Tank festival combat steel schedule. At the "Combat Steel" festival, people got under the tracks of a tank. Victim's story. Tank festival “combat steel. lead autumn"

On October 14 and 15, another family tank festival "Combat Steel" will be held in St. Petersburg. Meet new program with fights that will be shown for the first time. Lead autumn will come for spectators and participants of the big cultural and historical holiday already this weekend. Tank battles, hand-to-hand fights, pyrotechnic shows and armored personnel carriers tearing apart cars - all this is for the audience of the festival.


15:00 - AUTUMN OF THE FIRST WORLD - the first battle of the Renault FT17 tank - Western Front.

16:00 - TANK BATTLE - Wehrmacht and Red Army vehicles will converge in a furious battle of the Second World War. 18:00 - FIRE BATTALION - the women of Petrograd will fight the Germans, being behind a wall of fire.

14:00 - STOP THE TANKS AT ANY COST 1942, a feat of grenade launchers who stopped tanks to break through the blockade.

15:00 - STOPHAMS IN MILITARY - The army administers justice over an uncultured driver.

17:00 - AFGHAN. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE 9TH COMPANY - an insidious ambush of the Mujahideen, which can turn the whole course of the operation "Magistral".

Every day:

  • Historical TIR - transform into a soldier of the First World War or Afghanistan
  • Riding on military equipment - feel for yourself the evolution of "armor" over 100 years.
  • Antitank Artillery- the ability to shoot from all types of guns.
  • Family fun on a large playground with carousels and trampolines.
  • Soldier's porridge.

More details can be found on the organizers' website.

16.10.2017 10:22


Text: Alina Chernikova
Photo: Igor Masnyk

Tank Festival "Combat Steel" is a single large-scale event space, where the history of a whole century came to life before our eyes. This time, a large family tank festival was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution and the creation of the Petrograd women's death battalion, the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Sinyavin operation and the 30th anniversary of the start of Operation Magistral in Afghanistan. Tank battles, hand-to-hand fights, pyrotechnic shows and armored personnel carriers tearing up cars - viewers saw it all this weekend.

The “Combat Steel” festival, which won incredible success with the audience, once again thundered throughout the city! For two days, the military camps of the Russian army turned around for the audience. We saw the creator of the women's death battalion - Maria Bochkareva - along with recruits, Red Army tankers, Wehrmacht gunners, internationalist soldiers and Mujahideen. An exhibition of everyday life, weapons and samples of military equipment of each era was presented in the camps. The guests of the festival were able to ride on absolutely all the equipment presented at the exhibition - from the armored car, from which Lenin spoke exactly 100 years ago, to the modern amphibious armored vehicle. They shot from any type of Russian weapon: from the Nagant revolver, and even from the legendary ZIS-3!

The new incredibly spectacular program of the tank festival again struck with its scope and gave all viewers an unforgettable weekend. During the two days of the festival, reconstructions of historical battles and unique military shows were shown. Tanks, armored personnel carriers and self-propelled units showed all their might in battle!

October 14:
15.00 - the first battle of the Renault FT17 tank on the Western Front of the First World War.
16.00 – tank battle between Wehrmacht and Red Army vehicles. Through the veil of fire, the vehicles of the two armies went into the last battle, which showed whose military power took over! On the battlefield, everything happened as close as possible to the real tank battles of the Great Patriotic War.
18.00 - the women of Petrograd fought the Germans, finding themselves behind a wall of fire. The most spectacular shots of the film "Battalion", the culminating episode of the film about the immortal feat of female warriors, not on the screens, but in reality!

October 15:
14.00 - the audience saw one of the final attempts of the Leningrad Front to wrest the city from the enemy ring - an offensive operation in the fall of 1942, when soviet soldiers gnawed at every scrap native land to break the blockade
15.00 - military show "Stopham in a military way" - the Russian army administers justice over an uncultured driver. His car was mercilessly torn apart by two APCs.
17.00 – Soviet troops, staying in Afghanistan, were ambushed by the Mujahideen, which could turn the whole course of the operation "Magistral".
At the Battle Steel tank festival, spectators fired weapons and rode armored vehicles

Entrance for spectators to the festival was free.

The event was supported by municipality"Right Bank"


This happened at the "Combat Steel" festival, where visitors were offered a ride on military equipment.

The name of the festival - "Combat Steel" - fully reflects the concept of the event. The same "combat steel" weighing several tons famously runs through the territory of the Tercentenary Park in St. Petersburg. Idle onlookers and those who purposely came to the park to appreciate the combat power of Soviet tank building were offered to ride the T-60. The cost of entertainment is only 300 rubles. The money is ridiculous, and the experience is incredible. True, as it turned out, not always in a positive sense.

Participants of an extreme attraction literally. Take a closer look at what happened, filming everything from the first person. It was fixed on himself by one of the victims, 33-year-old Pyotr Nazarov. Now he is forced to walk in a cast and on crutches.

Nazarov could not even think that a tank walk could end in a broken ankle. Together with him, two schoolchildren aged 15 and 10 decided to ride on the T-60 armor. No pre-trip briefing was given and no safety equipment was issued.

The victim says that the tank that drove onto the springboard tilted. “The people who were sitting here just rolled down,” says Nazarov. “For two or three seconds, he literally dragged me on himself, I held on to the tank, he dragged me on himself to the middle of the caterpillar, my leg just got stuck.”

Children, fortunately, did not fall under the tracks of a military tank. They escaped with bruises, abrasions and fright. However, the events of yesterday did not affect the entertainment program of today's festival in any way. "Combat Steel" continues to roll its visitors, the price has remained the same. We are not talking about a cash receipt, the organizers put 300 rubles in their pocket. In the park, they try not to remember what happened - unlike Investigative Committee who became interested in the organizers

"The investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of Russia for St. Petersburg for this fact An investigation is underway, according to the UK. “Currently, an inspection of the scene of the incident has been carried out, a set of measures is being carried out aimed at clarifying all the circumstances of the incident, including requests for reclamation permits for the said activities. Based on the results of the pre-investigation check, a procedural decision will be made."

As it turned out, the festival organizers do not have not only security equipment, but also permission to hold entertainment events. They said their "yes" to "Combat Steel" only in the Committee for the Improvement of St. Petersburg, while the Committee of Culture answered the request with a refusal.

"We refused," says Konstantin Sukhenko, chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg. military equipment worked there and on what grounds services were rendered to the population, I don’t know.”

Safety is above all, but apparently, this is not the only thing that the festival organizers did not worry about. Experts ahead of May holidays advise: before agreeing to a fascinating attraction, do not hesitate to ask about its safety and the proposed means of protection, if they are not available, it is better to refuse. After all, the unique impressions will be completely spoiled if you get injured.

The Fifth Festival "BATTLE STEEL" will be held

We announce Fifth festival "BATTLE STEEL"
Beach of the 300th Anniversary Park, April 29 - May 1, 2017 from 11.00 to 20.00

On the first holiday weekend from April 29 to May 1, we are preparing a large military-historical park for the whole family! The unique concentration of soldiers, weapons and armor, hundreds of spectators and admiring children make the only tank festival in Russia a long-awaited event for the whole of St. Petersburg!

Venues for the new season:

- RIDING THE TANK. The most legendary representatives of the world of heavy equipment will give the audience a ride on the armor! Grab your seats to experience the breathtaking Amphibian APC water march!

SPRING OF VICTORY. Exhibition camps will open on the shores of the Gulf of Finland by Victory May, where you can make an excursion into the history of the Great Patriotic War.

- MILITARY SHOW. Demonstration performances and reconstructions - every two hours on the central platform, from 12.00 to 18.00. In three days you will make a historical journey through the eras of the Revolution, the Great Patriotic War, Afghan wars and modern operations of Russian special forces.

HISTORICAL TIR. We believe that familiarity with a weapon should certainly be accompanied by the opportunity to touch it, disassemble it, take a picture with it and even shoot! All types, calibers, years of manufacture and countries of manufacture for 100 years!

OBSTACLES. Have you seen the movie Battalion? Together with the women's battalion of Bochkareva, you will be able to go through an obstacle course and hold competitions with your friends for a while!

FIELD KITCHEN AND RECREATION AREA will allow young fighters to refresh themselves, and their parents to gain strength for new victories!

We guarantee that such acquaintance with military history Russia will replenish not only your baggage of knowledge, but also the piggy bank of the most unusual impressions!

place: Park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg
Date: April 29 - May 1

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