The eldest daughter of Viktor Loginov refuses to talk with his father about his personal life. Victor logins about all his wives Family life without a stamp

Actor Viktor Loginov was born on February 13, 1975 in Kemerovo. The Actor himself admits that he went to drama school because of the girls. After the eighth grade, Victor and a friend began to analyze where they could go: almost only boys studied in the historical and legal class, but there were many girls in the theater class. Therefore, friends decided to go where there are more of the fair sex. So in childhood, the future actor began to study in the theater and literature class.

At the age of 17 Viktor Loginov goes to Yekaterinburg. There, without much difficulty, he enters the State Theater Institute as an actor in drama theater and cinema. It is also known that Victor, in parallel with his studies, worked as a lifeguard, machinist, tour guide, climber, radio DJ, presenter, miner.

Films and television

When there was a casting for shooting in the popular TV series Happy Together, Loginov was not invited to audition. Back in those days he wore long hair and an earring. The director saw his main character as a hefty guy from the Urals, so appearance Victor was not associated with this role in any way. But still, the actor decided to come to the audition and was able to get into the list of main contenders for the role of Gennady Bukin. After some time, he was approved and helped to get used to the role. Taught, told how to play emotions and feelings in the series.

Victor Loginov "Happy Together"

By the beginning of filming the series "Happy Together", the actor had to change his image, and also move to Moscow. In total, he starred in this series for 6 years and during this time gained immense popularity. Interestingly, a monument to his hero, Gennady Bukin, was erected in Yekaterinburg.

Victor also became famous with the painting "About a Cat" in 1985. In 1993, the film directed by Alexander Isaev "Hurt Me" was released. It is also worth noting the interesting works in which the actor played: "Huntsman", "Golden mother-in-law", "Univer", "The last secret of the master."

Many viewers know Viktor Loginov from the Intuition program, which was shown on the TNT channel, before that he led the Joke Championship.

In 2010, the actor was the host of the TV program "Eat and Lose Weight", in 2012 "Doctors And ...".

Victor also took part in the filming of such programs: “Car”, “I want a house abroad”, “Love by the Stars”, “Five for One” and others.

Personal life

In total, Viktor Loginov had three wives. These marriages gave him four beautiful children. The first wife was Natalya, whom the actor met at the age of 19 on Sakhalin. The age difference was 11 years, but this did not bother Victor. After some time, the couple got married, their daughter Anya was born. Natasha and Victor lived together for 7 years, but the feelings passed and they divorced.

The second marriage was with Snezhana, which lasted no more than 7 months. Snezhana gave birth to Loginov's son Dmitry, who, as the actor himself admitted, grew up virtually without a father.

Viktor Loginov with his family

Victor met his third wife Olga at the casting of the series “Happy Together”. Young woman for a long time did not respond to the courtship of the actor, but soon gave up. Olya gave birth to Victor's sons - Sasha and Ivan. The couple played the wedding in 2011 in a circle of close people.

Viktor Loginov, who was remembered by the audience for his role in the TV series Happy Together, is the father of four children: daughter Anna is now 24 years old, eldest son Dmitry is 16, Alexander is 11, and Ivan is six. However, with none of the mothers of the heirs, the artist could not live his whole life. In 2016, he announced his divorce from last wife. Despite parting with their wives, the actor continued to communicate with children. He tries to properly educate them and tries to guide them in difficult situations of choice. However, Loginova never forbids anything to her sons and daughters.

“If a person wants something, he will definitely do it. They didn’t restrict me in anything, so I jumped with a parachute, went down into the mine and worked as a rescuer for four years. What didn't I do! But, on the other hand, it is the sacred duty of parents to suggest something and indicate the direction to their children. For example, if my children ever want to devote themselves to the acting profession, I will have to tell them about all the difficulties in this area, ”said Victor.

The sons are interested in the work of the pope, but so far about acting career do not dream. It is much more important for them to do well in school.

“They periodically come to me on the set. We recently filmed a police series. We put up the scenery of the site there, including a prison, an inspection room. That's where they were! When the children arrived, I thought they missed their father. It turned out that I was wrong. They were thrilled to run around the prison, to sit behind bars. Usually children are drawn to cats and dogs, and mine run to prison! But seriously speaking, school takes a lot of time for children, after all, no one has canceled the Unified State Examination, now they are preparing for it starting from the first grade. Despite the fact that I consider myself a very intelligent person with knowledge of mathematics, it happens that I try to check the lessons of a fifth grader and go into a stupor, ”Victor said in an interview with Interlocutor.

“She is an independent person, let her talk about her personal life herself. I once tried to open my mouth on this subject, so she scolded me. And the daughter is right in this, I should not get into her personal life. The best thing I can do is give advice when she asks me about it!” Viktor explained.

Loginov himself fell in love with getting tattoos with age. As the actor admitted, he consciously approached this because he understood the significance of the symbols. “I, for example, before putting the first drawing on myself, thought for ten whole years. Every sign that is present on my body is lived by me and in some way emphasizes me, ”said the artist.

Russian viewers remember Viktor Loginov most of all for his role as Gennady Bukin in the TV series Happy Together. There he plays a simple and slightly strange shoe salesman. He has a wife who spends all her time watching TV, a daughter and son who do not show great promise. The plot of the series is quite simple and unpretentious, but that is why the viewer fell in love with it.

After the release of the first episodes of the Happy Together season, the popularity of actor Viktor Loginov began to grow. After six seasons of filming in this series, he played many more serious roles and hosted several programs on television. But many still associate him with the head of the Bukin family.

But does he look like his on-screen hero, who brought him nationwide popularity? And, of course, fans are interested in the personal life of the actor. Unlike his hero, who was once married and had two children, everything is somewhat different here. The actor has been married three times and has four children.

Two tries

The first time the future actor got married quite early. At that time, the guy was only 19 years old. With my future wife they met on Sakhalin. The girl's name was Natalya. His chosen one was older by as much as 11 years and had a child from her first marriage. But how could this embarrass the young man in love? Victor was not at all embarrassed and they played a wedding.

In marriage they had joint child. It was the daughter they named Anna. Despite seeming prosperity, the couple broke up after seven years. Victor called cooled feelings the reason.

Viktor Loginov believed that love with his wife had passed over the years and the only thing that connected them was their daughter.

The second attempt to find happiness for the actor was a girl named Snezhana. They met her just a few months after Victor's divorce. With the wedding, young people decided not to pull. But after a few months, Victor realized that he was in a hurry to propose a hand and heart to Snezhana.

They were absolutely different people. At times it seemed that they were completely alien and nothing in common connects them. But still there was one common circumstance, but it did not deter the couple from filing a divorce. It's about about their common son, who was born to them a few months after the wedding.

Victor's son grew up virtually without a father. His parents filed for divorce after seven months life together. After the divorce, Snezhan and his son stayed in Yekaterinburg, and Viktor went to conquer Moscow.

Acquaintance with the third wife

While still an unknown actor and living in Yekaterinburg, Victor met his third wife. It happened at the casting of the series "Happy Together". Olga, that was the name of the girl, worked as an assistant director of this series. Victor immediately liked the young girl and he began to look after her.

Then Loginov was approved for leading role in the series. Victor and Olga spent a lot of time together on the set. Victor did not stop his attempts to attract attention, but the girl did not give up. For some time, their communication was limited to the working environment.

But after Olga reciprocated the actor, their relationship developed very quickly. Two months after the start of the relationship, they began to live together, and after another three, she found out that she was expecting a child from Victor.

Family life without a stamp

Two unsuccessful marriage taught Loginov not to hurry with the formalization of relations. Even the pregnancy of his beloved did not affect his decision. So the couple had a son, whom they named Alexander. When the boy was almost five years old, he had a brother. Olga and Victor named their second child Ivan.

Interesting Notes:

But even after the birth of two children, Loginov was in no hurry to propose to the mother of his children. In an interview, he admitted that he felt that Olga had been waiting all these years for an offer from him to become his wife. But for some time he did not dare to take this serious step.

But still it happened. Victor and Olga got married. And it came out quite unexpectedly. The couple did not plan any wedding. They quietly signed and modestly celebrated this event..

But Olga says that someday they will solemnly celebrate the wedding. Perhaps they will go to some paradise island, where they can be alone and enjoy the tranquility, or maybe they will gather all their friends and arrange a smart celebration.

Future plans

Victor notes that the creation big family this is his dream. He also dreams that this big family gathered together for the holidays in the family nest. They spent evenings together and shared their impressions and experiences.

The actor has already taken several steps towards meeting his dream. Firstly, Victor Loginov already has five children. Four children are his own, and the fifth - Foster-son who is old enough. Secondly, Victor has acquired a large plot of land where he plans to build a house where the whole family will gather.

I would like to believe that Loginov will be able to carry out his plans, and close people will share his desire and, if necessary, help. After all, they are one family.

Photo of a popular actor

The famous actor and the same shoe seller Gena Bukin from the sitcom "Happy Together", TV presenter Viktor Loginov gave candid interview, in which he spoke about everyone and plans for the future.


The star of Viktor Loginov lit up after the release of the comedy series "Happy Together" on television. The awkward Gena Bukin, who in every possible way shirks from marital duties, was able to charm not only the female half of lovers of long-playing films, but also men. However, Loginov never hid that he got into the series quite by accident. and did not even hope for such a success.

Meanwhile, the actor has come a long way not only to popularity, but also to happiness in his personal life. Victor admitted that he had been married more than once and had four children.. “I met my first wife on Sakhalin Island. It was summer, 1994. Natasha was 11 years older than me, and she had a son, eight-year-old Max. the circumstances did not frighten at all, "- quote Loginov" 7 days ".

The lovers got married, their daughter Anna was born. However, the couple divorced seven years later. Victor explained: "Feelings evaporated somewhere, and it became clear that, in principle, nothing connects us, except for our daughter." However, Loginov, accustomed to living in a family, was not alone for long. He met a girl named Snezhana and quickly got married. "Our marriage with Snezhana lasted only seven months. I immediately realized that I was wrong, hurried - we absolutely did not fit each other as if they were talking different languages. They quickly fled. Ex-wife stayed with his son to live in Yekaterinburg, but Mitka, in fact, grew up without a father," Loginov said and admitted that he still cannot forgive himself for not being able to give his son the necessary amount of attention.

Victor Loginov met his third wife Olga literally on the set of the series "Happy Together". “For the first time I saw Olya at a casting back in Yekaterinburg - she was an assistant to an American sitcom producer. This girl immediately sunk into my soul, I thought: "What an interesting Moscow thing"- said the artist. According to Olga herself, she was cautious with Victor, but soon gave up. "Olka very quickly and easily entered my life. In November, the shooting of "Happy Together" began, and in January she had already moved in with me. And then, in March, Olya announced that she was pregnant!" – said the actor. The lovers had a son, Sasha. And soon, after four and a half years, the couple had a second son, Vanya.

However, Loginov was in no hurry to marry a third time. "After two failed marriages the stamp in the passport began to be treated with great prejudice. Although I perfectly understood that Olya was waiting for an offer from me, it is important for any woman to be officially married", - the actor explained. However, the couple got married, and rather spontaneously. "We quietly signed, and then celebrated this event in a close family circle - with our boys, Olya's parents, my dad came from Kemerovo, "said Victor. However the couple plan to celebrate the wedding again, already with friends and in Bali.

And Viktor Loginov admitted that he dreams of a family nest. "At the end of last year, I bought land 100 kilometers from Moscow, on the border of Moscow and Tula region. Now, by the way, I am a neighbor of the great Russian artist Vasily Polenov, nearby is his museum-estate. The places there are the most beautiful - the Oka River, around the forest, next to our site there is a collective farm field and a huge ravine. "The actor dreams that the whole family will gather in the house, birthdays, New Year will be celebrated.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov /

Viktor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova have long earned the title of one of the strongest and most charming couples in domestic show business. On the stage, the artists perform cheerful songs, but in life they often have to cope with truly terrible tragedies.

On the air of the Secret for a Million program, Victor and Natalya first spoke about the fact that they had encountered skin cancer. However, this is far from the only test that the musicians had to put up with. So, at the age of seven, Rybin witnessed the death of his own father, because of which he lost the ability to speak for many months.

“Mom and dad often quarreled. I remember during another conflict, dad grabbed a knife and stabbed himself right in the heart in front of me. He did not die immediately, he managed to say that he wanted to joke. It was a fatal accident. I still have it before my eyes. After what happened, I simply could not talk for several months, although then I just went to first grade. It was very hard for my mother, she walked gloomy, she could not come to terms with what had happened, ”said Rybin.

On long years Mom turned for the artist into the main love and protector. The woman was always close to her talented son, lived under the same roof with his wife Natalya and her little son. And then one day, Victor's parent began to develop Alzheimer's disease. “It happened in an instant. She sat with our son Vasya, played. Then she suddenly looked at him and asked: “Boy, do we always live here?” We did not know what to do, because she needed constant care. She kept forgetting names, didn't recognize anyone. One day she fell and broke her hip. It was a real nightmare, ”Senchukova shared her memories.

The parents of Natalia herself suffered an equally tragic fate. A few years ago, the star's mother was diagnosed with cancer. The woman stoically struggled with the disease and underwent numerous examinations. The problems of his wife shocked Senchukova's father so much that he soon became seriously ill.

“He had lung cancer, and because of this, his kidneys stopped working. One kidney did not work, he walked for several weeks, suffered from terrible pains. I took him to the hospital for an operation, and at seven in the morning they called us and said that he had died. I was simply heartbroken, but I still had to tell my sick mother about it. They left in one month, ”Natalya shared her memories.

Now, in addition to her husband, Senchukova is supported by her brother Igor. Few fans know that Natalya's relative has cerebral palsy. Despite a serious illness, Igor lives independently, works and takes care of himself. According to Natalya, they are very close, and when his brother found out about his illness with Rybin, he was very worried.

Natalya herself has no doubt that she and Viktor will be able to recover and return to active creative activity. The artists have been working and living together for more than 20 years, but at the same time they do not like to remember the beginning of their relationship. The fact is that at the time of their acquaintance, Rybin was married. The feeling that arose between them was so strong that the stars simply could not resist passion.

Being in the status of a mistress, Natalia suddenly found out about the pregnancy. Knowing perfectly well how difficult it is now for Victor, she decided to have an abortion.

“I thought that everything is already complicated, very difficult, and I was only 20 years old. I still don't have much brains, and I haven't told my parents. Vite said he could not forbid me, it was my decision. Vitya himself took me, he took me. We turned up, of course, in our youth, ”said Senchukova.

Now the main joy for star parents is their son Vasily. The 19-year-old boy is very close to both his mother and father, supporting them in the fight against the disease. Rybin and Senchukova are sure that a strong and happy family was given to them as a reward for the many trials that they had to go through in the past.

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