Danila Kozlovsky: biography, films, personal life. Danila Kozlovsky's wife - photo, personal life, biography Daniil Kozlovsky and his family

Kozlovsky Danila Valerievich - famous actor theater and cinema, who entered the world of cinema completely by accident, but never regretted it. The young man was repeatedly called by critics rising star, the best actor of the new generation, who is always on the crest of a wave of popularity.

Kozlovsky is the first womanizer of Russian cinema, he was and is the most eligible bachelor, who is simply adored by fans and actresses. Many directors point out that Danila’s appearance in the frame already brings success to the film and its creator.

Height, weight, age of Danila Kozlovsky

Fans of the actor’s incredible talent, charisma and attractive appearance are eager to find out about Danila Kozlovsky’s height, weight, and age. However, not all physical characteristics of a young person are static, since weight and age are constantly changing.

Danila was born on May 3, 1985, which means he was only thirty-four years old. At the same time, the zodiac circle gave the talented guy the sign of a stubborn, stable, hardworking, ambitious and creative Taurus.

And the eastern horoscope endowed him with the character traits inherent in the Ox, namely tenacity, perseverance, straightforwardness, fearlessness, and intelligence.

Danila Kozlovsky: photo in his youth and now - practically the same face. However, in childhood and adolescence the guy was very round and plump, because he suffered from excess weight and really loved to eat. In later photos, Kozlovsky went in for sports and went on a diet, so he lost weight and became simply irresistible handsome.

At the same time, evil tongues say that Danila received Botox injections and liposuction. Kozlovsky does not prove anything to anyone, he simply asks to pay attention to his mother, who at sixty-six years old looks twenty years younger. The actor claims that he was given the genes of his mother, so he is not in danger of plastic surgery.

Danila’s height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is set at eighty-five kilograms.

Biography of Danila Kozlovsky

The biography of Danila Kozlovsky is the story of how an ordinary boy could become a great actor simply by being at the right time and in the right place. The fact is that his parents had something to do with creativity, although it was his mother who was most worried about the future of her son and his brothers.

Father - Valery Kozlovsky - was a worker in the field of culture, and a very distinguished one. He was the dean and creator of a unique advertising department at the prestigious Moscow state institute culture, where he still teaches today.

Mother - Nadezhda Kozlovskaya-Zvenigorodskaya - is a famous artist who sang her songs under the auspices of the Mosconcert, so she was constantly on tour. She managed to raise three difficult sons and even starred in a movie.

Brother - Yegor Kozlovsky - also studied in the cadet corps, then graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography, becoming an advertiser, as well as a philologist. The most interesting thing is that he began to work in the healthcare system, and at the same time conduct a program on the Internet, where he talks about the treatment of children. He lives in an ideal marriage, and is the father of two children - Kolya and Lyuba.

Brother - Ivan Kozlovsky - works in the communications system, he lives in Vladimir and is also married. By the way, the youngest of the brothers had the best life, he is stable and self-confident.

The boy was born in the capital of the USSR, so he had a huge number of chances for development, however, he often spoiled everything with his own hands. Danila was the first bully and hooligan at school and in the yard, while he suffered from arrogance and self-confidence. They could not accept or love him in any of the dozens of educational institutions where the boy came to study. The director of each school called his mother and expelled the unwanted problem guy. Kozlovsky lasted the longest in high school with in-depth study of Spanish.

Parents did not allow the hyperactive boy to wander idly down the street. Danila was involved in martial arts and football, he studied vocals and played the piano. He even studied at a ballet school, but was expelled from it due to a complete lack of talent.

Young Kozlovsky completely changed after he entered the theater studio, because he realized that he had found his life’s work. The boy diligently rehearsed and attended castings, so he soon received a small role in the youth series “Simple Truths.”

Despite his popularity, Danila was in no hurry to change, so he ended up in the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps, where his parents sent him for company with his hooligan brothers. At the same time, the rest of the Kozlovskys were expelled from the educational institution in disgrace, but our hero took root here.

Filmography: films starring Danila Kozlovsky

The officers fell in love with him and gave him recommendations for enrollment in the Military Academy, however, the guy ended up at the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg. Danila enjoyed performing in plays, receiving awards while still a student, for example, for the plays “King Lear” and “The Warsaw Melody.”

After roles in episodes, the young man’s filmography began to be replenished with such films and TV series as: “Alka”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Viking”, “Garpastum”, “We are from the Future”, “Crew”, “Spiritless”, “Vampire Academy” ", "Matilda", "Spy". He tried himself as a director, filming the full-length film “Coach,” produced the film “On the Block,” and also actively became involved in charity work, helping children.

There are often rumors that Danila Kozlovsky is gay. It’s worth telling right away that the young man simply expressed himself incorrectly in an interview about the film “Merry Men.” He told reporters that dressing up as a woman was fun, easy and interesting, but he would never want to remain a representative of the fairer sex forever. The man said several times that he was loyal to representatives of sexual minorities, but he never intended to be one of them.

Personal life of Danila Kozlovsky

The personal life of Danila Kozlovsky has always been incredibly bright, since a charismatic and incredibly talented young man invariably attracts the attention of the first beauties of Russian cinema and theater. At the same time, many people continue to accuse the handsome man of having a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Kozlovsky had an unhappy first love, because while still studying at the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg, he seriously fell in love with the young and bright Liza Boyarskaya. The guys constantly spent time together, they were even planning to get married, and Danila said that he would like children from the girl. However, the girl’s father, the legendary musketeer Mikhail Boyarsky, unceremoniously intervened in the personal life of Lisa and Danila, who said that a penniless and unemployed student was not a match for his beloved daughter. At the same time, Elizabeth could not contradict her dad, so Kozlovsky left her and suddenly married someone else.

Although in 2013, Yulia Snegir appeared on the horizon of the first heartthrob of Russian cinema, who, although much older than Danila, looked simply luxurious. Everything was just wonderful, but a relationship without love could not last longer than a year.

Two years later, the guy was already spotted with leggy model Olga Zueva. The guys tried to live together, but constant filming and travel ruined life, so after a few months they broke up.

Danila Kozlovsky’s most high-profile romance was his relationship with Zoey Deutch, whom he met on the set of the film “Vampire Academy.” The girl and the guy not only masterfully played sincere love on the screen, but also began dating in real life. At the same time, Zoe decided to break up for the sake of the handsome man with her boyfriend Avan Jogia, whom she began dating as soon as she turned seventeen. This relationship did not last long, as it later turned out that this was just a skillful PR move by the producers of the film.

Danila’s affair with Oksana Akinshina, who not only starred with him in a commercial, but had also been friends since childhood, was also not confirmed.

The most incredible rumor was the news with the tag “Danila Kozlovsky and Philip Kirkorov romance” that appeared on the Internet. The fact is that the guy and the pop king were often seen together; Kirkorov even became the producer of the aspiring singer’s concert.

This novel turned out to be complete nonsense, but the guy lifted the veil of secrecy and clarified that Philip Bedrosovich showed signs of attention to his mother and even went on vacation with her to Israel, constantly posting photos and videos from the trip on his own Instagram.

Family of Danila Kozlovsky

Danila Kozlovsky's family was quite difficult, since it raised three difficult boys. Head large family there was a mother - Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya, since my father left the family when Danila was still little.

At the same time, all the sons were incredibly attached to their mother; he tells her all the secrets and asks for advice, and also obeys unquestioningly loved one and often arranges surprises for her.

It’s worth clarifying right away that Danila Kozlovsky never officially came out as gay. He has a good attitude towards sexual minorities, believing that unusual orientation is their personal matter, in which no one should interfere.

Children of Danila Kozlovsky

The children of Danila Kozlovsky have not yet been born into this world, since the guy has not yet found his beloved girl, from whom he is ready to father children. He says that he perfect wife and the mother had to be feminine and weak. And all because Kozlovsky could feel like a real man with her, who is ready to protect, protect and pamper.

The mother of his future children should be long-legged and smiling, wear a bob haircut, and sometimes smoke menthol cigarettes. Kozlovsky clarified that he cannot stand self-sufficient, always busy women who pay their own restaurant bill and do not find time for their husbands and raising children.

Danila never ceases to amaze admirers with the fact that he is ready to become father of many children several boys and girls. At the same time, he is angry about rumors that in all countries former USSR he has several dozen children born from colleagues and fans.

Kozlovsky does not confirm rumors about his pregnancy ex-girlfriend Yulia Snegir. She has not lived with him for a long time, and when the couple separated, there were no signs of pregnancy. Danila says that if a girl is going to become a mother, then he is sincerely happy for her, but the relationship with interesting situation Yulia does not have one.

The ex-wife of Danila Kozlovsky - Urszula Magdalena Malka

Danila Kozlovsky's ex-wife, Urszula Magdalena Malka, appeared in his life back in student years. She became a real balm for the soul of the aspiring actor after a painful break with Elizaveta Boyarskaya. The guy could not calm down and endure the terrible injustice. He withdrew into himself, became depressed and did not want to leave the room.

At the same time, Danila knew perfectly well that his beloved Lisa was also suffering and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but would never dare to contradict her influential father. Kozlovsky asked her if their couple had a future, and when the girl refused, he unexpectedly got married.

It is worth noting that none of the colleagues on the theater stage ever believed in the love of Urszula and Danila. The fact is that the spectacular Polish woman was 5 years older than her future husband, they were considered colleagues and were friends. Kozlovsky said that he fell in love with his wife because for a long time spent with her during a rehearsal for the production of “Warsaw Melody”.

In 2008, the young people entered into a legal marriage, but continued to rent housing in half. Already in the second year family life Urszula and her husband began to have disagreements due to an unstable financial situation, as well as the fact that Malka wanted to become a mother as soon as possible, although Danila did not want children from her. Kozlovsky also wanted to make a career, and Urshula was constantly jealous of his stage partners.

The marriage broke up three years later, but the guys separated easily and remained friends and colleagues on the theater stage. They don't talk about why they broke up, but they still tell each other news from their personal lives over a cup of coffee and ask for advice.

Instagram and Wikipedia Danila Kozlovsky

Instagram and Wikipedia of Danila Kozlovsky have been available for several years, because he is magnificent and talented actor, which has a huge army of fans. Wikipedia contains only relevant and reliable data about childhood, education, parents, filmography, theatrical productions, personal and family life.

No less than 1,000,000 people have already subscribed to Kozlovsky’s Instagram profile, who can admire high-quality photos and videos from the personal and creative archive of the actor and singer. He often posts posts related to travel around the world, as well as requests to raise money for the treatment of butterfly children, whom Danila constantly helps. Article found on alabanza.ru

Young, prominent, successful... All these epithets are quite suitable for theater and film actor Danila Kozlovsky. Most of the fans are interested in the personal life of the young man. This is what we will talk about in our article.

Danila Kozlovsky and Olga Zueva: wife or bride?

For more than two years, the actor has been in a relationship with model and aspiring actress Olga Zueva. The young people met in New York, in the company of mutual friends. Many did not believe in the long-term nature of their relationship, but it seems that everything is serious with them and the wedding is just around the corner. The press is already calling Olga Zueva a bride. The young actors are inseparable: they live together in the center of Moscow, work on a new project and relax.

The couple did not give any comments about their relationship for a long time. More recently it became known that they live in civil marriage, in Danila’s apartment, which is located in the center of Moscow.

“For Danya and me best breakfast- in a home environment. I always cook in the morning, no matter what time we wake up,” says Olga.

Zueva and Kozlovsky are not yet planning to officially legitimize their relationship, nor are they going to give birth to children. Although recently journalists saw a large diamond ring on the model’s finger. Whether it was an engagement party is not clear. It is only known that the actor introduced the girl to his mother, who liked Olga.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and other novels by Danila

Before meeting Zueva, the actor did not suffer from the lack of female company. It is known about his short affair with Elizaveta Boyarskaya. Then the girl’s father prevented the development of the relationship. Why Mikhail Boyarsky didn’t like his daughter’s chosen one is a mystery to the press.

Photo: Instagram @danilakozlovsky

Another novel is attributed to the young man with Paulina Andreeva. However, the actor himself claims that they are just Good friends. Also, the reason for rumors about another romance with the American rising star Zoey Deutch was a photo on the actor’s Instagram page. However, there were no official comments from both.

Photo: Instagram @danilakozlovsky

Danila's girlfriend was also actress Yulia Snigir. They dated for just over a year and attended social events together. Journalists claimed that the couple was going to get married, but all this remained at the level of gossip.

The actors broke up due to their mutual employment on the set, but at the same time remained good friends.

After an affair with Snigir, Russian cinema star Kozlovsky was free for a long time. Now, as the press has reliably learned, he lives with Olga Zueva.

Ex-wife – Urszula Magdalena Malka

The actor has already been married once. His chosen one was the Polish actress Urszula Magdalena Malka. The romance began at the rehearsals of a play, according to the script of which the actors played a couple. It soon became known that the young people transferred their feelings from the stage to life - Danila and Urshula began to live together.

In 2008, the lovers got married. True, their marriage lasted only 3 years.

There is also no reliable information about the reasons for the divorce. According to journalists, the reason could be the man’s reluctance to have a child, while for Malka, who older than spouse for several years, this issue was fundamental. As the actor himself says: “There are no ex-wives.” They remained friends, and Kozlovsky still speaks warmly of Urszula.

Full name: Danila Valerievich Kozlovsky

Age: 33 years

Zodiac sign: ♉ Taurus

Place of Birth: Russia Moscow

Nationality: Russian

Height: 184 cm

Family status: single, ex-wife– Urszula Magdalena Malka

Activity: actor, director, screenwriter, film producer

Biography of Danila Kozlovsky

Fans of Russian cinema are familiar with Danila Kozlovsky from the cult films “Garpastum”, “We are from the Future”, “Spiritless”, “Legend No. 17”. Now it’s hard to imagine Russian cinema without Danila, but he could have chosen a military career.

Russian actor and director Danila Kozlovsky

Kozlovsky Danila Valerievich was born on May 3, 1985 in an intelligent Moscow family. His nationality is Russian. He considers St. Petersburg his second hometown. Danila’s parents are people of creative professions.

Family of Danila Kozlovsky

Mom, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Zvenigorodtseva, after graduating from the Shchukin School, worked at the Mosconcert and traveled a lot around the country giving performances. After getting married, she chose to leave her career and devote herself to her family.

Danila Kozlovsky's mother with her sons

Dad, Valery Ivanovich Kozlovsky, has the academic degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Professor. Works at the Moscow State Institute of Culture, created the first in Russia high school advertising.

Danila Kozlovsky with his parents at the premiere of “Legend No. 17”

There were three boys in the family: the eldest Egor, the middle one Danila and the youngest Ivan. The brothers were still very young when their parents divorced. The mother raised her sons alone.

Kozlovsky in childhood and youth

It was very difficult for Nadezhda Nikolaevna to cope with three playful boys, because the brothers were considered the first hooligans in the area. All free time They spent time on the street, and with a small age difference, they had common interests.

Danila Kozlovsky with his brothers (pictured on the right)

There was not enough adrenaline in his growing body, and Danila, despite the fact that he was average, encouraged his brothers to do various tricks - break glass at a nearby construction site, steal a cake from a tray, exchange mother’s gold jewelry for a watermelon.

Danila in childhood and in the cadet corps

Tired of her sons' hooliganism, the mother assigned them to the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Military Corps. Egor and Ivan are complicated physical activity They couldn’t stand it, and Danila completed his six years of schooling.

Career of Danila Kozlovsky: theater and cinema

After studying in Kronstadt, Danila returned home as a completely different person. He remembers educational institution, teachers and officers with gratitude for teaching him discipline and demands on himself. But tie your future fate The guy didn’t want to get involved with military matters.

1999: first film role

At the age of fourteen, Kozlovsky first became closely acquainted with cinema. He was still a cadet then and came home for the holidays. Mom’s friend invited him and his brother Ivan to participate in the filming of the teenage series “Simple Truths.” The brother didn’t want to, but Danila found it tempting. So in his creative biography The first role appeared - that of a sixth-grader hooligan Denis Seliverstov.

Danila Kozlovsky in the film “Simple Truths”

The whole process that took place on the set fascinated the guy incredibly. In addition, my mother saw acting potential in Danil. But she warned her son that the profession of an artist is daily hard labor and constant fierce competition.

2002-2007: institute, debut performances and first awards

In response to his mother’s warning, Danila replied that he was ready to work, compete and master the profession of an actor. In 2002, he entered the State Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg, where he chose the acting and directing department. His teacher, the famous theater director Lev Dodin, immediately singled out Kozlovsky among other students and began to involve him in his performances.

Danila Kozlovsky in the play "King Lear"

Danila's debut on the theater stage took place in the production of King Lear. Insightful game young actor was noticed by critics, and in 2006 he received his first award - the Golden Spotlight Award. Starting from his second year, Kozlovsky acted in films.

Danila Kozlovsky in the film “Garpastum”

The first four roles were episodic, but they were enough for director Alexey German Jr. to pay attention to the promising actor. He entrusted Danila main role V historical film"Garpastum." It was a hit in the top ten; the film not only took part in the Venice Film Festival, but also brought Kozlovsky the White Elephant film award for Best Actor.

2008-2017: roles in theater and cinema

Having received his diploma, Danila immediately joined the troupe of the St. Petersburg Drama Theater, directed by Lev Dodin. Now, due to his particular employment in cinema, the actor still finds time for the theater stage. Kozlovsky is involved in three performances - “Cunning and Love”, “Hamlet” and “The Cherry Orchard”.

Danila Kozlovsky in the play “Hamlet”

But Danila’s real success, fame and love from millions of fans came from his film roles - bright and diverse, when working on which he always gives his best and does not deceive his audience.

Danila Kozlovsky: “Crew”, “We are from the future”

The most famous roles of Danila Kozlovsky: “Borman” (Sergei Filatov) in the military science fiction film “We are from the Future”; Soviet intelligence officer Egor Dorin in "Spy"; top manager Max Andreev in the psychological drama “Dukhless” (and “Dukhless-2”); Valery Kharlamov in “Legend No. 17”; second trainee pilot Alexey Gushchin in “Crew”; Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in "Viking".

Danila Kozlovsky: “Legend No. 17”, “Vikings”

In 2014, Danila starred in the Hollywood film “Vampire Academy” by Mark Waters, playing the role of Dmitry Belikov. In the same year, the French company Chanel invited him to star in a commercial with Keira Knightley.

Kozlovsky and Kirkorov: “ A big dream an ordinary person"

In 2015, Danila fulfilled his long-time dream; on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater he performed the concert “The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man,” performing hits by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett to the accompaniment of the Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz orchestra. The producer of the big show was Philip Kirkorov.

Personal life of Danila Kozlovsky

From the first moment of his appearance on the screen, the charming, handsome man drove his classmates, fellow actors, and hundreds of thousands of fans crazy. He himself is quite picky about girls - one legal marriage, one serious relationship, and a couple of fleeting novels.

Danila Kozlovsky and Olga Zueva

In 2015, on Valentine's Day on February 14, Danila Kozlovsky first appeared in public with his beloved Olga Zueva. They were seen at the Bolshoi Theater, but later it became known that before that the couple spent the New Year holidays together in the Maldives.

Danila Kozlovsky with Olga Zueva

In Russia Olya was recognized as a girl famous actor. But she herself is an incredibly talented woman. Even before meeting Kozlovsky, she managed to conquer not only domestic but also foreign catwalks, and played small roles in the American TV series “Orange is the New Black” and in the blockbuster “Salt.”

Danila Kozlovsky lives with Olga Zueva

Danila and Olya first saw each other in New York while visiting mutual friends. They have been living together for more than three years; Kozlovsky introduced his beloved to his brothers and mother. There has been no wedding yet, but recently journalists noticed ring finger Olga has a diamond ring, there are rumors that a legal marriage is just around the corner.

Romance by Danila Kozlovsky and Elizaveta Boyarskaya

While studying at the theater academy, Danila was surrounded by many beautiful girls, but he chose Liza Boyarskaya. Their couple was very beautiful, but the lovers hid their relationship.

Danila Kozlovsky with Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Elizabeth, then and now, claims that she and Danya were and remain excellent friends. Their classmates say that Lisa was forbidden to meet with Kozlovsky by her father. Mikhail Sergeevich did not like this “fledgling chick”.

Kozlovsky and Boyarskaya in the film “Status: Single”

According to her friends, Elizabeth was very worried and cried after breaking up with Danila. And Kozlovsky soon got married. How it really happened is known only to the two of them. But now everyone has found their soul mate.

Danila's wife - Urszula Magdalena Malka

Danila met his first wife Urszula Magdalena Malka while still a student; in their fifth year they played together in the play “Warsaw Melody”. The girl was born in the small Polish town of Ostroleka, and was six years older than Kozlovsky.

Danila Kozlovsky and Urszula Magdalena Malka

Urszula dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood, but in her homeland she was unable to enter any acting school. And in Russia, her dreams came true, she not only entered a course with Lev Dodin at the Academy of Theater Arts of St. Petersburg, but also joined the drama theater troupe.

Danila and Urshula on stage together

Danila and Urshula made a classic love affair at work. Playing hugs and kisses together on stage, they transferred them to real life. Romantic relationship The relationship between them continued for two years, and in 2008, the lovers officially became husband and wife.

Kozlovsky and Malka, “Warsaw Melody”

But three years later the marriage broke up. About the reason for the divorce, Urszula said that they simply did not get along in character. While Kozlovsky has put a taboo on this topic and never talks about his first wife in interviews. Between themselves ex-spouses saved friendly relations and they still play on the same stage in the same “Warsaw Melody”.

Yulia Snigir and Danila Kozlovsky

In 2011, on the set of the film “Rasputin,” Danila met actress Yulia Snigir. Both were free, Kozlovsky had just divorced his wife, and Yulia broke up with cameraman Maxim Osadchiy, with whom she had lived in a civil marriage for several years. So nothing stood in the way of the whirlwind romance.

Danila Kozlovsky with Yulia Snigir

True, the couple was in no hurry to advertise their relationship; Danila appeared in public either alone or accompanied by his mother. Yulia and Danya first appeared together in February 2013 at the premiere of the film “Die Hard: A Good Day to Die.” But a year later, this beautiful and harmonious couple broke up, each of them still putting career above family.

Does Danila Kozlovsky have children?

The actor has no children yet. During the legal marriage, Urshula really wanted a child, but Danila was categorically against it, explaining that he first needed to succeed as an actor and gain financial independence.

Are Kozlovsky and Zueva expecting a child?

In the summer of 2018, information appeared online that Olga Zueva was pregnant. The couple did not confirm this information, but did not deny it either. They simply do not want to let strangers into their personal lives.

parameters of Kozlovsky's figure.

Danila Kozlovsky: latest news

In 2017, Kozlovsky tried himself in a new role. In the sports drama “Coach”, he not only played the main role of the Meteor team coach Yuri Stoleshnikov, but also acted as the director of the film. Olga Zueva also played one of the roles. The premiere took place in the spring of 2018.

Premiere of the film “Coach” by Danila Kozlovsky

In the fall of 2018, a new film starring Kozlovsky, the crime drama “On the Area,” was released on Russian screens. The scriptwriter and director of the film is Olga Zueva. Danila played the main role of Kisa (Andrei Kisin).

New film with Kozlovsky “On the Area”

In addition to theater and cinema, the actor devotes a lot of time to the BELA charity foundation. Butterfly children." The foundation helps children who have a rare genetic disease, epidermolysis bullosa. Kozlovsky is also official Charitable Foundation“Exit in St. Petersburg”, helping children suffering from autism.

Danila Kozlovsky, BELA Foundation. Butterfly children"

By the age of 33, Danila Kozlovsky has achieved a lot - winner of the Nika film award and the Golden Mask theater award for Best Actor. It seems that he has already found his soul mate, there is very little left for the family hearth to be filled with joyful children's laughter. By the way, Danila and Olga recently moved to.

Photo: Instagram, danila-kozlovskiy.ru, artchange.ru, vokrug.tv

Danila Kozlovsky is a Russian actor, star of the films “We are from the Future”, “Spiritless”, “Legend No. 17”, “Crew”, “Viking” and many other outstanding films. Many film critics confidently call him the best Russian actor of the new generation.

Childhood and family

Danila Kozlovsky grew up and was brought up in a single-parent family. His father, Professor Valery Kozlovsky, left his family early, so all the worries associated with raising the future actor and his two brothers - the elder Yegor and the younger Ivan - fell on the shoulders of his mother (actress Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya) and stepfather Sergei, a military man. “Without mom, nothing would have happened,” the actor later spoke about the merits of his parent.

From childhood, Danila was a very disobedient child, and therefore, with enviable consistency, he had problems with the administration of schools, which he changed one after another. Back in 1991, my mother insisted that first-grader Danila attend a school with in-depth study of Spanish, but he was soon expelled due to inappropriate behavior.

While studying at school, Danila attended piano lessons, karate and football sections. A short period of his life was associated with the ballet lyceum, from which he was expelled with a diagnosis of “unpromising”. Some time later, he entered a theater studio, where he finally found his calling and already in 1999 he played a small role as the boy Denis Seliverstov in the TV series “Simple Truths”.

Danila Kozlovsky in “Simple Truths”

In the cadet corps

Due to constant behavioral problems that characterized not only Danila, but also both of his brothers, in 1996, his mother and stepfather decided to send their sons to the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps. Ivan and Yegor were expelled six months later, but Danila managed to follow this path to the end. As the actor himself admitted, it was during his studies in the corps that he clearly understood the meaning of the word “must” and realized what could be achieved with hard work, strong will and a bit of passion.

In 2002, Danila Kozlovsky graduated from the cadet corps with honors. The officers insisted that Danila apply to the Military Academy, but the guy, who dreamed of an acting career, without hesitation refused the prospect of getting involved later life with the army

First steps to glory

In the fall after graduation cadet corps Danila Kozlovsky entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. His curator and mentor on the course was Lev Dodin, whose participation played important role in Danila’s career: having identified a capable young man among the stream of students, he began to include him in his productions. The theatrical debut for Danila Kozlovsky was the role of Edgar in the play “King Lear”. The actor’s soulful performance did not go unnoticed by theater critics, and soon the first exhibit, “Golden Spotlight,” appeared in the actor’s personal collection of awards.

While studying at SPbGATI, Kozlovsky was noted in several more significant productions: “Whim,” “Life and Fate” and “Warsaw Melody,” a play that brought together Danila Kozlovsky and his future wife Urszula Magdalena Malka.

Actor career Danila Kozlovsky was gaining momentum. Soon after his debut in Shakespeare's play, his first film roles followed. Of course, at first the guy had to go through a “baptism of fire” with episodic roles: in Konstantin Khudyakov’s film “On Upper Maslovka”, the military series “Alka”, the project “I’ll Decide Everything Myself”, which was canceled after the first episode. In 2003, the actor managed to work with Sergei Selin and Alexei Nilov in “Street of Broken Lanterns” in the role of deserter soldier Popov, in the very episode where Dukalis and Larin die.

Danila Kozlovsky. Hero of his time

The first director to approve Danila Kozlovsky for the main role was Alexey German, who in 2005 invited the actor, along with Evgeny Pronin, to play a football player in the film “Garpastum” who dreams of creating his own team. The film, which received high marks from critics, brought Danila the Audience Award at the Venice Film Festival, as well as an award Russian criticism"White elephant".

Career blossoming

Despite the awards “Garspastum” brought, after the premiere new offers did not rain on the young actor. Over the next two years, he starred in a couple of mediocre projects (“Game on-line”, “Crime and Weather”) and in the biographical series “Lenin’s Testament”.

In 2008, the multi-budget Russian science fiction film “We are from the Future” was released. The film had all the attributes necessary for this genre: time travel, charismatic characters, an exciting plot, and a touching love line. The audience enthusiastically appreciated the acting of Danila Kozlovsky and Vladimir Yaglych, who played the roles of “black archaeologists,” as well as Ekaterina Klimova, who appeared in the image of the charming nurse Nina.

Interview with Danila Kozlovsky

After the premiere, Danila finally received the long-awaited fame and recognition. In 2009, he played the transvestite Lucy in the film “Merry Men”, working with the famous Finn Ville Haapasalo. Then there was the role of a taxi driver in the film “Moscow, I love you!”, as well as the main male role in Karen Oganesyan’s comedy “Five Brides”, where the actor met the charming Sveta Khodchenkova and Yulia Peresild. It is also worth noting the French-Russian series “Rasputin”, which, despite the participation of Gerard Depardieu and Vladimir Mashkov among the leading actors, failed miserably.

In 2009, filming began on the film “Duhless” based on the work of the same name by Sergei Minaev. Danila Kozlovsky was cast in the leading role, playing the vicious top manager Maxim, who spends all his earned money on luxurious life together with his girlfriend Elvira, the heroine of Maria Kozhevnikova.

Work on the film lasted three years. The thoughtful film, which was released only in 2012, revealing ways to overcome the internal crisis, was received ambiguously, but most of the venerable filmmakers, including Fyodor Bondarchuk, noted the excellent adaptation of the book plot and Danila’s outstanding performance.

From that moment on, Danila Kozlovsky, who had established himself as an accomplished actor, began acting exclusively in the role of born leaders. Soon after the premiere of “Duhless”, Russians saw the actor in the thriller “Spy” along with Vladimir Epifantsev, Fyodor Bondarchuk and Sergei Gazarov. In the same year, Danila was busy filming the series “It All Started in Harbin” together with Anna Chipovskaya.

In April 2013, Danila Kozlovsky played hockey player Valery Kharlamov in the biographical film “Legend No. 17” by Nikolai Lebedev. The film with the participation of Danila, as well as Svetlana Ivanova and Oleg Menshikov, quickly soared to the top of the ratings, taking pride of place among the best domestic films of our time.

Danila Kozlovsky in “Evening Urgant” (2013)

In 2014, the actor played in American film Vampire Academy with Zoey Deutch and Lucy Fry. His character is the charming “dhampir” Dmitry Belikov, a cross between a vampire and a human. The producers' choice fell on Russian actor it is no coincidence, because according to the plot of the book on which the script is based, Dmitry was born in Siberia and spoke with a characteristic Russian accent.

In April 2016, the premiere of the action-packed film “Hardcore” took place, the result of joint efforts of domestic and American film studios. The film was shot entirely in the first person, which earned it a lot of positive reviews.

In addition to Danila Kozlovsky, who played Akan, the antagonist of the main character, others took part in the film Russian celebrities, for example, Sergei Shnurov had to guard the parking lot, Ravshana Kurkova turned into a saleswoman, and Alexander Pal picked up a flamethrower.

In the same year, filming of two more large-scale projects with the participation of Danila Kozlovsky was completed. First of all, this is the disaster film “Crew,” in which the actor played a young and ambitious pilot who saves the lives of hundreds of passengers. The first Soviet disaster film starring Georgy Zhzhenov and Anatoly Vasilyev was watched by more than 70 million people, so the remake of the film received a high rating of expectations - viewers were eager to see whether Nikolai Lebedev's fresh blockbuster would surpass the film by Alexander Mitt.

The second serious project is the historical drama “Viking”, sponsored by Konstantin Ernst. Danila Kozlovsky played Prince Vladimir, showing him life path from the flight from Novgorod to the baptism of Rus'.

Philip Kirkorov secretly flies to his sweet boy on a private jet

Philip Kirkorov secretly flies to his sweet boy on a private jet

Popular actor Danila KOZLOVSKY is one of the five highest paid artists in Russia. The personal life of the star of the films “Legend No. 17”, “Duhless”, “We are from the Future” is shrouded in mystery. Even when the artist was married to St. Petersburg actress of Polish origin Urszula Magdalena MALKA, he flatly refused to talk about his personal life. In his the only interview Malka admitted to Express newspaper that her husband is a “sweet cake” that she managed to enjoy (). However, the couple’s friends let slip that the Polish wife almost never touched this “cake.”

Kirkorov did not remain in debt. He congratulated Danila on the premiere, not forgetting to note that the wonderful actor Kozlovsky is his longtime friend.

The friendship between Fili and Dani began with the artist’s exploration of Bulgaria. When the Kozlovskys decided to purchase luxury housing in Black Sea coast, Danila’s mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna was advised to seek advice from Kirkorov, who is well versed in the Bulgarian real estate market. Philip Bedrosovich willingly helped. Nadezhda Nikolaevna told a family friend about this, who asked not to give his name. Since then, a close friendship between the singer and the artist began.

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