Feng Shui in the nursery. Children's room according to Feng Shui - shape, color, lighting, location. East - family relationships

Literally translated, Feng Shui means “wind and water” in Chinese. The goal of this ancient Chinese philosophy is to direct the natural flows of qi energy in the right direction, in practice to create an energy balance of qi that is favorable for humans. Harmonizing space for a specific person is what parents strive for when decorating a nursery according to Feng Shui. In an energetically balanced space according to Feng Shui, a child will grow up purposeful, calm, confident and free.

Harmonization of space is the main task of Feng Shui in the interior

According to Chinese philosophy, East means growth and development, including personal qualities. Energies located in the east are responsible for the development of creativity and good health. Therefore, the Chinese tend to place children's rooms in the eastern part of their houses and apartments.

Attention! It is optimal if one wall of the nursery is combined with the parent’s bedroom - this way the baby will feel the flow of parental energy that protects and protects him, while parental care will not be excessive and overwhelming.

It’s good if one of the walls of the nursery is combined with the parents’ room

Where not to place a children's room:

  • in the center of the house - this will provoke childish egoism;
  • opposite the parent's bedroom - the child will unconsciously be under the pressure of parental attention;
  • opposite the front door - there is a leakage of children's energy into the external space, the child will not grow well;
  • opposite the kitchen or toilet - negatively affects the development of the baby, he will get tired and capricious, unnoticed by losing energy.

According to Chinese philosophy, the best place for a child's room is the east.

Children's room shape

Of course, in a multi-storey building it is difficult to determine in advance what shape the nursery will be. However, it is advisable to give your child a moderately spacious, bright room with 1-2 windows. A nuance: in a child’s room there is no need for substantial protrusions, nooks, and partitions - all this interferes with the uniform distribution of energy flows. Multi-level ceilings and podiums are also contraindicated.

A large, bright room with simple geometry is the best option for a child


According to Chinese traditions, natural light stimulates the flow of qi. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, the nursery should:

  • have 1-2 windows;
  • the window sill should not be filled with many indoor plants that block and take away the light;
  • curtains should be light and thin.

However, artificial lighting is still necessary, especially in the autumn-winter period. To maintain the balance of energies and harmonize Shen Qi, which is responsible for health, you need to:

  • separately illuminate each part of the room - playroom, study or bedroom;
  • hang a bright chandelier in the center of the room;
  • use lamps, including energy-saving ones, of warm color and moderate brightness.


The energies of Yang and Yin are connected in every child. Feng Shui will tell you how to properly decorate the interior in order to coordinate such contradictory energy flows.

Yang energy is responsible for activity, curiosity, movement and development of the baby. Yang is characterized by everything bright and multi-colored. But Yin energy is calm and relaxing.

According to Feng Shui, the preferred wall color for a child’s room is light and calm.

The gender of the child does not play a role in Chinese philosophy. Therefore, the wall covering (wallpaper or painting) should be neutral soft shades - beige, cream, olive, pink or blue.

Attention! But individual accents in the play and learning areas (curtains, carpet, accessories) can be in rich, bright colors to stimulate the flow of Yang.


It is necessary to correctly divide the room into zones, determining the place where the child sleeps, rests and studies. The center of the room should be left free.

  1. Study place. Yang energy zone. Located in the northwest of the room. The table should be opposite the door. There will definitely be a wall behind the person sitting - it acts as an energy support. If it is not possible to place a study table in this way, then a mirror reflecting the doorway should be hung in front of the child above his head. According to Eastern philosophy, a table under the window does not retain qi, so the child will not be able to concentrate and study well. In this case, it is better to place the table as far as possible from the sleeping place.

The modern educational process is unthinkable without a computer, which, according to Feng Shui, has an adverse effect on the harmony of natural elements.

On a note! You can neutralize the destructive power of technical devices with a live plant or a small aquarium in the training area.

  1. Sleeping area. Chinese sages give healthy sleep a special place in the harmonious flow of Shen Qi. What should be the correct sleeping place:
  • to match the baby’s height, it is not suitable to buy a bed “for growth”;
  • the bed should be solid, comfortable, durable, preferably wooden;
  • there should be no emptiness at the head of the bed, therefore lattice or forged backs, as well as with sharp corners directed towards the sleeping baby, are unacceptable;

The head of the bed should be solid, continuous, without voids

  • Energy flows pass freely under the bed, so the bed should not stand close to the floor;
  • toys and things should not be stored under the bed, this also interferes with the free passage of qi;
  • Shelves, mirrors, and paintings cannot be placed around the bed or above it.

When choosing a bed, you should pay attention to models with legs

According to Feng Shui, a nursery can be designed for two children. However, Chinese sages do not recommend putting them to sleep on a bunk bed. A child sleeping on the top tier will be deprived of energy support, and one located below will be suppressed by the flow of energy from above. All this will affect their behavior and self-realization.

If the room is designed for two children, then each child should have their own separate bed

How to place a bed in a room:

  • preferably close to the wall - this will provide additional energy protection;

  • diagonally relative to the door - the person lying on the bed sees those entering the door of his room and the entire room;
  • if the size of the room does not allow placing the bed in this way, you need to hang a mirror so that you can see the door;
  • You should not place the sleeping place so that the child lies with his feet towards the door - according to Feng Shui, this is considered a bad option that will not bring healthy sleep.

If the child does not sleep well, you should try to find a favorable place to rest and rearrange the crib.

Each part of the world has its own strengths; by going to bed with your head in a certain direction of the world, a person receives a powerful energy boost of a certain nature during rest. How to orient the head of a child’s bed to the cardinal directions depends on the baby’s character and the need to enhance some of his features:

  • south - increases psychological stability;
  • north - improves intuitive abilities;
  • West - helps to produce offspring;
  • East - relieves tension, relaxes.

  1. Playing place. According to Feng Shui, a children's room should have a specific place for children's games. The game zone is allocated to the southwestern part of the room, because This is where the child’s creative energy spills out and interaction with Yang energy occurs.

What activates the flow of qi energy:

  • glass or metal open shelves with lighting, they connect the energy of metal and the elements of earth;
  • positive posters and landscapes on the wall;
  • children's crafts and awards on display;
  • live plants;
  • fishbowl.

Feng Shui welcomes zoning of space

Metal bells attract and harmonize energy flows. It is also good to hang them above the door to the children's room to keep the flow of qi in it.

If the room is small and it is impossible to delimit zones with light partitions, screens or open shelving, it is worth decorating and decorating the walls:

  • in the relaxation area - in soothing colors;
  • for study and play - in bright ones.

Children in the family require constant attention. An ancient science from China - Feng Shui - will help you correctly arrange things in a small nursery for comfort, health and harmonious development.

Let's take a closer look at how to decorate a nursery according to Feng Shui.

Laws for placing children

The main thing for a child is growth and development, this is favored by the eastern sector in the apartment.

The location of the nursery near the parents' bedroom or inside the apartment is additional protection for children.

Experts do not recommend placing a children's room near the toilet (bathroom) or kitchen. If the room is in the far corner of the house (apartment), your child may take command early and require increased attention, since this is the place for the head of the family.

Shape and dimensions of the room for children

For any room you need the correct shape - a rectangle or square. Deviations from standards, niches, protrusions and corners disrupt the circulation of energies.

Roof slopes and ceiling beams subconsciously irritate. Light and space are important for development and growth, but a large room for a baby can cause fear and insecurity.

Color and light in the nursery

The natural light of the sun activates the yang energy. If there is a lack of light, the child will quickly get tired, this leads to a bad mood, whims and lethargy. Decorate the walls with sconces, a table lamp is required.

It is also important to choose a color according to Feng Shui in the nursery - calm, gentle tones: cream, green, pink. Games require bright colors, so it is necessary to reflect this in the decor (orange, yellow or red elements).

In the room, the balance shifts towards “yang” - activity and growth are important for a child, but adults need a balance of energies. The choice of color shades depends on the temperament of the child.

Calm tones will calm an overly active child, while a quiet one will need more saturated bright shades to increase his activity. Intuition will help; you need to take a close look at the child.

Children's room areas

To correctly determine the zones of a children's room according to Feng Shui, you will need a compass (or Bagua grid). According to the laws of Feng Shui, zones are determined for the entire house (apartment), then for a separate room. We take the cardinal directions as a basis.

The Northeast is the sector of wisdom and knowledge; this is the most suitable place for the table. A window or wall in front of the student’s face is not the best option; it is better to place the window on the left and the wall behind the back (protection). This rule also applies to adults.

Here white color has a good effect. Beige-brown shades are preferable in the knowledge sector.

For various games, it is better to choose a place near the door

The sleeping place is not placed near the door or opposite it; noise will interfere. If this is not possible, then the bed is placed with the head of the bed facing the favorable zone. If the child is active - the eastern side, if the child is quiet - the western side, for schoolchildren - the eastern side is better.

If it is difficult to determine the place for the bed, keep track of where the baby quickly falls asleep and where he tosses around for a long time and cannot fall asleep. Experimentally, you can clearly find the desired side. Children are very sensitive to such things.

Choosing the “right” bed is an important thing, you should follow the rules:

A crib made of natural wood is better. High headboard (protection) against the wall for support and stability. The dimensions of the bed must correspond to the height and age of the children. The bed should not be cramped or huge.

A bed is better without drawers; they (like toys under the bed) disrupt the flow of energy and prevent you from falling asleep quickly.

Bunk beds have a bad effect on children. Over time, a child sleeping below may become withdrawn and unsure of his own abilities. It is as if he is subconsciously under pressure from the “upper”. Whoever sleeps at the top loses his support, he will look back and often look for support.

  • A very low bed also does not allow positive energy to pass through.
  • Nothing should be hung above the bed (shelves, sconces, lamps). Sharp corners of cabinets and cabinets nearby act as “secret arrows” and harm the child.
  • A mirror should not be placed opposite the bed, especially in a child’s room. A person should not be reflected in any surface - he will often get sick and lose strength.
  • If your child has a fear of the dark, you need a night light nearby. You can hang a transparent canopy, then a “sweet” dream will be ensured, this is a subconscious protection.
  • It is impossible for the child to lie with his feet towards the door (the position of the deceased).

Cleanliness, order, light and ventilation - all this will have a positive effect on health and the circulation of favorable energy for health, growth and study.

Images of violence, skulls, aggression, etc. are unacceptable on the walls of a nursery. Even a raging sea with a sinking ship can destroy luck and bring illness. Only beautiful, positive pictures that evoke pleasant emotions, especially for a teenager.

“Wind music” (tubes) have a calming effect on children and adults.

These simple tips will help you bring joy, health and luck into your everyday life. The correct arrangement of furniture in the photo of a children's room according to Feng Shui.

Photo of a children's room according to Feng Shui

We all want our children to grow up healthy, happy and harmoniously developed. Therefore, we try to give our best to children. We also implement this principle when decorating a children's room. That's why I plan children's room design When selecting decorative elements, do not forget to study the rules of Feng Shui applied in the children's room.

Feng Shui translated from Chinese means “wind and water”, which symbolizes the harmony of nature and peace. But it is precisely we who must make the child’s small world harmonious. Unfortunately, it often happens that the interior of a child’s room drains the child’s energy. Therefore, every item in the room should directly or indirectly contribute to the development of the baby.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, there is a tradition of using the magical shell ba-gua.

This is a circle divided into nine parts, which make up the central core and eight houses of the world order, each of them corresponds to cardinal directions and certain colors.

Where is the best place to place a nursery according to Feng Shui?

It is important that the nursery is oriented towards the east. In this case, the favorable direction for boys will be the east, and for girls - the east and southeast.

The East is the direction of progressive development and growth. Yang energy, which is concentrated in that part of the apartment that is located closer to the front door, is responsible for successful development and intensive movement. In this case, it will be best if the child’s bedroom is located next to the parents’ room.

The baby's nursery should be medium in size. If it is too small, the walls will seem to limit the child’s actions, and the low ceiling will put pressure on the psyche. A children's room that is too large and has a high ceiling can cause fear. In a child’s room, there should definitely be a little more positive energy circulating in space than in the rest of the apartment. To attract these energies into the nursery, open the curtains as early as possible in the morning so that the first rays of the sun illuminate and warm every corner.

The health zone, highlighted in yellow on the “magic shell”, is considered the heart of each room. An unoccupied center allows energy to move freely from one zone to another. This explains the fact that in almost all residential premises the furniture is usually placed along the walls, and the center is free.

An invariable part of the center of the room is the ceiling lamp. Feng Shui experts recommend choosing chandeliers made of transparent materials that will transmit not only electric light, but also sunlight, thereby increasing positive energy. Burnt-out light bulbs should be replaced immediately, since, according to feng shui followers, energy is, as it were, closed on a dried-up source. In such a situation, physical discomfort arises, health deteriorates sharply, and health problems may even arise. Greenish or yellowish light has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. They are recommended for lamp shades and shades. Lighting directed at the table should be neutral. To do this, choose a table lamp with an opaque lampshade and a clear lamp.

A variety of furnishings can have an overwhelming effect on the human body. Children feel this unusually keenly.

What furniture to choose for the nursery. Feng Shui Tips

When choosing furniture for a nursery, consider the size of the room, as well as the age and physical characteristics of the child. It’s better to immediately give up oppressive heavy objects - voluminous lamps, huge cabinets and massive tables. There should not be too much furniture. Leave only the essentials in the room: a small desk, neat cabinets and shelves, containers for toys, a bed and a bedside table.

The child's bed should change as he grows. It’s very bad if the baby’s ka has sharp corners. Traditionally in Feng Shui philosophy, corners are considered an obstacle to the flow of energy. Therefore, choose beds and furniture in general with rounded corners and round elements.

An unsuccessful option for organizing a sleeping area is a children's bunk bed (unfortunately, in many small-sized apartments they are a way out of a difficult situation when several children need to be accommodated in a small area). Feng Shui experts and psychologists say that a child sleeping from below will constantly feel the pressing influence of the plane hanging above him. It is quite possible that a child who slept on the top tier will become stronger psychologically and will build relationships with his brother or sister from this position. So, if the size of the room allows, it is better to provide a separate bed for each child. There should be enough space between children's beds so that they can calmly get ready for bed without disturbing each other.

Teach your child to put all toys away in closets or in containers specially designed for this at night. A child's sleep will be peaceful if his desk and toys are not visible from his bed. This is especially true for large toys depicting animals; during sleep, remove them from the child’s field of view, as there is a danger that, upon waking up, the baby will be afraid of them. But under no circumstances should you forbid your baby to fall asleep with his favorite toy: full of childish positivity, it will protect his sweet dreams.

Various moving objects are designed to attract positive energy that helps the child develop. These can be toy trains, wind-up toys in the form of animals, watches. Hang a melodic bell or “wind chime” above the door.

This will not only serve as protection from negative energies, but will also warn the child that someone is entering the room.

Do you need indoor flowers in the nursery?

It is recommended to use as objects symbolizing development houseplants, they are a wonderful conductor of yang energy. Plant with your child and place a large indoor flower in the middle of the children's room, place it under a chandelier, which will symbolize the sun. Both the child and the flower will grow, gradually developing and changing.

Plants, in principle, always play a positive role in human life. They ennoble the space around a small creature, not only saturating the air with oxygen, but also decorating the room.

Teach your child to care for plants, this will help him better understand the structure of this world, its beauty and fragility. To increase the energy of movement and development in an older child’s room, you can put an aquarium with colorful fish, one of which, according to Feng Shui advice, should be black.

How to develop a child's creative abilities?

Children love to engage in various kinds of creativity. Your child’s drawings and crafts will help attract the energy of creation if you place them in a visible place. To direct the child’s development in the right direction, you can place an object or image near the baby’s bed that would symbolize his interests and future occupation.

You need to think about a workplace for your baby in time. The question arises: how to position the desk correctly? Firstly, the child should not sit with his back to the door, as his attention will be scattered. Secondly, the window should be on the side of the person sitting so that the child’s gaze does not rest on it.

The child will be distracted by what is happening outside the window, and this will lead to excessive daydreaming. The student will be disorganized, and this may contribute to failure in his studies.

The best option is for the child to sit with his back to the wall, without losing sight of the surrounding space. The ideal position of the desk would be such that the face of the working child would be turned towards the door. If the workplace cannot be organized in accordance with these recommendations and if the child sits with his back to the door, hang a mirror on the wall next to the table - it will help control the space behind him. It is better to place a desk or table for creative activities in the knowledge zone. The color blue corresponds to it, so accessories decorating the work area should be of appropriate shades.

Feng Shui color scheme for children's rooms

Talking about room color schemes, we have already mentioned that light colors are suitable for a child’s room. But Feng Shui calls for taking into account two more factors. Firstly, this is the child’s temperament. Apathetic, unhurried, passive children will be pleased, conducive to active activity, concentrated colors and colorful patterns. In the room of restless, lively Children, monochromatic colors should dominate, and variegated designs and multi-colored complex patterns on furniture upholstery, wallpaper, and curtains should be avoided.

Secondly, when decorating the interior, it is necessary to take into account the so-called cycle of the origin of the elements. To choose a color scheme in accordance with this statement of feng shui followers, you can add accessories to the interior of the room in the primary color that patronizes your child.

Try to put these simple tips into practice, and you will see that your efforts will not be in vain, because Feng Shui is an excellent assistant in the spiritual and physical education of a child. When your baby grows up, he will be grateful to you for giving him a bright childhood in a harmonious and cozy world.

Some married couples are faced with the impossibility of having a baby, although medical examinations do not find any abnormalities in the health of the spouses.

The principles of Feng Shui for conceiving and giving birth to a child will help you overcome this serious problem - that’s what we’ll talk to you about today. You won’t need anything complicated, the main thing is to follow the recommendations of Eastern sages who know a lot about the energy of procreation.

How Feng Shui can help

It would seem that the problem with conception is not esoteric, but more of a medical one. But Feng Shui supporters do not agree with this opinion. They argue that many factors can interfere with pregnancy, for example, the energy of sadness from despair from failed attempts, incorrect location of the marital bed, coincidence of circumstances.

But all this can be changed with the help of the correct direction of energy flows, which will help strengthen the couple’s relationship, destroy interfering factors and attract the right people into life who can heal both body and soul.


  • First, carry out a complete cleaning of the apartment, getting rid of all old and unnecessary things that have not been used for a long time, as well as cracked dishes and artificial or dried flowers.
  • And secondly, inspect the bedroom for “poisonous arrows.”

This is the name given to the sharp corners of the furniture, which are directed towards the matrimonial bed and towards the center of the room opposite it. If you find such corners, they must be neutralized, as they will interfere with conception: you can simply stick tape or decorative paper on them, or cover them with a beautiful napkin, placing any living plant in a pot on top.

You can also get rid of the negative energy of such “arrows” with the help of a canopy, screen, picture or any other object that resembles a screen. You definitely need to put a new mattress on the bed, and this is especially important if the old one consisted of two halves - for successful conception it must be one.

After preparing the bed, you need to cut the length of your hair to the so-called “imperial size”.

Translated into a language that everyone understands, Feng Shui for conceiving and giving birth to a child is from 16.2 to 17.5 centimeters; it is this value that is responsible for the joy that children fill our lives with. If your hair is already short, you can use a value from 2.7 to 4 cm, which brings good luck in all areas of life.

Find out the Gua number and use it

In the teachings of Feng Shui, numbers are also of great importance. Your Gua number, as well as that of your spouse, will be needed to determine the correct position of the head during sleep. It is calculated differently for men and women.

For men, you first need to add together the last two digits of the year of birth, and if the result is a two-digit number, then add them again. This is how the intermediate number needed for further calculations is calculated.

For example, for a spouse born in 1974, the intermediate number is determined as follows: 7+4=11=1+1=2.

To get the Gua number, you need to subtract the intermediate value from the number 10. In our example, the calculation will be as follows: 10-2=8. The Gua number of this man is 8. Remember that from 10 the intermediate number is subtracted only if the year of birth is before 2000, but if the man was born in 2000 or later, instead of 10 it should be subtracted from 9.

For women, the formula will be slightly different: the intermediate number is found in the same way as for men - by adding the last two digits of the year of birth, and bringing this number, if necessary, to a single digit.

But the female Gua number itself is determined by adding the number 5 to the intermediate number.

So, for example, for a woman born in 1988, the intermediate number is: 8+8=16=1+6=7.

And the formula for the Gua number will be as follows: 7+5=13=1+4 (any two-digit numbers obtained are always reduced to single-digit numbers).

Now that you know your couple's Gua numbers, you need to look at which directions they correspond to:

1 – North

2 – South-West

3 – East

4 – Southeast

5 – Center

6 – North-West

7 – West

8 – Northeast

After this, you need to take a compass and determine the location of the cardinal directions in your bedroom. After you have done this, you need to rearrange the bed so that your heads are directed in the direction of your spouse's Gua number when sleeping. It is in this “male” position that the marital bed should be in until the moment when conception occurs.

And only after pregnancy has occurred, you will need to move the bed again so that your heads are now in your “female” direction. The bed should remain like this until the baby is born. For our example discussed above, the marital bed should be turned “head” to the northeast before conception, and to the southeast after the woman becomes pregnant.

After rearranging the bed, do not move the compass far away - we will still need it to identify and properly design the remaining parts of the apartment. This is exactly what we will do now.

West - Children

In Feng Shui, the western sector of the home is considered the most important for the birth of a child, since it is associated with children and procreation. It is best to decorate it in light colors - white, silver and gray, and, if possible, avoid red and its shades, since they neutralize the energy necessary for conception.

In this part of the apartment you can and should place items related to children and fertility. A good solution would be:

  • Frames with your children's photographs and your family's babies;
  • Paintings depicting children;
  • Any living, fast-growing plant in a pot, such as ficus;
  • Books and magazines for children and parents;
  • A figurine of the god Hotei, surrounded by children;
  • An image of either a stork or a crane carrying a peach;
  • Crystal egg framed in marble, metal or malachite;
  • A figurine of an elephant or a composition of them, but always with trunks tucked down (you can also place two elephants on both sides of the entrance door to the bedroom, if it is not in this sector);
  • Images of pomegranate or peas;
  • An amulet or a picture with two fish (they can also be left not in the “children’s” sector, but simply placed under the mattress on the marital bed).

Wearing special stones around the neck that help to conceive and bear a child will also help to activate the positive energy of this zone. Such stones include amber, carnelian, garnet, emerald, diamond, malachite, topaz, rock crystal, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

If you are not used to this kind of decoration, just leave such a magical pebble in the “children’s” sector - the western part of the apartment.

South – Love

This area of ​​the home is responsible for feelings. Eastern sages believe that a child should be born only between people who sincerely love each other, so this sector of the apartment also needs to be activated for successful conception.

It would be appropriate to decorate it in the color of passion – red and any of its shades. If your sleeping area is in the south, be sure to cover it with a red, orange, yellow or earthy blanket. The first two colors activate the energy of love, and the last two colors activate the energy of fertility.

In the zone of marital relations there must be your wedding photograph, as well as any other symbols of love: paired figurines of people, animals or mythical creatures, a sign of double luck, rose quartz or tangerine ducks.

North West – Patrons

This sector of the apartment is responsible for the patrons, so in Feng Shui for the conception and birth of a child we will also use it to ask them for help. You can place here a picture with a guardian angel, an icon with the Mother of God or St. Petersburg Blessed Xenia.

If you do not consider yourself a deeply religious person, simply hang in this area some bells with a subtle sound or an object associated with the person from whom you want to ask for help, for example, a great-grandmother or another relative who had many children or whom you feel very strongly about. love.

East – Family

This direction is responsible for family relationships. There should not be an overabundance of symbols in this area, so it is better to limit yourself to minimalism, for example, place here bamboo or some product made of natural wood and a painting or photograph depicting water. Just let it be a beautiful lake or a dawn over a calm sea, and not a swamp, a storm in the ocean or a stormy waterfall.

And most importantly, remember that feng shui for conceiving and giving birth to a child will definitely work only if you sincerely believe in its power. Get rid of negative thinking, believe that everything will work out for you and then everything in your life will definitely fall into place.

Feng Shui children and creativity zone has a direct bearing on children and creativity. Answers Feng Shui children's and creativity zone for our cherished desires, dreams and improvement. The zone for children and creativity corresponds to sensory perception. Our children, grandchildren, projects, plans, our imagination and our creativity, the fruits of our creativity - all this is born and created from energy Feng Shui children's and creativity zones. Creativity exists in each of us. By being creative, we turn life into miracles. In this zone it is best to make plans for the future and engage in creative work. The children's and creativity area is located in the western part of your apartment.

The element of the children and creativity zone— Metal, helps and strengthens the element Earth, weakens the element Fire

Color- white, metallic, gold and silver

Children and creativity zone

  • must always be clean, ventilation must be done constantly and often, children vitally need renewed energy
  • We attract energy to the zone with children's drawings, photographs, crafts, crystals, flowers
  • We activate the zone with the help of positive energy and thereby awaken children’s interest in creativity, good communication with peers and adults
  • smell is a conductor of energy - the aromas of tangerine, lemongrass, cedar, honey, chamomile, mint have a beneficial effect on children
  • paintings of neutral content, preferably with images of children in a white frame, yogis consider white color to be one of the highest colors, which brings the energy of calm, white color is the color of beginning, purity, hope

Mascots of the children's and creativity zone

  • At least with children - life-affirming god of fun, communication and wealth, who promises harmony and happiness, fertility

  • Air bells "Wind Music", air bells should have full tubes, without sharp corners
  • Moon Goddess- symbol of the soul

  • Figurines(netsuke) kids- a symbol of heavenly protection, happiness and protection for young children
  • Various pyramids, horseshoe
  • Crystals on scarlet ribbons

The Children and Creativity sector is located in the center of the right side of the room, between the zones of Love and Helpers.

Activate the Children and Creativity sector if you:

  • want to get pregnant;
  • generally want to become a more creative person;
  • participate in work on a creative project;
  • feel creatively limited;
  • want to discover and develop the abilities inherent in childhood;
  • would like to improve their relationship with their children.

You can activate this sector using:

  • posters, paintings, collages, photographs, images of children (preferably children's drawings) that stimulate your creativity;
  • materials used in creativity, for example, paints, arts and crafts tools, building materials;
  • fancy figurines, toys, stuffed animals;
  • items in white and pastel colors;
  • round, oval, and arched objects;
  • metal objects made of bronze, steel, tin, silver, gold, aluminum, copper, etc. (furniture, candlesticks, picture frames, figurines, jewelry, lamps);
  • quotes, statements, sayings relating to posterity and creativity;
  • things that you personally associate with posterity and creativity, for example, things you made, memorabilia from your childhood, etc.

You can come up with any statement that best suits your goals, write it and place it in this sector. Just don’t forget that you need to read it carefully, imagining that what is written about actually exists.

Activating the zone of creativity and children will be beneficial for those who would like to have children, would like to attract success and luck into their lives, establish relationships with them, or would like creative growth for themselves, the development of abilities inherent in childhood, etc. The trigram of the zone is Dui, meaning “Lake of Joy”. Blowing is associated with encouragement and pleasure.

If your wishes concern happy motherhood, then it is recommended to place images of children, panels, children’s photos, children’s drawings, pacifiers and toys in this area. The pomegranate tree is a symbol of fertility. To protect your child from harm, it is recommended to place an image of a stork with peaches in this area. If you want to develop your own creative abilities, you need to organize a workshop for work in the creativity zone, place there a wish card, paints, building materials, items of your own making or composition.

Geranium and jasmine are considered favorable aromas for children and creativity.

The most traditional talisman in the east for the children's area are considered to be air bells, which are called “wind music”. These are cheerfully ringing hollow tubes attached with pendants to imitation Chinese roofs - pagodas or to the celestial circle in the form of a solid circle. Hollow tubes are usually made of metal, wood, ceramics or porcelain. You can select them from any material that corresponds to the element of the activated sector. If you want to neutralize negative energy, such as an unfavorable angle, choose the “wind music” of five tubes and material that symbolically destroys the element of the angle. If, on the contrary, you want to activate positive energy in the sector, you need a material that matches the element of the sector or nourishes it. The number of tubes must match the number of the activated zone. The number for activating the children and creativity zone is 7. Feng Shui children and creativity zone. The second most important talisman are figurines of children. They symbolize happiness and heavenly protection of children. The traditional feng shui symbol for this area is a figurine or image of the Chinese deity - Fu-hsing with a boy and peach fruits. It serves to protect children from misfortunes and illnesses, as it is a symbol of health and children's happiness. Children's photographs and their drawings will become an excellent talisman that will give constant success to your children. They can take a place on the western wall. Such a talisman can activate the energy of creativity. The main element of the children and creativity zone is metal. To activate it, feel free to use metal symbols and symbols of the earth, the element that generates metal.

The ideal way to activate the children's area would be to install illuminated racks and shelves. It is advisable that the shelves be illuminated both day and night. Place all your child’s crafts, his awards, prizes, certificates, medals at Olympiads and competitions on the shelves. Place educational books, games, CDs with educational programs, and favorite toys there.

For creative people, turn this sector into a small studio. Place your finished works in it - paintings, handmade crafts, items of your hobby. Make a small gallery, an exhibition of art created by your own hands.

Keep the children and creativity sector clean according to Feng Shui, make it a rule to do daily cleaning, wipe the dust, remove broken, unnecessary things, broken toys. Ventilate the room regularly - this will get rid of old energy.

So, the West Feng Shui zone is your child’s nursery, here he sleeps, plays, and creates. Divide it into a sleep area, a play area and an activity area.

An east or west direction is suitable for the bed; make sure that your feet are not directed towards the door while sleeping.

For quiet children, it is best to organize a sleeping place in the east, for more active ones - in the west. The crib should be made of natural wood and high enough so that Qi energy circulates freely in space.

The northeast direction is the activity area. Install a desk in this part, hang a world map on the wall, you can put a globe.

If the table is installed in the direction from the window to the door, in this case, place a pot with a fresh flower on the windowsill, and hang “wind chimes” or bells on the door. This will make the energy linger in the nursery and work for the benefit of the baby.

It is advisable to install racks or shelves away from the table, but not in the corner.

If you want to speed up the fulfillment of desires or you have several of them, you can make a wish card according to Feng Shui. To do this, find in magazines and newspapers what you would really like to have: a new car, a sofa, jewelry, a new fur coat or a vacation on the islands, cut out the photos, stick them on whatman paper (A2 or A3 format).

Paste your photo in the middle of the sheet, hang the finished collage in the children and creativity sector according to Feng Shui. Now this is a sheet of fulfillment of your wishes, add photos to whatman paper and remove those that have already come true. The most important thing is to believe!

Children's zone mascots

The element for the children's zone is the Metal element, and its friend and assistant is the Earth element. Shelves made of transparent glass with a metal frame would be appropriate in this area. On them, place photographs of your children in happy moments of life, the results of their efforts and work - awards, medals, cups, etc. The Feng Shui symbol of children is all about their success in various odes to creativity.

Excellent talismans would be items associated with the birth of a child - the satin ribbon with which you tied the baby envelope when picking up the baby from the hospital, his first booties, a cap, a milk bottle, a pacifier, his first rattle.

For creative people, you can activate the zone using crystals by hanging them on a red ribbon. With the help of lighting and imagination, you can create a wonderful corner of creativity.

If possible, fresh flowers should be constantly present in the creativity sector - this activates the flow of Qi energy, enhances the need for self-realization and creative potential.

It is good to place a small, colorfully decorated aquarium, preferably round in shape. Show your imagination, throw away stereotypes - add green or blue sand, white corals, and yellow or brown plants. It is better to choose multi-colored, bright fish for the aquarium, but in no case red.

Hang wind chimes or metal bells in the children's area - their use will neutralize the negative energy of corners, a nearby toilet or storage room.

Colors for the children's area

Suitable Feng Shui colors for children's areas are silver, white, sand and gold.

Choose wallpaper or wall paint interspersed with gold or silver - sparkles on the walls activate the sector well and give a start to the development of creative people. Sand color with white flowers trimmed with gold chips is the ideal solution when choosing wallpaper for a room in the children's area.

For the nursery, you should choose non-aggressive shades - from cream to soft green; concentration and calm are important for fruitful work.

You should avoid using fiery shades in the interior of a children's room or studio - orange, red, as Fire can melt Metal.

What is not allowed in the children's area

  • do not clutter the room, remember: cleanliness and good energy stimulate the creation of masterpieces;
  • do not store broken toys, broken or cracked things in the children's area, put things that the child has outgrown into the pantry or give them away;
  • remove wilted dry plants and flowers from the creative area;
  • You cannot store or hang anything under or above the bed (shelves, pictures);
  • It is undesirable to use bunk beds;
  • do not install shelves or a study table in the corner;
  • It is undesirable to use fire talismans and bright red flowers in the children's area;
  • It is undesirable to place the nursery next to the toilet or kitchen.

Arrange the children's area with great love and attention, do not forget about the little things, because according to Feng Shui, children are the beginning of a new life and what you invest in them from birth will affect your future.

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