Tank battle or just war. Organization of unique children's parties! Game rules and scenarios

Radio-controlled models have long ceased to be just toys. Every year, models acquire more and more advanced forms and more and more “smart” functions, as a result they are gaining popularity not only among children and teenagers, but also older people are beginning to be interested in them.

The development of production technologies allows us to produce more interesting “toys” to bring pleasure to fans of war games.

On September 5, 2010, I was able to attend an exciting event organized by TsKI "Meridian" And TO "Tank Club Moscow"- interactive show of radio-controlled tank models.

(The detail is such that in the photograph of a heavy German tank"Tiger" you can even see the shovel)

All models presented were in 1:16 format ( largest tank models) and also had the possibility of sound and light effects.

In the photo from left to right models:

Three German heavy tank"Tiger"
At the time of its creation, the vehicle was the strongest in terms of armament and armor among all tanks in the world; this situation remained at least until November 1943.

Combat weight, t 56.9
Highway speed, km/h 38

Soviet tank KB-1.
The design of the tank began at the end of 1938. The KV took on its first battle on December 17, 1939 during the breakthrough of the Khottinensky fortified area of ​​the Mannerheim Line. Upon presentation on December 19, 1939 (one day after the tests!) the KV tank was put into service.

Combat weight, t 43.1
Highway speed, km/h 34

Thanks to its combat qualities, the T-34 was recognized by a number of experts as the best medium tank of the Second World War. When creating it Soviet designers managed to find the optimal balance between the main combat, operational and technological characteristics.
Combat weight, t 25.6
Highway speed, km/h 54

At the request of the owner, this model was transported on a trailer, also radio-controlled by the way.

Spectators were treated to several types of performances.
The first of them is a review of equipment and an obstacle course.

As I said earlier, some equipment moved onto the battlefield on “alien” wheels:

Tank (infrared) combat is exciting interactive game.

Each tank in one battle can fire up to 40 shots from a cannon; to do this, you need to press one “cannon” key, after which an imitation sound of a shot is heard and the gun rolls back. The delay of each shot is 3 seconds, which corresponds to the reloading time of a real combat vehicle’s gun.

The T-34, for example, can withstand 6 hits. After 6 hits, the tank will begin to turn left/right, the LEDs will begin to flicker, simulating a fire, and all this will be accompanied by the sound of a burning flame, then the model will stop. after 30 seconds the engine will start automatically and the battle can be continued again.

Some models received very real damage.

At the end of the show there was a production of an episode from the Second World War with the participation of steam locomotive equipment.


The cost of renting a tank battle is 40,000 rubles.
Included in cost:
1. Tankodrome village (There is also, and also) with a landscape playing field measuring 4.5 X 6 m, on which are installed:
Five village courtyards, a school, a bell tower, a cowshed, a bathhouse, a mill, a hayloft, a water tower and a bunch of different little things.
2. Two tanks 1/24 or 1/16 (tanks can be ordered additionally)
3. Power unit for simulating light in buildings
4. Two instructors
5. If there is a 220 V socket, the mill blades will rotate, water will pour out of the water tower, and smoke will come out of the broken water station (P.S. the smoke is absolutely safe and odorless, smoke detectors will not work).


1. Additional radio-controlled tank - 5000 rub.
2. Order a radio-controlled tank battle for additional time - 4000 RUR/hour
3. — 6000 rubles/piece.
(Players will have to wear something on which the image from the camera installed on the tank will be projected, just like it was done in)

Video of tankodrome


We bring to your attention a tank battle with an artistically designed battlefield. This attraction is ideal for themed parties and more. The tank track is designed in the theme of a rural village, the exhibits are highly detailed, the mill spins, the lights are on in the houses, there are wells, firewood sheds, a school, a bell tower, etc., so guests will be interested not only in playing with tanks, but also simply looking at the models installed on tankodrome. The tank models are as close as possible to the real ones, so experts or simply fans of the game “world of tanks” can easily recognize this or that tank. The turret of the tanks rotates, the gun is aimed up and down, recoil when fired, imitation of an explosion and fire when a shell hits other tanks, when moving, the tracked tracks practically repeat the movement of a real combat vehicle and all this is accompanied by light and sound effects, this allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a tank battles. You can rent a tank battle with any theme, our team will create an exclusive playing field for tanks according to your wishes.

On a playing field of 4.5 m by 6 m, from one to six players can take part (more is possible if people already have experience in such games). Tank battle for 4 tanks or more; the size of the tank track allows you to organize tank battles, tournaments, and team competitions.

Game rules and scenarios

Since many people encounter radio control for the first time, the instructors serving the attraction explain how to control the equipment and offer to race several laps around the tank track. During this time, the player learns a little about the basics of controlling a combat vehicle. After the races, the participant will become less confused with the remote control buttons. and you can start fighting. Each tank is armed with a main cannon and a machine gun; the interesting thing is that the number of shells is limited and when the ammunition is exhausted, you will have to use heavy machine gun, and this greatly reduces the chances of winning. Like real tanks, the front armor is powerful and it is almost impossible to penetrate it in the forehead, so players need to work hard to outwit and knock out the enemy. Tanks can withstand five hits and after the last shell hits the target, the sound of an explosion is heard, the tank imitates a fire and stops responding to commands, the game is over. Then you can organize tournaments between the winning players.

Difficult to find modern man, who has not even heard of World of Tanks. This game has a huge audience and brings fabulous income to its owners. The theme of tank battles excites the minds of children, teenagers and adults. And you simply cannot miss the opportunity to make money in this niche, fortunately there is a business idea that allows you to make good money on the wave of interest in tank battles.

Of course, there is no point in competing with a well-promoted global online project. But it’s quite possible to bring tank battles into reality and start making money from it. It's about about battles radio controlled tanks- entertainment and hobby that is just beginning to gain popularity. This means that this business idea has great potential.

What radio-controlled tank battles look like

Imagine a miniature polygon created like a diorama. It houses trees, lakes, hills and bridges, equipment, soldiers and animals. And on this model of the battlefield a dynamic tank battle unfolds. Moreover, radio-controlled tanks are not only distinguished by decent maneuverability, but can also shoot at each other from various weapons. And they are even able to react to enemy hits.

The tank models themselves are scaled-down copies of armored vehicles (the most popular scale is 1/16). The weapon fires infrared beams with a simulated gunshot sound. The body reacts to such rays with a characteristic sound. As a rule, after five hits the tank is considered shot down and its engine “stalls”. You can buy such tanks without any problems. Prices fluctuate greatly depending on the capabilities of the model. For business, it is best to take tanks from the middle price segment.

Doesn't it sound tempting? Every fan of tank themes will definitely enjoy such entertainment, and he will want to take command of an armored vehicle at least once. And if you approach this matter wisely, then a business idea tank battles can be turned into a profitable business.

How to make money with radio controlled tanks

In this business, you can go two ways - turn fights into an attraction or create a club of interests, with a constantly developing community.

  • In the first case, it will be enough for you to create a battlefield for 2x2 tank battles. Think over the rules of battles. Buy several models of tanks. And the most important thing is to find the optimal place to place your attraction. Ideally, these are amusement parks or large shopping centers. Next, your tank battle field will work according to the slot machine algorithm.
  • The second scheme is more profitable, but also requires much more organizational work. You will need to rent your own space. Create a large-scale battlefield. Moreover, it must be modular so that it can be modified, and ideally recreated Famous places historical battles. We buy several tanks and establish contacts with distributors of similar radio-controlled models. And we start working with the community. We are interested in the target audience for which tanks are favorite hobby. For such people, you can start selling new models of tanks and modifications to them (for this you need to constantly fuel their collecting passion). You can organize competitions and tournaments - after all, every tank fan will want to show that he can handle the controls better and his car is more powerful. You can introduce club memberships, or charge an hourly fee for playing on your layout. We look for interested players on social networks and on thematic forums, arrange presentations in shopping centers and post articles about ourselves on tank-related websites. If you don’t yet have competitors in your city, then in this way you can “bring into real life” an entire regiment of tankers who previously only had fun at the computer.

Show a little persistence and ingenuity, and tank battles will begin to bring you decent income. As an example: at one time the idea of ​​​​a business on desktop models military equipment led to the emergence of a large company "Zvezda". And what prevents you from repeating this path to success?

A couple of years ago, my father brought this toy to my brother from Moscow
So the description: There are two small tanks, radio controlled. The tanks have an infrared cannon that shoots at 3 meters, and there is also an infrared receiver. The point of the idea is that two players, driving tanks, maneuver, shooting from a cannon and a machine gun, must fight each other, the tanks have 4 lives. But you can make a battlefield with relief, and then an element of tactics is added. The engine of the tanks makes noise, the tracks grind when driving, the tank shudders from shots, the crew screams when hit, when there are few lives left, the turret jams, the tank can lose speed, everything is quite serious. As in childhood, at dandy dances, remember those feelings and excitement that you experienced as a child.

After thinking about it, I came up with an idea (!) After all, you can make a business out of this. Attraction "tank battle". The essence of the idea is this: you make a fenced small area in a crowded place where people are relaxing and walking. 3x5 meters, maybe a little more. On the site you create a battlefield - various shelters, obstacles, ruins and other surroundings of war. You hang up a catchy and enticing sign and launch tanks onto the battlefield. And the attraction is ready. In terms of money, it is quite adequate to charge 100-150 rubles for a 10-minute fight. (somewhere on beach resort maybe 200). We count further, in an hour you can collect 600-900 rubles, in 5 o’clock in the evening it turns out 3000-4500. Month 90000-135000. Even if you take into account the costs of opening an individual entrepreneur, tax, rent, salary for the person who will work there (if you don’t want to), then half remains, and this is 90/2 = 45 or 135/2 = 67.5 thousand per month in earnings.
By the way, there are tanks with additional frequency modules, which allows you to use up to 8 tanks in one battle. Do you feel the prospects for the development of the attraction? You can easily and naturally organize 2x2, 3x3 battles, the so-called team deathmatch mode, or you can have a deathmatch where it’s every man for himself. The excitement of the battle increases threefold, because here it is no longer just a massacre, but teamwork. You can give a prize to the winner, you can organize some championships, and by the way, on the quiet you can sell these sets of tank battles at the same time)

Do you know why I believe in the success of such a business? When two adults, holding remote controls in their hands, fall out of reality for 5 hours, this is serious. Boys grow up, but the passion for toys remains. By the way, look at how many people like to kill in world of tanks (for reference, the number of players has exceeded a million worldwide)
Everything is the same here, but there is live communication, there is a real and not virtual feeling of excitement, real 3D, and in general it’s worth trying and not reading about it.

Now about technical and organizational issues: On the tanks that I have, the battery lasts for 40 minutes of fighting, then a two-hour charge. Therefore, in order for the attraction not to stop, it is necessary for the tanks to have 4 batteries (3 on charge, one in the tank). Therefore, an outlet is required within reach. There should also be a spare set of tanks, because the equipment is Chinese, it can break down, it can fail. Put up a tent to protect from rain. Naturally, a stopwatch, there is a notebook for accounting. If the attraction will operate in the dark, then come up with lighting. So, about the starting capital and expenses: A set of tanks of two can be found for one and a half thousand, to start you need at least 4 sets (there will be 4 batteries each and spare tanks in case the existing ones fail) sets allowing up to 8 tanks in battle to use, cost twice as much. I found a 6x3 meter tent on the internet for 10,000. Opening an individual entrepreneur in the spring cost me about 1,000 rubles. You can organize the battlefield yourself, at most ask your friends, the price is free. Rent in the park, depending on the city of the particular park (resort) from 10 or more per month. I won't tell you the exact numbers.

So, here are my rough estimates:
4 sets of one and a half = 6 thousand.
Tent = 10 thousand
Opening an individual entrepreneur = 1 thousand.
Lighting, 6 spotlights for 600 rubles each + extension cords, sockets, installation if you have direct hands you can do it yourself = 5 thousand.
Rent = Add yourself based on your region.
The total is about 25 thousand + rent. If things are done well, the investment will pay off in a couple of weeks, or a month at most. So think and dare before anyone dares before you.

P.S. By the way, I am open to cooperation, if anyone wants to actually bring the plan to life, write, call, we can think about it.

→ Articles → How to shoot in the world of tanks video

Did you know that now the YouTube video hosting site is saturated with videos on tanks to such an extent that the most famous streamers are in the TOPs? Nowadays, many people are filming video battles in World of Tanks, and each of them shows something interesting. But how to record a wot fight? First of all, you need to download the necessary software, think through the script and think about the video format. Let's list some of the most popular battle recordings in world of tanks.

Several popular genres

Purchased from the game store new tank having learned all its features, You can make a World of Tanks recording of a battle in the popular WOD genre. This full story about the tank, listing its advantages, disadvantages, as well as several battles where this vehicle actually carried out the battle. In world of tanks, recording battles has not always been the domain of professionals, and perhaps you are the future Youtube star. In a world of tanks video battle should be really interesting, if during the battle your hands were shaking, then this is exactly what you need. You shouldn’t shoot the next, most normal fight, this is of no interest to anyone.

The second option is a full stream. But how to record a wot fight? How to attract viewers to your channel? Firstly, you need to remember that when recording a world of tanks video, you must have interesting guests in the platoon, the format of a show, or a company game with a famous commander. Don’t make a simple stream with ordinary battles, it’s better to organize something really worthwhile, and then the world of tanks video will simply blow up the public.

The third option is organizing a show. If you have a sufficient subscriber base, then you can try to record a battle using world of tanks video in an entertaining format. For example, Jove, a man known for his videos, does a show called “wall to wall”, where spectators find themselves in battle. You can come up with many more different options.

And the last idea is to record a video world of tanks in fragmovie format, where you will show the most successful shots at the enemy, for example, in flight from the bridge at the Pass.

But recording a world of tanks video is only half the battle; you need to design it beautifully and prepare the tank. You shouldn’t just do the gameplay, pay attention to the splash screen, credits and other additions, because thanks to them, your style as a watermaker is created. It will not be superfluous powerful computer, which allows you to make 1080i quality.

I guess I'll finish here and finally say one thing -

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