A thermometer with a temperature of 37 and 8. How to get the temperature on a thermometer (mercury and electronic) at home and at the doctor's? Using heating devices

There are many cases when people want to know how to increase their body temperature. For example, a child does not want to go to school and tries to convince his parents that he is sick. Or a student is facing an important exam for which he is not prepared, and now wants to miss it due to supposed illness. Perhaps a person is tired of work and wants to spend a week at home on sick leave. Undoubtedly, The best way proving to someone the presence of a disease is elevated temperature. But how to quickly increase body temperature when necessary?

Having been interested in simulating a disease at least once, the question of how to raise the temperature to 38 degrees probably appeared in my head. This is quite paradoxical, but many people visit websites about human health not only to find the answer to the question of how to lower their temperature, but also to find information there on how they can quickly make themselves sick. So, there are several basic ways to raise the temperature at home. You can increase your body temperature using the following means:

Stationery glue.
Onion or garlic.

How to raise the temperature with iodine?

To raise the temperature with iodine, you need to drop a small amount of its solution onto bread or sugar and eat it. You can also add iodine to a glass of water and drink it. As a result, the temperature quickly rises to 38 degrees, and sometimes even higher, and lasts for several hours.

The disadvantage of this method is that iodine can burn the mucous membrane, so think a hundred times before deciding to take such a step.

How to increase the temperature with office glue?

To do this, you need to take regular office glue and apply it to inner part nostrils The advantage of this method is that in addition to an increase in temperature, other symptoms of the disease appear, for example, a runny nose and sneezing.

Coffee as a way to raise your temperature

Another way to artificially increase temperature is coffee. Only in this case you should not drink it, but eat it. Eat a couple of spoons of regular instant coffee, and your body temperature will noticeably increase. Of course, if you eat dry coffee, it has a rather unpleasant taste, so you can snack on it with a little sugar.

However, it is worth noting that this method It doesn't help everyone.

How to raise the temperature using a stylus?

The next method of setting the temperature involves a stylus. This is the most common answer to the question of how to raise the temperature at school. Take a regular pencil, remove the lead from it, and eat a small piece. After a short time, you can feel an increase in temperature, which sometimes reaches 40 degrees and lasts for 3-4 hours.

Raising the temperature with garlic or onions

Garlic and onions can also artificially raise your temperature. To do this, take onion or garlic and rub it on your armpits for 10 minutes. In addition to the products listed, salt or pepper are also suitable.

The disadvantage of this method is that it can lead to skin irritation.

In addition, you are unlikely to be able to hide the smell, and since this method was invented a long time ago, all doctors know how to catch a person in such fraud.

Almost all methods share an unjustified risk to human health. This means that you should not thoughtlessly take iodine, stylus or coffee, even if you are sure that it will not harm the body.

Other ways to increase the temperature on a thermometer

In addition to the methods listed above, there are others:

Doing physical activity all day can increase your body temperature by a couple of degrees.
If you need to increase your temperature in the morning, go to bed in wet pajamas and matching socks.
One interesting way to raise your temperature is to wear socks with orange peel inside. Of course, it sounds quite strange, but this method actually works.
You can eat a raw egg and then drink a small amount of milk. In this case, the temperature will also creep up.
Take four deep breaths, draw air into your lungs and tense your abs along with your diaphragm as if trying to crush the air inside. Hold your breath for 15 to 45 seconds. Perform this exercise five times, after which the temperature will begin to rise.

How to increase the temperature by mercury thermometer?

In cases where the temperature is measured without observation, knowledge of how to enter the temperature on a thermometer will be useful.

First of all, it should be noted that effective method, like the contact of a thermometer and something hot. You can bring it to a battery or light bulb, or dip it in hot tea.

Be extremely careful as the temperature will rise very quickly.

The second method, no less well-known, takes a little more strength and time. It is the optimal solution when there are no hot objects nearby. In this case, use friction. Rub the thermometer on your jeans, sofa (the main thing is that it is not leather), carpet, blanket or other objects. The main thing is not to overdo it and not get too high a result - a temperature above 40 degrees. Otherwise, this will be a reason for referral to a hospital or will surprise the doctor, after which he will most likely offer to re-measure the temperature. In this case, the doctor will monitor the measurement more closely, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to repeat rubbing the thermometer.

How to cheat electronic thermometer?

Knowing how to increase the temperature on a mercury thermometer, questions about how to set the temperature on an electronic thermometer should not arise. An electronic thermometer works on a heat sensor, so all the same methods are suitable for it as for a mercury one. In addition, you can hold it under hot water or warm it in your hands. Another way to warm up a thermometer, especially if the temperature is being measured, is to place the thermometer in place and try to warm it up by working your muscles. It is known that when muscles work, blood flows to them, which contributes to an increase in temperature.

What to do if the temperature is taken under supervision?

When planning to increase the temperature artificially, you need to think about how to raise the temperature at the doctor. There really aren't that many options.

Calculate in advance which thermometer will be offered for measuring temperature and buy exactly the same one. Using the methods listed above, increase the thermometer reading at home and come to the doctor with a ready-made armpit thermometer. Of course, this requires sleight of hand and good endurance. It's best to practice at home in advance. Please note that loose clothing is needed, but it is recommended to tuck in the T-shirt to avoid the thermometer falling to the floor. Do not forget that if the integrity of the thermometer is damaged, drops of mercury, which is a highly toxic substance, fall out. To prevent this from happening, try to plan your actions more carefully.

The second way is to make a small heating pad. As an example, you can use the following design option:

You need to take the mustard plaster and hold it in hot water for a few seconds.

Then take it out and put it in plastic bag. This is done so that when measuring the temperature, the thermometer does not come into contact with the mustard plaster.

Secure this heating pad under your armpit using, for example, tape. The complexity of this method lies in the need to ensure that the heating pad raises the temperature to the required value without exceeding it. You can achieve the desired result only by experimenting with it at home.

And in order for the heating pad to remain warm longer, it needs to be insulated with soft fabric.

There is another option to increase your body temperature. It involves the use of special bags that warm your hands. The principle of their operation is based on the mixing of certain specific substances, which promotes the release of heat. The instructions for the heating pad say that it heats up to almost 50 degrees, holding it for several hours. Of course, 50 degrees is a lot for a thermometer. However, the heating pad can be wrapped in handkerchiefs, then the temperature on its surface will be slightly lower. Before using this method with a doctor, practice it at home first.

It should be remembered that the thermometer readings can only be preserved by handling it carefully. Resetting the thermometer readings can occur with any careless shaking, which sometimes leads to readings that are completely inconsistent with the temperature of both a sick person and a healthy one.

I quickly take the thermometer
And I rub between my palms for a long time,
I breathe on him, I breathe on him
And I ask myself, I ask:
“Dear, sweet little mercury!
Well, go up a little more!
Well, at least get up a little -
Stop at thirty-seven!

This is what Sergei Mikhalkov wrote back in the 70s. Nothing has changed, the children still want raise on the thermometer and skip class or not go to school at all.

This advice is not for children, as it is “harmful” advice, but most likely for moms. Our children already know how to quickly raise the temperature to . Where they learn this: on the Internet, at school, talking with friends, I don’t know. Of course, many mothers trust their children (and rightly so). But as they say: “trust, but verify.”

We were children ourselves and we know that it is possible unnoticed:

- heat the thermometer on the battery,
- dip in hot tea,
- put it in hot water,
- press it to the table lamp,
- rub on clothes, etc.
The main thing is not to overheat.

When I take my daughter’s temperature, I usually keep an eye on her. Imagine my surprise when my daughter lay calmly under the blanket, didn’t get up anywhere, there was nothing hot nearby, and the temperature was 38 degrees. I touch my lips to my forehead - it’s cold. Please try it on. Again 38 degrees. I'm clearly being fooled. But how?
But everything secret always becomes clear. The daughter opened up. It turns out everything is simple. To raise the temperature, you just need to hold it under your armpit to warm up the mercury.

Unnoticed, take it out while mom turns away and lightly tap the blunt side of the thermometer ten to twenty times on your wrist, elbow or finger bones. Under the blanket it is completely unnoticeable.

Voila! Here the treasured 38 degrees has been heated!

Thus, you can set any temperature, and any caring mother Of course, he won’t let a sick child with a fever go to school.

The unnatural concept of body temperature is a way out of a situation when you don’t want to go anywhere at all. Many children used this trick, placing a thermometer briefly on a hot radiator.

Today there are many more ways to quickly raise the temperature to 38. Some of them are safe, others must be done with caution.

All the presented methods that help to artificially increase the temperature are not recommended, but can be used if necessary. They will help raise it to 38-39 degrees.

If a person has a low temperature, it is not recommended to use these remedies - it is better to visit a doctor to normalize the indicators:

Some believe that raspberries can raise your temperature. This is not true, because it is taken to lower the degrees. The berry promotes sweating, and the acetylsalicylic acid contained in the composition has a detrimental effect on temperature.

Folk remedies

There are several not always pleasant, but effective methods to raise the temperature. They are based on folk remedies, one of them is the use of salt.

To do this, take salt and rub it on your armpits. With this action, a local increase in the thermometer readings will be observed, but this will be enough.

Onions raise the temperature equally, but they give off a specific smell that will be immediately recognizable to the nurse.

Note! If you are confident that others will not use a thermometer to measure, then you can use another method that will briefly increase your readings.

To do this, you need to drink 2 glasses of warm tea in a row, and for greater effectiveness, apply a hot compress to your forehead.

Methods that help to safely raise the temperature in an adult’s body are based not only on the internal use of any component.

They are also associated with external means. Some of them immediately raise the temperature, while others need to wait at least half an hour to take effect.

Let's consider methods for increasing the degrees on a thermometer using folk remedies:

Pouring First you need to pour a bucket on yourself hot water. After that, quickly wet yourself cold water. It’s worth measuring the temperature and if it hasn’t changed, stand near the battery for a while
Mustard solution Prepare a bowl of warm water, in which dissolve mustard powder. Keep your feet in the water for 20 minutes and you will soon notice an increase in the thermometer to 38 degrees
Vegetable oil Pour a few tablespoons of the product into a frying pan and heat it a little. As soon as the oil cools down a little, drink it. If you do not wait for cooling, there is a risk of getting a throat burn
Physical exercise As you know, sport warms up the body, so you need to actively squat for 10 minutes, run in place, and bend over. This method will not only increase the temperature, but will also help strengthen the immune system.
Glue The method is suitable for additionally simulating a runny nose. You need to lightly smear your nostrils with PVA glue, then the temperature will rise to 38 degrees and will be accompanied by sneezing
Breathing technique This method was borrowed from climbers who, in order to avoid hypothermia high in the mountains, perform special gymnastics for the lungs.

After 5 deep breaths, you need to sharply hold your breath and tense your abs and diaphragm. The exercise is repeated 7 times, then the temperature can reach 37.3 degrees

Fat This method will help maintain the elevated temperature for a long time. To do this, smear your body with fat and wrap yourself tightly under a blanket. The technique can cause fever, so it is important to be extremely careful

Another effective method, requiring manual dexterity - unnoticed to replace the thermometer. It is necessary to find out in advance what the thermometer will look like and artificially raise the readings on it at home. When you come to the clinic, place your thermometer instead of a medical device.

These methods are good in moderation. You should not resort to using the listed ingredients every day to perform tricks - it is recommended to do this once when necessary.

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About the most recent indicators normal condition A person's body temperature is normally 36.6 degrees Celsius. Change normal indicators speaks of a physiological or pathological deviation. Depending on the duration of the temperature change and digital indicators, you can get a picture of the painful condition or temporary reaction of the body.

Why and what actions need to be taken are determined by the attending physician. Individual temperature readings should be taken into account, which for some people may range from 36.0 to 37.1.

Save function constant temperature body, regardless of changes in external environment performed by the hypothalamus and thyroid hormones. Nerve fibers in the skin transmit an informative signal about temperature changes from the outside via receptors. Thyroid-stimulating hormone of the hypothalamus activates the thyroid gland, which stimulates the production of its own hormones that cause active metabolism.

This is how the process of thermoregulation occurs inside the body and on the surface of the skin. The balance of human body temperature is carried out in relation to environment and internal heating. However, in practice, normal temperature readings can vary from person to person and vary even in different parts of the body.

Temperature norms in the morning and evening

Men's average temperatures are approximately 0.5 degrees lower than women's.

In female representatives, body temperature may vary depending on the days menstrual cycle. And also during pregnancy. In different climatic conditions People can also differ in normal temperature by a full degree, for example 36.0 and 37.1 for Japanese and Australians, respectively.

During the day, a person's body temperature changes by 0.5 degrees or even one degree. The minimum normal temperature of 36.0-36.6 occurs in the morning from approximately 4-00 to 6-00, and an increase of 36.8-37.4 occurs in the evening from 16-00 to 20-00. In addition, each organ has its own temperature and normal values ​​may differ in different parts of the body.

For women in different periods During the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature indicator is important if a woman is planning a pregnancy or is protecting herself from unwanted fertilization by measuring temperature.

A basal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, which lasts several days before the expected onset of menstruation, indicates pregnancy. This occurs after ovulation ends due to the increase in progesterone production that occurs when pregnancy occurs. At the beginning of the cycle, the basal temperature does not rise above 36.8.

If the basal temperature rises above 37 degrees, you should consult a doctor as this indicator indicates the presence of an inflammatory process of the genital organs or Bladder . With adnexitis (inflammatory process in the ovaries) or vaginal inflammation, there may be such temperature indicators.

Errors of thermometers

A temperature of 37-37.2 in pathological conditions is considered decisive. Indicators must be accurate. To determine body temperature, use mercury or digital (electronic) thermometers. Everyone knows the process of measuring it with a mercury thermometer, and it takes 8-10 minutes, and with an electronic thermometer the time is no more than three minutes.


Glass mercury thermometers are usually used to determine body temperature in the armpit. The error of such thermometers is no more than 0.1 degrees. The accuracy of the measurement allows you to get a clear picture of the pathological process, allows you to find out a complete diagnosis and helps to correctly diagnose various changes in a person’s condition (physiological or pathological).

The mercury thermometer has a special calibration that allows you to accurately determine the human body temperature down to 0.1. This is important, for example, for distinguishing between the state of inflammation or simply fatigue of the body, determining pregnancy or the onset of a pathological process.

A mercury thermometer also accurately helps to assess the condition when measuring temperature in the oral cavity, basal temperature, in the rectum, where the slightest changes in indicators indicate completely different processes.
Glass thermometers with mercury content are easy to process and disinfect, do not require additional equipment (charging, cleaning), and are affordable to purchase at any pharmacy.

The disadvantage is the glass body, which can break and the contents (mercury) are very dangerous for humans, especially if they come into contact with the eyes.


Digital or electronic thermometers determine body temperature using special built-in sensors located in a plastic waterproof case. The measurement takes place very quickly and at the end of the measurement a signal turns on (in certain types of thermometers). Digital data may be stored in some thermometer models.

The disadvantage of this type measuring instrument is the use of batteries that lose their charge over time, which can distort measurement results or stop working completely at the right time.

External reasons

Subfibrile fever occurs for a variety of reasons and is not always the presence of a pathological process. Quite a lot of factors influencing a temporary increase are the following body conditions:

  • temperature 37, the reasons for which are working in a hot room or near a powerful heat source;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun (recreation, sports, work);
  • visiting a bathroom, sauna, solarium, bathhouse (general overheating of the body for more than one hour);
  • spicy or hot food, large amounts of food eaten;
  • staying in stuffy rooms;
  • playing sports (increased loads);
  • drinking too much large quantity alcohol, coffee, tea;
  • chronic fatigue (lack of sleep, lack of diet or poor food, low fluid intake);
  • constantly being in a state of stress and strong negative emotions causes excitement nervous system, manifested by a person’s nervousness and increased body temperature;
  • the use of certain types of medications can cause a slight increase in body temperature to 37.2, which goes away when the drugs are discontinued;
  • in women before menstruation or during the premenopausal and menopausal periods in men and women.

Pathological causes

Temperature 37-37.5 is an indicator of an inflammatory process in the body that requires examination and treatment. The causes of the pathological condition can be the following diseases:

Why the temperature stays at 37 for several weeks or can only be determined by a doctor after a consultative examination and additional diagnostic examination. If it is not observed, then this may indicate the following lesions:

  • diseases endocrine system(with pathologies of the thyroid gland and often with thyrotoxicosis);
  • anemia (iron deficiency type);
  • any infectious diseases who have entered the chronic stage;
  • hepatitis of viral origin B and C (parenteral infection);
  • malignant neoplasms at various stages;
  • HIV infection (weakening immunity fights infection);
  • sluggish tuberculosis (latent form requiring examination);
  • chronic focus of infection in the body (glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, adnexitis and others);
  • some sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis);
  • psychogenic factors (depression, neuroses, stress, etc.);
  • gynecological diseases (adnexitis);
  • allergic conditions (rashes, swelling);
  • impaired immunity and diseases associated with this condition.

With such diseases, the most common temperature is 37-37.6. The individual characteristics of the human body should be taken into account and a similar condition can occur in other diseases, so you should not neglect the recommendations of doctors to undergo an examination:

  1. general and specific blood and urine tests;
  2. Ultrasound internal organs;
  3. computer diagnostics (CT or MRI);
  4. X-ray types of studies (with or without the use of contrast agents);
  5. special additional types of research (as necessary).

Temperature 37-37.2 is inherent in a different degree of disease (usually a chronic or latent form of the disease) and physiological conditions of a person. What processes take place in the body and what needs to be done is determined only by a doctor.

Without identifying a specific cause for this condition, you cannot take any medications or perform physiological procedures on your own (in the presence of a hidden tumor or a chronic infectious inflammatory process, the condition only becomes more complicated).

Why you can’t lower your temperature to 37-37.5

A temperature of 37-37.4 indicates an acute process in the body and requires immediate consultation with a doctor according to age or condition (pediatrician, therapist or gynecologist, with fever during pregnancy or breastfeeding). It is necessary to undergo an examination and identify the cause.

The temperature cannot be brought down to 37.5, as in some pathologies the body independently fights the disease that has arisen, and in other situations this is an indicator of the intensity and degree of the disease.

Until an accurate diagnosis has been established and the dynamics of the increase and decrease in temperature have been carried out, no medications can be taken to reduce it.

In children, such a temperature may appear during the period when teeth are cutting through or as a reaction to vaccinations. Also, in infants, the temperature may rise to 37-37.3 when introducing new complementary foods or be physiological under some stress (massage, bathing). It is important to consult a doctor promptly.

With constant assistance (use of medications) to the body in the fight against infections and diseases, manifested by an increase in temperature, the protective functions will weaken. The immune system will no longer actively recover. And then when the slightest problem(for example, a cold or hypothermia) will constantly require taking medications.

In what cases is it still worth shooting down?

Whether it is possible to lower the temperature to 37-37.5 degrees is determined and permitted only by a doctor. An increase in body temperature is an indicator of the presence of an infection or inflammatory process. The body itself begins to produce substances in increased quantities to combat the onset of infection and attenuation of inflammatory processes.

If an accurate diagnosis has not been established or the person’s condition allows it, then it is not recommended to bring down the subfibrile temperature. The body’s protective properties are activated and it is important to help, rather than cope for it.

In adults, it can be reduced only in very weakened patients or according to indications, for example, pregnancy or prolonged low-grade fever (over 2 weeks), which does not allow the body to recover on its own.

How to bring down a temperature of 37

Your therapist will tell you how to lower your temperature with 37 medications. You can take antipyretics medicines containing ibuprofen, paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid, in in some cases with synergistic drugs.

For children, medications and dosages are prescribed only by a pediatrician; you cannot choose medications on your own. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child’s health and his condition.

Medicines are taken no more often than every 6 hours. The dosage is selected according to the age and condition of the patient. It is important to take into account the body’s susceptibility, as well as individual intolerance. If unknown or allergic reactions occur in the body, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

Almost everyone knows how to bring down a temperature of 37-37.5 at home. You should increase the amount of fluid you drink. You can drink:

  • cranberry juice
  • blackcurrant drinks
  • raspberry tea
  • chamomile tea
  • rosehip infusion
  • lemon water

Exposed parts of the body, forehead, temples and back of the head can be wiped with water if desired. comfortable temperature with the addition of 9% table vinegar at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water.

It is important to regularly ventilate the room and humidify the air, but not too much. It is necessary to observe bed rest; constant movement does not allow the body to rest and concentrate on fighting the disease.

The diet should be enriched with fruits and vegetables. You cannot completely give up food because the body must be filled with useful substances to improve its condition.

Preventive measures and strengthening immunity

In order for the body to cope with infections and fight diseases on its own, it is necessary to healthy image life.

Morning exercises help to wake up the body and improve blood flow throughout the body (large and small vessels, tissues, organ systems).

An active lifestyle helps to avoid stagnation and establish an even distribution of lymph and blood throughout all organs and systems. This eliminates the risk of red blood cells sticking together and blood vessel thrombosis, and also helps deliver all the beneficial substances to their destination (organs and tissues).

Enriching the body with oxygen allows the body to turn on metabolic processes and restore cellular structures much faster, which is important during periods of prevention or when pathological conditions appear. Oxygen prevents infection from spreading throughout the body and actively destroys it.

It is important to maintain a nightly rest and workday routine. A person regains his strength during sleep, which should be at least 7-8 hours. Frequent lack of sleep, sleep with short intervals of wakefulness, disrupting the body's rest rhythm, leads the internal organs and nervous system to constant stress. In this case, the temperature 37-37.2 will be your constant companion.

Individual organs restore their functionality during sleep, so it is very important to give the body good rest so that it does not work for wear. The active functioning of some organs occurs during the day and others at night..

Reduce the number of stressful situations as much as possible. Psychological stress affects not only the state of the nervous system, but also the entire body.

When a person is worried, blood pressure changes, spasms of some organs occur, too much hormones are released, this moment not required for work and the body urgently begins to fight this and try to respond to the current situation.

The balance of the functions of internal organs is disrupted, resulting in a violation of thermoregulation.


Another important component of a person’s normal state is the food consumed.

The diet should be varied without excessive addiction to too spicy, salty, fried foods. You should enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits containing natural vitamins.

There is no need to load your body with a large amount of food at night. The largest dinner should take place no later than 19-00.

In the morning you can drink tea, coffee or your favorite drink and product, it all depends on the person’s preferences. The main thing is that the body should start working with not a very large amount of food and liquid, and then you can have a second breakfast.

Kombucha infusion is considered one of the strengthening drinks. However, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist before consuming it.
Taking care of your physical and psychological health will help strengthen your defenses and actively fight possible infections.

Low-grade fever is an increase in body temperature over a long period of time. Why is it dangerous? What to do?

In contact with

Body temperature 37-37.5 °C is called low-grade fever. Such marks on a thermometer can be observed quite often. Sometimes low-grade body temperature indicates quite serious illnesses, and sometimes it is simply a consequence of an error in measurements.

If the temperature of 37 °C persists for a long period of time, you should consult a specialist. Only a doctor can determine whether such an increase in temperature is normal or indicates the presence of some pathology.

A person's body temperature cannot always remain at the same level. Throughout the day and night, it may rise and fall, which is quite normal. The person will not experience any signs of illness. A prolonged increase in temperature to 37 °C should be a cause for concern.

The following options for human body temperature are possible:

    The mark on the thermometer below 35.5 °C is a low body temperature.

    The mark on the thermometer fluctuates between 35.5-37 °C – normal temperature bodies.

    The mark on the thermometer is 37.1-38 °C (subfebrile) or more than 38 °C – increased body temperature.

Some facts about body temperature that everyone should know:

    Statistics indicate that for most people, a body temperature of 37 °C is normal. Although it is generally accepted that the normal temperature is 36.6 °C.

    One person’s body temperature can fluctuate by 0.5 °C or more throughout the day, which is also normal.

    In the morning, body temperature is always lower, and in the evening it can rise to 37 °C.

    During sleep, body temperature can drop to 36 °C. Most low rate observed between 4 and 6 am. If your body temperature is 37 °C in the morning, this may indicate some disease.

    Starting from 16:00, a person’s body temperature may rise. For some people, a temperature of 37.5 in the evening is normal.

    In older people, body temperature is usually lower, and its daily fluctuations are not so pronounced.

A person’s age is of no small importance in determining the norm and pathology of different temperatures bodies. So, a temperature of 37 °C in the evening in children is normal. The same data for older people is a pathology.

Body temperature can be measured in the following places:

    Most often, people measure body temperature in the armpit. Although this is the most common method of determining body temperature, it is also the most uninformative. The data obtained may be influenced by temperature and humidity, as well as other factors. In some cases, during the process of measuring body temperature, a reflex jump is observed. This may be due to the person's anxiety. If body temperature is measured in the mouth or rectum, the error in the indicators will be minimal.

    If body temperature is measured in the oral cavity, then you should be prepared for the fact that its values ​​will be 0.5 °C higher than in the armpit.

    With the rectal method of measuring body temperature, the readings will be 1 degree higher compared to body temperature in the armpit and 0.5 degrees higher compared to the oral cavity.

It is possible to measure body temperature in the ear canal, and the data obtained will be as accurate as possible. However, a special device is required to take measurements, so body temperature in the ear is not measured at home.

If body temperature is measured in the anus or mouth, then mercury thermometers should be abandoned. Only an electronic thermometer is suitable for this purpose. It is convenient to use a special dummy thermometer when measuring body temperature in infants.

Body temperature 37.1-37.5 °C may be a consequence of measurement error, or indicate some pathology. Only a doctor can determine this.

If the temperature is 37, is this normal?

When you see a temperature of 37-37.5 °C on the thermometer, you should not panic. It is possible that such indicators are a measurement error.

To minimize the likelihood of error, the following rules must be observed when measuring body temperature:

    At least half an hour should pass from the moment of physical activity of a person. The state should be relaxed and calm. Often, in children after active and active games, the body temperature rises to 37-37.5 °C.

    A child's body temperature may increase after intense crying or screaming.

    It is best to take measurements at the same time. It should be remembered that body temperature is lower in the morning and higher in the evening.

    The armpit should be completely dry when measuring body temperature.

    You should not measure body temperature in the mouth if a person has just eaten or consumed hot drinks, if he has shortness of breath or difficulty breathing through his nose, or if he has just smoked.

    Rectal thermometry readings may increase by 1-2 degrees after taking a hot bath or after physical activity.

    The thermometer may show a temperature of 37 °C if the person has recently eaten, exercised, or received other physical exercise, has been stressed, tired or is in a state of excitement. It is possible that the indicators may increase after a long stay in the sun, or when you are in a closed, stuffy room where there is high air humidity. Dry air and elevated ambient temperatures affect body temperature.

It is possible that a temperature of 37 °C is the result of improper operation of the measuring device, which is very important in relation to electronic thermometers, which often produce a significant error. If the device shows high readings, you should measure the body temperature of one of the family members; it is possible that it will also be higher than the usual values. It's good if you have a mercury thermometer in your house. However, it is not always possible to measure body temperature with a mercury device, for example, if we're talking about about a small child.

To minimize the risk of error, you need to measure the body temperature of an adult first with a mercury device, and then with an electronic one. Then you should check the indicators.

A body temperature of 37 °C may be normal under the following conditions:

    It is possible that the temperature may rise to 37 °C during physical activity, after suffering an emotional shock, or with chronic fatigue.

    Fluctuations in body temperature in women occur depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. An increase in temperature is observed after ovulation (days 17-25 of the cycle). In this case, the basal temperature can be higher than 37.3 °C.

    Diseases of the genital area. In women, the temperature may rise to subfebrile levels due to vulvovaginitis or other inflammation of the genital organs. Abortions and curettages can cause a temperature rise to 37 °C or higher. Similar indicators are observed during exacerbation of prostatitis in men.

    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Inflammation of the heart muscle of an infectious nature may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. At the same time, the patient will experience shortness of breath, swelling and heart rhythm disturbances.

    The presence of a focus of chronic infection in the body. A temperature of 37.2 degrees may indicate adenoiditis, or another pathology of a chronic nature. As a rule, after eliminating the source of inflammation, body temperature returns to normal.

    Diseases of children. Chickenpox is characterized by the appearance of a rash and an increase in body temperature to 37 °C or higher. Similar symptoms accompany measles and rubella. As a rule, the rashes cause discomfort to the child and are accompanied by itching. Sometimes a body temperature of 37 °C or higher can indicate very serious diseases, including: blood poisoning (sepsis), . Therefore, consulting a doctor is necessary.

Sometimes after an infection, a temperature of 37 °C persists for a long time. Doctors call this condition a “temperature tail.” A similar situation can occur over several weeks or even months. There is no need for any specific treatment. Temperature tail later time will pass on one's own.

However, in a situation where a person has a temperature of 37 °C and, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, the disease was not completely treated and it relapsed. Or a new infection has entered the body.

A temperature of 37 °C or higher may indicate helminthiasis in a child. Most often, children suffer from. In parallel, symptoms such as abdominal pain, alternation and constipation, allergic reactions are observed.

Other reasons for increased body temperature in a child:

    Post-vaccination reaction;

    Overheating of the body;


The appearance of teeth is very often accompanied by a body temperature of 37-37.5 °C. In this case, taking any medications is not required, you just need to monitor the child’s condition. As a rule, body temperature does not increase above 38.5 °C during teething.

A temperature of 37°C or higher may occur after the vaccine is administered. If there is an impressive jump, then you can give the child an antipyretic drug. Young children are more susceptible to overheating than adults, so a temperature of 37 ° C can be observed if the baby is overly wrapped up. Moreover, such an increase in body temperature can be very dangerous and lead to heat stroke. In such a situation, it is important to cool the child down as quickly as possible by removing his clothes.

Inflammatory processes of a non-infectious nature can also lead to an increase in body temperature. Moreover, almost all diseases are accompanied by other symptoms. So, if a person has a temperature of 37 °C and diarrhea with blood, then this most likely indicates the development of Crohn's disease or nonspecific. A disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus is accompanied by a body temperature of 37 °C, which manifests itself several months before the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Some allergic reactions of the body may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, for example, hives and atopic dermatitis. In bronchial asthma, a body temperature of 37 °C is combined with shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

It is possible that a temperature of 37 °C indicates diseases of the following systems:

    Damage to the cardiovascular system:

    • Vegetative dystonia. In this case, the body temperature rises to 37 °C and higher, and the patient also experiences headaches and blood pressure increases.

    Defeat respiratory system, namely chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    Damage to the digestive system. A temperature of 37 °C can accompany pancreatitis, gastritis, non-infectious hepatitis, esophagitis, etc.

    Damage to the nervous system:

    • Hemorrhages, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, trauma.

      In young women suffering from dystonia, a temperature of 37 °C indicates thermoneurosis.

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