Lose weight through proper nutrition. Proper nutrition for weight loss, practical advice. Burn muscle and gain fat

The main ways to treat overweight and obesity include following a diet high in fiber, vitamins and other biologically active components, limiting the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as physical exercise.

Diet table number 8, recommended for obese people, is aimed specifically at reducing subcutaneous fat and improving metabolism. Note that this diet is indicated for patients who do not have concomitant diseases of the digestive system, liver and of cardio-vascular system requiring special diets.


The total calorie content of the diet is 1800-2000 kilocalories. The diet is designed for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, however, in combination with increased physical activity, this type of diet allows you to lose weight by 2-2.5 kg per month.

The main emphasis in this diet is on limiting the consumption of sugar and foods containing it, fast-digesting carbohydrates, animal fats, and foods that stimulate appetite.

The maximum amount of salt is 5 grams per day, you can drink up to 1 liter of pure water. Butter is not prohibited, but limited in portions - up to 15 g per day. Vegetable oils are added to dishes. The consumption of flour products is limited to 150 g per day, but if the weight for a long time does not go away, then the amount of bread and other flour products is reduced to 100 grams.

For cooking, you can use boiling, poaching, stewing, steaming, occasionally baking and frying without adding fat is allowed.

You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day.

What is impossible?

Subject to the therapeutic diet number 8 from the menu should be completely excluded:

  • white bread, sweet and puff pastry;
  • strong broths, milk soups, including pasta, rice or semolina, potato soups, bean first courses;
  • fatty meats and fish, fatty sausages and sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish;
  • fatty cottage cheese, cream, salty cheese;
  • meat and cooking fats, fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, spices and spices;
  • rice, semolina, pasta, as well as all legumes;
  • all salted and pickled vegetables;
  • grapes, bananas, raisins, figs, dates;
  • sugar, sweets, jam, honey, ice cream, jelly, cocoa, chocolate;
  • grape and other sweet juices, sweet kvass, alcohol.

What is possible?

Therapeutic diet number 8 allows for a variety of foods, that is, dietary restrictions can not be called too complicated. In particular, you can:

  • Products from wholemeal flour, rye and wheat bread with bran. Serving - 150 g per day.
  • Soups can be cooked predominantly vegetarian, using vegetables and cereals in small quantities. Several times a week, vegetable soups are allowed in low-fat meat or fish broth with meatballs. Serving - 250 g per day.
  • As a side dish, it is best to eat raw vegetables, all varieties of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, radish, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips and carrots. You can cook dishes from boiled and steamed, baked vegetables. But dishes from potatoes, beets, carrots, swedes, green peas are allowed in limited quantities - no more than 200 g per day. Also, for a side dish, you can use crumbly cereals from buckwheat, barley and barley groats.
  • Can be boiled oatmeal, cook pasta, casseroles, puddings with vegetables and fruits, but remember - you can eat such products in small quantities.
  • Lean meats are allowed, cooked in a piece, followed by stewing, baking or frying. Beef, veal, chicken, rabbit and turkey meat - you can, but a maximum of 150 g per day. Beef sausages, boiled tongue, liver are also possible, but also limited. From fish you can only low-fat varieties and not more than 150 g per day. Mussels, shrimps are allowed, but not more than 200 g per day.
  • Once a day, you can eat 1-2 eggs, boil them hard-boiled or prepare protein omelettes with vegetables.
  • Milk, kefir, curdled milk and other fermented milk products, as well as low-fat cottage cheese are allowed on the menu. You can also low-fat sour cream and mild cheese.
  • From snacks, you can vinaigrettes, salads from fresh and pickled vegetables (pickled vegetables must be washed), vegetable caviar, seafood salads, meat or, soaked herring, beef jelly, low-fat ham are allowed.
  • Unsweetened fruits, berries, jellies, mousses, compotes without sugar.
  • Gravy on weak vegetable broths and broths, you can add herbs, vanillin and cinnamon when cooking.
  • Tomato and white sauce with vegetables.
  • From drinks, you can tea, coffee, both black and with milk, juices from vegetables, unsweetened fruits and berries, rosehip broth.

Sample menu based on 1800 kcal per day


  • Muesli with dried fruits and skim milk (200 ml)
  • Stewed carrots (200 g)
  • Slice of fat-free cheese
  • Hibiscus tea
  • Snack: melon (200 g)


  • Vegetarian sauerkraut soup (250 ml)
  • Rye bread (30 g)
  • Bulgarian peppers stuffed with minced meat and rice, stewed with vegetables (tomatoes, onions, carrots) (300 g)
  • Cranberry juice(200 ml)
  • Afternoon snack: 2 pears (200 g)


  • Rice (150 g) with seafood (60 g)
  • Vegetable salad (lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, green onions) with vegetable oil(200 g)
  • Rosehip decoction (200 ml)

Recipes for the treatment table

Protein omelet with spinach

Photo: Shutterstock.com

  • 3 squirrels
  • ½ cup milk
  • 70 g frozen spinach
  • 30 g suluguni cheese
  • 1 st. l. ghee

Step 1. Fry the spinach in butter.

Step 2. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt, add milk and beat again.

Step 3. Pour into hot pan with spinach, stir.

Step 4. Leave for a minute over high heat so that the omelet grabs. Then reduce the heat to medium and cover with a lid.

Step 5. Sprinkle with grated cheese before serving.

Vegetarian cabbage soup

Photo: Shutterstock.com

  • ½ fork cabbage
  • 200 g sauerkraut
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 liters of water
  • salt and pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • greenery

Step 1. Cabbage, tomatoes, onions, peppers and carrots wash, peel, finely chop.

Step 2. Place vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Cook until carrots are cooked.

Step 3. Salt, pepper and add bay leaf for 10 minutes. Add greens before serving.

The vinaigrette

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

  • 1 beetroot
  • 4 things. potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 pickles
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Step 1. Boil hard boiled eggs. Boil beets, potatoes and carrots until tender.

Step 2. Cool everything and cut into cubes.

Step 3. Cut into cubes salted cucumbers, drain the liquid.

Step 4. Mix everything, season with oil. You can add chopped greens.

jellied fish

Photo: One million menus

  • 2 kg red fish
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • celery root and parsley
  • 1 packet of agar agar

Step 1. Fill head and fins cold water, bring to a boil over medium heat and cook over low heat for three hours. Remove foam all the time.

Step 2. After an hour, add carrots, onions, celery and parsley root to the broth. Half an hour later - put the chopped pieces of fish. Cook for another half an hour, then take out the fish, bones, and vegetables.

Step 3. Select the meat from the soup set and chop it finely. Cut the fish into nice pieces too.

Step 4. Put on the bottom of the dish, where you will make the aspic, decorate with slices of boiled carrots, herbs, bell pepper, lemon.

Step 5. Strain the broth 2-3 times. Introduce agar-agar into it. Pour broth over fish and vegetables. Put in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

Beef tongue with green beans

Photo: Shutterstock.com

  • beef tongue - 500 g
  • green beans - 350 g
  • 1-2 tsp mustard

Step 1. Coarsely chop the green beans and boil in salted water for 4 minutes.

Step 2. Boil beef tongue, preferably steamed.

Step 3. Serve tongue with mustard and bean garnish.

Peppers stuffed with seafood and vegetables

Photo: Shutterstock.com

  • 8 peppers
  • 500 g seafood cocktail
  • 3 carrots
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 300 g cheese
  • black pepper, salt
  • odorless vegetable oil

Step 1. Peel the peppers from the seeds and fry in a pan on all sides in vegetable oil.

Step 2. Let the oil drain and gently peel off the skin, you can under running cold water.

Step 3. Defrost seafood.

Step 4. Peel and finely chop the vegetables, grate the carrots.

Step 5. Fry vegetables, separately fry seafood with a clove of crushed garlic.

Step 6. Mix seafood and vegetables, add crumbled cheese, pepper.

Step 7. Stuff the peppers with the finished mass, bake them in the oven.

The number of kilograms lost in thirty days is directly due to the time during which excess weight was gained. You should take into account the lifestyle that a person led, how he ate.

Being overweight makes it easier to lose weight. The more a person weighs, the easier it is to lose excess weight. The most difficult thing is to get rid of the last few kilograms, or rather two to five. The main thing is to lose weight correctly. You can't follow a strict diet. Otherwise, health problems cannot be avoided.

Exercise should not be neglected. Some of the calories are lost during exercise. Thanks to various variations of weight loss, including those based on proper nutrition without physical exertion, as well as using training, exercising in the gym, jogging and more.

How much can you lose without sports on proper nutrition in a month?

Weight loss involves the body first losing excess fluid. Two to five kilograms that go away in the first week are not excess fat, but water. Fat reserves begin to disappear only from the second week. How much will be lost depends entirely on individual characteristics. What matters is nutrition, activity, whether there is a predisposition to fullness, hormonal levels, health.

The exact figures are completely dependent on the individual. To maintain health and maintain weight, it is not recommended to lose more than 1-1.5 kilograms per week, which is about 200 grams per day. Hard limits allow you to lose much more mass. However, it will return as the body begins to store fat in order to have an energy reserve in case of starvation.

It has some restrictions that must be observed:

  • absolutely any meat is prohibited, that is, from slaughtered animals and birds;
  • strict veganism requires exclusion from the diet of dairy products, fish, eggs.

Such a diet provokes a deficiency of animal protein. Its deficiency leads to a significant decrease in muscle mass. Therefore, the weight goes not only due to body fat. A certain part of the kilograms is lost due to the muscles. This can result in dystrophy.

Digestion of animal fat and protein contained in meat forces the body to spend approximately four hours on digestive processes. If you refuse to eat meat products, then your own reserves of protein and fat will begin to be spent faster. A person will begin to lose from 2 to 3 kilograms per week, but muscle fibers will also begin to leave with them. Eating in this way, you can lose up to 15 kilograms in a month, but at the same time have an unhealthy look.

Adhering to a vegetarian diet is recommended for people with a second blood group. This is due to the characteristics of the organism, which absorbs better not animal, but plant foods. For other people, such nutrition is not balanced, that is, it is contraindicated.

On a protein diet

Considered to be the most effective in combating extra pounds. Eating protein foods for a long time is not recommended. Excess nutrient leads to disruption of the excretory organs. The monotony and imbalance of the diet provokes the fact that the body is constantly under stress, becomes vulnerable, which means that the lost kilograms can return again. Therefore, it is permissible to adhere to such a diet only for a short period of time.

Due to the exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet, weight loss occurs mainly due to the loss of energy reserves, that is, body fat. Muscle mass remains virtually untouched by reducing portions, frequent meals, getting a large amount of protein. The first week of a protein diet allows you to lose almost 7 kilograms, if the excess weight is 20 kilograms or more. Further, excess weight will begin to decline much more slowly. The rate of weight loss will be from 200 to 250 grams per day.

Combining proper nutrition and sports

Physical activity provokes additional burning of calories (both incoming and available in the form of body fat). Performing cardio training allows you to lose about 800 kcal per hour, which makes a significant contribution to the fight against overweight. Each gram of fat contains about 9 calories, which means that within a sixty-minute workout, about 90 g of fat is lost, if you do not also take into account the liquid that comes out with sweat.

To achieve the maximum effect allows compliance with the following rules:

  • making up a diet mainly from protein foods;
  • minimizing foods high in carbohydrates, especially fast foods, which include baked goods and confectionery;
  • the use of simple and complex carbohydrates only in the morning;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • training from three to four times a week;

If you run every day for 30 minutes

For half an hour of running, about 400 kcal are burned, but only if the load is correct. It assumes that the pulse must be accelerated, that is, at least 120 beats per minute. If you calculate the amount of fat burned, then it will be approximately 45 grams. It is important to remember here that energy from the fat depot begins to be consumed only 20 minutes after the start of the run. The exception is running on an empty stomach. If you exercise after eating, you will only burn the calories that you have received.

Sports and weight loss

Difficult workouts do not make any sense without a balanced diet and when they overeat. People who consume from 3,000 to 4,000 kcal per day, even when actively involved in sports, can gain mass and not always muscle. This is due to a violation of the basic principle of weight loss, which consists in the fact that the number of calories consumed should be less than those consumed.

If you do not eat after six in the evening?

This principle of nutrition works only in those cases when they go to bed no later than 22.00. Fasting for four hours and then for another whole night sends a signal to the body that it needs to accumulate energy. Low-fat dairy products, drunk before bedtime, will not bring any harm. Kefir, for example, perfectly satisfies hunger, does not contain carbohydrates, and therefore is not deposited in fat.

No more than 1000 kcal per day

Proper nutrition, which allows you to lose weight and not plunge the body into a state of energy storage in reserve, involves maintaining a daily calorie intake of 1200 calories. If there are no more than 1000 kilocalories, this will entail Negative consequences. Eating at such a pace, a person sooner or later breaks down, and any excess immediately begins to be deposited in fat, and if you return to your usual diet, even more intensified.

1200 calories per day

Reducing the energy value of food is the most the right way weight loss. It all depends on the source of the calories. If 1200 kcal falls on confectionery, you won’t be able to lose weight. Kilograms will start to go away while maintaining a balance between carbohydrates, fats, proteins, that is, in a ratio of 30% to 20% to 50%. Sugar is definitely prohibited. If you eat a balanced diet, then you can lose 4-6 kilograms every month.

What are the consequences of rapid weight loss?

Rapidly losing excess weight always brings health problems. An organism exhausted by diets leads to a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes, digestive dysfunction, and anemia.

How much can you really lose from a month and a half to six months, without harm to health?

The fastest results in weight loss occur at the first time, when excess fluid leaves the body and swelling disappears. In the future, the weight begins to go away more and more slowly. In the first month, you can lose 5, and if you also train, 10 kilograms. In each subsequent week, from 0.5 to 1 kg will go away, while there will be periods when the weight stands in one place.

What affects the rate of fat burning

Everyone loses fat differently, due to three factors:

  • Nutrition. Fat deposits go faster if a minimum of fats and carbohydrates is consumed.
  • Workouts. Due to physical activity, extra calories are spent additionally.
  • Metabolism. A slow metabolic rate leads to the fact that fat is burned quite slowly or not lost at all. Loads and proper nutrition can increase metabolism.

If you follow these three rules, then the fat will begin to go away effectively.

To lose weight without health consequences, you need to lose no more than one kilogram per week. This allows you to maintain the metabolic rate, do not harm internal organ, not to lose the elasticity of the skin, as well as save strength to fight excess mass. If you follow this rule, the result is kept for a long time.

The main thing is not to make the following mistakes:

  • Starve. If the calorie content falls below the acceptable norm, the body begins to accumulate fat with more more speed which means your metabolism slows down.
  • Eliminate fats. Only trans fats are harmful, while unsaturated ones are useful and necessary. Free fats, connecting with molecules unrefined oils are excreted from the body and accelerate this process.
  • Give up salt. Giving the taste of food, if the water-salt balance is disturbed, it is able to retain excess fluid. Salt does not affect weight loss, but in order to preserve the bone structure and prevent cramps, it must be present at least 2 grams per day.

How to count calories?

The best way to track your calorie loss is with a food diary. Using tables of BJU and caloric content of products makes it easier to track daily calorie intake. The main thing is to take into account the exact mass of the portion.

To lose weight and maintain health contributes to the consumption of about 22-26 kcal per kilogram of body weight. Multiplying your mass by the norm allows you to calculate the daily calorie intake, taking into account the fact that the amount of protein per 1 kilogram of weight should be 2-3, the same amount of carbohydrates, fats 1-2 grams. Calculate how much it is in calories, taking into account the fact that for each gram of protein there are 4, carbohydrates - 4, and fat - 9 kilocalories.

Losing weight requires several important rules, which must be followed in order to maintain the achieved result, not to harm one's own health.

Proper and dietary nutrition

The following rules must be observed:

  • eat every three hours in small portions;
  • be sure to have breakfast, since the incoming calories at this meal are the most important;
  • snack on vegetables, dried fruits, dairy products, fruits, nuts;
  • never overeat;
  • do not undereat at night;
  • do not eat carbohydrates in the evenings, with the exception of vegetables rich in fiber.

Fat burning workouts help you lose more more weight. The main thing is to choose the right program and load. It can be helped by a professional trainer. If you do it yourself, you should run, ride a bike, exercise for endurance and cardio. The duration of training should be from 40 to 60 minutes, and the pulse should be 120-160 beats per minute.

You should start exercising with a warm-up. Accelerated walking allows you to warm up the ligaments with the muscles. In order not to get tired, you need to run in intervals. Five minutes of running and two minutes of walking. If jogging is performed daily, then you need to do at least half an hour. Hourly workouts will bring results if you run at least three to four times a week.

You can't run on a full stomach. You should wait at least an hour after eating. It is forbidden to seize fatigue with fatty and sweet foods. It is better to drink water, and you should eat only 30 minutes after jogging.

Nutritionists would never advise anyone to follow a mono-diet based on one or two foods. Experts recommend not limiting calories too drastically. Otherwise, stress will lead to a breakdown and uncontrolled overeating. You don't have to give up all your favorite foods. Once a week, you can afford a salad dressed with mayonnaise, low-fat sour cream or kefir.

Professional fitness trainers note that many people, wanting to lose weight, train for two or three hours, and then go hungry. This does not allow you to accelerate weight loss. Prolonged physical activity only leads to overwork. A tired body does not give up the energy stored in the fat depot, because it needs it for “survival”. Starvation leads to a decrease in metabolic rate.

Coaches advise moderate physical activity and good food after class. Eaten foods during this period of time, on the contrary, are quickly absorbed, restore the body, relieve fatigue, which makes the process of fat accumulation unnecessary.


"Eat right to lose weight" - such a recommendation is given to us from every television screen, loudly pronounced on the radio, strongly written in books and repeatedly mentioned in magazines, newspapers, the Internet. Many programs have been filmed and published on this topic. a large number of publications. But how to eat right to lose weight?

Among such a colossal amount of information, various tips and recommendations based mainly on scientific research and medical research, it is sometimes difficult to find the “truth” applicable to ordinary life the average citizen.

Meanwhile, to find a practice that has the right to be among the mountains of theory is sometimes simply necessary. So I began to look for the answer to the question of proper nutrition for weight loss.

Being a person who reads and is interested in the culture of the past, I tried to look at the question proper nutrition from the position of our (in a generalized sense) ancestors. (Learn more about proper nutrition). The answer came relatively quickly. The wise French, reputed to be great gourmets and connoisseurs of gourmet dishes, have a true, albeit slightly “gloomy” saying: “A man digs his own grave with his own jaws.” In addition to it, another proverb is mentioned: “What you underpay the butcher, you overpay the pharmacist.” Such sayings could not be accidental, they were noticed and passed on from generation to generation, “polishing” and “honing” as if gems, making them "sharper", more concise, more precise. They, like an oral message left to descendants, reveal the essence of modern science about nutrition, a science that, in one way or another, each of us faces. So how do you eat right to lose weight?

Proper nutrition for weight loss. We're getting ready for something new.

Proper cooking plays important role, since it is this process that affects the main qualities of the finished dish: its energy value, safety beneficial vitamins and trace elements, component composition, etc.

Cooking with water (boiling, stewing) and steaming will reduce the amount of cooking fats used, and, therefore, make meals lighter, lower in calories. This is one of the important points of proper nutrition for weight loss.

In addition, we should not forget that as a result of heat treatment, a large percentage of vitamins and trace elements contained in products are destroyed. A double boiler allows you to save a maximum of useful substances, boiling in a saucepan - a little less, cooking in a pan by frying leaves a minimum content of useful minerals and vitamins in the products.

The second rule of proper nutrition for weight loss. Many modern housewives, in view of the lack of free time, or for some other reason, "spoil" their loved ones. shop dumplings, dumplings and others. Try to give up semi-finished products, especially from semi-finished products from dough. Do not take it as anti-advertising, but in the “factory test products”, no matter how high-quality and tasty it may be, as a rule, egg powder is used, which is several times more nutritious than ordinary eggs.

The third rule of how to eat right to lose weight. In a number of eastern countries that live according to the rules of Buddhism, and, in particular, in India, there are rules for eating food. Perhaps their origins originate in Tibetan medicine, but one cannot disagree with them. In accordance with these rules, a person should eat fresh, freshly prepared meals. According to Indian sages, food that has cooled down and reheated loses its beneficial features. With that in mind, the next tip would be to use a small saucepan and cook only a limited (once) amount of food. I would gladly voice this "edification", but, given the employment modern women, I can only recommend the use of the most fresh food and the minimum of heated dishes.

The fourth rule of nutrition for weight loss. When practicing proper nutrition, try to stick to the average number of calories consumed per day. This is not about a scrupulous calculation of energy value (I have never done this), but about an intuitive comparison of products and their nutritional value. Leave "higher accounting" to others. You probably know what is more nutritious: a bowl of vegetable soup or sweet biscuit cake? Take advantage of this. It is easier for your body to process certain, approximately equal volumes of food and its energy value, rather than get 1500 calories today and 3000 tomorrow. You can calculate the calorie content of dishes at the link

The fifth rule of proper nutrition for weight loss. Once I happened to hear a phrase uttered by an elderly but very wise woman who managed to old age keep a good figure and a truly aristocratic appearance. Different from many due to her upbringing and culture, she said: “From childhood, we teach our children to drink only clean water» . Be sure to drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day.

The sixth rule of proper nutrition for weight loss. There is a proverb, mentioned, as a rule, by men: "Once a day, soup should be in the stomach." And, as usual, she's right. Liquid food is easier to digest, being good for the stomach and digestion in general. Cook soups and all sorts of liquid and semi-liquid dishes more often.

Applying the above tips in practice, I tried to bring my diet in line with the norms of healthy and proper nutrition for weight loss.

Since in my situation the question was not only in the normalization of metabolism, but also in getting rid of excess weight I tried to keep my calorie intake as low as possible.

Another important change was the periodically arranged "fasting days".

How else to eat right to lose weight? This is to arrange fasting days and light dinners.

Some of us mistakenly believe that “fasting” days are considered fasting days. This is wrong. Being an opponent of fasting in general, I consider it acceptable only when the individual state of health or the organism as a whole requires it. Otherwise, you can arrange a “rest” for your digestion by reducing the volume and changing the composition of food.

Having tried a number of diets on myself, I learned several options for fasting days, from which you can choose the most suitable and convenient for you. These "recipes" are acceptable to use as a daily menu or replace with their help a separate meal (for example, dinner).

Milk and black bread. Milk is rich in calcium, it contains carbohydrates (milk sugar), a certain percentage of fat (I prefer not skimmed, but medium or high fat milk). If there are no individual contraindications, it is useful for the body, together with black bread, it gives a feeling of satiety. On average, 1 liter of milk and 100-150 g of black bread are calculated for one day. If desired, the number of products can be changed.

Apples. If the acidity of the stomach is normal, then an apple day is a good unloading. You can eat an unlimited number of apples. So you will not only arrange a rest for the body, but also replenish the supply of iron, potassium and other useful trace elements present in the fruit.

Buckwheat or rice. For such a fasting day, it is boiled or (if we are talking about buckwheat) a certain amount of cereal is soaked overnight. An addition can be fresh grated or steamed carrots. The exact amount of buckwheat or rice is not set (remember, only one type of cereal is selected per day), because. you won’t be able to eat a large amount of the same type of food, but it’s quite possible to satisfy your hunger.

Kefir. Like any fermented milk product, kefir is good for the body, unlike whole milk, it rarely causes food allergies (indigestion), therefore it is acceptable for more people. You can drink it approximately 1-1.5 liters, if desired, adding a handful of (small) homemade crackers.

Cabbage. Plain fresh cabbage. Its volume during the day is not limited.

Each of the listed fasting days can be supplemented with mineral non-carbonated water. It is advisable to arrange fasting days no more than 1-2 times a week.

Using in practice these tips on proper nutrition for weight loss and fasting days, you can improve your metabolism and, as a result, lose a few pounds, improve skin condition and overall well-being. Take care of your health, choose quality products and just, not unimportantly, smile more often.

Sincerely, Tatyana Raduga.

30 years ago, I weighed 80 kg and was 166 cm tall. I had a whole range of chronic diseases. Physical labor, daily five-kilometer walking, skiing and cycling, early and late seasonal bathing did not lead to weight loss and did not ease the severity of the disease. Then I decided to change my diet. Over the course of 15 years, I reduced its calorie content from 4500 kcal per day to 1800-2000 kcal. I reduced the norm of proteins to 45 g, fat - to 50, carbohydrates - to 300-350 g. As a result, my weight decreased to 60 kg. And I managed to get rid of a whole bunch of various ailments. Such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular insufficiency, persistent headaches, shortness of breath, nervousness, low performance, fatigue. I was no longer bothered by colds, although in any frost the window in my room is always open, flu epidemics also bypass.

I prefer plant foods. IN Lately there was a tendency to a raw food diet. The simpler, the more natural the food, the better for the gastrointestinal tract. I do not divide products into medicinal, useful and harmful. Criterion of value food product for me are his taste qualities. If the taste of the product is pleasant to me, then it is necessary and useful for my body.

Behind long years there was a grinding of my power supply system. At first, it concerned only the quantitative side, that is, there was a slow and consistent reduction in traditional nutrition. Very soon I gave up such hot spices as pepper, mustard, vinegar, which, by the way, did not have a pleasant taste for me. He also gave up excessive consumption of salt, and later completely excluded tea.

I include in my menu fresh and, if possible, cheap seasonal vegetables and fruits - 300-400 g or vinaigrette with vegetable oil - 400-450 g, a thick first course with a little meat - 500 g, for the second I eat a cereal or vegetable dish with vegetable butter - 400 g, black bread I eat 300-350 g. I do not drink tea or coffee. I use very little water.

I have been successfully practicing single meals for ten years now. I consider this mode to be the most appropriate, healthy. Every time I look with regret at respectable people who are constantly chewing something. It must be assumed that sooner or later, for such a love for the work of the jaws, they will certainly have to bear the deserved punishment.

doctor, V. Egorov

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Today you can find a lot of information about proper nutrition. However various sources may provide different information. Very often you can find reports that, while maintaining proper nutrition, you need to abandon the consumption of protein, flour products, sweets, and fatty foods. Really? these products are quite high in calories and a large amount of them is deposited in the form of adipose tissue. However, it is not required to refuse with proper nutrition from these products. Proper nutrition involves limiting the consumption of high-calorie foods, but not eliminating them from the diet. Once or twice a week, you can pamper yourself and eat your favorite dish. Compliance with the diet, regularity of nutrition and consumption of small portions of food will help get rid of excess weight and maintain a figure in an ideal camp.

The main rules of nutrition for weight loss:

  1. You need to eat 5-8 times a day. Nutritionists recommend eating when you feel hungry. Read about the diet in this article.
  2. Portions of food should be small. First, you need to reduce the usual portion by half, and after a few weeks, switch to a serving of food that fits in a glass.
  3. It is necessary to give preference to natural food. It is advisable to limit the consumption of semi-finished products, sweets, carbonated drinks.
  4. Every day you need to use vegetables and fruits for cooking. They help reduce the calorie content of the main dish and quickly satisfy hunger.
  5. You need to include a variety of foods in your daily diet. H You can not eat foods that are rich in one group of nutrients.
  6. You need to cook food in a slow cooker, steam or boil. Sometimes cooking can not use animal fats.
  7. It is necessary to give preference to simple dishes. They are better digested and speed up metabolism. Don't miss our "nutrition for weight loss and training" article.
  8. Breakfast is a must. For breakfast, you need to take cereals, dairy products. They are rich in carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy for a long period of time.
  9. For lunch, you need to take protein foods. Protein is needed for cell repair. It is better to give preference to lean meats and fish. Meat and fish dishes should be supplemented with vegetable salads.
  10. For dinner, you can take vegetable dishes, fruits and dairy products. At night, you can not consume high-calorie foods. After all, the calories received do not have time to be used, so they are stored in reserve.
  11. Between the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) you need to do a few snacks. You can take dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Read our article "Meal Bormental Nutrition Rules".
  12. Breaks between meals should be no more than 2-3 hours.
  13. No need to exclude foods that contain fats from the diet. IN daily menu need to include sea ​​fish, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils.

People who decide to lose weight through proper nutrition should be aware. You need to have knowledge that will help control your diet. The transition to proper nutrition should be gradual, not abrupt. Proper preparation and use of food will help to improve the shape and health. Therefore, each person must decide what is more important harmful products, or a beautiful, healthy and young body.

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