Forest dangers. With the baby in the forest. Forest dangers What human actions are dangerous for the forest

Dangers in the forest and how to avoid them Pavlyuchenko Sasha, School 626, grade 2 - G Project leader: Kalinina I.V. Moscow, 2017 Project work

Purpose We all go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, just to take a walk, breathe some air, swim in a pond or river. But in the forest we face various dangers. I’ll tell you what they are and how to avoid them.

Poisonous snakes There is one in the Moscow region poisonous snake: viper. This is what it looks like: a small snake up to 75 cm long; in the north there are specimens up to 1 m long. If you see a snake, leave the meeting place, do not touch it, do not pick it up. To prevent snake bites, you should wear thick trousers and closed high shoes when walking in the forest. If you are bitten, the first thing to do is call the rescue service (112) or call ambulance(03 or 103). Next, calm the bitten person; lay the victim down and ensure his immobility; give plenty of fluids.

Rabid animals Rabies is a deadly disease. If the anti-rabies serum is not administered on time, the person will die. Distributed throughout to the globe. Infected animals can be found both in the forest and in the city. Rabid wild animals are characterized by: loss of human fear and increased aggressiveness, partial paralysis of any parts of the body. If you happen to meet a wild animal, your first thought should be the thought of rabies. because Typically, wild animals catch the eye of a person occasionally - and for a very short time. If a wolf, fox or even a squirrel does not run away from you - but on the contrary - runs after you, leave urgently - most likely the rabies virus is already in effect. If you are bitten by any wild animal, be sure to consult a doctor!

Poisonous plants. There are five main ones in the Moscow region poisonous plants. The recipe for protection is the same for everyone - don’t pick, don’t eat, don’t sniff. Hogweed Vekh Hemlock May lily of the valley Hellebore Lobel

Swamp Swamp is one of the most dangerous places, especially if you are alone in the forest. If you understand that there is a swamp ahead, it is best to go back, because... walking through a swamp is a separate complex science. If you have wandered into a swamp, stay close to the trees. If you have climbed so deep that there is only a quagmire around, chop thin branches and bushes and throw them crosswise in front of you. This way you can pave your way out.

Danger of getting lost Before going into the forest, you need to study the area in detail. Tell your relatives and close friends about your plans, mention the place where you are going and when you plan to return. You need to collect everything you need: a fully charged phone, matches in a waterproof package, a knife, you should also take a compass and a flashlight with you. And a map of the area. Definitely take it drinking water and a small supply of food (nuts, chocolate or a pack of cookies), medicines. You shouldn’t go into the forest alone; it’s always more fun with a group, and the chance of getting lost is lower. It is better to visit the forest in the first half of the day and try not to linger until dark.

Poisonous mushrooms and berries In any case, before going into the forest, you need to study which mushrooms and berries are edible and which are poisonous. This data is in the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky”. Now we just want to talk about the most poisonous mushroom - the pale toadstool or green fly agaric. The lethal dose for an adult is 1/3 of a cap. Even less for children. For poisoning, it is enough to eat mushrooms that were lying next to a basket with a toadstool or put unwashed hands that were holding a toadstool into your mouth. Remember what she looks like. And don't touch it under any circumstances!

Conclusion So, we have looked at the dangers in our forest. The most important thing is to study the dangers and remember what to do in advance, so that at a difficult moment you don’t panic, but clearly know what and how to do. Good luck and enjoy your walks in the forest!

Forest walkers may encounter ticks, wasps and snakes

The season of berries and mushrooms is in full swing. However, those who like to wander through the forest may encounter unpleasant surprises. Anastasia Olenchuk, an employee of the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Amur Region, told how to protect yourself from insect bites.


Ticks live in tall grass and bushes; these places should be avoided. These insects are moisture-loving and cannot tolerate dry air or direct sunlight. Ticks are most active from April to October. Light-colored, tight-fitting clothing will help protect you from them as much as possible. A headdress is mandatory; trousers must be tucked into boots.

In the following days, you should monitor the bite site and general well-being. After 5 - 25 days, symptoms may appear in which you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • a red spot has formed at the site of the bite;
  • the temperature has increased;
  • headache appeared;
  • began to experience pain in the joints,
  • photophobia appeared;
  • it became more difficult to move your eyes and neck;
  • a rash appeared.

Don't turn your back on the snake



If you accidentally notice a crawling snake, you need to freeze and give it the opportunity to leave. If the snake took threatening pose, you should slowly step back. You cannot put your hands forward or turn your back to the snake. If you have a stick in your hands, you can hold it in front of you. Don't try to run away - there may be several snakes, and while running away you will accidentally step on another.

In case of a bite, first aid can only be provided by knowledgeable person. Wrong actions often only cause harm. Immediately after the bite, the victim should be laid down and ensured complete rest. The victim himself should not move - the poison will spread faster. The wound should be disinfected and a sterile bandage applied, which should be loosened periodically so that it does not cut into the soft tissue. Do not apply a tourniquet above the bite site. It is important to remember that alcohol is not an antidote, but, on the contrary, makes it difficult to remove poison from the body and enhances its effect. Give the victim more to drink - tea, broth, water (no coffee). A large number of Drinking liquid helps the poison leave the body. The victim must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

Bees, wasps, hornets

These insects are attracted to sweets, so you should not keep fruits and sugary drinks in open access. It is not advisable to walk barefoot on grass and flowering meadows.

In case of a bee, wasp or hornet sting, you need to quickly treat the bite site with ammonia, an antiseptic, or, in extreme cases, lemon or vinegar. The bite can cause allergies, so allergy sufferers should take antihistamines. After the incident, you should remain calm and drink more hot liquids. Wash the bite site with soap and water.

forest fire

If you witnessed forest fire, you can provide all possible assistance in extinguishing it. You should immediately notify the rescue service, rural district administration or forestry department. WITH mobile phone The fire department can be called by dialing 112.

If the fire does not gain strength, you can try to extinguish the fire yourself. Water, earth, sand, branches will help you with this deciduous trees, thick clothes - depending on what you have at hand. Most effective method To extinguish a forest fire, cover its edge with earth.

When extinguishing a fire, you should not move far from roads and clearings. If the fire gets too hot, it is better not to take risks and leave the scene. In case of a forest ground fire, it is necessary to move perpendicular to the direction of the fire along clearings, roads, river banks or clearings. In case of a forest fire, you should move through the forest, bending down to the ground and covering your mouth with a damp cloth. If it is not possible to leave the danger zone, try to find some body of water in the forest and enter it.

We present to your attention a lesson on the topic “ Forest dangers" Here we will look at what dangers can await a person in the forest. This knowledge will be useful to you when you go on vacation to the forest, as it will allow you to find out which of the animals living there are dangerous and which plants should not be eaten.

Topic: Health and Safety

Lesson:Forest dangers

Many people go to the forest to relax, because there they can pick mushrooms and berries and breathe fresh air and watch the life of animals. While in the forest, you need to follow certain rules.

Sometimes you can find vipers in a swamp or forest. They can be of different colors, but they always have a zigzag stripe on their back. Sometimes you come across snakes that are so dark that the stripe on their back is almost invisible. Distinguish harmless common snake from poisonous viper possible according to specific yellow spots on the head.

The viper prefers places where the ground is covered with moss, there are old stumps and piles of brushwood. If not provoked, it does not attack people. The bite of a viper is very dangerous, especially for small children. If a person is bitten by a viper, they must immediately call 112 and report the incident.

Another danger in the forest is wasps. If a person accidentally or deliberately damages a wasp's nest, angry wasps can sting him in any part of the body. A wasp's sting does not get stuck in the body like a bee's sting, so the wasp can sting several times in a row. The wasp has poison near the sting; due to its effect, the stung area quickly and severely swells, and small animals can be stung to death by the wasp. If they are not disturbed, wasps will not pay any attention to humans. The main thing is not to make any sudden movements, then even a wasp crawling on your hand will not sting.

You can see a lot in the forest different plants: Some have beautiful foliage, others have a wonderful scent, and others bloom beautifully. If a person does not know anything about the plant, he should never touch it, because it can be dangerous.

Crow's eye is a beautiful plant. It has a tall stem, four leaves at the top, and a single flower that turns into a blue berry in the fall. This plant is very poisonous, especially the berry and rhizome.

Another plant is wolf's bast. This shrub is sometimes confused with sea buckthorn. They can be distinguished by the fact that sea buckthorn has yellow or orange berries, while wolf's bast has red berries. If a person eats just 10 wolf bast berries, fatal poisoning will occur. Under no circumstances should you tear the flowering branches of this plant for bouquets, because it has very poisonous bark.

Rice. 7. Wolf's bast inflorescence ()

Everyone knows the lily of the valley with its beautiful white flowers.

This is also a poisonous plant, most often poisoning occurs from its berries. The person begins to feel dizzy, nauseous, and even lose consciousness.

Hemlock. Its stem is tall, up to 1.5 meters, and at the top there are white umbrellas of flowers. The plant blooms for a long time - from May to the end of autumn. It is sometimes confused with parsley due to its similar leaves, or with caraway seeds due to its similar fruit. Hemlock is a very poisonous plant; if a person is poisoned by it, it will be difficult to save him.

Rice. 10. Hogweed Sosnovsky ()

Sosnovsky's hogweed is a very tall plant; a person sitting on a horse can hardly reach its inflorescences. This plant is dangerous because of its beautiful carved leaves; they can burn a person so that the scars will remain for life.

Rice. 11 and 12. European euonymus () ()

European euonymus is a small shrub, up to three meters high, its flowers are inconspicuous, with an unpleasant odor, but in the fall the plant becomes very attractive - red boxes hang from the tree, which are very poisonous.

Henbane black. It has a thick stem covered with hairs, dark green leaves, and in place of the flower there appears a box with a lid, which contains seeds resembling poppy seeds. Children confuse them, and the plant is very poisonous. After poisoning, a person may experience insanity, memory loss, and begin to do unreasonable actions. That’s why people even have a saying about a person who behaves inappropriately: “He’s eaten too much henbane.”

Another danger in the forest is the tick. Ticks are intelligent creatures and know how to hunt. They ambush on blades of grass and on branches of bushes that grow along paths. As soon as a person or animal passes by, the tick stretches out its legs, clinging to the victim. It has claws and suction cups on its paws, which allow the tick to grip tightly. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying, “He’s stuck like a tick.” When a person goes into the forest, he must dress properly. Clothing should be with a tight-fitting collar and cuffs, trousers tucked into shoes, hair tucked under a hat or headscarf. You can use special insect repellent sprays. After a walk in the forest, you must carefully examine the body. If a child finds a tick on his body, he should turn to an adult and remove it carefully so as not to crush it. There may be an infection in the tick's saliva, so it is better to consult a doctor.

In summer and autumn, mushrooms appear in the forest. But in order to collect them, you need to learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones.

Red fly agaric - found in both conifers and deciduous forests from July to October.

Another species is the panther fly agaric. His hat is gray or brown. The specks on the cap are arranged in even rows.

There is a stinking fly agaric, its leg is covered with scales, and it smells unpleasant. These mushrooms are deadly poisonous.

The false honey fungus is sulfur-yellow - its plates are greenish, and the flesh is yellow with an unpleasant odor. This mushroom is deadly poisonous.

Rice. 20. Whitish talker ()

Whitish talker - deadly poisonous mushroom. It can be confused with a milk mushroom, but the talker does not have milky juice.

Deadly poisonous and death cap. It looks different: white, grayish, brown, but it always has white plates under its cap, white ring on a stalk and a torn sac at the bottom of the mushroom. It can sometimes be confused with a champignon, which has pink or purple plates and no pouch at the bottom.

When collecting edible mushrooms, there is no need to knock down those that remain in the forest. The forest needs everything that grows in it. Fly agarics are eaten by moose. Hogweed is a delicacy for bears. People use poisonous plants to treat many diseases. In nature, everything is interconnected, and the extinction of some living beings entails the disappearance of others. Every person should live in such a way as not to harm nature, but to help it.

  1. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: textbook. and slave tetr. for 2 grades beginning school - M.: Education, 2006.
  2. Bursky O.V., Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S. The world around us. - Balass.
  3. Vinogradova N.F. The world around us. - VENTANA-COUNT.
  1. Encyclopedia of Survival ().
  2. ().
  1. Read p. 28 - 29 of Pleshakov A. A.’s textbook “The World Around Us” and give answers to questions 1-3.
  2. Draw several dangerous forest animals or plants, label them and give a short description.
  3. Having gathered according to all the rules, take a walk through the forest. After your walk, write down everything you saw. What have you learned from action research?
  4. *Make a small crossword puzzle encrypting several animals, plants, mushrooms, and insects that can be dangerous to humans.

Walk in the woods- it is always a joy to communicate with the world of living nature; it evokes a whole range of sensations and impressions, painted in spring-summer-autumn-winter colors. However, lovers of such travel must know: a forest is, first of all, a complex complex of relationships between plants, animals, soils, sunlight and night darkness, air and water.

Man in the forest- a guest, and from the point of view of forest inhabitants - an uninvited and uninvited guest, often completely unaware of the rules of behavior “on a visit”. Hence - accidents, emergencies, injuries, fears, legends and myths associated with both exaggeration and understatement of the danger that the forest conceals.

Animals living in the forest pose a danger to humans. They are very diverse, but it is still possible to formulate several general patterns in their behavior:

1. Animals, especially birds and mammals, are significantly better than man adapted to life in the forest. They have more advanced sensory organs and are almost always the first to notice a person by smell and sound. Its smell is a strong danger signal for a wild animal.

2. The popular opinion about the timidity of animals, especially large predators, should not be exaggerated too much. For some of them, such as bears and tigers, a very common behavior trait is curiosity, which can sometimes turn into unprovoked aggression.

3. Not people, but animals are in the forest on their own territory, so they regard the appearance of a person as a typical “border violation”, “invasion” with all the ensuing consequences.

4. In the animal world, unlike human society, the concepts of “stranger” and “enemy”, “unknown” and “dangerous” often coincide, so it is at least naive to count on a friendly attitude on the part of forest inhabitants.

5. Animals, to a greater extent than people, try to avoid danger: mobile animals go as far as possible from humans, sedentary ones use various ways passive or active protection. Forest animals- unsurpassed masters of camouflage, they know how to use all kinds of shelters.

6. The behavior of many animals (especially large ungulates and carnivores) changes significantly during certain periods of their life cycle(reproduction, migration, etc.). Animals become much more aggressive, and the danger to humans increases sharply.

7. Any species, even a widespread one, prefers certain habitats, and here the probability of a chance encounter with animals of this species is higher.

Remember two fairly simple and accessible rules that will help you avoid many troubles. It is necessary to have an understanding of the habits of animals and birds, plus be attentive and careful during forest walks.

Forest emergencies involving animals can be divided into two groups: active attacks potentially dangerous beast and accidents that occur as a result of careless (or illiterate) handling of an animal, which in a normal situation treats a person quite neutrally.

In the main settlement zone of Russia and Ukraine, situations of the first type are most often associated with large predatory and ungulate animals - bear, wolf, tiger, lynx, leopard, elk, wild boar, deer. Unprovoked attacks are quite rare. For example, a tiger lunges at people for no reason in about 4% of all cases. Usually the animal attacks: for the purpose of self-defense, during a hunt, when caught near prey, when a person carelessly invades its territory, during the mating season (the so-called rut; animals are especially aggressive during this period), protecting offspring, during persistent pursuit under -wound or just when chance meeting with a person, with sudden close eye-to-eye contact.

According to many experts, the most unpredictable large forest predator in terms of behavior is the brown bear. Most sudden encounters with this animal end in its rapid flight. Nevertheless, cases of unprovoked attacks on people in the European part of Russia are recorded almost every year. Suddenly, mushroom and berry pickers and tourists, as a rule, “look out for the bear.” Sometimes the bear shows aggression and may even chase a person, but then quickly stops the pursuit and runs away. However, much more serious incidents are also known, when an animal literally besieged a hunting lodge - sometimes for almost a week! - and did not let people out of there. Cases of aggression from a bear disturbed in its winter den are quite common. However, such “dates” can be easily avoided if you know the bear’s favorite places in this forest(bears are quite conservative in choosing a territory for a den) and avoid them further. A meeting with a wolf is fraught with significant danger, although this predator will almost always prefer to hide than to attack. The famous Canadian naturalist Farley Mowat wonderfully described such a sudden meeting. “...We collided nose to nose. We were separated by some two meters... We silently stared at each other. I don’t know what was going on in his massive skull, but my head was filled with a swarm of disturbing thoughts. The amber eyes of a seasoned tundra wolf gazed directly at me; Apparently, he was heavier than me and, undoubtedly, had a much better command of unarmed fighting techniques.

For several seconds neither of us moved, we continued to hypnotize each other with our gaze. The wolf was the first to break the spell. With a leap that would have done honor even to Russian dancers, he soared into the air and took off running..."

IN last years experts note that people encounter wolves in the forest zone more often than before. Fans of forest walks, and especially long routes, should be careful.

Perhaps the most serious danger is a sudden meeting with a wolf or fox that has rabies. Here an attack is almost guaranteed, and it is almost impossible to avoid it. A sick animal can be recognized by its “stupor”, angry eyes, sharply aggressive behavior, and immediate, literally on the spot, attack. The beast sometimes seems to sputter with saliva; There is often foam in the corners of the mouth. These animals are dangerous even when they are already dying and, snarling, cannot move. Under no circumstances should you approach them - they may bite, and then you will have to undergo long-term treatment.

Animals with rabies are not found everywhere, and before going into the forest it would be useful to obtain information from the SES about outbreaks of the disease. In case of a bite, you should immediately consult a doctor, because only correct and, most importantly, timely treatment started and carried out guarantees a complete recovery.

In recent years, due to the emergence of numerous holiday villages, another serious problem- feral dogs that gather in packs, often large ones. Animals are very aggressive, secretive and cunning (learned from humans). A meeting with a flock is extremely dangerous in the same cases as with other predators. If you are attacked by such dogs, we advise you to use a unique method of protection. Since many of these animals still remember communicating with humans, a sharp and imperative shout of “no!” often helps.

Wild ungulates common to Russian and Ukrainian forests- moose, wild boar, deer, roe deer are much more timid and cautious than predators, and, as a rule, move away from humans. However, during the mating season, these animals are characterized by increased excitability and aggressiveness and can pose a significant danger. There are known cases when an elk kept a tree “under siege” for hours, on which an unlucky tourist or hunter was escaping from an angry elk.

How to avoid an unwanted meeting with wild beast? Perhaps, best way- reduce the likelihood of a collision to a minimum. Avoid traveling to areas where encountering a predator is common; do not appear in the favorite habitats of dangerous animals. If you do go on a hiking trip, be extremely careful and careful, especially at night. The presence of predators or dangerous ungulates can be indicated by a variety of signs: footprints on the soil, trampled grass and undergrowth, stripped bark on trees, droppings, feeding sites, and sometimes the remains of prey. Wolves, being the first to sense a person, make specific sounds (snorting, howling, loud barking), warning other members of the pack, and especially the young. During the rut or feeding, wild boars behave so noisily that it is not so difficult to notice them. You should avoid animal trails, difficult to pass, overgrown with bushes and littered forest areas, and windbreaks. In such places there is a high probability of encountering an animal, and it is also extremely inconvenient to retreat here. When going into the forest (preferably not alone), be sure to tell about where you are going to go and when you expect to return.

But what to do if an unpleasant date does happen? First of all, don’t lose your presence of mind! Try not to panic. Experienced hunters They believe that an animal feels when a person is afraid of it, your fear will only spur aggression, i.e. the animal’s instinct to attack a weaker enemy may be triggered. No sudden movements or shrill screams - at least at the first moment, until you are sure that you can really scare, and not attract, the animal in this way. However, sometimes the scream actually confuses the animal and even sends it into a stampede. Stories are told of how a man, with his arms outstretched, ran screaming towards a bear, who retreated in fear. However, not everyone is capable of such actions!

When meeting a bear or tiger, you should not turn your back to the animal: he will regard such a position as proof of your weakness. A person naturally tries to run away from danger, but in this case, flight is good only if you are absolutely sure that you will reach a safer place (for example, a hunting lodge, a tree, a car, etc.) faster than a predator, and to do this It is extremely difficult in forest conditions. It is almost impossible to escape from a bear or a tiger; Moreover, for all predators, the flight of the prey only fuels the desire to pursue it. Experts, as the best way out of the situation, advise freezing in place, and then, as calmly as possible, backing away, retreating and, only having moved 10-15 meters away, also slowly, sideways. At these moments it is very important not to provoke the predator to aggressive behavior excessive courage or, on the contrary, cowardice, do not aggravate the situation, which at the very beginning is more neutral than outright dangerous. The experience of unexpected encounters with a tiger shows that in approximately 80% of cases the animal does not show aggression at the first moment, behaves “cognitively”, does not leave the person, but does not approach him either. The tiger can simply stand still and look in the direction of the stranger, and then walk away with dignity.

Experienced people do not advise looking directly into the eyes of a predator for a long time, since such a look (and a person, numb with fear, usually looks intently at the animal) can be perceived as competition and will only spur aggression.

When retreating, you need to carefully monitor the animal’s facial expressions in order to predict its intentions. A bear, for example, has a good “indicator” of a relatively calm state—upright ears. If the ears are pressed to the head, the fur on the back of the neck stands on end, the animal bares its teeth, trembles, and hunches a little, it means that it is really angry and ready to attack.

When you are faced with large predator nose to nose, remember that there is a certain critical distance, at which the situation will still remain fairly neutral and the animal will most likely not dare to attack first, but will only scare you. If the distance is less than critical, then the predator may feel driven into a corner and go ahead, that is, rush at the person. Therefore, if you suddenly find yourself, for example, directly in front of a bear, move a few meters to the side, maintaining a critical distance.

While in the forest, it is sometimes worth making your presence known (by voice or other means), as if warning the animals and giving them the opportunity to leave. In general, if a person is not hunting, the most correct thing for him is to walk noisily, talk loudly or hum. But that's exceptional dangerous predator, a connecting rod bear, the sounds of a human voice can, on the contrary, attract.

Experienced hunters also talk about more “exotic” methods of behavior at critical moments of an encounter with a predator. This, for example, is “persuading” an animal: a person began to talk affectionately about something and a calm intonation softened the aggressive tension of the animal. In some cases, objects thrown aside helped - a backpack, a hat, a sweater, food; they distracted the predator's attention and gave them time to retreat. Another way to reduce the aggression of an animal is to pretend to be dead, as some small animals do. It is recommended to fall on your side, curl up into a ball if possible, reducing the surface of your body, and hide your head. It is likely that the animal will sniff you, touch you, or even move you for a long time - you need to be prepared for this and be patient.

To avoid direct contact with a predator, all methods are good, since an unprepared person has very little chance of emerging victorious in a fight with a tiger, wolf or bear. Meanwhile, experts note that hand-to-hand combat with brown bear more often ends in serious injuries than death on the spot; the animal is more likely to “remember”, but will not kill. There were cases when hunters, having fallen into the arms of a bear, acted so decisively and courageously (any means were used, including blows to the sensitive nose and bites!) that the animal retreated.

And yet, let us remind you once again: there are no rules of behavior that would guarantee absolute safety for an unarmed person when meeting a large predator. The most important thing is to try to avoid encounters with wild animals.

Other type emergency situations- careless handling of forest inhabitants that are quite harmless at first glance. Unfortunately, such emergencies happen much more often than attacks by large animals, and people themselves are primarily to blame for them.

From this point of view, many forest animals can be considered potentially dangerous. First of all, this is a vast and diverse group of poisonous animals.

At certain circumstances The danger comes from arachnids and insects, especially biting and stinging ones - beetles, ants, wasps, mosquitoes, flies, butterflies. These small, mobile animals, almost invisible in dense grass or bushes, can penetrate the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, which can lead to serious injuries, especially in children. Rests and overnight stays during the hike should be done away from places where social insects gather; We also advise you to carefully check your clothing. Explain to young children that it is strictly forbidden to pick up insects, much less in the mouth, since even the “kindest” beetle will always have means of defense - spines, “jaws,” an unpleasant odor, caustic substances, etc.

Despite large-scale preventive measures, there is a threat of infection with serious diseases, the carriers of which can be forest insects. Here we should mention first of all flies. They carry pathogens (causative agents of dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, diphtheria) on their tongues and proboscis. These insects pose a particular danger near forest waste dumps. People “owe” such serious diseases as tick-borne encephalitis and piroplasmosis to ticks. No less dangerous are fleas (they carry plague and tularemia) and blood-sucking mosquitoes, which not only cause pain with their bites, but also carry a number of pathogens. Perhaps the simplest and most accessible method of protection against bites of these animals is a thorough examination of open areas of the body immediately after each visit to the forest, as well as the use of a wide arsenal modern means, repelling insects. And of course - preventive vaccinations, thanks to which the frequency and severity of diseases has significantly decreased.

Small and medium in size carnivorous mammals belonging to the mustelid family (badger, ermine, weasel, pine marten, black polecat, European mink, otter), are harmless only at first glance. Remember that mustelids, although relatively small in size, are still the most real and very energetic predators, capable of active and aggressive defense; When protecting young animals, they are able to bite seriously. There are known cases when a badger, disturbed in its hole, severely bit hunting dogs and the hunters themselves, which the first one would never do in a chance meeting with a person. Some animals (for example, weasel, polecat, ermine) are not without curiosity and willingly visit populated areas, and in the forest they can approach tourist sites, especially at night.

It’s worth reminding once again about such an “iron” rule of behavior in the forest, such as the prohibition of destroying animal shelters - holes, nests, etc. A person who violates this rule not only behaves unworthily in relation to our smaller brothers, but also exposes him to serious danger own health and life, since in the face of loss own home or the death of the offspring, the most peace-loving creature goes wild.

In conditions of limited visibility, especially at night, any animal, even a harmless one, can greatly frighten, especially a child, with a loud cry, a sudden sharp movement, or simply appearance(For example, non-venomous snakes). People sometimes had heart attacks out of fright when not only such a thing suddenly took off right from under their feet. large bird, like a capercaillie, but even a hazel grouse. The sharp and noisy take-off of birds is nothing more than active protection, designed to put the predator into a state of shock for a moment. In the forest, with relative isolation, fear is much more difficult to bear and sometimes leads to severe stress, psychological trauma. Here you always need to be internally prepared for fear, for the fact that you can hear or see something “scary”.

Study the habits of wild animals, then the fear of them will recede, and the forest inhabitants will graciously accept you into their “company”.

Summer is the time for picnics in nature and trips to pick mushrooms and berries.
For a city child, going to the forest is both a holiday and a strange unknown. But such a hike is fraught with not only a number of interesting discoveries, but also many unexpected dangers. And it doesn’t matter that you are going into the forest, where predatory animals and snakes have not been seen. Unpleasant surprises can await a child even in a forest park.

Branches. The baby, stunned by the abundance of space, flies forward, not making out the road, and may stumble upon branches sticking out in all directions. If you only warn him about this once, he will definitely forget and, at best, get ripped off, but in the worst case, I don’t even want to talk about it. Therefore, constantly remind him of this trouble.
Take wet wipes, cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide with you into the forest so that you can disinfect abrasions and cuts if they cannot be avoided.

Pits. They are not dangerous in themselves, but if you run around without looking at your feet, you can fall painfully. Warn your child that running in the forest is prohibited (and, of course, do not forget to remind him of this once again).

Inedible mushrooms and berries. Strictly speaking, everything a child can find in the forest is inedible. Even if it's an ordinary strawberry. Before the baby puts it in his mouth, an adult needs to confirm the origin of this berry, and it would be a good idea to rinse it with water. Keep in mind that children can call any berries strawberries, including wolfberries. Therefore, you should not take their word for it. Honestly warn your child that there are many poisonous plants, berries and mushrooms in the forest, and therefore, no matter how beautiful the fly agaric and the bush sprinkled with purple berries are, picking and tasting anything is strictly prohibited.
Remember both your own safety and the example you set for your children: if you doubt any mushroom or berry, feel free to throw it out of the basket. And there is no need to convene a “council of experienced mushroom pickers” and lick the cut mushroom. The banal truth is brilliant: health is more valuable.

Insects (mosquitoes, ticks, etc.). When going to the forest, generously coat your child with mosquito repellent cream, put on cool, but closed clothes (T-shirts and shorts are not suitable), sneakers instead of sandals, and be sure to wear a hat. For girls, it is better to put their hair in a ponytail or braid and hide it under clothes. Explain to your child that insidious ticks live on the branches of trees and bushes, so if he shakes or tears these branches, the ticks will end up on him. For the same reason, thickets of tall grass should be avoided.
When you return home, do not forget to examine the child’s body and clothes and comb his hair. If a tick is still found, smear the bite area with oil or rich cream and wait until it falls off on its own. If this does not happen, do not tear it off yourself, as this may only work halfway, but contact the clinic.
In general, seeing a doctor is the most the best option in such a situation, since the child may need a vaccination.

Danger of getting lost. Well what can I say? Under no circumstances should you lose sight of your child, because children, even in two pine trees, can easily get lost. But if you get lost with your child in a really deep forest, don’t panic. Try to go to a road, power line or water (river, stream) and use them to get to settlement. If this fails, park, light a fire, use food and water sparingly, and wait for rescue.
It’s bleak, but you have to be prepared for anything, so when going into the forest, even for a short time, dress warmly and take with you a knife, matches, a supply of water and some provisions.

Don't be afraid of the forest and don't scare a child with it, but we must not forget about the dangers that may await you on such a vacation. Knowing certain rules of behavior in the forest, all these troubles can be completely avoided and you will get from a walk not problems, but such a rare and useful pleasure for a city person.

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