Can the girls. Why don't girls have Adam's apple? Strange phone calls and messages

It happens that a guy starts to notice his beloved strange behavior. And he starts to get suspicious is the girl cheating on him. What signs may indicate a girl's betrayal and from what motives she can do this, now we'll figure it out.

The reason guys cheat in most cases is to get new emotions. The male sex is polygamous by nature, no matter what anyone says. And when a guy lives for a long time or meets with the same girl, there is a desire for novelty. Even if his intimate life satisfied with a permanent partner.

Girls are somewhat different. They will not look for something on the side "just like that", unlike men. If there is intimacy with a regular partner, then in most cases she will not have the desire to look for someone new.

But, this is a topic for a separate article. And now we will analyze the main points by which you can find out if a girl is cheating on you.

How to know if a girl is cheating?

She began to take special care of her appearance.

I started to spend more time applying makeup, preening more, began to wear revealing clothes, constantly waxing ... the list goes on. But the meaning is the same: what or who became the stimulus for such actions?

Strange phone calls and messages

She makes sure that you do not hear what she is talking about on the phone. Or simply hangs up the call, so that later in your absence they call back. The same can be messages: sms or messenger. Many guys just take a girl's phone without her knowing and check incoming calls and messages. On the one hand, this is a real way to find out the truth, although not one hundred percent. But to be honest, I don't like this method at all. Every person has a right to privacy. And the telephone is such a thing where it can be stored very personal information, and in a variety of ways. Therefore, it is not worth climbing other people's phones without asking). Follow the same approach for girls. How to behave in such situations will be written at the end of the article.

She turns off her phone

To prevent possible unexpected calls and messages, the girl simply turns off her cell phone. If you suspect this, tell her you don't know where you put your phone and have her dial it. If she starts to fuss or explain something inappropriately, ask why she turned off her cell phone. In general, the telephone best resource to understand the girl's behavior.

She has a weak desire for intimacy with you.

If earlier “this” happened between you almost every day, and in a short period of time the interval became much longer, then you should think about it. Perhaps the girl has someone on the side, and the attraction to you has plummeted. She can come up with excuses for feeling unwell, tired, lack of time, etc.

She pays special attention to you

This may be due to the fact that the girl cheated once on emotions, and she had a feeling of guilt. Therefore, in order to prove to herself that you are her only beloved, she subconsciously can do some things that are unusual for her. For example, complimenting you, being very gentle, and the like.

She stays late at work or school

If a girl is dating another guy, then the time spent with him needs to be hidden somehow. Therefore, she says that at work there is a blockage, she has to stay longer. Similarly, in the case of studies: preparation of a term paper, participation in some events, etc. If this happens regularly, and this is followed by various explanations - a reason to think.

What to do if you suspect that a girl is cheating

Talk to her calmly and confidently. Say that you have such concerns. Explain where they came from.

Good relationships are based not on scandals and jealousy, but on trust. If it turns out that the partner did not justify the trust, they are destroyed. this is for a girl: if she is deceiving you, and you find out for sure, she will not see you again.

There are frequent cases when young man he likes a girl, but he wonders if she is free. Of course, a well-bred lady herself will let you know that she has a gentleman. However, many young men want to invite a person they like on a date without asking about her marital status directly. How to do it right? Fortune telling on coffee grounds? Let's try to figure it out together. Let's single out effective ways to help you find out if a girl has a boyfriend. So let's get started.

Method number 1. Watch the girl's behavior

Pay attention to the look. Free young ladies are constantly on the lookout, their eyes run like lights from one person to another. Going into fixed-route taxi or bus, single girls stare at guys. They also want to please young people, so they often straighten their hair or fiddle with the hem of their skirt. A more cunning person will instantly determine financial condition and even marital status, eating with the eyes of a gentleman who she liked.

Free girls visit nightclubs and discos in the hope of finding themselves "prey" for the evening. As a rule, such young ladies come in company with friends, hiding behind the fact that they want to be in the circle of friends. In fact, the girl is looking for a gentleman with whom you can party all night until you drop in wild dances on the bar counter. In places of entertainment, ladies have fun on to the fullest, attracting the attention of the opposite sex. Guys can't take their eyes off these girls.

A girl who doesn't have a boyfriend is always trying to look sexy. She wears a miniskirt, a low-cut blouse, a crop top, high heels etc. Such attributes attract the male half of humanity, and young ladies use it in every possible way. Also, free girls often go with extended nails, periodically repainting them in bright colors.

Free girls look after their appearance, look well-groomed, track the latest in the fashion world. They regularly change their wardrobe, because they do not save on themselves. A married lady, on the other hand, tries to look neat for only one man, for this reason, busy people neglect elementary personal care, wanting to save family budget. However, you should be careful about correct compilation portrait. There are often situations when lonely young ladies do not pursue the goal of standing out from the gray mass.

Method number 2. Check out her social media page

In the age of technological progress, it is rare to meet a person who is not registered in at least one social network. Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and many other communities lure thousands of users into their networks every day. Of course, among them are young girls who are in a hurry to post their own pictures or repost a record.

To understand if a lady has a boyfriend, just visit her page, studying the pictures and statuses. It is also worth paying attention to the column "Marital status", as a rule, in it you can find the notes "in love", "in active search”, “married / not married”, etc.

Rate the wall and information "About Me", many ladies are in a hurry to talk about high love around the world. Busy young ladies usually post statuses like “Is it possible to love more? I can't imagine my life without his hands, eyes and soft lips." As for singles, they either sneer or copy vanilla statuses like “I want to fall in love again in order to experience the first moments of round-the-clock communication via SMS ...” or “I will get married. Does anybody want?".

The phrases listed are a drop in the ocean of what young ladies repost on their wall. Start from this, there is no need to invent a bicycle when everything is simple and transparent. In cases where you are in doubt whether the girl is busy or not, add her as a friend with the phrase "Let's get acquainted, beauty?". The young lady's reaction will speak for itself.

Method number 3. Ask directly

When a guy meets a girl, strong half humanity wants to know how free a beautiful lady is. Experienced psychologists recommend communicating sincerely from the first day, otherwise questions will accumulate, casting doubt on further relationships.

Before asking a specific question regarding the availability of a gentleman beautiful lady, tell the girl that you yourself are in search and do not have a half on the side. Such a move will place her, not making her doubt the sincerity of her intentions. You can "appease" the young lady by making a couple of compliments regarding the manner of communication, behavior or appearance.

After laying the foundation, ask "Tell me please, do you have a boyfriend?". If the lady answers no, invite her on a date. In the case of a positive answer, do not rush to accept it, perhaps the beautiful young lady is disingenuous. Ask the question again more openly, insist on honesty.

  1. Most guys try to appear cool (show off) or indifferent when they find out that a girl already has a partner. Such a move only repels the beautiful half, you do not need to do this. Continue communication as usual, do not panic, do not be sarcastic, accept her choice.
  2. If you are sure that the lady has a boyfriend, but she is torn between the two of you, try to win over the girl to you. Court, talk about taboo topics (sex, family, etc.), get into the soul, but not too deeply.
  3. Do not ask questions regarding the marital status of the young lady, being in public. Firstly, the lady will not be able to fully relax and will automatically close. Secondly, you do not need to devote society to your personal life.

Don't lose confidence. Even if you guess that the young lady is not free, go ahead. Ask a question directly, demand an honest answer. Climb the page on social networks, observe the behavior, look, appearance.

Video: how to find out if a girl loves

How to understand that a girl is a virgin? This question is sometimes asked by men when they have doubts about new passion. Now let's take a closer look at this topic.

For any girl with the advent of maturity, a very important topic is the loss of innocence. Each young lady perceives this sensitive topic in her own way. There are many fears and myths associated with the loss of virginity. Every woman has a hymen. It is needed to prevent infection from the external environment from entering the vagina.


How to identify a virgin by behavior? After all, they often hide it from men, afraid to admit it. So how do you know if a girl is a virgin? You can find out about this if you analyze the behavior of a partner during a date:

  • Men can use the main trick by asking a girl about an intimate topic. Although there are some people who get out with dexterity and easily talk about it. Therefore, it will be difficult to bring them to clean water.
  • You can, of course, directly ask the question of whether the girl is a virgin, and carefully observe her at this moment. Some at the same time begin to stray during the answer, they have a slight blush on their faces.
  • There is another way to find out if a girl is a virgin or not - touch her or kiss her. Often, innocent ladies feel insecure or even fearful, which makes them feel uncomfortable and provokes tightness in communication. Such behavior, as a rule, allows the guy to guess the true answer to the question.

Virgin or experienced?

In search of their only woman, many men want an innocent girl so that she gets her first experience with him. It should be said that in our time it is quite difficult. Indeed, modern young ladies do not consider innocence to be a special dignity and, without regret, say goodbye to their virginity or are in no hurry to tell the guy about this important moment.

At the same time, it is not easy for a young man to find out the true state of affairs, even with a careful and long eye on the girl. In our world, the majority lose their innocence very quickly, before they even reach the age of 18. Nevertheless, a virgin can be recognized by first studying the main features in her communication.

Properly brought up young ladies keep their virginity until the very wedding, thereby intriguing their man, and only after marriage they lose her with her beloved.

First sexual experience: some important points

Often a guy does not even know that he is dating a virgin. When will it come to sexual relations, at the very last moment he may discover that the girl turned out to be a virgin. And she herself can admit this both before the moment of sex, and after it.

Although during intercourse, experienced men can expose the girl's innocence. After all, the loss of virginity for her is not the most pleasant feeling. By the way, before this event, doctors recommend the young lady to go to a specialist and consult with him.

As a rule, with a relaxed state during sex, pain is reduced. The better a virgin relaxes, the less discomfort she will feel. At this point, the hymen will become more pliable and, as a result, the process of defloration (rupture of the hymen) will be almost painless.

Much at this moment depends on the man. Foreplay, for example, must be present, as this helps the girl to completely relax and trust her lover. But it must be remembered that excessive caresses during intercourse can also increase pain for a woman.

After the first intimacy, you should have sex only after a certain time. The girl should feel this moment herself, but doctors recommend waiting two weeks.

We determine during intimacy: what you need to pay attention to

Many guys wonder - how to find out if a girl is a virgin or not during intimacy? After all, girls, as we have said, can hide their innocence in front of their man. And when it comes to intimacy, he begins to notice that instead of pleasure, the partner tenses up and squeezes him more and more. By the way, many girls after the first sexual intercourse on the bed remain bloody issues. This sign also allows you to guess the virginity of the partner.

After sexual intercourse, tears appear on the hymen. But over time, they scar, and the girl no longer experiences discomfort during intimacy and lives a full life.

Who are virgins?

As it is easy to understand from what has been said, virgins are ordinary girls who have not had sexual contact with a guy. For men, of course, this is a big plus. After all, any of them is an owner by nature and dreams that his woman has one sexual partner, which he will be. That is why many young guys who are starting to date are interested in this question, and they begin to find out whether a girl is a virgin or not.

When confirming that their lady is innocent, the young men begin to experience a more reverent attitude towards their beloved, thereby trying to awaken a more sensual attitude towards themselves from the chosen one.

All in all, young girls who have not yet had sexual contact can be recognized both by the manner of communication with the opposite sex (some tightness, stiffness, insecurity), and by behavior during intercourse. If the guys figure it out, they can become real experts and unravel all the secrets of innocent people.

A small conclusion

Now, how to find out if a girl is a virgin or not, as well as how to behave better with an innocent person, is not a problem for you. We hope that our advice will help you in life. We wish you good luck and lots of love!

It's hard to tell from the outside. After all, a modestly dressed person can turn out to be a desperate debauchee, and a bright sexy beauty can be timid and innocent. The stronger sex has always been interested in the question of whether a guy can understand that a girl is a virgin or not. In fact, there are signs that dispel doubts in this area. However, they cannot guarantee a 100% accurate result either.

Dressing style

Usually innocent people have little understanding of what sexuality is. Therefore, there is no purposeful seductiveness in the manner of dressing, even if she chooses bright and defiant images. How to understand that a girl is a virgin in clothes?


An accidentally overheard conversation with her friends is considered informative. It is important to pay attention to what she says about herself. This can give a direct answer to the question of how to understand whether a girl has lost her innocence, but do not rush.

Many young ladies like to brag about imaginary love victories, but you should not believe these words.

Here are some indirect signs.

Of course, these are not all signs. And to accurately determine the presence of innocence is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to turn on intuition and correctly analyze the information received.

By secret…

Probably every girl is faced with the problem of overweight? Indeed, sometimes it is not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, remove the sides or stomach. Diets do not help, there is no strength and desire to go to the gym, or it does not bring tangible results.

Anatoly Kovpak

Practicing psychologist of the highest category, specialist in family counseling and personal growth. Experience 22 years.

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Exists certain type men who prefer their girlfriend to be innocent. However, it is rather difficult to determine this, guided by observation alone, and the other half herself may also be in no hurry to tell the truth. Nevertheless, you can still guess that you have a virgin in front of you.

Pay attention to how the girl behaves in communication. There is an opinion that


- much more modest. When talking with a man, they often blush, do not always immediately find mutual language, provide initiative

And yet it is not always clear sign: some girls behave differently on purpose to please their companion.

Try to start a conversation about previous relationships With girl. Ask if she had men before you, how long she dated, etc. Usually virgins try to avoid such conversations and answer questions indistinctly. Sometimes they even compose love stories However, if you wish, you can find a lot of far-fetched and even naive in them.

Look at how the girl behaves if you try to touch her, hug her, or kiss her. An inexperienced and innocent girl behaves very stiffly at such moments, and this suggests that she previously did not let men get too close to her.

Invite a girl to spend the evening at your place or at her house (if you've been dating for a while) and look at her reaction. If she


He may be afraid of such an offer. If she nevertheless agreed, try moving on to more intimate caresses - while kissing, touch her breasts, run your hands over her body, etc. Even if the girl used to behave quite normally, she may begin to show noticeable awkwardness and even stop you on purpose. This again may speak of her


Contact the girl's friends and girlfriends, if you know them well, and ask them if she had someone before you or not. Usually such information is not hidden, and if you make a good impression on them, the girl's friends will tell the truth about her to help your relationship.

Invite a girl to have sex directly if you've been dating for quite some time. Tell her that you have feelings for her and want to become even closer. If she also likes you, and the moment is right, she is unlikely to refuse. However, if before that the girl had no one, she can still admit it herself, because she experiences great excitement before such an important moment.

One of the most scary horrors any girl is a betrayal of a loved one. What to do if the seed of doubt is still sown in your soul? The easiest way out, of course, is to ask. However, not every

young woman

decides to do so. Often this happens when the relationship is not yet very strong, and you are afraid to destroy it with doubts. So, if you have been together for a very short time and suspect that


there is one more

young woman

Just take a closer look at him.

You will need

  • You will need a little patience, as well as a little logic and observation.

First, check out his page at

Probably, your opponent will somehow show herself there. Pay special attention to the column "marital status". It is worth being alert if it says “everything is complicated”, “there is

young woman

Look at the photos located on his page, as well as the posts on the wall. If photographs and records are dominated by only one

young woman

That is reason to think.

Pay close attention to phone calls and text messages. If during telephone conversation a young man feels constrained in your presence or generally throws off a challenge, then this is one of the signs of the existence of another

You should also be concerned if

sends a long text message


Without devoting you to its essence.

Get to know him


If a young man does not want to represent you to his company, then this is a reason to be upset. Either he does not take you too seriously, or he is afraid of being caught. In addition, another reason for frustration may be the reluctance to go to public with you.


places: cafes, clubs or cinemas. A young man may simply be afraid that one of his acquaintances will see you together.

If a guy is hiding something, he will definitely show it.

gestures. Remember that liars are afraid to make eye contact and also often have sweaty palms. Often they react negatively to your inquiries or immediately try to change the subject.

Another reason for doubt may be irregular spontaneous meetings. If time passes, and you still meet only occasionally or have never planned a joint vacation, then the young man is not entirely honest with you.


All situations are different. So remember, not caught - not a thief. If you still suspect your boyfriend of cheating, then it's better to talk to him about it directly, and not to cut off your shoulder.

Helpful advice

In addition, treason can be suspected if a young man often does not pick up the phone, turns off the phone, periodically disappears and does not get in touch for several days.

There are many fears associated with the first sex in life. Psychological discomfort is added to the fear of pain. Girls are afraid of the reaction of men to the news that she is still a virgin. The main thing is to choose a man who will help overcome all fears and complexes.

Why are girls afraid to talk about their virginity?

For centuries, society has erected virginity into a cult. Chastity girl for a long time was considered to be her greatest asset. The 20th century brought a sexual revolution that turned many spiritual values ​​upside down. Girls begin to be ashamed of their virginity with the onset of a certain age. This "age limit" exists only in their head, because there are no medical criteria for judging the optimal age for deflowering. It's quite obvious that age to start sexual life- personal choice. Despite this, virgins often suffer from an inferiority complex against the background of more liberated friends.

The main fear that torments “age” virgins is that a man will think that no one needed her before him. In this case, you can appeal to examples of recognized beauties. Sexy singer Jessica Simpson married a virgin at 22. Top model and angel Victoria's Secret Adriana Lima kept her virginity until the age of 27 for her future husband and father of her children. Actress Lisa Kudrow, Phoebe from Friends, also married a virgin, she was 31 on her wedding day. Take your virginity as a virtue, then men will treat it the same way.

Should you tell a guy you're a virgin?

The man with whom you decide to lose your virginity, of course, should know that he will be your first. At least in order to behave more gently and attentively. The fear that a man will run away after hearing about virginity is unfounded. The vast majority of men, on the contrary, will consider it an honor. From the first sex with a woman, whether she is a virgin or not, a man is unlikely to expect sexual experiments. Only if before that he had not seen you in any movie marked “adults only”.

You need to choose the right moment in order to tell the guy about your virginity. The first option is to say in advance.

Naturally, this should not be the first or second date. If you feel that there is a man with whom you are ready to go further than with the rest of the fans, let him know. You can start a conversation by saying that you have never loved anyone so much before that you did not have Serious relationships that you were waiting for that one. A man in love will certainly understand everything correctly. It will help create a relaxing environment for the first night of love. Candles, music, twilight. Alcohol is not allowed. Naturally, not in such quantities that nothing remains in your memory the next morning.

The phrase "And you know, I'm a virgin" can be saved until the most crucial moment. The chances of an aroused man running away, zipping up his pants and leaving you alone to lie back on white sheets, are zero. Just do not frighten him with the words that, as an honest person, he will be obliged to marry after a night of love.

Without intimacy, any relationship loses its sharpness, so the question of how to offer a girl to have sex has always been. Each man has his own proven methods, but it is always good to expand your arsenal of a seducer, so that at the right time there is no choice for the girl. Here are some tips from professional pickup artists.

The best way to propose sex to a girl is when the words "I want to have sex with you" won't sound at all. Experienced seducers offer themselves in the language of omissions and hints, pushing the girl to be the first to start a conversation about sex. Body language is important in this game, which will tell you how ready your passion is to continue in bed.

The neutral zone contributes to rapprochement. Such a place can be a sauna or a bath. This is a good way to covertly invite a girl to have sex. Girls are usually well aware of what is behind the innocent offer to take a steam bath.

Often, girls need to establish emotional contact for looseness. This is facilitated by the intimate atmosphere of a cafe or restaurant. The opportunity to dance allows you to freely probe the girl and establish a closer relationship. Sex in such an environment is always easier to offer.

More compliments. Women love with their ears, so you need to talk about love with them. Compliments can perfectly disguise true intentions and lead the conversation to intimacy with half hints. Just do it subtly and unobtrusively. By the reaction of the girl, you can see how much she is located in this moment to sex.

Experienced seducers always offer sex, paying attention to non-verbal language or sign language. This allows you to avoid rejection, and also introduces an element of the game into communication. Girls often signal themselves whether they are ready to continue the relationship in bed.

Some guys find it much easier to propose first sex to a girl over the phone. This approach has its advantages, since partners behave more liberated and confident without personal contact.

Sometimes a very effective move is to directly offer sex. You just need to immediately be psychologically prepared for failure and quickly win back. Thus the ground is being prepared for further action, because the girl already knows about the intentions of the guy and will build relationships based on this.

An excellent opportunity to immediately offer a girl to have sex is given by social networks. This method is very convenient for those who are embarrassed to talk about intimacy in person, because it is much easier to communicate on the Internet. But there are also disadvantages here, since there are a lot of scammers and fakes on the network.

An invitation to a hotel room or to your home. A great way to immediately hint about subsequent sex. Only this proposal should be preceded by a stage of flirting, when the framework for communication is established. Flirting is probably even more important here, because it is in the process of communication that a girl draws conclusions about how ready she is for bed.


Experience and training are important in matters of love, so the more we communicate with the opposite sex, the easier it is to offer sex to a girl or a guy.

Helpful advice

No matter what future partners do, it is always worth remembering that the best sex is with mutual love. Therefore, to offer intimate relationship worth it when you are sure of a reciprocal interest and you are not afraid of rejection.


How to know if a girl is a virgin

At first glance, it is very difficult to understand whether a girl has a boyfriend or one is free. But if you can talk to her family and friends, notice special signs, or start a conversation with a girl, you'll quickly know the answer to your question. Always treat the girl with respect and don't act weird or she might think you're stalking her. Establish contact and ask a direct question.


Talk to her friends and family

    Be tactful. Talk to her friends and family only if you already know them. If these are new people, then you will need additional time. You should always show respect in a conversation with representatives of the girl’s environment, as this may later affect her attitude towards you.

    • You can also directly and openly state the reason for your curiosity; you need to understand that they can immediately tell her everything or come to their own conclusions and not help you.
    • Don't lie about yourself. Be honest, because if a girl finds out that you have deceived her or people close to her, then your chances of success will melt before your eyes.
  1. Make a good impression. Friends and family are a person's first line of defense, so during a conversation, you need to make every effort to earn sympathy. Don't be rude or clumsy, as they can greatly exaggerate your gaffes.

    • If you have a different social circle, then find common ground that will allow you to become your own. Invite her family and friends over to invite you to a joint event or help you get to know the others.
  2. Be yourself and stay confident. People often recognize pretense. It will take a lot of effort to keep the deception a secret, so don't even try to impersonate a person who will be suitable for the girl in the eyes of her family and friends. Also, she is unlikely to appreciate such a plan and an attempt to get to know her.

    Ask the girl's friends and family if she has a boyfriend. First, your communication with them should reach a level where you do not feel embarrassed for such a question. Take your time, otherwise her family will become defensive, or her friend will think that you started the conversation because you liked her, and in the end you will embarrass her with your question about another girl. Also, do not ask a similar question to the guys from her social circle, as any of them may be her boyfriend.

    • Ask a general and casual question: “Will you tell something about Katya?” So the situation will not seem ambiguous, as if you are interested in a specific purpose.
  3. Find the girl's social media profile. Social media- a convenient way to find out about the marital status of a girl, since they usually indicate the corresponding status. If she's openly indicating she's in a relationship, or just posting a lot of pictures with the same guy, then you can quickly assess your chances.

    • If access to her page is limited, then you can send a friend request. Don't forget to tidy up your page beforehand to make a good impression on it. If you have strange photos, then the girl may doubt whether it is worth answering your questions.
  4. Rate her work. If she's constantly hanging out with friends who don't have boyfriends, then it's highly likely that she isn't in a relationship either. If you don't know what she's up to, just ask, "What are you up to this weekend?" or “What interesting thing happened to you last week?”

    • If you often see her in a bar or club, then this may mean that she is free and does not mind meeting you.
  5. Watch how she interacts with other men. If you see a girl in a bar or club who doesn't really talk to men or go out on the dance floor, then this may mean that she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want to be misunderstood. And vice versa, if she gladly accepts an invitation to dance and communicates with men, then it is likely that the girl is free.

    Eye contact. If in a bar or grocery store if you make eye contact and maintain eye contact, then this may mean that you have attracted attention and the girl is flirting with you. It may also mean that she is not averse to talking to you.

    • Be careful not to stare at the person if the girl looks away or if you think she was looking in your direction by accident.
    • If a girl smiles and maintains eye contact, then chances are she doesn't mind getting to know you.

Follow the conversation

  1. Keep up a casual conversation. Tell about your hobbies or ask what the girl plans to do on the weekends. In this case, she can immediately tell you if she has a boyfriend or one is free. If she has plans with her soulmate, then with a high degree of probability she will tell you about it.

    Invite the girl out for coffee or lunch. It's not exactly a formal date, but it can be considered one. If she is hesitant, then it may mean that she has a boyfriend. If she agrees, then it is possible that she is free and considers such an invitation as a date.

    • It is better to immediately find out how she sees this meeting: as a date or as a friendly conversation. You can ask a random question: “Does your boyfriend mind?”. If a girl is free, then she can smile, and if she is busy, then appreciate your tact and delicacy. In any case, you will make a good impression on her.
  2. Touch. There is a possibility that the girl may recoil, but through touch, a closer connection can be established. Perhaps she just likes to flirt or is extremely shy. Either way, you can just apologize. She can also directly say why she feels awkward (perhaps she has a boyfriend). Touch allows you to say that you want to get closer.

    Pay attention to gestures. If in public place the girl has her arms crossed and does not maintain eye contact, it is possible that she is not interested in talking with you. And if she touches your arm or leg during a conversation, then this is a sign of interest in you.

    Evaluate how open the girl is with you. If she looks very talkative, then you can assume that she is open and friendly, and also constantly takes her time with chores due to the fact that she does not have a boyfriend. For example, if they never mention a guy, but say that they do yoga every day, go to courses French and thinks what else to do with herself, then there is a high probability that she is free.

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