The largest animals on earth. The largest animals on our planet. The largest mammal from the order Lagomorphs

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There were times when the kings of nature were creatures much larger than us - real prehistoric giants! And one of them still lives on Earth, can you imagine?

We are in website we can't decide what we'd like to do more - ride a paraceraterium or fly a quetzalcoatl.


Amphicelia is the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth. These herbivorous dinosaurs lived 145-161 million years ago. One vertebra of amphicelia was equal to 2.5 meters.


Titanoboa - close relative boa. But much, much more. Titanoboa lived 58-61 million years ago and reached 13 meters in length. A modern reticulated python can grow up to a maximum of 7.5 meters.


Megalodons were apex predators that lived 3-28 million years ago. Only one megalodon tooth can hardly fit in the hands of an adult. Its length could reach 20 meters, and its weight reached 47 tons. Megalodon bite force was equal to 10 tons!


Argentavis lived 5–8 million years ago. This is one of the most big birds throughout the history of the earth. Its wingspan reached almost 7 meters, and it fed on rodents.

bighorn deer

Large-horned (Irish) deer appeared a couple of million years ago. When the forests began to advance on open spaces, the big-horned deer died out - with their huge (more than 5 meters in span) horns, they simply could not move among the dense branches.

Giant short-faced bear

Giant short-faced bear(bear-bulldog), straightened up, reached a height of 3.5-4.5 meters and had an incredible powerful jaws. He was one of the biggest predatory mammals who lived on earth in glacial period. Males were much larger than females and could reach a weight of 1.5 tons. 14 thousand years ago, bulldog bears became extinct.


Gigantopithecus - the largest great apes of all time. They lived about 1 million years ago. It is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions from rare remains, but scientists believe that Gigantopithecus was 3–4 meters tall, weighed 300–550 kg, and ate mainly bamboo.


Paraceratheria (indrycoteria) lived 20–30 million years ago. They are relatives of modern rhinos, but they did not have horns. Paraceratherium is one of the largest land mammals that has ever existed. They reached 5 meters in height and weighed up to 20 tons. Despite their imposing appearance, they were not predators and fed on the leaves and branches of trees.

Just a few million years ago, our Earth was inhabited by giant reptiles,
with which no other animal could compete in size and weight.

However, now, in times of regular environmental disasters and inhuman treatment
man himself to nature, there are not so many animals left on earth that surprise with their size.
They live on land and plow the expanses of the oceans, never ceasing to amaze and delight not
only professional researchers wildlife but also mere mortals.

giant anaconda

About this incredible big snake there are a lot of rumors going around. Still the first colonizers South America talked about that in wild jungle, where no human foot has set foot, a snake lives, reaching 10 meters in length and 300 kg in weight.

Naturally, such information is nothing more than the fruit of a sick fantasy. The true size of the anaconda very rarely exceeds 5 meters in length. But still, this snake is considered one of the largest.

The ideal habitat for this species is wet rainforests South America. The anaconda spends most of its life underwater.

This snake is not venomous. During the hunt, she takes the life of her prey by strangulation.

By the way, it is wrong to assume that the anaconda is only interested in large prey. For the most part, its diet consists of medium-sized lizards, rodents, birds, etc.

It is noteworthy that the anaconda can eat representatives of its own species.

African ostrich

The African ostrich belongs to the Ostrich family, the Ostrich order. Currently, this bird lives exclusively on the African continent.

To date African ostriches are considered the largest birds, because their height can exceed 270 cm, and their weight is 70-90 kg.

The ostrich has a rather dense physique, a long neck and a relatively small flattened head.

Saltwater crocodile

Very formidable appearance and the imposing size of this reptile throughout history has struck terror into the hearts of men.
At present saltwater crocodile considered the most large reptile on the planet. This predator is even bigger than a polar bear!

Polar bear

the biggest land mammal squad of predators. Its average height is 3 meters, and its weight can reach 1 ton. Usually males weigh one and a half times more than females.

The smallest representatives of this species live in Svalbard, and the largest in the Bering Sea.


On average, the growth of a giraffe is 5.5 - 6.1 m, and a third of the entire size of the body of this giant falls on its neck.

The body weight of an adult male giraffe can vary between 500 - 1900 kg, and its heart muscle weighs 12 kg: in 1 minute the heart pumps about 60 liters of blood, and arterial pressure more of this animal normal indicators person 3 times.

Due to the relatively high density of blood, even with a sharp change in the position of the head in space, his condition does not worsen.

Despite the incredible size, the neck of a giraffe is not much different from other mammals in terms of its main features - it has 7 cervical vertebrae, whose length is 25 cm.


This is one of the largest modern land animals at the moment. The weight of large male hippos can reach 4 tons, therefore, they can compete with rhinos for second place in the title of the largest land animal.

Not so long ago, pigs were considered the closest relatives of hippos, but now wildlife researchers are sure that whales are their closest relatives.

Now the habitat of the hippopotamus is limited to the African continent.

southern elephant seal

This animal is the largest representative of pinnipeds in the world. Its size can exceed 5.8 m in length, and its weight can reach 3700 kg.

white rhino

This is actually a giant animal - the weight of elderly males can reach 4 tons, and the body length is 4.2 m. Most likely, the name of the species came from an erroneous interpretation of the Boer word wijde (wide), which the Anglo-Saxons, due to the relationship of sound, began to pronounce as wite (white), although the coat of this animal has a dark tint.

The white rhinoceros has 2 horns, the anterior being much larger than the posterior. It is believed that the main purpose of this bone outgrowth is to move the thickets apart when the animal moves. Due to this, the horn is always polished, and its front surface is slightly flattened.

Characteristic specific sign white rhinoceros - the first has a flattened upper lip. Such a form absolutely corresponds to its purpose, because, basically, the food for this mammal is not shrubs, but grass. The rhinoceros bites the grass at its very base, almost touching the ground with its lip, so its structure contributes to a more convenient absorption of food.

African elephant

The elephant is one of the largest land-dwelling animals on Earth. The African elephant, despite its size, is easy to train and has high level intellect.

Since ancient times, these animals have been used by humans to carry heavy loads. They could also quite successfully be fighting animals during various battles.

In the wild, they have almost no opponents, because not one predatory beast would not dare to attack such a huge creature.

Blue whale

This mammal is today considered the largest on the planet. Over the past 90 million years, mother nature has not produced anything more impressive.

Looking at this giant, you feel awe and admiration at the same time. The maximum size of a blue whale can be 33 meters. The largest recorded weight of this mammal is 190 tons.

Of course, it is not easy to meet such an instance in the waters of the oceans. However, whales 29 meters long and weighing 130 tons are not uncommon. Females usually reach similar sizes. The average length of males varies between 24-25 m.

People tend to study the world that surrounds them. And not only children are interested in who is the smallest, tallest, what is the largest animal in the world, what is the scary beast. Adults are also sometimes disassembled by curiosity, which creatures on Earth are the best? So…

What is the largest animal in the world: list

  • The blue whale tops the list of giants. He is the largest of all who have ever lived and now inhabit our planet, as well as of those who are known to us, who could be weighed and measured. He could grow only in the largest element of the Earth - in the waters of the oceans.
  • Of those who live on land, the largest is the African elephant. How much does an elephant weigh? This question is often asked by children. On average, its weight is 7–8 tons, but a specimen weighing 13.5 tons is known, which confirms the title of the largest land animal. It is a pity that they have no one to measure their tusks with, which can reach a length of four meters. Because of the tusks, they were destroyed. Although African elephants can live up to 60-70 years. Now there are about 500 thousand left, this species is listed in the Red Book.
  • Of the reptiles, the largest is the saltwater crocodile. Grows up to 5-6 meters. His largest recorded weight is 1900 kg.
  • The tallest animal - the giraffe, rises almost six meters, which allows it to eat what the "mundane" representatives of the fauna did not eat.
  • Of the birds, the largest are ostriches. They grow to almost three meters, while gaining weight up to one and a half centners. This, and even beautiful feathers and huge eggs, made them attractive for breeding on special farms.
  • 22 tons can weigh the most big fish- whale shark.
  • A giant among insects is the Goliath beetle, 11.5 cm long.

Among the largest creatures, the only skeleton of the extinct itself stands apart. huge snake in history - titanoboa. She lived 50-60 million years ago in the jungles of Colombia. One of the found vertebrae of a snake the size of human head. According to scientists, it was up to 15 meters long and could weigh a ton. The reconstructed skeleton of a reptile flaunts on Central station New York.

The blue whale is the largest animal ever

The leader of the largest creatures on the planet deserves special attention. Probably, in the whole history there was no one larger than the blue whale. How much does a whale weigh? A newborn whale has 2–3 tons, adult animals weigh 100–120 tons, but whalers were also slaughtered larger. In 1926, a female weighing 150 tons was encountered, and in 1947 a whale weighing 190 tons was slaughtered.

It is impossible to weigh them whole on whaling ships, so there is a special method of weighing them in parts. We can only be amazed at such data: the tongue weighs three tons, the liver a ton. Up to 10 tons of blood circulates in the whale's body. Up to two tons of food is placed in the stomach.

He got his name because of the color of the body. It is dark gray, but with a bluish tinge. On the body there are light gray spots arranged in the form of marble patterns.

Blue whales live an average of 40 years, but once met a 110-year-old. Huge carcasses blue whales attracted whalers. Still: immediately such a catch! Therefore, by the middle of the twentieth century, they were on the verge of extinction. Polluted and sea ​​waters- the habitat of whales, which is not favorable for them. Therefore, the largest animals on earth are rare. Now there are 10,000 left. People are required to take special protective measures to save them.

I wonder what is the largest animal in Kazakhstan? It turns out that this is a giant moose, elk. They grow up to two meters at the withers, weigh up to 600 kilograms. The decoration of males is huge spade-shaped horns, and females are hornless.

These are the answers our questions have about who is the best on Earth. Someone died out a long time ago, someone crushed. The lives of some of the largest have been affected by human activities. And it is on humanity that the continued existence of many types of neighbors on the planet depends.

The largest animals on earth are record holders that have reached the maximum parameters among their species in terms of mass, height or length. In this list you will find the names of the largest animals and learn a lot of interesting things about the largest animals on earth.

10. Capybara

Capybara (another name: capybara) is the most big representative squad of rodents. The word capybara in the language of the Indians means "lord of herbs." An adult capybara reaches a length of up to 135 cm, with a height at the withers of up to 60 cm. The capybara weighs up to 65 kg, females are larger than males.

9. Tiger

Tiger is the most large predator from the cat family. The largest tigers are Bengal and Amur. The sizes of these big cats can reach up to 3 meters in length, excluding the length of the tail. The weight of a tiger can reach up to 300 kg. The height at the withers is up to 115 cm.

Weight records are known for these species of tigers. The Bengal tiger had a maximum weight of 388 kg, while the Amur tiger- 384 kg. The word tiger means "sharp" and "fast".

8. Polar bear

Polar bear (other names: polar bear, northern bear, umka) is a large predator from the Bear family. The only one of the largest land predators on the planet, which is prone to tracking down and hunting a person, considering him as an equivalent prey. A polar bear can reach a body length of 3 meters and weigh 1 ton. Height at withers up to 150 cm. Females are smaller than males.

7. Big red kangaroo

Big red kangaroo (another name: red gigantic kangaroo) is the largest kangaroo. Adult males reach a length of 1.5 meters and a body weight of 85 kg. The length of the tail is about 1 meter. Sometimes the growth of especially large males is up to 2 meters. Females are smaller than males.

6 Gorilla

Gorillas are a genus of the largest monkeys, representatives of the order Primates. In adult males, growth can reach up to 2 meters, and the width of the shoulders is 1 meter. The weight of males reaches 250 kg or more. Females are almost 2 times smaller than males.

5. Giraffe

Giraffe is a mammal from the artiodactyl order, which is the tallest animal on the planet. The length of the neck of these animals is 1/3 of the length of the entire body. The growth of the male reaches a height of up to 6 meters, and the weight is about 1000 kg. Females are somewhat smaller than males in size.

4. Hippo

The common hippopotamus, or hippopotamus, is a large terrestrial mammal from the artiodactyl order. A weight of 3 tons for this animal is not uncommon, because its mass can reach 4.5 tons. Hippo height is up to 165 cm. Body length adult usually reaches 3 meters, but can be up to 5 meters.

3. White Rhino

The white rhinoceros is a huge mammal, a member of the Rhino family. Old males reach a body weight of 5 tons. Rhinos usually weigh 2-2.5 tons. Their body length is 4 meters and height is 2 meters.

2 Savanna Elephant

The bush elephant is an animal from the genus of African elephants. The bush elephant is the largest animal and the largest land mammal. The body length of these elephants reaches 7 meters, and the height is 3.5 meters. The average body weight of a word is 7 tons, but can reach up to 12 tons. Males are slightly larger than females.

1. Blue whale

The blue whale, or blue whale, is the largest animal on Earth in terms of mass and length that has ever lived. Also the blue whale is the most big whale of all cetaceans and the largest mammal.

The size of the blue whale is quite impressive. It is not for nothing that the blue whale is currently the largest animal on Earth. These giants reach a length of 30 meters and weigh more than 150 tons. And despite such dimensions, the blue whale easily flips onto its back, which you can see in the photo below.

Females are slightly larger than males. The largest female blue whale was 33 meters long and weighed 190 tons, while the largest male had a weight of 180 tons and a body length of 31 meters.

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Hundreds of thousands of species of animals of various sizes live on earth, among which there are real giants, the sizes of which, although inferior prehistoric monsters, but far exceed the size of those animals that we can usually see around.

1. Blue whale

The blue whale, also known as the blue whale, is the largest of known to man animals on land and in the ocean. It belongs to the baleen whales. In the last century, a specimen weighing 150 tons and 33 meters long was caught. The tongue of a blue whale alone can pull 3 tons, which is almost equal in weight Indian elephant! The heart of this whale is also large - 600 kg, and it is also the largest pump among all that animals have. It is about the size of a small car.
Blue whales are found not only in tropical waters but also in the polar seas. But a giant of such impressive size is very harmless, since it feeds on small fish, cephalopods and large crustaceans. Vision and taste perception in blue whales is unimportant, but their sense of touch and hearing are well developed. blue whales very smart and peaceful, but this does not save them from destruction because of the valuable whalebone and fat. Therefore, for a long time there has been a strict restriction on catching whales in the world, which, however, is not adhered to by some countries.

Dinosaurs belonged to vertebrate animals, they dominated for over 160 million years in all terrestrial ecosystems - on land, in water ...

2. African elephant

It belongs to the proboscis order. With a height at the withers of 4 m, it weighs up to 7.5 tons. It lives throughout the African territory south of the Sahara. There are two subspecies: small forest and large savannah. The African bush elephant is larger than the Indian elephant - it is the largest land animal. population African elephants totals about 415 thousand and continues to decline.
This smart mammal shows the ability of mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Often one elephant, armed with a stick, removes with its help a leech that has stuck to a fellow elephant. But at the same time it is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Adult elephants, due to their size, do not have natural enemies, but elephants can serve as easy prey for crocodiles or lions, as well as hyenas and leopards.

3. White Rhino

The white rhinoceros is inferior in size among land animals only to an elephant: it weighs up to 5 tons, has a length of up to 4.2 m, and a height at the withers of 4.2 m. white rhino has a dark gray color. He has 2 horns on his head, which the rhinoceros uses in “showdowns” with competitors, but they almost led him to extermination. These herbivorous giants live in northwest and southern Africa.

4 Southern Elephant Seal

This is the most large view seals are among the largest terrestrial mammals. Registered specimens weighing 3.5 tons and having a length of 6.5 meters. At sea ​​elephant there is a trunk, but only about 10 cm long. In total, about 750 thousand southern elephant seals live in Antarctica. Their colonies can be found on the islands and archipelagos surrounding Antarctica: Hurd, South Georgia, Kerguelen, Macquarie. While hunting, these animals are able to dive for more than 20 minutes, to depths of 400-1000 meters, where they catch fish and squid. Recorded record stay of this beast under water for two hours.

5. Hippo

He is also a hippopotamus - an artiodactyl from the suborder of swine. This giant is distributed in Africa. With a length of 5.4 m, it can weigh up to 4 tons. It lives half in the water, although it runs very quickly along the coast. The huge mouth of the hippo can open 150 degrees. This is the most aggressive African animal that attacks if it doesn't like something.

6. Giraffe

This is the tallest and most graceful animal living in African savannas. A giraffe weighs up to 1.2 tons with a growth of 6 meters. Although he has incredible Long neck, but in it, like in other mammals, only 7 vertebrae. The giraffe has an exceptionally powerful heart, pumping 60 liters of blood per minute and creating a pressure 3 times higher than ours. A giraffe eats about 30 kg per day plant food. Each giraffe has a unique skin pattern.

7. Polar bear

seasoned polar bear can weigh a ton and be 3 meters long. The largest individuals live in the Bering Sea. Unlike other bears, the white one has an elongated neck and a flat head. It feeds on seals, fish, walruses, and sea hares. Under the thick, water-resistant fur, it has a thick fat layer, which makes it feel great in icy water.

Among the rest of the animal world, birds stand apart. Many of them are very beautiful, with bright plumage, they seem weightless when they soar in the air. But also w...

8 Saltwater Crocodile

The largest of modern reptiles are saltwater crocodiles, the females of which are small (only 3 m), but the males grow up to 7 m and can weigh a ton. Their habitat: Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, although they sometimes appear in other places, as they can travel considerable distances by sea. In shallow water or on the coast, the saltwater crocodile is very dangerous, because it quietly sneaks up on prey. Many people fall victim to it every year.

9. African ostrich

Now it is the largest bird in the world, weighing up to 150 kg, and 2.5 meters tall. The ostrich has long forgotten how to fly, but it runs like a champion in steps up to 4 meters, developing a serious speed of up to 70 km / h. At the same time, without reducing the speed, he can dramatically change the direction of the run. Surely many have heard of an ostrich burying its head in the sand, but these are just fairy tales: just from fatigue after running, it can drop it.

10 Giant Anaconda

This member of the boa subfamily is the heaviest and largest in the world. They say that there are anacondas 9 meters long, but such sizes have not been officially recorded, scientists tend to more realistic length figures of 6.7 meters. The anaconda has a discreet greenish-gray color with darker brown spots. It mainly lives in the South American tropics. This snake is water bound and is difficult to find far from bodies of water. She is a great swimmer and hunts underwater. It feeds on everything that comes across - birds, rodents, turtles, even young caimans. The largest specimens can attack large animals, including humans. Like all boas, the anaconda is not poisonous, and the victim is strangled and swallowed whole.

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