Biological resources of black. Biological resources of the Black Sea: Sat. scientific tr. V. Bays of Sevastopol

Article by V. M. Tolkachev in the journal “Oil. Gas. Innovation"

The problem of marine gas manifestations and their threat to the ecological well-being of Crimea has been raised. The sources of hydrogen sulfide formation in the Black Sea are described. Bacteria that absorb hydrogen sulfide and the mechanism of natural protection of surface waters from hydrogen sulfide aggression are described. Methods for extracting hydrogen sulfide from the waters of the Black Sea and its utilization, using gaseous hydrogen sulfide, and reducing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the waters of the Black Sea are considered.

Hydrogen sulfide, the significant presence of which in the waters of the Black Sea has been known since the end of the 19th century, is considered today as a constant growing threat to the environmental well-being of the population of Crimea and the Black Sea region. On the other hand, the presence of this large natural resource inevitably poses modern science and practice, the issue of creating an effective and environmentally acceptable technology for extracting hydrogen sulfide from the waters of the Black Sea and its use. The successful development of an unconventional source of energy and sulfur will improve the level of environmental safety of the region's population.

The Black Sea is the world's largest meromictic (unmixed) body of water, the upper part of which, up to 150 meters thick, is saturated with oxygen and separated from the saltier, hydrogen sulfide-saturated lower part of the sea boundary layer(chemocline) - the boundary between the aerobic and mainly anaerobic zones.

The water balance of the Black Sea, the salinity of which in the upper zone is about 18 ‰ and increases with depth to 22 ‰, is characterized by the following indicators:

Atmospheric precipitation (230 cubic km/year);
water supply from the Sea of ​​Azov (30 cubic km/year);
continental, including river, runoff (310 cubic km/year);
evaporation of water from the surface of the Black Sea (360 cubic km/year).

As a result, it is constantly discharged through the Bosphorus Strait into the Sea of ​​Marmara (about 210 cubic km/year).

Towards upstream, formed by the less salty and lighter water of the Black Sea, there is a countercurrent in the lower part of the strait. It feeds the lower horizons of the Black Sea with saltier water and is the source of an underwater river recently discovered by British scientists. This unnamed river, 900 meters wide and 68.5 km long, localized in a sublatitudinal trench 35 m deep, moves a colossal volume of water and is 350 times more powerful than the Thames in terms of runoff. There are rapids and waterfalls in its bed. The waters of this river are several degrees colder than the conjugate bottom waters of the Black Sea.

The statement is quite substantiated that hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the concentration of which in the waters of the Black Sea ranges from 0.19 to 9.6 mg/l, comes from several sources. This aggressive gas, which has filled almost 90 percent of the sea, is largely formed in situ due to the processing of sulfate-reducing bacteria accumulated in lower layers and at the bottom of the sea of ​​organogenic matter.

Hydrogen sulfide also enters along with methane and other gases through zones of tectonic disturbances and fracturing in seabed, is replenished with emissions from underwater mud volcanoes and gases from hydrogen sulfide hydrotherms.

Currently, the Black Sea is an important part and occupies an area of ​​420,325 km 2. It is home to more than three thousand species of flora and fauna. A notable feature can be considered the fact that all of the above-described diversity is found only at a depth of no more than 150 m. Further, falling below this mark, right down to the very bottom one can observe a complete absence life forms with rare exceptions in the form of This is explained by the fact that the deep layers of water are a saturated solution of hydrogen sulfide. This is a destructive environment for all creatures that require oxygen for normal functioning.

Black Sea: ecological problems

Like any other modern sea is subject to negative influence Hundreds of tons annually harmful substances dumped into his pool. Such pollutants can safely include all organic and mineral fertilizers, which generously fertilize the soil to obtain a better harvest. It is they, getting into the sea and accumulating in the water column, that provoke active reproduction phytoplankton. When dying, such living organisms consume the oxygen contained in water masses ah, and thereby create certain problems. The Black Sea is covered with a whole layer of dead algae, which becomes larger and larger every year. Under the influence of this factor, oxygen deficiency is observed in the near-bottom areas.

Environmental problems of the Black Sea are also determined by the following negative factors:

1. Pollution of rivers flowing into it with sewage rainwater. This entails not only a decrease in water transparency and sea blooms, but also the destruction of multicellular algae.

2. Pollution with petroleum products. Similar ones of the Black Sea are most often found in the western part of the water area, where many ports and a large number of tanker transportation. As a result, there is the death of many representatives of flora and fauna, disruption of their normal life activities, as well as deterioration of the atmosphere due to the evaporation of oil and its derivatives.

3. Pollution of water masses with human waste products. Such environmental problems of the Black Sea are the result of the discharge of untreated and poorly treated wastewater. The main burden falls on the northwestern part of the region. The main spawning grounds for fish and breeding grounds for various species of animals and birds are also located there. Another significant factor is the active development of the coastline. As a result of this, the bottom surface of the Black Sea shelf is contaminated with cement dust and residues chemical substances, used in construction.

4. K negative factors One can also include mass fishing, which entails an inevitable and global restructuring of marine ecosystems.

These are the main environmental problems of the Black Sea.

What is the significance of the Black Sea for people and nature, you will learn by reading this article.

The meaning of the Black Sea

The Black Sea belongs to the basin Atlantic Ocean. It is connected to Sea of ​​Azov Kerch Strait and the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Bosphorus Strait. Even the ancient Greeks knew about it, and it was called Pont Aksinsky, that is, “inhospitable sea.” This sea received its modern name in the 13th century and scientists are still at a loss as to why it was named.

Economic use of the Black Sea

The Black Sea is rich in resources that are used by humans. Near coastlines and there are large deposits on the shelf natural gas and oil, chemical and mineral raw materials.

The Black Sea is also famous for its biological resources: algae, fish, shellfish. They are widely used in Food Industry. Laminaria and phyllophora are extracted from algae here, from which they are made medications. Cystoseira (brown algae) and zostera (sea grass) reserves are used less.

Every year people catch tons of shrimp and mussels, fish and even dolphins. All this goes to the food industry.

Kinds economic activity people associated with the Black Sea are not limited to fishing and oil production. Today its pool is actively exploited by people. Its importance as a transport route is especially important: trips across the Black Sea are made every day. freight transportation, transport corridors and ferry crossings. It is also used as a recreational area, which brings good profits to the country, washed by the sea, during the season.

The most important ports of the Black Sea

Among the largest ports of the Black Sea are:

  • Evpatoria, Sevastopol, Kerch, Yalta (Crimea)
  • Sochi and Novorossiysk (Russia)
  • Odessa, Ukraine)
  • Varna (Bulgaria)
  • Sukhum (Georgia)
  • Trabzon and Samsun (Türkiye)
  • Constanta (Romania)

Environmental problems of the Black Sea

Human activity in the Black Sea has led to unfavorable ecological situation. It is heavily polluted with petroleum products and waste. Mutated due to anthropogenic influence animal world seas.

The waste mostly comes with the waters of the Danube, Prut and Dnieper. The most pollution of the Black Sea with oil film is observed near the Caucasian coast and Crimean peninsula. Along the coast there are areas with an excess of toxic substances: cadmium, copper ions, lead and chromium.

Also in the Black Sea there is a process of water bloom due to lack of oxygen. Metals and pesticides, nitrogen and phosphorus enter it with river waters. Phytoplankton, absorbing these elements, multiply too quickly and the water “blooms”. In this case, bottom microorganisms die. When they rot, they cause hypoxia in mussels, juvenile sturgeon, squid, crabs, and oysters.

The coast and the bottom of coastal zones are polluted household waste, which can decompose in salt water for decades, or even centuries. This releases toxic substances into the water.

We hope that from this article you learned the importance of the nature of the Black Sea.

Glow of the sea. In the Black Sea, a sparkling glow is observed, caused by flashes of small and microscopic marine organisms (nocturnal moths, peridinians) and representing separate sparks of the same color. Its intensity increases with waves, the passage of a ship, etc. A sparkling glow is usually observed in summer and autumn. It is especially intense in the coastal zone.

Sea blooms are caused by the massive accumulation of planktonic (usually plant, but sometimes animal) organisms in the surface layer of water. During flowering, the transparency of the water decreases significantly and its color changes; the water takes on a yellow, brown or reddish tint. In the described area, water blooms are observed mainly in the northwestern part of the sea, as well as in bays and bays. It is possible throughout the year, but is most likely from February to May.

Seaweed. In the Black Sea, the red algae Phyllophora is especially common, forming huge thickets in the northwestern part of the sea at depths of 20-60 m. Other algae include diatoms, pyrophytes, blue-green and brown ones. In bays, estuaries, lagoons and bays at depths usually no more than 10-12 m, zoster, or sea grass, is often found.

Woodworms. In the Black Sea, the destructive activity of marine wood borers is noted. From bivalves Teredo is found here, and among the wood-boring crustaceans - Limnoria and Chelyura.

Teredo usually destroys wood from the inside; its passages are directed along the fibers, but can also bend in the most bizarre way, intertwining with each other. With significant damage, the wood turns into a spongy mass. Teredo activity is especially active from June to September. It is most often found off the coast of the Crimean Peninsula and off east coast seas.

Limnoria usually attacks wood from the surface. Its passages are shallow (no deeper than 5 mm, occasionally 15 mm from the surface), but sometimes it eats out like hollows in the piles, the so-called “cauldrons”. Limnoria, as a rule, does not tolerate muddy, stagnant, oxygen-poor water.

Chelyura is somewhat larger than Limnoria; she usually settles next to it and drills into the tree in a similar manner. Its passages are deeper, although it does not create “cauldrons”. The diameter of the strokes is about 2.5 mm.

In addition to wood, limnoria and chelyura can affect the insulation of submarine cables.

Fouling of marine organisms on the underwater parts of ships has been observed all year round, but it is most intense from May to September. Balanuses, mussels, dracenas, bryozoans, etc. are common here.

Dangerous sea animals. spines dorsal fin and the spines of the gill covers are very poisonous, their injections can be fatal. The large dragon lives mainly in bays and bays; it usually buries itself in soft ground so that only its head is visible.

European scorpionfish are most often found in the Black Sea by predatory and poisonous marine animals; They should be avoided when swimming, working without a diving suit and disembarking personnel. It is home to the spiny dogfish shark, great dragonet, European scorpionfish and European stingray.

The big dragon is the most dangerous fish found in bays nearby rocky shores, it usually hides in rock crevices or in algae. The injections of this fish are very painful.

The European stingray, or sea cat, lives in sheltered bays, shallow sea areas and river mouths. With blows of its tail it can inflict very strong and dangerous wounds.

In addition, a small green, red or brown sea anemone jellyfish is found in the Black Sea. Contact with it causes severe skin irritation.

The Black Sea appeared more than 5.3 million years ago as a result of the division of the Tethys Ocean.

Now the sea belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin. Distinctive feature is that it is limited by banks on all sides.

In the sea, already at a depth of 150-200 meters, it is almost impossible to detect signs of life due to the high concentration of hydrogen sulfide.

On political map you can see that it washes the shores of 7 countries: Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.

The sea has great diversity organic world And natural resources. What else is the Black Sea rich in? How does a person influence his ecology?

Black Sea resources

Biological resources The Black Sea is fish, plants, gas and oil.

What do they mine?

The fauna does not have as many species as in other seas. Not found here sea ​​stars, corals, octopuses, cuttlefish. Fish are mainly represented by the following species:

There are also those that, due to human fault, were included in the Red Book: thorn, Russian sturgeon, .

Invertebrates - mussels and oysters, crayfish and shrimp - have become the object of fishing. In total, about 300,000 tons of seafood are produced per year.

Plants are mainly represented by unicellular and multicellular algae:


  • There are oil and natural gas deposits explored on the shelf. They are now being actively developed on the shelf by the Chernomorneftegaz enterprise.
  • Deposits of ferromanganese ores, and in the sea area - reserves of gravel and construction sands.
  • The shallow waters are rich in shell rock, used for glass production and construction.


Because of active work human there is a rapid contraction of the animal and flora. Some species are now even on the verge of extinction! To prevent complete disappearance, nature reserves were created: Karadag, Danube, and Black Sea.

Ecological state

Black Sea water last years began to become increasingly polluted by petroleum products, wastewater and industrial waste. Unfortunately, the environmental condition only worsens every year, although people are making every effort to correct the situation.


The Black Sea is one of the most amazing places On the Earth. It is at the same time an important deposit of natural resources, a transport area, a tourist destination and a strategically important site. However, due to man's ignorance and careless attitude towards environment The sea is going through hard times.

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