation to sericulture, for which the silkworm is used.

The larvae of the moth are covered with thick, long bristles. The bristles have microscopic serrations that help them penetrate the body of the “offender.”

Therefore, the poison of the silkworm caterpillar is questionable. The bristles embedded in the skin can only move inside the body. They are very brittle and impossible to remove. As parts of the bristles move inward, they cause itching, scratching, and blistering. This is a normal reaction of the skin to irritants. Those who “caught” the smallest protective needles of the prickly pear cactus into their skin received a similar reaction on the skin.

Russian dangerous caterpillars usually have bristles that are not toxic, but easily break off and reward their offender with a mass of small splinters. It is not recommended to touch any. And you can see how easily these larvae lose their bristles when touched by touching them with a stick.

General safety principle in relation to: never touch those protected by bristles.

Many people are accustomed to thinking that all butterflies are exclusively garden decorations. In fact, along with harmless ones, there are also pest butterflies that cause considerable damage to plants. Considering that the caterpillars of these insects are extremely voracious, damage to garden crops can be caused on a huge scale.

Photos of pest butterflies, their names and detailed descriptions presented on this page.

Plant protection from the acacia moth pest butterfly

American tree pest butterfly

The front wings have a pattern of light yellow and dark brown transverse stripes in the middle part.

The hind wings of the ringed silkworm are lighter than the front wings. The wingspan of the insect is 3-4 cm.

The female pest lays 100-400 gray cylindrical eggs around the shoots in the form of spiral rings.

Pay attention to the photo: The caterpillars of this garden pest are quite large - up to 5.5 cm long, have a dark color and a pattern of bluish-gray and yellowish-brown stripes along the body. They damage the leaves of fruit trees, eating them from the edges. As a result, only thick veins remain. After the buds open, caterpillars emerge from the eggs and begin to damage the young leaves of the trees. Caterpillars usually live in colonies.

Attracting entomophagous insects to the site can reduce the number of this pest.

Downy silkworm and pest butterfly control

Downy silkworm is a large brown moth with a wingspan of up to 8 cm.

In June, the caterpillars move into the crown of the tree, where they are covered with a cocoon and entangled in cobwebs. In this case, the leaves also turn out to be pulled together by a web, forming a nest. The summer of butterflies begins at the end of July.

In case of mass invasions of downy silkworms, trees can completely lose their leaves.

To combat downy silkworms, it is recommended to regularly inspect fruit trees to identify pests. If eggs of a downy silkworm are found, they should be removed and burned. Silkworm cocoons found in the crown of trees must also be destroyed.

Plum moth pest butterfly

From the family of leaf rollers, it damages not only plums and cherries, but also cherries and cherry plums. Pay attention to the photo: these butterflies, pests of the garden and vegetable garden, have grayish-brown forewings with a purple tint, their span is 10-15 mm.

Each female lays 40-85 translucent greenish eggs on the fruit or the underside of the leaf. After 7-10 days, white caterpillars hatch from them; with age, their color changes - they become red.

Caterpillars reach a length of 12-15 mm. They damage fruits by gnawing holes in the pulp. Having reached the petiole, the caterpillars gnaw vascular system plants, thereby disrupting the flow to the fruit nutrients. Often, caterpillars damage the bone or fill the cavity they form around the bone with their secretions.

The caterpillar is the larva of an insect belonging to the order Lepidoptera - butterflies, moths, moths.

Structure and photo of caterpillars - varieties

The body length of the caterpillar, depending on the variety, can be from a few millimeters to 12 cm. It consists of a body, head, eyes, mouthparts and limbs. On the body, the thoracic and abdominal sections are clearly visible, and on them there are several pairs of legs.

The caterpillar's body consists of segments separated by narrow grooves. The anus is located on the body, and there is a spiracle on the chest.

Most species of caterpillars have three pairs of legs on their chest, each of which has a sole and a claw - while moving, the caterpillar retracts and releases its claws, and five pairs of false abdominal limbs, at the ends of which there are small hooks.

The body is “dressed” in a soft shell, covered, depending on the variety, with outgrowths, hairs or relief formations - cuticles in the form of stars, spines or granules, and the hairs of caterpillars grow individually or in bunches. During their life, caterpillars molt several times.

The head consists of six fused parts that form a capsule. At the bottom of the head there is an occipital foramen, shaped like a heart, and in some species of caterpillars its parietal parts protrude and form “horns”. Antennae grow on the sides of the head.

Caterpillars have 5-6 pairs of eyes - several simple eyes, each of which consists of one lens, located in an arc one behind the other or connected into one complex eye of five simple ones.

The caterpillar's mouth is a gnawing apparatus, the upper jaw is powerful - there are teeth with which the insect gnaws or tears food.

Inside the oral apparatus there are tubercles with which the caterpillar chews food, and the glands that produce saliva are a kind of spinning machine - this is how the silkworm caterpillar releases the thread.

Life cycle

Different types of caterpillars live from several weeks to several years. For example, the larvae of butterflies living in the north do not have time to develop during the short summer season; they hibernate until the next one - the horned butterfly, whose habitat is the Arctic, exists as a caterpillar for an average of 13 years.

During the life cycle, amazing metamorphoses occur with caterpillars - from an increase in size and a change in color to the transformation from an individual with bare skin to a furry one and vice versa.

When life cycle comes to an end, the caterpillars pupate, then butterflies hatch from the pupae.


For most species of caterpillars, the habitat is the surface of the earth, some species live in water, for example, the caterpillars of broad-winged moths, and the larvae of the Hawaiian moth can exist both in the air and under water.

According to the conditions of existence, these insect larvae are divided into two categories - hiding and leading a lifestyle in plain sight.

The hidden ones are represented by:

  • leafworms - these caterpillars live on trees, existing in twisted leaves;
  • frugivores - live in fruits and vegetables;
  • by drillers - the habitat of tree trunks and roots;
  • miners - the habitat is foliage, branches, fruit and vegetable peels, plant buds - caterpillars make passages;
  • gall formers - they cause damage to plant tissues and the appearance of new growths on them;
  • living underground;
  • aquatic – the habitat is bodies of water.

Leading a free lifestyle, they openly exist on plants; these are mainly caterpillars of large varieties of butterflies.

Nutrition of different types of caterpillars

Once the caterpillar has hatched from the egg, it eats its shell. Then, throughout their lives, most species of caterpillars feed on greens and fruits.

According to their feeding method, caterpillars are divided into four types:

  • polyphagous - eat any plants;
  • oligophages - they eat plants of any one species, for example, swallowtail caterpillars feed only on umbrella plants;
  • monophagous - feed exclusively on one plant species, for example, silkworm larvae eat only mulberry foliage
  • xylophages - feed on wood.

Moth caterpillars feed on lichens; some species even eat poisonous ergot.

There are species that devour food of animal origin - exfoliated particles of skin, hair, wool, for example, the larvae of house moths that settle in wardrobes.

And the caterpillars of fire butterflies eat only honey and wax.

There are also predator caterpillars, such as the larvae of the bear butterfly and cotton bollworm - they attack weak relatives and eat them.

And the food for the caterpillars of raspberry, sun and fireweed moths are mealybugs - small insects 3-6 mm in size. Caterpillars of bluegills feed on aphids, while moths feed only on insects.

There are varieties that exist together with ants, for example, blueberry caterpillars. They live in anthills and chemically keep the ants under control - they secrete a specific sweet liquid, and even make sounds to attract them.

Caterpillars and man

Most types of caterpillars are safe for humans. But there are also poisonous species. From accidentally touching them human skin Redness and swelling occur, and a rash may appear.

The secretions of some caterpillars cause drowsiness in humans, headaches, fever and arterial pressure, gastrointestinal upset occurs.

Therefore, no matter how tempting it may be to touch a beautiful caterpillar without understanding their varieties, you should not do this. TO poisonous species include, for example, coquette caterpillars, oak slug larvae, and the “lazy clown.”

Of the most useful to people The most famous is the silk caterpillar, it is also called the silkworm. Its habitat is the northeastern regions of Russia and China, the southern territories of Primorye. Its body length is about 7 cm, it is covered with hairy warts of blue and brown colors, and at the end of the development cycle, this caterpillar turns yellow.

Its food is mulberry foliage. Since the 27th century BC, these caterpillars have been used in sericulture - 9 kg of silk thread is obtained from 100 kg of cocoons.

But there are also species that, while not dangerous to human health, cause harm to him by eating agricultural crops.

Control of caterpillar pests

There are three groups of ways to combat caterpillars devouring crops of vegetables, fruits and vegetables.

Mechanical method - when caterpillars are collected manually, their overwintering clutches are cut off.

One of the most effective methods– catching them using adhesive-coated belts or traps filled with bait liquid.

The biological method is when birds are attracted to agricultural fields and orchards to eat caterpillars, arranging feeders and birdhouses for the birds.

Caterpillar snake

The chemical method is the most effective, but after some time the caterpillars get used to the composition of the drugs and stop dying, so chemical method alternate with biological.

In dacha conditions, to combat the invasion of caterpillars, infusions of herbs are used - black henbane (it works well against the caterpillars of the ubiquitous cabbage butterfly), hemlock (it is effective against caterpillars attacking fruit trees), peppermint, elderberry.

In some countries, caterpillars are considered a gastronomic delicacy; gourmets eat caterpillars of about 80 species of butterflies.

They are eaten raw and fried, dried on hot coals, boiled, salted, cooked with them, an omelet is prepared with them, and the caterpillars are used as a base for various sauces.

The caterpillar's coloration imitates colors surrounding nature habitat - in this way the caterpillars camouflage themselves from enemies.

The smallest caterpillars on the planet are moth caterpillars different types. For example, in a clothes moth, the length of a newly hatched larva is 1 mm.

And the longest caterpillar is the Indian peacock butterfly. These are blue-green caterpillars, it seems that their bodies are covered with dust white, they reach 12 cm.

Like any other Living being, the caterpillar takes its place in the planet’s ecosystem and plays an important role in it.

Photo of caterpillar

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