Domestic lemurs. Is it possible to keep lemurs at home and what should be their care? Lemur care and maintenance at home

To some extent, this is good, because this little cute animal is on the verge of extinction, people are pushing it out of its native habitats - the Comoros and Madagascar. But before buying it is worth knowing about a few very important points content that will greatly influence your choice pet.

lemur lory

Important to know before buying

Before talking about the content of the lemur lory, the first thing to do is to highlight all the difficulties:

  1. This is an extremely touchy and stupid animal. All attempts to train a lemur cause only anger and bites are inevitable;
  2. It is useless to accustom to the toilet on the tray, he will still go where he wants;
  3. Night life. During the day, lorises also run, play, but occasionally still sleep, but at night their activity can interfere;
  4. The main meal should also be at night;
  5. Difficulties in buying, but more on that below.

These are the most primitive of primates, even dumber than macaques, just a living, but very beautiful toy.

Characteristics of the lemur

But if you have enough patience and love to care for a lemur, but the animal will pay the same coin, they are easily and quickly tamed, very attached to the owner, and love to bask in his hands, as in the photo below.

Hand lemur

Characteristics of the animal:

  • Color - yellow;
  • Size - with an average cat;
  • Weight - up to 10 kg;
  • Males are calmer and more accommodating than females;
  • Life expectancy in captivity is up to 20 years, but there are cases up to 30.

Buying a lemur

It is very difficult to buy a lemur, in captivity they practically do not breed, and the ebb and export from their homeland is prohibited by local law, and there are few of them left in the wild.

baby lemurs

When buying, study the documents very carefully to be sure that the lemur is domestic (born in a nursery or from breeders), and was not removed from wildlife and smuggled in. In addition to legal problems, you risk being "rewarded" with tropical diseases, against which we have no immunity, and the animal will never become tame.

Given that the price reaches 100,000 rubles, there is something to think about. If you decide to get more than one loris, then they must be the same age, otherwise they will not get along.

For the first time, while the baby gets used to the new house, he will spend all the time in the cage, so choose a spacious cage with several shelters. Perfect option- aviary.

Lemur in a cage

The material does not matter - the rods can be either metal or plastic or wood. The cage should have separate bowls for food and water, also from any material. Water should be changed regularly, a couple of times a day.

In the cell itself, it is desirable to recreate the landscape natural nature- branches, small trees, you can make a nest on a tree (for example, an old hat with earflaps), but a closed house is better, where the animal will hide. But you can’t clutter up, lemurs have energy emissions, they begin to run and jump very actively, and there should be enough spacious space.

Once a month, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning, wiping everything with a damp cloth. But the natural products of vital activity will have to flee every day, and more than once.

It is best to place the cage in a calm, quiet place where there are no drafts, heaters, direct sunlight. It is also recommended to purchase a weak UV lamp, which should be turned on for a couple of hours during the day.

Of course, when the baby gets used to it and ceases to be afraid, then you can let him go for a walk around the apartment, gradually accustoming him to his hands. Lori does not get along with other pets; children are also treated with caution.


Lemurs feed on both plant and animal food:

  • Insects;
  • Chicken fillet;
  • Kashi;
  • Dairy products;
  • Vegetables fruits;
  • flour worms;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Bread.

If the lemur refuses to eat, then grease the food with honey, they adore it.

Lemur eats a grasshopper

For balance, you need to follow the rule - a third of the diet is insects, a third of porridge and sour milk, and a third of vegetables and fruits. If some products are few or many, then the lemur will get sick.

By the way, insects can be frozen in the summer in freezer, thereby accumulating for the future for the whole winter.

You should not offer them food from our table, an allergy or intestinal upset is possible.

Try to feed him from your hand, thereby establishing contact so that the animal does not see you as a threat.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Lory domestic lemur video

If you decide to get a pet, but have not yet decided which one, then turn your attention to a small and very cute lemur. Of all the representatives of exotic animals, this handsome man is the most amazing. Plus, if you're looking to impress your guests with a unique pet, you can do just that with a lemur. And all because such an exotic animal can be found quite rarely at home. Moreover, if you get a lemur, you will help nature in the conservation of this species.

In order for you to get to know this animal better, we have prepared the following material, in which we will consider the features of keeping, feeding, breeding and the nature of such a pet.

Description of the species

Lemur in ancient Greek mythology means "a ghost that lives in the night." It is because of the nocturnal way of life that animals with huge eyes that frighten the inhabitants of Madagascar got their name.

In total, the category of lemur-like includes more than a hundred species. They have a lot, both in common and different. They are all medium-sized primates. In appearance, it is rather difficult to give a single description, since there are varieties a large number of. You can meet such animals as small sizes of 17 cm, and much larger, about 1.2 m. But, in more at home, there are lemurs the same size as cats.

The body of lemurs is longitudinal, the legs are the same size, both front and rear. Especially in such animals, the tail is different. It is very long and straight. These primates actively use it, it is quite difficult to imagine them without a fifth limb.

Unlike monkeys, the lemur has a slightly elongated head. Their ears are small, which cannot be said about their eyes. The visual organs of these animals are one of the distinctive characteristics kind. The nose is always wet in these animals, which also indicates their primitiveness. On the paws of such animals there are five fingers, and the big one is significantly separated from the rest. Their coat is short, but smooth, and has a fur texture.

As for the color, it can be the most diverse: white, gray, red, brown, red, orange, black, and also, in addition to a solid shade, there can be a combination of several colors at once.

Mostly lemur leads night image life, although there are some species that prefer to stay awake during the day.

These amazing creatures V natural environment habitats are found only in Madagascar and the Comoros.


This exotic animal has a very sweet disposition. Lemur is quite shy. Why does he prefer to be active at night. He also likes to play, but not naughty. In addition, it is worth noting the calm nature of such an animal. Also, lemurs can very quickly adapt to different climatic conditions. But, of course, what they love more warm climate because this is their natural habitat. Males are very easy to tame and even teach some tricks, which cannot be said about females.

In principle, with caring care and love, such animals will reciprocate the owner.

True, while the baby gets used to it, it is better to take it with the help of a net, otherwise it may bite because of fright.


As mentioned above, in nature there are quite a few different species of this family. We will consider with you the most famous of them:

  • Hand-held. This is the most common branch of the family. The appearance of such animals strongly resembles a cat. The body length of the arm-legged lemurs is 40 cm, when the tail is as much as 60 cm. Their head is massive, with large oval ears. The eyes are prominent and large. The coat color of such animals is mostly dark, rich brown and black. These are real nocturnal inhabitants;
  • Dwarf. This species includes animals with a size of 30 cm and a weight of 100 g. These individuals are very fearful. They live alone. They lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. Because of your cowardice pygmy lemurs very aggressive, because they are afraid of danger from all sides;
  • Megaladapids. This species is extinct. Individuals belonging to this family were quite large sizes. Approximately 1.2 - 1.5 m long. Otherwise, they were similar to their descendants now existing;
  • Indriaceae. The smallest individuals of this species were recorded with a height of 30 cm. On average, their body length is about 50-70 cm. This family can be distinguished by the muzzle, on which there is practically no hairline. The weight of such animals reaches 6.5 kg. Appearance these individuals are more like dogs.

If you buy a small animal from other people or in a nursery, that is, its parents are tamed and, accordingly, the baby too, then there will be no problems with it in your house. In the same case, when the animal was caught in the wild, and it is absolutely wild, quite a few difficulties will be added to your life.

Since lemurs are freedom-loving and very mobile animals, they must be kept in a spacious cage, or organized for them constant walks on fresh air. You can build a large enclosure for your pet, in which the pet will feel very good.

For the material of the cage and aviary, you can take both metal and wooden rods.

It is desirable that the containers for food and water be made of ceramic, glass or porcelain. They also need to be fixed near the cage wall so that the baby does not inadvertently turn out the contents of the feeders.

What should be the cage?

The house for the lemur must be chosen appropriately for its size. The animal must move freely in the cage or aviary. Then it will grow well and develop properly. To make the baby more comfortable, it is necessary to build a sleeping place in his house. To do this, you can put an old hat or build a small "room". In this place, the pet will be able to relax and sleep peacefully, away from prying eyes.

Be sure to put a litter on the bottom of the cage. For this, hay, straw or cotton wool is best suited. Also, you need to put several branches of trees in the aviary so that the pet can climb on them.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness and order in the cage. This will require daily cleaning. The bedding should be changed at least once a month.

The place for the cage also needs to be chosen very carefully. It is advisable to install it in a quiet, remote area in the house, without drafts and heating appliances near.

Feeding an exotic pet

In order for the baby to grow properly and develop well, it is necessary to responsibly treat his diet. In this matter, everything needs to be done in advance.

The lemur must be included in the diet, both food of animal origin and vegetable origin. Approximately 30% of the total diet should be a variety of insects, dairy products, as well as cereals and plant food.

Lemurs are very fond of eating flour worms, various fruits, boiled eggs, as well as bread soaked in milk or water beforehand. It is very useful to give milk rice and millet porridge to such animals.

In order for the pet to eat well, it is necessary to sweeten food with the help of natural honey.

It is always necessary to monitor the presence of water in the drinker. Also, keep it clean and fresh. Change and wash containers for drinking and food every day.

A properly composed diet of lemurs is the key to their good health and proper development, in fact, like any other living organism.

As the exotic babe loves to lead active life at night, then it is necessary to fill the feeders in the evening, so that he has enough food for a long time.

The negative side of keeping a lemur at home

Of course, there are a lot of positives in caring for such amazing pet, but still there are some disadvantages. Let's talk about them, because familiar means armed.

First of all, it should be noted that it is very difficult to accustom a lemur to a tray, or rather, it is almost impossible. No matter how hard you try, the baby will do his job where he wants. So, you have to either put up with it, or don't buy such a pet.

Do not force this animal to do something, he is very offended when he is pointed out. A lemur must be treated with love, understanding and care, and he will respond to you in the same way.

Breeding at home

This question is very relevant, since there are quite a few such animals left in nature. Therefore, there are several reasons to breed lemurs at home:

  1. This kind of occupation will benefit our nature. After all, poaching for lemurs has long been banned and punishable by law.
  2. Breeding exotic animals is a very exciting activity.
  3. Lemur breeding can become family business which will bring to your home a very good earnings. After all, the offspring of these animals is not cheap.

It should be noted right away that lemurs breed very slowly, because females bear their offspring for a long time. And, as a result, one baby or two is born. So, if you want to see a little lemurchik, you will have to be patient.

Or it is necessary to grow a pair in different cages, and only as puberty should be carried out. Know one thing, for everything to go well, these animals need to be properly fed, monitored, loved, and groomed and cherished. Only with a favorable environment, the female can become pregnant and bring you babies.

Common name for the animal lemur lory became known for expensive acquisitions of exotic animals as pets the size of a pet.

This mammal belongs to the few surviving oldest animals on the planet. All representatives of the species are classified as protected objects and are included in.

Features and habitat

The animal is easy to remember when you see it once big eyes, surrounded by dark spots and separated by a yellowish stripe. Nature endowed him with good night vision thanks to the reflective substance tapetum, which allows him to navigate in the dark. The eyes may have given rise to the corresponding name "Loeris", translated from the Dutch language - "clown".

In 1766, the French naturalist Georges Buffon called the loris a semi-ape (lemur), while he was considered slow. Today there are three main types:

  • thin lory;
  • fat lory(Lori lemur);
  • pygmy (small) loris.

Each species is divided into several subspecies. Zoologists consider them to be varieties of wet-nosed primates, mistakenly classified as.

Forests of South and South-East Asia on the territory of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, India - places of distribution of funny animals. Homeland is considered to be Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore.

The body of the animal, in accordance with the species, varies in size from 20 to 40 cm, and weight from 0.3 to 1.6 kg. Loris are covered with short dense and soft brownish or yellow-gray fur.

Pictured is a thin lory

The belly is always lighter in color. A dark stripe always runs along the spine like a belt. Small head with a short muzzle. The ears are small and rounded. The tail is either completely absent, or protrudes by 1.7-2 cm and is covered with hair, therefore it is hardly noticeable. lori fat distinguished by the presence of white patches on the head.

The fore and hind limbs are approximately equal in size, equipped with grasping and tenacious hands and feet. The fingers have nails, among which there are special "cosmetic" claws for grooming.

Unusual big-eyed animals live on the tops of trees, in dense crowns. Different types live in lowland forests or high in the mountains. They almost do not descend to the ground, they lead tree image life.

Pictured is a fat lory

Loris are often called slow for indifference to sharp and fast movements. Sad eyes emphasize their individual expressiveness.

Character and lifestyle

Lemur lory - animal night. Activity comes in the evening, night is the time of hunting, and the animal falls asleep only after the sun rises. Bright light is contraindicated for them, from blinding rays they can go blind and die. Twilight is a comfortable living environment.

They sleep in fur balls on trees, holding onto a branch with their feet and hiding their heads in their legs. The animal can find a convenient place to rest in a hollow or a fork in the branches.

Loris move slowly, carefully, clasping branches from below with all paws. At the slightest danger, they freeze and can remain motionless for a long time, without moving a single leaf, until the threat from some predatory night bird has passed. Animals have excellent hearing.

They are naturally curious and playful. They explore and know their territories well. The animals are very tenacious and strong for their small size, limbs are ideally suited for climbing branches.

It is known that lorises, in addition to hunting for insects and small vertebrates, remove the bark of individual trees and drink the juice that stands out. In nature, they never suffer from periodontal disease. There are individualistic lorises who have their own plots and lead a solitary lifestyle. And some species do not tolerate loneliness, live in pairs.

They usually live in captivity couples or groups (a male and several females or a parent pair and cubs). Loris protect their territory from random intrusions of relatives.

They always keep secretly, in the thick of green branches at a height, which complicates research behind them. Many conclusions are made on the basis of the study of animals in captivity, on the basis of research centers.

Loris voices are different: at a great distance you can hear a whistle, near you can hear the chirping with cubs. Animals have the ability to communicate in an ultrasonic range that is indistinguishable to humans. You can watch the animals silently pushing each other with their paws.

The exchange of information may be going on in parallel at another level. Sometimes a ball of fur is formed from several lorises intertwined with limbs and hanging on a tree.

This is how they communicate, play, have their own section of tidbits, and define an internal hierarchy. The seemingly harmless animal has a secret and terrible weapon. The elbows of the animal melt glands with poison, the contents of which are sucked out and mixed with saliva. The bite can be fatal. But, fortunately, such a danger overtakes the loris infrequently, secret weapons are used in exceptional cases.

Feeding the lemur lory

In nature, the diet of loris is filled with various crickets, lizards, and their eggs. A feature of loris is the ability to eat poisonous caterpillars and insects, as well as to use the resin of trees. Plant food also occupies an important place: fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowering parts of plants, Lori never refuses.

In captivity, animals are fed with baby cereals with the addition of oils, honey, fresh juices, vitamin complexes, and dried fruits. It should be noted that individual individuals have their own taste preferences and habits. In general, the diet should be rich in calcium and protein.

Lori domestic lemur can be tamed if the favorite food is received from the hands of the owner. Insects for feeding should be purchased from pet stores to avoid infections from street accidental vectors.

Reproduction and lifespan

Animals are selective in search of a couple, not always individuals of different sexes can form a family. Pregnancy lasts a little more than 6 months and, as a rule, 1-2 cubs are born. Babies appear covered with fur, with open eyes. They cling tightly to the mother's belly, clinging to the wool.

The female carries the cub on herself for about 1.5-2 months. Lactation lasts approximately 4-5 months. Babies can wander from mother to father or close relative, hang on them, and then move to mother for feeding.

Parents take care of the offspring together, but maternal activity is still higher. Only after a year and a half, the stronger offspring become independent and begin to start their own families.

Life expectancy is 12-14 years on average. There are examples when good care significantly increased life expectancy. lemur lory.How many live in captivity, depends on the absence of infections and the creation of conditions close to natural. Animals can survive up to 20-25 years.

Unfortunately, there was a fashion for breeding lori. Price funny animal is high, but exotic lovers are trying to do business on the content for the sale of young animals lemur lory. Buy an animal is possible, but without special knowledge and skills in handling ancient family, it is difficult to win the trust of a big-eyed primate.

Lori belong to the order of primates, the suborder of wet-nosed monkeys, they are usually called lemurs, which is incorrect from a zoological point of view, because. lorises do not belong to the lemur family, but to the lorians, but since everyone is already accustomed to their name, we will also sometimes make a reservation in this article.

IN last years lorises are gaining more and more popularity as pets, with people often not knowing much about them and falling prey to the momentary impulse that comes when they see expressive eyes and clever expression muzzle of this animal.

In captivity, it is common to keep a thick (Nycticebus coucang) and a small loris (Loris tardigradus), which differ in size and color, but are similar in content, so we will talk about them.

It is necessary to locate the dwelling so that the animal is not exposed to drafts, sudden changes in temperature and humidity (these heat-loving animals are very easy to catch a cold). It is also necessary to take into account that lorises can reach objects located next to the cage, while they can be poisoned. indoor plants, become entangled in wires or ropes, injure limbs, or become a victim of other pets.

Lori- nocturnal and rather secretive animals, so there must be a shelter in the cage in which the lemur will sleep or hide from "ill-wishers". The house should be placed in the upper part of the cage, because. Lori is an arboreal animal and feels cozier when climbing higher.

The cage should also have all sorts of climbing aids, well-secured tree branches and wooden perches, which can be found in pet stores or made by yourself, are suitable for this purpose. Wood absorbs urine, and lorises will leave marks on such perches, the presence of which is very important for the animal, for this reason, odorous marks cannot be washed off, because. the animal will experience because of this stress.

Loris don't have long tail, with which one could cling to vertical branches, so horizontal crossbars and shelves are also needed in an environment to save energy during sleep or movement.

Vertical trunks and branches large diameter do not allow the animal to firmly cling to them, this can lead to falls and injuries, including fractures.

If you are going to start more than one individual, then you should consider that conflicts may arise between lemurs. Although couples or a male with several females usually get along well, situations can always arise when one resident of the enclosure wants privacy. When keeping several animals in one enclosure, a hierarchy always arises, weaker animals try to avoid the possible aggression of dominant individuals and go to the bottom of the enclosure when they feel threatened, trying to remain unnoticed. Therefore, it is important that the enclosure be large for several individuals and have shelters in the lower tiers; also, when arranging, it is necessary to avoid “dead ends” and such places where two lorises could not give way to each other, which can provoke a conflict.

Loris are quite curious and smart, for this reason the doors of their dwellings must be equipped with a locking mechanism that the lemur cannot open. An escaped lory is sure to get into trouble.

In their natural habitat, lorises feed on insects and other small prey - small reptiles and birds, as well as various foods of plant origin. Some studies have shown that lorises of the resident Malaysian population specialize in a high-calorie diet consisting of flower nectar and tree sap, which they extract by gnawing the bark of trees. It is possible that for this reason some individuals in captivity actively gnaw on branches in their enclosure.

In captivity, the loris diet is based on plant foods: they love grapes very much, they eat bananas, kiwi, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc., they like vegetables less, but at the same time, each loris is individual in its food preferences. Every day it is necessary to give live insects (crickets, zoophobas, locusts), sometimes you can give boiled chicken meat, raw eggs(preferably quail) and dairy products (fat-free cottage cheese, baby milk porridge).

Your lory's favorite food can be used to bond with him by trying to feed him by hand. For the sake of zoophobia, even the most grouchy loris will be ready to leave their shelter. At the same time, people who want to have this animal at home should know that lorises are not so easily tamed, they have rather sharp teeth and bite painfully.

When the lory first came to you, it should be shown, because. often these animals get to new owners already sick and weakened by transportation from their homeland, often they have to be treated and nursed for a long time.

Despite all these difficulties, in the presence adequate conditions maintenance, caring for a loris is not difficult, and communication with this smart little forest man brings a lot of emotions.

If you want to have an exotic animal at home, but have not yet decided which one, take a closer look at the tiny and cute lemur. Of all the exotic animals on offer, it is the most unusual, and it is still difficult to see it in urban areas. Too much big love man brought him almost to the brink of death.

If you decide to become the owner of a domestic lemur, get acquainted with the conditions of its maintenance, and most importantly, learn how to choose it correctly in order to make your own contribution to the cause of protecting the Earth.

Lemur: description and living conditions

The homeland of this cute animal is the Comoros and Madagascar. It was from there that the baby, belonging to the most primitive primates, appeared all over the world. Lemurs are nocturnal, some of them live at the top, while others live on the ground. The tail of a lemur is an integral part of the body for him, which can be compared with another hand.

By size domestic lemur comparable to an ordinary cat. Its weight varies, depending on the species, from 10 g to 30 kg. Distinctive feature this fabulous creature are large and expressive eyes that cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Compared to other primates, domestic lemurs are not mischievous, more calm, not angry or irritable. They do not cause such trouble as, for example, baboons, monkeys, macaques and other monkeys, they quickly adapt to the climate. Female domestic lemurs are less accommodating and trainable than males.

  • For domestic lemurs, cages with both metal and wooden rods, as well as a mixed type, are suitable. Most best option- This is a large and spacious aviary.
  • By nature, the lemur is a very active animal, and it needs a lot of space to satisfy its thirst for movement. Otherwise, instead of thickets at home, he will turn the owner's apartment upside down.
  • It is better to take ceramic, glass or porcelain dishes for eating and drinking. In general, domestic lemurs are careful and neat, but if the animal was caught in adulthood in nature, there will be more than enough problems with it, it will not be able to live in captivity.

Cage for domestic lemur

An aviary or cage is equipped, depending on the size of the lemur. It must be free to allow him unhindered movement and proper development. For convenience, you need to make a special nest inside: put an old hat or build a wooden house. Here the lemur can hide, feel safe and rest. Bedding is best made from natural cotton wool or dried hay. Tree branches also need to be placed inside.

Cleaning in the cage is done every day, and 1 p. the bedding is changed every month, the floor is wiped with a damp cloth.

The enclosure must be placed in a quiet place where there are few people, there are no heaters and drafts. If there is a desire to create a couple, then the lemurs need to be settled together in early age otherwise they must live separately. It is better to take an animal out of the cage with a special net, otherwise it may bite, because it is very timid.

The diet of a domestic lemur

  • The diet of lemurs is varied and includes both animal and vegetable products. A third of the diet of domestic lemurs should consist of insects, dairy products and cereals, plant foods. They eat flour worms, fruits, hard-boiled eggs, bread soaked in boiling water, milk millet or rice porridge.
  • If the animal is picky in food and refuses certain vegetables, grease them with honey or sprinkle with pollen.
  • The water container must always be filled with water. In nutrition, one should not allow a lack of some foods and an overabundance of others. Otherwise, it can lead to developmental problems and diseases. The animal should not be given leftovers from the table so that allergic reactions do not occur.
  • Since the lemur is a nocturnal animal, it is better to feed it at night too. You can try to teach him to eat during the day, but you should not do this by force.

Cons of keeping a lemur at home

Such is the nature of wild animals, to which the domestic lemur also belongs, that they go to the toilet wherever they want. It is impossible to accustom them to one place, and, apart from aggression from the lemur, the owner will not get any result. It remains only to accept this or refuse to purchase such an exotic animal.

Also, the lemur should not be offended and try to teach something against his will. He is very affectionate to the owners, and if he comes to terms with their behavior, he will delight with his affection and curiosity.

How much does a domestic lemur cost?

Thanks to environmental measures and attempts to save many endangered animal species from complete destruction, it is very difficult to buy a lemur. Poaching is punishable by law, and there are very few baby lemurs born in captivity.

The price ranges from 60 to 100,000 rubles. When buying, you must check all the documents certifying that the domestic lemur is not smuggled. This is very important, not only because it is a crime that is prosecuted by law, but also because possible diseases, which may be dangerous to humans if the animal has been removed from natural environment habitat and did not pass veterinary control when crossing the border. Since the removal of lemurs from nature is prohibited, if the animal is offered to you without documents, it must be shown to the veterinarian, and it is better to refuse the purchase.

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