Has the soul incarnated? Reincarnation of the Soul. Laws and mechanisms. The energetic position of man and soul in dimensional space

The severity of the last incarnation. Farewell to karma. The number of incarnations of star souls on Earth varies from 4 to 10. Incarnation in the three-dimensional world for an alien soul is a working visit or business trip. Each soul, delegated by its stellar civilization, comes to Earth with certain tasks. Alien souls are not attached to this world; they always know internally that this is not their world. Their heart preserves the memory of a perfect and harmonious existence in the starry homeland. Therefore, when the time comes, they will easily leave the earthly body and return Home. But before returning, you need to complete the Task, which is different for everyone. In just one life, the soul does not have time to complete all the tasks set by the Creator, so several rebirths are required. The most painful incarnations are the first and the final ones. During the first incarnation, the subtle cosmic soul adapts to the conditions of the material world, masters, gets used to, and gains earthly experience. Not everyone can put on a rough shell after subtle luminous clothes. Very strong and selfless spiritual workers agree to this. Starting from the first incarnation in the earthly world, the stellar soul accumulates karma of three dimensions, plus it comes with its own personal history, with a stellar genealogy, which inevitably manifests itself in the earthly environment. The alien's cosmic heredity is recorded in the form of a hologram in plasma chromosomes, which are embedded in earthly DNA and manifest themselves in the form of unusual abilities or an original way of thinking. Another article will be devoted to this issue, but for now let’s talk about earthly karma and the last incarnation of the star soul. Earthly reality is harsh, you simply cannot make mistakes here, because life moves like a razor’s edge. One misdeed of a stellar soul already lays the foundation for a series of subsequent incarnations, because the soul does not always manage to correct its mistake in one life. Many of us have made mistakes in the past, so here and now we are painfully trying to get out of the bonds that we created for ourselves through our misdeeds. Dense matter is insidious, it creates illusions, leads pure souls astray from the true path, pushing them towards darkness and darkness. Often our star brothers became attached to carnal pleasures, started families, gave birth to children, thereby firmly tying their souls to earthly reality. They immersed themselves in everyday life, tried to live according to the customs of earthlings, losing the memory of their cosmic nature. All this burdened the consciousness so much that it was necessary to stay for several incarnations in order to untie karmic knots in the future with those who caused the fall of the soul into matter. Take, for example, the story of Elizabeth Heich, which she describes in her book Initiation. She was embodied in Ancient Egypt, had a high spiritual initiation, having received it in an accelerated way. E. Heich does not reveal the secrets of his initiation, since this is secret knowledge that is available only to a select few. I am sure that during the dedication they revealed her stellar memory and showed her her native cosmic world. The teacher gave her instructions related to the need to abstain from carnal pleasures. But the soul of this woman could not withstand the temptation of passion, she fell into the arms of earthly man, as a result of which her soul was tied to her deceased body for 3,000 years, after which she again gained the opportunity to incarnate and recreate the path traveled in initiation. Her last earthly life was full severe tests- disease, war and other disasters. This all came as a result of a single fatal mistake, without which, the soul would have already returned to the spiritual worlds many thousands of years ago. The most common mistakes of alien souls who dress earthly bodies are entering into bodily relationships due to animal passion and prematurely revealing dangerous knowledge to unprepared humanity. Animal passion has drawn many souls into the swamp of gross matter and created karma, which they are forced to work out over several incarnations. The Sphinx was created precisely so that guests from other worlds would always remember their dual nature, that they need to control their animal part - their bodily instincts. The upper part of the Sphinx is human, the lower part is animal. We must develop sobriety, willpower and aspiration for the divine, so as not to fall again into the swamp of matter. That is why many star souls in their last incarnation are acutely faced with the problem of sexual partnership and family breakdown. The roots must be sought in past incarnations. Another mistake - premature disclosure of secrets - creates karma associated with implementation in the professional sphere. Problems related to work, career, choice of profession, and painful search for oneself in this world become acutely evident here. If you see such a picture, it means that your past misdeeds are associated with a violation of the law of information balance. I call this “Promethean karma”. By the way, some liver diseases occur precisely for this reason. I have already noticed this in practice. The last incarnation is a jerk of the alien soul back into Space. This is a chance to work off ALL EARTHLY KARMA IN ONE LIFE, and this can be, oh, how difficult it is. I will give another example, known from the biography of the writer Lobsang Rampa. In one of his books, he describes his painful incarnation and what preceded his choice. One day, astrologers predicted the boy’s options for the development of his fate, depending on his personal choice in one direction or another. The boy chose the most difficult path because he was connected with the mission of helping humanity, but because of this he had to endure a lot of wanderings, illnesses, Japanese captivity, the loss of his physical body and the transmigration of his soul into the body of a foreign citizen. Thanks to this, the world learned the amazing books of the Tibetan lama and his adventures in subtle worlds. In his books, L. Rampa writes that if a person has a difficult fate, this means the last incarnation on Earth, since all debts are collected in one life and difficult karmic situations replace one another. Otherwise, debts cannot be repaid, and you will have to continue spinning in the wheel of Samsara for an indefinite period. Many spiritual workers choose this particular path of saying goodbye to karma, because the next chance may only come after many thousands of years. If you feel that your fate is too hard, let the thought of your last incarnation dry your tears and assuage your spiritual sadness. In the last incarnation, star souls experience a strong longing for their native worlds, cry while looking at the starry sky, and suffer from loneliness and separation from kindred souls. If you are experiencing all this, it means your soul is alive and your memory is about to awaken. These experiences are to be blessed and lead to spiritual awakening. In the end, we will all return Home, this is the Call of the Creator from the spiritual worlds of deep Space. To get closer to Home, you must strive for it, because everyone knows that water does not flow under a lying stone. The stronger our spiritual aspiration, the sooner the desired changes will occur in our lives - meeting with incarnated cosmic brothers, awakening memory and awareness of our divine nature, our destiny. Many of us don't even know about our enormous power capable of changing the world. This force is sleeping, but the time has come for awakening. There is no need to humiliate yourself with despondency and remorse. Just accept everything as it is and let go of everything that disturbs your soul. Past mistakes are experiences that can only be learned on Earth. Thank this world for the experience and a lot of adventures and continue your Star Trek- from planet to planet, from star to star. Our home worlds are waiting for us and have already opened their arms! Let's smoothly spread our wings over the Earth and leave this world under us without fear! Directing our Spirit towards endless worlds, We sail through the ether on invisible waves...
Daria Sibirskaya.

Beyond the physical world there is another world - the spiritual. Our Mentors, Angels and Archangels live there. And there we live in the interval between incarnations in different bodies.
The spiritual world has its own life. Each Essence does what they love. Everything there is familiar and understandable. Our Home is there.

However, from time to time we leave spiritual reality - the kingdom of Peace, Joy and Love. And we go to the physical world. A world full of contrasts: hot - cold, ups - downs, good - evil, love - hate...

For what? For what purpose do we leave our Home and decide to face various difficulties and trials?

Each Soul will have its own answer to this question. We can say that as many Souls there are, there are as many reasons for earthly incarnation.
However, among them there are several common goals.

5 goals for the incarnation of the Soul on Earth

1. Desire for healing.
Among the most common are the desire for healing - in particular, healing from negative energies past: energies of fear, hatred, anger, resentment, etc.

For example, a person lived his whole life in fear. Or experienced terrible fear at the moment of death. Fear is an energy with a low frequency, and it greatly inhibits the development of the Soul.

Therefore the Soul plans new life in which she can get healed from this fear. She also plans ways and various situations for your healing.

2. Balancing (balancing) karma
Karma can be thought of as an imbalance of energies that has arisen between people. For example, in past life husband long years mocked his wife, beat her and humiliated her in every possible way. This continued until his death.

In this life, they were embodied in other roles: the wife - in the role of a mother, and the husband - in the role of her son. And now the mother beats her son for no reason or no reason.

These two Souls planned such a relationship together before incarnation. But then, once in physical bodies, they forgot about their plans.

And the son considers such a mother a punishment for himself, and the mother complains about such a son.
In fact, for the Soul this is not a punishment, but an alignment of karma.

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We ourselves have written our roles for this life in advance, so none of us can be considered a victim. Accordingly, no one can be blamed either.

Once we realize this, we will forever get rid of resentment, guilt and self-pity. And we will begin to understand what we wanted to learn from the example of our life difficulties.

In addition, the deeper we understand the nature of karma, the less we want to judge others - especially those who have encountered serious problems(eg homeless people and drug addicts).

As a rule, these people live their lives in accordance with the plans that were drawn up even before incarnation - again, with the goal energy balancing.

And if from the point of view of the individual their existence represents a chain of “failures”, then from the point of view of the Soul it is a great success.

3. Helping other people
The desire to help others is an integral part of the nature of any Soul.
And the opportunity to provide such a service on Earth is considered a blessing from heaven. This help can manifest itself in different ways.

For example, a soul may plan the experience of alcoholism to give others the opportunity manifest feeling of compassion. Society condemns such a person; he has constant scandals in his family because of his passion for alcohol.

And those around them don’t even suspect that this person gives them the opportunity learn understanding and compassion. Many of those who are supposedly struggling with life's difficulties are actually serving people.

Another example. A child is born into a family with cerebral palsy. Many parents and grandparents consider this a punishment - both for themselves and for the child.

But in fact, this Soul came precisely to this family in such a body so that teach– love, compassion and acceptance.

During the period between incarnations, being in the Spiritual World, we, as Souls, are constantly learning. This can be compared to school classes - Souls are divided into groups, and each group is trained under the guidance of Mentors.

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In order to practice the acquired knowledge, Souls incarnate in physical world, on Earth and beyond. For such practice, Souls often plan very difficult and complex, from a human point of view, lessons and situations.

How life is more complicated– the more experience and skills the Soul gains. And this allows her to move on more high the level of its development.

The state of love is a natural state for the Soul.
She is determined to give and receive love - even in those cases when she agrees to play a “negative role” in the physical world in order to stimulate the development of another Soul. And it comes into embodiment out of a desire to remember love as such.

The journey of life on Earth and various trials allow us to understand love in all its manifestations much more deeply - like compassion and forgiveness, tolerance and non-judgment, harmony, acceptance and trust, understanding and participation, sincerity and faith, gratitude and humility.

Love is main topic planning at the Soul level. By incarnating on the physical plane, we forget about our true nature. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the Soul on Earth, one of its purposes is remember yourself, remember that she is Love.

And only then, with the return of internal memory, our love begins to illuminate everything around with its light.

The implementation planning process is a complex and multifaceted process. The soul, together with the Mentors, thinks through all the main moments of life that will help it achieve what it wants.

One of the main goals of the implementation is selected. For example, “Learn to forgive”, “Learn to love and show love even in difficult situations”, “Learn independence”, etc. Several additional, related goals are “pulled up” to this main goal.

A team is also being selected - a group of Souls who will help implement this plan in real life. And who will follow their own plans. This is similar to the distribution of roles in the theater.

It often happens that already in the physical body the Soul understands that it has set itself impossible tasks. And even if any of the goals is not achieved by the end of life, upon returning to Spiritual world no one will blame her or punish her for this.

If desired, the Soul can go through this experience in the next life. Or abandon this idea - after all, no one has canceled Free Will.

P.S. Do you know your purpose for your current incarnation?
I will be glad to see your response in the comments!

Reincarnation is a topic that worries almost every person. “Does a person live once or many?”, “How many times does he incarnate on earth and why?”, “Why in different religions, various information?”, “When does the Soul stop its incarnations on earth?”. We will consider all these questions in this article.

Reincarnation of the Soul is its path of development through incarnations on Earth. In the chain of incarnations, one body replaces another and only the Soul remains eternal and incorruptible. Incarnating, the Soul constantly develops, purifies and grows, acquiring knowledge, abilities, merits and invaluable experience. Of course, the soul also accumulates sins. In order to complete the chain of incarnations on Earth, she must realize and atone for all her sins, correct all mistakes.

Laws and mechanisms of soul reincarnation

1. The soul can begin its reincarnation as human, and maybe from the level of plants and animals (going through evolution from the very bottom of the hierarchy of creatures). There are souls (the main part) that are created as human ones, their first incarnation begins immediately in the human body. And there are also those creatures that begin their development with the consciousness of a plant or animal, gradually growing into a human being. But this does not change the essence.

2. On Earth, the human Soul must go through 8 levels of development, from the material (peasants), to the absolute (Spiritual Teachers, Missions. At each level, she will have to gain a certain amount of knowledge, experience, reveal qualities, talents, abilities corresponding to the level, accomplish deeds, etc.

3. One level of development (there are 8 in total) the soul, ideally, passes through 4-5 incarnations, but this is provided that its development during life will be purposeful, this person will Spiritual Guide who will guide him, and the person will not make serious karmic mistakes. Accordingly, in the very the best option, a soul can undergo evolution on Earth in 32-40 incarnations. But in fact it doesn’t work that way. It’s a complicated thing: Life and Evil do not sleep; there are many temptations on Earth, manifestations of Evil that easily lead a person astray from the true path. Most often, the number of incarnations of the soul amounts to many hundreds, and not all souls leave this circle upward (into the world of the gods), some are destroyed (if the soul has accumulated a critical amount of Evil and it has become dark).

4. Each incarnation has its own clearly defined program, the ultimate goal of which is to go through one more lesson, another stage of development of the Soul, in order to become closer to God, to understanding and realization. For each incarnation, a series is determined that the soul (Human) is obliged to realize.

5. Temporary cessation of incarnation and the fall of the soul into dark worlds, into hells, is allowed for its punishment if a person has committed great Evil and the Soul must pay for it, undergo suffering and purification. Staying in hells can last from several hundred to several thousand years (murderers, traitors, etc.).

6. Incarnation human soul in the body of animals, plants, minerals is also given as a punishment, as a rule, after the soul leaves the hells, it goes through the stages of evolution to the level of man, starting with plants and animals, sometimes even with minerals. This is given for adaptation to life on Earth and in order to learn to appreciate exactly human life, and not fight with God (but fight with Evil accordingly).

7. The time between incarnations can be very different.– from several days to several thousand years (if the soul tumbles in hell for a long time). The pattern is something like this: the higher the soul’s level, the more time it is given between incarnations for recovery, rest, development and preparation for its next incarnation.

8. End of the chain of incarnations on Earth occurs when a person reaches 6-8 levels of development, when all the necessary lessons have been completed, all tests have been passed “well”, the necessary talents and abilities have been revealed (hundreds and thousands of them), and all his sins accumulated in all previous incarnations, a person redeemed, that is, the soul has achieved 100% purity. At the same time, the Soul must fully realize its earthly purpose. People of levels 6-8 are the most outstanding servants of the Earth - Spiritual Teachers, Messiahs, Reformers (for example Peter the Great), Grand Masters of Orders, Great Emperors.

Why does Christianity officially deny reincarnation and multiple incarnations of the soul?

The point is this. Christianity equalizes the extremes that were generated on Earth by Hinduism and Buddhism, in which reincarnation has been one of the foundations of their ideology for thousands of years. Because of this, people relaxed and stopped appreciating life, stopped rushing to live (in a good sense) and strive to do as many good deeds as possible. A lot of excuses appeared, like there is nowhere to rush in this life, because there will be so many more, etc. This also became a justification for sins and crimes: “In this life I will sin, walk, drink, smoke, steal, and in the next I will become righteous and atone for the Evil that has been committed.”

This is a very bad position, because it would be a mistake to think that one can be incarnated countless times. In fact, evolution time is limited; if you don’t have time, you’re free for spare parts.

But in Christianity, life is given only once, after which it is either forever in hell or forever in heaven. And this creates a huge incentive from the very beginning to live with dignity and accomplish as much as possible in one life.

The truth, as always, is in the middle! You need to value life It’s good to hurry up to live and go your way maximum worthy. Then, maybe in a few dozen lives you will have time to go through evolution on Earth and enter the hierarchy of Light.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that the highest levels of Christianity make full use of esoteric knowledge, accept reincarnation, study their incarnations, master meditative techniques, practicing these techniques in closed monasteries. It is no secret that the top of any religion is esoteric - these are spiritual Orders and deep esoteric Knowledge, access to which is classified for the flock and most of the church servants.

Good luck in studying your past incarnations and atonement for the corresponding sins!

There are at least a dozen answers to the question of what reincarnation is. Each describes the process to the best of their knowledge, imagination and professed religion. Precise definitions no, but there are many theories describing the phenomenon. The theme of revival in a new quality has excited minds at all times. How I want to correct mistakes and not repeat the same lesson!

In this article

Soul or spirit? What is meant by the concept of reincarnation

Before discussing the philosophy of immortality, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the basic terms adopted in parapsychology and theology.

The concept of reincarnation is the relocation of an immaterial substance to another physical body. Christianity, like other Abrahamic cults (Judaism, Islam), denies this.

Incarnation is the life of each individual immaterial shell, the current earthly incarnation.

Philosophy of immortality: the eternal cycle of lives

What lies behind the concepts of “spirit” and “” and can these words be considered synonyms?

A living creature has several ethereal copies. This is an energy and information cast of the current incarnation. , which, having separated after death, remains nearby for some time, but then rushes into. Spirit is a synthesis of experience, knowledge, actions and deeds; allows you to remember forgotten things, is responsible for emotions, attitude towards God, sins and good actions.

Therefore, many esotericists say that the Spirit reincarnates, holding the key to knowledge about past journeys.

The soul is called the layer between the physical and spiritual planes. She is a linear direction. These are thoughts, feelings, desires. Spirituality is a vertical: it helps to understand purpose. Connects with God, is responsible for improvement, rejects dubious pleasures and vices.

This video presents a powerful mantra for spiritual growth:

The highest power that can change the world does not come to every body, theologians say. The higher the level of consciousness, the more likely the descent of Grace. Examples: Jesus Christ, Dalai Lama, Buddha.

The theory of reincarnation: principles of teaching

Poets and writers tried to comprehend the mystery of existence and death. This is how A.S. saw the future. Pushkin:

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre

My ashes will survive and decay will escape.

Undoubtedly, Pushkin, like his contemporaries, is a Christian and believes in immortality. But here's what the genius says next:

And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world

At least one piit will be alive.

In these words one can see a direct indication of the likelihood of reincarnation. The author says that thoughts and feelings will be conveyed to the reader not by followers, but by him in the guise of another poet.

Karmic tasks and spiritual experiences of past lives

Mistakes, sins, unfinished business and misbehavior are factors with every birth. Bad deeds committed earlier have to be corrected in their current form. And, conversely, the worse the behavior today, the more painful it will be tomorrow.

Fulfilling a karmic task means making the next life easier

An example is domestic violence: a woman marries a tyrant and constantly suffers beatings and humiliation. see in this a direct connection with the past. Most likely, she was a cruel and uncompromising man, accustomed to solving problems from a position of strength.

You can determine your karmic task online by following the link.

Everyone has karmic tasks and debts. The Spirit takes them upon themselves, accepting obedience. This is a repetition of unlearned material. Only at a different level of consciousness and experience.

Buddha warned: if you want to know what you did, look at how you live now. If you want to know how you will live your next incarnation, look at what you are doing today.

People say:

It is a sin to laugh at the poor and sick.

The original Russian proverb conceals sacred meaning teachings about karma. She paraphrases the words of the Enlightened One in her own way and instructs that one should not offend the defenseless. Next time you will switch places.

Historical facts about reincarnation

In the theological reasonings of St. Augustine there are reflections on this topic. Emperor Justinian completely excluded the possibility of mentioning rebirth. The laws of the Middle Ages were so harsh that it was easy to be branded a heretic and end up at the stake for seditious thoughts. The gloomy Middle Ages, known for the persecution of dissidents, purposefully destroyed the idea. Not only witches who fell under the hot hand of the Inquisition deserved the fire, but also anyone who dared to express an opinion that differed from the generally accepted one.

Grand Inquisitor Torquemada

It became possible to freely express thoughts during the Renaissance; philosophers received the right to speak without fear of being classified as a clan of witches and sorcerers.

Voltaire, Diderot and other brilliant minds expressed judgments about the posthumous journey. The theory of rebirth formed the basis of Carl Jung's writings on the Collective Unconscious.

The Eastern direction of religion has always adhered to this concept of existence. It is still one of the components global culture peoples of the region.

Reincarnation exists: real facts and evidence

To believe or not to believe in this or that concept of the universe is everyone’s business. It's natural to question rumors. But there are facts in history that defy traditional explanation.

Under the influence of circumstances or deep hypnosis, people remembered previous incarnations. x they provided details that a priori could not have known due to age, place of residence and everyday experience.

This video features regression hypnotherapist Michael Newton. He is known for researching messages from clients who have recounted their lives before being born on Earth. Author of the books “Journeys of the Soul”, “Purpose of the Soul”, “Memories of Life After Life”, “Life Between Lives”.

The James Leininger Story

It flew around the world and made scientists who study the processes occurring in the brain and responsible for memory think.

The boy James Leininger became a sensation. He described in detail the events of the Second World War. The child described in detail what the plane he flew on looked like and even said his name. At first, parents and doctors did not believe James, considering his stories a figment of childhood fantasy and an excessive passion for airplanes. But after working with a psychologist, we managed to find out that all the details were valid. The list of pilots who died off the coast of Japan included the name of James Houston, which the child called.

American psychotherapist Carol Bowman said that James' memories are nothing more than post-mortem experiences. Real proof resettlement Painful experiences were recorded on the matrix as a result tragic death pilot Therefore, in the subsequent incarnation it was possible to remember the past.

The Graham Huxtable Story

Memory manifests itself in strange and unusual abilities that come out of nowhere. This could be skills or knowledge of ancient languages. There are cases where, under the influence of deep hypnosis, subjects spoke in a foreign dialect, and when they woke up, they did not remember this.

This is what happened to Graham Huxtable.

During a hypnosis session, he “turned” into a commoner sailor who lived many centuries ago. In a state of trance, Graham used unknown nautical terms and spoke with an accent. The hypnotic sleep lasted an hour and was recorded on audio tape. At the end of the session, the volunteer did not even remember what happened, and when he listened to the recording, he was surprised. The author of the experiment, Eimall Bloxham, believes that the visions experienced by the test subject are memories of lives.

The video talks about regression research conducted at the Moscow Institute of Hypnosis:

How burdened karma affects subsequent incarnations of a person

The more often the immaterial shell returns to Earth, the more experience it has, but not always positive. When there is a lot of debt, Heaven makes you go through painful and unpleasant situations again and again.

Karma is the totality of bad and good deeds

- not a punishment, but a path to correction. But ordinary people are accustomed to turning a blind eye to obvious facts, not wanting to learn. How do you understand what the lesson is?

  1. Repetitive situations. Fate persistently offers the same conflict patterns for a reason. They don't need to be avoided. Unsolved problems accumulate like a snowball.
  2. A certain type: bad boss, envious colleagues, naughty children. Is not collective images, and Teachers.
  3. Dreams and intrusive thoughts indicate a previously unfulfilled karmic destiny.

It is impossible to ignore messages from Above, just like living one day at a time. There is no such thing in the Universe. She thinks in global categories. And we are part of the Cosmos.

Animal Reincarnation

Some supporters of the theory argue that only we have the opportunity to return. Others say that they were all cats, dogs and mice, but gained Consciousness.

Karmic astrology has an occult basis. Karma indicates what a person is born with. Karma is action. And every action gives rise to a consequence. Those. there is a cause and there is an effect. The law of karma was formulated by Moses “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Any actions generate karma. Thoughts may not come true, but negative thoughts harm the person himself - his heart. The results of thoughts and actions are different in relation to karma. A person goes through more than one incarnation - his soul evolves over hundreds of lives.

The spirit is from God, the body is from the Earth. We met in the middle. Two processes were going on simultaneously - involution and evolution. The emergence of man – Spirit + Soul. Fall of the Spirit (son of Heaven) + daughter of Earth. At birth, the Soul begins to build an astral, ethereal shell. The process of incarnation occurs gradually, from 3 months before conception to 6 years.

  • ARIES - East, Korea, Japan, Alaska (England, Germany).
  • TAURUS - territories with fertile land - Ukraine, Persia, Poland, Holland, Cyprus.
  • GEMINI - where there is a windy climate, frequent tornadoes, winds, communication - the middle part of the USA, Northern. East, Africa.
  • CANCER - an area where there are rivers, streams, lakes, picturesque nature - provinces of the USA, Champagne (France), Argentina, China.
  • LEO - warm sunny climate - France. Italy, Romania, California in the USA.
  • VIRGO - well-developed agriculture, grain crops, hardworking nations - Switzerland, Japan.
  • SCALES - even temperate climate– England, Libya, North. China, Canada, Egypt.
  • SCORPIO - swampy or desert area with an abundance of poisonous animals - Amazon, Indochina, Sicily, Corsica.
  • SAGITTARIUS - large islands - Madagascar, Ceylon, Malta, Spain, Hungary. Italy.
  • CAPRICORN - highlands - South. China, mountainous part of India, East. Siberia, Tibet, Caucasus.
  • AQUARIUS - cold rainy climate - Scandinavia, Sweden, India, Russia.
  • FISH- sea ​​coasts or archipelagos - Tahiti, Bahamas.
Planets in the 4th House natal chart or in aspects with the Ascending Node:


  • + the previous incarnation was happy (actor, teacher, athlete). We repeat a lot from the past.
  • - loss of position.


  • + a person could have wealth, characterized by nobility of the family, aristocracy. Scientific or religious figure, merchant, scientist, navigator, adventurer, doctor.
  • - indicates that the person could have been an adventurer and ended his life far from his homeland.


  • + happy life, for men – good marriage, wealth, prosperity. Arts, crafts, farming, gardening, seamstress, tailor, painter, textile connection.
  • - wealth is lost, an idle, dissolute life.


  • + life is peaceful, calm, good conditions. Well-being, prosperity, your own home, surrounded by loved ones. Trader, sailor, fisherman. For men, it is responsible for personal life.
  • - an unfortunate end, from an accident, from water.


  • + scientist, doctor, writer, politician, trader. Interpreter (translator), scribe, servant, mediator.
  • - thief, petty deceiver. He was either a deceiver himself or was slandered and could have suffered as a result.

Mars, Pluto:

  • + leader, leader, idol. A person could have military rank, occupation, industrialist, banker, entrepreneur, butcher, blacksmith, surgeon, chemist, fireman, policeman.
  • - robber, rapist, murderer, violent end in the past. FORMULA FOR UNHAPPINESS.


  • + good financial situation in the past, connection with business.
  • - material losses, family karma or premature departure in the past.


  • + had a good position, authority, reputation, high responsible position, respect. Official, scientist, doctor, mathematician.
  • - life was difficult. Full of hardships, vicissitudes of fate, need. Laborer, miner, miner, stingy moneylender. A person could end his life alone, forgotten by everyone. Therefore, in this life there is no trust in others. FORMULA FOR UNHAPPINESS.


  • + unusual extraordinary occupation, scientist, astronomer, astrologer, doctor, engineer, reformer, director.
  • - indicates revolutionaries, outcasts, outcasts, holy fools. A person rejects social conventions or society rejects him.


  • + perhaps there was wealth: merchant, navigator, spiritual person, composer, musician, fisherman, sailor, traveler, pharmacist, psychologist, psychiatrist.
  • - swindler, deceiver, magician, fortune teller, wandering gypsies, beggars. Perhaps the person was injured by the church or died at sea during a shipwreck.


  • + public figure, leader, leader, idol. A person could have a military rank, a banker, a surgeon, a fireman, a policeman.
  • - robber, rapist, murderer, violent end in the past.

ORB with Ascending Lunar Node = ±5 degrees

Karmic questions and answers:

1. Issues of choosing a profession (also karmic). You need to understand your abilities, what a person came into this life with, what experience he has accumulated and in what areas of activity. It's never too late to start something. Even 2 hours before death. Perhaps this bookmark of activity will serve as the basis for the next life. All information stored in our memory emerges when necessary. We can say that these are innate abilities. It is important to listen to the person, his needs and determine the level (talk to everyone in his language).

2. Problems of personal life - marriage, celibacy, large families, childlessness, early widowhood. You can give birth all your life - not only your own children, but also adopted children, godparents, books, ideas. Infertility – Moon m.b. and not amazed. Just a child waiting for his parent, his time. It's not good to give birth if you're Ascendant Lunar Node in tense aspects with Jupiter, there may be problems with children. It’s good when the Ascending Lunar Node + Jupiter.

3. Predisposition to diseases. Habits from the past are good or bad family, conditions, connections, authority. If a person has crossed boundaries in the past, there may be punishments: you want to rule, but there is no opportunity, you cannot express yourself. Whoever steals from us takes karma upon himself, or we did not give him something in a past life, and now through theft he takes it from us. You need to give to others in such a way as not to strain them, not to overload them with intrusiveness. If they repay the debts, then everything is fine. Real Estate – Moon and 4th House.

These are also mental problems. We need to bring the matter to the 10th House - exchange, provide for a child, register real estate. Issues of inheritance are problems of the Soul and debts. There may be no grandchildren. Karma is measured by actions. The child must have something of his own (place, corner). If a mother feeds an adult child, it means she needs it so that the child is nearby. Parents must separate adult children (birds even throw chicks out of their nests). As a parent in old age, you need to give hobbies. And don’t be their nannies, otherwise neither parents nor children will make their right path. Problems of the Soul - mental illness (“not everyone is at home”, “the roof has gone crazy”). Don't talk about suicidal tendencies. This is the human ego. This is how a person avoids problems instead of solving them. He does not understand (pride) and often does not try to understand that this only harms his Soul.

4. The problem of isolation from society. There are criminals by birth, by negligence. A person can move away from society due to going beyond the familiar, the ordinary.

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