Non-statutory ranks for 1 year of service. Scoop in the army - decoding. "Spirits" are different

Soldiers in the army have their own hierarchy, their own unspoken ranks and promotions. career ladder. Growing up to “grandfather” means not only completing the required two years of service, but also going through a whole series of rituals and initiations: after all, even before dismissal you can remain a disenfranchised “spirit” if you do not follow the unwritten laws.

For the first six months in the army, the soldiers are absolutely nothing. "Spirit" is disembodied. "New guy." “Lace”... True, a successfully completed “first baptism” can significantly make life easier for a new recruit. In some parts this ritual is called a “candle”, in others it is called an “enema”. The essence of this test is the same: the soldiers who swore allegiance to the Motherland during the day on the parade ground undergo a severe exam in the barracks at night. With a red pepper pod inserted between their buttocks, they should lie quietly all night. So that the “grandfathers” do not wake up or disturb.

If in the morning the subject demonstrates the unextracted pepper and is able to walk, then he is given the title of “pepper”. If he can’t or, God forbid, tries to simulate, then he will remain a “spirit” whose destiny is to wash “grandfathers’” socks and make other people’s beds.

The second rite of passage awaits the young soldier after six months of service: the “grandfathers” solemnly transfer him to the category of “skull”. The newborn is placed on a stool in the middle of the barracks or laid face down on the bed. They lower their pants and... they just hit the soft spot with a soldier’s badge. At the end of the ritual, the seat turns into a continuous hematoma with traces of twenty-four stars: the “grandfathers” hit with all their might - a year ago they themselves went through this test. Now the initiate gains new rights and opportunities. He himself can scare the “spirits” and receives concessions from his elders.

After another six months, the “skull” becomes a “scoop” - in the same manner, but receives half as many blows, and not with such force. They beat you not with a badge, but with a ladle, stolen from the dining room in advance. They say that this tradition came from the navy: the cook had assistants, whom he beat with a ladle just below the back for various offenses.

After exchanging a year and a half of service, you become a “grandfather” - a barracks demigod. You can have fun with the young ones out of boredom: after all, the “grandfather” is not burdened with work and service. During the day he can sleep in the storeroom, and at night he can tell jokes. For example, look at the “bicycle”: matches or pieces of cotton wool are inserted between a sleeping soldier’s toes and set on fire. The poor guy jerks his legs in pain, and “grandfather” laughs: it looks like he’s pedaling.

“Grandfathers” also like to “dry a crocodile.” This is when the “spirit”, clinging to the headboards of the bed with its arms and legs, hovers over the merry fellow lying below. He can either tickle or kick him - the “crocodile” must hold on at all costs. Otherwise, he will face severe punishment. They can make a “moose” (the recruit puts his palms together on his forehead, and the “grandfather” hits him on the “horns”), they can “release a thrush” (they hit him in chest, sometimes with a foot). Some "grandfathers" force the "spirits" to "watch TV." The soldier stands on bent legs, holding a stool in his outstretched arms, on which stands a three-liter jar of water. This is “TV” (you also need to retell what is shown there). The “TV show” is designed to last 5-10 minutes, but, as a rule, no one can stand more than three. And this is fraught with “moose” or “thrush”...

There are also peaceful entertainments in the army. Most often they play "demobilization train". All night long, three young soldiers are courting the “grandfather,” who is supposedly on his way home. One rocks the bed, making the sounds of train wheels. The second runs around the bed with a flashlight and a branch, imitating the landscape flashing outside the window. The third plays the role of guide: straightens the blanket, fluffs the pillow, brings tea and cigarettes, sings lullabies. If “grandfather” is hot, then he is fanned with a newspaper, if it is cold, he is covered with a blanket. In the morning, the passenger of the “demobilization train” is greeted with a bouquet of field daisies and a cheerful song.

Sometimes a “grandfather” awakened by someone’s snoring opens the “hunting season.” One of the young soldiers receives an order to “kill the tiger.” Armed with a pillow, the “hunter”, with all precautions, creeps up on the snoring person and, with a loud cry, hits him on the head with his “weapon”, after which he hides under the bed. From there comes the report: “Comrade “grandfather”, “tiger” has been killed. May I go to bed?..”

In the tank forces, “grandfathers” teach young people to drive “tanks” at night. "Spirits" crawl under the beds with a piece tank caterpillar- a truck - and they hum and rumble funny, like a tank diesel engine. Sometimes they are forced to carry out “shootings” and “frontal attacks”: from the outside it looks funny.

IN airborne troops The game "downed plane" is very popular. The “grandfather” lying on the bunk of the lower tier watches the “battlefield”; the “plane” itself sits on the top one. Another recruit “shoots” from a stool at the top tier: “Ta-ta-ta-ta...”. “Knocked down!” the “old man” shouts and kicks the net with the mattress above his head. The “plane” quickly dives down and when it hits the floor, it loudly shouts: “Bang!” The stool gunner reports: “Comrade “grandfather”! The enemy plane was shot down on your orders. There were no casualties among personnel...”

In some parts of the "laces" they are forced to work at night as "hairdressers" - giving fashionable hairstyles to the lawns. The “hedgehog” must be of a strictly defined height, say 2.3 centimeters. The soldiers are armed with rulers, scissors and combs: if you make a mistake, you can get new task- clean the parade ground with toothbrushes...

When there are 100 days left before the demobilization order, the final initiation begins: the “grandfather” is transferred to the demobilization order. They carefully lay him on the bed and beat him six times on the sore spot... with a thread. Now, every evening after lights out, one of the young soldiers will climb onto the bedside table and crow from there to the entire barracks: “Demobilization has become a day shorter, to all the “grandfathers” Good night!" Soon the "grandfathers" will go home - to ordinary life without army eccentricities.

“Grandfather”, of course, will not wash the floors - this is generally a bummer. And in principle, any burdensome work is not for him. "Grandfathers" don't go to morning exercises, don't get blown up jump off upper tiers beds in the barracks on the command “Company, rise!” Firstly, only “dushars” and “bespontovnye” “scoops” sleep upstairs. Secondly, the “grandfather” is “supposed” to be slow due to his service life - others should “take care” for him, he jumped back. “Grandfathers” are trying to take “warm” places in the army - they are privateers, grain cutters.

IN Soviet army"grandfathers" could be unmistakably distinguished by appearance. Appearance is the “grandfather’s” passport, his indispensable attribute. A self-respecting “grandfather” will never look “spiritual.” Distinctive features, which were supposed to indicate the highest social status conscripts were present in almost every item of clothing and footwear of the old-time serviceman. The buckle of the leather belt, which is certainly curved inward, shines, polished with “goyim paste”, like a mirror in the sun. The cockade on the cap (in the cold season - on the hat) is curved in the same way as the belt badge. The hat itself is a “bucket” (a special form of the “grandfather’s” headdress, obtained after equipping the hat special inserts and subsequent ironing).

“Paradka” - a dress jacket - immaculately ironed and new (more often - “wrung out” from the “spirit”). It should have all the badges that it is possible to get - from Komsomol to Guards. The uniform is cotton, like the overcoat (peacoat) - sewn. Boots - cowhide, shortened, heels cut to a cone, with horseshoes. Hairstyle - forelock in front, according to the rules in back, with edging. In winter, under cotton - “louse” (sweater or something else, also non-statutory, but warm).

“Hemming” (collar) - no standard “dukhov” ones, just a snow-white piece of a torn sheet or pillowcase neatly folded in several layers, preferably almost as thick as a finger - this is a special chic. The “grandfather” is hemmed (or rather, the “spirits” are hemmed) only with black thread. “Grandfathers” - “demobilization” (soldiers and sergeants after the order of the Minister of Defense on the demobilization of their conscription) wear an embroidered “DMB” sign on the “file”.

Dressing style: hat (cap) - on the back of the head, the top button on the jacket - unbuttoned, a cotton hook is not used at all. Boots - accordion. The belt hangs on... (on personal belongings, let's say so).

The “correct” “grandfather” does not chase away “spirits” - this is the lot of the “scoopers”. “Grandfathers” also try not to go to the canteen - food should be carried to them by “spirits” “Grandfather” - “demobilization” with thoughts already “there”, in civilian life. He gives his breakfast butter to the “spirits”, and he finishes putting his carnival demobilization uniform in order.

2 Since military service became only one year, instead of two, it has become a multi-year concept, and the informal soldier hierarchy has changed somewhat. Therefore, now not all citizens will be able to answer about the current army realities... Add us to your bookmarks so that you can return to us again. Today we will touch upon a rather funny word from army life, this Scoop, which means you can read it a little later.
However, before you continue, I would like to recommend a few useful publications on the subject of the army. For example, what does Blue Splashed mean? what does it mean to pinch, how to understand the word Smeared, what is Zalet, etc.
So let's continue What does Cherpak mean? decryption in the army?

Scoop(new for those who serve for a year) - this is what they call those who served 150 days

Scoop(obsolete for those who served for 2 years) - for the honorary title of scoop, you had to serve 12 months

Today, in most military units of the Russian Federation, non-statutory titles have an idea, but transitions from one to another are no longer accompanied by special rituals, as it was before.
Usually, soldiers simply verbally congratulate them on “receiving” another non-statutory promotion.
Today we’ll talk about those of them that have survived to this day.


In the first days in the army, newcomers are not even perfumes, but only smells. If you think that after you have watched a large amount of information in the form of army-oriented TV series and films, you have automatically become perfume, then this is not true.
Why are noobs called smells in the army? It is believed that these boys smell like their mother’s pancakes and pies that they ate in civilian life.

However, the “smell” from “demobilization” is practically no different, because the first one has one foot in civilian life, and demobilization is already practically there. Eventually " smell"The newcomer will take the oath, which will be no later than 2 months.

Once you have settled into the army and finally taken the oath, you become a spirit.

Spirits in the army

The fighter remains in the role of spirit from 60 to 100 days, within which he actively cleans, and fulfills all the wishes of grandfathers and demobilizers.

Elephants in the army

Finally the day comes when you become a person, namely " elephant". This significant event takes place after 100 days. Of course, you ask, why "elephant"? What kind of joke is this? In fact, there is not much funny here, as it turned out, this is an abbreviation that stands for " Soldier Loving Fucking Loads". As the name implies, during this period the fighter is engaged in active physical labor. The guys plow with all their might, repair old iron, carry things in warehouses, but you never know how much work there is for the obedient workforce.

The initiation into elephants is quite soft, and taken from a past “life”. It is carried out simply, the old-timer does not hit the butt very hard with a plaque, and only three times, which symbolizes the three past months.

Scoops in the army

This is a non-statutory title, each fighter receives after 150 days of tireless care for his homeland. It is worth noting that this type of rank is not present in all units, and sometimes grandfathers immediately follow the elephants.

Grandfathers in the army

A soldier becomes a grandfather when all the old-timers who came to the draft before you are dismissed from the unit. It is then that you straighten your shoulders and walk proudly looking down at everyone. This period will actually be the longest for you until the order comes for your transfer to the reserve.

Of course you ask how are dedicated to grandfathers? Usually, the ritual itself is carried out only with the consent of the elder himself, and consists of delivering several blows to a soft spot with a chair. Their number is strictly regulated, and depends (as you probably guessed) on how many months the person spent in the army.

After the order comes for your release to civilian life, you turn into a great and terrible demobilization.

Demobilization in the army

According to the tradition adopted decades ago, every self-respecting demobilizer gets himself a personal “spirit”. Nowadays, many people do not smoke, but for those who smoke demobilization there is one small plus, or rather a tradition that brightens up the wait.
Every day, a personal spirit brings a cigarette to the demobilizer and reports on the entire form approved back in time immemorial- “Allow me to report how long the demobilizer will serve.” After this, the demobilizer receives a cigarette on which it is written how long he actually has left to serve. At this moment, his face begins to beam with happiness, and he realizes that life is not so bad.

IN demobilization is dedicated Quite a fun procedure. It will require an ordinary thread, and several mattresses or pillows; after everything is prepared, the execution begins. The demobilizer covers his soft spot with these personal protective equipment, and a specially trained person begins to whip him on the ass with a thread, through the mattress and pillows. At this time, the demobilizer, or his attendant in the form of a personal spirit, begins to scream as if in pain.

Soldier ranks:

Smell- before the oath;

Spirit- if less than 100 days of service;

Elephant- from 100 days of service;

Scoop- from 150 days (sometimes this item is missing);

Grandfather- from 200 days;

demobilization- from 265 days of service.

Today, old traditions are forever becoming a thing of the past, because serving for one year is morally much easier than the previous two or three years. Navy. When the Russian army finally becomes fully contract-based, then hazing and these

A -
Axel - aiguillette, wicker pendant.

B -
Babos - money.
Baksitki are money.
Balabas is some kind of food, often something very tasty, but when you want to eat, then any food! One can only guess about the origin of the word.
Balabash - eat, eat, take food.
Mess - BRDM - combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle.
Beluga - underwear - shirt and long johns.
Without fawning - secretly, unnoticed, observing secrecy and maintaining the effect of surprise.
Beaver is a morally and physically depressed soldier. The beaver is always sloppily dressed, dirty and prone to humiliation. In the Navy, a beaver is a sailor before taking the Oath.
Bolts are pearl barley porridge, which, due to its high taste and nutritional qualities, is very “adored” by the personnel of the RF Armed Forces.
Armored - tankers.
Paper Grandfather - that is, not real. After graduating from higher education educational institution, "towers". A soldier called up for a year and after six months of service becomes a paper grandfather.
Boomer - BMP, Fighting machine Infantry.
Bams is a combat vehicle of a duty unit.
Baters - linen lice - from the word armored personnel carrier, since their shape resembles a Combat Reconnaissance Transporter. Linen lice appear if a soldier does not change his underwear and does not wash for a long time. They are easily carried and moved from the clothes of one soldier to the clothes of someone standing next to him. The source of spread is often hot spots where soldiers do not have the opportunity to wash themselves and take care of their clothes. The soldier's method is removed using heat treatment of all folds on the linen and uniform (for example, using an iron), as well as by boiling or steaming the linen and uniform. It is also necessary to shave the hair under the arms and on the groin, where Baters lay eggs.
Beha - BMP (Infantry Fighting Vehicle).

IN -
Varkul - a strike with the palm of the hand to the neck area.
The take-off is the central passage in the barracks.
Getting stuck means getting into trouble, getting a job you don’t want, getting into trouble, and the like.
Get on skis - escape, leave without permission military unit, desert.
To rub in is to say something convincingly, to prove your point of view to someone.
To suck - the expression describes all the problems of soldiers with a short service life. Constantly work, humiliate yourself, fulfill the whims of the senior call.
To wallow is to do nothing, sit with folded arms, and rest.
To pass out is to fall into a deep sleep.
Tower - higher education, higher education institution.

G -
To persecute is to confidently tell a lie, to lie to someone.
Granik - grenade launcher.
Guba is a guardhouse - a place where a sentence is served, something like a punishment cell.
Goose - pull a hundred days.

D -
Put pressure on the mass - sleep soundly.
Give yourself some slack - relax, forget about responsibilities.
Grandfather is a soldier who has less than half a year left until the end of his service.
The grandfather in nature is a soldier in the junior conscription, who is over 25 years old at the time of conscription.
Hazing is a principle of relationships in a military team, according to which soldiers of senior conscription have more privileges than soldiers of junior conscription.
Dembel is the Grandfather who will be transferred to the reserve in the coming months. From the word demobilization, transfer to the reserve.
Wooden demobilization - that is, not real. After graduating from higher education
establishments, "towers". A soldier called up for a year and after nine months
service becoming a Wooden demobilization.
Dembel porridge, Dembelyukha - a dish made from cookies, condensed milk and something else sweet.
Dembel chord - this means that Dembel, before leaving home, will need to do something useful for the company or military unit. Usually exactly what they learned to do well during their service.
The demobilization lump is a very beautifully designed uniform that the demobilizer makes in order to boast at home that he served in the Army.
To extract asphalt - to clear the parade ground of snow.
The spirit is a soldier with a service period of up to six months (from taking the Oath). Transcript - Home I really want to. In the navy - Karas.
Duhanka is a period for a soldier while he is considered a Spirit.

To burst - to explode.

Z -
To score is to be indifferent, to show negligence, to not pay attention.
Shave - deprive.
To be driven, To be driven - to come up with something unusual, at first glance stupid (to someone who is driven, this idea never seems stupid), to go deeper into reflection or into some kind of creative thought.
To suffocate is to fall asleep, usually for a short time.
Castle - deputy platoon commander.
Flying - a violation of some ancient law, rule, custom, etc., as a rule, carries with it punishment.
To get stuck is to refuse to do something.
The smell is a soldier before taking the Oath.
Gas station - kiosk (outside the territory of the unit).
To fumble - there are several options: 1. Get a job where no one is pushing you, no one is taking a vow, no one is standing over your soul. 2. Rest while everyone else is working. 3. Get civilian food. 4. And in general, get what brings joy in army life.
Zold is a soldier (from the lips of officers).

We haven’t remembered the words yet!

TO -
Kalabashka - a blow to the neck with the palm of the hand.
Kalich is a sick person, usually someone who is constantly sick or pretends to be sick. From the word feces (poop).
The kapterka is a room where the personal belongings of all soldiers are stored; as a rule, they are not stored there for a long time, they are stolen.
Corporal - in some military units the unofficial title of a junior sergeant, as a rule, is used disparagingly for the sergeant.
Quarantine is a course for a young soldier, a period during which all newly conscripted soldiers are forced into drill training, forced to learn the regulations, walk side by side, conduct all sorts of exercises: waking up on alarm, shooting, and so on, begins from the moment of conscription and lasts until the oath or longer - from 2 -x weeks to 4 months.
Pumping or pumping is an intense, meaningless exercise to the point of physical and moral exhaustion of the “athletes”.
Swing - perform physical exercise in huge numbers, most often under duress from senior conscript soldiers.
To cheat is to deceive someone by not fulfilling your part of a promise or contract.
Chest of drawers - squad leader.
Komok is a uniform camouflage suit. Lumps can be “glass”, “birch”, “watermelon”, “dirty snow”, “wave”, “raincoat” and many others. They are divided according to the quality of the fabric, color, and direction of the stripes.
Kompot is the regiment commander.
Double bass - contract worker, appeared in connection with the transition to a contract.
Mower - 1000 rubles.
To mess up is to make mistakes, to do something incorrectly.
Kosepor, joint - one who often squints.
Cardan is a car depot employee.
The Rat (close) is a greedy soldier who hides and does not share anything with anyone. A soldier caught stealing.
Piece - ensign.

L -
Leaf - 100 rubles.
To fly is to pull a hundred days.
Lobar - slap the spelled palm with your palm.
Lyulya is an ordinary bed for sleeping.
A skier is a soldier who left a military unit without permission, a deserter.
A stripe is a small strip on the shoulder straps: 1 stripe - a corporal, 2 stripes - a junior sergeant, 3 stripes - a sergeant, and so on. A large number of The badge gives you the right to walk next to a crowd of soldiers and yell at them to keep pace.

Mabuta - motorized rifle troops.
Matsubari - smoking.
Mechanic, mechanic - driver.
Mobile - cellular telephone, mobile rapid response company.
Murlocatans are an affectionate term for soldiers.
Fly swatters are anti-aircraft gunners.
Matl, Motolyga - light armored multi-purpose tractor, originally and correctly - MT-LB, however specified words firmly entered into everyday life.

N -
Stress - loads, constant burdens and deprivations.
Underweight - a soldier with a deficient body weight, who was put on enhanced nutrition.
Lack is a constantly hungry soldier who always has little food and always wants to eat.

OZK - Combined Arms Protective Kit.
The monkey is a soldier, from the lips of the officers.
To puzzle is the same as to order, but in the language of soldiers. They are usually puzzled by something complex and difficult to accomplish.
Deer is a stupid soldier.
To fight off - go to bed.
To excuse yourself is to skillfully help someone avoid punishment or an unpleasant situation or unnecessary work.
To be enchanted is to think, to forget for a while.

P -
Fade - the threat of revealing a secret. Sudden threat.
Pepper is the name given to soldiers who place themselves higher than they should be in their service life.
The dog is an employee of the guard units, respectfully.
A jacket is an officer serving on conscription, after graduating from a university in which there was a military department; as a rule, personnel and career officers experience an acute dislike for the “jacket”.
Flattening (wetting) a mug is the same as pinching it, that is, sleeping without a fawn.
To shave is to make someone hope for something, and then not live up to their expectations.
Fit (fit) - gift (give).
Hemming is a collar, a strip of white fabric that is sewn onto the collar of a tunic or simply onto the collar of clothing. Serves to prevent hygiene of the surface of the skin in contact with clothing.
To catch silence is to shut up.
Buyer - this is the name of the person who recruits and accompanies the team to places of further service, usually with the rank of officer
Confuse - 1. Experience shock. 2. Get out of hand (become impudent).
Porthos - foot wraps.
To get lost (get lost) - to disappear somewhere in a short time, to disappear out of sight of the person who ordered it.
The order is the day when Grandfathers will begin to be transferred to the reserve.
A funny thing is a joke, a funny thing, a funny incident.
Pierce the soul (ballast, pierce plywood) - hit in the chest.
To pierce is to lose something.
Prosharenny - smart, cunning, thoughtful, taught by bitter experience.
Gingerbread (zampushka) - a blow to the forehead with the palm of the hand, with a slap.

R -
Unwind - relax.
Rubber day - Wednesday, RCBZ (Radiation-Chemical-Biological Protection) day.
To give birth (to give birth) - to find, to obtain. Find something urgently.
It chops (chops me) - it makes me very sleepy. Possible non-voluntary falling asleep "on the go".
Steer - command.

Salaga is a young, inexperienced soldier.
Self-propelled gun - to leave the unit without permission, to go AWOL.
A swineherd is a support company employee.
To become two hundred means the death of a person or the breakdown of some thing.
A malingerer is one who pretends to be sick, feigns illness.
To commune is to borrow something without permission.
The violinist is a soldier who is suicidal or has already attempted suicide.
An elephant is a soldier with a service life of six months to a year. Transcript - Soldier Loving Awesome Loads. In the fleet - Vigorous crucian carp.
Elephant - a period for a soldier while he is considered an Elephant.
Elephant radio - false information, unfounded rumors, empty promise, untruth.
SOCH (to go to socha) - Unauthorized Leaving a Unit (to leave a unit without permission).
Stodnevka - the period of service 100 days before the release of the Order.
Arrow - a secret meeting of colleagues to resolve a controversial issue.
Snitch, bitch - I think there’s no need to explain...
Snot is the same as Lychka, that is, a strip of military distinction on a shoulder strap.
A Sochi resident is a serviceman who left his unit without permission.
Burn a chip - notice that something is happening.
To burn yourself down means to become noticeable, to lose secrets and mysteries.
Chest - ensign.

T -
Tasks - also something that is hanging around, not doing anything, from the word “drag.” In the sense of relaxing when others are working.
To trudge - to enjoy something, to have fun.
Body - alive combat unit, unit. Unit of quantitative measurement of subordinate personnel.
A brake is a soldier who follows orders incorrectly or correctly, but slowly.
Tochevo (to sharpen) - food, eat.
A tracer is a soldier sent somewhere, for something. Derived from the name of a bullet that glows during flight, used for night shooting training, a tracer bullet.
Trindets is the final and irrevocable end, the tragic culmination of the action.
The torso is a soldier with a short service life, offensive.
To pull a baby elephant is to drag out a hundred days.

U -
A dismissal card is a dismissal ticket.
Regulations are a variant of corporal-sergeant hazing.
Umiralovka is a punishment for flying, it can be applied to one or all at once.
Charter - in addition to the generally accepted concept (a set of military laws), these are also cigarettes that are issued to soldiers (statutory cigarettes).

F -
Fibring means making the chevrons and all the various stripes stiffer to make them look cooler.
The trick (to stand on the chip) is to make sure that no one notices anything.

X -
The trunk is the nose of a soldier with a short service life.
The hamster is a greedy soldier who hides everything and shares only with “his own”. A soldier noted for his habit of stockpiling supplies for a rainy day.

C -
Integrity - accuracy.
Center - the central passage in the barracks (take-off).

H -
Chapala - An unprepossessing, sloppy fighter in everything. They often call those whose uniform is 2-3 sizes larger and weighs like a bag.
Scoop, skull - a soldier with a service life of one to one and a half years. Transcript - The Man Every Day Destroying the Peace of the Army Barracks. In the navy - Godok.
Chipok is a soldier's teahouse and cafe on the territory of a military unit.
Rubbish - unkempt, dirty, sloppy, worn out, and so on.

Sh -
Jackals - officers and warrant officers, from the lips of privates and sergeants, disrespectful.
Shisharik - GAZ-66 car.
Shkonka is a bed.
Shmon is a sudden and thorough inspection.
The screws are all soldiers from the mouths of the border guards, except for the border guards, of course.
Rustle - actively work.
A joke is a sudden threat of revealing a secret.

To pinch (boil, boil) - doze, sleep without fawning, that is, unnoticed by those who can interfere with sleep.

E -
Equator (day of the spirit) - half a hundred days. Only 50 days left until the order!
The electric train is a noticeable blow to the shin, used to improve the quality of training in drill training.

YU -
Use - use.

I -
An anchor is a soldier who constantly slows down, is dull, and is incapable of learning.

In the army community, as in any social structure There is a certain hierarchy of hazing. It implies a clear distinction between military personnel undergoing military service into groups according to their length of service. Due to the fact that the service life was reduced to 1 year, non-statutory ranks were modified, but not abolished. The only difference is that now the entire cycle of passage from “spirit” to “grandfather” takes place in an express version. Let's take a closer look at how this happens.


After a soldier has been selected at a distribution point, he is sent either to a training unit or to a military unit, but to a separate company for quarantine, where he undergoes training.

Arriving at the place, yesterday's conscript becomes a “smell.” This title will be assigned to him until he takes the oath.

Quarantine ends no later than two months of military service. What does this title mean? The explanation is very simple, yesterday’s conscripts are not soldiers yet, they are just the smells of soldiers. At this time, the “smells” and “demobilization” are similar. These military ranks have one foot in civilian life. While in the unit, many people mistakenly think that they automatically become “spirits,” but this is not so; they still need to achieve this title.


After taking the oath, when the private already has the right to bear arms and is assigned other statutory duties, he is awarded the rank of “spirit”. In that honorary title it will last up to 100 days of service. During this period, he learns all the delights of army service. Outfits every other day, cleaning and PCB, this is what the service of a private in this rank consists of.

Cleaning is a separate army ritual. The spirits learn the art of putting things in order in the barracks with special care, but they also acquire such a necessary skill for life as keeping the room in which you live clean.

Military personnel in this rank have absolutely no rights, and the requirements for them are increased. Especially when it comes to personal hygiene. If the unit is in a location and not at a field exit, then the soldier must be shaved, his shoes must be shiny, and his head must be neatly trimmed. This is very strictly enforced, and those who do not comply with these requirements are treated with special disdain.

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At this time, special attention is paid to memorizing the charter. A soldier must know this set of rules by heart. Therefore, learning the rules for “spirits” is a common activity. At this time, it is better for young soldiers to stick together, then it will be easier to survive it.


After completing 100 days of service, a new period begins in the life of a soldier. From the category of incorporeal “spirits”, he moves to the title of “elephant”. The rank of elephant in the army gives the right to burden a soldier with all sorts of assignments.

Household work in the army is the basis of service. Most of the time he spends his time doing some very important work:

  • clears snow on the territory of the unit;
  • sweeps the area in the warm season;
  • pits are dripping.

Elephants are hardy animals, so the title “elephant” implies that you will have to carry a lot. There is a certain ritual in which the demobilizer hits the future elephant on the soft spot with a soldier’s belt 3 times, symbolizing 3 months of service.

This title is held by a soldier for 100 to 160 days. Depending on the time of conscription, a moment comes when all the old-timers retire. At this time, a private from the “elephants” is transferred to another rank. For him, the period of “grandfather” begins. This title can be obtained after just six months of service.


“Grandfathers” in the army are soldiers who came from a previous conscription. They become the oldest and remain in this rank until the order is issued to transfer to the reserve for the entire conscription. Transfer to this rank is made at the request of the serviceman. Usually this comes down to hitting the same soft spots with a stool.

At this time, the former “elephant” shows everything that he has accumulated during his service. If a lot of negativity has accumulated, then the young soldiers get everything that the newly-made “grandfather” is capable of, but if he managed to maintain his decency and adequate condition, then the service goes smoothly.

Some soldiers by this period of service have military ranks and responsibility for personnel. Monitoring the progress of the order is his sacred duty; he has nothing left to do but watch the work of the young soldiers and count the days until the order.

The order usually arrives 100 days before the end of the service period and occurs twice a year. Although hazing is no longer as obvious as it was in other years, it still persists in terms of service life.

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This non-statutory rank is the highest in the army at the moment. This period begins from the moment of the order of the Ministry of Defense for the entire conscription. Continues until the military ID is handed over to the old-timer by the battalion commander.

In some military units there is a tradition of creating a personal “spirit” before the end of the service. Smoking demobilizers invented a kind of calendar. Every day the “spirit” brings him a cigarette, on which it is written how long he still has to serve.

The transfer to this rank is peculiar; it differs from previous periods in its loyalty. Instead of a belt and a stool, the former “grandfather” receives blows with a thread, through a layer of mattresses. He, of course, pretends that he is in immense pain, but such a custom does not exist in all parts.

the main task military personnel in this rank deserve to serve until the end of their service. He may be asked to do a “demobilization chord,” something useful for the company or the entire unit in which he served for a whole year. Another important thing for him is preparing the mold. You can, of course, go home in civilian clothes, but it’s better to come to beautiful shape, with all the insignia. Therefore, they spend the remaining time dealing with this issue. The main task of a serviceman who has one foot in civilian life is to serve this time with dignity and calmly leave for demobilization.

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