Buddhist tradition. Buddhism Thailand - Traditions of Buddhism in Thailand - what tourists encounter in Thailand

The history of Buddhism has a long span of time, as well as many followers today. The beginning of this religion has its own romantic legend, which will be discussed in this article. Also in Buddhism there are a sufficient number of large and small holidays, the meaning of which differs significantly from traditional ones.

Buddhism is considered one of the first historical religions (the other two are Christianity and Islam). However, if we compare it with the other two, it turns out that the definition of a philosophical and religious system is more suitable for Buddhism, since there is no need to talk about God in the usual sense. He's just not here.

Some researchers are inclined to believe that Buddhism is very close to the world of science, since it has a thirst for knowledge of the laws of the surrounding world (nature, human soul, Universe). Moreover, according to the Buddhist tradition, it is believed that human life after the death of the body, it takes on another form, rather than disappearing into oblivion. This is very similar to the law about the conservation of matter in the world or its transition to another state of aggregation.

Since ancient times, this teaching, due to its breadth of views, has gathered many true thinkers, scientists various areas, outstanding doctors. This is what they were famous for Buddhist monasteries, as well as his books on scientific topics.

By the way, Buddhism also devotes its holidays to acquiring new knowledge through enlightenment (if anyone succeeds). Some of them are revealed through performances performed by monks (for example, the mystery of Tsam).

Gautama Buddha's childhood and adolescence

The birth and birth of the future founder of the world religion is shrouded in legends and mysticism. By origin, Buddha was an Indian prince whose name was Siddhartha Gautama. Its conception is mysterious and intriguing. The mother of the future enlightened one once had a dream that a white elephant entered her side. After some time, she discovered that she was pregnant, and nine months later she gave birth to a male child. The boy was named Siddhartha, which means “who fulfilled his destiny.” The baby's mother could not stand the birth and died a couple of days later. This determined the feelings that the ruler, his father, had for Siddhartha. He loved his wife very much, and when she died, he transferred all the unspent love to his son.

By the way, Buddha’s birthday is a rather controversial date, which, however, is fixed today. Since in Buddhism it is accepted to count according to lunar calendar, then the moment of birth of the founder is considered to be the eighth day of the lunar month of Vesak. However, they still did not come to a compromise with the year of birth.

The sage Asita predicted a great future for the boy born, namely the accomplishment of a great religious feat. Of course, his father did not want this for him; he did not want his son to pursue a religious career. This is how he determined Gautama’s childhood and subsequent years. Although from birth he was prone to daydreams and daydreams, he was able to experience brief moments of enlightenment. From childhood, Buddha strove for solitude and deep contemplation.

However, the father was against all this. Having surrounded his son with luxury and all the blessings, marrying him to a beautiful girl, and also hiding from his eyes all the bad underbelly of this world (poverty, hunger, illness, etc.), he hoped that the sublimity would be forgotten, the anxious moods would be driven away. However, this did not lead to the expected result, and after some time the hidden became obvious.

According to legend, one day on the street he saw a funeral, a sick man and an ascetic. All this made an indelible impression on him. He realized that the world is not as he knows it and is full of suffering. That same night he left his home.

Hermitage and preaching of Buddha

The next period of the Buddha is the search for truth. On his way, he encountered many trials - from simple study of philosophical treatises to ascetic asceticism. However, nothing answered the questions. Only once, after he had renounced all false teachings and had thinned his soul with previous research, did insight come. What he had been waiting for for so long all these years happened. He saw not only his life in its true light, but also the lives of other people, all the connections between the material and the intangible. Now he knew...

From that moment on, he became Buddha, Enlightened One and saw the truth. Gautama preached his teachings for forty years, traveling between villages and cities. Death came to him at the age of eighty, after farewell words. This day is revered no less than the birthday of Buddha, as well as the moment when insight descended on him.

The formation of Buddhism as a religion

It should be noted that Buddhism itself spread very quickly throughout India, as well as Southeast and Central Asia, penetrated a little into Siberia and Central Asia. During its formation, several directions of this teaching appeared, some of them have a rational grain, others have a mystical grain.

One of the most important is the Mahayana tradition. Its followers believe that it is very important to maintain a compassionate attitude towards other living beings. In their opinion, the meaning spiritual enlightenment is to achieve it, and then continue to live in this world for its benefit.

This tradition also uses Sanskrit language for religious texts.

Another direction, which is quite large and was formed from Mahayana, is called Vajrayana. The second name is tantric Buddhism. The customs of Vajrayana Buddhism involve mystical practices that use powerful symbols to influence a person's subconscious. This allows you to use all resources to the fullest and contributes to the Buddhist’s advancement to the point of enlightenment. By the way, today elements of this trend are also present in some traditions as separate parts.

Another large and very widespread direction is Theravada. Today this is the only school that dates back to the first traditions. This teaching is based on the Pali Canon, which is compiled in the Pali language. It is believed that these are the scriptures (albeit in a distorted form, since for a long time they were transmitted orally) most truthfully convey the words of the Buddha. This teaching also believes that enlightenment can be achieved by the most dedicated follower. Thus, in the entire history of Buddhism, twenty-eight such enlightenments have already been counted. These Buddhas are also especially revered by followers of this religion.

However, it should be noted that the main dates of the holidays coincide in almost all traditions.

Some traditions of this teaching (family and others)

So, among other things, there are many different traditions in Buddhism. For example, this religion has a special attitude towards marriage. Nobody forces anyone to do anything, but nevertheless there is no revelry and betrayal. In the Buddhist tradition family life there are some recommendations on how to make her happy and worthy. The founder of the doctrine gave only some recommendations that one should be faithful, not flirt and not kindle feelings in oneself not for one’s spouse. In addition, one should not be promiscuous or have sex outside of marriage.

However, there is nothing against it if a person does not enter into family relationships, since this is a personal matter for everyone. It is believed that, if necessary, people can separate by mutual consent if it is no longer possible to live together. However, such a need is rare if the man and woman strictly follow the rules and commandments of the Buddha. He also advised not to marry those people who have a large age difference (for example, an elderly man and a young woman).

In principle, marriage in Buddhism is an opportunity for joint development and support for each other in everything. It is also an opportunity to avoid loneliness (if it is difficult to live with), fear and deprivation.

Buddhist monasteries and the way of life of monks

Followers of this teaching usually live in sangha communities that occupy a specific Buddha temple. Monks are not clergy in our usual understanding. They simply undergo training there, studying sacred texts, meditating. Almost anyone (both men and women) can become a member of such a community.

Each direction of teaching has its own set of rules, which monastic followers must strictly observe. Some of them prohibit eating meat, some prescribe agricultural activities, and others prohibit interfering in social and political life (monks live from alms).

Thus, one who becomes a follower of the Buddha must observe the rules and not deviate from them.

The meanings of holidays in Buddhism

If we talk about a religion like Buddhism, holidays here have a special status. They are not celebrated the way we do. In Buddhism, a holiday is a special day that has more restrictions than permissions. According to their beliefs, on these days there is an increase of a thousand times in all mental and physical actions, as well as their consequences (both positive and negative). It is believed that observing all major dates allows one to comprehend the nature and essence of the teaching, and to come as close as possible to the Absolute.

The essence of celebration is to create purity around and within yourself. This can be achieved through special rituals of Buddhism, as well as repetition of mantras, playing musical instruments(the sounds they emit are important), the use of some religious objects. All this leads to the restoration of a person’s subtle structure, which significantly clears his consciousness. On a holiday, it is necessary to perform an action such as visiting a temple, as well as make an offering to the Community, Teacher, and Buddhas.

Celebrating at home is not considered shameful in the Buddhist tradition, because the most important thing is the mood, as well as knowledge of why it is even needed. It is believed that every person, even without being in a crowd of the same celebrants, can, after appropriate adjustment, be included in the general field of celebration.

Buddhist Holidays: Visakha Puja

There are various Buddhist holidays, the list of which is quite large. Let's look at the most important of them. For example, one of such holidays for all Buddhists is Visakha Puja. It is a symbol of three events that occurred in the life of the founder of this teaching - birth, enlightenment and departure from life (to nirvana). Many schools of followers believe that all these events happened on the same day.

This holiday is celebrated on a grand scale. All temples are decorated with paper lanterns and flower garlands. Many oil lamps are placed on their territory. The monks read prayers and tell stories about Buddha to the laity. This holiday lasts for a week.

Buddhism Holidays: Asalha

If we talk about religious holidays of Buddhism, then this one can be considered one of them. He talks about the teaching, Dharma, that was brought to people, and with the help of which one could achieve enlightenment. The celebration of this event takes place in July (Asalha), on the day of the full moon.

It is worth noting that this day, among other things, also indicates the founding of the Sangha. The first in this community were those followers who followed the Buddha and carried out his instructions. This also means that three refuges have appeared in the world - Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

This day is also the beginning of the retreat period for monks (vaso). However, this does not mean that you only need to abstain from food during this time. It’s just that the practice of the Sangha includes the point that it is permissible to eat only in the morning (from sunrise to noon).

Buddhist Festivals: Kathin

This day ends the Vaso period. Celebrated on the full moon in October. On this day, the laity presents a special robe for the bhikhi. The name of this person is called at the time when Katkhina is celebrated. After the end of this period (waso), the monks set out on the road again.

Thus, Buddhism holidays are quite diverse. This ends a certain period of religious celebration important days, but there are many others.

Mystery Tsam

This is a very interesting annual festival that lasts several days. It is performed in the monasteries of Nepal, Tibet, Buryatia, Mongolia and Tuva. By the way, this mystery could be performed in a completely different time- in winter and summer, and also have a completely different genre.

The performance could also be ambiguous. For example, one Buddha temple created a ritual dance, and another staged a play with dialogues that were read by several characters. And, finally, the third temple could generally stage a multi-component acting performance, where there was a large number of participants.

The meaning of this mystery is varied. For example, with its help it was possible to intimidate the enemies of the teaching, as well as demonstrate the true teaching over false teaching. It was still possible to pacify the evil forces next year. Or simply prepare a person for the path that he takes after death to the next rebirth.

So, Buddhism holidays are not only of a religious nature, but also of a solemn and sublime nature.

Other Buddhist holidays

There are also other Buddhist holidays, which include:

  • New Year;
  • a day dedicated to the fifteen miracles of Buddha;
  • Kalachakra festival;
  • Maydari-khular;
  • Loy Krathong;
  • River Na and many others.

Thus, we see that there are the main holidays of Buddhism and others that are no less valuable and important, but are celebrated more modestly.


So, we see that this teaching is quite diverse both in terms of knowledge and holidays. The long history of Buddhism has undergone many changes throughout its history, which have transformed the religion itself. But its essence and the path of the person who passed it first and gave certain knowledge to his followers did not distort it.

All the numerous holiday dates in one way or another reflect the essence of the teaching. Their annual celebration gives followers hope and rethinking of their deeds. By participating in the general celebration, some come a little closer to the essence of Buddhism and become one step closer to the very enlightenment that the founder was awarded.

Buddhism, along with Islam and Christianity, is considered a world religion. This means that it is not defined by the ethnicity of its followers. It can be confessed to any person, regardless of his race, nationality and place of residence. In this article we will briefly look at the main ideas of Buddhism.

A summary of the ideas and philosophy of Buddhism

Briefly about the history of Buddhism

Buddhism is one of the most ancient religions in the world. Its origin occurred in contrast to the then dominant Brahmanism in the middle of the first millennium BC in the northern part. In philosophy Ancient India Buddhism occupied and occupies key place, closely intertwined with it.

If we briefly consider the emergence of Buddhism, then, according to a certain category of scientists, this phenomenon was facilitated by certain changes in the life of the Indian people. Around the middle of the 6th century BC. Indian society was hit by a cultural and economic crisis.

Those tribal and traditional ties that existed before this time began to gradually undergo changes. It is very important that it was during that period that the formation of class relations took place. Many ascetics appeared, wandering across the expanses of India, who formed their own vision of the world, which they shared with other people. Thus, in the confrontation with the foundations of that time, Buddhism also appeared, earning recognition among the people.

A large number of scientists believe that the founder of Buddhism was a real man by name Siddhartha Gautama , known as Buddha Shakyamuni . He was born in 560 BC. in the wealthy family of the king of the Shakya tribe. Since childhood, he knew neither disappointment nor need, and was surrounded by limitless luxury. And so Siddhartha lived through his youth, ignorant of the existence of illness, old age and death.

The real shock for him was that one day, while walking outside the palace, he encountered an old man, a sick man and a funeral procession. This influenced him so much that at the age of 29 he joins a group of wandering hermits. So he begins the search for the truth of existence. Gautama tries to understand the nature of human troubles and tries to find ways to eliminate them. Realizing that an endless series of reincarnations was inevitable if he did not get rid of suffering, he tried to find answers to his questions from the sages.

After spending 6 years wandering, he experienced different techniques, practiced yoga, but came to the conclusion that enlightenment could not be achieved using these methods. He considered reflection and prayer to be effective methods. It was while he was spending time meditating under the Bodhi tree that he experienced enlightenment, through which he found the answer to his question.

After his discovery, he spent a few more days at the site of the sudden insight, and then went to the valley. And they began to call him Buddha (“enlightened one”). There he began to preach the doctrine to people. The very first sermon took place in Benares.

Basic concepts and ideas of Buddhism

One of the main goals of Buddhism is the path to Nirvana. Nirvana is a state of awareness of one’s soul, achieved through self-denial, renunciation comfortable conditions external environment. Buddha, after spending a long time in meditation and deep reflection, mastered the method of controlling his own consciousness. In the process, he came to the conclusion that people are very attached to worldly goods and are overly concerned about the opinions of other people. Because of this, the human soul not only does not develop, but also degrades. Having achieved nirvana, you can lose this addiction.

The essential four truths that underlie Buddhism:

  1. There is the concept of dukkha (suffering, anger, fear, self-flagellation and other negatively colored experiences). Every person is under the influence of dukkha to a greater or lesser extent. to a lesser extent.
  2. Dukkha always has a reason that contributes to the emergence of addiction - greed, vanity, lust, etc.
  3. You can get rid of addiction and suffering.
  4. You can completely free yourself from dukkha thanks to the path leading to nirvana.

Buddha was of the opinion that it is necessary to adhere to the “middle path,” that is, every person must find the “golden” mean between a wealthy, satiated with luxury, and an ascetic way of life, devoid of all the benefits of humanity.

There are three main treasures in Buddhism:

  1. Buddha - this can be either the creator of the teaching himself or his follower who has achieved enlightenment.
  2. Dharma is the teaching itself, its foundations and principles, and what it can give to its followers.
  3. Sangha is a community of Buddhists who adhere to the laws of this religious teaching.

To achieve all three jewels, Buddhists resort to fighting three poisons:

  • detachment from the truth of being and ignorance;
  • desires and passions that contribute to suffering;
  • incontinence, anger, inability to accept anything here and now.

According to the ideas of Buddhism, every person experiences both physical and mental suffering. Illness, death and even birth are suffering. But this state is unnatural, so you need to get rid of it.

Briefly about the philosophy of Buddhism

This teaching cannot be called only a religion, at the center of which is God, who created the world. Buddhism is a philosophy, the principles of which we will briefly consider below. The teaching involves helping to direct a person on the path of self-development and self-awareness.

In Buddhism there is no idea that there is an eternal soul that atones for sins. However, everything a person does and in what way will find its imprint - it will definitely return to him. This is not divine punishment. These are the consequences of all actions and thoughts that leave traces on your own karma.

Buddhism has the basic truths revealed by Buddha:

  1. Human life is suffering. All things are impermanent and transitory. Having arisen, everything must be destroyed. Existence itself is symbolized in Buddhism as a flame consuming itself, but fire can only bring suffering.
  2. Suffering arises from desires. Man is so attached to the material aspects of existence that he craves for life. The greater this desire, the more he will suffer.
  3. Getting rid of suffering is possible only through getting rid of desires. Nirvana is a state, having reached which a person experiences the extinction of passions and thirst. Thanks to nirvana, a feeling of bliss arises, freedom from the transmigration of souls.
  4. To achieve the goal of getting rid of desire, one must resort to the eightfold path of salvation. It is this path that is called the “middle”, which allows one to get rid of suffering by rejecting extremes, which consists of something between the torture of the flesh and the indulgence of physical pleasures.

The Eightfold Path of Salvation includes:

  • correct understanding - the most important thing to do is to realize that the world is full of suffering and sorrow;
  • correct intentions - you need to take the path of limiting your passions and aspirations, the fundamental basis of which is human egoism;
  • correct speech– she must bring good, so you should watch your words (so that they do not exude evil);
  • right actions - one should do good deeds, refrain from unvirtuous actions;
  • the right way of life - only a worthy way of life that does not harm all living things can bring a person closer to getting rid of suffering;
  • correct efforts - you need to tune in to goodness, drive away all evil from yourself, carefully monitoring the course of your thoughts;
  • correct thoughts - the most important evil comes from our own flesh, by getting rid of the desires of which we can get rid of suffering;
  • correct concentration - the eightfold path requires constant training and concentration.

The first two stages are called prajna and involve the stage of achieving wisdom. The next three are the regulation of morality and correct behavior (sila). The remaining three steps represent mental discipline (samadha).

Directions of Buddhism

The very first who supported the teachings of the Buddha began to gather in a secluded place while the rains were falling. Since they refused any property, they were called bhikshas - “beggars.” They shaved their heads bald, dressed in rags (mostly yellow color) and moved from place to place.

Their life was unusually ascetic. When it rained, they hid in caves. They were usually buried where they lived, and a stupa (domed-shaped crypt building) was built on the site of their graves. Their entrances were made tightly walled up and buildings for various purposes were built around the stupas.

After the death of the Buddha, a convocation of his followers took place, who canonized the teaching. But the period of greatest flowering of Buddhism can be considered the reign of Emperor Ashoka - the 3rd century. BC.

You can select three main philosophical schools Buddhism , formed in different periods existence of the doctrine:

  1. Hinayana. The main ideal of the direction is considered to be a monk - only he can get rid of reincarnation. There is no pantheon of saints who could intercede for a person, there are no rituals, the concept of hell and heaven, cult sculptures, icons. Everything that happens to a person is the result of his actions, thoughts and lifestyle.
  2. Mahayana. Even a layman (if he is pious, of course), can achieve salvation just like a monk. The institution of bodhisattvas appears, who are saints who help people on the path of their salvation. The concept of heaven, a pantheon of saints, images of Buddhas and bodhisattvas also appear.
  3. Vajrayana. It is a tantric teaching based on the principles of self-control and meditation.

So, the main idea of ​​Buddhism is that human life is suffering and one must strive to get rid of it. This teaching continues to confidently spread across the planet, winning more and more supporters.

It has a long history and many followers today. The beginning of this religion has its own romantic legend, which will be discussed in this article. Also in Buddhism there are a sufficient number of large and small holidays, the meaning of which differs significantly from traditional ones.

Buddhism is one of the world religions

Buddhism is considered one of the first historical religions (the other two are Christianity and Islam). However, if we compare it with the other two, it turns out that the definition of a philosophical and religious system is more suitable for Buddhism, since there is no need to talk about God in the usual sense. He's just not here.

Some researchers are inclined to believe that Buddhism is very close to the world of science, since it has a thirst for knowledge of the laws of the surrounding world (nature, the human soul, the Universe). In addition, according to the tradition of Buddhism, it is believed that human life after the death of the body takes on a different form and does not go into oblivion. This is very similar to the law about the conservation of matter in the world or its transition to another state of aggregation.

Since ancient times, this teaching, due to its breadth of views, has attracted many true thinkers, scientists in various fields, and outstanding doctors. This is what Buddhist monasteries were famous for, as well as for their books on scientific topics.

By the way, Buddhism also devotes its holidays to acquiring new knowledge through enlightenment (if anyone succeeds). Some of them are revealed through performances performed by monks (for example, the mystery of Tsam).

Gautama Buddha's childhood and adolescence

The birth and birth of the future founder of the world religion is shrouded in legends and mysticism. By origin, Buddha was an Indian prince whose name was Siddhartha Gautama. Its conception is mysterious and intriguing. The mother of the future enlightened one once had a dream about something entering her side. After some time, she discovered that she was pregnant, and nine months later she gave birth to a male baby. The boy was named Siddhartha, which translated means “who fulfilled his destiny.” The baby's mother could not stand the birth and died a couple of days later. This determined the feelings that the ruler, his father, had for Siddhartha. He loved his wife very much, and when she died, he transferred all the unspent love to his son.

By the way, Buddha's birthday is a rather controversial date, which, however, is fixed today. Since Buddhism is based on the lunar calendar, the birth of the founder is considered to be the eighth day of the lunar month of Vesak. However, they still did not come to a compromise with the year of birth.

The sage Asita predicted a great future for the boy born, namely the accomplishment of a great religious feat. Of course, his father did not want this for him; he did not want his son to pursue a religious career. This is how he determined Gautama’s childhood and subsequent years. Although from birth he was prone to daydreams and daydreams, he was able to experience brief moments of enlightenment. From childhood, Buddha strove for solitude and deep contemplation.

However, the father was against all this. Having surrounded his son with luxury and all the blessings, marrying him to a beautiful girl, and also hiding from his eyes all the bad underbelly of this world (poverty, hunger, illness, etc.), he hoped that the sublimity would be forgotten, the anxious moods would be driven away. However, this did not lead to the expected result, and after some time the hidden became obvious.

According to legend, one day on the street he saw a funeral, a sick man and an ascetic. All this made an indelible impression on him. He realized that the world is not as he knows it and is full of suffering. That same night he left his home.

Hermitage and preaching of Buddha

The next period of the Buddha is the search for truth. On his way, he encountered many trials - from simple study of philosophical treatises to ascetic asceticism. However, nothing answered the questions. Only once, after he had renounced all false teachings and had thinned his soul with previous research, did insight come. What he had been waiting for for so long all these years happened. He saw not only his life in its true light, but also the lives of other people, all the connections between the material and the intangible. Now he knew...

From that moment on, he became Buddha, Enlightened One and saw the truth. Gautama preached his teachings for forty years, traveling between villages and cities. Death came to him at the age of eighty, after farewell words. This day is revered no less than the birthday of Buddha, as well as the moment when insight descended on him.

The formation of Buddhism as a religion

It should be noted that Buddhism itself very quickly spread throughout India, as well as Southeast and Central Asia, penetrated a little into Siberia and During its formation, several directions of this teaching appeared, some of them have a rational grain, others have a mystical grain.

One of the most important is the Mahayana tradition. Its followers believe that it is very important to maintain a compassionate attitude towards other living beings. In their opinion, the meaning of spiritual enlightenment is to achieve it, and then continue to live in this world for its benefit.

This tradition also uses Sanskrit language for religious texts.

Another direction, which is quite large and was formed from Mahayana, is called Vajrayana. The second name is tantric Buddhism. The customs of Vajrayana Buddhism involve mystical practices that use powerful symbols to influence a person's subconscious. This allows you to use all resources to the fullest and contributes to the Buddhist’s advancement to the point of enlightenment. By the way, today elements of this trend are also present in some traditions as separate parts.

Another large and very widespread direction is Theravada. Today this is the only school that dates back to the first traditions. This teaching is based on the Pali Canon, which is compiled in the Pali language. It is these scriptures (albeit in a distorted form, since they were transmitted orally for a long time) that are believed to most truthfully convey the words of the Buddha. This teaching also believes that enlightenment can be achieved by the most dedicated follower. Thus, in the entire history of Buddhism, twenty-eight such enlightenments have already been counted. These Buddhas are also especially revered by followers of this religion.

However, it should be noted that the main dates of the holidays coincide in almost all traditions.

Some traditions of this teaching (family and others)

So, among other things, there are many different traditions in Buddhism. For example, this religion has a special attitude towards marriage. Nobody forces anyone to do anything, but nevertheless there is no revelry and betrayal. In the Buddhist tradition there are some recommendations on how to make her happy and worthy. The founder of the doctrine gave only some recommendations that one should be faithful, not flirt and not kindle feelings in oneself not for one’s spouse. In addition, one should not be promiscuous or have sex outside of marriage.

However, there is nothing against if a person does not enter into family relationships, since this is everyone’s personal matter. It is believed that, if necessary, people can separate by mutual consent if it is no longer possible to live together. However, such a need is rare if the man and woman strictly follow the rules and He also advised not to marry those people who have a large age difference (for example, an elderly man and a young woman).

In principle, marriage in Buddhism is an opportunity for joint development and support for each other in everything. It is also an opportunity to avoid loneliness (if it is difficult to live with), fear and deprivation.

Buddhist monasteries and the way of life of monks

Followers of this teaching usually live in sangha communities that occupy a specific Buddha temple. Monks are not clergy in our usual understanding. They simply undergo training there, studying sacred texts, meditating. Almost anyone (both men and women) can become a member of such a community.

Each direction of teaching has its own set of rules, which monastic followers must strictly observe. Some of them prohibit eating meat, some prescribe agricultural activities, and others prohibit interfering in social and political life (monks live from alms).

Thus, one who becomes a follower of the Buddha must observe the rules and not deviate from them.

The meanings of holidays in Buddhism

If we talk about a religion like Buddhism, holidays here have a special status. They are not celebrated the way we do. In Buddhism, a holiday is a special day that has more restrictions than permissions. According to their beliefs, on these days there is an increase of a thousand times in all mental and physical actions, as well as their consequences (both positive and negative). It is believed that observing all major dates allows one to comprehend the nature and essence of the teaching, and to come as close as possible to the Absolute.

The essence of celebration is to create purity around and within yourself. This can be achieved through special rituals of Buddhism, as well as repetition of mantras, playing musical instruments (the sounds they emit are important), and the use of certain religious objects. All this leads to the restoration of a person’s subtle structure, which significantly clears his consciousness. It is necessary to perform such an action as visiting a temple, and also make an offering to the Community, Teacher, and Buddhas.

Celebrating at home is not considered shameful in the Buddhist tradition, because the most important thing is the mood, as well as knowledge of why it is even needed. It is believed that every person, even without being in a crowd of the same celebrants, can, after appropriate adjustment, be included in the general field of celebration.

Buddhist Holidays: Visakha Puja

There are various Buddhist holidays, the list of which is quite large. Let's look at the most important of them. For example, one of such holidays for all Buddhists is Visakha Puja. It is a symbol of three events that occurred in the life of the founder of this teaching - birth, enlightenment and departure from life (to nirvana). Many schools of followers believe that all these events happened on the same day.

This holiday is celebrated on a grand scale. All temples are decorated with paper lanterns and flower garlands. Many oil lamps are placed on their territory. The monks read prayers and tell stories about Buddha to the laity. This holiday lasts for a week.

Buddhism Holidays: Asalha

If we talk about Buddhism, then this one can be considered one of them. He talks about the teaching, Dharma, that was brought to people, and with the help of which one could achieve enlightenment. The celebration of this event takes place in July (Asalha), on the day of the full moon.

It is worth noting that this day, among other things, also indicates the founding of the Sangha. The first in this community were those followers who followed the Buddha and carried out his instructions. This also means that three refuges have appeared in the world - Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

This day is also the beginning of the retreat period for monks (vaso). However, this does not mean that you only need to abstain from food during this time. It’s just that the practice of the Sangha includes the point that it is permissible to eat only in the morning (from sunrise to noon).

Buddhist Festivals: Kathin

This day ends the Vaso period. Celebrated on the full moon in October. On this day, the laity presents a special robe for the bhikhi. The name of this person is called at the time when Katkhina is celebrated. After the end of this period (waso), the monks set out on the road again.

Thus, Buddhism holidays are quite diverse. This ends a certain period of celebration of religious important days, but there are many others.

Mystery Tsam

This is a very interesting annual festival that lasts several days. It is performed in the monasteries of Nepal, Tibet, Buryatia, Mongolia and Tuva. By the way, this mystery could be performed at completely different times - in winter and summer, and also have a completely different genre.

The performance could also be ambiguous. For example, one Buddha temple created a ritual dance, and another staged a play with dialogues that were read by several characters. And, finally, the third temple could generally stage a multi-component performance with a large number of participants.

The meaning of this mystery is varied. For example, with its help it was possible to intimidate the enemies of the teaching, as well as demonstrate the true teaching over false teaching. It was still possible to pacify the evil forces next year. Or simply prepare a person for the path that he takes after death to the next rebirth.

So, Buddhism holidays are not only of a religious nature, but also of a solemn and sublime nature.

Other Buddhist holidays

There are also other Buddhist holidays, which include:

  • New Year;
  • a day dedicated to the fifteen miracles of Buddha;
  • Kalachakra festival;
  • Maydari-khular;
  • Loy Krathong;
  • River Na and many others.

Thus, we see that there are the main holidays of Buddhism and others that are no less valuable and important, but are celebrated more modestly.


So, we see that this teaching is quite diverse both in terms of knowledge and holidays. The long history of Buddhism has undergone many changes throughout its history, which have transformed the religion itself. But its essence and the path of the person who passed it first and gave certain knowledge to his followers did not distort it.

All the numerous holiday dates in one way or another reflect the essence of the teaching. Their annual celebration gives followers hope and rethinking of their deeds. By participating in the general celebration, some come a little closer to the essence of Buddhism and become one step closer to the very enlightenment that the founder was awarded.


This is the name of the “holy rite”, which takes place in late autumn. Datsan churches are illuminated outside and inside with many candles, by the light of which believers, in front of the image of the gods, repent of all cases of mistreatment of domestic animals. Poor food, beatings, backbreaking work that makes animals suffer - grave sins, causing supposedly bad degeneration. After all, in every domestic animal, according to Lamaist ideas, a reincarnated deceased relative of a believer can live. Repentance should free the believer from guilt towards the dead. It is possible that in its origins the dzul-khural goes back to the Indian cult of “sacred” animals.


A ritual dedicated to hermits (naidans), elevated to the rank of deities. It also takes place in the fall. By hanging images of Naidans, emphasizing their decrepitude and indifference to everything around them, the lamas tell believers that the Naidans were once worldly people, but having gone into hermitage, they deserved “salvation.” Naidani Khural emphasizes the danger of any attachment to life, for this attachment leads to bad rebirths.

Obo is a ritual adopted by Lamaism from shamanism. Usually in Buryatia it is performed in the summer, before the start of haymaking. Near a pile of stones piled on the top of a hill, on a mountainside, on a pass, lamas and believers read prayers in which they ask for help from the spirits - the “masters of the area.” Sacrifice is left on the stones - food, coins, silk scarves (hadaks). They pray especially intensely around the Oo during a drought, since the lamas assure that the rain is sent by the “masters of the area.” During the obo, cattle are often slaughtered.

There are also obos dedicated to the deities of the Lamaist pantheon.

Usu tyayalgn

In the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, a close-to-rite ritual, usu tyayalgn, is occasionally observed, i.e., sacrifice to the spirit - “the owner of the water.” To increase the fish catch, when there is a large gathering of members of the fishing artel, a kid goat is slaughtered on a specially constructed raft driven out to sea, whose blood flows into a cauldron with freshly boiled fish soup while reading spells.

Worship of "holy" places

In a number of places in Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva there are places declared “sacred” by lamas. Believers make pilgrimages to them. Particularly famous are Mount Alkhanay in the Aginsky Autonomous National Okrug of the Chita Region and Arshan in the Tunkinsky aimag of the BASSR. It is usually believed that springs (arsha-ns), as well as rocks and stones, provide magical healing assistance unusual shape. So, on the slope of Alkhanaya there is a rock with a small hole through which pregnant women climb, believing that this will bring them a successful birth. People often seek help from infertility, chronic diseases, etc. from “holy” places.

Family altar

In every home of a Buryat, Kalmyk, or Tuvan believer, a low cabinet with a shelf in front of it is placed in a place of honor. Inside there are metal, clay, wooden sculptural images of deities of the Buddhist pantheon (burkha-ny), small icons painted on canvas, silk or wood hang, and various “sacred” objects lie. On the shelf there are bronze cups for sacrifices, smoking candles, and flowers. The production of icons and figurines of deities was monopolized by the lamas and brought them large incomes.


Prayers addressed to bodisat-va were usually simply mechanically memorized by believers, since their language (Tibetan) remained incomprehensible. In addition to prayers, believers had to memorize many spells (tarni) in order to protect themselves from the action of evil spirits and all kinds of misfortunes. Those who wished could keep a “record” of the spoken prayers and spells using special rosaries. Some especially pious believers collected these rosaries in a bag and gave them to the person traveling to worship the shrines of Tibet, so that the gods would learn more accurately about his – the believer’s – piety.

Along with this, Lamaism introduced a kind of “mechanization” of prayer. Prayer texts are placed in the so-called khurde - hollow, usually metal, cylinders. Cylinders come in a variety of sizes: diameter and height from a few centimeters to several meters. An axis is passed through the centers of the lid and bottom of the cylinder, around which the entire structure can rotate. It is believed that one revolution of the cylinder is equivalent to reading all the prayers and sacred texts contained in it.

Faith in talismans

Boo - a talisman - is worn by almost all Lamaists. It consists of a piece of paper or cloth on which are written the texts of prayers and spells - for long life, for protection from illness or violent death, etc. The folded text is covered with leather and worn on a cord around the neck. Considered more effective is a small statue of Buddha or part of the clothing of the “living god,” also worn around the neck in a wooden or silver case decorated with embossing. After the ceremony performed when naming a newborn, the lama ties paper talismans to the child’s neck, arms and legs, which should ward off illness and misfortune from the newborn.

Gurums and Abarals

Any event in the life of a lamaist forces him to seek advice from a lama-zurkhachin, that is, a fortuneteller-astrologer. The latter indicates to the believer what rituals and spells must be performed in order to successfully migrate to another place, when buying livestock or marrying off a daughter, during the illness and funeral of a relative, etc. The Indian calendar accepted in Buddhism plays a significant role in this. In it, the years are named by the names of the signs of the zodiac circle: mouse, bull, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig. These names are combined with one of the five “elements” - wood, fire, earth, iron, water. The result is sixty-year cycles, “starting from the year 1027 of our calendar. Now the 16th cycle is underway. It was this calendar, usually called the Japanese calendar, that formed the basis of some neo-mystical ideas that became widespread in last years. Months are also called zodiac signs or simply serial numbers. The days of the week are named after the seven luminaries. Having calculated all the “data”, the lama astrologer draws up a horoscope for the newborn, in which, based on the qualitative features of the year of birth (“ Fire Dragon", "water hen", etc.), day and month of birth, etc., "predicts" what and when a person entering the world should be wary of life path, what spells to cast, who he can marry, etc.

In less critical cases, they guess by looking at the cracks that form when a red-hot lamb shoulder is lowered into cold water, By dice(shoo), etc. When the “cause” of illness, theft, natural disaster, a special lama-exorcist (abaralchin, or gurum-chin) often performs a complex and expensive ritual - gurum, or abaral. Especially many gurums are associated with the idea of ​​​​evil spirits as the cause of human illness and death, loss of livestock, etc. One of the popular gurums is aminzolic, which previously, if appointed by a lama, was mandatory for believers, even if it led to complete ruin. The lama made a straw effigy in the yurt, dressing it in the patient’s best clothes. Then, through spells, he “drove” the evil spirits that caused the disease there, after which he took the stuffed animal to the steppe along with payment for the gurum. Gurum “zhaldoy” demanded the construction on a special table of images of people or animals sculpted from dough or clay to whom “help” should be provided. They are surrounded by a fence of sticks, sabers and arrows. They were driven here too evil spirits. During the gurum "ukhedel darakha" lamas supposedly catch devils and can even defeat death.

Many rituals and superstitions are associated with the idea that happiness is something semi-material that can be “given” or “taken away” from a given home. To “maintain” happiness in the house when part of the property is removed from it (when selling livestock, milk), believers leave a particle of what was removed in the house - a tuft of sheep’s wool, a few drops of milk spilled on the floor.

Buddhism is the oldest world religion, dating back to the teachings of the Indian ascetic Shakyamuni, nicknamed Buddha (“enlightened”, “awakened”). Buddhists themselves date their religion from the death of the Buddha, but among them there is no complete agreement regarding the dating of the time of his life (according to the tradition of the Theravada school.

Buddha lived from 624 to 544 BC; according to the scientific version, taking into account the Greek evidence about the date of Ashoka's coronation, from 566 to 486 BC; according to the latest...

There is a lot of controversy about Buddhism in the world. This is a very interesting religion. My opinion - the main point Buddhism is endless peace, spiritual tranquility and tranquility.

The Middle Path of the Buddha: “Four Great Truths” and the Path of the Eight Stages

The path to enlightenment that Gautama offered people is called the middle path, that is, in order to achieve the state of nirvana, a person, on the one hand, should not torture himself with strict asceticism, as prescribed by the religious system of Jainism, and on the other hand... .

The Pure Land doctrine is one of the popular traditions of Mahayana Buddhism, most widespread in China and Japan, although the roots of this teaching, like Buddhism in general, are in India.

The central figure of Pure Land Buddhism is Amitabha Buddha (Amitayus, Chinese.

Amitofo, Japanese Amida) and Western Country Extreme Joy (Sukhavati, whale Jintu, Japanese Jodo - “Pure Land”). //It should be noted that each Buddha has his own Pure Land, in which he dwells in the Body of Bliss - one of...

Buddhism is the first of the world religions, which arose in the 6th century. BC e. He went on to win millions of followers in different countries world and especially Asia.

The emergence of Buddhism is associated with the name of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha).

He was born around 560 BC. e. His birthplace is considered to be northeast India near the Nepal border. Prince Gautama was the son of the head of the Shakya tribe. At the age of 29, he broke up with his carefree girlfriend, luxurious life, left home, left his wife and son and went wandering...

The Kagyu tradition is one of the four main branches of Tibetan Buddhism, besides the Sakya, Nyingma and Gelug schools. She achieved prominence in the XI and XII centuries AD and one and a half millennia after the departure of Tibetan Buddhism in addition to the Sakya, Nyingma and Gelug schools.

She achieved prominence in the 11th and 12th centuries AD. and one and a half millennia after the disappearance of Lord Buddha. Thus, the Kagyu tradition developed during the "late penetration" of Buddhism into Tibet; "early penetration...

Buddhism is the name given to a religious movement whose origins lie in the life and teachings of the great Buddha. But more strictly speaking, Buddhism means the unchanging teaching or Dharma that lies behind everything that is transitory.

At the center of Buddhism is the teaching of the “4 Noble Truths”: there is suffering, its cause, the state of liberation and the path to it.

Suffering and liberation are subjective states and at the same time a certain cosmic reality: suffering is a state of anxiety, tension...

Buddhism of the Russian East has a very rich history. Among the ancestors of the Kalmyks - the Oirats - the Teaching spread in three waves. For the first time, the Oirats received knowledge of Buddhism from the Uyghurs: most likely, these were the teachings of the Mahayana. During the second wave, which occurred at the beginning of the 12th century, various directions of the Tibetan Kagyu school spread. In the mid-12th century, the most famous person in Tibet was the Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi - the head of the Karma Kagyu tradition. He was even invited to the Mongol court...

Buddhism is the most ancient of the three world religions. Christianity is younger than it by five, and Islam by as much as twelve centuries. The bulk of his followers live in the countries of South, South-East and East Asia: Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan, China (as well as the Chinese population of Singapore and Malaysia), Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos.

In our country, Buddhism is traditionally practiced by the residents of Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva, and in recent years, Buddhist communities...

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