Russian military aviation. Military aircraft of the Russian and world air forces video, photos, pictures watch Which aircraft are in service with the Russian army

The importance of the air force in modern warfare enormous, and the conflicts of recent decades clearly confirm this. The Russian Air Force is second only to the American Air Force in the number of aircraft. Russian military aviation has a long and glorious history; until recently, the Russian Air Force was a separate branch of the military; in August last year, the Russian Air Force became part of the Aerospace Forces Russian Federation.

Russia is undoubtedly a great aviation power. Except glorious history, our country can boast of a significant technological reserve, which allows us to independently produce military aircraft of any type.

Today, Russian military aviation is going through a difficult period of its development: its structure is changing, new aircraft are entering service, and a generational change is taking place. However, the events of recent months in Syria have shown that the Russian Air Force can successfully carry out its combat missions in any conditions.

History of the Russian Air Force

The history of Russian military aviation began more than a century ago. In 1904, an aerodynamic institute was created in Kuchino, and one of the creators of aerodynamics, Zhukovsky, became its director. Within its walls, scientific and theoretical work was carried out aimed at improving aviation technology.

During the same period, the Russian designer Grigorovich worked on the creation of the world's first seaplanes. The first flight schools were opened in the country.

In 1910 the Imperial air force, which existed until 1917.

Russian aviation took Active participation in the First World War, although domestic industry at that time was significantly behind other countries participating in this conflict. Most of the combat aircraft flown by Russian pilots of that time were manufactured at foreign factories.

But still, domestic designers also had interesting discoveries. The first multi-engine bomber, the Ilya Muromets, was created in Russia (1915).

The Russian air force was divided into air squads, which included 6-7 aircraft. The detachments were united into air groups. The army and navy had their own aviation.

At the beginning of the war, aircraft were used for reconnaissance or adjusting artillery fire, but very quickly they began to be used for bombing the enemy. Soon fighters appeared and air battles began.

Russian pilot Nesterov made the first aerial ram, and a little earlier he performed the famous “dead loop”.

The Imperial Air Force was disbanded after the Bolsheviks came to power. Many pilots took part in civil war on different sides of the conflict.

In 1918, the new government created its own Air Force, which took part in the civil war. After its completion, the country's leadership paid great attention to the development of military aviation. This allowed the USSR in the 30s, after large-scale industrialization, to return to the club of the world's leading aviation powers.

New aircraft factories were built, design bureaus were created, and flight schools were opened. A whole galaxy of talented aircraft designers appeared in the country: Polyakov, Tupolev, Ilyushin, Petlyakov, Lavochnikov and others.

In the pre-war period, the armed forces received a large number of new types of aviation equipment, which were not inferior to foreign analogues: MiG-3, Yak-1, LaGG-3 fighters, TB-3 long-range bomber.

By the beginning of the war, Soviet industry had produced more than 20 thousand military aircraft of various modifications. In the summer of 1941, USSR factories produced 50 combat vehicles per day, three months later the production of equipment doubled (up to 100 vehicles).

The war for the USSR Air Force began with a series of crushing defeats - a huge number of aircraft were destroyed at border airfields and in air battles. For almost two years, German aviation had air supremacy. The Soviet pilots did not have the proper experience; they tactics were outdated, like most of the Soviet aircraft.

The situation began to change only in 1943, when the USSR industry mastered the production of modern combat vehicles, and the Germans had to best forces sent to defend Germany from Allied air raids.

By the end of the war, the quantitative superiority of the USSR Air Force became overwhelming. During the war, more than 27 thousand Soviet pilots died.

On July 16, 1997, by Decree of the President of Russia, the the new kind troops - the Air Force of the Russian Federation. The new structure included troops air defense and the air force. In 1998, the necessary structural changes were completed, the Main Headquarters of the Russian Air Force was formed, and a new commander-in-chief appeared.

Russian military aviation participated in all conflicts in the North Caucasus, in the Georgian war of 2008, in 2019, Russian Aerospace Forces were introduced into Syria, where they are currently located.

Around the middle of the last decade, active modernization of the Russian air force began.

Old aircraft are being modernized, units are receiving new equipment, new ones are being built and old air bases are being restored. The fifth generation fighter T-50 is being developed and is in its final stages.

Significantly increased monetary allowance military personnel, nowadays pilots have the opportunity to spend enough time in the air and hone their skills, exercises have become regular.

In 2008, the reform of the air force began. The structure of the Air Force was divided into commands, air bases and brigades. The commands were created on a territorial basis and replaced the air defense and air force armies.

Structure of the air force of the Russian Air Force

Today, the Russian Air Force is part of the military space forces, the decree on the creation of which was published in August 2019. The leadership of the Russian Aerospace Forces is carried out General base RF Armed Forces, and the direct command is the Main Command of the Aerospace Forces. The commander-in-chief of the Russian military space forces is Colonel General Sergei Surovikin.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force is Lieutenant General Yudin, he holds the position of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

In addition to the air force, the Aerospace Forces include space forces, air defense and missile defense units.

The Russian Air Force includes long-range, military transport and army aviation. In addition, the Air Force includes anti-aircraft, missile and radio technical troops. The Russian Air Force also has its own special troops, which perform many important functions: provide reconnaissance and communications, engage in electronic warfare, rescue operations and defense against weapons mass destruction. The Air Force also includes meteorological and medical services, engineering units, support units and logistics services.

The basis of the structure of the Russian air force are brigades, air bases and commands of the Russian Air Force.

Four commands are located in St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Khabarovsk and Novosibirsk. In addition, the Russian Air Force includes a separate command that manages long-range and military transport aviation.

As mentioned above, the Russian Air Force is second only to the US Air Force in size. In 2010, the strength of the Russian air force was 148 thousand people, about 3.6 thousand different pieces of aircraft were in operation, and about 1 thousand more were in storage.

After the 2008 reform, air regiments turned into air bases; in 2010, there were 60-70 such bases.

The Russian Air Force is assigned the following tasks:

  • repelling enemy aggression in the air and outer space;
  • protection from air strikes of military and government controlled, administrative and industrial centers, other important infrastructure facilities of the state;
  • defeating enemy troops using various types of ammunition, including nuclear;
  • conducting intelligence operations;
  • direct support for other branches and branches of the Russian Armed Forces.

Military aviation of the Russian Air Force

The Russian Air Force includes strategic and long-range aviation, military transport and army aviation, which, in turn, is divided into fighter, attack, bomber, and reconnaissance.

Strategic and long-range aviation is part of the Russian nuclear triad and is capable of carrying various types of nuclear weapons.

. These machines were designed and built back in the Soviet Union. The impetus for the creation of this aircraft was the development by the Americans of the B-1 strategist. Today, the Russian Air Force has 16 Tu-160 aircraft in service. These military aircraft can be armed with cruise missiles and free-fall bombs. Whether Russian industry will be able to establish serial production of these machines is an open question.

. This is a turboprop aircraft that made its first flight during Stalin’s lifetime. This vehicle has undergone deep modernization; it can be armed with cruise missiles and free-falling bombs with both conventional and nuclear warheads. Currently, the number of operating machines is about 30.

. This machine is called a long-range supersonic missile-carrying bomber. Tu-22M was developed in the late 60s of the last century. The aircraft has variable wing geometry. Can carry cruise missiles and bombs with a nuclear warhead. Total There are about 50 combat-ready vehicles, another 100 are in storage.

The fighter aviation of the Russian Air Force is currently represented by the Su-27, MiG-29, Su-30, Su-35, MiG-31, Su-34 (fighter-bomber) aircraft.

. This machine is the result of a deep modernization of the Su-27; it can be classified as generation 4++. The fighter has increased maneuverability and is equipped with advanced electronic equipment. Commencement of operation of the Su-35 - 2014. The total number of aircraft is 48 aircraft.

. The famous attack aircraft, created back in the mid-70s of the last century. One of the best aircraft in its class in the world, the Su-25 has participated in dozens of conflicts. Today there are about 200 Rooks in service, with another 100 in storage. This aircraft is being modernized and will be completed in 2020.

. A front-line bomber with variable wing geometry, designed to overcome enemy air defenses at low altitude and supersonic speed. The Su-24 is an obsolete aircraft; it is planned to be written off by 2020. 111 units remain in service.

. The newest fighter-bomber. There are currently 75 such aircraft in service with the Russian Air Force.

Transport aviation Russian Air Force is represented by several hundred different aircraft, the vast majority developed in the USSR: An-22, An-124 “Ruslan”, Il-86, An-26, An-72, An-140, An-148 and other models.

Training aviation includes: Yak-130, Czech aircraft L-39 Albatros and Tu-134UBL.

The air force is one of the most important components of the defense capability of each country. Every day, scientists around the world work to create faster and more efficient combat aircraft. Our review today presents 19 of the best fighter models that have already proven themselves to be excellent in battle.

1. American fighter-attack aircraft - Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

This model is a modernized version of a military aircraft F/A-18. The sample weighs 14.5 tons, and one full tank will be enough to fly 3,300 kilometers. The aircraft is equipped with a powerful F404 engine, thanks to which maximum speed can reach 1915 km/h. The Super Hornet costs about $67 million.

2. German monoplane fighter - Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Wurger

The presented model performed well in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War. Kurt Tank is the developer of a fighter called the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Wurger, which was created specifically for the German Air Force. The aircraft made its first flight back in 1939.

3. American light fighter - Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon

This model was developed back in 1974, but was put into operation at the end of 1979. The sample length is 15 meters. The sample is equipped with a powerful General Electric F110 engine. Price General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is about 19 million US dollars.

4. Swedish multi-role fighter - Saab JAS 39 Gripen

The presented model has been in service with the Swedish Air Force since 1997. The weight of this sample is 6622 kilograms, while the flight range from one full tank reaches 3250 kilometers. The creator of the aircraft is Saab AB. Costs Saab JAS 39 Gripen approximately 60 million US dollars.

5. Fighter - Su-30MKI (Flanker-H)

The modernized model of the aircraft weighs 18,400 kilograms, while its flight range from one full tank reaches 3,000 kilometers. This model made its first flight in 2000. The fighter is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine. Price Su-30MKI is 25 million US dollars.

6. Two-seat fighter - McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle

This model was created on the basis of the F-15D combat training fighter. This aircraft can be used for patrolling and providing cover for ground forces. The sample is equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney F100 engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed can reach 2655 kilometers per hour. Price McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle is approximately US$31 million.

7. French multi-role fighter - Dassault Rafale

French company Dassault Aviation is the creator of a 15 meter fighter called - Dassault Rafale. The maximum speed of this model reaches 2130 km/h, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3700 kilometers.

8. Experimental aircraft - Sukhoi Su-35

This fighter weighs 18,400 kilograms, while its flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,600 kilometers. The model is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft reaches 2500 km/h. Costs Su-27M about 65 million US dollars.

9. Multirole fighter - Eurofighter Typhoon

This model was created by the company Eurofighter GmbH in 1986. The aircraft weighs 11 tons, and its flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,790 kilometers. The maximum permissible speed of the aircraft is 1838 km/h.

10. Fighter-bomber - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

American company Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company is the creator of a stealth fighter called - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. This model is equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed can reach 1930 km/h and the flight range is 2220 kilometers. The sample made its first flight in 2006.

11. American attack aircraft - Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk

This model is developed by the company Lockheed Martin. This model is designed to quietly penetrate enemy air defense systems and destroy strategically important targets. The aircraft is equipped with a powerful General Electric F404 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 993 kilometers per hour. Price Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk is about 100 million US dollars.

12. Multi-role fighter - Mig 21

This model is equipped with a turbojet engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2175 kilometers per hour. The sample made its first flight back in 1955. Mig-21 is one of the most common supersonic aircraft around the world.

13. English fighter - Supermarine Spitfire

This model is one of the best fighters Second World War. This model is equipped with powerful engines such as: Rolls-Royce Merlin, Rolls-Royce Griffon, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can be 584 kilometers per hour. The aircraft made its first flight back in 1936.

14. Russian fighter - MiG-35

This model is equipped with a powerful RD-33 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2600 km/h. The sample made its first flight in 2007. One full tank will last the aircraft for 2000 kilometers.

15. Multirole fighter - Chengdu J-10

This model is a development of a Chinese company Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group.
The presented sample is equipped with a turbofan engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed of the aircraft can reach 2327 kilometers per hour. The aircraft made its first flight in 1998. Price Chengdu J-10 is 28 million US dollars.

16. British fighter - Hawker Siddeley Harrier

This model is a development of the Hawker Siddeley company, which in 1960 created a fighter called Hawker Siddeley Harrier. The maximum permissible flight speed of this sample is 1175 kilometers per hour.

17. American fighter - North American P-51 Mustang

This model was created by designer Edgar Schmüd together with the company North American Aviation. This model is equipped with a powerful twelve-cylinder engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 703 kilometers per hour.

18. Russian fighter - Su-47 Berkut

This model is equipped with powerful engines such as AL-31F, D-30, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2650 km/h. The sample weighs 16,380 kilograms, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,300 kilometers. The Su-47 Berkut costs about 70 million US dollars.

19. Multi-role fighter - Su-27

This model is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed can reach 2500 km/h. The sample weighs 16,380 kilograms, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,530 kilometers. Costs Su-27 approximately 30 million US dollars.

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The history of military aviation began almost immediately after the first flight of the American Wright brothers' aircraft, which took place in 1903 - within a few years, the military of most armies around the world realized that the aircraft could become an excellent weapon. With the outbreak of the First World War combat aviation as a branch of the military was already quite a serious force - it first found application reconnaissance aircraft, which made it possible to obtain complete and operational data on the movements of enemy troops, followed by bombers, first improvised, and then specially built, that took to the skies. Finally, fighter aircraft were created to counter enemy aircraft. Air aces appeared, about whose successes films were made and newspapers wrote with admiration. Soon the navy also acquired its own air force - naval aviation was born, and the first air transports and aircraft carriers began to be built.

Military aviation truly showed itself to be one of the main branches of the military with the beginning of the Second World War. Luftwaffe bombers and fighters became one of the main instruments of the German blitzkrieg, which predetermined the successes of Germany in the first years of the war on all fronts, and Japanese naval aviation as the main striking force navy The attack on Pearl Harbor set the course of hostilities in Pacific Ocean. British fighter aircraft were the decisive factor in preventing an invasion of the islands, and Allied strategic bombers brought Germany and Japan to the brink of disaster. Soviet attack aircraft became a legend of the Soviet-German front.
Not a single modern armed conflict can survive without military aviation. Thus, even in the event of the slightest tension, military transport aircraft carry out the transfer of military equipment and manpower, and army aviation, armed attack helicopters, provides support to ground troops. Modern aviation technology is developing in several directions. UAVs are increasingly being used - unmanned aerial vehicles, which, like 100 years ago, first became reconnaissance vehicles, and now increasingly carry out strike missions, demonstrating spectacular training and combat firing. However, so far, drones are not capable of completely replacing traditional manned combat aircraft, the design of which these days focuses on reducing radar signature, increasing maneuverability and the ability to fly at supersonic cruising speeds. However, the situation is changing so rapidly that only the most daring science fiction writers can predict in which direction military aviation will develop in the coming years.
On the Warspot portal you can always read articles and news on aviation topics, watch videos or photo reviews on the history of military aviation from its very origins to the present - about airplanes and helicopters, combat use air force, about pilots and aviation designers, about auxiliary military equipment and equipment used in the Air Force different armies peace.

The air force has long become the basis of the armed forces of any army. Airplanes are becoming more than just a means of delivering bombs and missiles to the enemy; modern aviation is multifunctional combat systems with wings. The newest F-22 and F-35 fighters, as well as their modifications, have already been put into service with the US Army, and here we mean “army” as ground troops. This means that infantry is now on a par with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and includes fighters. This highlights the role of air power in modern warfare. Such a shift towards multifunctionality was made possible by new developments in the field of aircraft construction and changes in the principles of war. Modern fighter can fight without approaching the target closer than 400 km, launch missiles at 30 targets and at the same second turn around and fly to the base. The case is of course a special one, but it more than describes the picture. Not exactly what we are used to seeing in Hollywood blockbusters in which, no matter how far you look into the future, fighters in the air and in space are conducting classic “dog fights” from the times of the Great Patriotic War. Some time ago, a couple of news sites were full of news that in the battle simulation, “drying” and F-22, domestic car came out victorious due to superior maneuverability; of course, we were talking about superiority in close combat. All articles noted that in long-range combat the Raptor is superior to the Su-35 due to more advanced weapons and guidance systems. This is what distinguishes 4++ and 5th generations.

On this moment The Russian Air Force is armed with combat aircraft the so-called 4++ generation, those same Su-35s. This is the product of a deep modernization of the Su-27 and Mig-29, which have been available since the 80s; it is planned to begin a similar modernization of the Tu-160 soon. 4++ means as close as possible to the fifth generation; in general, the modern “drying” differs from the PAK FA in the absence of “stealth” and AFAR. Nevertheless, the possibilities for modernizing this design have basically been exhausted, so the issue of creating a new generation of fighters has been around for a long time.

Fifth generation

Fifth generation of fighters. We often hear this term in the news about modern weapons and at aviation shows. What is it? "Generation" is in general outline list of requirements that modern military doctrine to the combat vehicle. The 5th generation vehicle should be stealthy and supersonic cruising speed, advanced target detection systems and electronic warfare systems, but the most important thing is versatility. It’s not for nothing that projects have the word “complex” in their names. The ability to fight equally well in the air and hit ground targets largely determines the appearance of the fifth generation. These are the tasks that were set for the future designers of the new symbol of domestic aviation.

The development of a new generation began in the USSR and the USA almost simultaneously, back in the 80s, and in the States they already selected a prototype in the 90s. Due to world-famous events, the Soviet program found itself stagnating long years, this is the reason for the lag these days. As you know, the 5th generation fighter F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning are already in service with the United States and a number of other countries. What is noteworthy is that “Raptors” are not yet supplied even to allies, having noticeable advantages over “Lightnings”, the exclusive presence of “Raptors” in the US Army makes their Air Force the most advanced in the world.

Our response to the “Raptors” is still being prepared, the dates have been postponed several times, from 2016 to 2017 2019, now it’s 2020, but experts say that another postponement is possible, although they note that a new Russian fighter every day it is increasingly taking the form of a product ready for mass production.

Su-47 "Berkut"

In Russia, the fifth generation has a rather long-suffering history. As you know, the PAK FA, also known as the T-50, and more recently the Su-57, is not the first attempt to put into service an ultra-modern multi-role fighter. One of these attempts was the Su-47, also known as Berkut. Testing of a new aircraft with a forward-swept wing took place back in the 90s. The car is very memorable and for a long time was visible and heard. The “reverse” wings partly played a cruel joke on him. This design brought the aircraft to new level maneuverability, however, to solve all the problems of such a design, the forces were never found, either in Russia or in the States, where in the 80s there was a project for the X-29, a fighter with a similar swept wing. Also, this prototype did not meet all the requirements of the fifth generation, for example, it could only overcome supersonic power with afterburner.

Only one fighter was built and it is now used only as a prototype. Perhaps the Su-47 will be the last attempt to create an aircraft with a forward-swept wing.

Su-57 (PAK FA)

PAK FA (Advanced Aviation Complex Frontline Aviation) is a new Russian aircraft. It became the first successful attempt to bring to life the fifth generation of aircraft. At the moment, there is little information in the public domain about its characteristics. From the obvious, it has all the characteristics of the fifth generation, namely supersonic cruising speed, stealth technologies, active phased array antennas (AFAR), and so on. Externally, it is similar to the F-22 Raptor. And now everyone who is not too lazy is already starting to compare these machines, no wonder, because the Su-57 will become the main “protagonist” in the fight against the Raptors and Lightnings. It is worth noting that in the new realities, the improvement of missiles will also occupy a special place. As has already been said, entering into battle takes place over gigantic distances, so how maneuverable a fighter will be and how well it feels in close combat is a matter of minor importance.

In Russia, the “arrows” for the latest aviation technology are the R-73 rocket and its modifications, which rightfully bear the fame of a formidable weapon. But the designers, in accordance with the good Russian tradition, “just in case”, provided for the installation of a 30-mm air cannon on the Su-57.

In developing

Another transition to the “five” is planned for another 4++ aircraft - the Mig-35. Sketches of the “face” of the future interceptor have already been shown, but it is not yet clear whether there will be a need for it or whether the Su-57 will cope with its functions. Not only would a light fighter meet all the requirements of the new generation, it would be necessary to develop a fundamentally new engine and solve the problem of installing stealth. Which is impossible for cars of this class in modern realities. As mentioned earlier, the fifth generation assumes the multifunctionality that the Su-57 should theoretically have, so what tasks will be assigned to the Mig is still not clear.

Another promising vehicle for the Russian aviation forces is the PAK DA, being developed within the walls of the Tupolev design bureau. From the acronym it is clear that we're talking about about long-range aviation. According to the plan, the first flight is in 2025, but given the tendency to postpone the release of anything, you can immediately throw in a couple of three, or even five years. Therefore, most likely we will not soon see the new Tupolev take off into the sky; obviously, long-range aviation will make do with the Tu-160 and its modification in the near future.

Sixth generation

On the Internet, no, no, yes, there is a yellow article about the sixth generation of fighters. That development is already in full swing somewhere. This is of course not true, because let us remind you that the newest fifth generation is in service only with the United States. Therefore, it is too early to talk about “development at full speed.” I should finish with the fifth one here. As for speculation about what the weapons of the future will look like, there is room for discussion. What will the new generation of aircraft be like?

From the sixth generation we can expect that all standard characteristics will increase. Speed, maneuverability. Most likely, the weight will decrease, thanks to new materials of the future, electronics will reach a new level. In the coming decades, we may expect breakthroughs in the creation quantum computers, this will allow us to move to an unprecedented level of computing speed, which in turn will allow us to seriously modernize the modern AI of the aircraft, which in the future may rightfully bear the name “co-pilot”. Presumably, there will be a complete abandonment of the vertical tail, which is absolutely useless in modern realities, since fighters operate mainly at extreme and extreme angles of attack. This may lead to interesting shapes airframe, perhaps another attempt to change the wing sweep.

The most important question that future designers will decide is whether a pilot is needed at all? That is, will the fighter be controlled by AI or by a pilot, and if by a pilot, will the pilot control the plane remotely or the old-fashioned way from the cockpit. Imagine a plane without a pilot. This is a huge “relief” for the car, because in addition to the weight of the pilot himself and his equipment, a decent load is created by the pilot’s seat, which is supposed to save lives, which makes it a complex machine, stuffed with electronics and mechanisms for ejecting the pilot. Not to mention changing the design of the airframe, in which there is no need to allocate a huge amount of space for a person and rack your brains over the ergonomic design of the cockpit to make it easier to control the machine in the air. The absence of a pilot means that you no longer need to worry about overloads, which means the car can be accelerated to any speed that the structure can handle, the same goes for maneuvers in the sky. This will also make pilot training easier. And we are talking not only about reducing the requirements for the pilot’s health. Now the pilot is the most valuable thing in a fighter aircraft. Enormous amounts of time and resources are spent on preparation; the loss of a pilot is irreparable. If a pilot controls a fighter from the comfort of a chair deep in a bunker on a military base, then this will change the face of war no less than the “transfer” from horses to tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

The prospect of completely eliminating the pilot still looks like a task for the more distant future. Scientists are warning about the consequences of using AI, and the very philosophical and ethical component of replacing a person with a robot in war is still being studied. We still do not have the computing power to create a full-fledged replacement for the pilot, but in the coming decades a technological revolution in this area is possible. On the other hand, the pilot's flair and military ingenuity cannot be recreated by zeros and ones. For now, these are all hypotheses, so the appearance modern aviation and the air force of the near future will still have a human face.

The military-industrial complex of Russia is one of the most modern in the world, therefore Russian military aviation is also one of the most modern on the planet.

The Russian military-industrial complex is capable of producing almost any type of modern military aircraft, including fifth-generation fighters.

Russian military aviation consists of:

  • Russian bombers
  • Russian fighters
  • Russian attack aircraft
  • Russian AWACS aircraft
  • Flying tankers (refuelers) of Russia
  • Russian military transport aircraft
  • Russian military transport helicopters
  • Russian attack helicopters

The main manufacturers of military aircraft in Russia are PJSC Sukhoi Company, JSC RSK MiG, Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil, JSC Kamov and others.

You can see photos and descriptions of some companies' products using the links:

Let's look at each class of military aircraft with descriptions and photographs.

Russian bombers

Wikipedia will very accurately explain to us what a bomber is: A bomber is a military aircraft designed to destroy ground, underground, surface, and underwater targets using bombs and/or missile weapons. .

Long-range bombers of Russia

Long-range bombers in Russia are developed and produced by the Tupolev Design Bureau.

Long-range bomber Tu-160

The Tu-160, which received the unofficial name “White Swan”, is the fastest and heaviest long-range bomber in the world. The Tu-160 “White Swan” is capable of reaching supersonic speed, and not every fighter is able to keep up with it.

Long-range bomber Tu-95

Tu-95 is a veteran of Russian long-range aviation. Developed back in 1955 and having undergone many upgrades, the Tu-95 is still Russia's main long-range bomber.

Long-range bomber Tu-22M

Tu-22M is another long-range bomber of the Russian Aerospace Forces. It has variable sweep wings, like the Tu-160, but its dimensions are smaller.

Frontline bombers of Russia

Frontline bombers in Russia are developed and produced by PJSC Sukhoi Company.

Su-34 front-line bomber

The Su-34 is a 4++ generation combat aircraft, a fighter-bomber, although it would be more accurate to call it a front-line bomber.

Su-24 front-line bomber

Su-24 is a front-line bomber, the development of which began in the USSR in the early 60s of the last century. Currently, it is being replaced by the Su-34.

Russian fighters

Fighter aircraft in Russia are developed and produced by two companies: PJSC Sukhoi Company and JSC RSK MiG.

Su fighters

PJSC Sukhoi Company supplies the troops with such modern combat vehicles, such as the fifth generation fighter Su-50 (PAK FA), Su-35, front-line bomber Su-34, carrier-based fighter Su-33, Su-30, heavy fighter Su-27, Su-25 attack aircraft, Su-24M3 front-line bomber.

Fifth generation fighter PAK FA (T-50)

PAK FA (T-50 or Su-50) is a fifth-generation fighter developed by PJSC Sukhoi Company for the Russian Aerospace Forces since 2002. As of the end of 2016, tests are being completed and the aircraft is being prepared for transfer to regular units.

Photo PAK FA (T-50).

Su-35 is a 4++ generation fighter aircraft.

Photo of Su-35.

Carrier-based fighter Su-33

Su-33 is a 4++ generation carrier-based fighter. Several such aircraft are in service with the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

Su-27 fighter

The Su-27 is the main combat fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces. On its basis, the Su-34, Su-35, Su-33 and several other fighters were developed.

Su-27 in flight

MiG fighters

RSK MiG JSC currently supplies the troops with the MiG-31 interceptor fighter and the MiG-29 fighter.

MiG-31 interceptor fighter

The MiG-31 is an interceptor fighter designed to perform missions at any time of the day and in any weather. The MiG-31 is a very fast aircraft.

MiG-29 fighter

The MiG-29 is one of the main combat fighters of the Russian Aerospace Forces. There is a deck version - MiG-29K.


The only attack aircraft in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces is the Su-25 attack aircraft.

Su-25 attack aircraft

Su-25 is an armored subsonic attack aircraft. The aircraft made its first flight in 1975. Since then, having undergone many upgrades, it has reliably performed its tasks.

Russian military helicopters

Helicopters for the army are produced by the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil and JSC Kamov.

Kamov helicopters

OJSC Kamov specializes in the production of coaxial helicopters.

Ka-52 helicopter

The Ka-52 Alligator is a two-seat helicopter capable of performing both attack and reconnaissance functions.

Deck helicopter Ka-31

The Ka-31 is a deck-based helicopter equipped with a long-range radio detection and guidance system and is in service with the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

Deck helicopter Ka-27

The Ka-27 is a multi-purpose carrier-based helicopter. The main modifications are anti-submarine and rescue.

Photo of Ka-27PL Russian Navy

Helicopters Mile

Mi helicopters are developed by the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil.

Mi-28 helicopter

Mi-28 - attack helicopter used by the Russian army of Soviet design.

Mi-24 helicopter

The Mi-24 is a world-famous attack helicopter created in the 1970s in the USSR.

Mi-26 helicopter

Mi-24 is a heavy transport helicopter, also developed during the Soviet era. At the moment it is the largest helicopter in the world.

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