Sports activities while breastfeeding. Is it possible to play sports while breastfeeding: the impact on lactation, when is it better and which type to give preference to. Sports while breastfeeding. Basic principles

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding inevitably makes changes in the rhythm of a woman's life, and often the question arises for nursing mothers - can they resume sports in order to quickly return to their "pre-pregnancy" form? And if so, what type of sports activities should be preferred? And how soon after giving birth can you start regular exercise? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Often, nursing mothers worry about whether physical activity will harm lactation, but exercise does not affect the production of the required volume. breast milk or on the nature of feeding the baby.

Several interesting studies have been conducted on this subject: for example, in 2000, 40 overweight breastfeeding mothers were monitored starting from the fourth week after childbirth. Some of these women were assigned to the diet and exercise group, and the other part to the control group. By the end of the tenth week of observations, women from the experimental group had lost an average of 4.53 kg of weight; at the same time, they reported that they were producing enough milk, and that training made them feel energetic. Women from the control group during the same time lost an average of only about 900 grams.

However, most breastfeeding mothers lose weight even if they are not active. And what's more: a breastfeeding mother who trains actively and regularly should monitor her weight to make sure that she does not lose weight too quickly - more than 2 kg per month or 450 grams per week. Although many women who exercise find that their appetite increases as they use up their energy, if the weight loss is still too rapid, it may be a good idea to suggest that mum snack on something nutritious between meals.

In an earlier study, eight exercise moms and eight exercise moms were followed up. sedentary image life, all of them at the time of observation fed babies aged 9 to 24 weeks exclusively breastfeeding. The researchers did not notice differences in either the level of hormones in the blood plasma, or differences in the composition of breast milk: calories, composition of proteins, fats or lactose. However, those subjects who exercised regularly scored less weight during pregnancy, produced slightly more milk (which may be due to statistical error due to the small sample size of the study), expended more energy, and ate more overall than women who did not exercise. When observing a moderate training regimen, no negative impact for lactation.

Another study that compared two groups of mothers—one controlled group doing aerobic exercise five days a week for twelve weeks and another group not exercising—found no difference between mothers' weight, prolactin levels, milk volume and composition, and also found no difference in the rate of weight gain of their babies.

You can also mention a study that studied the concentration of minerals in breast milk after vigorous exercise - according to the results of this study, no changes were found in the content of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium in milk.

We know that during exercise, muscles release lactic acid, which permeates milk and can alter its taste somewhat, it has even been reported that exercising to the point of exhaustion (as opposed to moderate exercise) can increase lactic acid levels in milk to levels When does a baby start to refuse breastfeeding? The authors of this publication suggested that mothers should either breastfeed their babies before exercise, or pump milk that they can feed their babies after the gym, or avoid feeding for about an hour and a half after class. However, reviewing the literature on sports during breastfeeding, it can be concluded that exercise during breastfeeding is safe for most women, and also that "reluctance of the child to suckle breast milk due to increased concentration of lactic acid is not a problem In most cases" .

In conclusion, we will ask fitness trainer Ekaterina Volkova, who has extensive experience in recovery training with nursing mothers, to give some practical advice- how and when is it better to start playing sports for a mother who is breastfeeding:

“When lactating, you can do almost any sport.

So, for example, the pool can be visited without restrictions, special temperature regime for nursing mothers in the pool is not required - the main thing is not to expose yourself to the risk of catching a cold when leaving the pool, so it is advisable to change clothes and dry yourself more quickly, and not rush to go outside immediately after exercising in the water.

Classes in the gym will help strengthen the muscles, return the lost tone to the body.
It is advisable to start fitness classes with the usual exercises (which do not require much effort) and gradually increase the pace and load.

When training, it is necessary to avoid exercises that can injure the chest, so all types of wrestling where a bruise or compression of the mammary gland can occur is not very desirable.

Running, jumping, and other sports where the chest is prone to wobble are more comfortable in a good, supportive bra—sports bra or with wide straps and no wires.

It is usually not recommended for nursing mothers, at least in the first months of breastfeeding, to engage in aerobic exercise, these are classic aerobics, pump, step, etc. During these exercises, firstly, a lot of moisture is lost, secondly, there are a lot of “impact” exercises (jumps), which exposes the chest to unnecessary fluctuations, and thirdly, aerobic exercises involve huge energy costs, which is incompatible with such a concept. , as recovery, and in fact it is about him that we are talking about when exercising with nursing mothers.

Too much moisture loss due to super-strong exercise is undesirable for nursing mothers, so it's important to remember to increase your water intake.

You can and should drink directly during training. If you feel thirsty, if you feel dizzy, be sure to take a sip of water. Do not limit yourself in water consumption, but you need to drink in small portions, no more than 100 ml of water per dose.

Workouts without excessive physical activity are very good for nursing mothers - for example, yoga, fitball, Pilates, Pilates ball, Pilates flex, flex and others. These classes, on the one hand, do not contain jumps and elements that injure the chest, and on the other hand, they perfectly strengthen the muscles and help keep the body in good shape. For example, fitball and Pilates ball were developed just for pregnant and lactating women.

The lack of time in the first time after the birth of a baby makes regular workouts in the gym difficult for most mothers. Do not be upset because of this, because sports training can replace other types daily activities that involve physical activity - for example, you can do exercises at home, in the form of a game with a baby, you can go for walks with a sling or with a stroller, and in bad weather walk at a brisk pace across shopping malls together with the child. Now there are even special designs of "sport" strollers for moms who want to quickly walk or run with their babies on walks.

The only thing to remember is that it is better to start active and regular sports when the mother’s body has already fully recovered after childbirth, and the baby can safely do without a mother for 2-3 hours, that is, after 6-7 months.


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Alena Korotkova,
clinical psychologist,
lactation consultant

Alena Lukyanchuk
Psychologist, lactation consultant,
member of ILCA (The International Lactation Consultant Association)

Ekaterina Volkova,
fitness trainer.

Nine months of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth leave their mark not only on the worldview of a woman, but also on her physical condition. An easy pregnancy is a rarity, so most new mothers have experienced all the so-called “charms” of bearing on their own experience. Feeling of heaviness in the legs, pulling pains in the lumbar region, pain in the knee joints after childbirth - these and other symptoms may indicate that a woman has gained not only the joy of motherhood, but also overweight. Naturally, every mom wants to quickly regain her former beauty, dropping overweight. It seems that everything is simple, because it is enough to go on a diet and start visiting Gym in order, as before, to catch enthusiastic male glances. Yes, if not for one "but" - breast-feeding, in which this method of losing weight is contraindicated.

Is sports allowed while breastfeeding? How does exercise affect breast milk? What sports are allowed during lactation? It's about not about professional athletes who are forced to sacrifice precious breastfeeding for the sake of a career. These questions are most often ordinary women for whom the main problem after childbirth is overweight. With the answers to these and other questions, losing weight while breastfeeding is not at all difficult.

Sports while breastfeeding. When to start?

According to the recommendations of experts, some physical exercises can be started the very next day after childbirth. However, one must first evaluate general state women, take into account the course of pregnancy, the presence or absence of postpartum complications. If the birth went well, a few simple exercises will not only do no harm, but will also help to quickly restore the tone of the abdominal muscles. In cases where childbirth was pathological and with physical activity there is a risk of bleeding, it is better to refrain from doing exercises. Therefore, playing sports while breastfeeding, for example, after surgery caesarean section, are admissible not earlier than in two months.

Sports while breastfeeding. Basic principles.

Any physical exercise performed after childbirth should be enjoyable. If the sport during breastfeeding takes away the last strength, then it is necessary to reduce the load or completely stop exercising for a while. Bad mood and fatigue of the mother negatively affect lactation, reducing the daily volume of breast milk.

During exercise, lactic acid is produced in the muscles, which penetrates into breast milk. Some experts argue that lactic acid can change the taste of breast milk, which may cause a child to refuse to eat. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to play sports during lactation immediately after feeding or 1.5 hours before the next breastfeeding.

You need to start playing sports during lactation with exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, which during pregnancy have become flabby and stretched. An elastic press will reduce the load on the muscles in the lumbar region, and will also help the uterus contract faster and acquire its former size. As early as two weeks after giving birth, you can increase the number of exercises for the abdomen and add squats, bends and turns to them.

Sports during breastfeeding should be measured, as too intense loads harm the health of a nursing mother. You should also not get carried away with power loads, because the main goal of training is not to gain muscle mass, but to restore tone and elasticity.

Sports during breastfeeding are dangerous because during training a woman's body loses a large number of liquids, which can affect the volume of breast milk. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to fluid intake during physical exertion. Going to training, you should take a bottle with you clean water and drink no more than 100 ml at a time, in small sips.

What sports are best for breastfeeding?

Walking.The easiest and most affordable sport for breastfeeding. Walking tones cardiovascular system, speeds up the metabolism, and therefore, promotes the burning of accumulated body fat. Hiking with a stroller is not only useful, but also a pleasant experience.

Swimming.Swimming is good for absolutely everyone, and nursing mothers are by no means an exception. During swimming, almost all muscle groups are involved, while the load on the spine and joints remains minimal. Swimming tones muscles, promotes the breakdown of fat cells, which means it fights cellulite.

Yoga.Yoga classes differ from all other sports in that each exercise is performed smoothly and measuredly. Being in harmony with oneself, during yoga classes, complete relaxation occurs, mood rises, muscle tone rises. Yoga can be practiced both in the gym and at home.

Shaping, aerobics. Practicing such sports while breastfeeding is suitable for active mothers. Exercises can be performed in a fitness club or at home. All you need is fun and energetic music, a gym mat and a pair of small dumbbells.

In addition, when playing sports during breastfeeding, you can use a hoop that will help return the wasp waist, as well as fitball - a large ball that allows you to keep all the muscles in good shape at any convenient time.

The question of how sports affect the quantity and quality of breast milk has been studied in sufficient detail. So, in 2000, studies were conducted in the UK, in which two groups of nursing mothers, whose weight exceeded the norm, took part, in each group there were 20 people. The first group of women adhered to a diet and performed a prescribed set of physical exercises daily, the second did not adhere to food restrictions and did not exercise. As a result, after 10 weeks, the first group lost an average of 4.5 kg of weight without a decrease in the amount of milk produced, women in the second group also lost weight, but on average this figure was only 900 g.

Such experiments were also carried out, during which the volumes and composition of milk were compared in women of the control group, performing aerobic exercises 5 days a week for 12 weeks, and those who refused to exercise. No differences in chemical composition, volume or level of prolactin between nursing mothers of these two groups was not found.

Moreover, in 1998, the American medical scientist A. Fly obtained evidence that even intense physical exercise is in no way able to affect or change the content of essential minerals in breast milk. The concentration of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium remained unchanged in those mothers who went on this experiment.

How to exercise while breastfeeding

Physical activity should not be intense - swimming, yoga, various types of Pilates, designed specifically for this category of women, are suitable for nursing mothers. The main attention should be paid to the right equipment - for training in a sports or gym, you must use a special tight and well-supporting bra. You should protect yourself and especially protect your chest from hypothermia and not run out hot after class immediately into the street.

If you work out regularly, using exercise equipment, control your weight so that it does not lose it too quickly - 1-2 kg per month is enough. And you should not feel hungry, do not forget that your first task is to provide the baby with the amount of milk necessary for his growth and development.

Even when you don’t have time to go to the gym or swimming pool, work out at home or turn a walk with your baby into an activity by choosing routes that are difficult in terms of terrain and changing the speed of movement. Evidence confirms that mothers who exercised while breastfeeding experienced little to no postpartum depression.

Many mothers are wondering if it is possible to play sports while breastfeeding, because, having been discharged from the hospital, they want to return their former form. If you approach the issue of playing sports wisely, then you can train. What sport is suitable for breastfeeding mothers? Will lactation be harmful? Let's talk.

You are getting used to a new role for yourself - a young mother. But besides the fact that now the interests of the child are in the first place for you, you should not forget about your desires. After pregnancy, excess weight appears in everyone. Lactation contributes to the active burning of fat cells, in addition, caring for a baby requires a lot of strength and energy, so there is a high probability that you will soon return to your previous shape. But what if you want to get rid of extra pounds right now? Can I exercise while breastfeeding? Lactation is not a hindrance to sports, you just need to choose the right set of exercises. If you were friends with sports even before pregnancy, then you can resume classes as early as two weeks after giving birth, when the discharge decreases. This is about simple exercises(gymnastics), it is important to understand that heavy physical activity is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

In case of caesarean section and severe tears due to sports, you should consult a gynecologist.

Sports cannot harm breastfeeding if you are not fanatically chasing results, but try to listen to your body. If you feel unwell, classes should be stopped and resumed only after the permission of the doctor. You need to choose the right sport: for example, physical exercises using dumbbells or any other weights while breastfeeding are strictly prohibited.

Running while breastfeeding

Running is the most popular sport with which the fair sex is trying to lose weight, but when breastfeeding, it is better to refuse jogging at first. Running takes a lot of strength and energy, which can affect the amount of milk. In addition, if the process is not properly organized, this can negatively affect women's health: for example, provoke bleeding.

When can a young mother run while breastfeeding and is it worth doing at all? If before pregnancy you were regularly engaged in running, childbirth went without complications, and your bleeding ended, then you can resume training three months after discharge from the hospital. Please consult with your gynecologist first. If you led an unsportsmanlike lifestyle before giving birth, then the idea of ​​jogging should be abandoned in the first six months after the birth of the baby. If you plan to breastfeed for as long as possible, make sure you get your jogging schedule right or your milk may disappear. It is desirable that the first classes take place under the guidance of a trainer.

Walking can be an alternative to running. You don’t even need to find time for classes: walking every day with your baby, you already walk a lot. For faster results, increase the distance you walk with your stroller.

Fitness while breastfeeding

Is it possible to actively engage in fitness while breastfeeding? This sport can be called optimal during lactation. A prime example the fact that fitness is not dangerous for nursing mothers is Cindy Crawford. fashion model in maternity leave all your own free time devoted to fitness, and soon showed the world her amazing shape. She even created special program classes, which helps to effectively lose weight after childbirth.

When choosing fitness, you should remember that when breastfeeding, it is important to monitor exercise and sweating, drink enough water. Choose the exercises that suit you. Many of them can be performed even with a child in your arms: for example, a baby will like exercises on a fitball.

After childbirth, the physical condition of a woman changes. It rarely happens when pregnancy passes without heaviness in the legs, back, lower back, without pain in the knees. Many women complain about the extra weight they gained during pregnancy. But I want to have a fit beautiful body! Some women think that exercising while breastfeeding will solve the problem excess weight and help you get a slim figure. It turns out that sports during breastfeeding are contraindicated for women. But don't get discouraged ahead of time. Can also be used while breastfeeding.

Doctors recommend that women start exercising even a couple of days after giving birth. Of course, if there was no cesarean section, the general condition of the woman is satisfactory and there are no consequences after childbirth. In this regard, it is better to consult with a specialist right in the hospital. If you can exercise, you are ready to include sports during breastfeeding in your lifestyle, then some exercises immediately after childbirth will have a positive effect on restoring the tone of the abdominal muscles. After all, during pregnancy they become lethargic and stretch. A good press will help the uterus shrink faster to its previous size. Half a month after childbirth, you can perform turns and tilts of the body, squat.

During breastfeeding, sports should be enjoyable. If you experience discomfort, then you need to reduce the load or refrain from exercising for a while. Remember that you need to maintain good lactation, so avoid fatigue, which reduces the daily volume of milk. It is better if you go in for sports right after putting the baby to the breast. Or - an hour and a half before the next feeding. The point is that in the muscles exercise lactic acid is produced, which passes into milk. And his taste may change. The child may refuse to eat.

Sports during breastfeeding should be controlled

Large loads can only harm a woman who is breastfeeding. Strength exercises should be performed carefully, but it is better to do exercises during breastfeeding that will help restore the tone and elasticity of the body, and not gain muscle mass. Is it safe to exercise while breastfeeding? Can. Do not forget to control the fluid in the body, which during training in the body of a woman is lost a lot. And this can adversely affect the volume of breast milk. While exercising, drink plenty of water.

When you are breastfeeding, the most accessible for you is walking, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. When walking, the metabolism accelerates, and all the excess is removed from the body of a woman faster. When breastfeeding, a woman can go swimming. Do not hurt yoga, which you can do yourself even at home. Active women during breastfeeding can afford aerobics and shaping to energetic music. For classes, you can use dumbbells and a hoop. You can also exercise on a fitball - a large ball. But from running, jumping and large power loads, which require considerable energy costs, it is better for a nursing mother to refuse so as not to injure the mammary gland.

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