Svetlana Bodrova, wife of Sergei, year of birth. On Sergei Bodrov’s birthday: the most touching quotes from the only interview with his widow. Have you found any of them?

September 20 marked the 15th anniversary of the tragedy, the like of which has never been known in the history of Russian cinematography. 106 people from the film crew of “Svyaznoy” remained in the ice grave after the descent. Of the 19 bodies found by rescuers and fragments of another 17, the remains of Sergei Bodrov, who received the nickname of the people’s brother after the brilliantly played role of Daniil Bagrov, were not found. He is still listed among the missing.

Everyone is interested in knowing how Bodrov Jr.’s wife and his family live today. The article will introduce the reader closer to the woman who became his muse and the main love of such an unfairly short life. Sergei was only 30.

What is known about the life of Svetlana Bodrova

IN ordinary family in Kudrino, near Moscow, in August 1970, a girl was born who was named Svetlana. Her last name was Sitina. But after graduating from school, the girl married a local policeman early and changed her to Mikhailova. Svetlana’s mother, Nina Ivanovna, still lives in the Moscow region. Locals they remember her daughter as a bright and very friendly person. Family life things didn’t work out for Svetlana, and after the divorce, the future wife of Bodrov Jr. (photo presented in the article) went to Moscow. Here she met a man who turned out to be last person in the criminal world. Little is known about him. Only that his name was Mikhail, and he largely contributed to the fact that Svetlana began her career on television.

Few people know that the girl graduated from theater school (Novosibirsk) in 1991, and has participated in six projects under her belt. Svetlana also has a diploma from MIIGAiK. On television, she worked as a director of a number of programs ("Canon", "Sharks of the Feather").

Personal life before meeting Bodrov

Having learned about Mikhail’s occupation, the future wife of Bodrov Jr. decided to break off relations with him. During the filming of the program “Sharks of the Feather,” young Otar Kushanashvili became interested in her, but was met with the inaccessibility of the young woman. This only turned on the famous womanizer, and he stubbornly began to pursue the beauty he liked. Kushanashvili invited Svetlana to the Soho restaurant, where a decisive conversation took place, after which the couple began to live together. It was Otaru who was destined to withstand on his shoulders the onslaught of the criminal authority, who for a long time pursued the once beloved woman.

After a while, Svetlana Mikhailova started a serious conversation about the prospects for relations, for which Kushanashvili was not ready. Instead of proposing, he took his passion to Turkey on vacation, but this only alienated them from each other.

Fateful acquaintance

According to Kushanashvili, Svetlana was capable of falling in love either with a madman, of whom he considered himself, or with a talented one. Such a genius actor was Sergei Bodrov, the son of a famous director. In 1996, he was invited to appear on television in the “Vzglyad” program, where he began working as a presenter. A year later, fate brought Svetlana and Sergei together in Cuba, where both covered a youth festival. A spark immediately ran between them. Kushanashvili noted that after the trip the young woman’s eyes began to shine, and Bodrov Jr. himself admitted: this is the image of his beloved that already lived in his imagination.

A year later, the couple got married, but before that, the actor considered it necessary to meet with his former rival. In 10 minutes of communication, Kushanashvili saw in front of him young man, as it seemed to him, with a childish face, but with a huge sense of responsibility. Future wife Bodrova Jr. met in his person a real man, whom many women dream of. The actor’s feelings are indicated by the lines from his letters given in the article just below.

Photos of the family can be seen in the article. The couple were happy, because over five years of marriage, both only strengthened their desire to be together. A year later they had a baby eldest daughter. The girl was named Olya. Until the summer of 1999, Bodrov continued to work in Vzglyad, but the main thing for him remained cinema. For my short life He starred in 13 films and began to try himself as a screenwriter and director. His debut in a new capacity took place in “Sisters” (2001), his next creation was supposed to be “Svyaznoy”.

The expedition was planned for the summer of 2002, but was postponed due to the upcoming joyful event. Svetlana was preparing to become a mother for the second time. The decision was made by Sergei Bodrov Jr., who dreams of a son. His wife and children were most important to him. The boy's name, Alexander, was chosen by his father. Three weeks later, the film expedition still took place, but Svetlana noted that when leaving, the young director seemed sad.

Tragedy in North Ossetia

And my wife also remembers last call, when for some reason Sergei, at parting, advised to take care of the children. The shooting day on September 20 did not go well. We waited a long time for transport and left for the location three hours later. And in the evening a tragedy happened - the glacier, which had been silent for more than half a century, woke up. An unthinkable combination of circumstances led to terrible disaster, the entire film crew of 106 people found themselves under the ice.

The news left loved ones in shock. Relatives of the filmmakers rushed to the scene. Bodrov Jr.’s wife left two young children and went to North Ossetia. People distraught with grief created a search camp named “Nadezhda”, starting a search for a tunnel that could turn out to be salvation for people buried alive. It lasted two years. Sergei’s mother Valentina Nikolaevna clung to every opportunity to be there and find at least the remains own son. The father, Sergei Bodrov Sr., who lives with his second wife in the USA, also visited the scene of the tragedy.

No miracle happened. Already in 2008, the tunnel was discovered, but it turned out to be empty. What does it feel like to not even be able to bury someone close to you? How do Bodrov Jr.’s wife and children live today, 15 years later?

Life after the disaster

The father of the idol of millions refused the inheritance so that the widow had the opportunity to raise children. The family still has a four-room apartment in Moscow, and a house in the Moscow region, in Svetlana’s homeland. Youngest son exactly as many years have passed since the tragedy. Alexander, like his father, is interested in history. It’s no secret that Sergei Bodrov Jr. graduated from the history department of Moscow State University. The wife and children (photo presented in the article) honor the memory of their father. Their family keeps a relic - a large knitted sweater, in which the famous actor acted as Danila Bagrov.

In 2014, the eldest daughter Olya entered a theater university (workshop of Leonid Kheifetz). She has already made her film debut; the girl tried herself in a short film. The mother of the cinema star deified during her lifetime, Valentina Nikolaevna, published a book with Sergei’s dissertation. Few people know that Bodrov Jr. is a candidate of science: he wrote an excellent work on the art of the Renaissance.

A few words about the widow

And what about Svetlana? A photo of the wife of Sergei Bodrov Jr. is presented just above. She continues to work on television. For a long time was the director of the popular program “Wait for Me”, today she works in She does not participate in and does not give interviews. There was an attempt to connect her life with a businessman, but the woman still did not get married. The bar set by the main man in her life, who remains forever in the hearts of millions, is too high.

Svetlana Bodrova is the widow of Sergei Bodrov Jr., who disappeared 15 years ago in the spring of 2002. On this moment a woman works on Channel One as a director of the television program “Wait for Me.”

Svetlana Bodrova: biography

Bodrov's wife, Svetlana, was born in 1971 in the Moscow region. It is known that before her marriage to Sergei, the woman was married to policeman Mikhailov. However, the relationship did not last long, and the young couple’s marriage cracked. Svetlana left for the capital and entered the Moscow Geodesy and Cartography Faculty of Journalism.

After some time, she met an influential man who helped her become the author of the “Sharks of the Feather” and “Canon” programs. When Svetlana Bodrova (the girl’s photo is indicated in the article) was 26 years old, she met Sergei Bodrov. Their meeting took place in Cuba, where the young journalist went together with the VID television company to cover the festival of youth and students.

Svetlana Bodrova - wife of Sergei Bodrov

The young people began dating, and a year later they got married. In the same 1998, Sergei and Svetlana Bodrova gave birth to a girl, who was named Olga, and a month before Bodrov’s disappearance, the couple gave birth to a boy, Sasha. Not much is known about relationships with spouses due to the fact that married couple preferred to keep her personal life secret from the public.

When Sergei went missing, Svetlana was left alone with two children. The woman loved her husband very much and lived with him for 5 happy years. The passing of her husband was a terrible blow for her and for Olya and Sasha.

At the moment, having lived long years Without a strong shoulder, Svetlana Bodrova continues to raise her children on her own. The only thing is that sometimes her mother and mother-in-law help her with this.

According to close people, Bodrov’s widow has enough closed image life. Despite the fact that the woman is beautiful and charming, after the death of her husband (the tragedy occurred back in 2002), she never managed to meet a man who could adequately replace Sergei Bodrov.

Memories of a deceased idol

Until my death famous artist, who was remembered by millions thanks to his participation in such films as “Brother” and “Brother-2,” built a good house for his family. To this day, Svetlana and her children often come to that house, but without their beloved husband and father. Until recently, Svetlana lived in hope and believed that her husband was alive. But, alas, the facts say the opposite.

It is known that about his future wife- Svetlana Bodrova - Sergei Bodrov has thought a lot since childhood. Russian actor claimed that he always knew what his wife should look like. He thought about it a lot and looked forward to meeting his loved one. And when this happened, Sergei recognized the girl and married her.

When the young people were married, Sergei did not pay the slightest attention to his fans. While away from his beloved wife, he sent his wife incredibly beautiful romantic letters.

Svetlana's children

In one interview, journalist Svetlana Bodrova shared her memories of how happy she was with Sergei Bodrov before his death. The journalist especially noted the time when their daughter Olechka was born into their family. According to Svetlana, now, if her husband Sergei were alive, he would be very proud of his daughter’s successes.

Three years ago, in 2014, the girl graduated from school with a gold medal. After which I entered VGIK in the free department. Now Olya is mastering the specialty of “drama theater and cinema artist.” As it turned out, there was a limited enrollment of 12 people for this specialty; in addition, only 4 places were intended for representatives of the fairer sex.

It was very difficult to get into VGIK. There was a competition of up to 1000 people for one place. However, Olya did not want to tell the selection committee that she was the daughter of the idol of millions - Sergei Bodrov.

The girl passed the Unified State Exam in Russian with excellent marks and did the following: creative tasks, like developing your own script and staging a sketch. Having reached last stage, Olga had to say who her dad was, and only after one of the examiners asked if she was a relative of Sergei Bodrov. The girl mentioned who her father was, but stated that in this regard she did not expect any concessions and wanted to achieve admission to the university thanks only to her personal talent and efforts.

14 April 2018, 17:03

This prompted me to read her great interview on Colt, given a year ago.

I provide excerpts on the topic

You were not present at the 30th anniversary of the VID television company (celebrated in early October - Ed.). Why?

I was invited, but I refused to come. I don’t think it’s possible for me after everything that happened.

Are we talking about the program “Wait for me”?


You worked in the program for fourteen years and left it together with the creator of “Wait for Me,” its editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of the VID television company, Sergei Kushnerev. Most of the team left with you. Can we say that from this moment on “Wait for me” is already a different program?

Don't know. At least this program no longer has anything to do with me.

Have you seen the first broadcast of “Wait for Me” on NTV?

Yes. But I wouldn’t like to comment. Very painful. Remember, when Vlad Listyev was killed, all the projects created by him began with the title “Vlad Listyev Project”. So, “Wait for Me” must begin with the fact that this is “Sergei Kushnerev’s Project.” This is honest, this is correct, this is a tribute to the man, thanks to whose countless ideas, talent and sleepless nights these people are now working: pronouncing the words he invented, using the search system that he created over the years. All this - I mean the huge project “Wait for me” - Kushnerev did not give of his own free will: his brainchild was taken away from him. And now they are trying to convince everyone that some kind of continuity has been preserved, that everything is in order. No. Not okay. And there is no one from our old team in the new “Wait for me,” including the presenters. But in the database that remains there are two million letters from those who are looking for each other. These people are not to blame for anything. Therefore, of course, I looked: it is important for me to know what is happening and will happen with the program in which I worked for 14 years.

How did you come to the “Wait for Me” program? How and by whom was it invented?

For me, it all started with a call from Kushnerev: “Svetka, don’t you want to do a wonderful program “Wait for me” with me?” And I say: “I want.” - “Then come right now. We are preparing for filming." Filming was scheduled in two days. This program at the very beginning was called “Looking for You.” It was invented by Andrey Razbash (producer, TV presenter, one of the co-founders of the VID television company - Ed.) and journalist Oksana Naychuk. Several issues in live aired on the RTR channel. Kushnerev was invited to the program by Razbash. But something didn’t work out at RTR. Naychuk reserved the name “Looking for You.” And Kushnerev began to further invent the program. That is, in fact, he began to create a system for finding people that had never existed anywhere in the world before, which would later become the basis of the program. In 1999, “Wait for Me” in the form in which you already know it was released on Channel One.

Sergey Kushnerev© From the personal archive of Svetlana Bodrova

How did Kushnerev himself get into VID?

He came to VID from " Komsomolskaya Pravda"in 1992 or 1993. At the same time, VID was based not in Ostankino, but on Lukyanova Street. There were editing rooms in which both “Vzglyad” and “Muzoboz” were edited in shifts. I, in fact, edited my “Muzoboz”. And Vzglyadov’s people infuriated me terribly: they edited at night and constantly delayed the equipment room. The situation was like this: we are show business, cool guys, and these are journalists with all their politics and the truth of life, well, them! And we kept baiting each other in this editing line. I remember after they took Seryozha Bodrov, I stood over them while they were editing and said: “Who did you take anyway? He somehow says that you can’t mount it, so you sit there for so long.” They tell me: “This is an artist.”

Before you met Bodrov, didn’t you see him on the screen?

No. Moreover, a few weeks before we met, in one simple video store on Mira Avenue, the guys who somehow rolled out all the latest new releases and who always had everything suddenly said to me: “Look, “Brother” has come out, our film is very good.” I say: “I don’t watch our films.” Well, if you don’t look, you don’t look, okay.

And you haven’t seen “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

No. But Seryozha Kushnerev watched “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. He was then the editor-in-chief of Vzglyad. And he called Bodrov. First on air, and then on camera.

That is, was it Kushnerev’s decision to put Bodrov in the frame, to make him the presenter?

Well, of course, yes. First, Sergei Vladimirovich (director Sergei Bodrov Sr. - Ed.) and Seryozha were invited to “Vzglyad” as guests. Right during the broadcast, Kushnerev’s eyes lit up, and he decided to call Seryozha as the host. He somehow felt that Bodrov would become a sip fresh air that he is from a new generation, he is a hero of this generation: this is what Kushnerev saw in him. He had this amazing talent of seeing a person right away. In general, they started talking right after the broadcast, went somewhere to a bar, and talked there for a very long time. Then we called each other and met. Seryoga [Bodrov] didn’t make up his mind right away. Well, somehow, he said, he’s not ready. But Kushnerev knows how to get excited with his ideas, he’s terribly enthusiastic! In general, I persuaded him. And Bodrov himself caught fire. And they were already hooked up and never let go - at work, after work, they were always coming up with something, discussing: “Let’s do this, let’s do this?” They were instantly on the same page.

You know, I good people, of course, they sent Yuri Dudya’s film, in which Alexander Mikhailovich Lyubimov told how he noticed this young artist (documentary about Sergei Bodrov, released in September. - Ed.). I watched the film and heard it all with my own ears. And this outraged me. And Serezhina’s mother was also outraged by this. Man on blue eye says: “I noticed him, I saw him, I invited him.” No! Lyubimov has nothing to do with Bodrov’s invitation to Vzglyad. They were never friends, they never had a warm relationship. I’ll say more: when a tragedy happened in our house, in our family, Sasha Lyubimov did not call either me or Serezhina’s mother. He didn’t offer help and didn’t ask: “Sveta, how are you?” Although he readily participates in all films about Seryozha, introducing himself as a great friend.

Friends - there are very few of them in general. When everyone makes films about my Serezha on different channels, I am always amazed by the number of people, generally strangers to me, who pretend to be Serezhin’s friends. Maybe they once existed? I don't know. But while we lived with Serezha, only four people regularly appeared in our house: Sergei Anatolyevich Kushnerev, Sergei Mikhailovich Selyanov, Alexey Balabanov and also Volodya Kartashov, the artist who died along with Serezha. All. Now only Selyanov remains, with whom we, unfortunately, meet very rarely. But Balabanov is no longer there. And Seryozha Kushnerev is not there either.

And then they worked together in “Wait for Me” - and left from there together.

Yes. And I want to say that we would never have left “Wait for me. We would do this program to the last opportunity. We loved her. It was more than just a program. Especially for Seryozha [Kushnerev]. I don’t know what to compare it with, the comparison with a child is kind of stupid... This was his life. He came up with an amazing system for finding people, an algorithm in which in these two million letters two people looking for each other would be found in two minutes. Can you imagine? And when now I hear that Alexander Mikhailovich Lyubimov says on camera: “We,” “We thought how to look,” I don’t understand at all: who are these “we”? I have a feeling that all these 14 years I’ve probably been somewhere on the Moon or on Mars. And somehow I missed some participation of Alexander Mikhailovich in this story. But no, I was sitting in Ostankino, in the control room, next to the man who created all this before my eyes and in whose life there was nothing more important and meaningful than “Wait for me.” I saw how Kushnerev came up with this, I saw the results of his sleepless nights, the implementation of his ideas, which he may not have even talked about, but “Wait for me” - it was his dream come true, which lived and developed.

Svetlana Bodrova and Sergei Kushnerev in the control room© From the personal archive of Svetlana Bodrova

In the press release of the new “Wait for Me,” which is now airing on NTV, Kushnerev’s last name was not included.

Lyubimov said it on camera, on air. The names of Kushnerev and Bodrov, who actually had nothing to do with “Wait for Me.” But for some reason he needs to hide behind the names of Seryozha Kushnerev and Seryozha Bodrov. For some reason you have to pretend to be Bodrov’s friend. Although, I repeat, they were not friends. You know, after certain events, I think it would be insulting for Bodrov if Lyubimov were called his friend.

Who was there when it all happened?

Seryozhka Kushnerev has arrived. He arrived and said: “Light, please return to Wait for Me.” And then on September 20 everything happened, and on November 5 I already went to filming.

Otherwise you wouldn't have survived?

In every sense, I would not have survived. We still had nothing to live on. Before Seryogin left, we bought an apartment. There were bare walls. Two children. We have to feed them somehow, we have to earn money, we have to live. But I don’t remember these months at all. In my opinion, I didn’t understand anything at all. I didn’t even understand that everything, that I was left with nothing, that it was all over.

Did Kushnerev fly to Ossetia?

No. I flew every weekend. And, you know, when in various films and programs Ossetians say that no one helped them at the level of the government, the country, then this is not so. There, when the situation arose that they were about to disperse everyone, there was no equipment, there was no support and the phone was silent - this is also very scary, when the phone went silent, that’s it, no one believes, no one says anything... Generally silence. You know, somehow everything was on the edge. And Seryozhka Kushnerev says to me: “You should probably call Ernst. Only he can have a way to the top.” To the level of the presidents of the republics, who could give the command to continue searching - which of us could get out? Seryozhka got me a phone number and I called Kostya Ernst. I called in some kind of oblivion, in despair, completely unable to discern what day of the week it was, what time it was. I told him, sobbing, into the phone: “I ask you as a woman, as a wife, as a mother. I beg you, help!” And Kostya, we must give him his due, says: “Sveta, I’ll help. Now is the holidays, they will end, and I will do everything in my power.” Then it turned out that I called him on the evening of December 31st. But I didn’t really understand it then.

Did Ernst help?

Yes. He called me back and said: “On January 6, the equipment will be there.” And the equipment arrived: excavators, tractors, whatever was needed. No one usually talks about this. And he himself does not speak. But that's how it was. I then called him a lot, sometimes right from the mountain, from there, from Ossetia. And he contacted Shoigu and other ministers. And they helped, allocated, sent. Divers, speleologists. For some reason he never talks about this. And I’ve never given an interview before, so no one knows.

During the search for the film crew of Sergei Bodrov in the Karmadon Gorge© From the personal archive of Svetlana Bodrova

Did you meet him at this time?

He called me immediately when everything happened. I was shocked by what my salary was and influenced it to be raised at least a little so that I could survive. Until the very last day During the search operation, he was in touch, called, asked, helped. Until the last moment, it seems, he did not want to believe that this was the end.

It was impossible to believe it. Very painful. You know, when we brought his personal belongings back from Ossetia, I sorted them out. And in the bag there was a completely tattered note that I wrote to him back in St. Petersburg, when he was filming “Sisters.” We didn’t have Sasha yet, we only had Olechka. There at the end it was written: “Remember that two people on this Earth truly love you: me and Olechka.” And I found this note in his bag, it was impossible to take it out.

Did you write to each other often?

Yes. We talked on the phone every day, and always wrote, all the time: a note in the kitchen, some short letter. Or a long one, if apart. When he left, for example, for “East - West,” I wrote letters to him every day and he wrote letters to me every day. And we changed when he came. It's impossible to read now. At first it was impossible to even take them out of the boxes. And I still can’t read.

Kushnerev is probably the first and last Russian producer who retained the belief that television, which touches a person, touches his soul and lives with him, is a national idea.

Yes, sure. This is true. It’s not for nothing that one journalist once wrote about “Wait for Me”: the nation unites on Mondays - this program had such popularity and such social significance. It's all together: love for people, hard work, sleepless nights and dedication. Who will believe it if I say that Kushnerev personally answered the letters that came to “Wait for me”? Sometimes it even pissed me off. Well, imagine, he says to me: “Svetka, a woman wrote there alone, asks what kind of music you put on such and such a broadcast. Can you write her a name, or better yet, send her a track?” I say: “Sereg, are you stunned, or what? Am I going to go through all the broadcasts now and send music to everyone who wants it? I edit, I have work.” He raised his head, looked at me and said: “Light, this must be done.” He answered letters and complaints. Since the time of “Vzglyad”, he and Bodrov had such an idea. This is respect for the viewer! It was Kushnerev who came up with this idea when “Vzglyad” helped lost people meet in GUM near the fountain.

And why did you and Kushnerev leave the program in the fall of 2014?

Because by this time the program had already been taken away from us.


What I call a raider takeover happened. The chief editor of the program, Yulia Budinaite, whom Kushnerev brought from Komsomolskaya Pravda, and Alexander Lyubimov (after working at VGTRK and RBC TV in 2014, he returned to VID and took the post of president of the company. - Ed.) decided behind Kushnerev’s back that They will be able to continue the program without him.

So how? How did this happen?

I have no answer. I cannot say that for Budinaite, just as for me, as for Seryozha, “Wait for me” was the work of my whole life. She was the editor-in-chief who handed out assignments to correspondents, but never appeared on the set. Why and why she suddenly needed to head “Wait for Me”, why Lyubimov needed it, I don’t know. But this was a conspiracy that Kushnerev knew nothing about until the last moment. They wanted to remove Sergei Anatolyevich from the position of editor-in-chief of the television company and take away the program. This was not easy to do, because Kushnerev had 25% of VID shares.

And who had the remaining 75%?

I don't know the full schedule. But the main stake was owned by Alexander Mikhailovich Lyubimov. And he wanted to become the full owner of the company. He did not imply the presence of Sergei Anatolyevich Kushnerev in the company, because he understood that he was a man of character, a very honest person. And Lyubimov decided to get rid of Kushnerev. And Yulia Budinaite, apparently, decided that she would make “Wait for Me” without Kushnerev’s help. And he will do even better than him.

How did all this happen technically?

I was driving to work when Kushnerev called me: “Sveta, I’m quitting, I’m forced to leave.” - "In terms of?" “I learned that behind my back, Sasha Lyubimov wants to replace the editor-in-chief and head of “Wait for Me” Yulia Budinaite. As you understand, I do not consider it possible to remain either in the program or in the television company if such things happen.”

Can you imagine, he found out about this in one second, almost by accident. No one talked to him, no one discussed anything. Of course, you may not like something, you may have complaints about both the program and the manager. But perhaps such issues can be resolved during a meeting?

Didn’t Lyubimov and Kushnerev meet?

No. Nobody met Seryozha. His dismissal was accepted. And the issue with shares was resolved literally before my eyes. We stood with Kushnerev after one of the last filmings in the smoking room. Lyubimov’s assistant approached Serezha and handed him a package of documents with the words: “Sign.” I wouldn't tell you if it didn't happen right in front of me. I ask: “What is this?” Kushnerev: “I don’t know.” We left the television center, went to the Ostankino pond, and opened the package. These were documents for signature on the renunciation of 25 percent of VID shares that belonged to Kushnerev.

On what basis?

There was no reason, it was a voluntary refusal. Our commercial director and I began to persuade Kushnerev not to do this. I asked: “Can you not do this? Can you not give it back? - “Light, I won’t get involved in this.” Kushnerev was not a business man; he did not need money. He didn't do television for the money. He loved his job, wanted to do it, develop this program, launch new ones, teach at the university, teach young journalists, he liked it. He did not want to fight with Lyubimov.

Did you get fired too?

No, I did not give them such an opportunity. I wrote a letter of resignation immediately after this conversation with Kushnerev, as soon as I got to work. I’ll tell you honestly: I didn’t even leave because of Serezha. We are all adults, and when you have two children to feed, you don’t really go to the barricade with a flag, right? I submitted my resignation because I understood that I would never work with these people. Because these are mediocre people who, by and large, do not need this program. They won’t put their soul or heart into it, or bother with it as much as we did. Well, just imagine that after each shooting we gathered - Igor Kvasha, Masha Shukshina (hosts of “Wait for Me.” - Ed.), me and Kushnerev, sat, discussed these stories, worried, cursed, came up with something. We lived by it. We loved it. As you can imagine, we were terribly proud of our work. Because we can help people find each other. Especially in our country, so plowed up by war, repression, and camps.

How did he live without this job?

I don't know how to tell you about this. How did he live? He could hardly discuss what happened with anyone. In no case did he want to tell his classmates, university friends and just friends outside television, of which he had a lot, about these experiences. Because you can’t explain a lot. And to people who are not into this, of course, it is very difficult to explain what is lost, what it is impossible to live without. Seryozha was deeply worried and scared. When we met, we always slipped into the discussion of “Wait for me,” because this is part of our life, a large part of life. I once told him: “Tell me honestly, Seryoga, have you seen at least one episode after we left?” He says: “No, Svetka, no. At all". And I say: “And I don’t look either.”

What did you do after leaving Wait for Me?

Wherever I wandered. I even worked on the Federation Council TV channel, then on NTV, and many other places. Now on Channel One. But in this sense, it was somehow easier for me: I was just stupidly looking for a job, because I have children, I can’t think for a long time or be in a creative search. I need to earn money to feed them. With ten thousand in survivor's pension and a family relying solely on your salary, you don't have much choice of work.

Have you been offered to go to the new “Wait for me” on NTV?

No. This is impossible. I know that Masha (Maria Shukshina, hosted “Wait for Me” from 2000 to 2014. - Ed.) got a call, offering to go now to NTV in “Wait for Me.” She said that she would only work with the old cast. Now there are completely new people in the program: wonderful editors and correspondents left with us, and the presenters also left. You see, “Wait for Me,” created by Kushnerev, was not only a program or a team of like-minded people, it was a family. He had such an ability to unite amazing people around him. This is how I met Galina Borisovna Volchek, this is how Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha, with whom we were friends until his last breath, came into my life, Masha Shukshina, Misha Efremov, Chulpan Khamatova, who also became a member of this family, a close person about whom you know that You can call at any time and they will support you.

Sergey Kushnerev, Igor Kvasha and Svetlana Bodrova in the “Wait for Me” studio© From the personal archive of Svetlana Bodrova

Svetlana Mikhailova-Bodrova - widow of a missing person sixteen years ago talented actor and director Sergei Bodrov Jr. The woman graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and worked on television. In 1997 she married famous actor and a director who starred in the films “Brother”, “Brother-2”, “Sisters”, “Bear Kiss” and others. The couple had two children. However family happiness was short. Sergei's body was never found under the mudslide.

Currently, Svetlana Bodrova is raising two children alone and works in the editorial office of the program on Channel One “Wait for me.” Her biography, the story of her acquaintance with Sergei Bodrov, life after the tragedy will be discussed in this article.

The beginning of the way

Bodrov's future wife Svetlana Mikhailova was born in 1971 in the Moscow region. This year, 2018, she turned 47 years old. Before meeting the actor, she had already been married to a policeman with the last name Mikhailov. The marriage was short-lived. As soon as the young people began to live together, they felt that they were in a hurry. After the divorce, the woman left for Moscow and entered the University of Geodesy and Cartography, Faculty of Journalism.

After graduating from university, she worked in her specialty. A happy accident brought Svetlana Mikhailova together with an influential man who was engaged in protecting his ward. He helped the talented journalist become part of the team preparing for the broadcast of the “Shark of the Feather” and “Canon” programs.

Meeting Sergei Bodrov

At the age of 26, the girl went to Cuba, where, as a journalist, she was supposed to cover events related to the celebration of Youth and Students Day. The delegation as part of the VID TV channel could not help but attract attention. Sergei initiated an acquaintance with a pretty girl.

A romance began, which gradually became something more - the lovers understood that now they could not live without each other. Upon returning to Moscow, Svetlana and Sergei submitted an application to the registry office.

Family life

In 1998, the wedding ceremony took place, at the same time the newlyweds became parents - their daughter Olga was born. And in 2002, a month before Sergei’s death, a son, Alexander, was born. The couple preferred not to talk about the details of their personal lives. The press did not know until the last moment that there was a new addition to the family. If not for the tragedy... In 2002, on the set of the film "The Messenger", which was organized by Sergei himself, a disaster occurred - on the evening of September 20, after the end of the working day, the group led by the actor went missing. It is known that this event was preceded by the descent of a landslide avalanche from the mountain.

After the disappearance of her husband, Svetlana Mikhailova was left alone with two children. Olga was four years old, Sasha even younger - he barely had time to be born. The couple lived in marriage for five years. It all ended suddenly and extremely tragically. After Bodrov’s death, the woman completely ceased to be a media person; she fell into a depressive state and tried not to appear in public or give interviews about what happened, while the paparazzi continually did not give way to the widow.

Life after tragedy

Currently, the woman works on Channel One as an editor of one of the programs. The tragedy with her husband happened sixteen years ago, but it is impossible to forget it. Despite her young age and visual attractiveness, Svetlana no longer tied the knot with anyone. Rumor has it that there were enough applicants. However, according to the woman, no one will ever be able to replace a loving and sensitive spouse who passed away early.

The work and support of loved ones - her parents and Sergei's parents - helped her cope with depression. Children gave life impetus and forced us to learn to appreciate what we have in it.

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