Doctor butchers biography personal life. Alexander Myasnikov: biography and personal life. Do you have a favorite expression?

Alexander Myasnikov is not only a doctor and scientist, but also a popular showman. He has appeared in several television projects and has written more than 10 books on medicine. At the same time, Alexander is practicing in the capital’s clinic.

Dynasty of doctors

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich was born in 1953 into a family of doctors. Before him, 3 generations of men gave their lives to this profession. The boy did not even imagine himself as an engineer or banker. He was always confident that he would continue the family tradition and save human lives.

The boy's great-grandfather was a famous zemstvo doctor. People from all over the Tver province came to him for help. The doctor was at the origins of the opening of the city's first hospital. Alexander's grandfather was not only professional doctor, but also led scientific activity. Alexander Leonidovich Sr. was a famous academician and member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. During the Soviet era, he actively worked to develop tactics for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension.

His scientific data are still used in the medical literature, from which students of medical schools acquire knowledge. Myasnikov Sr. was in a group of doctors who last days Stalin's life helped him.

The boy's father was also a good doctor. He became a professor in medicine, but, unfortunately, died at the age of 45. Mom studied the relationship between a healthy lifestyle and longevity. Olga wrote several books on this topic and instilled in her son the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


The doctor's family had strict rules and regulations. In their dynasty, even the names of men alternate with stubborn constancy. If the father’s name is Leonid, then the eldest son will definitely receive the name Alexander. This tradition has been observed for several generations of men.

The doctor has two medical degrees. First, he graduated from the Institute. Pirogov. Then he studied at the University. L. Myasnikova. He completed his graduate studies there. This educational institution was named after his famous grandfather.

Despite his young age, Alexander successfully defended his dissertation in 1981 ahead of the expected deadline. Then the talented doctor is sent to Africa to accompany a geological expedition. In Mozambique, the young man worked for several hard years in different positions.

In Zambia, a doctor experienced wartime life and saved many lives of wounded civilians and soldiers. Alexander Myasnikov was also the head of a group of doctors in Angola. In total, he spent 8 years in Africa.

Upon returning home, the doctor continued his practice at the All-Union Cardiology Center. Simultaneously with this position, he dealt with medical issues at the International Organization in the migration department.

Career abroad

For 2 years from 1993, Alexander worked in France at the Russian embassy. At this time, the doctor actively collaborates with famous clinics in Paris. In 1996, Myasnikov left for the USA. Here, according to the law, he confirms his medical diploma from the New York Institute. His future career is actively developing.

Despite career, Alexander was madly homesick for his country. He gained sufficient experience and knowledge abroad and returned to Moscow in 2000. Here he opens a private clinic that meets international standards for the provision and level of patient care. In 2009, he became the head physician of the hospital in the Kremlin. He worked here for only a year.

Working on television

Alexander Myasnikov decided to try his hand as a showman. The doctor did not take part in entertainment programs, but hosted programs exclusively related to his profession. As it turned out, he knows how to speak beautifully and correctly and feels free in front of the cameras.

In a short time, television programs with the participation of a doctor become very popular. Hundreds of thousands of spectators carefully listen and watch the doctor’s speeches. All program topics were related to health and descriptions of diseases. Behind him, Alexander already has experience filming and participating in several television shows and radio broadcasts:

  • "Did you call the doctor?" (2007-2012);
  • "Vesti FM";
  • "About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov."

The latest project continues on the Russia 1 TV channel to this day. This program has won many fans. It tells in accessible language about internal structure body and all kinds of diseases.

In the program, Myasnikov’s oral story is replaced by a demonstration educational facts through short videos and stories. All kinds of graphs and diagrams are often used. To ensure that the program is not boring, it uses stories about experiments and practical advice from various medical specialists.

Alexander Myasnikov, using television, is trying to convey to people the need to visit hospitals if any symptom associated with poor health appears. He wants to increase the percentage of trust and respect for public medicine.

Writing activity

Dr. Myasnikov Alexander wrote more than 10 books. They mainly talk about the prevention of dangerous diseases:

  • cancer;
  • vascular-cardiac;
  • infectious.

In his publications, the doctor tells how you can extend your life and fight the most terrible diseases. They also clearly show the connection between a healthy lifestyle and longevity.

In his books, Myasnikov presents ideas in accessible language, without large quantity correct terms and names of drugs. Therefore, the doctor won the hearts of millions of readers. The publications tell how to live a long and healthy life in conditions modern world and our level of medicine.

One of the most popular books is “How to Live Beyond 50: An Honest Conversation with Your Doctor about Drugs and Medicine.” It easily conveys the idea that one thing is better than any piece of sausage physical exercise. The author ironically discusses lifestyle modern people and gives tips on how to correct the situation.

Alexander Myasnikov: wife

The doctor is constant in personal relationships. He has lived with his wife for more than 30 years. This is his second marriage. The current wife was the reason for Myasnikov’s breakup with his first wife. It is known that the doctor met his second wife at another social event. She was accompanied by the groom, and he came with his first wife.

After this meeting, Alexander realized that his marriage was crumbling and he was in love with the girl from the party. A few months later, the doctor divorced and proposed to his current life partner. Now they practically never separate. His wife accompanies him on all his trips abroad. She started a business with him and supports him in everything.

The couple does not advertise their relationship and find a photo or detailed information about personal life is almost impossible. Married couple raises his son Leonid.

Alexander Myasnikov: children

Alexander has a son. Leonid is currently studying in France and plans to connect his future with medicine. He will certainly continue the work of all the men in the dynasty.

WITH early childhood the boy was interested in medical literature and enthusiastically read the publications of his great-grandfather and father. Leonid studies well and spends a lot of time doing his homework.

Seeing your son as a successful doctor is a dream in which Alexander Myasnikov believes. The family often spends time together, they especially love gatherings at fresh air at his dacha near Moscow.

The doctor claims that the main reason for the increase in the percentage of diseases of cardio-vascular system- this is tobacco. Yes, smoking in our time can drive young people to a hospital bed and even to the grave.

Alexander also claims that daily consumption of half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits per day will help the heart muscle work much better and more smoothly. And limiting salt in the diet will help get rid of hypertension or mitigate its course.

The doctor claims that a person who moves a lot lives 5-10 years longer than his opposite. You should also avoid stress and not become depressed. Morning exercises for 5-10 minutes will help get rid of such unpleasant diagnoses.

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity

According to Myasnikov’s advice, the emphasis in the diet should be on vegetables and fruits. It should also contain natural meat and seafood. IN summer time The doctor advises eating as many greens as possible.

Sausages can be consumed very rarely and only good quality. It is much healthier to eat a piece of boiled or baked meat. Alexander is also an opponent of all sorts of modern inventions of food manufacturers. That is, artificial condiments and snacks harmful products strictly contraindicated for use by people of any age.

Oddly enough, just one clove of garlic eaten a day will help you forget about hypertension for many years. Nuts and dark chocolate are also very healthy. These foods contain flavonoids and help strengthen the heart muscle.

The doctor focuses on controlling your weight. After all, obesity leads to hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. In his works, Myasnikov describes in detail the effect of each product on a particular organ, both positive and negative.

Alexander Myasnikov is a hereditary doctor; the medical history of his family goes back four generations. A doctor on television, Myasnikov is a wonderful doctor in real life.

Myasnikov has a trusting appearance and valuable knowledge and experience, thanks to which he became the host of the “About the Most Important” program. The program has become one of the most popular, partly due to the personality of the presenter, partly due to valuable advice.

Myasnikov works as the chief physician of the 71st hospital. As for his personal life, Alexander carefully stores information about it, trying to avoid any manifestations of publicity.

Alexander Myasnikov: the secret of longevity

When it comes to the life of hereditary doctors, it is always interesting what their diet is, what they actually use to maintain health and for long years. In reality, the famous doctor is faithful to his own recipes for youth. Every day he eats a kilogram of vegetables and half a kilo of fruits, and tries to drink more fluids. If possible, he excludes red meat from the menu, but treats coffee drinks with special reverence. Alexander drinks coffee without any restrictions and believes that bad habit turns out to be beneficial, because coffee can protect against liver cancer and save from myocardial infarction.

The doctor also treats everything related to the bathhouse with respect, considering its visit necessary for relaxation and cleansing of the body.

Myasnikov is characterized by an active lifestyle; in his free time, he enjoys hunting in friendly company.

Wife of Alexander Myasnikov

Calm did not always reign on the love front of the popular doctor; there were also shocks.

The story of meeting his current wife Natalya is similar to the plot from interesting novel. They met at one of the social events, as in that song “Vernissage”. Myasnikov came with his wife, and Natalya came with her groom, whose wedding was, as they say, on the horizon.

When their eyes met, Natalya and Alexander experienced a strong feeling, soon after which Myasnikov divorced, and Natalya called off the wedding.

Today, Alexander and Natalya have been married for forty years, and according to them, they are absolutely happy.

The couple tries to be together on various occasions, be it business trips, social gatherings or get-togethers with friends. Spouses vacation exclusively together, as well as travel for business purposes.

In an interview, Dr. Myasnikov claims that he became a popular doctor only thanks to his wife, who supported him during difficult periods in his life.

Natalya literally directed her husband’s career in the right direction, bringing it to a television program. At the same time, she herself worked at TASS.

Children of Alexander Myasnikov

During their marriage, Alexander and Natalya had one child; the boy was named Leonid, like Alexander’s Grandfather. This is a late child, during which the wife went through various health trials. The couple has no other children.

The birth of Leonid became a true gift for the popular doctor and prompted him to compile a detailed family tree. It is interesting that the first doctor was Alexander’s great-great-grandfather, who served as a zemstvo doctor and enjoyed great respect among the villagers.

Today, Leonid is studying in France and dreams of continuing his medical dynasty.

Doctor Myasnikov: biography

The detailed biography of Alexander Myasnikov is interesting and full of events and medical successes in his career.

Myasnikov has two diplomas from medical institutes. His career began with an internship at the Institute of Cardiology, named after his grandfather, after which he successfully defended his personal Ph.D. thesis and went to Mozambique as a doctor in a group of geologists.

Afterwards, he became a prominent consultant to specialists supervising members of the government in Angola.

Returning to Moscow, he took the position of cardiologist, and at the same time was elected as a medical employee of the department at the International Organization related to Migration.

In 1996, Alexander fulfilled his planned dream, receiving a diploma from a medical university in New York, and the American Committee on Medicine, with due honors, awarded Myasnikov the proud title of a doctor of the highest category.

After New York, the eminent doctor returned to Moscow again, where he was offered the position of chief physician of the Kremlin hospital. Perhaps this is the most deafening page in the doctor’s biography. He held this position during 2009 and 2010.

Was born:

Dr. Myasnikov is a successful doctor, the author of many books, thanks to which he has become popular in the Russian Federation, and his biography, facts about his family and the presence of his wife arouse curiosity among patients. It would seem that an outstanding doctor devotes free time exclusively for work. But it is not so. Alexander Leonidovich has other hobbies, and main value for a doctor it is family and children.

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov

Becoming a physician

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov was born on September 15, 1953 in a family of medical scientists. His parents, who held high positions, were practicing doctors in Leningrad, and instilled in their son a love for the art of healing patients.

After receiving secondary education, young Leonid went to Moscow, where he entered the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov. Then, from 1976 to 1981, he completed residency and postgraduate studies at the institute clinical cardiology named after his grandfather L. Ya. Myasnikov, where he defended his first candidate and doctorate. The grandson of a famous Moscow physician and academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, a specialist in cardiovascular pathology and a member of the Presidium of the Academy of Medical Sciences, decided to follow in the footsteps of his relative.

Alexander Myasnikov in his youth

Wanting to gain practical experience, Alexander Leonidovich went to People's Republic Mozambique, where he worked as a physician among a group of geologists. Dr. Myasnikov’s biography developed quite successfully, and the family was proud that the dynasty of doctors continued before his wife appeared in his life. But the successful physician was lucky to meet a woman who was able to understand and support her husband in his endeavors without interfering with his career development.

Travel in Africa

Working in a country where healing is treated differently and medicine is developing at a slow pace, Myasnikov decided not to return to Russia. During this period of time, military operations were taking place on the territory of Mozambique, and the Russian doctor worked not only as a therapist, but also as a practicing surgeon. When the geological expedition came to an end, Alexander Leonidovich went to South Africa.

Dr. Myasnikov gained good experience while in Africa as part of a scientific expedition

Since 1983, Myasnikov has been working as a doctor. general practice in Angola, while also assisting with patient care in small towns. He also conducts consultations for local doctors, acting as the head physician at the Prenda Hospital. Alexander Leonidovich decided to return home only in 1989, taking the post of leading specialist in the field of cardiology.

Career abroad

Having received an invitation to the National Medical Research Center for Cardiology under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Dr. Myasnikov holds the position of cardiologist. From 1989 to 1993, the doctor worked in one of the leading centers in the country, gaining practical experience and researching complex diseases. This becomes an excellent incentive to create your own unique methods of treating complex patients. Myasnikov also holds the position of doctor in the Medical Migration Service.

Alexander Myasnikov practiced in African countries for a long time

Then, from 1993 to 1996, Alexander Leonidovich went to Paris, where he worked at the Russian Embassy, ​​gaining practical knowledge in cardiology in collaboration with leading specialists in a foreign country. Since 1996, Myasnikov moved to America, where he received a second diploma as a general practitioner with the right to work abroad and remained in New York until 2000. By the end of his stay in the United States, Alexander Leonidovich passes exams and receives the title of doctor of the highest category. Also becomes a member of the AMA and the American College of Physicians.

Career in the capital of Russia

Returning to Moscow became significant in becoming an experienced and successful specialist. Since 2000, Alexander Leonidovich has held the position of chief physician in his own clinic “Intermedcenter”, where a wide range of services is provided to patients under the compulsory medical insurance policy and on a paid basis.

In Russia, Alexander Myasnikov opened his own clinic

In 2009, Dr. Myasnikov, whose biography is widely known throughout Russia and abroad, and information about his family and the presence of a wife and son is in the public domain, was invited to the Main Medical Institution of the Russian Federation at the Kremlin. There is a leading cardiologist Russian Federation worked until 2010, and then transferred to a regular clinic in Moscow.

Since 2010, Alexander Leonidovich has been working at the City Clinical Hospital named after M.E. Zhadkevich No. 71, holding the position of chief physician. At the same time, he still continues his medical activities at the Intermedcenter.

Alexander Myasnikov - head physician of the City Clinical Hospital named after M.E. Zhadkevich No. 7

Career in media

From 2009 to 2010, Dr. Myasnikov acted as a TV presenter in the program “Did you call the doctor?”, which aired on TVC. Then he conducts a medical section on the radio station “Vesti FM” in the program of Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov. After 2 years, he acts as a presenter in the program “Tell me, Doctor,” which lasted until 2014.

In parallel with medical practice, butchers makes a career in the media

Without taking a long break from his career as a TV presenter, since 2013 Alexander Leonidovich has appeared in his own program on the Russia 1 channel - “About the most important things with Doctor Myasnikov.” A popular doctor is quickly gaining a large audience among various categories citizens and is gaining popularity among patients.

Dr. Myasnikov is the host of the program “About the Most Important Thing”

In his programs, he shows a number of preventive measures to prevent dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system. When talking about how to improve your health, Dr. Myasnikov does not forget to cover such important points like gaps in becoming Russian system healthcare. Not only ordinary citizens, but also officials listen to the recommendations of the leading doctor.

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov reveals many health problems in his literary works. Currently, the cardiologist has 12 books to his name, and other works by a medical writer are being prepared for publication. The doctor touches on the topics of longevity, nutritional rules and the ability to take care of the body by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Personal life and children

Due to the fact that Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov is quite famous person, he prefers not to reveal all the secrets of his personal life. However, giving interviews to popular magazines, the doctor talked about the fact that he was married twice.

Alexander Myasnikov with his wife and son

The doctor met his second wife more than forty years ago and still lives with her in happy marriage. The wife is not only an excellent housewife, but also an interesting companion in cases where Myasnikov goes abroad. In a happy marriage, a son was born, Leonid, who decided to continue his medical practice.

Read biographies of famous Russian athletes

In the last few years, Dr. Myasnikov A.L. Almost every resident of our country knows. First of all, thanks to the popular TV show “About the Most Important Thing.” But only a few are familiar with his biography - after all, as a specialist and professional in his field, Alexander Leonidovich was established long before appearing on television. His biography contained so many events that more than enough for two lives the average citizen of our country.

He was born on September 15, 1953 into an intelligent Leningrad family, in which there were many representatives working in the medical field. Alexander’s grandfather and his full namesake headed the All-Russian Society of Therapists. It is natural that family traditions influenced the choice life path . To enroll, Dr. Myasnikov moves to Moscow and successfully graduates from the Pirogov Moscow Medical Institute. By 1981, he completed graduate school and became a candidate of science at less than 28 years of age.

It would seem that a brilliant career opens up before him, thanks to his extraordinary abilities and family ties Alexander could well have become a major medical official in the Ministry or a large research institute. However, Myasnikov chooses a practice that involves risks to life and health. Almost 10 years Alexander Leonidovich works as a doctor in African countries: Mozambique and Angola.

As he admitted later, youth and the opportunity to make good money outweighed the negative aspects.

Sometimes I had to work on the front line, in an unusual climate, coming into contact with specific local diseases. In parallel with business trips, the future favorite of the television audience works as a cardiologist in Moscow and collaborates with international medical organizations, works at the Russian consulate in France.

But, despite the relative stability in the difficult 90s, Alexander Leonidovich again dramatically changes his destiny. Still, healthy adventurism and ambition prevailed again, just like in my younger years.

In 1996, he moved to the United States, where he continued to study and worked as a regular doctor in hospitals and medical institutions overseas. In four years, he goes through a journey that sometimes takes a decade even for local specialists, and subsequently receives the title of doctor of the highest category.

Doctor Myasnikov - member of the American Medical Association and holds a residency degree from Yale University. However, in 2000, Alexander returned to Russia. According to him, longing for his homeland and family finally takes over.

He devotes the first decade of the 20th century to work in his specialty. The private clinic he opened is extremely popular and employs dozens of specialists, for whom he was able to provide a decent standard of care. wages and social security.

Alexander Leonidovich is also noticed at the very top. In 2009-2010 He head physician of the Kremlin hospital under the Administration of the First Person of the Country. And after that, to this day, he heads the 71st hospital in the capital. The beginning of his radio and television career dates back to this time.

After working as a TV presenter on a number of cable channels and Moscow radio stations, Myasnikov came to the second channel of Russian television in 2013. The program “About the Most Important Thing” with his participation receives a rebirth. This was facilitated such qualities Alexander Leonidovich as:

  • Education and reading;
  • Huge experience;
  • Ability to convey complex terms to a wide audience;
  • Sense of humor;
  • Critical thinking;
  • Accessibility to others;
  • An unconventional approach to solving the problem.

The main format of the program is a kind of dialogue between the doctor and the audience at the screens and in the studio. Each issue is devoted to several medical problems, in addition, Myasnikov does not hesitate to answer questions without prior preparation, which is facilitated by mental acuity and encyclopedic knowledge. The so-called medical consultation has become a very popular event.

Under the guidance of the presenter, experienced doctors diagnosed and prescribed treatment to people who were already desperate to find a way out of the current situation. More than a dozen people, one might say, were saved and now lead full lives.

Today, Alexander Myasnikov is fully occupied in four areas. In medicine as a doctor, TV presenter of a popular show and public figure under the government of Moscow. He is also the author of more than 10 books, accessible to a wide audience thanks to his competent and accessible style of presentation. He was used to coping with huge workloads with help. proper nutrition and physical exercise.

Family plays a significant role in his life. Alexander's wife faithful companion he is already 30 years old. And son Leonid also chose the profession of a doctor.

Alexander Myasnikov is a Russian doctor. He gained popularity among non-professionals after the release of television programs about health, of which he became the host. The doctor gave advice on a healthy lifestyle and treatment of diagnosed diseases. The cardiologist’s competence was not in doubt, since he had vast experience working abroad and extensive medical practice.

Alexander Myasnikov continued the medical dynasty, consisting of his great-grandfather, grandfather and father. The boy was born on September 15, 1953 in Leningrad. Since childhood, he knew what profession he should choose in the future. In the Tver region, in a town called Krasny Kholm, there is still a museum of a family of doctors. In this region, Alexander’s great-grandfather, a zemstvo doctor who was famous for saving human lives, began helping people.

Alexander's father, Leonid Myasnikov, was an academician and member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Working as a cardiologist, he specialized in finding methods for treating cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. Today, students of medical universities study using the materials of Myasnikov Sr.

He is also known for being a member of the medical commission that maintained health and wellness V last years leader's life. Alexander's mother was also involved in medicine. Olga Myasnikova studied the relationship between longevity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. She transmitted her own beliefs to her son.

Realizing how significant the work of his ancestors was, Alexander followed in their footsteps and in 1976 received an education at the Moscow Medical Institute. . The young man completed his residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology.


In 1981, Alexander defended his Ph.D. thesis. Myasnikov was sent to Mozambique as a staff doctor accompanying a team of geologists looking for useful deposits in uncharted lands South Africa. The doctor worked in a state where martial law was declared and fighting. The man saw hardships and hardships, death and injury, and helped people survive.

Young Alexander Myasnikov in Africa

In 1983, he became a practicing physician in the Zambezi province. A year later, the specialist was sent to Angola. Myasnikov was the head of the group assembled by the Prenda government hospital, and served until 1989. The doctor spent 8 years in Africa, after which he returned to his homeland and continued his work at the All-Union Cardiology Center. At the same time, Alexander Myasnikov worked in the migration department international organization, where he dealt with issues related to medicine and health.

In 1993, the doctor was invited to France to work at the Russian embassy. The cardiologist managed to collaborate with Parisian clinics and medical institutions. In 1996, Myasnikov left for the USA to confirm his diploma at a specialized institute in New York. Alexander completed his residency, received the specialization of a general practitioner and in 2000 became the owner of the title of “Doctor of the highest category”, awarded by the American Board of Medicine. So Alexander Myasnikov became a member of the American Medical Association and the College of Physicians.

Over time, the cardiologist began to think about returning to his native country. His biography and roots are connected with Russia, which means it was worth working here. In 2000, Myasnikov became a doctor at the American Medical Center, and then opened a private clinic, where he applied his accumulated experience and skills acquired abroad. The level of service and maintenance here met the highest international standards.

From 2009 to 2010, Alexander was the chief physician of the Kremlin hospital. During the same period, the doctor decided to try to share knowledge from TV screens.

Television and books

The main principle in Alexander Myasnikov’s television activities was participation not in entertainment shows, but in useful programs where he could share his experience. The doctor had enough oratory skills, and the camera constantly caught successful shots, so the very first broadcasts of the program “Did you call the doctor?” proved popular with the public. The main topic The program became health, a description of diseases and ways of treating them. Myasnikov’s authoritative opinion attracted a large audience to the show.

The specialist also broadcast on the Vesti FM channel and the TV show “About the Most Important Thing with Doctor Myasnikov,” broadcast by the Rossiya 1 channel. In the latter, advice and stories were replaced by visual media material, so viewers did not have to get bored, and the program turned out to be in demand.

Alexander Myasnikov gives recommendations to patients through the media, and is also the author of books about medicine. The doctor wrote some of them in collaboration with his grandfather. You can now purchase collections and individual works in literature stores.

Personal life

Being a media personality, Alexander Myasnikov tries not to make his personal life public. The doctor proudly talks about relatives who have made a significant contribution to domestic medicine, but tries to leave family everyday life behind the scenes.

The doctor combines medical activities with caring for his family. He has a beloved wife and children. In his youth, Myasnikov’s first marriage took place, but the union of young people did not work out, since the man fell in love with another and decided to make radical changes in life. Today, the doctor’s wife Natalya accompanies him on business trips and on vacation.

The woman has a diploma from the Institute of History and Archives and was a former TASS employee. The common son of Alexander and Natalya is named Leonid in honor of his grandfather. The young man studies in France and, like his father, plans to develop in the medical field. Myasnikov periodically publishes photos with loved ones on his personal account. "Instagram".

Alexander Myasnikov's hobbies include hunting, sports and bathhouse. Following the recommendations that he gives to his patients, the doctor himself leads a healthy lifestyle.

Alexander Myasnikov now

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov – chief physician of the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 71 named after. M.E. Zhadkevich. It consists of Public Council at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and in the Public Chamber of Moscow. In 2017, Alexander Myasnikov was solemnly awarded the title “Honored Doctor of Moscow.”

Alexander Myasnikov in the program “The Fate of Man”

Fans of the doctor's oratorical talent watch him on a regular television show. In October 2018, the program “The Fate of a Man” was broadcast, dedicated to the biography and activities of the cardiologist.

Now there is an official website of Alexander Myasnikov on the Internet, where you can find his books and read short biography, watch recorded TV shows and make an appointment.


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