How to get a good night's sleep. How to get a good night's sleep: expert advice. How to sleep better

A person spends a third of his life sleeping. And this is good. After all, sleep is a natural physiological process necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In our sleep, we restore strength, “digest” the information accumulated during the day and fight diseases.

1. Lights out

Not only children, but also adults should maintain a sleep-wake schedule. Determine for yourself optimal time“lights out” and strictly adhere to it, even on weekends.

2. Rise

Set not only the “lights out” time, but also the rise time. Otherwise the balance will be disrupted. Laid in bed an hour longer? It will be very difficult to fall asleep at the right time.

3. Diary

One of the main reasons for poor sleep is stress. We go to bed with a lot of bad thoughts in our heads. Because of this, we cannot fall asleep for a long time and sleep very restlessly. To improve the situation, start and at the end of the day “tell” him about everything that worries or upsets you. Psychologists have proven that keeping a diary helps you focus on the positive rather than negative aspects of life.

4. Magnesium

Another factor that affects our sleep is magnesium. Its deficiency leads to sleep disturbances. This is why it is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium. For example, spinach or pumpkin seeds.

5. First aid kit

Sometimes medications can cause poor sleep. If you are taking any pills and notice that you are sleeping worse, carefully study the instructions. Is there any among side effects insomnia?

6. Coffee

Caffeine reduces adenosine levels, which makes it difficult for a person to calm down and fall asleep quickly. A cup of coffee with dinner can lead to insomnia or poor sleep quality. Therefore, try to drink coffee only in the morning.

7. Technology

To understand what exactly is preventing you from sleeping well, contact modern technologies. Exist mobile applications and special devices (Zeo Personal Sleep Coach, Wakemate and others) that help track the duration and quality of sleep. For example, for iOS there is an application Sleep Cycle, and for Android SleepBot.

8. Sleep norm

The optimal duration of sleep varies from person to person. But on average, it is believed that 7-8 hours are enough for normal life. Violation of sleep norms leads to increased levels of cortisol (the death hormone) and various serious diseases. Therefore, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day.

9. Bonus

Having a tough week? Did you go to bed after midnight? Give yourself the bonus of an extra hour of sleep to rejuvenate and get back into your daily routine.

10. Siesta

A short afternoon nap is very good for your health. But only short - no more than 30 minutes. If you doze longer, your body will fall into deep stages of sleep - it will be difficult to wake up and return to business.

11. Yula

Can't sleep? Don't turn from side to side like a spinning top. Instead, get out of bed and do some quiet activity. For example, read or listen to lounge music.

12. Pets

Many people like to sleep with their loved one or. But from a healthy sleep perspective, this is a bad idea. You can fall asleep cuddling with Barsik, but then it’s better to send him back to his place.

13. Alarm clock

Many people keep an alarm clock on the bedside table (and if the phone plays its role, then right under the pillow), which is actually a mistake. Constantly keeping an eye on the time means being on edge. And stress, as you remember, is equal to bad dream.

14. Curfew

Also, many spend the evening staring at a computer monitor or sitting in front of the TV. Then they turn them off and “fall” into bed. But if you strive for truly healthy sleep, then set a curfew for all gadgets two to three hours before bedtime. The time before bed is a time for relaxation.

15. Bedroom

Your brain should automatically associate the bedroom with relaxation. Therefore, please use this room for its intended purpose. You need to relax in bed. The bedroom is about sleep and sex, not work and the Internet.

16. Comfort

For good night need to create comfortable conditions: buy a comfortable mattress, hang thick curtains on the windows, eliminate sources of noise that interfere with sleep. Don't you sleep alone? Discuss with your partner what factors affect your and his sleep, and create an environment that is comfortable for both of you.

17. Temperature

16-24ºС – this should be the temperature in the bedroom. In a stuffy and too hot room, a person often wakes up and falls asleep more poorly.

18. Light

Bright lighting, and sometimes even the “harmless” light from the TV, can also create problems with sleep. If it is impossible to eliminate light sources, then so that they do not interfere with your rest, use a sleep mask.

19. Workout

Physical exercise not only builds strength and endurance, but also improves sleep quality. It's about, in particular, about aerobic exercises that saturate the body with oxygen.

20. Everything has its time

Sport improves the quality of sleep, but you should end your workout at least 2 hours before bedtime. After all physical exercise saturate the body not only with oxygen, but also with adrenaline, which is a bad “sleeping pill”.

21. Muscle relaxation

Before going to bed, it is better to do so-called muscle relaxation. It consists of alternately tensing and relaxing different muscle groups. We tensed our leg muscles, counted to five, and relaxed; tense your abs, one-two-three-four-five, exhale, etc. This procedure can be done directly while lying in bed. Meditation also helps prepare your body for sleep.

22. Walks

Another secret to good sleep is evening walks. Even if it’s not very warm outside and you’re too lazy to get ready, overcome yourself. You'll be surprised how much better you'll sleep at night if you walk for half an hour before bed.

23. Hot shower or bath

Before going to bed, the body needs to relax, so before going to the kingdom of Morpheus, treat yourself to SPA treatments. A hot shower or bath can help relieve stress and make you feel sleepy.

24. Music

Besides a bath, music has a very calming effect on the body. Classical, folk or jazz - each has its own melodies that give harmony. Find one that brings you peace and listen to it before bed.

25. Lavender

Fragrances also affect the quality of sleep. Lavender is an excellent remedy for insomnia. Use aromatherapy candles or essential oils to fill your bedroom with the scent of lavender before bed.

26. Warmth

As you already know, it should be cool outside, but inside, on the contrary, warm. Drink a glass of warm milk, cocoa or tea before bed, and you will immediately want to sleep.

27. Chamomile tea

By the way, about tea. This is “grandmother’s” remedy for sound and healthy sleep. Chamomile has a calming effect, which means it helps fight main reason poor sleep - stress.

What do you do to sleep well?

Question: how to get enough sleep occurs more and more often at night. And it’s not surprising: after all, the modern pace of life sometimes leaves no chance for... According to statistics, only every tenth person actually gets enough sleep during the night. Meanwhile, sleep is very important thing for the whole body. It helps restore the body, promotes weight loss and even fights wrinkles and the first signs of aging. So how to get enough sleep per night? Follow the advice of experts.

Before bedtime

How to get enough sleep at night? Of course, it’s good to prepare for it. It is necessary to avoid eating immediately before bedtime, because... the body will only be engaged in digesting food, causing you to feel restless. If you feel hungry, you need to eat no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, and also reduce your consumption of stimulants: sugary drinks or coffee. You should not drink too much alcohol at night: you will feel dehydrated all night, and waking up in the morning will come too early. And most importantly for proper sleep- this is: going to bed and waking up at the same time, allowing the body to function properly. It is equally important that the room has thick curtains and no electrical appliances, especially luminous ones. Optimal temperature for sleep 16-18 degrees.


How to get enough sleep? The main thing is a relaxed state of mind. It is necessary, before going to bed, to put aside any worries and worries by making a list of what needs to be done tomorrow. You can relax by taking a hot bath or listening to soothing music. Exercise should be avoided immediately before bedtime because... This can overstimulate the body and make it difficult to fall asleep. However, it is very important to burn off all excess energy during the day. If, despite everything, you are overcome by insomnia, there is no need to worry in vain: just get up and do something relaxing, for example, read a book.

Body position

40% of people suffer from back pain, and it is caused by a poor-quality mattress, or wrong choice pillows, or body position. If your shoulders are wide and a person is used to sleeping on his side, then you need to choose a hard pillow that will align the cervical vertebrae. The firmness of the mattress also matters for those who are concerned how to get enough sleep per night. Too soft mattresses aggravate back pain. Currently, pillows and mattresses with “memory” have appeared: they save correct form for every person. The best sleep: in the position of the fetus in the womb, or stretched out to full height, but on the side (this limits the load on the back). Sleeping on your stomach causes arching in your spine and puts pressure on your lower back.

Bed linen and bed

The filling of your duvet and pillow can also affect your quality of sleep. Particularly in cold weather, the synthetic fill will reflect heat and keep your head warm. Lavender soothes nervous system and promotes relaxation. So lavender infused pillows are a great way to get a good night's sleep. For those who usually wake up from the heat, there are bedding products that respond to body temperature. During the night, a person loses up to 500 ml of water through sweat, and this can also lead to sleep disturbances. If possible, it is better to keep the window slightly open, to get in Fresh air. If the bed is shared with someone else, then you should take care of a large blanket so as not to wake up uncovered. The bed should be 10-15 cm longer than the height, and the sheets should be 100% cotton.


Waking up at the same time every day will only improve the quality of your sleep. And this applies to weekends! You shouldn’t lie around until lunch, hoping to sleep off: it will only get worse later. In order not to fall asleep again after the alarm rings, you need to wind several of them and place them away from yourself so that you cannot press it automatically. In the morning, you need to wake up your mind: listen to the radio, the news, or force yourself to think about the coming day, what lies ahead. If it is still dark in the morning, it will be more difficult to wake up. A bedside lamp will help here, which should be turned on immediately after waking up. Currently, there are models with a timer.

Are you having trouble getting a good night's sleep? Do you wake up feeling tired or numb? A healthy night's sleep is extremely important for your overall well-being, and a rested body and mind will help you successfully solve everyday tasks. By creating the right conditions, choosing the right position, and developing healthy bedtime habits, you can get the best night's rest possible.


Part 1

Create the right conditions

    Choose a suitable mattress. Some people find it comfortable to sleep on a firm mattress, while others prefer a soft option. Choose the one that suits you best. Regardless of the material chosen and the level of firmness, the mattress should provide support and remain comfortable enough for a good rest.

    Choose the right pillow. Pay attention to comfort, not the degree of softness or hardness. You can also use several pillows. The main thing is that while you sleep, your head is not under acute angle. Regardless of your sleeping position, pillows should support your head between your shoulders - just as they would if you were standing.

    Keep your bed linen clean. Clean linen provides a more pleasant sleep. Wash bedding as often as possible, especially if soiled.

    • When washing sheets, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
    • If you are using a mattress cover, wash it in hot water.
    • You can sprinkle the mattress baking soda, and the next day vacuum it. This will remove moisture from it.
    • The pillows can be washed or placed in the dryer when high temperature to clean them and disinfect them from dust mites.
  1. Adjust your temperature to a comfortable temperature. During the day, body temperature constantly changes. It always decreases during sleep. For healthy rest, a cool room (about 18 degrees Celsius) is best, since such conditions correspond to natural changes in body temperature.

    • Control the room temperature using a thermostat, fan, or open window.
  2. Choose the right sleepwear. Pajamas should be comfortable. Wear loose-fitting clothing that will keep you cool in the warmer months and warmer after the cold weather sets in. If you feel too hot, take off your clothes or remove the blanket. If you're cold, put on another T-shirt or take a warmer blanket.

    Minimize extraneous noise and interference. Most people feel most comfortable sleeping in an environment of peace and quiet.

    • TV, radio and other devices should be turned off or the volume set to low.
    • Close your windows if street noise disturbs your sleep.
    • Some people use aids such as earplugs to block out extraneous sounds or white noise from a small fan.
  3. Don't overeat before bed. Foods and drinks, as well as the timing of their consumption, affect your sleep. Eating a large dinner close to bedtime can cause indigestion. It is best to eat no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    Use lighting correctly. Your body naturally responds to lighting conditions and adjusts your sleep accordingly. This means that in the morning and during the day the rooms should be well lit, and in the evening it is best to dim the light in order to sleep soundly.

    Don't exercise before bed. Regular exercise is good for your health and promotes sleep soundly. But they have a stimulating effect, so it is not recommended to exercise before bed. Do exercises 2-3 hours before bedtime. But a light warm-up just before bed will help you relax.

    Limit daytime naps. A short nap will help if you feel tired, but try not to sleep for more than half an hour during the day and don't take a nap in the evening. Otherwise, you will not be able to sleep well at night.

    Maintain a sleep schedule. If you can fall asleep and wake up at the same time, your sleep will improve significantly. Pay special attention to your bedtime and wake-up times on weekends and holidays. Try not to deviate from the established schedule by more than 1-2 hours. It will take time and dedication to develop a sleep routine, but a good night's rest will be a worthy reward for your efforts.

Healthy sleep is a problem modern world, because we are all constantly busy and stressed. But if you don't get enough sleep, it causes even more stress, which has dire consequences for your health. The average adult sleeps 6.8 hours a day, which is an hour less than in 1942. 40% of the adult population does not even get the 7 hours of sleep that experts recommend. This situation can be called an emergency in the region public health. Constant fatigue leads to short-term and long-term problems not only with physical but also with mental health. So what should you do to help yourself sleep?

Turn off the bedroom light

This may seem obvious, but it's worth repeating: one of the worst things you can do at night is leave a bright light on. The point is that bright light, especially blue light, tells your brain that it's still daytime and prevents you from throwing up. chemical substances, which are critical for sleep, such as melatonin. Harvard Medical School recommends using dim red light in the evenings and bright light during the day to regulate your sleep schedule.

Put your phone aside

If you don't do this, none of the tips will work. Scientists say that the use of blue screens before bed has a detrimental effect on it, be it TV, tablet or phone. So if you want to sleep, stay away from gadgets.

Quit the coffee habit

Sometimes coffee can help relieve symptoms of problems you're having with sleep. But the irony is that he plays a key role in their occurrence. Caffeine changes melatonin levels in the brain, causing you to take longer to fall asleep. In addition, sleep duration is also reduced, even if you do not drink coffee immediately before bed.

Give up alcohol

It's time to accept reality: alcohol is the worst choice for those suffering from insomnia (you should ignore all those articles you've read about the benefits of red wine). Decades of research show that all alcohol has detrimental effects on your sleep. Even people who drink little take longer to fall asleep than their sober neighbors. In addition, alcohol increases the risk of developing sleep disorders such as apnea.

Take care of your relationships

This means that the person you go to bed with should make you happy. Although researchers still have much to learn about how partners are affected co-sleeping, the bulk of the evidence points to happy couples getting better sleep together. There is also Feedback: People who get good sleep have happier relationships.

Develop bedtime rituals

We already know that habits play a huge role in various aspects of our lives. So it makes sense that they might help you fall asleep faster. Many doctors even recommend developing a consistent bedtime routine. Unfortunately, there isn't much research on how sleep habits affect adults' bedtime. But they have been proven to be really beneficial for children.

Warm hands and feet

Research shows that a bottle with warm water or a hand and foot warmer can help you fall asleep. Are you uncomfortable using them? Then put on your socks. And remember that this rule does not apply to absolutely everyone. Some people, on the contrary, prefer cold feet.

Try not to sleep

WITH scientific point This advice is a little unusual, but one study was done to test it. When volunteers tried their best to stay awake, it only improved how quickly they fell asleep. The secret here lies in reverse psychology. So, if you also have trouble sleeping, you should try this method.

Take a warm bath

This advice also doesn't have a ton of research behind it, but it makes sense. Hot water It has a relaxing effect, so you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly at night. This is probably why many people fall asleep immediately in the bathroom. Moreover, you should not pamper yourself with this procedure in the morning, since it will definitely not provide you with the necessary boost of energy.

Get rid of obsessive thoughts

Many people who suffer from insomnia complain that they often cannot sleep due to unwanted thoughts or images. They experience unpleasant situations over and over again, or they try to find a solution to a problem that is important to them. Research has shown that if you instead focus on a pleasant thought or imagine something positive, it brings the calmness you need for your sleep. There are special techniques that can help you with this.

Listen to nice music

A study has shown that listening to classical music can help you relax and improve your sleep quality. At the same time, listening to audiobooks or complete silence does not bring the same effect. But the trick here, most likely, is not in classical music, but in the one that has a calming effect on you. After all, if you hate classics, it is unlikely to have a calming effect on you. Rather, it will only cause irritation, and you will definitely not have time to sleep.

Fill your room with the scent of lavender

One sleep study found that the scent of lavender helped young men and women sleep more deeply and feel refreshed when they woke up. Interestingly, it has slightly different effects on men and women, but as a result, both groups received positive results.

Find out what exactly works for you

You've probably noticed that many of the tips on this list are designed to create a calming sleep environment. But each person is unique, and specific techniques that work for one may not have any effect on another. But in any case, in order to fall asleep, we need to calm down both physically and emotionally. To achieve optimal results, you can try several tips and compare their effect on you. Figure out which one actually helps and stick with it.

Difficulty falling asleep worsens a person's well-being. To be alert and productive during the day, you need to monitor the quality and quantity of sleep. However, not everyone succeeds. In this article, we will answer the most frequently asked questions online and give some tips on how to get a good night's sleep.

How much sleep is better to get enough sleep?

To answer this question, determine your optimal sleep time. To do this, choose a day when you don’t need to get up early in the morning and sleep until you feel like getting up. After getting up, remember or write down your wake-up time and bedtime time. Then count the difference between the time you fall asleep and the time you wake up. This difference will be your ideal sleep duration. For example, if you fell asleep at 2:00 and woke up at 10:00 (and fully rested), you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. On average, the optimal sleep time is 7-9 hours.

What is the best time to go to bed to get enough sleep?

The optimal sleep period will also have to be determined independently. As a rule, your body is already accustomed to one particular schedule. Therefore, maximum sleepiness usually occurs at a certain time. For example, if you regularly go to bed at 23:00 for 1-2 weeks, our biorhythms will adapt to this regime and you will want to sleep at the appointed time.

What time is best to go to bed to get enough sleep?

It is easy to assume that the time of falling asleep, as well as the duration of sleep, is calculated individually. To do this, for five to six evenings, monitor what time you feel most sleepy. For example, if during the week you want to go to sleep at 20:00, but you go to bed at 22:00, move your bedtime back a couple of hours.

How to get good sleep in a short time

Getting enough sleep in a short time, for example, 2-3 hours, while feeling great, most likely, will not be possible. However, the famous scientist Nikola Tesla, according to him, succeeded. However, for the average person, 2-3 hours of sleep will not be enough to get a good night's sleep. The recommended minimum for more or less normal well-being is 5 hours of sleep per night. However, if you sleep in this mode constantly, over time you will accumulate fatigue, which will certainly affect your performance. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to short sleep for a maximum of 5-7 days.

If you still decide that you need to sleep in a short time, you need to sleep a certain number of hours. Our entire sleep consists of cycles that last on average 1.5 hours. Moreover, the number of such cycles in an 8-hour sleep is usually 4-5.

During each cycle, sleep has a certain depth. As a rule, shallow sleep is observed at the beginning and end of the cycle. At the same time, in the middle of the cycle, sleep is as deep as possible. Thus, if you wake up during a period of shallow sleep, you can get enough sleep even in 3-4 hours.

Okay, but how to calculate the phase of shallow or REM sleep? The first option: you need to sleep such a number of hours that it is multiples of 1.5 hours. In other words, you need to sleep 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5 or 9 hours. In our case, in order to get a good night's sleep in a short time, it is advisable to sleep for at least 4.5 hours.

Another option for determining the REM sleep phase involves sleeping with special bracelet that tracks your body movements in bed. The bracelet's sensor records all body turns and, based on this data, builds a sleep schedule, which can then be viewed on your smartphone. Additionally, many sleep trackers can be set to wake you up during REM sleep. With the help of such devices, you can get a good night's sleep in a fairly short period of time without unnecessary hassle.

What to do to get better sleep?

To answer the question of how to get a good night's sleep, try to adhere to the following tips.

  • Don't do extraneous things in bed. Due to working with a laptop or smartphone in the bedroom, the bed ceases to be associated with sleep. Therefore, it is better not to disrupt the “bed-sleep” connection and go to bed only if you want to sleep. In addition to sleeping, the bed can be used for sex. But nothing more.
  • Don't go to bed hungry or with a full stomach. Severe hunger is unlikely to let you sleep. In this case, it would be a good idea to have something light to eat. For example, eat some cottage cheese or drink milk. The main thing is that the snack must be light. A full stomach also does not help you fall asleep. Heaviness in the stomach from the abundance of food impairs sleep and often leads to weakness in the morning. Therefore, no feasts at night.
  • Minimize work with smartphones and computers 30 minutes before bed. The light from an electronic device inhibits the production of melatonin, a sleep hormone that is produced in the brain when darkness sets in. At the same time, even a 5-minute check of messages on social media. Networking before bed can completely ruin your entire sleep.
  • Meditate. This activity is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and tune in to deep breathing. Complete relaxation can be achieved by turning on meditative music. In this case, you can breathe according to the 4-7-8 method described in.
  • Read a book. If you have problems falling asleep, read paper books or magazines. Reading e-books or text from tablets, as already mentioned, disrupts the production of melatonin. Therefore, if possible, study paper literature. The process of reading will distract you from extraneous thoughts, which is good for falling asleep.
  • Follow a bedtime ritual. Each of us probably has a ritual that signals sleep. For example, if you regularly shower before bed, this will tell your brain that it is time to sleep. In your case, this may be another action, say, washing or airing the room.

How to get a good night's sleep and fall asleep quickly with physical activity

Exercising a few hours before bedtime will help you fall asleep faster. In addition, active muscle work and pleasant fatigue in the evening make sleep deeper. It is recommended to choose as physical activity running or Gym . Both activities involve maximum amount muscles. This means that pleasant fatigue and sleep will come faster after running or visiting the gym.

If you don’t have any energy left for running or going to the gym in the evening, you can simply take a walk. Walking calms the nerves, so for a good night's sleep it is useful to walk outside for 30-60 minutes. You can spend more time on walks, especially if you have the energy and time.

For those who don’t want to leave the house, but want to get a good night’s sleep, we can advise simple exercises that will help you sleep. The same squats, push-ups and sit-ups will help a person get tired and restore sound sleep.

An important point: all sports activities should be completed 2, or preferably 3 hours before bedtime. After intense training, the body is in a state of excitement for some time. Therefore, going to bed immediately after completing all the exercises is not recommended, as it will be more difficult to fall asleep. Although some people sleep like the dead after training and don’t wonder how to get a good night’s sleep.

What is the best sleeping position to get a good night's sleep?

Considered the best posture for a good sleep position on the left or right side. Unlike the position on the back or stomach, this position is the most physiological for night rest. While sleeping on your stomach internal organs are compressed, which can interfere with the proper functioning of the heart and lungs. At the same time, sleeping on the back is often accompanied by snoring, especially in overweight people. Therefore, for good sleep, somnologists often recommend sleeping on your side.

However, if you feel comfortable sleeping on your back or stomach, and you don’t feel groggy in the morning, you don’t have to change your habits.

The best way to get a good night's sleep

Is there an easy way to get a good night's sleep? There is no single answer to this question. For one person, to have a good sleep, it is enough to meditate before going to bed, while another needs physical exercise, and for a third, it is difficult to close his eyes without a sleeping pill. To understand which method is right for you, you need to try them all.

It is worth warning you against taking medications that are taken without the consent of a specialist. Such remedies may cause psychological dependence and have a lot of side effects. Therefore, it is better not to get hooked on them. They can be taken only after consultation with a doctor.

Tips for those who are tormented by the question of how to get a good night's sleep

  • Don't worry about poor sleep. Going to bed thinking that you won't fall asleep, you are dooming yourself to a bad night's sleep. To get rid of these thoughts, doctors recommend not constantly looking at the clock, which reminds you of the current time and the inability to fall asleep.
  • Get up if you haven't fallen asleep within 30 minutes. There is no need to lie just like that if you don’t feel like falling asleep at all. 30 minutes have passed since you went to bed - get out of bed and go about your business. Moreover, it is advisable to do something less energy-consuming. For example, read a book, sort out your things, or drink tea. Let us remind you that all this should be done outside of your bed. By the way, you only need to do business for 30 minutes, then go back to bed and try to sleep. If you fail to fall asleep again, repeat the scheme.
  • Create all the conditions for sleep. You need to sleep in a dark and cool room, where excess noise will not interfere. To do this, close the curtains tightly, ventilate the room before going to bed and ask your family not to disturb your sleep.
  • Sleep on a comfortable bed. The mattress, pillow and blanket play an important role in achieving a good sleep. The mattress and pillow should preferably be orthopedic. Moreover, they must be selected taking into account physiological characteristics. The blanket should not resemble a concrete slab, but should be light and warm.
  • Drink less coffee and black tea during the day. Excess caffeine contained in coffee and black tea will cause sleep problems. Therefore, it is better to replace caffeinated drinks with mineral water, good for health. If you absolutely cannot live without coffee or tea, then drink them in the first half of the day, no more than 3 cups per day.
  • Be in the light. Light suppresses the production of melatonin during the day, which normalizes the biological rhythms of sleep and wakefulness.

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