How to talk to the priest in confession. Church etiquette

10 moments of confession that will help you avoid embarrassment and shorten the time of the sacrament itself.
1. Approach the priest

Usually a separate place is allocated for confession in the temple. There is a lectern (high, beveled table) on which lies the Cross and the Gospel. Nearby is a priest.
Tip: do not make many bows and signs of the cross directly near the lectern. This can be done in advance.

2. What is my name?

Name yours before starting. church name(the one with which you were baptized), so that the priest would not ask him again later. Even if you are a permanent parishioner of this church, the priest should not know everyone by name.

3. Where to put money for confession?

Confession in church is always free. But people want to donate money. To do this, a skarbonka or plate is placed near the lectern. In some churches, it is customary to bring a candle to confession. This can be found in the church stall.

4. What to say?

We name a specific sin. For example, he sinned with condemnation, anger, envy, etc. There is no need to tell that a neighbor came and said ... I quarreled with her, they answered me and the like - it is necessary to voice the very sin of this story.

5. Is it necessary to cry in confession?

Why cry? Do not do this by artificially causing tears in yourself. This only lengthens the time taken by one confessor. And if each of the two hundred standing in line to the priest will cry? It happens that tears themselves roll from the eyes - this is understandable, but excessive sobbing is not necessary.

6. Preparation for confession

Need to get ready. It is necessary to know personal sins (we know about strangers, but our own, relatives, are somehow not remembered). It is better to name bad deeds from memory. As a last resort, write down on paper (so as not to forget), and then read them out. But don't let the priest sort through your notes! This is acceptable if a person cannot pronounce his sins aloud due to illness or old age.

7. Reading prayers during confession

There is a certain rule in the prayer books for preparing for confession. Prayers are recommended. They can be read at home, before going to the temple. It is NOT necessary to read them at the confession itself. We only name sins. Reading different prayers also delays the time of the sacrament. Before going out to confess, the priest in the Altar reads the necessary prayers (sometimes he reads this rite in front of the parishioners, if possible, for example, the service has not yet begun).

8. Blessing for weakening the fast

No need to burden the priest with your inability to keep the fast, literally snatching his blessing to eat food! In illness, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, even on a trip / journey, food restriction is removed. Therefore, if there is no confessor, decide for yourself what to eat. If the doctor prescribes a certain menu, then you need to listen to the doctor. The main thing in fasting is our spiritual work and abstinence.

9. How long should confession take?

If everything is done correctly, following my advice, the time fits within two minutes. Sometimes people come who are not ready, like: ask me, I will answer. Or they say that I have nothing to repent. Well, why did you come to confession then? For company? Or is it a tradition?
Everyone has their own sins. Dig into yourself, ask your conscience, and get an answer.

10. End of confession

After the priest reads a prayer over the head of the confessor, he kisses the Cross and the Gospel - as a sign of his cleansing from sins, is applied to these shrines. Folding his palms crosswise, right to left, he asks for blessings from the priest. He blessed, puts his hand in folded palms. And the parishioner kisses this hand - not as a priest, but as the right hand of the Lord Himself, acting invisibly through a minister of the church.

Sometimes the priest can, after blessing, put his hand on the head of the one who is praying - this is also permissible. But in this case, it is not necessary to specifically reach out for a kiss to the hand.

Be baptized on the butt

There is such a concept. They make the sign of the cross before the priest. You don't need to do this. We are baptized before the shrines: the Cross, icons, relics, etc.

About confession, I also want to say that no matter how serious a sin is committed by a person, he is not forgiven IF this person does not name the sin at confession. Therefore, no matter how ashamed you are to confess, always name all your sins, hiding nothing. After all, you cannot hide from God, but unconfessed sin burdens the soul and a person suffers.

There is no need to repeat an already forgiven (previously confessed) sin, for example, an abortion. But if a long-forgotten sin is remembered, then, of course, it must be named.

And I also want to say that you can confess often (at least every day, if there is something) separately from Communion. There is an opinion that after confession it is necessary to receive communion. It is not right. In preparation for Communion, a person must confess. But, when sins appear, you can do this at any time, even if there is no service in the temple.

Do not postpone confession for the next post - sins are forgotten and an unrepentant soul is weighed down! Be with God! Guardian Angel!

Confession is a sacrament of repentance, when a believer sets forth his committed sins to a clergyman in the hope of God's forgiveness. The rite was established by the Savior himself, who spoke to the disciples the words recorded in the Gospel of Matthew: chapter 18, verse 18. The topic of confession is also covered in the Gospel of John: chapter 20, verses 22-23.

In the sacrament of repentance, parishioners state the main passions (mortal sins) committed by them:

  • gluttony (excessive consumption of food);
  • anger;
  • fornication, debauchery;
  • love of money (desire for material values);
  • despondency (depression, despair, laziness);
  • vanity;
  • pride;
  • envy.

The representative of the church is empowered to forgive sins in the name of the Lord.

Preparation for confession

The need to confess in the vast majority of cases arises when:

  • committing a grave sin;
  • preparation for communion;
  • decision to get married;
  • mental anguish from the offenses committed;
  • serious or terminal illness;
  • desire to change the sinful past.

Confession requires preparation. You need to know the schedule when the ordinances are held and select suitable date. Confession is usually done on weekends and holidays, daily rituals are possible.

Attention! During the sacrament, a significant number of believers are present. If there are difficulties with opening the soul to the priest and repentance in front of a large crowd of people, it is advisable to contact the minister of the church and choose a day when it is possible to be alone with him.

Before confession, it is recommended to make a list of sins, correctly identifying them. Offenses committed by word, deed, in thoughts are taken into account, starting from the last repentance. In the case of the first confession in adulthood remember their own sins from the age of 7 or after baptism.

In order to tune in to the right mood, it is advisable to read the Penitential Canon in the evening before the sacrament. It is important to go to confession in the absence of ungodly thoughts, forgive your offenders and apologize to those whom you have offended yourself. Fasting before the ceremony is optional.

Confession should be done once a month, if desired and the need arises, you can do it more often. Women during menstruation abstain from the ceremony.

How to confess properly

It is important to come to the sacrament of repentance without delay. Confession is held in the morning or evening. Repentant believers read the rites. The priest interrogates the names of those who came to confession, you should tell him in a calm voice, without shouting. Latecomers do not participate in the sacrament.

It is recommended to conduct a rite of repentance with one confessor. You need to wait for your turn, then turn to people with the words: “Forgive me, a sinner (sinner).” The answer will be the phrase: "God will forgive, and we forgive." After that, they approach the clergyman and bow their heads in front of the lectern - an elevated table.

Having crossed himself and bowed, the believer confesses, listing sins. You should start the phrase with the words: “Lord, I have sinned (sinned) before You ...” and reveal what exactly. They report misconduct without details, in general terms. If you need clarification, the priest will ask. However, to speak too briefly: "Sinful (sinful) in everything!" also not allowed. It is important to list all misconducts without hiding anything. They end the confession, for example, with the phrase: “I repent, Lord! Save and have mercy on me a sinner (sinner)!” Then they carefully listen to the priest, take into account his advice. After reading the "permissive" prayer by the clergyman, they cross themselves and bow twice, kiss the Cross and the book of the Gospel.

Important! For serious sins, a representative of the church appoints a penance - a punishment that may consist in reading a long prayer, fasting or abstinence. Only after its fulfillment and with the help of a “permissive” prayer is the believer considered forgiven.

In large Temples, with a significant number of people, a “general” confession is used. In this case, the priest lists the main sins, and those who confess repent. After that, each parishioner approaches the representative of the church under the "permissive" prayer.

sacrament of repentance

Confession is considered the second baptism. If at baptism a person is cleansed of original sin, then with repentance, liberation from personal passions occurs.

When conducting the ceremony, it is important to be honest with yourself and God, be aware of the misconduct committed and sincerely repent of them. One should not be embarrassed or afraid of condemning the priest - this will not happen, the representative of the church is only a conductor between the believer and the Lord, there is no need to make excuses before him, only repent.

One cannot continue to be tormented by a sin that has already been repented, since it is considered forgiven. Otherwise, the church perceives this as a manifestation of lack of faith.

Examples of sins that are listed to the priest during confession include various categories.

Common female transgressions include:

  • turned to witches, fortune-tellers, and so on;
  • rarely attended church and read prayers;
  • had sexual relations before marriage;
  • during prayer, she thought about pressing problems;
  • was afraid of old age;
  • had impious thoughts;
  • had an abortion;
  • was superstitious;
  • excessive use of alcohol, sweets, drugs;
  • wore revealing clothes;
  • refused to help those in need.

Common male sins are:

  • lack of faith, blasphemy against the Lord;
  • cruelty;
  • pride;
  • laziness;
  • ridicule of the weak;
  • greed;
  • evasion from military service;
  • insulting people around, the use of violence;
  • weakness in resisting temptations;
  • slander, theft;
  • rudeness, rudeness;
  • refusal to help those in need.

In Orthodoxy, there are 3 main groups of sins that are subject to presentation during confession: in relation to the Lord, relatives, and oneself.

Sins against God

  • interest in the occult sciences;
  • apostasy;
  • an insult to God, ingratitude to him;
  • unwillingness to wear a pectoral cross;
  • superstition;
  • atheistic upbringing;
  • mentioning the Lord in vain;
  • reluctance to read morning and evening prayers, visit the temple on Sundays and holidays;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • passion for gambling;
  • rare reading of Orthodox literature;
  • non-observance of church rules (fasting);
  • despair in difficulties and problems, denial of God's providence;
  • condemnation of representatives of the church;
  • dependence on earthly pleasures;
  • fear of old age;
  • hiding sins during repentance, unwillingness to fight them;
  • arrogance, denial of God's help.

Sins towards relatives

The group of vices against neighbors includes:

  • disrespect for parents, irritation with old age;
  • condemnation, hatred;
  • anger;
  • quick temper;
  • slander, rancor;
  • raising children in a different faith;
  • non-repayment of debts;
  • non-payment of money for work;
  • rejection of people in need of help;
  • arrogance;
  • quarrels, swearing with relatives and neighbors;
  • greed;
  • driving a neighbor to suicide;
  • having an abortion and encouraging others to do so;
  • drinking alcohol at funerals;
  • theft;
  • laziness at work.

Sins against the soul

  • deception;
  • foul language (use of obscene language);
  • self-delusion;
  • vanity;
  • envy;
  • laziness;
  • despair, sadness;
  • impatience;
  • lack of faith;
  • adultery (violation of fidelity in marriage);
  • laughter for no reason;
  • masturbation, unnatural fornication (proximity of people of the same sex), incest;
  • love for material values, the desire for enrichment;
  • gluttony;
  • perjury;
  • doing good deeds for show;
  • dependence on alcohol, tobacco;
  • idle talk, verbosity;
  • reading literature and viewing photos, films with erotic content;
  • extramarital intimacy.

How to confess to children

The Church teaches children early age to a sense of reverence for the Lord. A child under 7 years old is considered a baby, he does not need to confess, including before communion.

Upon reaching the specified age, children begin the rite of repentance on an equal basis with adults. Before confession, it is recommended to set up the baby by reading Holy Bible, children's Orthodox literature. It is advisable to reduce the time of watching TV, pay special attention to reading morning and evening prayers.

When a child behaves badly, they talk to him, awakening a sense of shame.

Children also make a list of committed sins, it is important that they do this on their own, without the help of adults. To help the child, he is given a list of possible sins:

  • did not miss the morning or evening prayers before the meal?
  • did not steal?
  • didn't you guess?
  • Do you brag about your skills and abilities?
  • Do you know the main prayers (“Our Father”, “Jesus Prayer”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”)?
  • do not hide sins at confession?
  • do not use amulets, symbols?
  • attend church on Sundays, don't play around in the service?
  • don't get carried away bad habits don't you swear?
  • did not mention the name of the Lord unnecessarily?
  • don't be shy pectoral cross, wear without taking off?
  • did not deceive parents?
  • didn't snitch, didn't gossip?
  • help your loved ones, are you not lazy?
  • did not mock the beasts of the earth?
  • didn't play cards?

The child may name personal sins not listed. It is important that he understands the need for awareness of his own misdeeds, sincere and sincere repentance.

Examples of confession

Speech during the sacrament of repentance is made up arbitrarily, depending on the enumeration of the sins of the believer. A few examples of what to say in confession will help to make an individual appeal to the priest and God.

Example 1

Lord, I have sinned (sinned) before You with adultery, lies, greed, slander, foul language, superstition, the desire for enrichment, extramarital carnal intimacy, quarrels with loved ones, gluttony, abortion, dependence on alcohol, tobacco, vindictiveness, condemnation, non-compliance with church rules . I repent, Lord! Have mercy on me, a sinner (sinner).

Example 2

I confess to the Lord God, in the Holy Trinity glorious, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, all sins from youth to the present, committed by deed, word and thought, voluntarily or involuntarily. I put my hope in God's mercy and wish to correct my life. I sinned (sinned) with apostasy, impudent judgments about church laws, love for earthly goods, disrespect for elders. Forgive me, Lord, cleanse, renew my soul and body, so that I can follow the path of salvation. And you, honest Father, pray for me to the Lord, the Most Pure Lady of the Mother of God and the saints, that the Lord will have mercy on me with their prayers, forgive me from my sins and make me worthy to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ without condemnation.

Example 3

I bring you, merciful Lord, the heavy burden of my sins from early youth to this day. I have sinned (sinned) before You by forgetting Your commandments, ingratitude to You for mercy, superstition, blasphemous thoughts, desire for pleasure, vanity, idle talk, gluttony, breaking fasts, refusing to help those in need. I have sinned in words, thoughts, deeds, sometimes involuntarily, but more often consciously. I sincerely regret committed sins I do my best not to repeat them. Forgive and have mercy on me, Lord!

Confession is a sacrament when a believer confesses their sins to a priest. The representative of the church is empowered to forgive sins in the name of the Lord and Jesus Christ.

According to biblical legends, Christ endowed the apostles with such an opportunity, which was later transferred to the clergy. During repentance, a person not only talks about his sins, but also gives a word not to commit them again.

What is confession?

Confession is not only purification, but also a test for the soul. It helps to remove the burden and purify before the face of the Lord, reconcile with it and overcome inner doubts. It is necessary to go to confession once a month, but if you want to do it more often, you should follow the calls of the soul and repent at any time you want.

For special serious sins a representative of the church may impose a special punishment, which is called penance. It can be a long prayer, fasting or abstinence, which are ways to cleanse. When a person violates the laws of God, this negatively affects his mental and physical condition. Repentance helps to gain strength and fight the temptations that push people to sin. The believer gets the opportunity to talk about his misdeeds and remove the burden from the soul. Before confession, it is necessary to make a list of sins, with which you can correctly describe the sin and prepare correct speech for repentance.

How to start a confession before the priest with what words?

The seven deadly sins, which are the main vices, look like this:

  • gluttony (gluttony, excessive food abuse)
  • fornication (dissolute life, infidelity)
  • anger (temper, vindictiveness, irritability)
  • love of money (greed, desire for material values)
  • despondency (laziness, depression, despair)
  • vanity (selfishness, narcissism)
  • envy

It is believed that when committing these sins human soul may die. By committing them, a person moves further and further away from God, but all of them can be released during sincere repentance. It is believed that it was mother nature who laid them in every person, and only the strongest in spirit can resist temptations and fight evil. But it is worth remembering that every person can commit a sin, experiencing a difficult period in life. People are not immune from misfortunes and difficulties that can drive everyone to despair. You need to learn how to deal with passions and emotions, and then no sin can overcome you and break your life.

Preparation for confession

Repentance must be prepared in advance. First you need to find a temple in which the ordinances are held and choose a suitable day. Most often they are held on holidays and weekends. At this time, there are always a lot of people in the temple, and not everyone will be able to open when strangers are nearby. In this case, you need to contact the priest and ask him to make an appointment for another day, when you can be alone. Before repentance, it is recommended to read the Penitential Canon, which will allow you to tune in and put your thoughts in order.

You need to know that there are three groups of sins that you can write down and take with you to confession.

  1. Vices directed against God:

These include blasphemy and insult to the Lord, blasphemy, interest in the occult sciences, superstition, suicidal thoughts, gambling, and so on.

  1. Vices against the soul:

Sloth, deceit, use of obscene words, impatience, disbelief, self-delusion, despair.

  1. Vices against neighbors:

Disrespect for parents, slander, condemnation, rancor, hatred, theft, and so on.

How to confess correctly what to say to the priest at the beginning?

Before approaching the representative of the church, put bad thoughts out of your head and prepare to open your soul. You can start confession in the same way as it is correct to confess what to say to the priest, an example: “Lord, I have sinned against you,” and after that you can list your sins. There is no need to tell the priest about the sin in great detail, it is enough just to say "Committed adultery" or confess to another vice.

But to the enumeration of sins, you can add "I sinned with envy, I constantly envy my neighbor ..." and so on. After listening to you, the priest will be able to give valuable advice and help to do the right thing in a given situation. Such clarifications will help to identify your greatest weaknesses and fight them. The confession ends with the words “I repent, Lord! Save and have mercy on me, a sinner!

Many confessors are very ashamed to talk about anything, this is an absolutely normal feeling. But at the moment of repentance, you need to overcome yourself and understand that it is not the priest who condemns you, but God, and that it is to God that you tell about your sins. The priest is just a conductor between you and the Lord, do not forget about it.

List of sins for a woman

Many of the fair sex, having familiarized themselves with it, decide to refuse confession. It looks like this:

  • Rarely prayed and came to the temple
  • While praying, I thought about pressing issues.
  • Had sex before marriage
  • Had impure thoughts
  • Turned for help to fortune-tellers and magicians
  • believed in superstition
  • I was afraid of old age
  • Abuse of alcohol, drugs, sweets
  • Refusing to help other people
  • Performed abortions
  • Wearing revealing clothes

List of sins for a man

  • Blasphemy against the Lord
  • Disbelief
  • Taunting those who are weaker
  • Cruelty, pride, laziness, greed
  • Military service evasion
  • Insults and use of physical force against others
  • Slander
  • Inability to resist temptations
  • Refusal to help relatives and others
  • Theft
  • Rudeness, contempt, greed

A man needs to take a more responsible approach to this issue, since he is the head of the family. It is from him that children will take an example to follow.

There is also a list of sins for the child, which can be compiled after he answers a series of specific questions. He must understand how important it is to speak sincerely and honestly, but this already depends on the approach of the parents and their preparation of their child for confession.

The Importance of Confession in the Life of a Believer

Many holy fathers call confession a second baptism. This helps to establish unity with God and cleanse oneself of filth. As the gospel says, repentance is necessary condition for the purification of the soul. Throughout life path a person should strive to overcome temptations and prevent vice. During this sacrament, a person receives liberation from the shackles of sin, and all his sins are forgiven by the Lord God. For many, repentance is a victory over oneself, because only a true believer can confess what people prefer to keep silent about.

If you have confessed before, then you should not talk about old sins again. They have already been released and there is no point in repenting of them anymore. When you finish confessing, the priest will give his speech, give advice and instructions, and also say a permissive prayer. After that, a person must cross himself twice, bow, venerate the crucifix and the Gospel, then cross himself again and receive a blessing.

How to confess for the first time - an example?

The first confession may seem mysterious and unpredictable. People are frightened by the expectation that they may be condemned by a priest, experience a sense of shame and embarrassment. It is worth remembering that the representatives of the church are people who live according to the laws of the Lord. They do not condemn, do not wish harm to anyone and love their neighbors, trying to help them with wise advice.

They will never express a personal point of view, so you should not be afraid that the words of the priest can somehow offend, offend or shame you. He never shows emotion, speaks in a low voice and very little. Before repentance, you can approach him and ask for advice on how to properly prepare for this sacrament.

In church shops there is a lot of literature that can also help and give a lot important information. During repentance, you should not complain about others and about your life, you need to talk only about yourself, listing the vices that you succumbed to. If you are fasting, then this best moment for confession, because by limiting themselves, people become more restrained and improve, contributing to the purification of the soul.

Many parishioners end their fast with a confession, which is a logical conclusion to a long abstinence. This sacrament leaves in the human soul the most vivid emotions and impressions that are never forgotten. Relieving the soul from sins and receiving their forgiveness, a person gets a chance to start life anew, resist temptations and live in harmony with the Lord and his laws.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

Great post - fertile time when a special course of worship, the themes of liturgical texts, as well as abstinence from fast food set a person to repentance, disturb the sleeping soul so that it wakes up and looks at itself, realizes what sins and dangers it is in. At this moment, a repentant feeling begins to visit a person. But often people confuse confession and repentance, while the holy fathers name clear differences between these sacraments. Therefore, today I would like to talk about this. What is confession and what is repentance?

The most important thing in our life is salvation. The Lord says: “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!” (Matthew 4:17). The Holy Prophet John the Baptist also calls us in his sermon: "...repent... (Matt. 3:2)" and "bring forth fruit worthy of repentance..." (Matt. 8:9).

When a person lives in the world, he commits many sins. Someone, for example, drinks, smokes, swears, gets irritated, angry, angry, and all this becomes a habit for him, sins become commonplace, and there is no repentance in a person. When a person comes to God, he begins to feel that sins burden his soul, and then he says before God: “Lord! I won't swear anymore! I won't drink! I won't smoke! I'll try not to get annoyed!" - this is repentance - a change in life.

When a person comes to a priest for confession, he can say: “Father, I didn’t go to Church. He didn’t pray to God, he didn’t keep fasts. He swore obscenities, got drunk drunk, got annoyed. In this I confess and repent. I ask God for forgiveness." If a person said this and gave the Lord a promise to improve, then the grace of God will give him strength, and he departs from confession with a light heart, because. removed from his soul the heavy burden that he had been carrying all this time.

When people say: “I want to live freely, drink, walk, fornicate, smoke, swear obscenities,” this is a disease of the soul. If a person got rid of anger, evil, alcohol, smoking and swearing, then he became free. If these passions torment him, then he is in captivity. Demons keep a person in these passions.

The Holy Fathers say that the beginning of spiritual life, when a person's spiritual eyes are opened and he sees in himself the abyss of sins - this is the beginning of repentance. If a person does not see his sins, it means that he is still spiritually blind. Then you help a person, remind him of his sins. Many do not think that skipping services is a sin. There are apostolic rules that say that if someone has not been in the temple for three Sundays without a good reason, then he is excommunicated from the Church. I usually ask: “Did you keep the fasts?” and I hear in response: “I never observed it.” This is also stated in the Apostolic Rules: if a person does not observe fasts on Wednesday and Friday, then he is excommunicated from the Church. The priest reminds in confession that these are serious sins. I ask: "You didn't pray?" and the person confesses: “Yes, I didn’t pray. Just got baptized. I don't even know how to pray. This is also a sin that needs to be repented of.

The priest helps a person at confession, reminds him of his sins, explains that pride is the most serious sin. When a person is in pride, he is always irritated. Why is this happening? Because a person has a high opinion of himself, is offended, always dissatisfied, strives to be on top, wants only good things to be said about him, and this is not pleasing to the Lord. Athos elder Paisios Svyatogorets, when he was little, ran a race with his friends and was the first to run. Paisius's parents said that it was impossible to do this, because pride is hidden in this. It is better to give way to another, let him come running first. So when you study at school, you want to be the first. This should not be. You must always give way to someone else. You have to be able to be humble. This is useful for us. Sometimes it happens that the Lord allows us for our humility to become the second, and even the last. All this is useful for us.

When a person repented for the first time in his life, sincerely confessed, it seems to him that he has said everything. I usually say that this is just the beginning. In fact, you will remember your sins for another two or three years. Take a piece of paper, if you suddenly remember something - write it down so as not to forget, because a pencil or a pen has a better memory than we do. If you remember something else, you need to write everything down again, and then repent of it at confession. Everything we do, say, think about, is imprinted in eternity for all time. How many bad things have we said! How many false conceited words! How much we said with pride! Sometimes we forget about it, but evil spirits do not forget and keep everything.

I'll tell you one story. My brother Nikolai worked as a conductor. One day he was waiting for a train, and since he had time to spare, he put on a sheepskin coat so as not to freeze and lay down on the sofa. Nikolai had not yet had time to fall asleep and suddenly saw that a beautiful young man was entering and saying: “Nikolai, get up! Come with me". He got up, looked around and saw his body from the side. They went along the corridor and suddenly found themselves in one of the rooms, where there was a table covered with a red cloth, and thick books lay on it. There were also two horned demons. As soon as Nikolai entered, they looked at him and said: “Ah, Nikolai! Let's watch!". One demon opened a book and began to list all his sins from his youth, even those he did not remember. Then another demon did the same. Nicholas took this book and threw it at the demons. They rushed from the table and began to beat him. But the young man said, "Don't touch him." After that, Nikolai woke up again on the couch. The Lord revealed to him that from about the age of seven, when a person realizes what sins are, demons already control our words, deeds and thoughts.

There are times when they come to confession and say: “Father! I am a sinner in everything!”, then I begin to ask:

People shot?

Did you set fire to the house?

Did you fly to the moon?

You have to say what you have done in your life.

Conscience often convicts us - we hear the voice of God. Some people try to "silence" their conscience. You can't do that. When we sincerely repent, then the soul will be freed and the Lord will give grace-filled power. After that, a person does not sin, he has the fear of God. It happens that a person comes up and says: “Father, I am a sinner in this, in this and in this, but he does not promise to improve, he remains the same as he was. If a person asks how to get rid of a certain sin, then the priest will always advise what to do, and then you need to obey him. If we are talking about carnal sin, then we should not eat meat and sweets, do not condemn anyone, do not be proud, do not get annoyed, do not offend anyone, do not eat to our fill. If passions bother you, then you can not eat on Friday. If this is not enough, then on Wednesday and Monday. In this way we can achieve that all passions will cease for us. Of course, everything begins with thoughts, from our intemperance. No need to climb where the fire is, surf the Internet, look for all kinds of dirt on TV. And if they plunged there, what does it say? About the fact that we are unclean, and this is not pleasing to the Lord. Therefore, we must live in purity.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

Father, the man is ripe for repentance, he decided to write a confession. How can he properly build a confession? Where to start in the first place?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

You should start with the most grave sins- Murder, fornication. Once you name them, it will become easier for you to confess further.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

How much detail do you need to talk about such sins?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

Confession does not need to talk about how the sin was committed.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

Do I need to talk about how many times they committed some kind of sin?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

If a person came to confession for the first time and repented, then he does not need to repeat this. The Lord forgave him his sin.

Phone call:

I was at the evening service at confession and asked the priest for blessings for fasting. Since I have the second group of disability, the doctor categorically forbade me to fast. The priest does not give relief and says to go to another doctor who will not forbid. Please tell me what to do next? On Saturday and Sunday I asked for some cottage cheese and fish.

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

I confessed for ten years at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and five years at the Pochaev Lavra. Among confessors, it was usually established that the sick were allowed fish, but not dairy products. When the mother of a saint righteous John Kronstadtsky fell ill and was dying, the doctor told her to eat chicken broth, to which she replied: “I have never broken a fast in my life and never will. The Lord will heal me." And the Lord healed her. The Bible says, "If you want to be healthy, don't sin." If you sin, you go to the doctor, the doctor will prescribe you medicine, and God heals (see: Sir. 38, 1-15).

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

Father, we were asked this question: “I have been sick for 30 years, now I am 40. I can’t walk, I feel weakness of the whole body. I have been churched from the very beginning of my illness, I observe all the fasts, I pray. At home, all the sacraments are performed on me. What else would be useful for me to do so that the Lord would hear me? Maybe my faith is weak?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

The most important thing is to thank God. Once, a confessor on the holy Mount Athos bowed his head. Another elder approached him and said: “Father, what is the matter with you?” He answers:

The Lord left me.

How did you leave?

The day passed and there were no temptations. All was good.

If there are illnesses, it means that the Lord did not pass by, he visited. For this we must thank God. This is very valuable. We need to ask the prayers of loved ones so that they pray for us. This is the most important thing. No need to grumble, despair, blame someone - God or neighbors. You only have yourself to blame. It is better to go through everything here temporarily, to endure, so that the soul comes out free, pure in spiritual world. Of course, it is terrible and terrible when a person sins on earth and does not realize it, but constantly abides in sin. Demons bind a person hand and foot and do not allow him to grow spiritually. This is scary. So we must thank God for the disease.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

Father, another very important part of proper repentance and confession is spiritual father. How to choose the right confessor?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

You have to ask the Lord for this. When I was in my first year at the seminary, I went under the Assumption Cathedral and on the way I thought like this: “Now I will enter the church for confession, and the first priest who comes out will become my confessor.” At this moment, the archimandrite comes out of the altar and I have the thought: “Here is your spiritual father.” So it's up today, for 50 years. God Himself will send someone to whom you can open up. Of course, this issue is very complex.

Must at least once in a lifetime for real repent from youth, find someone you can trust. There are few priests in parish churches, but there are many people, and the priest cannot confess one person in detail. You have to go to a monastery and confess there in full to some confessor. It is necessary that nothing be left on the conscience. It is most important.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

Father, sometimes a person encounters an internal obstacle. He wants to repent, but he tries to choose words in confession. It seems ugly and shameful to him to name all his sins. It is necessary to choose such words in order to speak about sin and not experience strong shame. But then a person is faced with the fact that when he departs from confession, he does not experience peace in his soul. Conscience convicts him. Why is this happening?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

This happens when a person has not fully revealed the sin. The priest has a lot of people at confession. No need to be ashamed to speak sins because evil spirit who does not depart from us, always inspires us with this. Don't be afraid of what the priest thinks of you. We must boldly speak, then the Lord accepts such a penitent soul in His arms. There is no such sin that the Lord would not forgive. There is no disease that God would not heal.

Phone call:

Exist different opinions about the order of confession and unction. Can you please clarify this question?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

The Apostle James says: "Is any of you sick, let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord" (James 5:14). “And if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him” (James 5:15). Before taking unction, a person must go to confession, repent of all sins, so that he has nothing left on his conscience. In the Sacrament of Unction, those sins are forgiven that a person, due to his weakness, no longer remembers.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

What means " forgiven sin"? I read from the holy fathers that the forgiven sin literally means " never-before sin”, i.e. if a person committed a sin and repented of it, then in the eyes of God this sin did not exist. What a great power repentance has!

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

Yes. IN Greek word " sin' means miss. When a person aims "at the top ten" and hits "milk", then this is a miss. The same thing happens when a person sins, but thinks like this: "Now I will get drunk or smoke and enjoy it." It turns out the man is wrong. This will bring him great harm. The grace of God leaves, despondency, despair, anxiety sets in, and there is no joy. And the apostle Paul says: “Always rejoice, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:16-18).

Phone call:

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

We have no enemies. We have only one enemy - the devil and the sins we commit. I was in Jerusalem. Jews, Muslims, Protestants and Orthodox live there. Many people live together. We must not have enemies. We must show others by the example of our lives that our Orthodox faith is rightly glorifying God. Enmity does not lead to good things. It leads to bloodshed and destruction. Imagine that you were born in a different faith and on the day doomsday of the Lord our works will be revealed. According to our deeds, we will receive punishment or reward.

Phone call:

At the age of 28, I already had the Gospel, then it was still impossible to go to church. I worked as a teacher and talked about God everywhere on the road. If I was driving to Simferopol, and I myself lived in the Crimea at that time, then for three hours I told the driver about the Gospel - I had already learned it by heart. Thank God, almost everyone listened, and only some drivers frowned and said that I did not have to pay 4 rubles, if only I got out of the car. Others reacted differently. Once I had to pay 3 rubles, and I had only 2, and the driver said: “I would ride with you all my life, if only you would only talk about God.” Did I do the right thing, because it is said: “Do not give holy things to dogs and do not cast your pearls before swine?” (Matthew 7:6).

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

If a person is full, and you force him to eat, he will say: “I am full. I don't need any more." And, conversely, if a person is hungry and needs food, then you need to feed him - i.e. talk to him about God. That's why that driver told you so. He was contented and nourished with spiritual food. And the person who is soul dead does not need it. If a person of a different faith does not want to listen to you, then there is no need to speak. When I ride in a cassock on a train, I don’t say anything to anyone. People themselves ask: “Where do you serve? Where do you live? Do you believe in God?" I answer: “Yes, I do. Because there are no unbelievers on earth. Some believe there is a God, others don't. And the conversation begins. I don't say anything about God. Under the Soviet regime, when I was traveling on a train, it sometimes happened that the compartment was completely packed with people: some listened, then the second entered, and after them the third. Everyone was constantly listening. I told them about the bird, about the plane, about nature. Even if the authorities will listen, I did not say anything seditious, there was no agitation. I was just answering questions. Once I got off at a stop at 4 o'clock in the morning, looked back - it turns out that in the car where I was traveling, in almost every window 2-3 people waved at me!

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

It was in Soviet time?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

In Soviet times. It is necessary to speak, because faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the word of God, according to Holy Scripture.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

Scripture gives examples of this. The First Martyr Stephen preached a sermon to the Jews, the enemies of Christ. How did they react? They didn’t just say, “We don’t need it,” they gnashed their teeth, tore their clothes, because this speech denounced them. She burned them like fire, but he spoke anyway. We do not know, maybe one of these Jews later repented.

Hierodeacon Eleazar (Titov):

Question: Is it appropriate to ask monastic priests questions and consult in detail about the arrangement of their personal lives? Or is it better to address such questions to the white clergy?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

If the priest is experienced, then you can contact him.

Phone call:

I didn't get married. After the wedding, I did not know my wife. She was afraid that we would have sick children, because I was released from the army under the article, and she was registered because she was also sick. I left her. We divorced, and three years later she gave birth to a normal child in another marriage. The demon incites me: how to take revenge on her, the evil one does not give rest. Should I forgive her, leave her to the judgment of God?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov):

I must say that there are no cases large and small, to the smallest detail. This is the work of God. You need to pray for her. If we have enemies who are against us, then demons act on us through them. And when we pray, this person is no longer our enemy. He is a creation of God and the Lord does not charge us with sin if we pray for this person. We must endure this temptation, it is not without God's providence. It will all pass. So that's how it should be. God allowed it, say: “Glory to God for everything!” If we thank God for everything that happens to us in life, even if, for example, your bag was torn out, and there was a lot of money, it means that this is not without the will of God. Thank God for everything! We must thank the Lord. Once I had visitors who asked me: “Father! Give us guidance on how to live in this life right? I answered: “Now you are going to Moscow, you come to your house, and there are a lot of fire trucks, ambulances, and you are 100% sure that your apartment and all the things in it burned down. No need to panic. You need to act like Job the Long-suffering and say: “God gave, God took. Thank God for everything!" This will be before God as a feat. You got into the car, drove to your friends, your car skidded and you crashed into a pole. No need to get upset, you need to go out and say: “Thank God, everyone is alive. If it didn’t beat, didn’t break, then where would everything go? God bless! So that's how it's supposed to be." This will please the Lord. You came to your friends, sat down at the table to drink tea - and suddenly you had an attack. called out ambulance and you are on the operating table. And here it is necessary to say: “Glory to God for everything!” Everything that the Lord does not do is for the better, because God is Love. He is more concerned about our health and our salvation than we are. This is how we should live right.

Eat folk proverb: “Lost wealth - lost nothing. Lost health - half lost. Lost faith in God - lost everything. One hundred years ago there were one hundred and fifty million people in Russia, and the majority were believers. And then people came and said that there is no God, and some took it for the truth, went against God and destroyed the country. Without God, everything is destroyed...

How to prepare for confession and communion? Preparing for confession and communion, especially for the first time, raises many, many questions. I remember my first communion. How hard it was for me to figure everything out. In this article you will get answers to the questions: what to say in confession to a priest - an example? how to take communion and confession? communion rules in the church? how to confess for the first time? how to prepare for communion? The answer to these questions is given by the modern Greek preacher Archimandrite Andrew (Konanos) and other priests.

Other helpful articles:

Communion was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself at his last meal with the Apostles. The modern Greek preacher and theologian Archimandrite Andrew (Konanos) says, if people would realize what a Gift of unity with God they receive during communion, because now Christ's blood flows in their veins ... if they fully realized this, their life would change a lot!

But, unfortunately, most people during communion are like children playing with precious stones and do not understand their value.

Communion rules can be found in any Temple. Usually they are set out in a small book called "HOW TO PREPARE FOR HOLY COMMUNICATION". Here are the simple rules:

  • Before Communion you need 3 days to fast- there is only vegetable food(avoid meat, dairy and eggs).
  • Need to be at evening service the day before the day of communion.
  • Need to confess either at the evening service or on the day of the sacrament at the very beginning of the liturgy (the morning service, during which the sacrament takes place).
  • Need a few more days pray hard- for this, read morning and evening prayers and read the canons: Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ ,
    Canon of Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos,
    Canon to the Guardian Angel,
    Follow-up to Holy Communion *. * If you have never read the Canons (in Church Slavonic), you can listen to the audio (available on the prayer-book sites at the links indicated).
  • You need to take communion on an empty stomach (do not eat or drink anything in the morning). An exception is made for sick people, such as diabetics, for whom food and medicine are vital.

If you begin to take communion at every liturgy, every Sunday, your confessor will be able to allow you to fast less and not read all the indicated prayers. Do not be afraid to ask the priest and consult with him.

How is communion in church?

Suppose you decide to take communion on Sunday. So, the night before (Saturday) you need to come to the evening service. Usually evening service in the Temples starts at 17:00. Find out what time the liturgy (morning service) begins on Sunday, at which the sacrament itself will take place. Usually, the morning service in the Temples begins at 9:00. If there was no confession at the evening service, then you confess at the beginning of the morning service.

Approximately in the middle of the service, the Priest will take out the Chalice from the altar. Everyone who was preparing for communion gather near the bowl and fold their hands on their right chest over the left. Approach the bowl carefully so as not to turn it over. The priest with a spoon gives the communicants the Holy Gifts - a piece of the body and blood of Christ under the guise of bread and wine.

After that, you need to go to the end of the Temple, where you will be given a drink. This is water diluted with wine. You need to drink it so that not a single drop or crumb of the Eucharist is wasted. Only then can you cross yourself. At the end of the service, you need to listen to prayers of thanksgiving.

How to prepare for confession? What to say in confession to a priest - an example? List of sins

The main rule at confession, which priests always remind about, is not to retell sins. Because if you start retelling the story of how you committed a sin, then you will involuntarily begin to justify yourself and blame others. Therefore, in confession, sins are simply called. For example: pride, envy, foul language, etc. And in order not to forget anything, use a list of sins against God, against neighbors, against oneself(usually such a list is in the book "HOW TO PREPARE FOR HOLY COMMUNICATION".

Write down your sins on a piece of paper so you don't forget anything. Come to the Temple early in the morning so as not to be late for confession and for the common prayer before confession. Before confession, go to the priest, cross yourself, venerate the Gospel and the cross, and start listing the sins that have been recorded in advance. After confession, the priest will read the permissive prayer and say whether you are allowed to receive communion.

It very rarely happens when a priest for your correction does not allow you to take communion. This is also a test of your pride.

It is important during confession, when naming a sin, to give yourself a promise not to repeat it. It is very important on the eve of communion to reconcile with enemies and forgive your offenders.

How to confess for the first time?

The first confession is often called the general confession. As a rule, almost all sins from the list of sins against God, neighbor and oneself fall into the leaflet with the list of sins. The priest will surely understand that you have come to confession for the first time and will help you with advice on how to try not to repeat your sins and mistakes.

I hope the article “How to Prepare for Confession and Communion?” will help you decide and go to confession and communion. This is important for your soul, because confession is the purification of the soul. We wash our body every day, but we do not care about the purity of the soul!

If you have never confessed or received communion and it seems to you that it is very difficult to prepare, I recommend that you still perform this feat. The reward will be great. I assure you you have never experienced anything like it before. After communion, you will feel an extraordinary and incomparable spiritual joy.

The most difficult thing usually seems to be reading the canons and following Holy Communion. It's really hard to read at first. Use the audio recording and listen to all these prayers for 2-3 evenings.

Listen in this video to the story of priest Andrey Tkachev about how much time (usually several years) separates a person from the desire to go to the first confession until the moment of the first confession.

I wish everyone to enjoy life and thank God for everything!

Alena Kraeva

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