Craft db interlude resources. A Guide to Special Skills. Resources required for insertion

Many C-grade weapons, and, from C4, all B-grade weapons or higher, can have a special ability (SA) reserved for them (in C3 B-grade, the Sword of Valhalla remained without SA).

To add SA to your weapons, if they are not duals, you need a Soul Crystal of the right level and color (according to the desired SA). For weapons up to B grade, you can ask the Blacksmith in Aden and Giran for a list of possible SAs (don't hold a weapon when you ask or they won't find it), and what color crystal each one needs. For A-grade and S-grade, Blacksmith of Mammon is required. It also requires hundreds of gemstones.

For duals, SA is obtained by over-enchanting weapons to +4, with a 30% chance to break them.

You can get soul crystals of any of the three colors by asking the master in the Mages Guild in Giran Quest. You will also receive a list of mobs on which you can upgrade your soul crystal.

An increase in the level of the soul crystal occurs during the destruction of mobs from the list. When those are at or below half health, you use a soul crystal (by right-clicking in inventory or by placing it on the hotbar). After the death of the mob, there will be the following possible messages:

  • The soul crystal "fails to absorb the soul". This happens most often and means that nothing happened.
  • The soul crystal shatters. The crystal is broken - take another one.
  • The soul crystal levels. The crystal has leveled up.
  • The soul crystal complains that the mob isn't strong enough. Look for more mobs high level.
soul crystals low levels(somewhere up to 7) is not very difficult to get. Levels 8 and 9 are pretty doable. Starting at level 10, leveling a crystal becomes a headache; get ready to shatter a lot of soul crystals before everything goes well. Remarks. Everything below is based on information from C3 and already partly from C4. Everything is ordered by the level of crystals, by P. Atk and M. Atk. If the crystal levels are the same, then the sorting goes by P. Atk, so magic weapons come first, and the weapon with the highest P. Atk is at the end of the list.

Attention: New information about C4, especially which SAs need crystals of which color, on this moment not yet reliable.

  • Good magic: This includes all spells that are buffs or heals. Bad (harmful) magic: Includes damage spells and debuffs (Dryad Root, Curse, etc.)
Weapon Types

Mystics gain a general skill for weapons, allowing them to be completely free in their choice.

  • Sword (sword) means "one-handed sword." All Tanks, Gladiators, Swordsingers and Destroyers get skills to use swords. However, destroyers cannot transform into swords, so they prefer Blunt.
  • Twohander (two-handed) means "Two-handed sword." Only Destroyers get special skills for this weapon, but anyone who can use one-handed swords also gets bonuses for using two-handed ones.
  • Blunt (axes, hammers, clubs) means "One-handed Blunt". All Tanks, Gladiators, Swordsingers, Destroyers, and all Dwarves get Blunt skills. Warcryers, Overlords, Destroyers, Gladiators and Dwarves get special skills that allow them to stun using Blunt weapons.
  • Staff (staff) means "Two-handed Blunt". Again, only destroyers receive a special bonus for Two-handed weapon, and again, anyone who can use a one-handed weapon can also carry a two-handed weapon. However, all staffs, with the exception of the S-grade Dragon Hunter Axe, are magical weapons with high M.Atk and low P.Atk and magical SA. Accordingly, no one except the Mystics uses them.
  • Dagger (dagger) can be used by daggers - Treasure Hunter, Planes Walker and Abis Walker.
  • Bow (bow) can be used by archers - Hawkeye, Silver Ranger and Phantom Ranger. However, some warriors prefer to carry a bow for ranged attacks.
  • Fist Weapon (brass knuckles) is used by Turant.
  • Polearm (spear) is used by the Warlord, as well as Destroyer and Dwarves. However, a warrior can carry a spear for AoE attacks.
  • Dual Sword (duals) is used by Gladiators and Bladedancers.
SA List
Name Action
Acumen Casting speed is increased by 15%.
Anger Increases P. Atk by reducing maximum HP by 15%.
Back blow Increases Critical when backstabbing an enemy.
Cheap Shot Reduces MP consumption during normal archery.
conversion Max MP is increased by 60% and maximum amount HP is reduced by 40%.
Critical Bleed The percentage chance that the target will bleed when landing a critical hit is increased.
Critical Damage Increases damage dealt on a critical hit.
Critical Drain On a critical hit, some of the damage dealt is converted into own HP.
Critical Poison Percentage chance when dealing a critical hit to poison the target.
Critical Stun Percentage chance to stun the target when dealing a critical hit.
Empower Increases M.Atk.
Evasion Increases Evasion by 2.
Focus Increases crit chance.
Guidance Increases accuracy.
haste Percentage increase in physical attack speed.
Health Increases maximum HP by 25%.
HP Drain Absorbs health with each hit. (C4)
HP Regeneration Increases HP recovery. (C4)
light Reduces weapon weight by 70%.
long blow Increases damage radius.
Magic Bless the Body When casting a good spell on the target, there is a 15% chance to cast an additional Bless the Body.
Magic Chaos Percentage chance, when casting a bad spell on the target, to cast an additional Chaos (effect 3).
Magic Damage When harmful magic is used on the target, additional magic damage is added as a percentage.
Magic Focus 7% chance to cast Focus (effect 3) using good magic on the target.
Magic Hold 5% chance to inflict Dryad Root (effect 1) using bad magic on the target.
Magic Mental Shield 15% chance to cast a Mental Shield using Good Magic on the target.
Magic Paralyze Percentage chance to paralyze the target when using harmful magic.
Magic Poison Percentage chance to cast Poison (effect 7) using bad magic on the target.
Magic power Increases M.Atk by increasing the cost of casting spells by 15%.
Magic Regeneration 3% chance to inflict Regeneration (effect 2) using good magic on the target.
Magic Silence When casting a harmful spell on the target, a percentage chance to cast an additional Silence.
Magic Weakness 5% chance to inflict Weakness (effect 3) using bad magic on the target.
Mana Up Increases maximum MP by 30%.
Might Mortal Increases the chance of passing Mortal Blow and Deadly Blow. (Removed shortly before C3. All weapons upgraded before with this SA still have it and are very rare.)
Miser Percentage chance to reduce soulshot consumption by 0-4 on each attack.
MP Regeneration Increases MP recovery. (C4)
Quick Recovery Percentage reduces the delay between the use of skills.
Risk Evasion Increases Evasion when HP drops to 60% or less.
risk focus Increases Crit Chance when HP drops to 60% or less.
risk haste Increases physical attack speed when HP becomes 60% or less.
wide blow Expands the angle of attack.

C Grade Weapons


Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Raid Sword (6) Focus (82) Critical Drain (8HP) Critical Poison (5%)
Sword of Whispering Death (7) Empower Magic power Magic Silence
Homunkulus Sword (7) Acumen conversion Magic Paralyze
Tsurugi (7) Focus (77) Critical Damage (50) Haste (7%)
Caliburs (7) Guidance (5) Focus (77) Critical Damage (50)
Sword of Limit (7) Guidance Critical Drain Health
Sword of Nightmare (7) Health Focus (77) light
Sword of Delusion (7) Focus (77) Health Risk Haste (10%)
Samurai Longsword (8) Focus (73) Critical Damage (50) Haste (7%)


Axes, hammers, clubs

Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Stick of Faith (5) Mana Up Magic Hold Magic Shield
Skull Engraver (5) Anger (17) Health Risk Focus (125)
Big Hammer (5) Health Risk Focus (125) Haste (8%)
Battle Axes (5) Anger (17) Risk Focus (125) Haste (8%)
Silver Axes (5) Anger (17) Risk Focus (125) Haste (8%)
Dwarven War Hammer (6) Anger (19) Health Haste (7%)
Stick of Eternity(?) Empower Rsk. Evasion
Nirvana Ax (?) Magic power Magic Poison Magic Weakness
Club of Nature(?) Magic Mental Shield Magic Hold Acumen
Mace of the Underworld(?) Mana Up Magic Silence conversion
War Axes (7) Anger (21) Health Haste (7%)
Yaksa Mace (8) Anger (23) Health Risk Focus (104)


Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Heavy Doom Ax (5) Magic Poison (4%) Magic Weakness Magic Chaos (6%)
Heavy Doom Hammer (5) Magic Regeneration
(6%, effect 1)
Magic Mental Shield
(effect 1)
Magic Hold
Crystal Staff (5) Risk Evasion (7) Mana Up Magic Bless the Body
(effect 2)
Cursed Staff (6) Magic Hold Magic Poison (4%) Magic Weakness
Inferno Staff (?) Acumen Magic Silence Magic Paralysis
Paradia Staff (7) Magic Regeneration
(3%, effect 2)
Magic Mental Shield
(effect 3)
Magic Hold
Paagrio Hammer (7) Risk Evasion (6) Magic Poison (3%) Magic Weakness
Sage's Staff (7) Magic Hold Magic Poison (3%) Magic Weakness
Paagrio Ax (7) Mana Up Magic Weakness Magic Chaos (5%)
Deadman's Staff (8) Magic Regeneration
(3%, effect 2)
Magic Mental Shield
(effect 3)
Magic Hold
Demon's Staff (8) Magic Poison (4%) Magic Weakness Magic Chaos (5%)
Ghoul's Staff (8) Risk Evasion (6) Mana Up Magic Bless the Body
(effect 4)


Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Cursed Dagger (5) Critical Bleed (12%) Critical Poison (4%) Risk Haste (12%)
Dark Elven Dagger (5) Focus (90) Back Blow (109) risk haste
Soulfire Dirk (6) Mana Up Magic Silence (10%, effect 2) Magic Hold
Stiletto (6) Critical Bleed (12%) Critical Poison (4%) risk haste
Dark Screamer (7) Evasion (2) Focus (81) Critical Bleed (10%)
Grace Dagger (7) Evasion (2) Focus (81) Back Blow (97)
Crystal Dagger (8) Critical Bleed (10%) Critical Poison (3%) Critical Damage


Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Crystallized Ice Bow (5) Guidance (5) Evasion (2) Quick Recovery (12%)
Elemental Bow (5) Guidance (5) Miser Quick Recovery (14%)
Noble Elven Bow (6) Evasion (2) Miser Cheap Shot
Akat Longbow (7) Guidance (4) Evasion (2) Miser
Eminence Bow (8) Guidance (4) Miser Cheap Shot

Brass knuckles

What is written about "Fist Blade" is correct. Although the Fist Blade is the second of the best brass knuckles and has more big damage than Knuckle Duster, it does require a level 6 crystal, while Knuckle Duster requires a level 8 soul crystal (actually according to Knuckle Duster's knowledge base more damage; maybe something is mixed up here - approx. per.).
Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Chakram (5) Critical Drain (6HP) Critical Poison (8%) Risk Haste (12%)
Knuckle Duster (8) Risk Evasion (6) Risk Haste (11%) Haste (7%)
Fist Blade (6) Risk Evasion (6) Risk Haste (10%) Haste (7%)
Great Pata (8) Critical Drain (10HP) Critical Poison (7%) Risk Haste (10%)


Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Body Slasher (5) Critical Stun (18%) long blow wide blow
Scythe (5) Anger (17) Critical Stun (18%) light
Orcish Glaive (5) Anger (17) Critical Stun (18%) long blow
Bec De Corbin (6) Critical Stun (17%) long blow light
Poleaxes (6) Critical Stun long blow wide blow
Scorpio (7) Anger (21) Critical Stun (16%) long blow
Widow Maker (7) Critical Stun (16%) long blow wide blow
Orcish Poleaxe (8) Critical Stun (15%) long blow wide blow


Weapon When enchanted by +4
Crimson Sword*Elven Long Sword Guidance
Elven Sword*Elven Long Sword Critical Damage (28)
Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Health
Sword of Revolution*Elven Long Sword Focus (80)
Elven Long Sword*Elven Long Sword Haste (7%)
Stormbringer*Stormbringer Guidance (4)
Stormbringer*Katana Health
Stormbringer*Raid Sword Haste (5%)
Stormbringer*Shamshir Critical Damage (21)
Stormbringer*Spirits Sword Focus (50)
Katana*Katana Haste (6%)
Katana Raid Sword Critical Damage (28)
Katana*Spirits Sword Guidance (4)
Raid Sword*Raid Sword Haste (6%)
Shamshir*Katana Critical Damage (28)
Shamshir Raid Sword Focus (40)
Shamshir*Shamshir Guidance (4)
Shamshir*Spirits Sword Health
Spirits Sword*Raid Sword Focus (40)
Spirits Sword*Spirits Sword Health

B Grade Weapons


Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Keshanberk (9) Guidance (5) Focus (68) Back Blow (56)
Sword of Valhalla (9) Acumen Magic Weakness Magic Regeneration
Sword of Damascus (10) Focus (64) Critical Damage (262) Haste (6%)


Axes, hammers, clubs


Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Spirit's Staff (9) Magic Regeneration (30%) Magic Mental Shield (50%, effect 4) Magic Hold (10%, effect 4)
Staff of Evil Spirit (10) Magic Focus (20%, effect 3) Magic Bless Body (20%, effect 5) Magic Poison (6%, effect 7)


In C4, Hell Knife got new list SA, it is now considered magical.

Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Hell Knife (9) Focus (71) Back Blow (86) Might Mortal (40%)
Hell Knife (9) Magic Regeneration Magic Mental Shield Magic Weakness
Chris (9) Evasion (2) Focus (71) Back Blow (86)
Demon Sword (10) Critical Bleed (10%, effect 6) Critical Poison (3%, effect 6)
Might Mortal (40%)


Brass knuckles



Weapon When enchanted by +4
Stormbringer*Caliburs Guidance (6)
Stormbringer*Sword of Limit Critical Damage (45)
Stormbringer*Sword of Delusion Health
Stormbringer*Sword of Nightmare Focus (76)
Stormbringer*Tsurugi Haste (9%)
Shamshir*Caliburs Guidance (6)
Shamshir*Sword of Limit Critical Damage (40)
Shamshir*Sword of Delusion Health
Shamshir*Sword of Nightmare Focus (88)
Shamshir*Tsurugi Haste (8%)
Katana*Caliburs Guidance (6)
Katana*Sword of Limit Critical Damage (40)
Katana*Sword of Delusion Health
Katana*Sword of Nightmare Focus (88)
Katana*Tsurugi Haste (8%)
Spirit Sword*Caliburs Guidance (6)
Spirit Sword*Sword of Limit Critical Damage (40)
Spirit Sword*Sword of Delusion Health
Spirit Sword*Sword of Nightmare Focus (88)
Spirit Sword*Tsurugi Haste (8%)
Raid Sword*Caliburs Guidance (6)
Raid Sword*Sword of Limit Critical Damage (40)
Raid Sword*Sword of Delusion Health
Raid Sword*Sword of Nightmare Focus (88)
Raid Sword*Tsurugi Haste (8%)
Stormbringer*Samurai Longsword Guidance (5)
Caliburs*Caliburs Critical Damage (35)
Caliburs*Sword of Limit Health
Caliburs*Sword of Delusion Focus (75)
Caliburs*Sword of Nightmare Haste (7%)
Caliburs*Tsurugi Guidance (5)
Sword of Limit*Sword of Limit Critical Damage (35)
Sword of Limit*Sword of Delusion Health
Sword of Limit*Sword of Nightmare Focus (76)
Sword of Limit*Tsurugi Haste (7%)
Sword of Delusion*Sword of Delusion Guidance (5)
Sword of Delusion*Sword of Nightmare Critical Damage (35)
Sword of Delusion*Tsurugi Health
Sword of Nightmare*Sword of Nightmare Focus (76)
Sword of Nightmare*Tsurugi Haste (7%)
Tsurugi*Tsurugi Focus (76)
Shamshir*Samurai Longsword Guidance (4)
Raid Sword*Samurai Longsword Focus (65)
Spirit Sword*Samurai Longsword Health
Katana*Samurai Longsword Critical Damage (30)
Caliburs*Samurai Longsword Haste (7%)
Sword of Limit*Samurai Longsword Guidance (5)
Sword of Delusion*Samurai Longsword Critical Damage (35)
Sword of Nightmare*Samurai Longsword Health
Tsurugi*Samurai Longsword Focus (52)
Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword Haste (4%)

A Grade Weapons


Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue
Elemental Sword (11) Magic Power (153) Magic Paralyze (5%) Empower (30)
Tallum Blade (11) Critical Poison (10%, effect 7) Haste (6%) Anger (31)
Sword of Miracles (12) Magic Power (167) Magic Silence (10%, effect 1) Acumen
Dark Legion (12) Critical Damage (326) Health Risk Focus (130)
Weapon (crystal level) Red Green Blue Dasparion's Staff (11) Mana Up conversion Acumen Branch of The Mother Tree (12) conversion Magic Damage (30%, power 8) Acumen

This is rather not even a guide, but simply ordered information on all resources in the game.
For resources in parentheses is indicated required level crafting for their production. For reference, crafting level 1 - character level 5, available to all gnomes (only warsmiths above), 2 - 20, 3 - 28, 4 - 36, 5 - 43, 6 - 49, 7 - 55, 8 - 62, 9 - 70.
For drop and spoil, the range of levels of mobs is indicated, for the manor, the levels of seeds.

"Level zero" resources (cannot be crafted).

Animal Bone aka AB.

Used as part of: all weapons and heavy armor, B+ light armor and tunics, C+ jewelry, shields, helmets, boots and peppers.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Coarse Bone Powder (1).
Loot: drop (4-87), spoil (1-60), manor (34, 61).

Animal Skin aka AS.

Used as an integral part of: light armor and tunics, helmets, peppers, boots, C + shields.
Used in its pure form, in things: NG.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Leather (1).
Loot: drop (4-87), spoil (1-60), manor (19, 49).

Used in its pure form, in things: NG.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Cokes (1), Steel Mold (2), Crafted Leather (4).
Loot: drop (2-85), spoil (3-55), manor (28, 55).


Used in its pure form, in things: NG.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Cokes (1).
Loot: drop (1-86), spoil (1-59), manor (31, 58).


Used as part of: all things.
It is used in its pure form, in things: NG, D jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Steel (1), Varnish of Purity (2), Metal Hardener (4).
Loot: drop (1-85), spoil (2-59), manor (13, 43).

Iron Ore.

Used as part of: all things.
Used in its pure form, in things: NG.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Steel (1), Steel Mold (2), Metallic Thread (4).
Loot: drop (3-85), spoil (3-60), manor (25, 52).

Used as an integral part: almost all things.
Used in its pure form, in things: NG.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Braided Hemp (1), Metal Hardener (4).
Loot: drop (1-85), spoil (3-57), manor (10, 40).


Used as an integral part: almost all things.
Used in its pure form, in things: NG.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Cord (2), Compound Braid (2), Metallic Thread (4), Warsmith's Holder (6).
Loot: drop (1-86), spoil (1-57), manor (22, 50).

Used as an integral part: weapons, boots, peppers, helmets.
Used in its pure form, in things: NG.
Used in its pure form, in resources: High Grade Suede (2).
Loot: drop (1-86), spoil (6-56), manor (16, 46).

Silver Nuggets.

Used as an integral part of: D+ jewelry, C+ mage weapons, heavy and light armor, tunics, helmets.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Metallic Fiber (4), Silver Mold (2), Oriharukon (4).
Loot: drop (1-86), spoil (1-55), manor (37, 64).

Adamantite Nuggets.

Used as a component of: C + swords and daggers, A + light armor, tunics, helmets, peppers, boots, jewelry and shields.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Artisan's Frame (4), Leolin's Mold (5).
Loot: drop (25-86), spoil (25-86), manor (22, 50).

Mithril Ore.

Used as an integral part: almost all things.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Mithril Alloy (4), Reinforced Metal Plate (4), Blacksmith's Frame (4).
Loot: drop (25-86), spoil (21-85), manor (22).

Stone Of Purity aka SoP.

Used as an integral part: almost all things.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Varnish of Purity (2).
Loot: drop (25-86), spoil (9-86).

Oriharukon Ore.

Used as an integral part of: C + weapons and shields, B + light armor, tunics, boots, peppers.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Synthetic Cokes (2), Oriharukon (4).
Loot: drop (25-73), spoil (4-73), manor (16).

Used as an integral part and in its pure form: B + armor, helmets, peppers, boots, shields; MP elixirs.
Loot: drop (45-87), spoil (45-83), manor (49, 76).

Used in its pure form, in things: B + jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Arcsmith Anvil (6).

Used as part of: B+ weapon; A+ peppers, boots and jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in things: B + weapons.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Warsmith's Mold (6), Craftsman Mold (6).
Loot: drop (45-87), spoil (45-85), manor (31, 79).

Mold Glue aka MG.

Used as an integral part of: B + armor, helmets, peppers, boots, shields, jewelry; A+ weapons.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Maestro Anvil Lock (6), Maestro Mold (6), Warsmith's Holder (6).
Loot: drop (45-85), spoil (46-85), manor (43, 67).

Mold Lubricant aka ML.

Used as part of: B+ things.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Maestro Anvil Lock (6), Maestro Holder (6), Arcsmith's Anvil (6).
Loot: drop (45-87), spoil (47-87), manor (58, 70).

Mold Hardener aka MH.

Used as an integral part of: B+ weapons, A+ peppers, bots and jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Warsmith's Mold (6), Maestro Holder (6), Craftsman Mold (6).
Loot: drop (45-86), spoil (45-86), manor (52, 73).

Resources of the first level

Coarse Bone Powder aka CBP.

Composition: 10 Animal Bone.
Used as part of: see Animal Bone.
Used in its pure form, in things: one-handed and two-handed weapons of magicians (books, staves, etc.)
Used in its pure form, in resources: Varnish of Purity (2), High Grade Suede (2).
Loot: craft, drop (19-86), spoil (18-60), manor (61).


Composition: 6 Animal Skin.
Used as part of: see Animal Skin.
Used in its pure form, in things: D light armor, tunics, helmets, peppers, boots, shields.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Crafted Leather (4).
Loot: craft, drop (18-87), spoil (20-50), manor (55).

Composition: 3 Coal, 3 Charcoal.
Used as an ingredient: see Charcoal.
Used in its pure form, in things: D weapons and shields.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Synthetic Cokes (2), Silver Mold (2).
Loot: craft, drop (18-85), spoil (18-45), manor (13).

Composition: 5 Varnish, 5 Iron Ore.
Used as part of: all things.
Used in its pure form, in things: D weapons and heavy armor.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Cord (2), Mithril Alloy (4).
Loot: craft, drop (19-85), spoil (11-60), manor (34).

Braided Hemp.

Composition: 5 Stem.
Used as an integral part: see Stem.
Used in its pure form, in things: D bows, weapons of magicians, necklaces.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Compound Braid (2), Steel Mold (2), Silver Mold (2).
Loot: craft, drop (18-73), spoil (19-42), manor (10, 40).

Resources of the second level

Varnish Of Purity aka VoP.

Ingredients: 1 Stone Of Purity, 3 Varnish, 3 Coarse Bone Powder.
Used as an ingredient: see Stone of Purity.
Used in its pure form, in things: C + heavy armor and jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Mithril Alloy (4), Blacksmith's Frame (4), Artisan's Frame (4), Maestro Holder (6).
Mining: craft, manor (73).

Synthetic Cokes.

Ingredients: 1 Oriharukon Ore, 3 Cokes.
Used as an ingredient: see Oriharukon Ore.
Used in its pure form, in things: C + weapons and shields.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Oriharukon (4), Maestro Anvil Lock (6).
Mining: craft, manor (70).

Composition: 2 Steel, 25 Thread for 20 pieces.
Used as a component of: C+ light armor and tunics, helmets, peppers, boots, shields, bijouterie.
Used in its pure form, in things: D light armor, tunics and jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Metallic Fiber (4), Crafted Leather (4), Leolin's Mold (S).
Loot: craft, drop (27-73), spoil (27-72), manor (50).

Silver Mold.

Ingredients: 5 Braided Hemp, 5 Cokes, 10 Silver Nugget.
Used as part of: C, B, A heavy armor, helmets, A+ jewelry.
It is used in its pure form, in things: D, C, B jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Blacksmith's Frame (4).
Mining: craft.

Steel Mold.

Composition: 5 Braided Hemp, 5 Iron Ore, 5 Coal.
It is used as an integral part of: C + swords and daggers, A + peppers, boots, jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in things: D swords and daggers, heavy armor, helmets.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Artisan's Frame (4).
Mining: craft.

Compound Braid.

Composition: 5 Braided Hemp, 5 Thread.
Used in its pure form, in things: C + bows, mage weapons, light armor, tunics, jewelry.
Loot: craft, drop (27-86), spoil (27-84).

High Grade Suede.

Ingredients: 1 Coarse Bone Powder, 3 Suede.
Used in its pure form, in things: D + weapons, boots, peppers, helmets.
Loot: craft, drop (27-85), spoil (27-83), manor (46, 82).

Resources of the fourth level

Mithril Alloy.

Composition: 1 Varnish Of Purity, 2 Steel, 1 Mithril Ore.
Used in its pure form, in things: C + weapons, heavy armor and shields.
Mining: craft, manor (76).

Crafted Leather aka CL.

Composition: 4 Leather, 4 Cord, 4 Coal.
Used in its pure form, in things: see Leather.
Loot: craft, drop, spoil, manor (19, 67).

Blacksmith Frame.

Composition: 1 Silver Mold, 5 Varnish of Purity, 10 Mithril Ore.
Used as part of: B, A heavy armor, helmets, A+ jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in things: C, B heavy armor, helmets, C, B, A jewelry.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Maestro Mold (6).
Mining: craft.

Artisan Frame.

Composition: 1 Steel Mold, 5 Varnish of Purity, 10 Adamantite Nugget.
Used as an integral part of: B, A swords and daggers, A+ peppers, boots, bijouterie. .
Used in its pure form, in things: C, B swords and daggers.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Craftsman Mold (6), Warsmith Mold (S).
Mining: craft.


Ingredients: 1 Synthetic Cokes, 4 Oriharukon Ore, 12 Silver Nugget.
Used in its pure form, in things: C + one-handed and two-handed weapons of magicians (books, staves, etc.)
Mining: craft, manor (82).

metal hardener.

Composition: 10 Stem, 10 varnish, 10 Iron Ore.
Used in its pure form, in things: C weapons.
Loot: craft, drop, spoil.

Metallic Thread.

Composition: 10 Thread, 5 Iron Ore.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Durable Metal Plate (4).
Loot: craft, drop, spoil, manor (40, 85).

metal fiber.

Composition: 20 Cord, 15 Silver Nugget for 20 pieces.
Used in its pure form, in things: C + light armor and tunics, helmets, peppers, boots, shields, jewelry.
Loot: craft, drop, spoil, manor (25).

Durable Metal Plate aka DMP.

Composition: 5 Metallic Thread, 5 Mithril ore.
Used as part of: S helmets and shield.
Used in its pure form, in things: A+ weapons.
Loot: craft, drop, spoil, manor (64, 85).

Resources of the sixth level

Maestro Mold.

Composition: 1 Blacksmith Frame, 10 Mold Glue, 5 Asofe.
Used in its pure form, in things: B, A heavy armor, helmets, A + jewelry.
Mining: craft.

Craftsman Mold.

Composition: 2 Artisan Frame, 20 Mold Hardener, 5 Enria.
Used in its pure form, in things: B, A swords and daggers.
Mining: craft.

Maestro Holder.

Ingredients: 10 Varnish of Purity, 10 Mold Lubricant, 10 Mold Hardener.
Used as part of: S weapons.
Used in its pure form, in things: B, A weapons (except swords and daggers).
Used in its pure form, in resources: Warsmith Holder (S).
Mining: craft.

Maestro Anvil Lock.
Ingredients: 4 Synthetic Cokes, 4 Mold Glue, 4 Mold Lubricant.
Used as part of: S armor.
Used in its pure form, in things: B, A shields, light armor, tunics, boots, peppers.
Used in its pure form, in resources: Arcsmith Anvil (S).
Mining: craft.

"S-level" resources

These resources are used in S crafting, they are made by Blacksmith in the city, there are no recipes for them in the game.

Leolin Mold.

Composition: 40 Cord, 10 Durable Metal Plate, 15 Adamantite Nugget.
Used in its pure form, in things: S helmets and a shield.

Warsmith Mold.

Contents: 1 Artisan Frame, 10 Mold Hardener, 5 Enria.
It is used in its pure form, in things: S peppers, bots, jewelry.

Warsmith holder.

Composition: 2 Maestro Holder, 10 Mold Glue, 20 Thread.
Used in its pure form, in things: S weapons.

Arcsmith Anvil.

Ingredients: 3 Maestro Anvil Lock, 10 Thons, 20 Mold Lubricant.
Used in its pure form, in things: S armor.

  • Special bonuses (SA) can be inserted into various C, B, A and S class weapons.
  • Each weapon can be equipped with one of three SAs to choose from.
  • Dual swords/daggers automatically gain a certain SA when enchanted to +4. They cannot get another SA.
  • You cannot insert SA into Common Item (Regular Item), Shadow Item (Shadow Item), into weapons No Grade (No rank), D Grade (D rank), as well as into Hero Weapon (Hero weapon).
  • Can insert SA into Augmented (Improved) and Masterwork (Rare) weapons


  • To insert SA C and B class, you need to go to the Blacksmith (Blacksmith) in the Blacksmith Shop (Forge) in any city.
  • To insert SA A and S/S80 class, you need to approach Mammon Blacksmith(Blacksmith of Mammon), which appears in the week of victories of the Seven Sigs (Seven Seals) in the Catacombs (Catacombs).
  • You must have a certain amount of Gemstone (Gem) of the same class as the weapon, and Soul Crystal (Soul Crystal) of a certain color and level. The amount of Gemstones (Gems) and the level of crystals are listed below.

C grade

B grade

A grade

S grade

S80 grade

Resources required for insertion

Grade Crystal Level Gemstones (Gems)
C Low 5 97C
C Middle 6 238C
C High 7 306C
C Top 8 555C
B low 9 222B
B Top 10 339B
A low blue 11 147A
A Low Red/Green 11 157A
A Middle Blue 12 157A
A Middle Red/Green 12 140 A
A Top 12 157A
S 13 82S
Dinasty 14 ??? S
Icarus 15 ??? S

SA decryption

Passive Physical SAs
Anger (Rage) Increases P.Atk. (physical attack) and reduces maximum HP by 15%.
Back Blow (Stab in the back) Increases Critical (critical chance) from the back.
Cheap Shot (Economy) / Bow Decreases MP consumption during a normal attack.
Cheap Shot (Economy) / Crossbow Reduces MP consumption when using skills.
Critical Damage Increases P.Atk. (physical attack) during a critical attack.
Evasion Increases Evasion (evasion)
Focus Increases Critical (critical chance)
Guidance Increases Accuracy (accuracy)
Haste Increases Atk. spd (attack speed)
Health Increases maximum HP by 25%.
HP Drain Recovers 3% of the physical damage dealt to an enemy during a melee attack.
HP Regeneration Increases HP recovery by 2.2 per tick
Light (Lightness) Increases Weight Limit by 20%
Miser (stinginess) Has a 30% chance to reduce soulshot consumption when attacking
Quick Recovery Reduces skill reuse time
Towering Blow (strike force) Increases the effect area of ​​the weapon.
Wide/Wild Blow (Angle of impact) Increases the angle of attack.
Chance Physical SA
Critical Anger Decreases player's HP by 12 and increases P. Atk. (Physical) by 248 on a critical attack.
Critical Bleed Gives a chance to inflict Bleed on the target on a critical attack.
Critical Drain (Critical Vampire) Drains 9 HP from the target on a critical attack.
Critical Poison Gives a chance to inflict Poison on the target on a critical attack.
Critical Slow Gives a chance to inflict Slow (speed reduction) on the target on a critical attack.
Critical Stun (Crit. stun) Gives a chance to inflict Stun (stun) on the target during a critical attack.
Limit Physical SAs
Risk Evasion Increases Evasion at 60% HP and below.
Risk Focus Increases Critical (critical chance) at HP 60% and below.
Risk Haste Increases Atk. Spd (attack speed) at 60% HP and below.
Passive magical SA
Acumen (Insight) Increases Casting Spd. (spell casting speed) by 15%.
Conversion (Conversion) Increases maximum MP by 60% and decreases maximum HP by 40%.
Empower (Inspiration) Increases M.Atk. (magic attack)
Magic Damage Increases damage power by 8 with a 30% chance when using bad magic
Magic Power When using magic, MP consumption is increased by 15% and M. Atk. (magic attack) increases.
Mana Up Increases maximum MP by 30%.
MP Regeneration Increases MP recovery by 0.6 per tick
Chance buff SA
Bless the Body Inflicts Bless the Body with a 20% chance on the target when using friendly magic.
Magic Focus (Focus) Casts with a 20% chance on the target Focus (focus) when using friendly magic. effect 3.
Magic Regeneration Inflicts with a 30% chance on the target Regeneration (regeneration) when using friendly magic.
Mental Shield (Mental shield) Places a Mental Shield on the target with a 50% chance when using friendly magic.
Chance debuff SA
Magic Chaos (Chaos) Gives a chance to inflict Curse of Chaos on the target when using bad magic. effect 3.
Magic Hold Gives a chance to inflict Dryad Root on the target when using bad magic.
Magic Paralyze Inflicts with a 5% chance magic, paralyzing the target.
Magic Poison (Poison) Gives a chance to inflict Poison on the target when using bad magic.
Magic Silence Has a 10% chance to apply Silence to the target when using bad magic.
Magic Weakness Gives a chance to inflict Curse Weakness on the target when using bad magic. effect 3.
Deprecated SAs
Mortal Strike Increases the chance of passing skills with a chance of lethality.

Obtaining a Soul Crystal

  • You can get Soul Crystal (Crystal of the Soul) by the corresponding quest (description at the link: /)
  • Soul Crystal levels 7-10 are also sold in the Luxury Shop (Luxury Store)

Prices in Luxury Shop (Luxury Shop)

level D crystals C crystals B crystals
7 500 100
8 567 120
9 135 44
10 150 50


  • Removing SA from weapons for a fee can be done by the Black Marketeer of Mammon (Mammon Smuggler) in any city
  • Free SA can be removed from Mammon Blacksmith (Blacksmith of Mammon)
  • The soul crystal does not return

Kamael weapons

  • 1h sword (one-handed sword), 2h sword (two-handed sword) and bow (bow) when transformed into rapier (rapier), ancient sword (ancient sword), arbalest (crossbow) and back retains SA and their effects.

Deprecated SAs

  • In C2, the following weapons had a different SA set.
  1. Demon's Sword / Demon Dagger (B): Critical Bleed, Critical Poison, Mortal Strike / Might Mortal
  2. Hell Knife (B): Back Blow, Focus, Mortal Strike / Might Mortal
  3. Crystall Dagger (С): Critical Bleed, Critical Poison, Mortal Strike / Might Mortal
  • In the future, the ability to insert Back Blow and Focus in Hell Knife and Mortal Strike / Might Mortal disappeared, however, if SA was already inserted, then it remained.

Maximum parameter values ​​of some SAs

  1. Focus (90): Dark Elven Dagger (C)
  2. Haste (7%): Angel Slayer (S)
  3. Risk Evasion (7): Crystal Staff (C), Stick of Eternity (C)
  4. Risk Haste (13%): Cursed Dagger (C), Dark Elven Dagger (C)
  5. Quick Recovery (20%): Elemental Bow (C)
  6. Critical Stun (25%): Poleaxe (C), Halberd (A)
  1. Mental Shield (Effect 4): Spell Breaker (B), Sprite "s Staff (B), Daimon Crystal (A), Themis" Tongue (A)
  2. Bless the Body (Effect 5): Staff of Evil Spirits (B)
  3. Magic Focus: Staff of Evil Spirits (B)

Special properties- a power-up that can be added to a weapon to enhance the character's basic combat performance.
See also:

General information

  • Special properties can be added to weapons of rank C and above.
  • Custom properties can be added, replaced, or removed. To add or replace a special property, you need a Soul Crystal and gems, and to remove adena.
  • The Special Powers obtained depend on the Soul Crystal used and the selected effect, see Soul Crystal Effects for details.
  • You can add a special property using the NPC Blacksmith, see the Process of adding a special property for more details.
  • Special properties can be added to modified, enchanted or attribute-enhanced weapons. Adding, replacing, or removing a special property will not change any of these buffs.

Soul Crystals

  • There are 5 types of normal Soul Crystals: Kain's Soul Crystals, Mermeden's Soul Crystals, Leona's Soul Crystals, Pantheon's Soul Crystals, and Leonel's Soul Crystals, and 1 special type: Mysterious Soul Crystal.
    • Ordinary Soul Crystals come in 1~8 levels. The higher the level of the Soul Crystal, the higher the level of the special property.
    • The Special Soul Crystal has no levels.
  • All Soul Crystals have multiple effects, only one can be selected when adding a special property.
    • When placing two identical Soul Crystals in an R ~ R110 grade weapon, you cannot select the same effect that has already been selected for another Crystal. For example, if 2 Kain Soul Crystals are installed and the effect "Might" is selected for one, then when choosing the effect for the other Crystal, "Might" will disappear from the list of possible effects.
  • How many Soul Crystals can be added depends on the rank of the weapon:
    • C ~ S80 grade weapons can be equipped with 1 normal Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
    • R ~ R110 weapons can be equipped with 2 normal Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal.
  • Soul Crystals can be added (adding Soul Crystals), replaced (replacing already installed Soul Crystals with new ones without compensation or returning previously installed Soul Crystals), or removed (extracting installed Soul Crystals for later use).
  • The price of the service for adding, extracting and removing the Soul Crystal depends only on the rank of the weapon and does not depend on the level of the Crystal.
  • Any Soul Crystal can be inserted into a weapon, there is no restriction on the rank of the weapon or the level of the Soul Crystal.
  • Installation, replacement, and extraction are always successful.

How to get Soul Crystals


  • Ordinary Soul Crystals can be obtained as trophies for killing Raid Bosses. Normal Soul Crystals of level 1 can be obtained from raid bosses of level 40 and above, Common Soul Crystals of level 8 can be obtained from raid bosses of level 104 and above.
  • To obtain a special Soul Crystal, you need to collect it in the instanced zones of the Mystery Tavern - 10 pieces. and exchange them for Setlen at the Mysterious Tavern in Underground Kainak. The item can also be obtained by winning it in Tarot Cards.


  • Ordinary Soul Crystals of 1 ~ 6 levels can be combined through synthesis to obtain Soul Crystals of a higher level.
  • You can only synthesize two Soul Crystals of the same type and level, for example, you can synthesize + , but not + or + .
  • If the synthesis fails, one of the Soul Crystals used for synthesis will disappear.
  • With a successful synthesis, a Soul Crystal of a higher level will be obtained, for example: + = .


At the Auction, you can purchase ordinary Soul Crystals of levels 7 and 8. The auction takes place with the help of NPC Auction Master Leah in Giran in front of the Luxury Goods shop every Tuesday (from 21:00 to 22:00) and Saturday (from 18:00 to 19:00).
See details:

The process of adding a custom property

  • To add a special property, you will need a Soul Crystal, as well as a certain amount of gems of a certain rank (depending on the rank of the weapon, see Cost of adding/replacing/removing a special property).
  • Select the required weapon from the list and drag it to the weapon slot.
  • Select the desired Crystal and drag it to the left side in one of the cells and select the effect from the list.
    • The "Registration" button becomes active if there are enough Gems of the required rank in the inventory, but it is also necessary to select the effect of the Soul Crystal.
    • The "Cancel" button cancels the selection of the Crystal.
  • After clicking on the "Register" button, the selected Soul Crystal and its effect will be displayed in the installation window. You can add more Soul Crystals by dragging the required Crystals, or complete the installation by clicking the "Insert" button.
    • The "Insert" button opens the installation confirmation window, if you agree with the changes, click "Confirm", if you do not agree - "Cancel".

The process of replacing a special property

  • Go to the Blacksmith NPC in any town or village and select the dialogue line: "Add special properties to weapons and apply the crystal again."
  • Move the weapon in which the Soul Crystal needs to be replaced.
  • Drag the required Soul Crystal from the right side of the window to the left side onto the Crystal you want to replace. When replaced, the old Soul Crystal is destroyed and its effect disappears.
    • In the confirmation window that appears, click "Confirm" if you agree with the replacement, or "Cancel" if you do not agree.
  • Select the effect of the new Soul Crystal and click "Register".
  • Click "Insert" if you are finished replacing the Crystals, or select and replace others if necessary.
  • After clicking the "Insert" button, a replacement confirmation window appears.
    • Click "Confirm" if you agree with the changes, or click "Cancel" to cancel the current changes and return to choosing a Crystal.

The process of deleting a custom property

  • Go to the Blacksmith NPC in any town or village and select the dialogue line: "Remove weapon special properties (remove Soul Crystal)".
  • Select a weapon with Soul Crystals installed and place it in the appropriate slot.
  • Click the "Extract" button next to the Soul Crystal you want to extract. When the Soul Crystal is removed, its effect will also be removed.
  • In the confirmation window, click "Accept" if you agree with the changes, or "Cancel" if you do not agree.
  • For the removal of a special property, you will need to pay a certain amount of adena, which depends on the rank of the weapon.
  • When a special property is removed, the removed Soul Crystal will be added to the character's inventory.

Cost of adding/replacing/removing a special property

Soul Crystal Effects

Each of the Soul Crystal Types gives the ability to give the weapon one of a set of special properties. Depending on the class and style of the game, you can choose a special property that is most suitable for the character.

Ordinary Soul Crystals lvl 3 and above give an increase in damage in PvP + 5%.

Type Name Option Effect 1 ur. Level 2 Level 3 4 ur. Level 5 6 ur. Level 7 Level 8
Ordinary Soul Crystals Kain's Soul Crystal Power Phys. Atk. 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9%
Rage Speed Atk. 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18%
Focusing Chance of P. Def. Crete. Atk. 58 64 70 76 82 88 94 100
doom P. Strength Crete. Atk. 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Hunter Crit Chance. Atk. physical skills 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13%
Fire Crit power. Atk. physical skills 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13%
Body Max. HP 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28%
Soul Crystal of Mermeden Inspiration Mag. Atk. 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9%
Insight Speed Mag. 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18%
wildness Chance Mag. Crete. Atk. 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28%
Mage Power Mag. Crete. Atk. 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Soul Max. MP 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% 31% 32% 33%
Leona's Soul Crystal Speed Focusing Speed P. Atk., chance of P. Def. Crete. Atk. 5%, 26 5%, 29 6%, 32 6%, 34 7%, 37 7%, 40 8%, 42 8%, 45
Speed doom Speed P. Atk., Strength P. Def. Crete. Atk. 5%, 1% 5%, 2% 6%, 2% 6%, 3% 7%, 3% 7%, 4% 8%, 4% 8%, 5%
Speed Hunter Speed Atk., Chance of Crit. Atk. physical skills 5%, 3% 5%, 4% 6%, 4% 6%, 5% 7%, 5% 7%, 6% 8%, 6% 8%, 7%
Speed Flame Speed Atk., Crit. Atk. physical skills 5%, 3% 5%, 4% 6%, 4% 6%, 5% 7%, 5% 7%, 6% 8%, 6% 8%, 7%
Speed Body Speed Atk., Max. HP 5%, 10% 5%, 11% 6%, 11% 6%, 12% 7%, 12% 7%, 13% 8%, 13% 8%, 14%
Crete. doom Chance of P. Def. Crete. P. Atk., Strength P. Def. Crete. Atk. 26; 1% 29; 2% 32; 2% 34; 3% 37; 3% 40; 4% 42; 4% 45; 5%
Crete. Hunter Chance of P. Def. Crete. Atk., Chance of Crit. Atk. physical skills 26; 3% 29; 4% 32; 4% 34; 5% 37; 5% 40; 6% 42; 6% 45; 7%
Crete. Flame Chance of P. Def. Crete. Atk., Crit. Atk. physical skills 26; 3% 29; 4% 32; 4% 34; 5% 37; 5% 40; 6% 42; 6% 45; 7%
Crete. Body Chance of P. Def. Crete. Atk., Max. HP 26; 10% 29; 11% 32; 11% 34; 12% 37; 12% 40; 13% 42; 13% 45; 14%
Pantheon Soul Crystal Penetration wildness Speed Mag.1, Chance Mag. Crete. Atk. 5%, 10% 5%, 11% 6%, 11% 6%, 12% 7%, 12% 7%, 13% 8%, 13% 8%, 14%
Penetration Mage Speed M., power M. Crete. Atk. 5%, 1% 5%, 2% 6%, 2% 6%, 3% 7%, 3% 7%, 4% 8%, 4% 8%, 5%
Penetration Soul Speed Mag., Max. MP 5%, 13% 5%, 14% 6%, 14% 6%, 15% 7%, 15% 7%, 16% 8%, 16% 8%, 17%
Wildness. Mage Chance Mag. Crete. Atk., Strength M. Atk. Crete. Atk. 10%, 1% 10%, 2% 11%, 2% 11%, 3% 12%, 3% 12%, 4% 13%, 4% 13%, 5%
Wildness. Soul Chance Mag. Crete. Atk., Max. MP 10%, 13% 10%, 14% 11%, 14% 11%, 15% 12%, 15% 12%, 16% 13%, 16% 13%, 17%
Leonel's Soul Crystal HP Acumen Max. HP, Speed Mag. 10%, 5% 11%, 5% 11%, 6% 12%, 6% 12%, 7% 13%, 7% 13%, 8% 14%, 8%
HP Savagery Max. HP, Chance M. Def. Crete. Atk. 10%, 10% 11%, 10% 11%, 11% 12%, 11% 12%, 12% 13%, 12% 13%, 13% 14%, 13%
HP Mage Max. HP, Strength M. Def. Crete. Atk. 10%, 1% 11%, 2% 11%, 3% 12%, 3% 12%, 4% 13%, 4% 13%, 5% 14%, 5%
HP Soul Max. HP, Max MP 10%, 13% 11%, 13% 11%, 14% 12%, 14% 12%, 15% 13%, 15% 13%, 16% 14%, 16%
MP Rage Max. MP, Speed Atk. 13%, 5% 13%, 6% 14%, 6% 14%, 7% 15%, 7% 15%, 8% 16%, 8% 16%, 9%
MP Focus Max. MP, P. Def. Crete. Atk. 13%; 26 13%; 29 14%; 32 14%; 34 15%;37 15%; 40 16%; 42 16%; 45
MP Doom Max. MP, Strength P. Def. Crete. Atk. 13%, 1% 13%, 2% 14%, 2% 14%, 3% 15%, 3% 15%, 4% 16%, 4% 16%, 5%
MP Hunter Max. MP, Crit Chance. Atk. physical skills 13%, 3% 13%, 4% 14%, 4% 14%, 5% 15%, 5% 15%, 6% 16%, 6% 16%, 7%
MP Fire Max. MP, Critical Strength. Atk. physical skills 13%, 3% 13%, 4% 14%, 4% 14%, 5% 15%, 5% 15%, 6% 16%, 6% 16%, 7%
Special Tyr Phys. Atk.,
damage in PvP/PvE
+5%, +2%
Feo Mag. Atk.,
damage in PvP/PvE
+5%, +2%
Siegel Max HP,
Damage taken in PvP/PvE
+15%, -5%

List of Soul Crystals

Item Description
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons.
Item Description
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons.
Item Description
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons.
Item Description
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.
A crystal filled with the soul of a monster. Gives special properties to weapons. With the help of synthesis, you can increase the level of the crystal.

Effect SA, or Special Ability- Special Skill (or Ability). Each weapon has its own effects. The most common effect Acumen for magic weapons (increase in casting speed), effect Focus for bows and daggers (increase the chance to inflict a critical hit), the effect Health for swords in tanks (increase in the number of HP) and haste- for brass knuckles at the Tyrants. In any case, everyone chooses an effect for their weapon, I give only the most commonly used (in my humble opinion) options - SA type / weapon type / profession.

About what kind of weapon can get what effect - I will tell later, in a whole series of articles on this topic, and now - for beginners, how and where to insert SA into your weapon.

Grade C and B weapons are upgraded at the forge Town of Giran (Giran), y Blacksmith Pushkin. Having bought a weapon, and approaching it, you can find out what upgrade options are available and what they require.

When talking to him, choose Bestow special ability on weapon (Impose special effects on weapons), then press View list and in the window that opens, we observe our weapons in three variations. By clicking once on the icon - we get a description of this SA effect, and below - what is required to obtain this effect:

In the screenshot, alas, the crystal itself is not visible (too lazy to load the game client of another server now) - but to the right of Red Soul Crystal, you will have an icon of the crystal itself :-).

So, we learned what it takes to improve weapons. The point is small - get a crystal, buy Gems (Gemstone), prepare adena - and you can return to the blacksmith and get a new weapon with SA.

Level 7-9 crystals can be purchased at Luxor(Luxury Goods Store, he is luxury shop), shop for ordinary D and C crystals. Just in case, I will stop at this point in more detail.

The location of the store is indicated on the city map (Alt+M):

Run to the store and talk to Trader Alexandria (Armor Merchant Alexandria), choose from the menu Buy groceries (Buy groceries), 1 time click on Soul Crystal, and see what is required to buy it:

I repeat - in this screenshot, red SAs are not visible, but they are :-).

And so, in a conversation with a blacksmith, we learned that for SA (Special Ability) on Akumen (Acumen) V Homku (Homunkulus's Sword) required Red Soul Cristal (Red Soul Crystal) Level 7 In Luxor, they learned that 500 D-grade crystals and 100 C-grade crystals are required to purchase it.

Where to get ordinary crystals - I think there is no need to tell in detail (in the market, break some thing with a dwarf, unsuccessfully sharpen a weapon, etc.).

Having bought the Soul Crystal, we head to Groccery Store (Trading Shop), and there at Trader Helvetia (Grocer Helvetia) buy 306 Gemstone C (Gem Rank C).

Now you can return to the blacksmith, and repeating the conversation described above, get a new, improved weapon.

This example is suitable for all weapons of grade C and B. The difference is only in the number and grade of gems, color and level Soul Crystal and number of adena for improvement.

With weapons grade A and S, everything is a little more complicated, because. deals with such weapons only Blacksmith of Mammon (Mammon Smith)(he also removes Seal on things, about how to find it and other little things - I wrote in detail). In addition, if Gemstone C and B, like Soul Crystal the desired level, you can buy in stores - then with level A and S it is a little more difficult. In general, the system is the same - get a Soul Crystal of the required level and color, gemstones of the required grade and in the required quantity, come to the Mammon Blacksmith - and get SA in your weapon.

For S80 and S84 weapons, SA is inserted from Master Ishuma (Ishuma) in the Air Harbor of Gludio.

About what SA-the effect can be obtained in your weapon, and what Soul Crystal this will require - I will tell later.

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