2017). Farewell - Vladislav Galkin (08/08/2017) His heart could not withstand a large dose of alcohol

He died at 39 years old. He drank himself to death, broke down, could not stand the test of fame and failures in his personal life... Many people think so. But there are people who think that the actor was “helped” to drink an incompatible amount of vodka. How did you say goodbye to Vladislav Galkin? And why did his relatives turn his funeral almost into a secret special operation?

Funeral famous person– a huge “show”, the script of which is always incredibly interesting. The worries of relatives about the resting place, the details of the funeral ritual, the reaction of the authorities, the last applause or outright gloating... At this moment, the secrets of the life of the deceased are often revealed: no one comes to the funeral famous lovers and mistresses, illegitimate children, unexpected wills are made public, details of life and work carefully hidden from outsiders are revealed, mystical omens emerge in memory.

How many police officers were fired because of the “wrong” conduct of Vysotsky’s funeral? Why didn’t Marina Vladi want to go among the huge crowd of mourners? How did Moscow morgues work during that incredibly hot Olympic summer, and what was done to prolong the farewell to Vysotsky?

Why on the day of Khrushchev’s funeral was the order given to block all streets leading to Novodevichy Cemetery, And ordinary people They didn’t let you say goodbye to “Nikita”? Who and why set up a latrine on his grave the next day?

Where did they get the magnificent hearse for Inessa Armand's funeral? Why was the crying Lenin later “blurred out” in the photographs of her farewell? What did her rival Krupskaya promise to the deceased?

How and why was Vasily Shukshin “dragged” from one cemetery to another and until the last minute they could not give the go-ahead to bury him at Novodevichy? Why did the widow try to cut off a tuft of his hair during farewell? Who was going to carry his body in their arms to his native village of Srostki in the Altai Territory?

How was the simple worker Shishkin buried, and why was half of Stalin’s Politburo sent to his funeral?

How were cosmonauts Volkov, Patsaev and Dobrovolsky buried? What was being hidden from their relatives and the whole country? Why were their coffins so light? Who “wrote” the scenarios for burial in the Kremlin wall?

How did they say goodbye to the dead passengers of the giant aircraft "Maxim Gorky", and why did Stalin order to allocate 40 places for them at the most prestigious Novodevichy cemetery?

Vladislav Galkin was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Vladislav Galkin’s relatives asked strangers not to come to the church; only Vlad’s closest and closest friends could go there. From the temple, the funeral procession headed to the Troekurovskoye cemetery, where a farewell ceremony took place in a large ritual hall.

38-year-old Vladislav Galkin was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery on Tuesday, March 2, next to the graves of Semyon Farada and Igor Starygin. The civil memorial service and the traditional farewell in such cases were not held at the House of Cinema. The actor’s relatives also insisted on this. Why did they decide this way? We asked this question to actress Yana Poplavskaya, who considers Vlad her friend.

“The money for Vlad’s funeral was collected by his friends. The Union of Cinematographers of Russia refused us financial assistance,” explained Poplavskaya. “Now is a time when neither titles nor merits have any meaning. No one owes anything to anyone. And if there are no sponsors, rich friends or relatives, a person, even the most deserved, has nothing to count on. People's Artist USSR Vyacheslav Tikhonov was buried in debt. What then can Vlad Galkin hope for, who does not have such merits in cinema? Although he was a member of the union, an Honored Artist of Russia, an idol of many, famous person... When I tried to make these arguments, the Union of Cinematographers told me that they spent a lot on the funeral of Vladimir Motyl...

Vlad’s parents now need help, Boris Sergeevich Galkin is not feeling well, and he simply has no money. Do you know how much a funeral costs? (The Troekurovsky cemetery alone, as we found out, needs to be paid from 200 thousand rubles, and how many more expenses! For Boris Galkin, who rarely films now, this is a huge amount. - Author.) Thank God, Vlad has friends. Low bow to Lena Yarmolnik for helping to agree on a place at the Troekurovsky cemetery. This is not a feat. Our friend just left, we need to send him off with dignity. It is in such situations that it becomes clear who is worth what in this life.”

Strange affair. We are all used to the fact that stars are not in poverty. That they always have money - for beautiful life, nice apartments and expensive cars. And if trouble comes, there are means to carry them out last way. Vlad Galkin was a very popular actor. He starred in successful films and highly rated TV series. Yes, for the superbly played role of Ivan Bezdomny in “The Master and Margarita” alone, he should have been made rich! What about “Truckers,” which half the country watched?

And at the same time we see what we see. Rented apartment, not the best cool car... And now - the money that his friends are collecting for the funeral... Let's say he didn't know how to save. Let's say that at the age of 38 he remained the reckless Huckleberry Finn. And he had a difficult year, very difficult - the trial, the sentence, the hospital. But last May he just finished filming the TV series “Kotovsky” (Vlad didn’t live to see the TV premiere for three days).

As we found out, filming of this series began at the end of May and lasted almost two months with short breaks. Vlad Galkin had a little more than thirty shooting days.

During the crisis, the artist's fees fell from 3 thousand dollars per shooting day to 2 thousand. IN total for the picture, as the actor’s colleagues say, Galkin earned about $60 thousand. Not so little... But the actor did not act in film while the investigation and trials were ongoing. And, alas, he drank...


Is it true that there was no money for Galkin’s funeral?

Not a single event takes place without the participation of the union - financial or organizational - - organizing secretary Mikhail Kalinin commented on the situation. - For example, I call Boris Galkin almost every hour. We resolve all issues. What other friends?.. I work with relatives.

By the way, Galkin’s friends say that Tikhonov was also buried in debt. As we managed to find out, the bills for organizing the funeral of Vyacheslav Tikhonov have not yet been paid. Although, on the other hand, the Union of Cinematographers - public organization. None membership fee cannot cover large-scale funerals if, as in the case of Tikhonov, the Novodevichy Cemetery alone had to pay more than 200 thousand rubles.


His heart could not withstand a large dose of alcohol

Yesterday, experts announced the cause of death of the actor - the body of Vladislav Galkin was found without signs of violent death on the floor in the room, said Larisa Merkulova, a representative of the Office of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow. - There was an open bottle of cognac on the table. Traces of alcohol consumption were revealed. There are no suicide notes or traces of blood. According to a preliminary examination, death occurred a day and a half ago due to acute heart failure.

For experts, the picture turned out to be extremely clear. There were several already in the room empty bottles from alcohol. A source at the Burdenko Hospital said that the real reason The death of Vladislav Galkin has been established. It fits into a few banal sentences. Their essence is that food poisoning a significant amount of alcohol caused a violation of activity and failure of vital organs.


Daria Mikhailova interrupted filming

The news of the death of Vlad Galkin crippled him last wife actress Daria Mikhailova.

Dasha is currently filming Alexey Bobrov’s film “New Year’s Detective.” Despite the terrible tragedy, she still went out onto the site.

Poor girl. How will she survive, - says actress Rimma Markova, who is filming with Dasha in the same film. - Dasha can’t even speak, she just howls with grief.

Director Alexei Bobrov decided to suspend filming because of Dasha.

Daria is in terrible condition, the film company employees sympathize. - It's scary to look at her. Even after the divorce, she loved Vlad very much. We decided that we would stop filming for a few days so that Dasha could recover a little.

Vlad had a very difficult time with Dasha, although he himself was far from an angel. She did not know how to forgive - he suffered greatly from this, the actor’s colleagues recall. - According to Vlad's conversations, it was clear that in their marriage Galkin loves, and Dasha only allowed herself to be loved.

IN Lately Vlad Galkin was seen in the company of producer Anastasia Shipulina. The couple traveled together in December to St. Petersburg, and together they celebrated Vlad's birthday. Romantic relationship supported the actor, were a support in the difficult situation in which he found himself.


Vladislav's new girlfriend supported him in court

Anastasia Shipulina was present at the announcement of the verdict. Only now I realized who the girl was who came to the Presnensky court on December 23 last year, when the verdict was read to Vlad Galkin (see kp.ru website for December 23, 2009). She sat next to Boris Galkin, but pretended that she did not know him. Nobody paid attention to the girl then. The beauty impassively looked at Vlad - almost without interruption, only occasionally writing something down in a notebook. Everyone took her for a journalist...

Now I understand that she supported Vlad with this look. He was darker than a cloud at that trial, it was clear how much he was worried. And suddenly at some point he turned, looked into the hall and smiled the familiar smile of Huckleberry Finn. It turns out that this smile was intended for her - Anastasia Shipulina. And I thought - only to his father, sitting next to him.

In a pause between meetings, I asked: “Which publication are you from?” Anastasia thought for a second: “I represent a production center, the name of which will not tell you anything.” She did not stay for the announcement of the verdict, she writes: TVNZ ".


Where will our pendulum swing tomorrow?

The story with Vlad Galkin, or more precisely, with our attitude towards him, is probably no less terrible than his death. Remember how good he was to us. He's such a good guy. "Trucker." Smiling, with dimples on his cheeks, with his beautiful wife Daria on his arm. Well, yes, we loved him. Sincerely. They didn't pretend.

And then we condemned him so harshly. Because he was rowdy, because he was drunk. But mostly they were harshly judged. Do you know why? Because to see how a famous and successful person is “bent over” is a pleasure for many. Mock.

Then there was a trial. Vladislav, even though he is an actor, did not repent as on stage. Sincerely. Not many people are given this. But no one, in general, wanted to figure out what he really felt. The most common illusion in the world is that someone cares about someone.

And then Vlad became isolated. He pulled away. Huddled in a hole. All.

Now he has died - and we love him again. But he no longer needs it.

It was somehow inconvenient, right? We can say that this story will repeat itself forever as long as the world stands. Pendulum of love and hate.

He died at 39 years old. He drank himself to death, broke down, could not stand the test of fame and failures in his personal life... Many people think so. But there are people who think that the actor was “helped” to drink an incompatible amount of vodka. How did you say goodbye to Vladislav Galkin? And why did his relatives turn his funeral almost into a secret special operation?

The funeral of a famous person is a huge “show”, the scenario of which is always incredibly interesting. The worries of relatives about the resting place, the details of the funeral ritual, the reaction of the authorities, the last applause or outright gloating... At this moment, the secrets of the life of the deceased are often revealed: unknown lovers and mistresses, illegitimate children come to the funeral, unexpected wills are made public, carefully hidden from outsiders are revealed details of life and creativity, mystical omens emerge in memory.

How many police officers were fired because of the “wrong” conduct of Vysotsky’s funeral? Why didn’t Marina Vladi want to go among the huge crowd of mourners? How did Moscow morgues work during that incredibly hot Olympic summer, and what was done to prolong the farewell to Vysotsky?

Why, on the day of Khrushchev’s funeral, was the order given to block all the streets leading to the Novodevichy cemetery, and ordinary people were not allowed to say goodbye to “Nikita”? Who and why set up a latrine on his grave the next day?

Where did they get the magnificent hearse for Inessa Armand's funeral? Why was the crying Lenin later “blurred out” in the photographs of her farewell? What did her rival Krupskaya promise to the deceased?

How and why was Vasily Shukshin “dragged” from one cemetery to another and until the last minute they could not give the go-ahead to bury him at Novodevichy? Why did the widow try to cut off a tuft of his hair during farewell? Who was going to carry his body in their arms to his native village of Srostki in the Altai Territory?

How was the simple worker Shishkin buried, and why was half of Stalin’s Politburo sent to his funeral?

How were cosmonauts Volkov, Patsaev and Dobrovolsky buried? What was being hidden from their relatives and the whole country? Why were their coffins so light? Who “wrote” the scenarios for burial in the Kremlin wall?

How did they say goodbye to the dead passengers of the giant aircraft "Maxim Gorky", and why did Stalin order to allocate 40 places for them at the most prestigious Novodevichy cemetery?

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