The most powerful tank in the world. What are the best tanks in World of Tanks? The best tank of the 21st century in the world

All the tanks mentioned here are incredibly powerful and destructive, however, none of them have been involved in battles against each other. This rating is based on specifications and available data. The list does not include prototypes or tanks currently under development. So, below are ten of the best modern tanks in the world.

10. Leclerc

The AMX-56 Leclerc is a modern French tank that has been mass-produced by GIAT Industries (now Nexter) since 1992. It was named after World War II General Jacques Philippe Leclerc. As of 2012, it is the main battle tank (MBT) in service with the armies of France (406 units) and the United Arab Emirates (388 vehicles). For 2011, the Leclerc price was 9.3 million euros, and before the advent of the K2 Black Panther and Type 10, it was considered the most expensive MBT in the world.

This tank is equipped with a 120mm smoothbore gun. automatic charging and rate of fire up to 12 rounds per minute. Its fire control system can track up to five moving targets simultaneously, and a laser, thermal imager and on-board computer are used to increase the effectiveness of shooting. The official maximum speed of the tank is 72 km/h on the road and 55 km/h on rough terrain. Weight - 56 tons. The Leclerc is one of the lightest main battle tanks in the world.

9. Merkava Mk.4

In ninth place in the list of the best modern tanks in the world is the Merkava, or rather, its modification Mk.4. The Merkava is an Israeli battle tank exclusively in service with the Israeli army. Serially produced since 1979. It has four modifications - "Mk.1", "Mk.2", "Mk.3", "Mk.4".

Modification "Mk.4" in service Israeli army since 2004, it has been one of the most protected tanks in the world. This fighting machine equipped with a 120 mm MG253 gun. The empty weight of the tank is 65 tons. The estimated price is $ 3.7 million. The maximum speed on the highway is approximately 60 km / h, on rough terrain - 40 km / h.

8 Al Khalid

Al-Khalid or MBT-2000 is a Sino-Pakistani battle tank produced since 1999 by Heavy Industries Taxila in conjunction with Norinco. He entered service with the Pakistani army in 2000. It was named after one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad - Khalid ibn al-Walid. Unit cost in 2011 was $4.7-$5.8 million. About 750 copies were produced in total.

Al-Khalid is operated by a crew of three and is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading. Among other things, the tank is equipped with a modern fire control system similar to the Leclerc system. The maximum speed is 72 km/h. Weight - 46 tons. Able to overcome water obstacles up to 5 meters deep.


K1A1 is the main battle tank of South Korea, mass-produced from 1985 to 2010. Is an option american tank M1 "Abrams", adapted for combat operations in the mountainous and swampy terrain on the Korean Peninsula. It was put into service in 2001. A total of 484 examples were built.

K1A1 is operated by a crew of four. It is equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun, a thermal sight, a laser rangefinder, modern electronics and a fire control system developed by Samsung Electronics. The weight of the tank is 53.2 tons. The maximum speed on the road is 65 km / h, on rough terrain - 40 km / h.

6. Challenger 2

The Challenger 2 is a main battle tank that has been in service with the armies of Great Britain and Oman since 1998. It was designed and built by the British company Vickers Defense Systems (now BAE Systems Land & Armaments). A total of 446 units were produced. The cost of one copy is about $ 5.8 million.

"Challenger 2" is controlled by a crew of four and is equipped with a 120-mm rifled gun maximum effective range, which is more than 5 km. It is considered one of the most heavily armored and well-protected tanks in the world. Its turret and hull are covered in Chobham (also known as Dorchester) armor. The weight of the tank is 62.5 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 59 km / h, on rough terrain - 40 km / h.


PT-91 Twardy ("Solid") - Polish main battle tank, developed on the basis of the T-72M1 tank. The first prototypes of the PT-91 were made in 1993, and in 1995 the tank entered service. In total for armed forces Poland produced 232 units. Several combat vehicles have been developed on its basis. He also has a large number of modifications.

Operated by "Solid" crew of three people. This tank is equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading. Combat weight - 47.3 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 60 km/h.

4. T-90

Fourth place in the ranking of the best modern tanks is occupied by the T-90 (Vladimir), a Russian main battle tank created in the early 1990s as a modernization of the T-72B tank. October 5, 1992 was officially adopted. Between 2001 and 2010, the T-90 became the world's best-selling MBT. As of 2011, the cost of one T-90 unit is 118 million rubles ($4.2 million). In total, about 3,200 copies were produced. It is currently in service with Russia (about 700), Algeria (305), Azerbaijan (20), India (620), Turkmenistan (40) and Venezuela (50-100).

The crew of the T-90 consists of three people (commander, driver-mechanic and gunner). The combat vehicle is equipped with a 125 mm 2A46M-5 smoothbore gun. The mass of the tank is 46.5 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 60 km / h, on rough terrain - about 50 km / h.

3. Type 99

The Type 99, also known as the ZTZ-99 and WZ-123, is a Chinese main battle tank based on the Type 98 prototype. It was put into operation in 2001. It is in service with the Chinese army. In total, about 600 units were produced. The cost of one "Type 99" is approximately equal to $ 2,000,000.

The crew of the tank "Type 99" consists of three people. Its main armament is a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The fire control system includes combined sights, a laser range finder, a thermal imager, a digital ballistic computer, a 2-plane weapon stabilizer, a set of sensors (atmospheric conditions, bore wear, etc.), a multifunctional commander's panel and an auto-tracking system. A water-cooled turbocharged diesel engine with a capacity of 1500 hp installed on the tank. With. gives a maximum speed of movement on the highway - 80 km / h, on rough terrain - up to 60 km / h. From standstill to 32 km/h, the tank accelerates in 12 seconds. His combat weight equals 54 tons.

2. K2 Black Panther

The K2 Black Panther is a next-generation South Korean main battle tank that replaced most of the M48 Pattons and complemented the K1 series. It was developed by the South Korean Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and Rotem (a division of Hyundai Motors). Its serial production began in 2013. At $8,500,000 per unit, this tank is the most expensive tank in the world.

The Black Panther is operated by a crew of three and is armed with a 120mm smoothbore cannon capable of firing up to 20 rounds per minute. This combat vehicle is capable of moving with maximum speed 70 km / h on road surfaces, cross-country - up to 52 km / h and accelerate from 0 to 32 km / h in 8.7 seconds. The weight of the tank is 55 tons.

1. M1A2 "Abrams"

M1 "Abrams" - American main battle tank latest generation developed by Chrysler Corporation. Serially produced since 1980. The tank was named after the general who received Active participation in the Vietnam War, Creighton Williams Abrams. It is in service with the US Army, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Australia. The price of one "Abrams" reaches $ 6.21 million. The number of built - 15,221 units. There are three main modifications of it - "M1", "M1A1" and "M1A2", the production of the last two continues to this day.

the best modern tank The world is considered a modification of the "M1A2 Abrams" equipped with a 120-mm smoothbore gun M256. The tank has high-strength composite armor and a powerful gas turbine engine capable of accelerating the combat vehicle up to 67 km/h on the highway and up to 40 km/h on rough terrain. The weight of the tank is 62.1 tons.

Many people ask what is the best tank in the world. Let's try to figure it out now.

M1A2 Abrams is in service with many countries, such as the USA, Iraq, Australia, Israel, Great Britain. His homeland is the United States, where in 1980 he was put into mass production. The uranium armor gives this model an undoubted advantage over other tanks, as the M1A2 Abrams is able to withstand any anti-tank guns.

2nd place

Leopard 2A7 . This model was developed by German engineers, but is not yet mass-produced. But many countries have already appeared that are willing to purchase this miracle of military equipment for their weapons. Leopard 2A7 has high aiming accuracy, can be used for military operations, both outside the city and directly inside the village.

3rd place

K2 Black Panther on this moment is not only one of the most expensive tanks in the world, but also one of the most efficient. This model was developed in North Korea and it is equipped with a powerful 120 mm gun. The black panther is capable of developing very high speed and automatically hit objects based on the specified parameters.

English tank Challenger 2 recognized as the most protected model in the world. The unique cutting of the gun allows you to make high-precision hits over 5 km. Challenger may for a long time do without technical support and effectively resists direct-guided weapons.

5th place

Merkava Mk.4 - the creation of Israeli engineers, which has a high lethal force. Thanks to the unusual architecture, the tank crew is more likely to survive a direct hit if the Merkava Mk.4 rolls over. This model is not available in other countries and is used only by the Israeli army.

6th place

Japanese tank TK-X collected all the latest developments in the field of modern tank building. This combat unit It is highly maneuverable and allows you to effectively fire at small and moving targets. The TK-X is equipped with the latest in guidance, control and communications. In accordance with Japanese law, TK-X cannot be exported to other countries.

7th place

French tank model called Leclerc considered one of the most complex and technological in the world. Leclerc is equipped with a large number of state-of-the-art electronics, which significantly reduces the workload on the crew and increases its efficiency. This model can be used to destroy both stationary and moving objects.

8th place

T-90 - a tank model developed in Russia, which is one of the best-selling military technologies on the market. One of the reasons for this popularity is the relatively low price compared to other models. But this is not the only advantage of the T-90. This tank is very effective in combating anti-tank missiles, has a fairly high mobility, but is not suitable for hitting objects located at a great distance.

9th place

Oplot-M - a model developed by Ukrainian designers who managed to combine small size and lightness with impressive combat power and good protection. Thanks to the new Knife-2 defense system, Oplot-M effectively resists anti-tank missile launchers. Due to the new panoramic system, the ability to observe the area has significantly improved, especially at night.

10th place

Type-99 - Chinese tank model, which is a so-called symbiosis of Russian and Western models. The only individual feature is latest system laser protection, which can disable the optical instruments of enemy tanks and even helicopters.

Mankind at any time paid attention to the improvement of tools for killing. In the 20th century, tanks became these weapons, and to this day they are the paramount strike force of armies. Good weaponry and armor tracked vehicles on the battlefield allow them to cope with any task. Of the huge number of currently existing combat units, it is rather difficult to single out the best tank in the world, since certain operating conditions are taken into account when creating each model. Now we invite you to consider the best tanks of our time, which are armed with the powerful armed forces of the planet, in descending order.

Options technical device the murder weapon and its exterior are partially copied from Russian and Western models of tanks. The Type-99 is not always excellent at hitting distant targets, but anti-tank missiles are quite successful.

Chinese engineers have modeled almost the same domestic tanks automatic ammunition supply system. Means of destruction of manpower and enemy fortifications are located in the same compartment as the crew.

The Chinese development is unique in the presence of an active laser defense system that suppresses anti-tank signals missile systems and ultra-precise infrared guidance systems. In addition, the lasers used in the Chinese machine can disable enemy optical systems, and they can also be used against helicopters.

The TYPE-99 is characterized by a rapid change in direction of movement and the presence of a powerful motor. Approximately 200 combat vehicles of this model are in service with the Chinese armed forces. In any case, considering the best tanks in the world, one cannot remain silent about China's military development.

This is the main combat vehicle in service with the Ukrainian army, it was developed by the Kharkov Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering, headed by Borisyuk Mikhail Demyanovich.

Oplot-M is an improved model of the T-84U tank. For the first time, the combat vehicle was presented to the public in 2009 on the Independence Day of Ukraine.

The tank is equipped with modern guns, only the automatic warhead supply system was left from the T-84 BM. Just like in China's combat development, the shells are located in the same compartment as the crew.

The Ukrainian tank does not cause significant damage to distant targets, but it overcomes anti-tank missile systems well.

Today, the combat vehicle is being tested in the armies of Ukraine, and the tank is planned to enter service in the near future. The power, security and ability to quickly change the direction of the Ukrainian tank has practically no distinctive features from the latest versions of the BM "T-90", manufactured in Russia, although the production of new units is limited.

This combat vehicle is equipped with a 125-mm smooth-bore gun, which allows firing using armor-piercing sub-caliber, cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation shells and anti-tank missile systems. The roof of the turret is equipped with a 12.7mm machine gun with a rate of fire of 700 to 800 rounds per minute. Thanks to this rate of fire, you can shoot at objects in the air. The coaxial machine gun PKT 3000 is used for firing at a distance of no more than 2 kilometers.

In France, this combat vehicle is considered the main one, moreover, it costs more than all the tanks in the world. The cost of French combat development depends on the component parts and the source. According to critics of the French government, Leclerc's approximate price is $23 million.

The tank has been in operation since 1992, and before that it had been tested for 15 years. The combat vehicle uses modular armor, which, if necessary, can be replaced in a short time. Armor is a combination of steel, ceramics and polyparaphenylene-terephthalamide (Kevlar). Leclerc uses a smoothbore gun (120 mm) and an engine with a power of 1500 horsepower. Thanks to advanced optics and computer systems, the Leclerc tank is considered one of the best on the planet.

The model, invented in 2012, is a novelty in the development of Japanese engineers. This combat vehicle is characterized by light weight, high maneuverability and the presence of an automatic surveillance system. Thanks to the hydropneumatic suspension, the combat vehicle passes through the most difficult and tough surfaces. The biggest drawback of the Japanese tank is the weak security.

In Israel, until the 60-70s, only tanks were used for defensive purposes. Western countries, after which it was decided to design and build their own tank. This is how the Merkava series combat vehicles appeared. To date, the Merkava IV tank is used, equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun. In order to prevent the defeat of the commander-in-chief of the crew in battle, the developers created a special turret inside. Since armor is made of steel and ceramic, damaged parts can be quickly removed and replaced with new ones. The engine is located in the front, providing additional protection crew. The real pride for Israeli engineers is active defense, which is able to detect, track and destroy modern anti-tank missiles at fairly large distances.

It is one of the main defenders of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Oman. 63 tons of combat vehicles are equipped with a 120 mm cannon and an engine that accelerates to 56 km/h. The tanks were planned to be used and produced until 2035, but in 2009 the developer announced a decision to curtail the production of this model due to the lack of a defense order.

In the United States of America, this combat vehicle is considered the main one. The first model appeared in 1980. These tanks are in service not only in american army, but also in the armies of Egypt, Kuwait, Australia, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The name of the combat vehicle is associated with the name of General Abrams Creighton.

The American combat development has shown itself remarkably well in combat, it poses a real threat to enemy troops.

Abrams is well protected from various anti-tank guns, since the armor is reinforced with uranium. There are newly invented weapons on board. The self-propelled machine is equipped with a gas turbine engine of excellent performance, although it is difficult to maintain, and fuel costs are also high.

South Korea is the country that produces the most expensive tracked combat vehicles in the world. The cost of one unit is about 8.5 million dollars. The black panther is equipped automatic system guidance, which makes it possible to find and neutralize the target. The high speed of the tank is ensured by the installed diesel engine and hydropneumatic suspension.

Finally, we got to the leader and now you will find out which is the best tank in the world. This…

This self-propelled vehicle is nothing more than an upgraded Leopard 2 tank. Unlike its progenitor, this model has good power, a modern electronic system, improved protection and the ability to fight both within the city and beyond.

Increased aiming accuracy is achieved due to the installed advanced guns. Despite his heavy weight, Leopard 2A7 is a fairly maneuverable machine.

So we looked at the best tanks in the world. The top 10 you just read is still relevant today. Each of the presented tanks showed excellent results in combat missions.

Military equipment has always interested people, even if they are not involved in this area. A variety of weapons are being studied in terms of rate of fire, ease of use, penetration, and other parameters. Almost every year people choose the most powerful tank in the world.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that such military equipment attracts attention. Such a multifunctional machine combines defensive properties and the ability to use artillery. Being inside, a person feels completely safe, although at the same time he is in one of the most effective types of weapons.


Merkava, which means "chariot" in Hebrew, is an Israeli tank, the first version of which was created in 1979. Several modifications were later released, the latest of which was the Merkava Mk.4. The tank owes its appearance to the fact that Great Britain refused to sell the Chieftain to Israel, which was in service in the sixties and seventies.

A feature of the Merkava is the location of the engine compartment. It is located in the front of the case. Thanks to this structural element, the protection of the crew has increased. However, the tank has another feature that is considered almost unique. The car has a compartment for moving the wounded or troops, although it is also used for additional ammunition.

As a result of a number of design solutions, the Merkava is capable of performing various tasks. Depending on the situation, the tank can play the role of an infantry fighting vehicle, an armored personnel carrier or a tactical element. The M68 rifled gun is used as the main weapon, and the secondary armament is represented by a coaxial MAG machine gun.

This main battle tank was adopted South Korea in 2014. It was intended to replace the US M14 medium tanks that had been in use since the 1950s. Initially, the Korean armed forces were going to buy just under 700 tanks, but due to a lack of funds, only 297 Black Panthers were purchased. At the same time, the cost of each of them amounted to more than eight million dollars, which made them the most expensive in the world.

All electronic systems the vehicles are combined with the help of a tank information and control system, abbreviated as TIUS. Automated control is provided by a special combat information and control system. A tank gun is installed, the barrel length of which is 55 calibers. An active protection complex with a thermal imager and a three-coordinate radar is used.

The Polish tank called RT-91 was created on the basis of the most massive second-generation battle tank of the USSR, the T-72 Ural. The first variants appeared in the early nineties, but serial production began in 1995. Later, a number of modifications were released with upgrade packages, as well as armored vehicles and a prototype anti-aircraft gun based on the RT-91.

Installed on the tank smoothbore weapon with 125 mm caliber and active armor, which significantly reduces the amount of damage from the first enemy shot. The design provides for three machine guns, thanks to which the RT-91 works well at close and medium distances. It is used to destroy anti-aircraft guns.


The Russian tank, known as "Vladimir", appeared in the late eighties, but was adopted later, in 1992. The chief designer was Vladimir Ivanovich Potkin, who died in 1999. After that, the government of the Russian Federation assigned this tank a verbal name.

For about ten years, the car was considered the best-selling of the main battle tanks. Subsequently, however, delivery costs began to rise. If in 2010 they amounted to seventy million rubles, then in 2011 the figure rose to 118 million, which led to the cessation of purchases.

The tank is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to five kilometers on the move, and if the battle is fought by an inexperienced person. Master gunners show significantly better results both in terms of speed and distance. Guidance is carried out by means of the 1A43 complex, which includes automatic sensors for firing conditions, a ballistic computer and a guidance device.

Type-99 is a modern battle tank designed by China based on a series of third-generation prototypes under name Type 98. It is considered the development of the T-72 concept, the most massive second-generation battle tank created in the Soviet Union. Despite this, for China, such a design is considered a breakthrough. In particular, in Type-99, the weakened zone at the hatch was reduced.

The designers have strengthened the frontal protection thanks to the room dynamic protection on top of the booking. Other parts were also improved, such as the aft niche of the tower. In addition to the first serial modification, China subsequently created a number of combat complexes. For example, Type 99A2 received a new information and control system, dynamic and active protection, as well as an integrated traffic control system.

One Type-99 costs more than twenty-two million dollars. For all its lightness, the tank is armed with three machine guns (two against infantry and one against anti-aircraft guns), as well as a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The Type-99 loses to many vehicles in terms of target range, but it does an excellent job of destroying anti-tank missiles.

Another reason why the Type-99 is on the list of the most powerful tanks is the laser defense system. This unique technology, which is used only on vehicles in China, allows you to suppress the signals of anti-tank missiles, as well as interfere with the guidance of other tanks.

BM Oplot, which was called Oplot-M before adoption, is a battle tank created on the territory of Ukraine. The placement of weapons, protection, chassis, crew and other elements is made in a classic manner. Due to the presence of an automatic loader, three people can be inside - the commander, gunner and driver. Each crew member has his own hatch for disembarkation and landing.

Among their own kind Oplot stands out:

  • The system for accounting for the bending of the bore;
  • Modified fire control system;
  • Panoramic sight, which has night and day channels, as well as a laser rangefinder.

In terms of protection, the tank boasts new form welded tower, electro-optical active protection "Gate", as well as large side screens, due to which chassis and the hull is better protected from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. Latest Models BM Oplot is in many ways comparable to the T-90. This tank is capable of speeds up to seventy kilometers per hour.

AMX-56 Leclerc is french tank, which was created in the late eighties as a replacement for the main battle tank French AMX-30. Leclerc was in series production from 1992 until 2010. These machines are still used, not only by France, but also by the United Arab Emirates.

For a long time, Leclerc was recognized as the most expensive battle tank. He lost this title relatively recently, when modern vehicles like the Type 10 and K2 Black Panther were adopted. As in the case of Oplot, the classic layout and a crew of three are used. Interestingly, the maximum height of a person to be present in Leclerc is 182 cm, and the driver cannot be higher than 176 cm at all.

The cost of the AMX-56 is eight million dollars. At the same time, the tank is equipped with two machine guns with a magazine for four thousand rounds, as well as a 120-mm muzzle with forty rounds of ammunition. Leclerc is one or two kilometers higher than the speed developed by Oplot, and therefore is actively used against moving targets.

The tank, better known as Al-Khalid, was developed jointly by China and Pakistan. This is a second generation combat vehicle, which was put into service in 1997. The design used the Type-96 and Type 90-II designs. The name Al-Khalid was given to the modification in honor of one of the companions of Muhammad named Khalid ibn al-Walid al-Mahzumi.

Installed on the machine modern system fire control, which practically does not differ from that on Leclerc. Al-Khalid also boasts a 125-mm smoothbore gun and French thermal imagers. Initially, it was planned to install French engines on the MBT-2000, but against the backdrop of pressure from India and the United States, Ukrainian 6TD-2 had to be used.

Al-Khalid works equally effectively at any time of the day. The gun acts against almost all types of equipment, but its presence causes the rejection of one machine gun. In general, the tank combines elements of machines from different countries. For example, its undercarriage corresponds to the Soviet T-72M.

The Challenger 2 is a British battle tank that is also in service. ground forces Oman. The year 1995 is considered the start of operation, and since then more than 400 Challenger 2s have been produced. According to expectations, the machines will be used until at least 2035.

The tank is equipped with a 120-mm rifled gun, which is the successor to the Challenger and Chieftain guns. It is covered with a thermal insulation shell, chrome-plated, and cast L30A1 by electroslag remelting. The effective range is eight kilometers.

The Challenger 2 is on the list of the best tanks in the world due to its reliability and effectiveness against foot soldiers. The main disadvantage of the car is considered to be poor mobility. The tank develops a speed of no more than 56 kilometers per hour. But the armor will easily withstand about sixty direct hits from RPGs.

T-14 - the most powerful tank in the world

The Russian development based on the Armata universal platform is recognized as the most powerful tank in the world. For the first time, this tank saw the light in mid-2015, when about twenty vehicles were manufactured. Full-scale serial production started in 2017. This process was accompanied by the elimination of identified deficiencies.

Artama became the first tank of its kind, which was created with an eye on the concept of Network-centric warfare. This means that the main task of the T-14 is reconnaissance, artillery fire correction and anti-aircraft systems, target designation. For this, a Doppler AFAR radar is installed on the machine, as well as special ultraviolet HD cameras.

Suitability for reconnaissance is due to such design features as low visibility on radars. Moreover, the T-14 is difficult to distinguish even with visual contact. Another feature of Artama is the location of the crew in an armored capsule, and not in a tower. This allows people to survive even in the conditions of a tank detonation.

At the same time, the probability of ammunition detonation is very low, because the designers moved it to another place, with excellent protection indicators. In addition, the T-14 is able to withstand anti-tank shells due to active protection Afghanite. Malachite armor resists fire from hand grenade launchers. To top it all off, Armata develops tremendous speed, armed with a 125-mm gun and two machine guns.

Like most multiplayer computer games, in World of Tanks a lot depends on your individual skill. If you know how to drive your car, know its pros and cons, know how to use and hide them, then you can defeat a more powerful tank, and even several opponents at the same time. It is also worth noting that team actions usually decide a lot, since in this game there are usually two teams fighting for different sides of the participants in the Second World War. Accordingly, if you go on the attack alone, then you can be eliminated very quickly, and you will not be able to benefit your team, but only harm it, leaving your partners in the minority. However, with all this, it is worth noting that there are still machines in the game that cause awe in all gamers, because in certain characteristics, as well as in average indicators, they are superior to their own kind. And if such a tank is in right hands he can achieve a lot. In this article, you will learn not only which is the best tank in World of Tanks, but also the top ten, from which you can choose your dream car.

Tenth place - FV215b (183)

It’s worth noting right away that there are far from only tanks in the game - anti-tank ones are also extremely popular in WoT self-propelled units, which are used primarily as self-propelled artillery pieces, although there are models that are much better at dealing with the enemy in close combat. Naturally, if we are talking about which is the best tank in World of Tanks, it will not do without anti-tank installations. One of them opens the hit parade, being in tenth place. This is FV215b (183), british tank destroyer which won the respect of many players. Its main advantage is the incredible damage that it can inflict on the enemy. Perfect hit with maximum luck, it can destroy almost any tank model and cause very impressive damage even to ten-level vehicle models. However, it is worth noting that the problem with this art is low accuracy and slow reload, so you will have to try to get the most out of it. Naturally, this is not the best tank in World of Tanks, but it's definitely worth paying attention to.

Ninth place - Bat Chatillon 155

In ninth place is another artillery - as you can see, this class of military equipment is very popular in this game. Naturally, the best tank in World of Tanks is unlikely to be a self-propelled gun, but at the same time, these models are well represented in top ten. This time, the art belongs to the French line and is distinguished by many impressive qualities, among which speed is in the first place. This combat vehicle can drive very quickly around the map, running away from dangerous opponents and moving away to a convenient distance from which it can fire. Here she also has advantages, such as a drum for four charges to take several shots in a row, fast speed information and quite fast reloading. However, the only negative is not the highest damage, so you will have to choose your victims not with the thickest armor. With proper skill, you can easily defeat even the best light tank in World of Tanks.

Eighth place - T-62A

The best light tank in World of Tanks will not be revealed to you yet - on the eighth line is medium tank, related to Soviet branch. The T-62A is a rather difficult model to master, as it has very thin armor on the hull. It would seem, why is this tank then in the top ten? It's all about skill, which has already been mentioned earlier. If the owner has even hands and a sharp mind, then he can easily find a way to use this model one hundred percent. For example, you need to choose vantage points, in which the enemy can normally aim only at your tower. Various ditches, ditches and similar depressions are ideal for this task, so you can use the features of the landscape to turn your disadvantage into an advantage. The thing is that this tank has very thick armor on the turret, so you don't have to be afraid of being pierced, so you can carry out your maneuvers without problems. With proper skill, you can spin even the best heavy tank in World of Tanks, but you still need support to destroy it.

Seventh place - KV-1

Another soviet tank, which is definitely worth paying attention to is the KV-1. If you are asked what is the best tank in World of Tanks level 6, level 5 or lower, then you can safely point to this vehicle. Among the lower levels, the first Klim Voroshilov simply has no equal. You can not hide, do not stick to your partners, but simply go ahead and shoot your opponents that come across on the way. Naturally, such tactics should be followed only if there are no more tanks in the enemy detachment. high level. The fact is that the thick armor of the KV-1 is beyond the power of only his classmates - a maximum of one level higher. But if the tank meets a high-level enemy, then an unpleasant situation can come out. Therefore, it is better not to break away from your partners, but to act together with them. In a team, the KV-1 is an ideal tank that can deal quite a lot of damage and collect shots on itself that will not cause much damage to it. A detachment with a KV-1 can easily defeat an enemy who has, for example, the best tier 7 tank in World of Tanks.

Sixth place - Object 268

After a short break, PTs return to the hit parade again, without which it is difficult to imagine a full-fledged squad in World of Tanks. You can endlessly answer questions about which light tank is the best in World of Tanks, but still, artillery will play a key role in any battle, while light tanks are extremely highly specialized. Therefore, the Object 268 is a very dangerous machine - it can destroy opponents various levels and with different armor thicknesses. Powerful cannon damage and excellent camouflage that leaves no chance for the enemy to be detected make this AT extremely dangerous. You can hide in the bushes and fire at exposed enemies, bringing chaos and destruction. If you are still noticed, then you can use other advantages of the Object - the thickness of its armor and a fairly good speed. You can either take damage or try to get away from the battle in order to continue firing from other bushes. And if you are asked about which level 10 tank is the best in World of Tanks, then you can calmly answer that whatever it is, Object 268 will cope with it without problems - especially if it has competent partners who do not let opponents get too close to him.

Fifth place - M18 Hellcat

The M18 Hellcat is yet another proof that tank destroyers are a class that decides a lot in World of Tanks. However, this particular model requires a very clear ability to manage it, an understanding of the principles of its operation, as well as a sharp mind that will prompt you for decisions in difficult situations. It’s worth saying right away that the “Hell Cat” gets into difficult situations very often, but practically from each of them, with good management, it can emerge victorious or at least alive. This is an extremely small PT that has one of the highest speeds in the game. In addition, she has a very high-quality gun, large enough for such a baby, as well as correspondingly bad armor. Naturally, if you understand what you are doing, you will be able to find the balance necessary for survival. The best heavy tank in World of Tanks level 10, of course, in a one-on-one battle, can destroy this tank, wipe it into dust, but for this you first need to catch it in the scope. And this is not easy to do - the M18 Hellcat can spin any heavy tank as well as the LT, so it has enough advantages to get into the top five. If a tank destroyer can spin up close and shoot from afar the best tank in World of Tanks tier 10, then there is nothing to talk about - it deserves the highest ratings.

Fourth place - Waffenträger auf E 100

It's time to pay attention to German branch, although it is still the PT that receives attention. If the best tank in World of Tanks level 5 is the KV-1, then the Waffenträger auf E 100 can easily defeat it without letting it even get close. The point is that this anti-tank installation is a full-fledged fortress on tracks. Of course, she will not be able to become a ninja tank, like the previous model, but she does not need to. You can safely engage in battle with opponents, since they are unlikely to be able to penetrate your armor, but much better is the fact that you yourself can destroy almost any tank with a direct hit. Few people can boast that even a level ten tank can be blown up with one volley. Naturally, even the best heavy tank in World of Tanks, tier 8 or higher, can fall in battle with the Waffenträger auf E 100. Please note that with all these characteristics, this tank can reach quite a high speed. In general, this is a full-fledged death machine, which you should definitely be wary of if you meet it in an open battle.

Third place - T57 Heavy Tank

The top three is opened by a rather interesting model - T57 heavy tank, a heavy tank that does not have particularly thick armor. It would seem that such a tank has forgotten in the top three, if the thickness of its armor is a little more than 120 millimeters? For a heavy tank, this is simply unacceptable, but this particular model may well compensate for all the shortcomings of thin armor with its advantages. First of all, it is worth noting that this "cardboard" armor has one nice feature - shells ricochet from it very often due to its pleasant angle of inclination. So you can avoid direct hit very long - enough time to use your powerful weapon to destroy the enemy. Separately, it is worth talking about the gun, which has a drum for four shells, each of which can inflict up to 400 damage. Imagine a heavy tank, from which all your projectiles fly off, although you thought that you would take it down with one or two shots, and which in response puts four charges into you at once in turn, causing total damage of more than 1500 points - this is really intimidating. As you can see, not only the one with the thickest armor and the most powerful gun can be the best.

Second place - AMX 50 Foch (155)

Another tank destroyer, but only this time we will talk about exactly the type that was mentioned at the very beginning of the article - artillery, which practically does not engage in artillery shelling. But first things first. First, it is worth mentioning the armor of this tank. Front armor is simply impenetrable, so you can safely launch forward on this tank, but do not forget that the quality of armor is limited by the frontal part. You will have to constantly ensure that no one drives into your flank or rear, as you will be demolished with one shot. Also keep an eye on your tower because it is the weakest spot. Unfortunately, here you can't do anything - it all depends on the accuracy of the enemy. Time to move on to a gun that is no less intimidating than the previous tank. With a three-shot drum, you can deal about two thousand damage, even if you just drive towards enemy tanks and fire all three charges at once, playing a kamikaze. If you wisely use the advantages of this tank, you will be able to earn enough frags and inflict a lot of damage - the main thing is not to engage in battles at close range and not let anyone in from other sides, except for the front.

First place - KV-1S

Few doubted that the sample would come first. domestic technology. This heavy tank is called "Kvass" by many in the game because of the way its name is spelled. However, it should be noted that it is simply magnificent in absolutely all respects. Start with armor - it is strong on all sides, not just on one side, like most top tanks. You will be able to do any type of combat without regard to the fact that on some side you have a hole that a nimble opponent can aim at. What can we say about the gun, which this model has is simply beautiful, it has high accuracy, good damage and fast aiming. You just need to jump out from around the corner, aim at the enemy and watch how his armor gives a hole, and the tank, if it does not die, then becomes a serious cripple. Pleasant speed, good tank maneuverability and turret mobility - all this deservedly puts this model on the first line of the hit parade. Hardly any other tank deserves the first place like Kvas. Naturally, if we consider specific classes separately, then the results will be completely different - it is very difficult to choose the best of all models, since everyone has their own tasks that they need to cope with. For example, light tanks didn't make it to the top because they can't deal high damage, don't have heavy armor, but they perform very well. important role scouts, illuminating enemy tanks for their heavier partners and artillery fire.

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