Mental science. All books about: “Mental Chemistry. Mental Traps Andre Doll

Mental chemistry

Although one person can bequeath a piece of land to another, he cannot bequeath knowledge and wisdom. A rich man can pay others to do his work for him - but he cannot acquire for himself a personal culture or the ability to think.

Chemistry is a science that studies intraatomic and intramolecular changes that material substances undergo under various influences.

"Mental" is "that which pertains to the mind, including the intellect, the senses, the will, and the whole rational nature."

Science is knowledge acquired and confirmed through accurate observations and correct thinking.

Thus, mental chemistry is the science that studies the change in various states caused by the action of the mind.

The transformations that occur in the field of applied chemistry are the result of an ordered combination of elements. The same is true for mental chemistry.

Any number that can be represented can be expressed using Arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0.

Any idea that can be imagined can be expressed using the 26 letters of the English alphabet.

Any material thing can be made up of the 14 elements known to us by grouping different atoms into molecules.

When two molecules, or more, group together, a new entity is formed. This essence has new characteristics that each of the molecules does not have separately.

A sodium atom and a chlorine atom combine to form a salt. Only such a combination can produce a salt - no other combination of atoms forms a salt. According to its characteristics, salt differs from the elements of which it is composed.

A statement that is true in organic world, the same is true in the organic world. Certain conscious processes produce certain effects. The same thought leads to the same consequences, and no other thought will lead to those results.

All this is true, since the principle must exist independently of the organs through which it manifests itself. Light must exist - otherwise there would be no eye. Sound must exist - otherwise there would be no ear. The mind must exist - otherwise there would be no brain.

Thus, mental action represents the action of the individual on the Universal Mind. Since the Universal Mind is the consciousness that pervades all space and animates all things, mental action and reaction are subject to the law of causation.

The source of the law of causality is not the individual mind, but the Universal Mind. This is not an objective quality, but a subjective process.

However, the individual can manifest power through possible combinations of thought. The result will be endless variety states and experiences.

Primitive man - naked and animal-like, sitting in dark caves and gnawing bones - was born, lived and died in a hostile world. This pitiful state was the result of his ignorance. The handmaidens of primitive man were hatred and fear. He could only rely on his club. All phenomena of the world were his enemies: animals, forests, seas, clouds, hurricanes, and even other people. He did not recognize any connecting links between himself and his environment.

Modern man is born in an environment of relative luxury. Love rocks his cradle and protects his youth. When modern man fights, he uses a pencil, not a club. He relies on brains, not brawn. The physical sphere serves as a servant for him, not a master. Neighbors and the forces of Nature are friends, not enemies of modern man.

The gradual transition from hatred to love, from fear to confidence and from struggle to control occurred through the acquisition of Understanding. A person’s lot can be called enviable or unenviable depending on how much he understands the Cosmic Law.

Thought creates organic structures in animals and in humans. The protoplasmic cell strives for light and sends out its impulse - and this impulse gradually creates the eye. The ancestors of the fallow deer graze in the savannah, where leaves grow on tall trees. They are forced to reach up for their favorite food - and this gradually develops in them long neck giraffe. Amphibious reptiles desire to fly through the air over water. They develop wings and turn into birds.

It became clear to these tiny insects that the plants on which they lived had died. They could no longer obtain food from this source. To escape, they had to grow wings and fly away. That's exactly what they did.

Mental pictures have a direct effect on brain cells. Brain cells, in turn, can influence the whole of existence. This fact was proven by Professor Elmer Gates from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. Guinea pigs were kept in enclosed containers painted specific colors. Autopsies showed that the brains of these pigs were the same color as the brains of pigs that were kept in other containers. Scientists analyzed chemical composition sweat of people in various states of mind. The salt in the sweat of people who were angry had an unusual color. When dogs ate a small portion of this salt, it caused poisoning.

Experiments with students on scales at Harvard College proved that the mind moves the blood. When students were asked to imagine themselves running a long distance, the board they were lying on tilted toward their feet. When students worked on solving a mathematical problem, the board they were lying on tilted toward their heads. Thus, not only does thought move between mind and body with an intensity and speed that exceeds the speed of electric current.

Thought also creates the structures through which it operates.

The conscious mind helps us become aware of our individuality and recognize the world. The subconscious mind is a repository of old thoughts.

We can better understand the workings of the conscious and subconscious mind by watching a child learn to play the piano. At first, the child is taught to hold his hands correctly and hit the keys - but it is difficult for him to control the movement of his fingers. He must rehearse every day, focusing on the correct movements. Over time, these thoughts move to the level of the subconscious, which begins to control the playing of the fingers. In the first months (and perhaps the first years) of rehearsals, the student can play the piano only through constant concentration. Later, he can play with ease, while simultaneously carrying on a conversation with the people around him. His subconscious is already so saturated with the idea correct game that he can act without involving consciousness.

The subconscious mind represents instinctive desire. It does what the conscious mind suggests. The close connection between the conscious and subconscious makes conscious thinking extremely important.

Subconscious thinking controls the human body. The subconscious mind controls body functions such as blood circulation, breathing, digestion and assimilation. The subconscious constantly receives the necessary impulses from the conscious mind. We only have to change our conscious thinking in order to get necessary changes in the subconscious.

We live in a vast ocean of plastic mental substance. This substance is always alive and active. She has highest degree sensitivity. It takes form in accordance with mental demand. Thought creates the form, or matrix, from which substance is expressed. Our ideal is the form by which our future is created.

The universe is alive. To express life, intelligence is necessary - nothing can exist without intelligence. Everything in the Universe is one or another manifestation of a single fundamental substance with the help of which all things were created and continue to be created. Man's ability to think makes him a creator, not a created being.

All things are the result of a mental process. A person achieved results that seemed impossible because he refused to consider them impossible. Through concentration, people have established a connection between the finite and the Infinite, between the limited and the Unlimited, between the visible and the Invisible, between the personal and the Impersonal.

Great musicians have captivated the world with their divine rhapsodies. Great inventors invented communication and amazed all of humanity with it. Great writers, philosophers and scientists have expressed harmony to such an extent that we continue to recognize their truth hundreds of years later. The love of music, creativity and entrepreneurship motivated these people to focus. Slowly but surely, they found ways and means to implement their ideas.

Everything in the Universe obeys the law of cause and effect. The law has supreme power: after the cause, the effect inevitably follows. They will never be able to be independent. They complement each other. Nature always strives to establish perfect balance. This is the law of the Universe, and it always applies. Universal harmony is the goal that all of nature works to achieve. The entire cosmos moves according to this law. The Sun, Moon and stars - all celestial bodies are in their assigned positions due to harmony. They move in their orbits, always ending up in the right place at the right time. Because the law is amazingly precise, astronomers can tell what positions the stars will be in a thousand years from now. These facts are indisputable - unless you touch human life. People talk about luck, chance, serendipity and accident. But are these things possible? Is the Universe one? If so, and there is order in one of its parts, it must inevitably affect all parts. This is required by scientific deduction.

Life generates similar things on every plane of existence. Until people have a firm belief in this law, they refuse to apply it to themselves. This happens because a person is not aware of how he sets in motion certain causes that relate to him.

Only in last years was formulated working hypothesis, designed to apply this law to man. According to this hypothesis, the purpose of the Universe is harmony. Harmony implies balance between all things.

Ether fills all interplanetary space. This metaphysical substance is the basis for all matter. Thanks to the ether, wireless messages can be transmitted through space.

A thought thrown into this substance causes a certain vibration. This vibration combines with vibrations of a similar nature and begins to affect the thinker. All visible manifestations are the result of thinking at various levels.

Some of our thoughts are of the animal level. Here we observe actions and interactions characteristic of animals. Next comes the level of conscious thought. There are almost limitless levels of conscious thought to which a person can respond. The nature of our individual thinking will determine what level of thoughts we respond to. There are thoughts of ignorant and wise people, thoughts of rich and poor, thoughts of healthy and sick, and so on. The number of mental planes is infinite. By thinking on a particular plane, we become receptive to other thoughts on that plane, and the visible effect of these thoughts is manifested in our environment.

Let us take, as an example, a person who thinks on the mental plane of wealth. He is inspired by an idea - and, as a result, achieves success. Otherwise it can not be. This person thinks on the level of success, and like attracts like. His thoughts attract other thoughts of a similar nature, and all contribute to the ultimate success. The mental “receiver” of such a person is tuned exclusively to the thought of success. Thoughts of a different nature do not reach his consciousness, and therefore he knows nothing about them. It can be said that his "antenna" is directed into the Universal Ether and connects it with ideas through which his plans and ambitions can be realized.

Sit where you are. Put headphones on your ears connected to the radio - and you can hear wonderful music, a lecture, or a review latest news from the business sector.

First of all, there must be a substance subtle enough to carry vibrations to every part of the world. This substance must be so subtle that it penetrates into all substances known to us. Vibrations must travel freely through wood, stones, bricks and steel. They must pass through the air, rivers, mountains and earth - in other words, everywhere and everywhere. This helps us conclude that time and space are eliminated. When a piece of music is performed in Pittsburgh or anywhere else, you can turn on the radio and hear it as clearly as if you were in the same room. Vibrations come in all directions. They can be heard wherever there is an ear capable of hearing.

There is a substance so subtle that it can take the human voice and transmit it in all directions. Every person with the right mechanism can receive this message. If all this is true, we have every reason to assume that the same substance will transmit thought - with the same certainty. But how can we be sure of this? Thanks to the experiment. Experiment is the only way to prove anything. You can conduct such an experiment yourself.

Sit down where you are now. Choose a subject with which you are familiar. Start thinking. Thoughts will flow one after another, quickly changing. One thought will logically follow from another. Soon, you will notice with surprise that some unfamiliar thought has chosen you as the channel of its manifestation. You had no idea that you knew so much about the subject and could express your knowledge in beautiful language. You will be surprised by the ease and speed of these thoughts. Where do they come from? From the One Source of all wisdom, all power and all understanding. You were simply a ready and waiting channel through which Source expressed these thoughts. If you wish, you can think the thoughts of all the sages, artists, financiers and industrialists who have ever lived. Thoughts never die.

Let's say your experiment is not completely successful. Try again! Few of us achieve significant results with our first efforts. When we first tried to walk, we weren't very successful. As you try again, remember that the brain is the organ of the objective mind. It is associated with objective world through the spinal cord nervous system. This system of nerves is connected with the objective world by a certain mechanism of feelings. All these are the organs with which we see, hear, feel, smell and touch.

A thought is a thing that cannot be seen or heard. We cannot smell or touch it. Obviously, the five senses are completely useless in trying to receive a thought. We must calm these feelings. Since thought is a spiritual activity, it cannot reach you through any material channel. We need to relax, mentally and physically, and then send our requests for help while waiting for results. The success of our experiment will depend entirely on our ability to become receptive.

Scientists use the word "ether" to describe the substance in which we "live and move and have our being." This substance is omnipresent. It permeates everything and is the source of all activity. Scientists like the word "ether" because it implies something that can be measured. Materialist scientists are convinced that only what can be measured exists. But can anyone measure an electron? However, the electron represents the basis of the entire material world - as far as we know at the moment.

One inch contains five hundred billion atoms, arranged side by side. To catch the trail chemical substance in a test tube, a chemist needs a number of atoms twenty-five million times greater than the population of the Earth. A cubic inch of lead contains approximately 125 septillion atoms. We're not even close to being able to see an atom through a microscope!

However, the atom is only as large as our solar system compared to the electrons that make it up. All atoms have a central nucleus with a positive charge, around which negative charges, or electrons, orbit. The number of electrons in each atom determines the nature of the element of which it is a part.

For example, a hydrogen atom has only one electron orbiting a positive center. For this reason, chemists accept it as the standard for atomic weight. The atomic weight of hydrogen is equal to one.

The diameter of an electron is as small compared to the diameter of an atom as the diameter of the Earth is compared to the diameter of the orbit in which it revolves around the Sun. The mass of an electron is eighteen thousand times less mass hydrogen atom.

It is clear to us that matter is capable of being refined to such an extent that human mind I can't imagine it. We have not been able to penetrate into smaller spheres compared to the electron. To close the gaps in our knowledge, we had to use our imagination to help.

The creation of matter from electrons was an involutionary process of individualized intelligent energy.

It is generally accepted that water, food and air are the three basic elements necessary to sustain life. This is true, but there is something more significant. When we inhale, we fill our lungs with air that has been charged with magnetism Solar System. We also fill ourselves with pranic energy, or the breath of life. This energy contains everything needed for the mind and spirit. The life-giving spirit is more important than air, food and water. A person can live forty days without food, three days without water and several minutes without air. But he will not live a single second without broadcasting. Ether contains everything necessary for human life. Thus, the breath brings not only the elements necessary to build the body, but also food for the mind and spirit.

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Any thing can be formed from 14 elements. In this case, each thing will have its own order of connection of electrons in the molecule.

When two or more molecules combine, a new individuality arises. And this individuality has characteristics that are not characteristic of any of the constituent elements.

Thus, a sodium atom and a chlorine atom form a salt. And this is the only combination of elements that can give us such a substance. As for the salt itself, it differs significantly from both sodium and chlorine.

What is true for the inorganic world is no less true for the organic. Certain processes of consciousness will always provoke a certain effect, and the result will invariably be the same. The same thought will be accompanied by specific consequences, and no other thought will be able to achieve the same goal.

It is difficult to doubt the truth of this law, since any principle must exist independently of the organ through which it functions. For example, light must exist - otherwise there would be no such organ as the eye. And sound must exist - otherwise there would be no ear. And, of course, there must be a mind - otherwise there would be no brain.

Thus, mental action is nothing other than the interaction of the individual with the Universal Mind. And since the Universal Mind is a consciousness that fills all space and gives life to all beings without exception, this mental interaction can be defined as the law of cause and effect relationships.

This is the Universal Chemist. It is worth noting, however, that the very principle of cause and effect is contained not in the consciousness of each individual, but in the Universal Mind. It is not an objective ability, but a subjective process.

However, the individual is capable of manifesting this power. And since there is no limit to the possible combinations of thoughts, there is no limit to the circumstances that result from this thought process.

Primitive man, naked and primitive, gnawing bones in the darkness of caves, lived and died in a world hostile to him. This hostility and this vegetation were the result of his ignorance. He himself created Hatred and Fear around himself. His only support was a wooden club. In everything that surrounded him - in animals, forests, rivers, seas, clouds and people like him - he saw only enemies. The ties that tied it all together were hidden from him.

Modern man is born into relative luxury. Love rocks his cradle and protects his youth. Starting an independent life, he picks up not a club, but a pencil, and he relies mainly on the brain, and not on the muscles. Physical world for him - a servant, not a master; the people around you and the forces of nature are friends, not enemies.

Such a significant transformation - from hatred to love, from fear to confidence, from the struggle for material existence to mental control - was dictated by the slow dawn of Comprehension. How more people comprehends the essence of the Cosmic Law, the more fully he manages his life.

Thought is what forms organic structures in animals and people. The desire of the protoplasmic cell towards light generates a certain impulse. And this impulse gradually shapes the eye. Or take another example. A species of deer grazes in the forest, where the branches of the trees are located very high. Constant attempts to reach tasty foliage lead to the fact that the animals' necks - cell by cell - lengthen. As a result, the new kind- giraffe. When amphibious reptiles awaken the desire not to swim or walk, but to fly through the air, they develop wings and turn into birds.

It is clear that these tiny creatures are aware that the plants they fed on are dead. And if they don't want to starve either, they need to move somewhere else. This is what they do - with the help of temporarily grown wings.

Professor Elmer Gates from the Smithsonian Institution (Washington) has successfully proven that mental images have a direct effect on brain cells. And these cells, in turn, affect the entire body. In particular, guinea pigs placed in cells painted predominantly in one color or another. Subsequent autopsies showed that the brains of these pigs were more intensely colored than the brains of the same pigs kept in other cages. In addition, experiments were conducted with the sweating of people who were in one mood or another. The salts that came out with sweat were used as a basis. It turned out that the sweat of an irritated person has an unusual color, and grains of this salt placed on a dog’s tongue caused a reaction similar to poisoning.

Nothing can exist without intelligence. All that exists is nothing more than a manifestation of this basic substance, through which all objects in the Universe were created (and continue to be created). It is the ability to think that makes a person a creator, not a creation. Everything that exists is the result of a thought process. Man succeeded in achieving the impossible mainly because he refused to perceive it as impossible.

Charles Haenel

Charles F. Haenel (1866–1949) began his career as a courier and ended as president of several large companies, who were engaged in everything in the world - from growing coffee to gold mining. He believed that studying laws of creative thinking and applying them as in Everyday life, and in business. This successful entrepreneur was also an active participant in a dozen organizations concerned with physical, moral and mental development person. Enel wrote several books, one of which , “Master Key to the fulfillment of desires”, provided big influence on the development of modern psychology of success. Thus, Napoleon Hill, author of the later bestseller "Think and get rich", admitted:

I owe much of my current success to the principles of the Master Key System.

The book we now bring to your attention is a continuation Master Key systems. In it you will find new ideas and techniques that will help you “achieve the impossible.” First published in 1922, "Mental Chemistry" and remains very relevant to this day practical guide. Charles Haenel has a unique ability to explain quite complex and even “esoteric” things very simply and clearly. Read and achieve new successes in life!

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Development of associationism.

The study of the sense organs, the neuromuscular system, and the cerebral cortex had an anatomical focus (i.e., the mental was correlated with the structure various parts organism). However, turning to these bodies faced the need to comprehend the effects of their activities.

The effects belonged to the realm of the psyche (consciousness). Therefore, the natural scientist was forced to switch to the field of psychology. The anatomophysiologist could only draw from psychology the information that she (psychology) had acquired by that time.

As we know, the doctrine of associations dominated in psychology at that time. It remained the only direction capable of not only describing, but also explaining facts.

The ideas of associationism gained the greatest popularity in England, where the leaders of this trend were Millie’s father and son.

The English historian and economist James Mill (1773-1836) returned to the idea that consciousness is a kind of mental machine, the work of which is carried out strictly according to the laws of association. Every experience consists, ultimately, of the simplest elements (sensations) that form ideas (first simple, then more and more complex). None innate ideas does not exist.

John Stuart Mill: mental chemistry.

James's son, John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), was at that time the leader of thoughts not only in England, but also in continental Europe, as well as in Russia.

His works on logic, ethics and other sciences were very popular. If for his father mechanics was a model of accurate knowledge, then his son was influenced by chemistry, which was successfully developing at that time. He began to talk about “mental (psychic) ​​chemistry,” i.e. about the emergence from the simplest elements of consciousness of new structures of this consciousness that have their own qualities - just as a completely new product - water - arises from hydrogen and oxygen. The postulate according to which the main task psychology - to study the laws of the emergence and association of ideas as elements of consciousness, became its basis as an independent science for several decades. When a new experimental psychology soon arose, which, unlike D.S. Mill, was not limited to general, speculative considerations that ideas form new syntheses, she, this new psychology, followed in Mill's footsteps.

"Psychic chemistry" explained why many sensations, such as the sound of a violin or the taste of an orange (which is really largely a smell), are perceived as simple and unified even though they are caused by complex stimuli, just as water is perceived as simple and unified. although it consists of oxygen and hydrogen. This view significantly influenced the work program of the first psychological laboratories. It was assumed that through experimental analysis it would be possible to isolate the “atoms” of consciousness and obtain in psychology something similar to the periodic table.

Taking the work of individual consciousness as the initial beginning of all creations of human culture, D. S. Mill founded a direction that received the name of psychologism. Economics, politics, morality, law, education were considered as effects of psychological laws. Association was interpreted as the key to all human phenomena and problems.

However greatest influence Psychology was influenced not by Mill’s idea of ​​“mental chemistry,” but by his “Logic,” the very first edition of which (1843) brought the author pan-European fame. This work is regarded as one of the most significant phenomena of philosophical thought of the 19th century due to the fact that it highlighted the problems of the methodology of scientific research.

"If the historian of science in the nineteenth century were to name a philosophical work which was influential in the middle of this century and shortly thereafter, he would undoubtedly give the palm to Mill's Logic. This work... was first recommended by Liebig to the German scientific world, at that time had little interest in philosophy, and was often turned to when it came to discussing philosophical questions. Thus, Helmholtz’s work developed decisively under the sign of Millian logic.”

Mill's argument boiled down to two theses: a) there are laws of the mind that differ from the laws of matter, but are similar to them in terms of uniformity, repeatability, and the need for one phenomenon to follow another; b) these laws can be discovered using experimental methods - observation and experiment. Raising the question of creating a special empirical “science of the mind,” D.S. Mill reflected a pressing historical need.

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